samsamcookie · 11 years
Who put that door there!
Yeah so today is a Thursday and I dont usually work Thursdays so imagine my shock when I ask my friend what time im working the weekend for her to tall me,  'Sam you're in at 5 BTW can you come in at 3' FUUUUUUUUUUCK. I end up getting a lift into work and its a nice day today meaning people will be eating outside fucking fabulous, after dragging a high chair out into the garden and carrying a stupid amount of glasses back inside i decided to make an executive decision and put the door on latch so i dont need to drop everything just to open it. I quickly pop to the kitchen to drop off some plates and go to head back outside when. WACK! oh Mr door I do believe i just shut you -.- my co-worker found it hilarious. I just fucking faceplanted a door in front of customers at the same time I tried scoping out the area for whoever took it off latch I spot her, late middle aged woman imitating shivering movements (It was like 15 degrees). Well this had just started another war, and when i say war I reopened the door to try and freeze the bitch and she closed it again. Like fuck to i have time to keep doing this so I just glared when I walked past. Note: Me and my boss ended up having a condiment fight, im not sure if it was before or after but i ended up spraying him with cleaning chemicals to which he yelps ' I HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN' he then also got scared by  a local who he tried to karate kick. Note V 2.0: Just after I got into work (In a bad mood might i add) I served a customer who when asked how she would like her tea, replied  'In a cup' she thought she was hilarious, not going to lie I just wanted to kick her in the fanny.
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