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Venice in Snow, black and white version of original photo by Thierry Bouriat. Original is below, #1087169 from 'wallhere' Wallpaper site, linked in picture. It was uploaded there on 1 Nov 2017.
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The most physically are the best suppliers in Wastera Wicker, Washington
Which is the best provider on the Internet in Wallher Waller, Washington? Ziply fiber is the best internet provider in Walla Wall. I am Prices start only $ 20 per month, that is about the lowest you will find anywhere in the country. All plans increase from $ 25 monthly in the second year but it is still a good value. Ziply also has Internet speeds up to 50,000Mbps, if for some reason you need…
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Sitemize "Antik sanat ve modern sihirbaz - FOTOĞRAF/VİDEO" konusu eklenmiştir. Antik sanat ve modern sihirbaz - FOTOĞRAF/VİDEO İçinde goranboy yaşayan Нуралиев Mansur yıllardır arazi, derinlik enərək su, kuyu qazmaqla yürütmektedir. Okuma.Benzer olduğunu, yeraltı sularının tespiti için su kuyuları g Detaylar için ziyaret ediniz. https://www.bestkadin.com/antik-sanat-ve-modern-sihirbaz-fotograf-video/ https://www.europatrans.com.tr/
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Do you have any autumn wallpapers with Greece?
I have one which is in the slide-show of my blog's header.
It's from Kastoria btw.
Links where I found more are:
Actually I found some pretty cool ones. Time for some header refreshing.
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(vía Fondos de pantalla : Chicas anime, samurai, Katana, máscara 3840x2160 - jrmnt - 2162279 - Fondos de pantalla - WallHere)
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Source: WallHere.
#Tony Skeor#digital art#art#wallpaper#city#night#tokyo#japan#asia#futuristic#neon#city centre#bed#bedroom#window#lights#20180711#201807#2018
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Old green house Greece - wallhere
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Alphabet Art Challenge 2020 Week 06 (Feb 05-11) - Flame Photoshop image manipulation
The idea for this image came to me in a flash on Saturday morning. I went about finding images to use at all the usual places (pexels, pixabay, pxhere, unsplash) that afternoon and found a great image of a dancer who was covered in dust / chalk / flour or some-such and had just whipped her head up leaving a trail of dust in the air and then I found a campfire with swirling sparks and there it was. It took me about 18 hours total and I'm quite pleased with how it came out.
This version is a reduced size - the original image is 18"x24" at 300dpi, or 5400x7200 px while this version is 1/4 of that, so 18"x24" at 75dpi, or 1350x1800px. This version is also watermarked. I've uploaded the full version to my DeviantArt page where it can even be purchased as an art print! (https://www.deviantart.com/strawberryjamm13/)
==== And, of course, credit where credit is due - here are links to the source images I used, in one way or another, to create this image:
PRIMARY SOURCES (Dancer, Campfire) Photos by Pixabay from Pexels • https://www.pexels.com/photo/light-woman-art-girl-40186/ • https://www.pexels.com/photo/ash-blaze-bonfire-burn-266436/
SECONDARY SOURCES (Fire, Smoke) Photos by Pixabay from Pexels • https://www.pexels.com/photo/fire-wallpaper-207353/ • https://www.pexels.com/pho…/fire-orange-burning-flame-33601/ • https://www.pexels.com/photo/light-yellow-fire-match-39244/
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro from Pexels • https://www.pexels.com/…/closeup-photo-of-fire-during-nigh…/
Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels • https://www.pexels.com/photo/fire-hell-inferno-flame-9328/
Photo by Joshua Newton from Unsplash • https://unsplash.com/photos/7qjqQjt7zXQ
Photo by Belal Shahab from Unsplash • https://unsplash.com/photos/_5S5BkwY9rU
Photo by MrMarshallMan on WallHere • Censored version ("naughty bits" covered): https://sta.sh/02ftl8eecx83 • Original "full nude" source: https://wallhere.com/en/wallpaper/1650267
#Alphabet Art Challenge#alphabetartchallenge#alphabet art 2020#alphabetart2020#alphabet art 2020 week 06#alphabet art 2020 flame#she's one hot chick#fantasy#fire elemental
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デスクトップ壁紙 : 赤いパンダ, 睡眠, 残り, 枝, くま, 動物相, 哺乳類, 脊椎動物, 犬の品種グループ, ジャイアントパンダ 2560x1600 - - 720153 - デスクトップ壁紙 - WallHere
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Sentient AI as Characters in Science Fiction
Sentient AI as Characters in Science Fiction
Artificial Intelligence is Everywhere image: WallHere Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence which is the one demonstrated by animals and humans. Artificial intelligence can think for itself and make decisions using sensors, algorithms, and computations. Once upon a time, science fiction authors imagined thinking, sentient computers…
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Sitemize "Marian ihtar işaretleri altındaki şeker duvar kağıtları buldum" konusu eklenmiştir. Marian uyarı işaretleri altındaki şeker duvar kağıtları buldum Amerikalı araştırmacı Victor Veskovo okyanusların en derin yeri, Marian uyarı işaretleri alt yalnızlık düştü ve bubnla rekorda imzası yaptım. RIA novosti rapor, son üç Detaylar için ziyaret ediniz. https://www.bestkadin.com/marian-ihtar-isaretleri-altindaki-seker-duvar-kagitlari-buldum/ https://www.europatrans.com.tr/
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She Was An Angel
It was just a fantasyOn the other side of the wallHer eyes were on the seaAnd her eyes were so full of wonderShe was smiling just like a little girlShe was an angel singing her song to me
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(vía Fondos de pantalla : Japón, monocromo, Paisaje urbano, noche, arquitectura, reflexión, simetría, horizonte, rascacielos, torre, Sony, metrópoli, Jp, ligero, nube, centro de la ciudad, nublado, iluminado, iluminación, CC, forma, línea, oscuridad, punto de referencia, Torre de Tokio, A6300, Creativecommons, Fe70200mm, Fe70200mmf4goss, área urbana, en blanco y negro, Fotografía monocroma, área metropolitana, Asentamiento humano, bloque de pisos 6000x4000 - - 493406 - Fondos de pantalla - WallHere)
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