greatbigbellies · 4 months
NO YEAH I totally agree on the whole “it’s unrealistic to be happy the entire way through like”
I would be overjoyed to be pregnant, absolutely ecstatic at every phase, but I know for a genuine fact that from like 38 weeks onwards I’d have an ever increasing amount of days where waking up and still being pregnant would be a miniature nightmare. Like I’d still be overjoyed and excited for next time and honestly still a little bit horny about the whole ordeal, but I’d also definitely be SO TIRED. If that applies ME, the LOVESICK TRANS GIRL who would SELL HER SOUL TO BE GIVEN A UTERUS, that should ABSOLUTELY apply to silly kink fic characters.
Sorry about the caps I’m not yelling it’s just meant to be emphasis, this is a topic I’m passionate on but have never posted about cause I thought people didn’t care. The mildly realistic pregnant people in fics wave is finally here I’m so excited, LET THEM BE TIRED AND READY TO BE DONE
Hwbdgwbbzjshdhs your brain is so good sorry this is rambly and maybe a little out of the blue I am very tired it has been a while since I slept
You're good! I'm also a capslocker-for-emphasis type girl, especially because you can't italicize in tags. (also sorry for slow reply I hope you slept well the nice you sent this)
THAT'S where I'M at! Like my ass is over here thinking "yeah if I could manifest a uterus and be a surrogate for work I'd be living my best life!" and I acknowledge that I'm gonna be ready for a break by 30 weeks let's be real...
It's weird because a lot (not all by any means, maybe not even most, but a lot) of softer preg kink writing hinges on the pregnant character usually neutral if not happy to be in that situation, which is totally believable. But sometimes we're going 44 weeks overdue with quads and it's like "oh boy can't wait for week 45!" and it's like "hmmmm have you measured how heavy that must be?"
Again, I'm guilty of this myself, no judgement, I prefer my pregnant protags in a good mood. I can suspend my disbelief that she didn't get induced because "she didn't want a C-section" even though she's been pregnant for a year. But a shift toward better written smut I think is generally a good one. Let our big bellied muses have a little burnout. Builds character.
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greatbigbellies · 5 months
Hihi coming in with a question cause I’ve been wondering lately
When a person eats something from the mcpreggo menu, is the reaction a nearly-instant outward swelling, or is it more of a “over the next 20 minutes we highly recommend unbuttoning your shirt” type deal where it’s gradual
Both sound good, maybe make it an option? Like the secret sauce is the trigger for the instant growth or somethin? Curious
That is a detail that I've always kind of left in the realm of head canon, but honestly I like the idea of just making it an option that you can choose. Typically with McPreggo I take a "I design the toys, and get to watch how everyone else plays with them" approach, but HERE I think it fits to let people pick just how rapid the rapidpreg is.
Typically, I've always considered it about a minute long process. You polish off the last of your entrée item, and over the next 45-75 seconds you swell up. That said, there DOES exist a menu item that makes the effects onset over 30 minutes (The bacon egg griddle)... I think it'd be smart though to add something that can either make the onset slower in smaller increments (maybe 5 minutes), and one that makes it faster...
I'm still brewing the next menu update so look forward to that as an inclusion!
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
Ooh, so Arby’s has this horrendous sandwich on their secret menu called The Meat Mountain which is just a bit of almost every meat in the store (including two chicken tenders). It’s tasty but it’s also like 2000 calories and mainly corned beef so I never get it.
ANYWAY, what would be the mcpreggo equivalent and what would it do? My initial thought is huge belly, split pretty evenly between soft chub and tight womb. Not sure what else though, kinda stuck on other effects and you know the menu better than anyone :3
The Meat Mountain… I can feel my arteries hardening just reading that title…
Yeah of course we’re gonna McPreggo-ify it, lol. Lets do some kink math.
Looking over the current menu iteration and cherry picking all the lunch menu meats (I’m omitting the breakfast menu meats because 1. Those items just give onset delays and 2. I think they’d taste bad with the lunch menu meats) we get a real odd spread, in a good way. Thinking about fitting this monstrosity on a bun, we’d have a sandwich with 1 beef patty, 1 chicken patty, 1 fish patty, 2 chicken strips, 2 regular nuggets, and 2 spicy nuggets. When you compound all the food effects you have a single sandwich which knocks you up with either triplets or quadruplets (the chicken patty is 50/50 on a singleton or twins) which are full term, second trimester twins (the twinner chicken dinner is 1 trimester per strip in a 3 piece, and really only 2 are gonna fit), and you also have babies which are 4% heavier and 8% more active, and you have polyhydramnios now.
That leaves you with a very tight womb but I agree that there should be some chub to balance it out a bit. Bodyfat is sexy and should come with the meal. So to achieve this, the entire god forsaken sandwich is drizzled with fry sauce, which makes thighs and ass thicker, and it comes with a small marshmallow plush milkshake on the side, for some extra belly fat. If you don’t WANT the chub, you can exchange the shake for a different drink and leave off the fry sauce but… with that much baby belly, some padding would help a lot.
This ones definitely going in a secret menu update. You didn’t do the math but you laid the groundwork for the idea, outstanding move Marin. <3
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greatbigbellies · 6 months
Okie turn on/turn off game time:
Pregnancy within polycules? I’ve always thought it’s a topic that has room for all good things, mutual preg, cuddling, etc. Gimme your thoughts >:3
Oh you have NO idea. Pregnancy in the lens of polyamory is super powerful and underused. Like... you can do SO MUCH with that depending on the size of the polycule. Cuddling and mutual pregnancy, who got who pregnant is now more of a factor, it's a fantastic situation for non-traditional domesticality. Is there like one person in a polycule of four who is having all the babies? Are there two pregnant people and the poor person who knocked them both up now has to care for two pregnant partners at once (they aren't complaining actually but still...)? Is EVERYONE pregnant? There are so many new moving parts to consider.
Massive turn on, hit the nail on the head again Marin. 😊
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greatbigbellies · 7 months
I like to imagine McPreggo is, beyond a kink establishment, also an establishment for exploration. I headcanon that the staff is used to shy, pre-everything trans women coming in semi-regularly and ordering a burger to get things started, a milkshake for cookies and cream milkshake to give them some curves, and just sitting for a while. They're visibly nervous but the employees can always tell that they're happier than they've been in a while.
I also imagine many of them stay regulars all through their transition, to the point that most of the staff know them and are massively supportive of every little change.
(sorry if this ask is outside the range of expectation, been tired and dysphoric and tbh fantasizing about a mcpreggo order helps more than I have the words for)
Oh I think this 100% fits the bill. I'm not sure if I wrote it down anywhere but I had a similar thought of trans women coming in before starting HRT to use some of the shakes and sides to let them "test drive" some body types, seeing how big they want to go for their boobs and hips, what have you. Kink set aside I think it's a really wholesome approach and use for it, and I'm 100% behind you. As a trans woman myself, I could use it for those purposes. I'm sure it's lowkey a hotspot for trans ladies all through their transitions to help them keep their goals in mind as they trudge through the slow process of HRT.
(I hope you can stave off the dysphoria blues and start feeling better soon. If you have some disposable income, I recommend investing in some thigh high socks. They're very comfy and gender affirming, and sockdreams has a lot of sizes for a lot of body types. 10/10 I recommend.)
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greatbigbellies · 4 months
To add to the “what would mcpreggo ads look like” discussion
I choose to believe they played the long game and didn’t advertise at all. They just waited for the cascade. The pregnancy kink community is large but relatively tight-knit, all it takes is one person to drive past and say “Mcpreggo, the fuck is that?? Maybe I’ll stop in on my way home,” that person getting a burger, and finally, writing an avid tumblr post about the experience. One drop in a bucket that eventually becomes a multi-national sensation of an ocean.
That or they have a docket of pregnant and plus-size models on payroll to film some wildly arousing yet interesting adverts
Maybe word of mouth is how they start off because it feels more mysterious... or they even do have ads featuring said roster of pregnant and plus-size models but they don't mention the brand by name, so it's a turn and wink "if you know you know" campaign that hinges on the real pregnancy lovers to dig into it and find out, thus making them invested in the brand and product.
After all, if you see some mysterious ad featuring some lovely models getting pregnant after eating some chicken strips, you're gonna go onto the internet and try to figure out what the hell this is all about, just to find out that it's a place you can buy food from, and that it WORKS.
or it's just Carl's Jr. but they're knocked up. Live your truth.
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
Hehduhehzhheah still thinking about Reily and Hailie
Thinking about them getting to the point in their relationship where hailie’s warming up to the idea of getting pregnant again. They spend ages talking about it, Hailie is jokingly saying she doesn’t want another set of triplets. A few months later when she’s already growing out of her clothes, she accepts that high-order multiples are just her curse. As she gets bigger and bigger though, Reily gets more and more affectionate and the curse really starts to seem more like a blessing, back pain and all.
And of course Reily is having the time of her life. Her wife is once again getting huge meaning she gets to spend every day marveling at her own personal big orb belly, AND she gets to challenge herself with absolutely tent sized maternity wear. Win win.
Oh and I love your idea about Hailie modeling for Reily’s business. I imagine the idea popping up when Hailie’s bordering on overdue with their first set of kids. Reily’s trying out a new kind of fabric for a gala dress and Hailie has gleefully agreed to pose to see how it stretches and breathes. One thing leads to another and by the next pregnancy, they’ve got a home studio in their basement.
Ahavjshxhs sorry this is so long winded, I’ve been thinking about them a lot
You never have to apologize for enjoying my characters! I'm glad they resonated so well! They're very cute and I like them a lot. They're very tender and domestic coded, like you could easily transplant them into a little cottage on the edge of the woods and they would fit right in. I also just love Hailie being quite tall, which typically means a relatively smaller belly, but she still gets huge because, for some ungodly reason, the lowest she seems to get pregnant with are large twins. And Reily is just here like "yes get more pregnant actually let's shoot for four next time".
I also love the way you described the buildup, like she's hesitant at first, gets triplets again, and just kind of leans into it. Reily loves her like that so much, it's hard not to love herself all huge and preggers. They bond a lot through each pregnancy, every time Hailie says it's the last batch, until she catches Reily looking at her previous maternity photos and it's like "damn... I can't NOT go for one more..."
Please please PLEASE share any ReilyxHailie thoughts you have I'm glad they have a devout fan.
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
Yessss the perpetual honey moon phase, and you’re so right about the nesting habits.
I also imagine if the store is on a street corner, they’d have neighbors. I picture that some of their neighbors are restaurants, and Hailie is a regular at all of them depending on that day’s craving. It’s always fun to see if she walks past the barbecue place to go get a bowl of fried rice and scallops, or if she starts ordering at the Italian place only to change her mind and waddle back down the street to get a burger instead. Every lunch break is a spin on the very pregnant lady’s craving wheel, which I like to imagine the restaurant owners taking bets on from time to time. The indecision and chaos probably started out frustrating, but the perpetually pregnant lady who at this point make up half of their combined revenue eventually waddles her way into their hearts (and onto their wall of regulars)
(I love restaurants that do walls of regulars btw, it’s always so fun to go into a family owned place and see a board with pictures of regulars.)
That is SO cute, the roulette wheel of pregnancy cravings landing Hailie in different eateries regularly. If the staff isn't betting on which place she'll eat at, they're betting on if she'll still be pregnant the next time they see her... and somehow they never learn that Hailie pretty much always carries to full term.
I feel like the logical extension of that would be for Hailie to eventually end up pregnant with so many (quints, sextuplets maybe?), that even waddling around the corner to the restaurants is too much effort. So then it's not the restaurant staff that become familiar with her, but the delivery drivers. The restaurant staff of course recognize her name on the order and give her extra large portions, but the doordash drivers are the ones who get to watch her grow huge. They're always happy to grab her orders though because she always tips generously.
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
oki since i have permission i will ramble more about Reily and Hailie before i go to bed
I like to imagine after they're married, Hailie takes a job at the store and runs the counter so Reily can work on designs in the back full-time, which is especially convenient when Hailie is incredibly pregnant since the job is 90% sitting. I also imagine that after a while, Hailie learns to deal with the more casual customers. In my head, I see Reily poking her head around the corner to check on Hailie, just to see her due-literally-any-second-now wife waddling around, helping customers find new outfits and even dropping some recommendations from her own constantly pregnant experience.
"Oh when I was pregnant with the twins, one of these dresses fit me no matter how huge I got."
"If you know you'll be carrying big, I highly recommend one of these blouses, I was able to wear one all the way into my seventh month with the quads!"
"Oh, you're looking for something flashy yet comfortable? This dress should be perfect; my genius of a wife made sure this dress is gorgeous, form-fitting, yet supportive of your poor back."
dshahdhsa and I imagine Reily shows her appreciation for the help on busy days with maximum energy. Hands on Hailie's belly and kisses on her neck before they've even made it home, home-cooked meals to keep Hailie nice and full and satisfy cravings, and the softest of cuddles until they're both asleep.
shdashfhjabs i love them so much you don't understand. Thank you for these two, sapphic belly loving couple my beloved
🥺🥺🥺 Absolutely sublime. I love Hailie just building up and complimenting her wife while helping customers. Like she just loves to tell the story of how they met and how Reily came in clutch to save her from a bad wedding. Being with Hailie has done wonders for Reily's confidence and it shows in her designs as they get more bold each year they spend together.
Also in the line of domestic cute sapphic pregnancy stuff... Hailie being very sweet but getting really bad nesting instinct with the store layout later in her third trimester. "Honey don't you think the suit mannequins would look better by the front window? And the thread display should be color coded to make it more intuitive for customers... oh and maybe we should talk about the check out counter situation..." And Reily, well meaning but also confused replying with "But... those mannequins have been there for years, sweetie... and... what check out counter situation??? You check out??? At the counter??? It's fine?" These gays are in a perpetual honeymoon phase and we love that for them.
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