#wallows lockscreens
noiredits · 2 years
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wallows lockscreens/wallpapers
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mickandmusings · 2 months
you’re losing me
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pairing: tyler owens x f! reader
word count: 5.2k
when tyler, yet again, forgets an important date while he's caught up in chasing, y/n is at her wits end. their relationship feels like it's dying, and he just might have dealt the final blow. after a series of rather unfortunate happenings, it's up to the rest of the wranglers to set them free from the disaster they created.
warnings: ANGST with a capital a; tyler is kind of an ass; halfway edited (sorry); forced proximity; not my most favorite thing i've ever written; sort of suggestive but not explicit
The ticking of the clock on the kitchen wall taunts her, reminding her that time was continuing to pass by. She taps her fingers against the table, her patience fleeting.
Y/N picks up her phone to check it for nearly the twentieth time in the past half hour. She had hoped to look down and see a missed call or an apologetic message from her boyfriend, who, at present, is an hour and a half late for their anniversary dinner. She had the table set for two some time ago: a home cooked meal in the oven, a bottle of white wine to split, and a candle lit in the center of the table. She sported a flowy sundress that tapered off mid-calf-Tyler's favorite dress on her-one that she just knew was going to end up on the floor of their bedroom by now.
Clearly, she'd been mistaken.
She presses the button on the side and the screen illuminates the dimly-lit room. The only thing that greets her is an empty lockscreen- a picture of Tyler smiling down at her as she looks up at him, taken over a year ago. She sighs in annoyance, putting the phone back down as the tear in her heart only grows bigger and bigger. She'd known this would happen, and despite all her efforts to avoid it, he had still forgotten.
She'd started two weeks beforehand, by telling him that she wanted to spend the night of their anniversary with him, alone. He'd agreed, claiming it was a great idea. That night, she put the reminder in his phone calendar and wrote it into the paper one that lived on his fridge. A week before, she'd mentioned it a thousand times: over dinner, during grocery shopping, and even during post-bliss pillow talk. He'd pull her into his arms and kiss her head, assuring her every time that he'd be there with bells on. Naively, she had believed him. Now, she was sitting alone at his dinner table in her prettiest sundress, feeling like a complete fool.
Her phone dings, and she feels the rip in her heart stitch itself back together for a slight moment. When she notices it's not Tyler, her shoulders slump.
The Tornado Wranglers are LIVE! Click here to watch now!
She's quick to click it, watching as it loads before she sees Boone's face in the frame, the top of Tyler's hat visible. Her heart shatters, watching as her boyfriend smiles and hollers for the camera, chasing a storm. She'd known there was a big storm forming for the past few days: when Tyler went out on a chase, she watched the weather as if it were a nail-biting thriller. Hearing him on the livestream had been the first time she'd seen or heard from him all day, despite his promises to be next to her this very moment.
She exits the live and stands from the dinner table, already knowing her boyfriend wouldn't be home any time soon. She blows out the candle and puts the unopened wine back in the kitchen, wrapping the dinner she'd made in tin foil and tossing it into the fridge. Despite her simmering anger, she knew Tyler would come home drenched, so she set out a dry change of clothes and a towel on the washing machine for him to see. Shaking her head, she bit her lip and swallowed thickly as she moved to the en suite bathroom and changed out of the dress, her perfectly curled hair wasted. She throws on her pajamas and her (intentionally not Tyler's) hoodie, climbing into her side of their shared bed. She plugs her phone into the charger and switches on the silent function, not wanting to be bothered as she wallows. Finally, she plops down onto her pillow and curls under the blankets, her annoyance slowly fading into disappointment. She tries to push the tears back, feeling stupid for crying over something so trivial, but it had hurt that he'd forgotten something that was supposed to be important to both of them. She feels asinine, like a dog with a bird at his door, only to be shut out. A choked sob slips past her lips, and she's done for. She curls in on herself, legs to her chest as she cries until her body could no longer take it, and lets her eyes shut for sleep.
Hours later, Tyler stumbles into his house, plopping off his soaking wet boots on the rug at the garage door. He's slightly dry from his ride home, but his clothes still cling to his skin, making him shiver when he walks into the house. He turns to lock the door behind him, shuffling into the laundry room that connected the garage and the house. He puts his wet hat on the hook, peeling out of his sopping shirt and jeans, finding a change of clothes and towel set out for him. He smiled, knowing he'd likely find his girlfriend passed out on the couch with the weather forecast still playing on the screen. He changed quickly, hands itching to pull her into his hold and fall into a deep sleep. As he leaves the laundry room and heads to the kitchen, he notes the dinner table set with placemats and silverware next to them. He gives the set up a confused look before shrugging, tossing back a glass of water before walking towards the living room.
The empty room stops him in his tracks completely. The TV had been shut off, only a black screen staring back at him. There had been no indication that Y/N had been here at all-the blankets were folded neatly into the basket, pillows still upright and straight. He looked for anything-a charger plugged into the wall, her current read on the coffee table, an empty mug-but found no signs of the girl he loved. 'Maybe she had an early night,' his mind tried to grasp an explanation of why she wasn't where she always was when he was out on a chase.
Tyler's hand wipes his face, rubbing his tired eyes as he stomps up the stairs to their shared bedroom. The hallway is cloaked in darkness, and he has to use his phone's flashlight just to make his way to the door. He turns it off when he turns the knob and pushes the door open, not wanting the blinding light to disturb her. He makes out her figure curled into her side of the bed, looking small. He frowns again, it was always guaranteed she'd be curled into his pillow if he was gone, often wrapped in some article of his clothing, if not completely dressed in only his clothes.
Wordlessly, he comes to her side of the bed to kiss her head, checking in to make sure she was okay. Moonlight from the window illuminates her face, and he finds his chest tightening as he looks at her. Tears had dried to her skin, and a frown was etched onto her face, even in her slumber. He pushes hair from her face, finding the strand curled, and kisses her forehead lightly. He pulls the covers over her more, making sure she was entirely tucked in. With a worried frown now marking his own face, he shuffles to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He opens the door and flicks on the light, the sight in front of him bringing his confusion to new heights.
A white sundress stares back at him, sitting crumpled on the counter. The puffy sleeves are deflated, and the slit on the leg had flopped over, exposing the other side of the fabric. This dress only made an appearance for special occasions, mainly because he couldn't keep his hands off of her when she wore it. She'd talked about it for weeks, she was going to wear it on their anniver-he stills-no. Tyler's heart sinks to his feet, hammering against his chest so loudly it rattles his eardrums. There is no way he'd forgotten. The unusual things in his home began to add up, and, with shaking hands, he reaches for his phone and stares down at the photo of her smiling back at him. She's standing in a poncho, drenched, but smiling as she uses her hand to point towards a barreling storm in the distance. Sure enough, in the slew of notifications he'd ignored, sits a calendar reminder:
'Our anniversary date ;) <3'
He plops down on the side of the tub and scrolls through the messages and calls Y/N had left, clicking on the voicemail she'd left, her sweet voice filling his ears:
'Hey Ty, it's almost nine, I just...um, just checking on you. I-I don't know if you're just running late or you forgot, but...I love you, see you soon. Be careful, please. Call me when you get this.'
He pieces it together quickly-the table set up for two, his favorite dress she'd been wearing, her hair curled just to look nice for him-the realization guts him. He had been stupid, so caught up in the thrill of the chase he completely forgot about the one thing that always brought him home. His brain recalls her excitement over the dinner she would cook, and he had planned on bringing flowers and her favorite sweets from that bakery downtown, hoping to charm that dress right off of her. He pushes his damp hair back with his hands, he had fucked up, and royally. The reason she hadn't done the things she normally did when he was gone was because he wasn't supposed to be gone at all.
He breaths deeply before brushing his teeth, sliding into the bed next to her and pulling her close. He'd hold her while he could, because he'd spend the next few days groveling for her forgiveness. He'd wake up early-clean up the dishes from last night, cook her breakfast, do the laundry, pick up groceries for the week. Hell, he'd kiss her fucking feet if it meant she'd forgive him. His eyes shut closed with sleep, and night quickly fades into morning.
Y/N is the first to wake, her skin burning under Tyler's touch. She immediately rolls away from his grasp, and the content look on his sleeping face makes her flame with anger. She rolls her eyes and stomps out of the room, purposefully slamming the door to the bedroom enough to rattle the frames on the walls. The noise jostles Tyler from his sleep, and he sits up in his bed, allowing himself only a minute of solitude before he realizes he's under the dog house.
Quietly, he stomps down the stairs, finding Y/N already standing at the sink, sleeves pushed up as she scrubs at a pot hastily. Her face is drawn into an angry frown, and the air is thick with tension. There's none of her music filtering through the tiny speaker in the window, none of her humming as she works. She's angry, she's hurt, and all she really wants is an apology.
"Mornin'," his voice is raspy, and he awkwardly hovers behind her, watching from a distance as she ignores him. He comes over and lightly grabs her arm, attempting to take over the task. "I can do that, darlin', you go sit at the bar and I'll cook you breakfast, yeah?"
She snatches her arm from his grasp and gives him an unpleasant look, only returning to the dishes in front of her as she shakes her head. He gives a deep sigh, stepping away from her to give her space.
Her silent treatment was always the worst.
"Baby, please, I-I know I fucked up, I'm just trying to make it up to you, let me-"
She lets out an angry laugh, dropping the pot back into the soapy sink with a shake of her head. Her veins fill with a fury she can't control, and she's almost blinded by her rage.
"Fucked up is an understatement, Tyler."
Her angry words were piercing, but at least she was talking.
"Y/N/N, I know, I'm going to make this up to you. I'll-"
"I don't want to hear your lies that I hear every time you mess up, Tyler. You're not going to take time away from chasing, so you can stop feeding me that same lie."
Her honesty stops him in his tracks. He starts to feel defensive, his own anger rising to the surface.
"Just listen-"
The bowl she's cleaning clamors against the other dishes in a loud fashion, making him jump slightly as she turns to face him. Fury is written across her face completely.
"No! You listen! I planned this for weeks, Tyler, weeks! I did everything, the cooking, the cleaning, the waiting around for four fucking hours! All you had to do was show up, and you couldn't even do that."
She swallows thickly, the anger beginning to fester into the sadness she'd been shoving down. Her chest moves in short breaths, and she tries to control her breathing as she looks up at him. He notes her teary eyes-she's not really angry, she's hurting.
"It would've been fine if this was a one off thing, but it isn't. You and I both know that." Her voice is lacking the fire it once had, replaced with a wave of vulnerability she rarely lets show. She pauses and wipes her hands with the kitchen towel in her hands. Her eyes dart across the room in thought, never meeting his. "First it was my birthday, and then not just one, but two dates, and now this. Every other time I just let it go, not wanting to start anything, but I can't anymore, because it just keeps happening. Tyler, I love you, but you're breaking my heart."
Her bottom lip wobbles as she takes a deep breath and straightens her shoulders, trying to have a conversation with the man she was begging to love her the way she loved him.
"I'm not asking you to give it up, I'm just asking for one day, maybe every couple weeks? I feel like I sleep next to you but I never see you, and-," her eyebrows furrow before she takes a defensive step back, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just don't want to have to beg you to want to spend time with me."
Tyler's heart shatters. He fumbles to come up with the right words, knowing the wrong ones could ruin everything. He loved her immeasurably, and he'd been so goddamn blind. His mind raced with the dozens of things she does for him without being asked-making sure he had dry clothes after chasing, ensuring he had a decent meal every time he came home, tens upon hundreds of tiny actions that he had taken for granted. When was the last time he'd done something like that for her? The one time she had asked him, weeks in advance, to save a day for her, he had neglected it completely, unintentionally or not.
She looks down at her feet, feeling so incredibly small, invisible, like the man in front of her can't see her at all. She was tired of trying to keep their relationship alive all on her own. She wasn't in denial that Tyler loved her, she knew he did, but the last few months had felt as if he hardly remembered she was there. Her anxiety spirals-did he really love her, or was she just convenient for him?
"I know that chasing is important to you, and I love seeing you do it, but it always comes before me. I just want to know, will I ever come first?" Her voice is so, so hurt, and the girl he knows has withered away. The only thing that remains is the shell of her in front of him, pleading for him to just notice her. "It's okay if not, I-I just need to know. Because I can't keep having this fight, just tell me the truth so if the answer is no, I can move on."
Tyler's heart hammers, his own insecurity flaring.
"W-What? No, no, chasin' doesn't come before you, ever. Y-You know that."
She gives him a doubtful look.
"You do know that right?"
"Tyler, name one time that you've dropped everything from chasing a storm to do something for me?"
She stands leaned against the counter, arms crossed in front of her. His mind cannot conjure one situation, and he knows she's right, he'd never put her first. Not once. He had missed her birthday party just last month for a big storm over in Kansas, on his own. The rest of the Wranglers had even cancelled to be there for her. Both Boone and Lilly both had called him from the party to reprimand him, and he'd stayed anyways. Then he'd done it again, twice, just two weeks later. Each time, she'd forgiven him with open arms, never fighting him on it, simply accepting his lie that he'd never do it again.
She simply nods, waiting to see how long it would take Tyler to realize just how miserable this had been for her. He grows defensive, trying to make excuses for his actions.
"That storm in Kansas, w-we haven't seen a storm that scale since-"
"Tyler, save it," she starts, her voice growing an edge. "You answered my question, that's all I needed to know."
He watches as she literally and metaphorically throws in the towel, a somber look written across her face.
“I-I need some air.”
She says nothing else, only sliding on her shoes and slipping out the garage door. He expects to hear the jangling of her keys and then the roar of her car’s engine, but neither come-she’d taken out on foot.
Tyler ignores the rush of tears that threatened to spill from behind his eyes, his chest so full of guilt it feels like he might combust from one single sob. He stews in his emotions as he resumes the task she'd started-at least when she got back, the dishes would be one less thing for her to worry about. As his hands scrubbed at various pots and pans, he thought about the thousands of things he wanted to do to show her that he was serious. He wanted to run after her, to pull her back into his house, but he knew she needed her space, time away from him to think. Tyler wrestles with his emotions, knowing this could very well be the end of them, and it'd be his fault entirely. He'd let the best thing in his life slip entirely out of his grasp, all because he'd had his head in the clouds. It had been obvious to everyone around him, except him. How had he been so blind to her anguish?
He moves around the kitchen in complete silence, only the rattle of the dishes he's putting away filling his ears. He ponders over the dark hue forming across the sky, wishing Y/N had taken a jacket or an umbrella with her. He wonders if he should call her, just to tell her that he could leave while she stayed here, he didn't want her in the rain. He doesn't overthink it and pulls up her contact, letting it ring before he hears vibrating. His eyes turn to the direction of the noise.
She'd left her phone here.
He turns his attention to the slew of missed messages on his own phone. Just twenty minutes ago, Dexter had texted him about a storm forming just miles from his home. The messages after were from Dani, Boone, and Lilly, all asking if he and Y/N were okay. His eyebrows pinched and he frowned, about to respond with a question mark before he heard the shrill ring of the tornado siren outside his window. His eyes glance up to see a darkening sky, heavy clouds sitting low in the sky.
He tosses his phone into his pocket before he's pulling on his still-wet boots and bolting out his garage door. A tornado was minutes from hitting here, and his girlfriend was wandering around aimlessly. She couldn't have gone far, his house sat miles from town, the only neighbors being a relatively empty home the next street over-the family only visited during the winter months, they paid him handsomely to keep their grass cut when they weren't in town-so he knew that she wouldn't have anyone to look out for her. His boots clicked on asphalt, his voice hoarse as he yelled after her, her name falling desperately from his lips as the wind whipped around his face.
With no signs of her appearing, his heart began to hammer against his chest. Rain began to pelt his clothes and it only urged his aching legs to move faster. His mind conjures images he fears-her stuck under a collapsed tree or shed, left for dead because he'd been stupid. They urged him to the neighbor's house, chest searing with anxiety as he heaved, still not seeing anything-no flashes of the simple dress she'd been wearing, or the cardigan she'd wore over it tossed somewhere. Before his brain could stop him, he was pulling the spare key from under the mat, all but trespassing into his neighbor's home, shouting her name. Nothing.
He slams the door, running a hand through his hair as he begins to panic. His chest feels tight, his mind growing fuzzy with the thought of her being out in this storm alone. The air only grows more thick, and a crack of lightning startles him. It sends him into taking off on foot in their backyard, even slinging open the door of the storm shelter to see if she'd hid there. It was empty, making him let out a string of curses to the sky.
Then, he hears her voice. He almost thinks he's imagining it, her tone is sweet and gentle, and he thinks he's losing his mind.
"Hey, it's okay little guy."
It's the voice he knows well-the voice she uses for animals and babies. His jade eyes turn to see her hair blowing in the wind, her dress wet from the weather. She's crouched down and attempting to move a stack of firewood from the neighbors yard, her eyes on alert she hears Tyler's footsteps crunch the ground behind her. She whips around, looking at him.
"Tyler, help me, there's a rabbit, he's stuck."
Tyler looks at her with wide eyes. His voice is loud over the sirens blaring in the air and the wind whipping.
"Darlin', there's a big ass storm coming right for us! Leave it! We gotta get down, now!"
Her eyes are fiery when she turns back to look at him.
"Then leave, but I'm not leaving him here!"
Her hands hastily moved large pieces of firewood, getting more and more drenched. She lifts a particularly heavy one and throws it across the grass.
"If you're just going to stand there and not help, then go! I don't need you hovering because you care all of a sudden!"
Tyler's heart shatters, she thought he didn't care? Of course he cared, but he was more concerned with keeping her safe. He sighs at her stubbornness, moving to help lift the firewood at a faster pace. She lifts a particularly stubborn piece, drawing her hand back quickly with a soft 'fuck!' He tosses her a concerned look but moves on working to get the firewood moved. His muscle flexes as Tyler throws the piece caging the animal in and watches as it bolts towards the treeline. He slings an arm around her shoulder as the roar of the storm grows closer, all but manhandling her into the storm shelter he'd just looked in. It wasn't shabby by any means, well stocked and clean, but small. He shuts the door with a grunt, turning to face her and watching as she digs through a first aid kit.
"What're you doin'?"
She says nothing, only sticking out her right hand for him to see. It's bleeding from a cut, tiny pieces of wood protruding from around it.
"Shit, baby," he moves to grab the kit from her. "Stop, just stop tryin' to do it on your own, it's only going to get worse."
She stills, looking up at him with dagger-like eyes.
"Look, you did your job. I'm safe here, you can go."
Go? Where the hell did she think he was going?
"I know you're itching to go chase it, it's probably going to be a big one."
"You think I'm going to leave you here alone to go chase this thing?"
She shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first time."
It's his turn to look offended, even though he shouldn't be. She was only speaking the truth. He knows he would be quick to defend himself, but he doesn't, knowing the hurt he'd bestowed upon her just hours beforehand. He lightly tugs the kit away from her, giving the soft, sympathetic eyes that had her hardened heart melting. He makes quiet work of removing the shards of wood, and moves to clean it with the tiny bottle of rubbing alcohol. She winces when it makes contact with the open wound, but a sweet kiss to her temple has her distracted as he finishes bandaging it. When he looks down at her, he finds her eyes already looking up at him. The look she gives him begs him to say something, to just apologize and say he'd do better, and actually mean it this time. He opens his mouth to speak, but it's cut off by a boisterous slam to the shelter door, one that startles Y/N, and she slides into his hold without thinking.
"What the hell was that?!" Her voice trembles.
"I don't know." He doesn't want to move her from his arms, but he needs to see what's going on. He kisses her temple again, setting her on the twin sized mattress that sat on the ground. He makes his way up the stairs of the shelter, moving to push the door open. He knows it's a stupid, risky move, but he does it anyway.
He pushes it forward, the door not even budging. He frowns, moving positions to put his entire body weight on the door, and the door remains shut. He pushes with his entire strength multiple times, before his mind draws a conclusion.
"It's probably a tree or somethin'," He sighs as he steps away from the door. "Probably got knocked down by the wind, fell over on top of the door."
"So we're trapped here?"
"For the time being, yes," He starts, coming to sit down next to her, her head resting on his shoulder. "But I'll get in touch with Dexter and Dani, maybe Boone too. See if one of them can get a truck out here and move it. We'll have to wait for this storm to pass though."
He fishes out his phone and begins to type, his eyes darting across the screen before Dexter's typing bubble finally forms into a message.
'We'll be there as soon as this storm settles!'
Y/N nods when he shows her the message, moving to rest her head on his chest, her heart racing. Without a word, he pulls her into his lap, his eyes now focused on her bandaged hand. She notes his concern quickly.
"It's fine, doesn't even really hurt. Just stings."
He shakes his head.
"Doesn't matter. You got hurt, again, because I did somethin' dumb as hell. Seems like all I've done for the past few months is hurt you. M'sorry, I really am. I fucked up, and I'm prepared to grovel for it."
She nods, biting her lip as she pushes a section of wet hair out of his face.
"You did, but that doesn't mean you can't fix it. Just, this time, promise you'll actually do what you say you will. Don't let it be empty words."
He makes an 'X' motion over the center of his chest-cross my heart-and watches as a small smile forms across her face. He notes it's genuine nature and it forms a smile of his own across his face.
He pulls her head softly under his chin, moving his face to where he's whispering directly into her ear. She leans into his warmth, still shivering from her damp clothes.
"I love you," his voice is a sincere whisper, laced with every ounce of emotion he can muster. She kisses the underside of his jaw, making him close his eyes and sigh.
"I know. I love you too, even when you really piss me off."
He lets out a chuckle, kissing behind her ear, a spot that makes her entire frame stiffen in his hold. He places another one just under it, making her pull away for a moment.
"You're playing with fire, Owens. What are you gonna do, take me on this twin mattress on the floor?"
Her voice is laced with sarcasm and humor, completely joking. One look in his now emerald green irises tells her he wasn't joking, not one ounce of him thought it was a joke.
"Well, might as well start my grovelin' as quickly as possible, got a lot to catch up on." He kisses the spot again, making her hand fly to his damp hair. "And I haven't done this in far too long."
His hands come to her hips, pulling her in even closer in his lap. His calloused hands land on her ass, and she yelps.
“Ty, you can’t be serious.”
He sends her a raised eyebrow. His hand squeezes the supple skin of her bottom.
“Baby,” his voice is just above a whisper, deathly serious, his gaze darkening. “When have I ever joked about taking you any time, any place?"
Y/N shudders. "Never."
"That's what I thought."
His lips connect with hers in a rough manner, effectively shutting her up.
A few hours later, as Y/N lies across Tyler's chest, her dress tossed somewhere, she's awoken by a sharp knock at the shelter door.
"T? Y/N/N? Hey, we're here. We're gonna get this tree off of y'all!" Boone's voice fills her ears and she all but scrambles up, face flushed red with embarrassment at the thought of them walking into the shelter to see her and Tyler both bare. Tyler only snoozes and turns over, and she rolls her eyes, he'd sleep through a hurricane-literally. She grabs his shirt and lightly pops him with it.
"Tyler!" She whispers-shouts, quickly buttoning up the front of her dress she'd found on the floor. His jade eyes pop open, shuffling off the blanket that had been draped across him for his modesty.
"Hm, what?" His voice comes out groggy.
"Get up, get dressed, they're here!" She throws her cardigan back on her shoulders as she tosses his jeans over to him, his belt buckle just missing his head. Tyler rubs his eyes tiredly, not quite awake enough for him to care about being completely naked.
Y/N turns to him to fuss, but she's cut off at the creaking of the storm shelter's door opening. She stills, face burning from a hot blush. From above ground, Boone, Dani and Dexter look down at them, the latter two jaws dropping and darting their eyes away. Boone clocks Tyler and swallows thickly.
"Ty, man, I am seein' entirely way too much of you right now."
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
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Request: hey girl can u please make a smut or a fan fic abt amir Richardson he is so fine and theres literally nothing abt him on the internet yet😭 tyy
Warnings: none
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“She’s super nice, man! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Super nice and way out of my league! Fucking look at her, dude!” Amir whisper-shouts as the group all take it in turns to take a glance at you in your friend group.
It was a tough pill to swallow but Amir had a point. At 13 he had expected to have finally started showing his dad’s genes: a growth spurt that he felt he very much needed. He was the son of a star basketball player yet one of the smallest in the grade and he hated it. The thing he hated most was the fact that he stood no chance with you. There was no way in hell you would even spare him a glance so he supposed he just had to wallow in his misery.
Basketball certainly wasn’t an option for him so he looked to other options. You once again worm your way into his mind and he remembers something. one of his few interactions with you. 
“Oh hey you left your phone!” He calls out as you’re about to walk away. It was the end of the day and the last thing you needed was to let your phone hang around overnight and lose it.
As he picks it up, he gets to glance at your lockscreen and he’s intrigued. Number 22: Ziyech. He didn’t take you for a football fam but he sure as hell welcomed it. Of course you were cool like that.
He doesn’t have much time to think it over before you turn around and he can feel his heart in his throat at the sight of you. He’s fighting the urge to run away from you because the way you made him feel just wasn’t normal. Oh god you were smiling at him. Think, Amir! Think!
“Thank you so much! I bet I wouldn’t have seen it again if it stayed overnight!” You joke. You couldn’t help but take some enjoyment in his nervous giggles. He really was such a sweetheart but you didn’t want to scare him off. He was shy enough as it was so you thought it would be best to leave him be. 
“Sooooo… Hakim Ziyech?” 
“He’s not Messi but he’ll always be my favourite ever!” You gush, forgetting that you had to get going and continuing to elaborate on your love for the Ajax star. He listened to every word with a smile because he loved seeing you so engrossed and passionate. 
Amir treasured that memory with everything he had. His first of very few interactions with you. He’d somehow managed to keep up with you to the extent where he was getting almost as excited about it as you were. With every question he could see your eyes brighten up, your smile grew wider and you got a little bit louder. 
And that was that. He would try his luck at football. He gathered from your conversations with him that height wasn’t an important factor at all for the attacking positions. Sometimes even the opposite was true. Even his friends were hyping him up for it: he was physically fit enough, quick, a good decision-maker. He may have needed a little work on the ball but he would get there.
He spent hours on the internet looking for tutorials on the simple stuff, getting his friends to help him out and his parents gladly got him everything he needed. His dad supposed that if basketball wasn’t the path, some other sport would have to do.
When he got his chance to try out, he was a little bit messy; made some mistakes but he thought he’d done okay overall. And indeed he did: a place on his school team. Sure, it was as a 3rd choice midfielder but he supposed it would have to do for now.
Although when he had told you about it, he may have omitted the 3rd choice part. On complete accident of course. So when the day of his first match does roll around, he’s a little nervous to say the least. 
It gets to the week before and you’re of course buzzing more than he is.
“This is so exciting! You’re going to become a superstar, I just know it!” you exclaimed, jumping up and down and he could only smile.
“I don’t know about that…” he scratches the back of his head, looking around awkwardly and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Come on! You never know who’s around the corner in these things. They have to get them from somewhere, no?”
“Yeah like Brazil and England maybe! Why would they even think of looking in the land of ‘soccer’ ?!”
“It’s a huge talent pool! You gotta have a little faith and even then, I have more than enough for the both of us!” you bounce up and down on your toes and all he can do is smile. He’s been in love with you for longer than he can remember and here you are at one of his matches, buzzing with excitement at the idea of supporting HIM. How had he managed this one?
Warming up wasn’t much of a priority for him today since he wasn't even expecting to be on the field. So he’d spent a good amount of time simply searching for you on the bleachers. When he finally finds you among the crowd, you’re too busy talking to your friends to notice so he’s happy to just keep his eyes on you. He’s nowhere near as chatty as he usually is and the lack of snarky comments thrown in their way has his friends confused so they all take a second to see where he’s looking and of course they spot you.
“Damn did you invite her?!”
“She would have probably come anyway” he defends but to no avail.
“Nah man, respectfully I don’t think this is the kind of soccer she’s into, you know?”
They all nod in agreement and all Amir can do is desperately avoid any eye contact. Yes, he had invited you here but he didn’t need to be fed delusions about what it meant. 
“Damn bro, I thought you said she was out of your league…” his friend nudges him while the rest snicker. All out of love and relief of course. They’d watch their friend fawn over you for too long so seeing things finally move forward was a huge deal to all of them.
They can’t help but tease him further, all frantically waving and yelling in your general direction while Amir scrambles to stop them. But alas it's already too late and you’re gazing down at the group, eyes specifically on Amir as you smile and wave. He wasn’t nervous before, not like he was playing anyway, but now… he felt like he had to do something. Make you proud. You had given him the idea to try football after all. You had all this faith in him.
He wasn’t feeling anything like this before. The bench was comfortable but he only grew more antsy as the minutes ticked on. Did he seriously invite you here to watch him twiddle his thumbs? Embarrassing. 
But with some perfect timing, he sees his coach beckon him over. His teammates push him off the bench when he takes a little too long to react and against all odds, he’s going on. His 45 minutes to shine. His eyes blur as he runs into position and forgets to look up for you but you’re visibly ecstatic. Your own friends are teasing you for how fond you were over him.
He was nervous beyond anything he could express but he did everything he could to channel that into his game. It felt like a make-or-break in more ways than one, that was for sure. 
It was like a dream. It felt so easy, almost too easy. It was as if… no. He was doing well. And he simply couldn’t believe it. The minutes flew by and he only got more and more confident. He couldn’t even bring himself to care when his teammates were wasting his chances. Because at the end of the day, they were still HIS chances. 5 of them on his debut + some solid dribbles and tackles wasn’t bad at all.
Sure, they had lost. And by a slightly embarrassing margin but all he really cared about was that HE had done well. He had to have impressed you and that was the only thing that was on his mind as he searched for you, finally being able to find you as you made your way over to him.
He could care less about his friends snickering and hollering as he made his own way over, marching towards you as quickly as he could without going into a full-on sprint. Although he was tempted.
He knew you were going to be proud of him but he certainly didn’t expect you to throw yourself at him for a hug. Nearly knocked him off his feet but he manages to recover quickly enough and wrap his arms around you lightly. 
“I knew you could do it, see! You were amazing out there!” oh god his heart was back to being in his throat so he has to choke out his next words.
“I mean it’s only my first game, could be a purple patch for all we know…” you detach yourself from the hug too soon for his liking.
“Absolutely not, you’re gonna go big soon I just know it!” 
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He thinks back to your words quite regularly. You couldn’t have had any idea at the time just how right you were. You sounded so delusional back then, like you were just telling him what he wanted to hear. 
But years on, he’s finally reached that growth spurt that he had been praying for all the time ago and he has an agent negotiating with multiple clubs for him. And the best part of it all was that you were still by his side, seeing the fruits of your delusions coming alive. Not a hint of surprise on your end, you were always so sure of him.
Perhaps the only downside was that in spite of his newfound confidence, he was still stuck in that friendship stage with you. He had gained a lot more *attention* over the years but he still only had eyes for you. You still made him so fucking nervous but he had gotten better at composing himself. He had even gotten a little flirty, now being the one to make you all nervous and blushy. And he revelled in every second of it.
“I have something for you!” he reveals as he catches up with you in the corridor. He’s clutching his jersey in his hands.
“Isn’t that going to be a little big on me?” you tease, still taking it from his hands as he rolls his eyes.
“Oh please! You would look amazing in anything, especially one of my jerseys.” he says matter-of-factly and you can only blush.
“You should wear it to my match on Sunday!” you narrow your eyes to challenge him before he elaborates.
“Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase! It’ll be all the moral support I need. All you have to do is sit pretty!” He tries to bargain but he knows that you would always be there to support him no matter what. He would drop everything to do the same for you as well. 
The interaction doesn’t happen too far away from his friends' lockers and they’re all eager to know whether he’s finally made a solid move.
“Just making sure she’s coming on Sunday! You can calm down!” Amir rolls his eyes, refusing to make eye contact with anyone as he pretends to go through his locker.
“Is that your jersey in her hand?” 
“Yeah I mean she is my best friend, totally normal stuff.”
“Well it would be if you still weren’t madly in love with her. Dude, it's been 4 years. She liked you when you were 5’3 for fucks sake. What makes you think she's switched up when you’re pushing to 6’2?!” 
“Yeah, she sees me as a friend! No need to complicate things!”
“Whatever, man.”
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Even further on, more years later and somehow you’re still there supporting him. You had to do it from afar for a good while but the affection hadn’t died at all. You couldn’t be prouder of each other as you fulfilled your dreams. Time would bring you back together eventually, he was sure of that.
An excruciating couple of years apart but he was beyond grateful that he had you there, in person, to support him in the biggest moment in his career so far. Now all he had to do was win. Make the long flight and scheduling all worth your while. Something was also telling him that this would be his chance. He had been waiting for the right moment long enough and he just knew that winning today would be just the confidence boost he needed.
It seemed like a pretty easy task, they had flown through the tournament thus far like it was nothing. He was certainly on his best form and he had looked forward to an excited facetime call at the end of every victory. 
That didn’t feel as certain today though. Things were tough. Much tougher than previous matches and although the whole team were made aware of it before, it was still a shock to the system.
Even with every single white shirt turning into a defender trying to knock him down, trying to intimidate him, he only had one thing on his mind. He didn’t just want to win. He NEEDED to win. He’s been dreaming of the perfect moment for years. He brought you all the way over to Rabat to watch him just like old times. It was so close, he could taste it. 
All they needed was an equaliser. And when the equaliser finally came they needed one more goal to hit it home. Egypt’s best off the pitch, down to 10 men. They HAD to win it now. 
You were just as nervous as he was; heart in your throat, shaky hands. It was a moment you had seen him work his ass off for and you wanted nothing but success for him. An international trophy at 21 felt like the perfect climax to his career thus far. 
Although he had a very clear mind as to where he wanted to stand with you, you had resigned to the friendship role a long time ago. There was a point in time at which you really thought he liked you. Everyone did at the time but with all the girls after him and a lack of movement on his end, you supposed that you were maybe imagining things. Or even worse, that feelings had faded on his end. You didn’t like to consider that possibility at all, it made you sick to your stomach.
He still meant the world to you so of course you couldn’t let him go like that but you always looked back with disappointment. You told yourself that you were more than happy to be his friend, and that the feelings would eventually fade. Yet no other guy made you feel the way he did. No one ever compared to him. You cursed him for the way he raised your standards so high as a mere friend, for the way he always lingered in your mind as the one who got away. 
None of that mattered in the moment because the way the stadium erupted upon the much awaited 2nd goal to put Morocco in the lead. You could feel your eyes well up with tears. Only 15 minutes on the clock and your Amir would be crowned a champion. You always knew. Even if he didn’t, even when it felt so far-fetched and fictional you always knew. Your Amir, your superstar. 
The 15 minutes feel like 15 years and your heart doesn’t slow down in that time until you finally hear that whistle. The noise of the stadium has you almost dizzy and the welled up tears start cascading down your face as reality kicks in. Champions of Africa.
You don’t even have time to think before you start sprinting down the steps and towards the pitch, pass in hand so you could get in as quickly as possible. Amir is already looking around for you so he catches sight of you quickly and begins his sprint towards you too.
The collision is heavy but thankfully he’s strong enough and manages to catch you in his arms mid-jump. You bury your face in his neck as he spins you around. Your head is spinning when he puts you down so you’re grateful for the way he brings you in for another hug, feet on the ground this time. You can only breathe out in relief as you gently squeeze your arms around him and run your hands over the expanse of his back. He reciprocates with a squeeze of your waist and a small kiss to the top of your head.
“I guess you were right.” he laughs. You look up at him, a silent request to elaborate.
“About the whole ‘superstar’ thing, remember? I mean you’re the smartest person I know but telling the future?! You’re something else!” 
You go to respond until you’re interrupted.
“Oh so here’s the happy couple!” none other than the captain chimes in, throwing an arm over Amir as you break the hug.
“You know, Amir has told us all about you!” he tells you loudly and Amir’s eyes widen. You can only smile and blush a little at his implication. Abde only ever joked but the idea of you meaning something more to Amir put butterflies in your tummy.
“I’ve mentioned you a couple times.” he attempts to clarify, shaking his head dismissively.
“HA! That’s such a lie and you know it! He doesn’t shut up, he’s basically obsessed with you I swear-” Amir manages to get a hand over his mouth before he can reveal any more incriminating information.
He manages to drag Abde away and gets a chance to give you a quick hug and a kiss to your forehead as a goodbye before leaving to go with him, reminding you of where to go once the trophy ceremony was over. He puts a thumbs up as you yell a reminder to him to get a photo with the trophy. The locker room celebrations awaited him and they always took a good while. He knew you hadn’t eaten much so he hoped you could grab a little bite to eat while you were there.
Once you’re out of earshot and walking away, he takes his chance to scold his friend.
“Seriously, dude?!” 
“What?! I thought I could speed things up, you can’t let this shit drag on forever, you’re only gonna start resenting each other and grow old and miserable. This is boring as fuck, just man up and tell her because it’s so obvious that you’re made for eachother it’s funny!” Abde shakes his head, walking off and jumpscaring another fellow teammate. Stupid antics aside, the captain had some wise words about him, Amir had to admit. His doubts still lingered and he still felt a desire to preserve the friendship he had built with you, keep it safe from anything and everything that could jeopardise it.
You were proud beyond words. The tears came quickly as you watched him receive his gold medal. You had seen him every step of the way. And even though you didn’t know it, you were the reason he picked the damn sport in the first place. His true passion and calling. Amidst the pride and joy, you still felt a pang in your heart. Years of supporting each other and the idea of your love being limited to a friendship hurt. You caught the way he used to look at you quite often. You, yourself, genuinely believed that he liked you yet years on and one giant growth spurt later, you wondered whether maybe he had lost interest along the way; with his newfound confidence and much larger dating pool. Some of those girls were true stunners and you made it a point to never stare as he conversed with them. It would only break your heart. The real shame was that if you had looked, you would see him reject them as kindly as he could. You would see them walk away slightly peeved and you would see him looking right back at you. Because even with everything that had happened, it still was and would always be you. But your attempts at hiding away and protecting yourself prevented you from seeing the obvious. 
Your back is to him when he comes to find you. The locker room celebrations finally over. He tried his best to not show his impatience in the locker room but they all knew. So he was not-so-forcefully kicked out so he could go to the one person he actually wanted to be around. 
He’s glad to see you eating and looking lively as you talked with some of the other family members that were there. He takes a moment to get a proper look at you while you still hadn’t noticed him. You were only wearing one of his jerseys and some baggy jeans but you still looked angelic to him. He knew you were tired beyond belief, your head probably pounding from the noise of the stadium but you still found it within yourself to smile with your eyes and light up the room like he’d always known you to do. Exhausted but still made those around you smile and chuckle. Your energy and beauty was apparent no matter what and he couldn’t get enough of you. His perception of you hadn’t changed since he was a kid, in fact they had probably only intensified. Even when he had girls fawning over him, his own friends telling him that he was now within your league he still felt so unworthy. Every glance in his direction, every smile, every word spoken, text sent felt like a Godsend. Come to think of it, he never really let himself think like this before, he pushed it away for the sake of preserving the friendship. So he could keep you in the only way he felt he deserved. 
At that very moment, the idea of staying only as your friend sounded like a version of hell. He needed more. All of a sudden, the urge to confront his feelings for you head on had grown stronger. He LOVED you. He wasn’t sure how he had managed to push the reality away for so long but it was so clear now. And you needed to know. 
He makes his way over, slightly speed-walking because he feared he would lose his nerve if he waited even a minute longer. It takes a little tap on your shoulder for you to finally notice him and the people you were talking to take it as their sign to walk away as you turn around. You immediately wrap your arms around him in a tight hug with your head on his chest. He hoped to god you couldn’t feel the way it was hammering away. You could tell when he was nervous without that but he hoped that somehow you hadn’t picked up on it this once. He reciprocates with the same love and enthusiasm, lifting you up slightly as you squeal. You don’t seem to be letting go of the hug any time soon so he opts to whisper in your ear.
“Can we talk somewhere quieter?” you reluctantly remove your head from his chest as you look up at him, slight concern in your eyes.
“Everything okay?” he nods vigorously, unravelling himself from your arms, holding your hand gently as he guides you away to a quiet balcony. 
It felt like destiny here. The cool, crisp air. Clear night sky, stars twinkling and the moon radiant as ever. It was a beautiful scene but you were still the one he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. He takes a second to get one more proper look at you before he begins.
He takes both of your hands in his and you now feel your heart starting to beat faster. You look down at where their intertwined as a way of avoiding those bambi eyes of his. The way yours looked so much smaller in his. The warmth soothing your cold fingertips and the nails that you had manicured the night before, much to his dismay.
“You’ve been there since I could barely kick a ball, you know?” he squeezes your hands gently, a small smile on his face as he recalls your first encounter. You finally look up at him, giving him a small cute one in return.
“You told me I was going to make it big even then, how did you know?”
“Entuition and delusion, love.” you joke and he chuckles a little, dropping his head down to calm himself before finally getting his confession out.
“It feels kind of like a soulmate thing, you know?” 
“Well yeah we’re best friends for life, aren’t we?”
“Sure but I was thinking of a different kind of soulmate…”
“I don’t follow…”
“I love you, in a soulmate way. You’ve been the light of my life since all the way back then and that hasn’t changed now. It just feels like we’re not just supposed to be best friends, you know?”
“Amir please…”
“I’m in love with you. Like pathetically and hopelessly in love. I don’t think I can do ‘just best friends’ anymore because I’ve always seen you beyond that…” he physically couldn’t get anymore words out so he hoped that would do and he could feel his heart ready to burst from his chest as he waited for your response.
The silence was loud, all-encompassing, almost suffocating and it felt like time had stopped as you tried to figure out what to say. He could see the cogs turning in your mind yet he had no idea what kind of reply awaited him. 
He’s perhaps a little too far in his own head because all of a sudden he feels one of your hands leave his and make its way to the back of his head. He was still trying to process things so his vision was all a blur. The next thing he feels is the greatest surprise. A soft pair of lips on his, like flower petals. Delicate and smooth and so so sweet and addicting. He freezes for a second, asking himself whether this was reality or not. It felt like one of his dreams, his mind was floating as the joy overtook him.
The hand still intertwined with yours lets go and find purchase on your waist, giving a light squeeze as he returns the kiss. It was so soft and gentle that it almost felt as if you weren’t there. Feathlight, perhaps still a little uncertain so he leans forward to deepen it. It was definitely real. He was still floating but it was real. And he couldn’t be more excited.
You take your time with the kiss, doing everything you could to make the moment last and you only part for breath, faces still only a few centimetres away.
“I love you too…” you whisper, still slightly breathless and panting from the previous events. You can only look into his eyes for a second before getting shy and hiding your head under his chin again. 
“Your heart is going at like 80 a minute you know? You should get it checked out.” you joke and he gently pinches your side.
“Can you blame me?” You both laugh together, content in each other's arms, staring out at the Rabat skyline and admiring the twinkling stars.
The moment is interrupted by an audience that Amir maybe should have expected. Of course his teammates arrive to finally witness it.
“It took you lovebirds long enough goddamn! Thought we would be stuck listening to him droning on for years to come, fucking idiot.” Abde shakes his head while the others cackle. You can only blush while Amir gives them as stern a look as he could manage. 
They finally leave after a couple more minutes of them berating him for waiting this long and your small breathy laughs turn into full-on giggles as you learn the true extent of his love. Looking back, you had both been a bit stupid. So scared of nothing when things were so blatantly obvious. But better late than never, you supposed. You finally had each other. You didn’t have time to think about the wasted years as you looked forward to what was ahead. Mutual feelings out in the open: shared passions and desire, a level of love and respect that spanned 8 beautiful years, excitement for the future. As if Amir’s night couldn’t get any better he finally had the prize he had been wanting from the very beginning. His CAN trophy and medal were great but he finally had you. Not just a best friend but a lover. 
You stay in your places for a while, continuing to admire the sky before turning to look at each other again. You narrow your eyes at the cheeky smile that makes its way onto his face.
“What are you looking at?” he doesn’t say a word, taking your breath away with yet another, slightly more desperate kiss which you’re quick to reciprocate. You both smile into it as you soak in the relief of the moment. Years of pining and he was finally yours, your superstar.
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Again, very long overdue lmfao. I know the Amir hype has died down significantly since the U23 CAN but i still adore him so i hope u guys like this too <3
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incubum · 1 year
okay so hear me out -
one night (post-s1 pre-s2) richie is sitting in a bench down by the pier having a teeny tiny existential crisis reading the book he told carmy about in ep1. a crying or maybe cried-out woman comes to sit next to him and after couple minutes of very awkward silence he asks her if she’s doing okay and regrets it very quickly because she is/was crying for fuck’s sake obviously she’s not okay. fortunately the question doesn’t backfire and she’s actually grateful cause she’s got so much bottled up so everything just sort of spills out. at the end of her rant she’s kind of embarrassed that she’s bothering this complete stranger with her whining but richie, who was also having a night full of self-pity himself, is feeling rather sympathetic and takes a chance on this strange woman and trauma-dumps in return. they spend the night wallowing and eventually end up feeling the tiniest bit better by morning once they get everything out there. surprisingly, a pathetic night turned out pretty good after all. eventually once the morning comes she has to leave to go to work. they exchange “see you later”s but forget that they haven’t exchanged names or numbers but this only hits richie later on when he goes to pick up his phone to talk to her and tell her something funny he’s heard that he thought she’d crack up at. which throws him back to square one, all sad and shit. a few days later they cross paths and richie thinks he has used up all his luck in the world on this moment, finding the one person he wanted to see again despite how fucking huge and crowded chicago is. this time they exchange names and numbers and it eventually turns into something serious. she travels a lot due to work so they’re always either texting or talking (mostly talking because richie doesn’t quite get texting). she texts him a photo of herself in his devry university sweatshirt that he left at her place and he makes it his lockscreen because that’s the sort of thing I KNOW he’d do okay don’t judge me. one day carmy sees his lockscreen and he goes “richie why the fuck is (character’s name — let’s call her roman roy because that’s the sort of thing i had in mind) your lockscreen?” and richie is so confused because although he has talked about her before he never gave them her full name so he says “how the fuck do you know jesse?” and carmy just laughs and goes “cousin that’s roman fucking roy she’s that asshole logan roy’s daughter, she’s a fucking billionaire” and richie is just so fucking shocked but obviously he dismisses carmy saying “why shouldn’t i know roman roy” and trying to act chill but the second he’s gone he’s immediately googling roman roy and his mind gets sooooo fucked and calls her a bajillion times while she’s in a meeting
okay that might be absolute crap but i was thinking abt succession and the bear happening in the same universe and this came out — it’s totally self-indulgent but i kinda wanna write it and see where it goes??? idk you’re my favourite richie writer and i guess i just wanted to tell you about it
never seen succession but i finally sat down and read this ask and i was vibing and jiving with it the whole time. you should DEFINITELY write it my dude
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locksz · 3 years
﹟ wallows !
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- don't repost.
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swflyth · 3 years
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lokcscreen · 4 years
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wallows | like or reblog
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partyofbanners · 4 years
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lock-screenss · 5 years
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Requested Wallows
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noiredits · 2 years
hii love your edits could I request wallows lockscreens/headers
hey!! thanks <3 i’m so sorry for the delay
here and here! hope you like it
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cherryeditsx · 4 years
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Braeden Lemasters lockscreens.
like or reblog if you liked.
all credits are mine
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editslockz · 5 years
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wallows lockscreens
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stuffonlyangel · 5 years
hii i’m gonna also start posting lockscreens aswell! so please request whoever lockscreens you want that i’m gonna try to make them!!!! (it’ll be more focused on harry styles & wallows as always but i’ll try to make all of your requests)
obs; vocês podem fazer os pedidos em português também ok
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armenes · 6 years
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· wallows : lockscreens.
( like/reblog if you save/use. ♡
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mockscreens · 3 years
hiya can you do some wallows lockscreens (the band)
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please like/reblog if you save!
more lockscreens here!
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lostintaemin · 4 years
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Wallows Icons 
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kihyunIindo on twitter
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