#walther benjamin
zugchecker · 3 years
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kw1q51lv3r · 2 years
I think I know why I don’t like Jacob Collier.
I've come to the realisation that in the past 7 years I've done a full 180 on my opinions on art. 23 year old me would argue that art needs to be understandable and technically appreciable even when divorced from its context, because he didn't understand that WHY the art was created is just as important as HOW the art was created.
He discarded the socio-cultural context of the art because he thought himself separate from it; he thought he could ignore the noise when he himself was the noise, in a toxically defensive overly self-deprecating "it's not my fucking fault i don't know!!" inferiority complex kinda way.
This is an opinion that he’s made many times to many people online, and they’ve basically agreed to disagree with him or even outright ignore him, mostly because it was obvious that he was coming from a place of not actually having figured his own shit out; he’d get there eventually, he just needed to grow the fuck up.
He was obsessed with the idea that there existed something he called “pure art”. Art that wasn’t “contrivance”, art that didn’t need to be explained but was instead self-evident, art that chased the perfection of the craft as its end goal, art that had absolutely no meaning whatsoever beyond appealing to “unspoken” notions of “beauty” or “wit” or “sophistication” or “skill”.
Obviously, he was wrong.
His own idea was that in order to achieve his ideas of intellectual artistic appreciation, he’d have to put aside what was “popular”... Blithely ignoring how he was just doing it to feel any sense of superior “coolness”. He thought only morons would bring all their historical and emotional baggage to the table, and tried to make of himself someone who would leave that at the door, who would witness art through a lens of objectivity, neutrality, and intellectuality... Not at all recognising that that attitude in itself was historical and emotional baggage that he was bringing along with himself, and that he was one of those morons all along.
That exclusively technical widdly-woo shred guitar enthusiast that was me in my early 20s would’ve gone absolutely fucking gaga for Jacob Collier.
And that’s why I don’t like Jacob Collier.
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aklingolgesi · 1 year
Isı ve sıcaklık nedir? Birer madde mi? Enerji mi? Yoksa bazı olguları açıklayabilmek için varsaydığımız kavramlar mı? Fiziğin önemli alt disiplinlerinden birisi olan termodinamik, bu iki kavramı merkeze alarak maddeyi inceliyor. Peki, termodinamik ilmi zaman içinde gelişerek ısı ve sıcaklığı nasıl açıkladı? Termodinamik Kanunları olarak bilinen 4 yasa nasıl ortaya çıktı? Günümüzde ısı ve sıcaklık…
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Religion in Weimar Berlin
Brian Britt, author of Religion Around Walter Benjamin, discusses religious practices in Weimar Berlin and the personalities that led them.
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When most of us think of Weimar Berlin, we picture cafes, cabaret, and artistic experimentation in a vibrant, volatile metropolis.  But Berlin was also a center of dynamic religious communities.  Berlin’s Catholic and Jewish minorities grew especially quickly in the early decades of the twentieth century, and these largely working-class groups became lightning rods of Germany’s political and religious upheaval.
When I began researching Religion Around Walter Benjamin, I could find very little scholarly discussion of religion in Berlin, so I consulted primary sources in archives across the city, where I learned was that many of the city’s best known personalities were religious leaders, like the priest Carl Sonnenschein, a social reformer who advocated for working-class Catholics, and the charismatic preacher Christoph Blumhardt, who drew thousands to his religious gatherings and later held office as a member of the Social Democrats.  Annual public conventions of Protestants and Catholics drew tens of thousands, and the holidays of Christmas and Easter permeated the entire city with outdoor markets, performances, and special sales at the city’s glittering department stores.  
When the defeat of World War I brought the collapse of the close bond between Protestant church and state, political struggles often made political affiliation more important than religious practice.  For working-class Catholics and Jews, the choice between a secular left and a Christian nationalist right made life difficult or even dangerous.  During Weimar, the predominantly Catholic Center Party often cooperated with the Social Democrats and criticized anti-Semitic nationalists who killed Walther Rathenau, the county’s Jewish foreign minister, in 1922, but by 1933 the party had thrown their support to the Nazis.
During all this upheaval, Berliners maintained basic religious observances in high numbers, and religious identity continued to shape their lives and life chances.  Walter Benjamin’s upper-middle class Jewish family celebrated Christmas and Hanukkah in Berlin as the turmoil of war, collapsing empires, and modern life led to the Nazi regime that would destroy most of Europe’s Jews, including Benjamin himself.  Religion Around Walter Benjamin shows how institutional religion and the religiosity of political and cultural life of Berlin provide a necessary but overlooked dimension of one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers.
Religion Around Walter Benjamin is now available from Penn State University Press. Find more information and order the book here: https://www.psupress.org/books/titles/978-0-271-09333-8.html. Save 30% with discount code NR22.
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pfalztexter · 11 months
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Meister Heinrich Frauenlob (Codex Manesse, 14. Jahrhundert)
"Heinrich von Meißen, genannt Frauenlob (* zwischen 1250 und 1260 in Meißen; † 29. November 1318 in Mainz) war ein einflussreicher Dichter deutscher Volkssprache, dessen programmatischer Künstlername wohl von seinem Marienleich herrührt. Die darin gepriesene vrouwe ist die Himmelskönigin Maria."
"Bekannt wurde Frauenlob durch seine Leichs und erfuhr schon zu Lebzeiten Bewunderung und mäzenatische Förderung wie außer ihm in vergleichbarer Weise vielleicht nur Walther von der Vogelweide. Später ab dem 15. Jahrhundert wurde Frauenlob von der meistersängerischen Gesangspflege als einer der großen Meister verehrt und viele Meisterlieder wurden mit leichten Variationen in seinen Tönen und seiner Manier ihm zu Ehren verfasst, teilweise in den Mund gelegt oder in Handschriften dieser Zeit zugeschrieben." (Quelle)
Frauenlobs Selbstpreisung:
"Was jemals Reinmar und der von Eschenbach sang, was jemals der von der Vogelweide sagte: mit goldenem Prunkkleid vergolde ich, Frauenlob, ihren Gesang, wie ich es euch nun zeige: Sie haben nur vom Schaum der Oberfläche gesungen, den Boden haben sie vernachlässigt.
Meine Kunst kommt vom Grunde des Kessels, dazu stehe ich. Ich verkünde euch mit Worten und mit Tönen ohne Übertreibung: Den Lobpreis meines Gesanges sollte man mit einer (wertvollen) Krone zieren. Andere gingen nur die schmalen Pfade neben den Straßen der großen Künste.
Wer jemals gesungen hat und noch singen wird – ein fauler Ast am grünen Holz –, so bin ich doch der Meister über sie alle. Ich trage auch das Joch des Verstandes und ich bin überdies der Künste ein Koch. Nie verließen meine Worte und Töne den Ort der guten Kunst."
Frauenlob - Heinrich von Meissen, ca. 1260-1318 - Sequentia: Benjamin Bagby, Barbara Thornton dir
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arthuriouslife · 1 year
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Artists Who Make Books 2017
A vital survey of 32 internationally recognized artists who make books as part of their creative practice - features 500 images of these rarely seen works.
The 'artist's book' has long been an important form of expression, and Artists Who Make Books showcases 32 internationally recognized artists who have integrated book production into their larger creative practice. This volume features a selection of books ― many rarely seen ― by every artist included, an accompanying text providing further context, and over 500 illustrations of covers and interior spreads. Insightful interviews with Tauba Auerbach, Paul Chan, and Walther König, and in-depth essays by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh and Lynda Morris round out this illuminating survey.
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piasgermany · 1 year
[News + Video] jolle neu bei 365XX!
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jolle will hoch hinaus und lässt passend zu den Lyrics ihrer neuen Single "grosse freiheit" Taten sprechen: Letzte Woche unterzeichnete sie bei dem all fe:male Rap-Label 365XX und läutet mit dem Signing auch die Releasephase ihres deutschsprachigen EP-Debüts ein. Auf einem pushenden Techno-Beat von Bomblys und Leon Milla rappt und singt die Hamburger Künstlerin von drängenden Freiheitsgefühlen, einer ansteckenden Aufbruchstimmung und vom Loslassen. jolle gelingt es auf nahbare Art und Weise ihre diffusen Gefühle in dichte Reimketten zu verpacken. So nimmt uns die talentierte Musikerin mit in ihre von Umbrüchen und großen Ambitionen geprägte Welt. Das steigende Bedürfnis nach Unabhängigkeit und sorglosem Leben spiegelt sich nicht nur in den Strophen, sondern auch in dem mitreißenden Aufbau des Instrumentals wider.
Jolle hat das Potential mit diesem Ohrwurm die deutsche Pop- und Raplandschaft mal eben links zu überholen. Ihre Lyrics sind melancholisch und emotional, aber immer authentisch und nahbar. Der Sound irgendwo zwischen Ski Aggu, 01099, Paula Hartmann und Marie Bothmer. Die Zukunftsaussichten: golden!
Allein das Produzenten-Netzwerk der Wahl-Hamburgerin liest sich wie das Who-is-Who der deutschen Rap- und Pop-Welt: Benjamin Asare und Malte Kuhn (beide u.a. Cro, Helene Fischer, Disarstar), Ben Walther/cant.be.bought (badchieff, sharaktah, kalim, reezy, 1986ig), DJ Josi Miller (DJ, Produzentin, Homegirls-Podcasterin, Import Export Band-Mitglied und Ex-Trettmann-Tour-DJ), oder eben Leon Milla & Timon Bomblys (Zoe wees, Fløre, etc), mit denen jolle „grosse freiheit“ geschrieben hat. Mit ihrem Sound zwischen Indiepop und HipHop trifft sie den Zeitgeist und widmet sich zugleich zeitlosen Themen. Beobachtend und dennoch mittendrin, irgendwo zwischen sich in Regenpfützen spiegelnden Lichtern der Hamburger Nächte und eigenem Kopfkino ist jolle vor allem eines: relatable.
jolle selbst findet folgende Worte zu ihrer Entscheidung für 365XX: "Ich freu mich fies auf alles was kommt - gibt wenig was ich cooler finde, als mehr girls in der musik und 365XX ist full davon."
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hiderto · 1 year
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Manet (...) made copies of 16th- and 17th-century art in order to master its strategies and roamed Paris, which was in a state of rapid change, probing the city's subtlest secrets. He became a flâneur - that new type of man about town later so profoundly analysed by Walter Benjamin. The flâneur accepts the workings of chance. Himself moving in his own irregular way, he is the observer of a world in constant flux. He is attentive but remains uninvolved at heart. He is unprejudiced and does not leap to judgemental conclusions.
In "Impressionist Art 1860-1920", ed. Ingo F. Walther, Taschen Bibliotheca Universalis, pp. 40-41
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tonkibbs · 2 years
Minuet in g major
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Tzschirich came to study in Leipzig in 1729, and became a lawyer in Bitterfeld in 1736. Johann Benjamin Tzschirich was a student in Grimma when he started to copy harpsichord pieces collected by Krause in an album in 1726. Heinrich Raphael Krause was a student in Leipzig from 1720, before becoming cantor in Olbernhau in 1725. A collection of 25 concertos for unaccompanied harpsichord by Petzold was copied as Recueil des XXV Concerts Pour le Clavecin.Georg Philipp Telemann included a harpsichord suite by Petzold in the last five issues of Der getreue Music-Meister.Some of Petzold's harpsichord music appeared in 1729 collections: In Johann Gottfried Walther's Lexicon, published in 1732, Petzold is mentioned as a composer of "good keyboard pieces" ( German: gute. Petzold's harpsichord music įrom the early 1720s Petzold owned a state-of-the-art harpsichord manufactured by Silbermann. ��ach likely intended the simple binary dances contained in Anna Magdalena's notebooks, including the Minuets entered without composer indication, as teaching material, likely rather for his younger children than for his wife. These pieces may have been brought back from Dresden by Johann Sebastian when he visited this city in September 1725. Petzold's Minuets in G major and G minor, BWV Anh. 114 and 115, are the next two entries in the notebook (Nos. 4 and 5). No. 3, the first piece after the two seven-movement Partitas, is a Minuet in F major by an unknown composer (likely not Bach), adopted as No. 113 in the second annex ( German: Anhang, Anh.), that is the annex of doubtful compositions, in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV). Nos. 3 to 11 in the notebook are keyboard pieces written down by Anna Magdalena, likely shortly after she was given the volume. Anna Magdalena Bach likely received the notebook from her husband in the autumn of 1725, as a present for either her birthday (22 September) or their wedding anniversary (3 December). It opened with two harpsichord suites, that is, the Partitas BWV 827 and 830, composed and written down by Johann Sebastian Bach. The second Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach was started in 1725. Petzold died in 1733: as organist of the Sophienkirche he was succeeded by Bach's son Wilhelm Friedemann. Bach gave a concert on that organ when he visited Dresden in September 1725. In 1720, Petzold composed the music for the inauguration of the new Silbermann organ of the Sophienkirche. By the time Johann Sebastian Bach started to visit Dresden, Petzold was well acquainted with several of the city's musicians, including the violinist Johann Georg Pisendel, with whom Bach was also acquainted. In the late 17th century Christian Petzold became organist at the Sophienkirche ( lit. 1.1 In the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach.
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singhgunhouse · 3 years
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niemernuet · 2 years
since you‘ve already done alpine skiing for the fandom character ask game, i‘m gonna ask you to do schwingen 😁 and pls elaborate a bit because i definitely don‘t know enough without that 😅😇🥰
How did I deserve you?? 😭 Thank you so much for your question. This is going to be fun. 😁
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): There is only one! The one and only! *aggressively waves at my icon* Armon Orlik!
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It's the smile! It's the aloofness! It's the blatant scorn against social media! It's the talent coupled with skills and determination! It's the curls that he let grow out during lockdown and cut again for the new season! 😭 It's the fact that he's the only Schwinger who approximatively knows how to wear a suit!
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I want him to be King so bad it's not even funny anymore. Also, he reminds me a bit of Sharl in more than one way: 1. He's his own worst critic, and nobody needs to remind him of his mistakes (quite the opposite). With Sharl it's the "I am stupid" from Baku, and with Armon it's the way he barely held it together after he lost the final round in Zug in 2016 that just makes me want to light the world on fire for them:
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2. The nordostschweiz. Schwingverband is, at times, Ferrari-levels of incompetent and infighting, and whatever success they can celebrate on national levels are more despite the NOSV and not thanks to.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): A very fluctuating position. My OG scrunkly, when the term scrunkly was still one and half decade away from being coined, when tumblr did not exist yet and Schnappi was at the top of the charts, was Willy Graber. He's not a scrunkly anymore, in fact he's retired, but he'll always be my scrunkly. He was always among the smallest wrestlers but that never stopped him.
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Sorry abt the quality. First one is from 2011 (I think) against Grab, second one is from 2019 with Walther at the celebration of his fifth and last eidg. Kranz.
After a long draught, my next scrunkly was Marcel Bieri. He picked up the slack for Zug when Reichmuth crumbled in 2019 and won all his fights on the first day.
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He's had really bad luck with injuries since then, also he's been growing a Gasly-style beard (no picture), which...bby...no...but I still love him. 💖
Now that I'm old and spent, pretty much every baby-faced Neukranzer is my scrunkly. How are they allowed to fight when they're just so smoll?!?!
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Benjamin Gapany. Nobody cares about him bc he's Fribourgeois and doesn't speak German that well. 😔
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): It's Schwingen, they're all obscure in the grand scheme. 🙈
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Joel Wicki. He knows that he's good. Unfortunately for the longest time he didn't know that he wasn't supposed to say it out loud. Tbh in any other sport his self-proclamations would be average, imo they don't sound that different than for example Odi's towards the end of the last season, furthermore they're true bc he usually is the best at every tournament he participates, but Schwingen is all about humility, and saying that you consider your performance good bc you won a fight automatically draws comparisons to Ibrahimovic. 🙄
Also the teamspirit in the Innerschweizer Verband is not the best not existing and it is a wonder he even reached the Schlussgang in Zug. With the exception of Schurtenberger, who kept Armon back (grr...), pretty much nobody helped him in any way.
Also also Stucki is about 20 cm taller and probably 50 kg heavier, and he had to fight him TWICE in Zug, all while carrying the expectations of the entire Innerschweiz.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Nobody, of course. 😂 They do that just fine on their own (see my last point)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): I don't have to send him, he's already in a superhell of his own making: Arnold Forrer, Schwingen's answer to Nico Rosberg. He spent his best years fighting against Abderhalden, and losing every time. He was crowned King in 2001 but he didn't even win then (final round was a draw and the jury declared him the winner), and when Abderhalden retired, he was past his prime. The reason why Nöldi hasn't retired yet is bc he wants to be the first man to win 150 wreaths (Kränze). He's been at 147 for the last three years (two if we're ignoring 2020), and it...does not look good. He's 43, has an artificial hip, and problems with his back...srlsy I can't overstate how impossible that goal is. It also feels so unnecessary, he's already record holder by a wide margin (second-most Kränze is Pellet with 136 and he retired long ago) with nobody in sight to beat him within the next decade. But he just does not want to give up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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databass3 · 4 years
Concept art
Tomma Abts
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Franz Ackermann
Richard Aldrich
Brian Alfred
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Yoshitaka Amano
Ghada Amer
Even Amundsen
Hurvin Anderson
Richard Anderson
Wes Anderson
Tadao Ando
Ida Applebroog
Juan Araujo
Tauba Auerbach
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John Baldessari
Antonio Ballester Moreno
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Darren Bartley
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Borja Buces Renard
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Philippe Decrauzat
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Kaye Donachie
Pierre Dorion
Vladimir Dubossarsky
Marlene Dumas
Geirrod Van Dyke
Cecilia Edefalk
Thomas Eggerer
Tim Eitel
Franz Erhard Walther
Marco Espinosa
Helmut Federle
Roberto Ferri
Eric Fischl
Tom Fox
Moby Francke
Lucian Freud
Bernard Frize
Michael Fullerton
Julio Galan
Jorge Galindo
Ellen Gallagher
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Mario García Torres
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Jennifer Gennari
Nikolay Georgiev
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Studio Laika
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I Nyoman Masriadi
Gbariele di Matteo
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SPA Studios
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Pieter Vermeersch
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Zhang Xiaogang
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thx-lost-yxars · 4 years
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NAME: Adam Ventura but sometimes not.
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5′7′‘
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English of the American Variety. 
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Ocelot { The cat not the character from metal gear solid }
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee { Just one of the reasons for my insomnia. }
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): Captain Benjamin Sisko {Avery Brooks}, Jadzai Dax {Terry Farrel}, Odo {René Auberjonois}, Quark {Armin Shimerman}, Elim Garak {Andrew Robinson}, Gul Dukat {Marc Alaimo} [Star Trek - DS9]  /  Fox Mulder {David Duchovny}, Dana Scully {Gillian Anderson},  Walther Skinner {Mitch Pileggi}, Cigarette Smoking Man {William B. Davis} [X-Files]  /   Paul Kersey {Charles Bronson} [Death Wish]  /   John Reisman {Lee Marvin} [The Dirty Dozen]  /  John McClane {Bruce Willis} [Die Hard] / Indiana Jones {Harrison Ford} [Indiana Jones]  /  Richard III {Ian McKellen} [Richard III 1995]  /  Harry Callahan {Clint Eastwood} [Dirty Harry]  /  Rambo [Sylvester Stallone] [First Blood]  /  The Terminator T800 [Arnold Schwarzenegger], Kyle Reese [Micheal Biehn],   [ Sarah Conner {Linda Hamilton} [The Terminator] /  Ripley {Sigourney Weaver} [Alien]  /  Tony Montana {Al Pacino} [Scarface]  /  Frank Horrigan {Micheal Dorn}, The Master { James Jonah Cummings / Katherine Soucie} [Fallout1/2]  /  Caesar { John Doman }, Robert House {Rene Auberjonois}, Boone {Jason Marsden},   Veronica Santangelo {Felicia Day} [Fallout New Vegas]
DREAM TRIP: I hope to visit Ireland maybe Germany one of these days.
LAST MOVIE SEEN: Creature 1985 { It has Klaus Kinski’s crazy eyes in it!}
SONG ONE: Lazerhawk - Another Chance
SONG TWO: ELO - Hold on Tight to Your Dreams
SONG THREE: Steve Roach - Structures from Silence 
FAVOURITE CANDY: Hersey Chocolate because I’m an “uncultured” American Dog. 
FAVOURITE HOLIDAY(S): Christmas and Fnord!
TAGGED BY :  { Well I’m starting this meme so . . . .} TAGGING :  @daggersandsparks​ , @redheadrecon , @grandzealot​​ , @angrygingerwasteland​​ , @tragicblood​ , @eldermaxscn​ , @wastelnders​​ , @nightwontlast​ , @makeyoucxre​​ , @meadowlarksingingoverhead​ , @america-redefined​​ , @grayfxce​​ , @cloakedinfall​​ , @courierfuckinsix​​ , @thxwxlf​ , @cajunspoons , @deadeyedrifter​ , @skie-the-hybrid​ , @greased-ghoul , @saltyspitfire​​ and anyone or everyone who sees this. { That is not a request. You will be legally forced to do this meme. }
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sabbatumsaeta · 4 years
Pangrams in different languages :)
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu.
(Let the sinful saxophones of devils finally make the hall resonate with the frightful tones of waltz, tango and quickstep.)
Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume.
(Take this old whisky to the blond smoking judge.)
“Fix, Schwyz!” quäkt Jürgen blöd vom Paß
(“Quick, Schwyz!” Jürgen squawks zanily from the pass)
Sic fugiens, dux, zelotypos, quam Karus haberis.
(Thus fleeing, O leader, you are regarded with jealousy like Karus.)
שפן אכל קצת גזר בטעם חסה, ודי
(A hyrax ate some lettuce flavored carrot and that’s it.)
 هلا سكنت بذي ضغثٍ فقد زعموا — شخصت تطلب ظبياً راح مجتازا
(Would you live with the one who made a fuss?)
Quizdeltagerne spiste jordbær med fløde, mens cirkusklovnen Walther spillede på xylofon.
(The quiz contestants ate strawberry with cream while Walter the circus clown played the xylophone.)
Quel fez sghembo copre davanti.
(That slanted fez covers the front.)
Pójdźże, kiń tę chmurność w głąb flaszy!
(Go, cast this melancholy into the depth of a bottle! )
Benjamín pidió una bebida de kiwi y fresa; Noé, sin vergüenza, la más exquisita champaña del menú.
(Benjamin ordered a kiwi and strawberry beverage; Noah, without shame, the most exquisite champagne on the menu.)
Pijamalı hasta yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi.
(The patient in pajamas quickly trusted the swarthy driver. )
키스의 고유조건은 입술끼리 만나야 하고 특별한 기술은 필요치 않다.
(The essential condition for a kiss is that lips meet and there is no special technique required.)  
Eble ĉiu kvazaŭ-deca fuŝĥoraĵo ĝojigos homtipon.
(Maybe every quasi-fitting bungle-choir makes a human type happy. )
.o’i mu xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi
(Watch out, five hungry Soviet-Cows are in the garden! )
Quel fez sghembo copre davanti
(That slanted fez covers the front. )
Source: List of pangrams
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“Freiheit nur für die Anhänger der Regierung, nur für Mitglieder einer Partei – mögen sie noch so zahlreich sein – ist keine Freiheit. Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden.” Rosa Luxemburg
"Ich baller’ in dem Coupé mit 240 über die Bahn! Das ist meine Freiheit!” Karlheinz Grabowski
SAMSTAG 24. NOVEMBER_MUSIK ab 22.00 Elektronische Musik mit: 
Die Maschinerie fordert: Absolute Freiheit. Aber was ist das überhaupt?
„Freiheit ist die Freiheit des anders Denkenden.“ Ein starker Satz. Ein wahrer Satz.  Gelebt wird diese Form der Freiheit meist von Denkern und Kämpfern. Unter diesen finden sich häufiger weibliche Vertreter als Männer, weil diesen die Freiheit quantitativ & qualitativ früher wie heute weniger zukam & zukommt und die Geschichte beweist, daß diejenigen, denen ein positives Recht mit Mitteln der Gewalt vorenthalten wird, es umso energischer für sich und andere proklamieren. Die von den Maschinisten geforderte Absolute Freiheit ist dieser Freiheit fürs Ich und den Anderen sehr ähnlich. Ist sie vielleicht sogar gleich? Wohl kaum.
Die Freiheit stirbt zuletzt? Schwachsinn!
Verschiedene Menschen haben verschiedene Ideen von Freiheit. Viele von diesen Freiheitsideen sind gar nicht rosig, sondern rostig und braun. Und nicht wenige Vertreter anachronistischer Freiheitskonzepte sind wahnhaft darum bemüht, die ihnen angenehme Freiheit druckvoll durchzusetzen. Man denke etwa an Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Die freie Immobilienwirtschaft. Freiwild Bruno aka Genosse Problembär.
Traurig traurig.
Etwas glücklicher verhält es sich hingegen mit der Idee des freien Willens, denn den wollen fast alle modernen Menschen gerne haben. Mit einer Ausnahme. Das Ordnungsamt ist nicht wirklich am freien Willen interessiert, und auch Freiheit wird in den barrierefreien  Fluren der Behördenhäuser eher mit Mel Gibson als mit Menschen in Verbindung gebracht. So steht es jedenfalls in den aktuellen NSA Protokollen über Deutsche Behörden, die der Maschinerie vorliegen. Aber warum ist das so? Vielleicht liegt es an der kollektiven Schranke in den Köpfen der Bediensteten, die ein ordentliches Interesse klar absteckt. Auf der einen Seite: Ordnungsrecht. Auf der anderen Seite: nichts. Und so ist auch nachvollziehbar, daß in Dortmund Obdachlose zur Kasse gebeten werden, wenn sie die Störkraft besitzen, sich Nachts auf einen Parkplatz in Morpheus Schoß zu betten. 20 € fordert das Ordnungsrecht für diese Störung. „[Und] dieses Ordnungsrecht gibt es und das heißt auch: muss vollzogen werden.“, erklärt eine Amtsleitung auf Nachfrage. Klare Sache. Und liegt es nicht absolut im Ermessenspielraum des Penners, rechtzeitig in die Nachtschlafstelle (7 € p.P. im Mehrbettzimmer) oder ein barrierefreies Hotel (ab  55 € p.P. im Einzelzimmer) zu verschwinden?
Schwierig schwierig. 
Wenn der Penner etwa 890 € im Monat erbettelt und davon…
Bevors zu mathematisch wird ist der Maschinenautor hier so frei, zappzarapp das Thema zu wechseln und zur Kunst zu kommen. Und hier kommt die (fast) Absolute Freiheit auch schon wieder ins Boot (staatenlos, leerer Flaggenmast, kein Rettungsring, Anm. d. Red.)
Freiheit der Kunst
Mit der Freiheit der Kunst verhält es sich in den vermögenden europäischen Abendländern in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten sehr gut. Vielleicht kommt der Kunst zu Gute, daß sie divers oder neutral ist, keine Person und sie dazu noch absolut Hitze- & Kälteresistent daherkommt. Und diese wetterfeste, nicht personelle Kunst lässt sich nicht vertreiben. Sie lässt sich nicht einsperren. Die Kunst schert sich nicht um Knöllchen. Kein Gift bringt sie um. Und auch wenn die Kunst – wie Benjamin glaubt - im Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit (3-D Drucker, Kopierer, I-Phone 6) ihrer Aura beraubt ist und man sie am Fließbrand produzieren kann – ist doch geil! Mehr Kunst für alle! Jedem ein Exemplar! Und geht ein Bild kaputt, drucken wir zwei neue aus. Problem erkannt, Problem gelöst. Der Maschinerie sei Dank.
So, genug jetzt. Jetzt gibt‘s lesefrei.
Denn es ist Wochenende und in den Räumen der Maschinerie gab’s in den vergangenen Wochen ordentlich was auf die schwarz-weiß grundierten Betonsteinmauern. Viel Spray, viel Farbe, gerahmte und ungerahmte Kunst, eine Einkaufstüte aus dem Ghetto, ein Boxsack im Büro – eben alles, was das Herz begehrt, die Verfassung (GG) garantiert und im Versicherungsbacksteinbau nicht zu finden ist. Dazu gibt es einen herrlich neuen Sound, Baujahr `82, turbogut – aber mehr wird nicht verraten. Kommt einfach vorbei macht euch ein Bild. Oder zwei. Auch Nickerchen sind erlaubt. Die Maschinerie lässt sich nicht stören, ganz im Gegenteil, die Maschinerie verstört. Und sie ist schön. Sie kann glücklich machen. Und traurig. Warum sie das kann? Weil sie frei ist.
Zum Hafen, zur Kunst, und ab zur Freiheit. Absolut.
Lektüreempfehlung: Benjamin, Walther: Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Blümchen, Benjamin: Benjamin auf dem Baum. Ebd.: Benjamin als Schornsteinfeger. Autoren, diverse: Das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Otto: The last Edition.
Elektronische Musik mit: ALL THE TIME Dj_TEAM
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singhgunhouse · 3 years
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