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lord-soth-dk · 1 year ago
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snuh · 2 years ago
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Bob Eggleton: Necroscope Book II Wamphyri - Malibu Books #2, January 1993
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cosmicaddress · 2 years ago
ESP talent: Telepath
Mention extrasensory perception to most people, and they will immediately think of mind-reading. This association is perhaps in part due to the fact that telepaths are one of the most common forms of ESPer in the world; people throughout history have had experiences with telepaths, so the association of telepathy and ESP is commonly-held. 
A telepath is a person who can read the thoughts of another person, true, but it goes much further than that. A good telepath can actually probe the living matter of another person’s brain, rooting through the person’s past history by means of unraveling half-forgotten memories and images long lost to the person himself. A good telepath can do more than raid the active thoughts of a target; he can poke around the hidden recesses like a person in a musty library or a doctor with a CAT scanner for the soul. 
Telepaths are very good interrogators and are thus very much in demand by ESPionage networks around the globe. They are so dangerous because they know what weakens your willpower. They are so effective because they can sense the effects their questions have; if a telepath’s interrogation makes you uncomfortable, they know they can see it happening. And you can bet that they will continue to probe the sore sport until the information they seek is laid bare under the bright gaze of their unusual talent. 
Unlike the portrayal of many mind-readers and empaths in modern fiction, telepaths do not just pick up thoughts and feelings from other people all the time; they must concentrate actively. In this sense, they are not passive antennas waiting for broadcasts but rather mindtheives who steal thoughts and memories from their target. Also, telepaths can only receive; they are not capable of telepathic projection, they cannot make others hear voices in their heads. Thus a telepath cannot relay orders to an agent in the field, though two telepaths can have a long-distance conversation by reading each others’ minds. 
It is unclear exactly how telepathy works, but it appears to involve the extrusion of a psychic pseudopod, if you will. This paranormal hand can reach out to the mind of the target and ‘feel around’ for the information the telepath wants. This theory is backed up by the fact that when Wamphyri telepathically probe someone, they can leave their inimical psychic footprint on the persona’s brain; this fact alone demonstrates that the telepath, in some very real sense, is inside the target’s head. 
One telepath, at a loss for words to illustrate what his talent felt like, described it so: 
“Probing for someone’s thoughts is something like searching a dresser in a room that’s completely dark. First, you run your hands carefully over the top of the dresser; whatever thoughts are active in the person’s mind are on top there, being used and in easy reach. You can grab those easily.  Recent memories—well, all memories—are packed in the drawers of the dressers.
In a drawer, the recent memories are on top, and distant memories, childhood stuff, and unimportant events are buried deep in the drawers. There are even some repressed or very old memories that are almost impossible to touch. They’re like something which has dropped down behind a drawer, where they can’t be reached without an intense search and a lot of work.”
Also, to a telepath, reading a person’s mind is not like reading a book; it’s much more intense and personal. When reading a book, you learn about it. When reading a mind, a telepath lives it. The emotion is real, raw, and powerful as the story itself, not diluted by prose and suspension of disbelief. The telepath knows not only what the thoughts of the target are, but the emotions that drive those thoughts. In this way, a telepath can generally avoid misinterpretations of thoughts, picking up sarcasm, joking, or attempts at deceit which can color the true meaning behind the contemplations. 
There is some danger to being a telepath. One is that if someone knows you are a telepath, they will tend to trust you less. The very fact that you can read their minds makes them feel that you are spying on them constantly. Of course, once their opinion is colored and they begin to try to conceal things from you, as a telepath, you’ll be tempted to probe their mind and find out what you want. Additionally, those speaking with a telepath often wonder if what the telepath says comes from the heart or is a response formulated specifically to give the listening the impression that it comes from the heart; in other words, is the telepath’s interaction genuine or a tailor-made lie? 
In short, telepaths have a difficult time building trusting relationships with someone. For this reason, it is a generally-accepted custom that telepaths never read the minds of co-agents. Even with this rule in place, telepaths are still often pariahs in their own organizations. 
Another problem with telepaths is that they pick up all the thoughts of their target and thus often become jaded or cynical. Everyone has random psychopathic thoughts all the time. If a person is rude to you in traffic, you think of firing a bazooka at their car and watching them explode in slow motion. These thoughts are never voiced, nor are they acted upon, but to telepaths, they are every bit as real as every other thought. Some telepaths get very depressed and view the world as a total war zone waiting to happen. 
A third danger of being a telepath is that it is possible to become addicted to outside stimuli. Just as some people drive great satisfaction from living vicariously through soap operas or reading trashy novels, some telepaths spend a lot of time in other people’s minds living their lives and watching their most intimate moments; telepathy develops into a sick sort of voyeurism.
These weaknesses aside, telepaths are the most highly south-after ESPers in the world today and are among the most powerful tools in the ESPionage arsenal.
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itwasnotahamster · 1 year ago
- Letters from the Dead - (Part 2)
"That happened for almost 8 years ago and I'm trying to find out what I have to do "here" before I can enter the light again. For a time I was a so-called medium after that thing, which means I could contact spirits that came from that light. The strange thing is that I never tried to contact them, later I tried to come in some contact with them and others, I tried invocations and spells (with no success at all). Mostly by night and in completely silence and when I was alone I could hear them coming (but also others have heard them), mostly I just felt their "precense" and sometimes they continued with sounds of different sorts. I could also -but very seldom - see things that looked weird and were not of this world but it was so fast and dizy that I hardly could see much of it, and I've felt them toch me and at times things could also move. It was much depending on where I was and at that time they could appear sometimes almost wherever I was. But it was temporary and they vanished. I think it had to do with that house I "died" in was being sold and straight after they were gone (or maybe they did just disappear from me and are now making life to a living Hell to the new owners of that house... he he! [sounds pretty metal). I have heard sounds that cannot be "explained" and that can be called supernatural after also but I don't think I have the same ability anylonger, I can't "feel" them anymore and of what I can hear sometimes, is so weak now. Without that feeling of wow they're here it's hard to be sure if that was that kind of sounds 'cos now they sound more like 'normal' sounds. I guess that was my most occult "esperience". After I had lost about 2/3 of my blood I felt I need to loose more blood and see how it runs. I cut myself up, and when I'm drunk also others. I like to cut in all kind of meat, but preferably the living kind. It's so stupid this with school kids that have heard Morbid Angel, as example, and then have to form a Death Metal band! Too many other bands that before played something else, like HC, grindcore or speedmetal etc. are now jumping on the Death metal bandwagon, they're fucking disgusting!!! Just watch for example the amazingly trendy label Earache. Now all the new bands are Death Metal suddenly... Many wimps are also suddenly finding out that there exist something called Death Metal and Underground and they're totally "into" it for about 2 months and then suddenly stop writing letters and so on. And that thing about "gore"... how repulsive it is that stupid children gives out records or demos with "gory" pictures on it and their lyrics are stuffed with "gory" things about surgery and rotting carcasses etc.etc. and they don't understand a fuck of what it is. If they would see something so-called gory in real life they would shit in their pants! [This is so real]. Just by cutting up myself or having pig heads on stage we throw on them, when we're playing or throw rotting meat on them makes the most people pale in their faces and they feel sick then... Have you noticed that. One guy who is posing to be so Evil and Dark, but really is a wimp is the increadibly stupid Quorton of Bathory. Now he's totally wimped out as you can hear of his later releases, especially the latest shitpiece.
Are you into ancient legends? I am, especially the ones from Eastern Europe. There they have so many that aren't known at all over there... especially about vampires (or Nosferatu, Stregoica [Strigoi], Vrykolakas, Odoroten, Vampir, Wamphyr [Wamphyri], Upir, Drac, Vilkakis [Vilkacis], Lobishomen [Lobisomem] etc.etc.etc...). Something I find weird is that over here we know of one word for vampire and we "know" of one kind of vampire. As example in Transylvania there are about 15! "Vampire" is known of almost over the whole word but in East Europe in particular their history, legends or faerie tales are filled with vampyrism. In many places in the East it still in these "well informed" days is deadly serious about vampyrism. In Transylvania they suspect everyone that doesn't eat heaps of garlic and they have exocism rituals to the bodies that could be killed by a vampire. But that is in the bush places, not in cities. The time seems to have stopped at some places in Transylvania. The past is alive! I MUST visit Transylvania with it's hundreds of castles in the Carpathian mountains. Almost each one with an own Dark history...The castle "of the pandarin" in North-East, near Moldavia "Russian-Romania" is the castle where Bathory once lived in before she got "walled up" there. You've heard of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, huh? However it's impossible to enter that castle 'cos it's at the top of a huge mountain. But there shall be a secret passage into a tunnel that goes inside the great mountain that is the only way up there. That secret tunnel has been tried to found by lots of curious people for hundreds of years by now. Fuck, it's so many (true) legends of the transylvanian Nosferatu and the Russian Upir that aren't known of in the west...
Something that made me "interested" in flowers, there's a legend about different rare flowers that can make you to a werewolf. They are in comics and movies and I thought they didn't exist. One of them is called Wolfsbane and I found out that it does exist but it's fucking rare! I must find all Evil flowers and collect them. If you know anything about Vampyrism and Eastern legends I mad about hearing of it. I try to find out as much as possible and the more I learn, the more insane about it I get and I feel it like I MUST know EVERYTHING!!! You know that ex-dictator of Romania, Ceausescu - you've heard of that some stupid mortals are connecting him with Vlad Țepeș the impaler...? I don't believe a second in it! He was thought to have the same strange expression in his face as Vlad Drăculești "Țepeș" when they opened his coffin for the last time before he was to be buried- they later found out that was the face a dead person gets... How unbelievably/stupid! Some called him "Druculescu"... Rumours (just bullshit!) tell that he used to drink blood of babies. I don't think about policy at all so I don't care much about that he was a dictator but he fucking wiped whole towns from ancient castles! The new prime minister, or whatever he think he is, Ilinescu is of the same kind as the last one so I don't think it's been much of a change in Romania for the people, but it is for tourists and it's easier to come there which I must do. I saw in this spring a swedish TV -team that was showing around in Romania about the situation and so on... suddenly a guy stood in the worst snowstorm, the wind was screaming and he stood deep sunken down in the snow and the Carpathians could be seen in the background- saying "this is Transylvania". I think that was the very best I've seen from our shitty TV-channels!
I collect in stamps from Romania. I don't have many and I don't collect in any other stamps, it's just 'cos I of a co-incidence found some and on them I saw that they put castles on them. I have one with "Hunedoara", where Vlad the impaler lived. I need to find the Brad one (the one Bram Stoker wrote of in his novel "Dracula") and the Bran one in Brașov where he was also was supposed to live in (Dracula). There are heaps of other castles teeming in the Carpathian horseshoe so I guess it'll take a really long time getting all of them. I did a painting of the that castle in the Hunedoara surrounded by the Romanian flag on a jacket, I though of what they'll think of it in the RO embassy... Do you know anything if the ancient United Kingdom Austria-Hungary (that also Transylvania was included in) had any flag? I just wonder if Transylvania had any. Have you heard of what's going on in France with that baby, that should be about a half year old now, that is a reencarnation from Draculas family in some strange way...? I think it sounds too incredible that after so many generations (500 years) that reencarnation suddenly now is born and why in France??? But the Frenchies seem to have a mortually belief in it... I'm sorry but I don't have the sliciest idea of what that Grand Guignol theater is. Hey you're lucky who's been teached of how to draw from that arts academy of arts. I've never been in any school and in fact I don't know how to draw at all. I'd like to be a professional designer or something like that but I can never save time enough for that, and besides, it's not possible to make the drawings after ones fantasy or ones own will, just what one get told to do... I did some kinda "Deathlike Silence Prod" logo here for you that I'll enclose, it's not "official" or anything. You can write down something of what I've told you of DSP in Metal Destruction if you like to. About this "logo", you can shrink it down/blow it up if it's necessary. What you shall write about DSP is up to you, I give you free hands in that, I don't know of how much place you can give for that in ye zine so just write down as much of the info of it as will suit in the zine. Now I have to end this, it's getting into a really long letter now...so I gotta leave. C-ya!
P.S. You have to wait a while for ye free promo copy of Merciless. Right now we don't have cartons for single ex."
- Letters from the Dead - (Part 1)
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Langhus, 21 March 1990 | © The Old Nick | Source: Letters from the Dead
The brackets will indicate possible context or corrections (sometimes commentary). - 💜
"Only Black is true, only Death is real!!! Gore is trend! Hello Nick! It's Dead here again. Hey- you're really good at drawing, I use to do some drawing stuff myself. I enclose something of it in this letter. Maybe we together can work something out, maybe even in Metal Destruction…? You asked of releases, if we need some artworks for that... Well we rarely give out much and as for the next release we'll probably have some photograph instead. But if we would need something that you might feel for help us out with I'll tell of it. So what we can use drawings for is for stuff like flyers, ads and letter­pages. So far I have done the drawings for that... well the main reason of that is that we have a (old!) xerox mashine and I'm the one in the band that 'can' draw. It's not so often that I have time left to spend hours or sometimes days by making drawings and too many don't like that kind of drawings I make (but fuck them wimps!). But onto the Deathlike Silence Prod. now. The 2nd edition of the 1st release on DSP. - Merciless is out now, the one you get here as promo. We're looking for distributors everywhere and everybody who can sell 10 (or more) records will receive a copy for free + that 10 records will be cheaper. As soon as this the 2nd ed. has paid, Imperator will go in studio.
Imperators LP will contain 8-10 songs (depending on how many "old demo songs" they'll use - but it'll be new trax as well) and it'll be entitled "The time before time". After that it'll probably be the colombian Masacre as the next release. Masacre will be very soon release a 7- inches with 3 demo songs on the greek label Scene of Love. That's a new started label and I hope they can give out enough copies, not limited ed. of it. Of course we give the bands free hands and they're not bounded to use at all, but I'm thinking of the fact that Masacre is selling so much... Only in Colombia their 1st, and only demo sold 1000 copies ( which is more than our Deathcrush demo has sold worldwide...). We can only press up 1000 copies each time of every edition of DSP, and the first ed. Of Merciless sold out as fast as we could pack and post it. This second ed. we recieved [received] for not a so long time ago will depend on how much stamps we can get, of how soon it'll sell out. In Norway it's very hard to sell records - it's far away from USA or South America and I don't think any real scene exists here. Do you think you can take care of some distribution/selling of DSP releases, or you maybe know someone else who's interested? [True dedication]. I think Merciless will be very easy to sell in Italy. Many zines exists there and we recieve many letters from there also. We also sell other records (given out by various underground labels) but it can be so different of what records of others releases we sell 'cos we usually don't get so many of them, so they sell out so soon. But anyway - I can tell of what we presently have got (except of Merciless)
LP's (£10000 + postage)
Agressor/Loudblast (split LP, France) "Licenced to thrash"
Arakain (Czechoslovakia, speed metal - I do not like this one!) "Thrash the Trash"
Nomed (France)... very boring mainstream... "Like..."
Abomination (USA)
Disharmonic Orchestra/Pungent Stench (Austria, split LP)
Malicious Intent (Canada) "Shades of black"
7's (£5000 + postage)
Asphyx (Holland, Limited ed. 1000 copies) "Mutilating Process"
Atrocity (Germany) "Blue Blood"
Pungent Stench (Austria) "Extreme Deformity"
Disharmonic Orchestra (Austria) "Successive Substitution"
Do not print this in Metal Destruction, I will explain it to you, ok. If you want any of these records above, please tell of how many and of what records so I can see how much the postage will be. Now over to Mayhem. For the first time we've been in studio and recorded 2 songs (first time with this line-up I mean). It'll be released on Chicken Brain Records, a swedish kind of underground label some time in this autumn. It'll be 8-19 other (swedish) bands on it, among them Merciless. I don't know the title of this compilation LP/CD. Our songs that'll be on it are "The Freezing Moon" and "Carnage". The Freezing Moon is a new one and pretty different from our other songs, as example it's a long guitar solo on a very long Doom part on it and that's because we wanted to have a solo at only one track (of our new ones). Carnage was made in '85 (!) so it's really old. It was on the 1st demo/reh - Pure Fucking Armageddon (released in only 100 copies and not available) but with the thought of the very bad sound on it we feeled for playing it again and try to keep the original sound of it. I'll tape these trax for ya but I'm not so sure of if it'll be enclosed in this letter or if I'll put this letter togeather [together] with the Merciless record but anyhow you'll get this tape. You can record it to others if you like to but please don't trade it, and I'll record some else bands too for filling out the rest of the tape. Have you heard of the INCREADIBLY KILLING GREAT band Tormentor from Hungary? Their demo is about 4 years old but it sounds like the Death/Black metal bands of today. We try to find out if they want a deal on DSP. But unfortunately they hardly speak any English at all so it seems like neither them or us understood it... We think of releasing a full-lengtht LP of Mayhem but it seems to take a fucking longtime before we got material enough for it... The only we know about it is a title that MUST be used - De Mysteriis Dom. Sathanas. That was about all future plans I can tell of I guess. I look forward to see Metal Destruction. There's a possibility that we can sell it also, but I can't say if for sure.
About Satanism... well, I'd like to join a very underground and Illful, Evil and Grim Coven. I think you know of the hassles by finding any or getting any contact with a such. I do NOT like what's created by Anton LaVey like 1st Church of Satan. I came in contact with a dude who's a degree in the American Satans Sons - Church of Satan and he explained of it has nothing to do with LaVey at all. I asked of if it does exist in Europe also and of what it is exactly... well he didn't reply. But I heard later thet Satans Sons shall exist in Europe but I still don't know in which countries it is. In Norway it's not much of this, but in Sweden (-I am swedish) that 1st Church shall be in Stockholm (the capital there) and it shall be about 5 churches built by satanic sects, used only by satanists, mostly it's under christian churches - like the one under "Mariakyrkan" (Mary's Church) in the South of Stockholm where the 1st Church of Satan use to hang around at. I know it exists really Dark covens that use human sacrifices and are eating human flesh - them are those I try to find. I do not know much about magic and I can't say I'm a practicer of it 'cos I havn't succed. What is depending on what one can do in magic (all of its kind) is of what books one can get...those are hidden in libraries and so hard to even see... 'cos of course they don't let anyone even see them. You must be a scientist or something like if you would see the microfilms of that kind of books. A great library of many various kinds of magical arts and the Blackest of Black Arts too is the British Museum in London. But it's so damned difficult to get ones claws on those books. One book I really wanna get is De Mysteriis Dom. Sathanas, unfortunately it exists only in one copy... are you practicing any magic and do you know of any covens? Have you seen/heard/felt anything supernatural? I have but I didn't understand much of what that was and I think the most of it was only so-called echoes from the past or the future [I am curious about this]. Do you know anything about astral planes and out-of body travelling? You seem to be into it and I agree about stupid trendmakers so it is something that I feel I can tell you of. I had a weird experience once, I had inner bleedings and it couldn't be found at x-rays so when it continued to bleed and bleed I finally fainted and dropped down the floor 'cos I run out of blood. The heart had no blood left to beat and my veins/artairs were almost emptied of blood. "Tecnically" I was dead. At that moment I fell down (into a door I heard of later) I saw a strange blue colour everywhere, it was transparent so I could, for a short moment, see everything in blue, till something shining white and "hot" surrounded me. What happened later is out of interest, I woke up when some ambulance men came and drove me to a hospital and there the bastards of surgery started to cut me up at the wrong side so I got a huge scar for that. However, it's someone I know who's had many out of body experiences and is using magic of various kinds and knows much more than I do of "supernatural" experiences, that I asked of this 'cos it was so strange about those colours. She told me that the first 'plane' in the astral world has the colour blue. The "earthly" plane has the colour black, then comes a grey one that is very near the earthly one and is easy to come to. The next one further is blue, and then it gets brighter and brighter till it "stops" at a white-shining one that can't be entered by mortals. IF any mortal succee enter it, that one is no longer a mortal and can not come back to the other planes nor back to this earth. After the white plane or level or whatever it goes further with other colour I don't know of, there only spirits and great sorcerers can travel. I was told that the white plane I then entered, without I knew it, was the dead world and I died. But I also got thrown back after a short time which very rarely happens. So of what I've heard of I have some kind of purpose to achieve here."
Reached the limit for this one, I will add on!
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prettyghoulfics · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Necroscope - Brian Lumley Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Lord Wamus, Original Male Character(s), wamphyri - Character, Devataki Skullguise, Vorumlac Taintspore Additional Tags: Vampires, Horror, Science Fiction Summary:
This short (incomplete) story was a writing exercise. I wrote it in about 2011 during a re-read of the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley. Necroscope is my favorite horror/scifi/fantasy series and I have to re-read it every few years. I’m due for another read, so I may revisit this story and complete it at that time.
I’ve read that Mr. Lumley doesn’t like fanfics, which is a shame. I’m not sure where I saw that information, or if it’s even true.
I’m proud of this little bit of prose and miss writing in this style. I hope you enjoy this and if you like it and/or want more please leave a comment or kudos below. Thanks for reading!
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mrscratch0753 · 3 years ago
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Day 12. #inktober2021 #nosferatu #drawing #blackandwhiteart #penandink #markerart #vampire #horror #sketch #sketchbook #igart #wamphyri #countorlok #maxshreck #germanexpressionism #fwmurnau #misterscratch https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8jHv1AL7U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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doctorslippery · 4 years ago
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Wamphyri by Bob Eggleton
for the books by Brian Lumley 
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impaledfields · 4 years ago
Black Funeral - Sanctum Wamphyri
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rpgcovers · 5 years ago
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Necroscope: Wamphyri ~ West End Games (1996)
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incognitostarkbaratheon · 5 years ago
tagged by: @gendryafanwhore thank you!
rules: tag three people you’d like to get to know better
top 3 ships: Gendrya is the main one but I’m still hardcore Hinny and Romione
lipstick or chapstick: The one I have now is liquid lipstick
last song: Federkleid by Faun
last movie: The cure for wellness
reading: Wamphyri! by Brian Lumley, a friend lent it to me because she thought I would like it but it’s kind of boring so it’s taking me ages to finish it... that and all the Gendrya fanfiction...
watching: Titans season 2
I’ve been seeing this bouncing around for a few days now so I’m sorry is you were already tagged: @watersandwolves @fugascious and @zoyarose if you feel like it!
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toomuchimagination · 7 years ago
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Early morning #wamphyri
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nonameinsightfornow · 2 years ago
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Ciruelo Cabral - Wamphyri
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cosmicaddress · 2 years ago
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Earth, air, fire, water, the hand of god
There are many ways to kill a vampire, all risky and all requiring special efforts. Incapacitating a vampire is somewhat easier; all that takes is decapitation. The vampire creature mimics the human host in many ways, including developing the vampire brain in the human host’s head. Decapitate a vampire, and you cut his intelligence from the rest of his body.
The missing head has little material with which to work its evil will, and the flopping mindless remainder is much easier to handle. Decapitation requires that a character with a bladed weapon aim for the neck.
If that is done, the vampire’s head takes a brief vacation from the rest of his body. Beware, however, a vampire’s body, if it finds its own head, knows how to put it back on! Therefore, to kill a vampire, one must kill the creature within.
To kill a vampire permanently requires the assistance of any or all of the following:
Silver and iron are metals that have a detrimental effect on the Wamphyri. In the proper proportions, silver and iron debilitate a vampire; he cannot move chains made of such an alloy, he cannot cross a barrier they form. Pure iron does not appear to affect the Wamphyri when used as a weapon—at least no more effect than any other metal—but silver is another matter entirely. Silver poisons Wamphyri like mercury or lead poisons humans. When a silver blade hits a vampire, he suffers the shock and does not ignore the first wound done by the weapon. However, there is not enough silver left behind in the wound to affect the creature with poison.
Okay, so air itself doesn’t harm vampires. But air is essential to life, and certain living things are known to sicken or poison vampires and certainly help in their disposal. And one of them makes the air smell bad.
Garlic sickens vampires, makes them ill. One good way to weaken a vampire is to smear blades or spears with garlic oil, or better yet, take hollow-point ammunition and press mashed garlic into the hollow tip of the bullet. Unfortunately, after the first successful attack with garlic-poisoned swords and spears, there is usually not enough garlic oil left on the weapon to continue to have the same effect.
Fire, pure chaos and entropy incarnate, is another force that destroys vampires permanently. Fire alone is enough to ensure their destruction, but only a fire they can’t escape. Rest assured that if there is a way out of the fire, a vampire will find it. That’s why the stake and cleaver are so often used in conjunction with fire; they help to keep the vampire still while you roast him alive. Of course, stakes themselves have a habit of burning. Alive, vampires burn slowly, and soon the vampire within can no longer rely on the host body's boiling fats to protect it from the inferno.
As with humans, for the Wamphyri, water is both a necessity and a hazard. Without moisture, be it blood or water, a vampire can desiccate and calcify, leaving its spirit trapped forever in a stony corpse permanently bereft of motion.
There is no hope for a vampire who suffers such a fate. On the opposite end, left underwater long enough, a vampire can drown. It may be that the vampiric protoflesh lacks enough power to resist the osmotic pressure of water and eventually dies on a protocellular level.
The Hand of God
God, and therefore Nature which is God’s handiwork, are also set opposed to the Wamphyri. The Wamphyri will not voluntarily enter holy places, be they churches, cathedrals, mosques, or shrines. When circumstances force such to happen, the forces of nature attempt to deny the occurrence, even to the point of spontaneously generating fierce windstorms, hail, and tornadoes when none could exist.
Holy items also do more damage to vampires than one would think, assuming they are genuine artifacts and that the person wielding them has true faith. The most common item used is holy water, but that is simply because those churches possessing authentic holy relics are loathe to give them up.
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bookfairys-blog · 6 years ago
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This latest in the series was a terrifying look at what the end of the world through vampirism might look like. When 3 invading Wamphyri get through the gate into our world, their aim is to take over our earth and rule over us all. E-Branch is on their trail, however, but a little too late to save the human race entirely. They, themselves, are also in danger of losing their humanity and put every last ounce of themselves into not allowing things to get worse.
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michaelsellars · 4 years ago
Necroscope II: Wamphyri! By Brian Lumley. #horror https://t.co/JEpj7hslna
Necroscope II: Wamphyri! By Brian Lumley.#horror pic.twitter.com/JEpj7hslna
— Michael Sellars | Paperback Horror | Horror Writer (@HorrorPaperback) October 1, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/HorrorPaperback
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kidaoocom · 5 years ago
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