anathesniper · 6 years
wakairyuu replied to your post: likepigsfortheslaughter: // The fact we get an...
representation matters
// it does, never said it didn't. Still sucks to see lore come up and thats all that anyone can talk about
It’s me will smith posing at Ana and nothing more 
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altan-jincng · 7 years
Jin froze when he felt the blade rub against his neck, putting his hands up and letting it sit there. “It’s always the charming ones, isn’t it?” He sighed before twisting and knocking the knife away in a smooth, practiced motion. “Who sent you?”
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sansvol-a · 7 years
wakairyuu replied to your post: the gold weapon looks good w/ the new skin???  i...
pics plz I wanna see!
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omnicmcnk-blog · 7 years
Genji is quiet in walking up to the monk. In a thick dark grey kimono due to the events and it being cold. His green scarf still carefully tucked around his neck. "Master, in light of the New Years I got you a gift." Reaching into his kimono to pull out a small orange kitten. Genji even got the small animal a swear to wear, along with a collar that hard a bell on it. "Happy New year Master!" A smile on the mam's face as he handed the omnic his new friend. "She likes to play with shiny things."
He felt a little silly wearing the wool sweater he was given by his friends ‘to avoid freezing’ due to the cold, yet Zenyatta wore it with great pride. Content with his comfortable clothing, he dared to wonder and stay outside a little longer, enough to catch Genji as he approached in such an elegant traditional clothing. How wonderful, to see him keep his traditions after all this time! 
“A gift? You are not required to give meany present, my student, your friendships isgift eno--“.
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A kitty! How wonderful! Zenyatta was glad to hold a new friend, and a beautiful cat indeed! He hovered one of his orbs towards the kitty, who began playing with it with such curiosity.
“This is quite a generous surprise, mystudent! What a beautiful cat!”
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snsdva-a · 7 years
Carefully Genji takes her hand. Though he has never had a real Christmas, he was bound to make the day special with Hana. Waking her up a bit to early in the morning, the sun hardly up. Leading her through the palace and out side. Find a spot in the garden and climbing onto the roof. Snowflakes casting down as white covered every inch. Leaning back down to lift her up onto the short roof and pull her into his arms. The town was quiet as they watched the sun raise over the sleeping white city.
Being woken up this early on Christmas was far from ideal. It took her some time to get her out of bed after insisting on staying beneath the sheets for another five minutes. It took equally as long to get her dressed, peeling away pajamas in favor for clothes and jackets that would keep her warm on a cold winter’s morning. 
The whole thing is confusing, honestly; Genji’s hardly ever awake before her, let alone this early. What on earth could he want to show her at the crack of dawn? It had to be something weird, otherwise they both know he would have waited until he was ready to get out of bed himself.
She let him guide her through the palace grounds. A million different versions of the same question are whispered, but Genji isn’t willing to give a straight answer to a single one no matter how much she huffed or whined about the cold. It’s frustrating to say the least (she’s not the greatest person before her shower, even if she is more of a morning person), but she inevitably concedes and lets him hoist her onto the roof without hassle.
“Why are we all the way up here?” Hana asked, her face scrunched up before looking away from him to the scenery ahead. Now she understood it all, why he woke her up so early, why he brought her here of all places. It was picturesque the way the snow coated the palace grounds, lining the tops of the sakura branches and rocks, coating the grass and dirt below with almost no disruption. Red wood stood out even more now against stark white snow which only emphasized the castle’s true beauty. 
However, it all paled in comparison to the skyline. City lights danced with the falling snow as soft purples and blues slowly brightened up the night sky. Hana leaned back into his arms, a hand rest atop his arm as the sun slowly crept up from behind the city, peaking through skyscrapers and behind the snow covered mountain. 
“I’ve never really done this before,” she admitted without taking her eyes off the perfection before her. It was so sweet of him to plan this--- even if it meant standing outside in the cold this early in the morning; it was well worth the mild suffering it took to get here. “I’m always so busy that I forget about this sorta... stuff.” There’s a moment’s pause as she looks back at him, her cheek pressed against his chest as she cups his cheek with her free hand.
“Thank you,” she smiled, her thumb stroking his cheek. “Merry Christmas, babe.”
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“So,” Lúcio sighed and leaned on the bar, it was right before his set. “How does Hanamura do holidays? This is gonna be like my first Christmas away from home. Kinda feels weird, you know?”
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vasvvani-blog · 7 years
"Can you teach me how to use that hard light stuff? I want a second dragon and to make Hana a bunny."
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“Not because I cannot stand you and I want you far away from my craft, but because I am not allowed to perform any compatibility tests for hard light without Vishkar’s authorization”.
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aropoakande-blog · 7 years
"Please go easy on her."
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❝ don’t worry, the only thing i’ll break is her ego ❞.
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aoiiryuu-blog · 7 years
          sharp breath to leave parted tiers, a look of frustration crossing a normally stoic visage as he was led. after working nearly nonstop for quite a while — his goal to better himself as the crown grew closer — he had to be dragged away by his sibling. genji INSISTED that he focus on relaxation today instead of sealing himself away in the castle with paperwork && the sword. it is a bit irritating to be driven away from duties but he begrudgingly accepted when genji pleaded. 
          too much, he said. you stretch yourself too thin.  
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           ❛  genji. where are we going?  ❜
@wakairyuu      /      starter .
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climxtologist · 7 years
meta topic: hands
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冻结的  { ❄ }       they`re discolored .  pink at the tips from a CONSTANT exposure to frostnip ,  it seems they never truly healed .  the pads of her fingertips are the worst ,  pink like cherry blossoms ,  the color even bleeds in beneath the nail bed .  her nails are often painted ,  ( albeit chipped most of the time , )  to provide as a distraction from the slight pink .  it`s only one of the LONG TERM effects frostbite  &&  exposure to cold has had on her .  the damage from frostbite is irreversible ,  so there are sometimes little scars on her fingers .  only a few ,  they`re very faint as well ,  but if you look at them .  they`re there .
her hands are also incredibly soft ,  plush  &&  sweet to hold ,  they feel like cold marshmallows .  it`s cute ,  but holding them are just a memory to how the ecopoint changed her .  they`re extremely cold ,  the coldest part of her body just second to her toes .  they`re hard to warm up ,  but they can be a lukewarm temperature during the hotter times of the year and during extraneous activities .  they`re often clad in gloves that are EXTREMELY cold resistant ,  but she`s a bit of a forgetful gal and will sacrifice efficiency over safety of her gloves .  she`s OFTEN seen handling her own equipment with her bare hands ,  which itself can cause frostbite  &&  damage .  just slightly self - destructive .
also ,  her hands are one of the places she can feel stiffness in on extremely bad days .  this is something a little different and is more in regards to the after effects of cryo  &&  how it changed her body ,  but basically ,  she gets WAVES of stiffness when she knows the molecules in her body are starting to experience a refreeze .  she often disregards it as a sign from working too hard typing ,  writing notes ,  and generally tinkering with her equipment ,  but once it spreads to her other joints ,  she realizes it`s a problem that needs to be dealt with .
          *✲゚* ❄   ––– meta studies     (  @wakairyuu​  )
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txelonedragon · 7 years
@wakairyuu liked for a starter
“Genji, I know you are there,” he hummed. The other might be stealthy and silent, silent enough to get past most, but Hanzo could still hear him when he moved.
He looked up from the book that was by his desk and turned to look in the direction of where his brother may or may not be hiding. “What is it you want, brother?” he asked, genuinely curious. He hadn’t seen the other all day, but that might be because, like any other day, Hanzo had been too busy studying, training, or spending time with their father, learning what he needed to know so that he could one day take over this empire.
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anathesniper · 7 years
Griffin: Tag someone whose friendship for you is priceless
You’ve been around to deal with me and my shit since I first started this blog basically. Answered far too many questions about adulting then you should have to. Listen to me complain about endless things and then have the audacity to tell me you love my Ana 
11/10 best and I love 
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sansvol-a · 7 years
wakairyuu replied to your post: who would take angela to blizzney world?
genji would
god bless
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busanbunnie · 7 years
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”Hey Genji, why don’t we take a walk into town and get some food?”
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snsdva-a · 7 years
You can't block me we are married.
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i don’t let men tell me what i can and can’t do, first of all-----
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intoxiiquer-blog · 7 years
❛ there are some people who believe a photo captures their soul. ❜
a softer world || accepting! ( @wakairyuu​ !! )
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     she glances away, thinking back to the old photograph sitting atop one of château guillard’s dusty bookcases. it’s little more than a relic from a past life – - a piece of sentimental garbage that’s hardly worth holding onto. the two souls pictured there, a young couple with their bright smiles && shining silver bands around their fingers, have long since vanished from this world. staring at the photo will not bring them back. hell, it doesn’t even bring her peace. and yet … widowmaker finds herself hesitating to part with it. until now, she just couldn’t figure out why.
     maybe its less about remembering the couple in the photo, && more about preserving the last trace of light they’d once held. that’s not such a terrible idea.
     “ you know … i think i would like to believe that. ” she whispers back, eyes distant and wistful. “ perhaps then a part of the soul can live on, if only within that tiny frame. ”
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