#wandering spirit
enetriss · 8 days
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I often draw fanarts from the visual novel "League of Dreamers", but I do not share them here 😄 Decided to share it because I really love the stories from this app 💜✨
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 4 months
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In Finance 🏦
Trust Fund 💸
6’5” 💂‍♀️
Blue eyes 👁️
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lilmeowmeowsagelesath · 5 months
p-pretty. oh he pretty
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nuttypeacetaco · 6 months
Did anyone know when league of dreamers update?? Im getting curious with next episode of lullaby of witches
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6yagrum-bagarn9 · 3 months
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I will literally never wear anything else ever again. Frog mask and crown. Literally perfect.
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beauxjangles · 1 year
What's an interesting bird fact you want to share? >:)
I have a few, but one of my favorites is that pigeons are so smart that they can be trained to deliver messages and even compete in races! I also think that it's really neat that they actually produce this nutritional substance for their babies that we call pigeon milk!
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lucasallencook · 1 year
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Purchase prints
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k1rj4 · 6 months
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Girl did he or did he not kill your family...?
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
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Today's Pokémon is Golett!
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lunaxyrose · 1 year
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connectparanormal · 3 months
Wandering Spirits
When it's dark and quiet at night, whispers of wandering souls can be heard in the air. The physical limits of the living do not limit these spiritual beings, allowing them to move through the realms with haunting ease. There are stories from different countries and times about their lives, and each one is filled with a mix of fear and respect. People think that some ghosts are souls stuck in a twilight state where they can't find peace. They return to familiar places because they enjoy it but can't connect with it. People often think of these ghosts as tragic figures who long for an end to the ties that bind them to earth. Shadows that vanish quickly, chills that make no sense, and wind-blown voices are signs of them. In stories, these spirits are often shown as wanting to end something that has been holding them back on the mortal plane, like unfinished business, unresolved feelings, or unfulfilled promises. They may look like ghosts moving slowly through old homes, empty streets, or empty fields. Their very being is a powerful reminder of the life they used to live.
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Some wandering spirits are thought to be guardians or messengers, and they move between places on purpose. They warn people, show them the way, or comfort those who are still alive. In folklore, these ghosts might show up as helpful ancestors or guardian gods. Their ethereal forms show how thin the line is between the living and the dead. These ghosts often act as go-betweens for humans and the gods, sending advice and safety from places humans can't understand. They are often felt during times of trouble or change, when the lines between reality and the otherworld blur and direction is needed most. They could show up in dreams, visions, or brief glimpses, and their messages are often wrapped in symbols that need to be carefully interpreted. There are also stories about evil spirits, which are restless because they are angry, hurt, or sad. Their influence is often stronger, and there is a feeling of unease or fear that goes along with it. People say that these ghosts haunt the places where they died violently or too soon. Their energies feed off of the fear and despair of those who see them. There are many stories about frustrated ghosts, cursed souls, and evil spirits. Each one is a scary look into the darker side of the spirit world. It is common to think of these ghosts as angry people who want to get revenge on people who have hurt them, and their anger manifests as scary apparitions, poltergeist activity, and other supernatural things. People who have had experiences with these kinds of spirits often say they were very scary and left a lasting impact on them.
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In every culture, traditions and habits have grown up to deal with wandering spirits. People have long tried to connect with these wanderers who can't be seen by making gifts, prayers, or elaborate ceremonies that are meant to guide or comfort them. Whether it's the flickering flame of a lamp or the soft chant of an invocation, these actions connect the living with the dead and recognize that the dead are still alive. In some cultures, holidays like the Day of the Dead in Mexico or the Ghost Festival in China honor the link between the living and the dead by asking ghosts to join in the celebrations and offerings. People who practice these routines do so because they believe that honoring the dead and keeping a positive relationship with the spirit world are important for the health and happiness of living things. Wandering spirits are a thought-provoking idea that makes you think about life and the secrets we can't fully understand. Are they echoes of past lives or bits of awareness that won't go away? Or are they projections of our deepest fears and dreams, showing what the human mind is like as a whole? No matter what the truth is, the stories of these restless souls will always be told. They are like a ghostly thread that runs through human society and reminds us of how thin the line between life and the afterlife is. These stories are common in many societies, which shows that people are interested in death, the afterlife, and the unknown. Weird spirits continue to captivate our imaginations, whether we see them as real things or as symbolic representations of human emotions. They prompt us to consider the afterlife and the legacy of the dead.
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dagreatgonzogreen · 3 months
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 7 months
*sighs* Here we go again
League of Dreamers
Vampyrus Novus (Currently On...)
Wandering Spirit
Tablet of Isis
Lullaby of Witches
Law of the Beast
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The girls are back (from the grave)
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nuttypeacetaco · 2 months
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Oh yes yes i will follow you everywhere🫠🤣
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beauxjangles · 1 year
Hiii :3 hello hehe/p
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HII HELLOO !!! giving you shiny rocks :3
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