jeparahandicraft · 1 year
History World Class Jepara Carving
Since the 19th century, the Jepara region has been widely recognized as an area that produces furniture and carvings which are famous in Indonesia. Evidenced by the appreciation from several groups, both domestic and foreign, and declaring Jepara as an integrated area for producing furniture and carvings.
In the city of Jepara, the activities of carving and sculpting to produce furniture and carvings have become part of the culture, art, economy, social and politics that have long been formed and are difficult to separate from their historical roots.
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Jepara furniture and carving has a long history because the skills of carpentry and carving are passed down from generation to generation. This habit also seems to be honed and developed following the development of increasingly advanced times, but the artistic spirit and skills possessed by these craftsmen seem to be firmly ingrained.
However, as times change, abilities that used to be self-taught are now being developed along with an increasing number of enthusiasts from within and outside the region and even abroad. Various educational institutions have been established to provide training in furniture, carving and design techniques which are growing without leaving the characteristics of the local artistic wealth of the area itself.
Legacy Legend
Legends about sculptors and painters from the time of King Brawijaya of the Majapahit Kingdom were passed down from generation to generation in the city of Jepara. The legend is so firmly instilled that people believe it is the early history of why this city is so famous for its carvings and the workers are so adept at creating these works of art.
It is said that long ago Prabangkara, the painting and carving expert, was summoned by King Brawijaya to paint his wife naked as a form of the king's love. As a painter, he must paint through his imagination without being allowed to see the empress naked.
Prabangkara did his job perfectly until the droppings of a lizard fell on the painting so that the empress's painting had a mole. The king was very satisfied with Prabangkara's work, but as soon as he saw the mole, the king became angry and accused Prabangkara of seeing the empress naked because the location of the mole exactly matched the reality.
Prabangkara was punished by being tied to a kite, flown, and then fell behind the mountain which is now called Mulyoharjo. Prabangkara then taught carving to the Jepara people and the Jepara people's carving skills have survived to this day.
Jepara carving has existed since the reign of Queen Kalinyamat around 1549. The Queen's daughter named Retno Kencono played a big role in the development of carving. In this era, the art of carving developed very rapidly, coupled with the presence of a minister named Sungging Badarduwung who came from Campa and was very skilled in carving. While the area behind the mountain is said to have a group of carvers whose job it is to serve the carving needs of the royal family.
Day by day this group grew into more and more because their neighboring villages also learned to carve. However, after the death of Queen Kali Nyamat, their development stopped if not stagnant and only developed later in the era of Kartini, the heroine who was born in Jepara.
Raden Ajeg Kartini's role in the development of the art of sculpture was very large. He saw the life of the carving craftsmen who never moved from poverty and this really disturbed him. He then summoned several craftsmen from the Rear Mountain area to jointly make carvings such as stitching boxes, small tables, figures, jewelery stands, and other souvenir items, which were then sold by Raden Ajeng Kartini to Semarang and Batavia (now Jakarta), so that the quality of these carvings from Jepara was finally known.
Many orders came in and the production of Jepara carving craftsmen also increased in variety. Meanwhile, Raden Ajeng Kartini also began to introduce Jepara's sculptural works abroad by giving various souvenirs to her friends abroad. All sales of these goods after being deducted by production costs, the money is left in full to the craftsmen who can raise the standard of living of those who are involved in this field.
Characteristics of Jepara Carving
Jepara carvings have characteristics that show that the carvings come from Jepara or not through their patterns and motifs. The motif that is very famous for carving in this area is the Trubusan Leaf which consists of two kinds. First, the leaves that come out of the stalk niches. Second, the leaves that come out of the branches or segments.
Jepara carving can also be seen from the Jumbai motif where the leaves open like a fan and then the ends are tapered. And also there are three or four seeds coming out from the base of the leaf. Apart from that, one of its characteristics is the recessed stalk which rotates in an elongated fashion and spreads to form small branches to fill the space and beautify it. These characteristics are enough to represent the identity of Jepara carvings.
Jepara carving has the characteristic of being accommodating to maintain balance and harmony in the environment in the general public. This is very important because Javanese people prioritize harmony in their daily lives. Jepara carving art is also a medium to show an attitude and personality, for example: carvings in coastal areas look more open.
The quality of Jepara carvings in the form of furniture and other carvings is undoubted, both at home and abroad. In addition to using high-quality materials such as teak wood and other types of wood that have proven quality.
Jepara carving made from teak wood, can last well for more than 20 years. In addition, teak wood has a smoother texture, sharper fibers, and a more uniform color than other types of wood. Even though the price of Jepara furniture is relatively more expensive, but with high quality and class, the price is comparable to the high artistic value.
The biggest challenge of wood carving products is their level of resistance to water and attack by termites or moths. One thing that makes the quality of Jepara carving one of the best is the natural oil content that makes Jepara carving products such as furniture or furniture waterproof and termite attack.
And, the most important thing besides good quality, the quality of Jepara carvings has a flat surface and not wavy on furniture or furniture as a result of its production. This will give the room a luxurious impression and make it suitable for all decorating styles whether it is a touch of minimalism, classic or modern neo-classical, Jepara carvings will still look elegant as a touch of impressive traditional style.
The following are examples of original Japanese carving products
Suflower Wood Carving
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