#walking on all fours as a kid.. mimicking meows and barks...
lap-wolf · 9 months
Oh hey also it’s the same anon as before and I was socialized by animals and dogs and cats were a large part of my childhood and development because of that, so your blog makes me feel safe
Oh I totally get it anon... I was, too! Growing up I always felt the most comfortable around our pets and other animals as well. I can see the signs of me being a therian from way back hehe So I'm SOSO glad you feel safe here, it's is something that makes me feel safe too :]
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taegdcl1018 · 7 years
3 Billion Dollars [Part 7] - G Dragon Mafia!AU
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Summary: When your father owes 3 billion dollars to the mafia, he must repay his debt. Although things don’t exactly go the way he hoped.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Just swearing for this one
{part 1} {part 2} {part 3} {part 4} {part 5} {part 6} {part 7} {part 8} {part 9} {part 10} {part 11} {part 12} {part 13} {part 14} {part 15} {part 16} {part 17} {part 18} {part 19} {part 20} {part 21} {part 22} {part 23}
A/N: SORRY! I always seem to post my work at like 10 at night. Well, here you go! This one is more fluff and not as eventful as others are, but the next one shit happens.
~ Admin Brooklyn
You looked at Mr. Kwon with confusion. He looked at you expectantly. You sat up on your bed, crossing your legs. Ji’s cat, Ai, quickly moved from off your side and onto your lap. Ai curled up in between your legs. Ai looked at Mr. Kwon with a sideways glance before settling into his new spot.
“Princess, I don’t have all day, and you know I won’t beg.” He seemed so casual. It always sent chills down your spine. You started to wonder if Ji Yong does it too.
"Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, but you might want to change out of those shorts.” You looked down at your legs. Your shorts stopped at the bottom of your butt. Mr. Kwon smiled, although it was anything but comforting. “In this community who knows what people would do to you in those pants.”
You got up quickly, not wanting to irritate him. Ai gives you a look before curling up in a ball where you sat. Mr. Kwon smiled at you and then left the room. The boys follow behind him leaving you alone with Ai. You quickly went to your closet, which now has clothes hung and folded in it. You quickly put on a pair of leggings and leave the room. Mr. Kwon waited outside, both Seunghyun’s waiting as well.
“Let’s get going. I’m sure you have other plans for today.” You looked at Mr. Kwon confused, but he had already started walking. You followed him, both Seunghyun’s behind you on either side of you. Once again as you get further from your room, you start to hear people talking. Again as you walk through the living room and hallways you pass people, but this time it was different. Everybody moved and made a path for Mr. Kwon and his guests. They parted like the Red Sea, giving their leader a clear path. Once again you got looks. Although they were the same if not harsher looks compared to last time. Some people glared as you walk pass them, other gave you sympathetic looks.
“So, are you enjoying your stay?” Mr. Kwon asked. Everything always seemed so casual when he did it. Although you knew how cunning he can be, which always lead for you to have your guard up when you're around him.
“I guess. A little lonely.” You admitted. Mr. Kwon looked down at you, nodding his head.
“I can understand that, especially in your predicament.” You nodded your head at your words. “You do have friends here, though. And I know my Ji Yong will do anything for you.”
“Yeah, I’m not exactly happy with him.” Mr. Kwon chuckled. Honestly, you knew about all the things Mr. Kwon could do to ruin your life, but he wasn’t always the bad guy. Mr. Kwon nodded his head. He continued to lead you down another hallway, the mass of people disappearing.
“I also can understand that. Trust me when I say that Ji Yong isn’t the easiest kid to raise.” Mr. Kwon said, a smile on his face. You laugh and you hear both Seunghyun’s snicker behind you. “Don’t tell him I said that though. That includes you, boys, too.”
“I won’t. I promise.” Mr. Kwon gave you a smile, one that you didn’t feel like had an alternative motive. You gave him a smile in return. Mr. Kwon stopped in front of a door and opening it for you.
“Here you go princess,” Mr. Kwon said, putting a hand on your back leading you inside. The room was long length wise. Nobody else was in there, just you four. There was a long desk that went across the room, with big dividers that broke the room into sections.
“Princess, we are going to teach you how to defend yourself.”
“You should talk to her.” Youngbae was right, but Ji Yong was in denial. Ji Yong shook his head, not exactly liking the idea of you being mad at him even more.
"She’s probably still mad at me.” Youngbae rolled his eyes. The boys were currently sitting in Ji Yong’s office. They originally went there to get paperwork done, but when Daesung came in with Gaho they got sidetracked.
“If this is the same (Y/N) from the time you almost killed her cat then it won’t take her too much to be happy again.” Daesun reasoned with him. Ji Yong shook his head. He raked a hand through his hair and took a sip from his beer.
“Daesung, I killed her family. Plus I said stuff that I shouldn’t have said.” Ji Yong had successfully drained his drink and looked a Daesung. He shouldn’t have another one for the sake of being sober, but another drink sounded pretty nice in that moment.
“Once again, this is (Y/N) we’re talking about. You two have something that not many people here have. Talk to her and don’t be a jerk about it.” Daesung said. Youngbae nodded, fully agreeing with Daesung. Ji Yong went to grab another drink, only to be blocked by Youngbae.
“Nope, you’re staying sober tonight,” Youngbae said, causing Ji Yong to groan. Ji Yong went back to his paperwork, only for his attention to be pulled by Gaho. The dog rested his head right on Ji Yong’s lap. Ji Yong rubbed his head, Gaho becoming the distraction from his work. Not that he cared.
“Hyung, you at least owe her some explanation,” Daesung said.
"Yeah, and not the crappy one that I heard you give to her. That was kind of a dick move,” Youngbae added. Ji Yong nodded his head, looking at Gaho, who was more than happy with the attention he was receiving.
Lee Seunghyun stood in front of you with three knives in his hands. They weren’t like kitchen knives or butter knives. The knives were like a big triangle that jutted out of the leather bound handle. On the end of the handle, there was a hole that your pinky finger could easily fit through. The blade itself was the triangle part, and it sharp on both edges of it. Seungri looked so effortless holding it.
He stood at the long table in between two of the dividers. You stood and watched from afar as he threw each of them, one by one. Each one hit the center of one of the targets that stood about twenty feet away from the table. You looked at Seunghyun wide-eyed. He did it so easily and without hurting his fingers.
“You ready for Seungri and T.O.P to teach you, princess?” Mr. Kwon asked. You hesitantly nodded your head. Choi Seunghyun held four more knives in his hands, as Lee Seunghyun went to go grab his three in the target. Seunghyun set two of the knives on the table, holding one in his right hand and the last knife was in your right hand.
“You’re gonna want to hold it like this,” Seunghyun said. He showed you how he held it. His hand wrapped around the handle with all of his fingers, including his thumb, on one side of the blade. You mimicked him, wrapping your hand around the handle. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a little while, you got used to it.
“Okay, go ahead try.”
“What?!” You look at him, surprised. Mr. Kwon perked up from behind them.
“Learning on the job. I like it.” You took a deep breath and looked at the target. Pulling your arm back you got ready to aim. Seungri’s knives had made holes in the target, and it gave you something to look at. You took another deep breath before pushing your arm forward and releasing the knife. A satisfied smile spread on your face as you saw the knife buried into the target. It wasn’t near the center, but it hit the target.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Seungri said. You look back at him a playful smile on his face. You smile at him, and pick up one of the knives from the table. “Next thing we gotta work on is aiming.”
It took him a few hours, but Ji Yong finished all of the paperwork. What Youngbae and Daesung said in his office had gotten him thinking. Daesung was right, but he still didn’t know if you ready for the explanation of everything. So Ji Yong went over everything he should explain to you on the way to your room. Gaho following his heels as he walked. Ji Yong frowned as he got closer to your door though. T.O.P was supposed to be standing by your door. Gaho barked at your bedroom door, causing discomfort to fill Ji Yong. He pushed open the door.
“(Y/N),” Ji Yong called out. He flicked the lights on in the room, only to find Ai sitting on your bed. Ji Yong called out for you once again. Ai responded with a meow. Ji Yong frowned, rushing out of the room. Gaho following behind him, while Ai continued to nap peacefully knowing that nothing is wrong.
“Now you know how to defend yourself,” Mr. Kwon said. He was walking you back to your room, both Seunghyun's behind you. “Well, at least a little bit. We can improve your skills with practice.”
"Why are you teaching me these things?” You asked him. Mr. Kwon looked down at you, one of his eyebrows raised.
“I hate to say it princess but somebody won’t always be there to protect you 24/7,” Mr. Kwon said. You nodded your head and looked around. You were passing through the living room again. This time it was less crowded, but people still made way for Mr. Kwon and his party. “You can’t tell Ji Yong that you’re doing this though.”
"What? Why not?” You ask shocked.
"I know my son. He won’t be happy to know that you're holding knives and doing something that could lead you to hurt yourself.” Mr. Kwon explained like it was the simplest thing on Earth. You knew Ji Yong well too, and honestly, you knew that Mr. Kwon was probably right. You couldn’t help your eyebrows furrowing with a disagreement though.
“He’s right,” Seunghyun said. You nodded your head and muttered an ‘I know’. You head snapped up at the sound of barking. You smiled as you could see Gaho running towards you from a distance. Your smile started to fade as you see Ji Yong behind him, jogging to keep up with the running dog.
“Speaking of my son,” Mr. Kwon said, a smile on his face. Gaho ran right to you, jumping with his front legs on you. You smile as you rub his head. Ji Yong joins your little group and watches as you play with Gaho.
“She was with you? I had a minor heart attack when I saw her room empty.” Ji Yong said. You frowned. You’re right there, he could talk like you were there too. You had decided to ignore Ji Yong for a little and enjoy spending time with Gaho. The dog-loving the attention he was receiving. Although Ji Yong seemed to dislike the lack of attention he was receiving.
"Where were you guys?” He asked, also deciding to ignore you. Tension started to fill the room.
“I went for a walk and thought that (Y/N) would want to join. Being stuck up in a room by yourself isn’t exactly the best way to spend your life.” Mr. Kwon said. You looked up at him and smiled. Mr. Kwon looked down and winked at you. Ji Yong looked from both you and his dad, confused out of his mind.
“Actually I was gonna take her out tonight.” You looked up surprised at Ji Yong. He continues to look at Mr. Kwon. He smiles at his son and nods his head.
"Go ahead. Be safe, both of you,” Mr. Kwon said, looking at Ji Yong then down at you. “And Ji Yong, keep her safe.”
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