samslvrgirl · 4 days
Waitress - pt 1. Bad Baby Pie
Pairing: doctor!Sam x Reader
Summary: Y/N, a struggling waitress trapped in an abusive marriage, finds out she is suddenly pregnant. While in her appointment to make sure she is, she meets Dr. Sam Winchester, her new doctor since her old one is on vacation.
Characters(in this chapter): Reader, Lisa Braeden, Jo Harvelle, Dean Winchester, Gordon Walker, and Bobby Singer(mentioned) No Sam in this chapter. (in the next one)
Word Count: 2,028
Warnings: Language, emotional abuse, pregnancy, (Let me know if I missed any)
A/N: This is my first story so please be advised that it's not the greatest.
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An oven opens, a pair of hands remove a baked pie to cool, only to add another to bake as well.
Making pies has always relaxed Y/N, putting her in a zen-like state. All her troubles float away and it’s just her and her pies.
“Honey, You’ve put it off long enough.”
Looking up, Y/N sees her two co-workers and friends, Jo and Lisa.
“What?” she replies.
“You know what.” They both said at the same time.
“Negative. Negative. Come on, negative… Come on!” Lisa rambles on.
All three women are huddled in the small employee bathroom, waiting on Y/N’s pregnancy test.
“Dear Lord above, please protect our Y/N from the hell of unwanted pregnancy.” Jo says while pacing back and forth, her hands in prayer.
“I don’t need no baby. I don’t want no trouble. I just wanna make pies. That’s all I wanna do. Make pies.” Y/N anxiously says.
“I thought you don’t even sleep with your husband anymore? Lisa questioned.
“He got her drunk one night.” Jo quickly says.
“Got me drunk. I should never drink. I do stupid things when I drink, like sleep with my husband!”
She gasps.
“Oh no…It looks like a pink line is forming…shit..!”
“One line or two lines. One line or two lines!?” Lisa frantically says.
“Two lines! The control line and the other line. The bad line, the yes line!” Y/N starts to freak out. Not wanting what she thinks is happening.
Lisa rushes up to Y/N, swiping the test out of her hand.
“Let me see that now…Two lines. Two definite lines. No mistaking them.”
The women all look at each other. A bit horrified. Then, there’s a knock on the bathroom door.
“What’s going on in there? We have customers! Where are my waitresses?” Dean, the manager, yells out behind the door.
“Hold your balls straight Dean! Y/N ain’t feeling well” Lisa answers back.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“None of your business, ya blowhard!”
“Nothing, Dean! I’m fine. We’ll be right out.” Y/N quickly ending the confrontation.
“Hurry UP!” Dean yells back.
They wait a minute, for Dean to walk away. Lisa and Jo both look at Y/N. Her eyes are closed, deep in thought. “Honey, you okay?” Jo asks Y/N.
“Shh…I’m inventing a new pie in my head. Tomorrow’s blue plate special.” She softly says.
A quiche is being made. Scrambled eggs, ham and cheese are quickly poured, then blended into a crust.
“I’m calling it,’I Don’t Want Gordon‘s Baby Pie’.”
“I don’t think we can put that on the menu board, hon.” Jo says.
“Then I’ll just call it,’Bad Baby Pie’.”
“What’s in it, honey” Lisa asks. “It’s a quiche of egg and brie cheese with a smoked ham center.”
“Sounds good, baby.”
Y/N opens her eyes. She stares off into the distance, spacing out.
“I ain’t never gonna get away from Gordon now.”
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Finishing the rest of their shifts, Y/N, Jo, and Lisa sit outside on a bench in front of their workplace, Bobby’s Pie Diner. Y/N is carefully wrapping a slice of pie in tin foil while Lisa smokes a cigarette, offering to pass it to Y/N for her to drag.
“Want it?” Lisa asks.
“No, are you crazy? Can’t have no cigarette. I’m having a stupid damn baby. So, if I’m smoking, she’s smoking.”
“She?” Lisa asks. “How do you know it’s a girl?”
“Boy. girl, whatever. Anyway, Gordon don’t let me smoke. He’s coming any second to pick me up.”
Y/N was miserable in her marriage. She thought she was stupid to marry young, thinking Gordon and her were young in love, but that wasn’t the case. He ended up controlling everything. From her own finances, to not owning anything at all. Everything was his, not hers.
“You gonna tell him?” Jo quietly asks. Knowing Gordon, it’s a death trap for her and her child.
“Not sure. If my plan comes true and I can make my big escape from him in a couple months, maybe he never has to know.” Y/N said.
“Are you sure it’s his child?” Lisa suddenly asks. Y/N looks at her shocked, her mouth in awe.
“You know everything I do. I ain’t never cheated. I’d never do that.” She answers back defensibly. “No, you’d just run away from him without any warning, abandoning him forever.” Jo says.
“That’s different from cheating. That’s escaping to Lebanon where that big pie bake-off is held, then winning the prize money, and starting a fresh new life for myself.” Starting a new life is just what she needed. Her original plan that is, but now she is having a baby. A baby she was stuck with.
“I feel sorry for you, Y/N. I mean, I’d do anything to meet a man, and Lisa’s husband is a downright senile fruit cake…” Jo starts off. “JO!?” Lisa yells out, cutting Jo off mid-sentence. “Well, I’m sorry, it’s true. But now, here you are, married to this handsome guy…”
“Who’s got a very good smile…” Lisa jumps in.
“Who’s got a very good smile…” Jo agrees. “And pregnant with a little girl.” “We don’t know if it’s a girl.” Y/N butts in. “But neither one of us would trade places with you for one second. Would we, Lisa?”
“No, we wouldn’t Jo. No we wouldn’t. Except just once in my life, I’d like to make a pie half as good as Y/N can make a pie” “Yeah, me too.” Jo mutters wistfully.
“Oh come on. So what if I can make a decent pie. Who cares?” Y/N doubtfully says. Pies did in fact bring a great deal of comfort and a piece of mind in her times of need, but she didn’t see how it has affected others around her. They’re just pies.
“Your pies are magic.” Jo perks up. “You don’t have no self-esteem.”
“Look at this, Y/N.” Lisa started. She pulls her jacket slightly open, “As you can plainly see, my right boob is much higher than my left boob.” Lisa closes her jacket, now pointing her hand out to Jo. “Jo here has pasty,pasty skin. I’m stuck in a marriage to Drooling Phil, the invalid, and Jo eats TV dinners alone, but we still wouldn’t rather be you, Y/N.”
“I do have pasty, pasty skin…” Jo says, ashamed. Just then, they hear honking. Gordon, pulling his black Buick up. He’s honking non-stop. “Yeah, I know you’re here…” Y/N says under her breath. “See you tomorrow, honey.” Jo says as Y/N stands up from her seat. “Good luck. If you do tell him you’re having a-” Lisa begins as Y/N gathers her belongings. Y/N shushes her, not wanting her husband to overhear. Gordon, who is alongside them in his car, rolls down the window. “Hey!” He shouts out over his loud music. “Hi.” She replies quietly while walking around to the passenger’s side. “Hiya Gord! We all just agreed that your smile is super attractive. Hooray for you!” Lisa jokingly says. Both Jo and her woo-hooed at the same time, but Gordon doesn’t respond and speeds off as soon as Y/N settles in the car.
“I don’t care if she is a pie genius, I wouldn’t trade places with her.” Jo says to Lisa as they watch the car drive away. “No, me neither.” Lisa agrees.
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Gordon, driving, glances at Y/N for a second, who's sitting with her hands folded in her lap. "You don't look happy to see me." He bluntly says. "Aren't you happy to see me?" "Yes, I'm happy to see you. I even brought you a piece of today's special, Kick in the Pants Pie. Cinnamon spice custard." She replies with a fake smile. Gordon has no response. "You didn't give me a kiss." Silence. "Give me one!" Y/N hurries to to lean over to kiss him on the cheek. "That's more like it." He smirks. "Where's the money you made today?" "Right here, in my pocket." "Well now, hand it over." She takes the money out of her pocket and hands it to him, while trying hiding her smile. The rest of her money is in her bra, hidden away. "Not much here, is there?" He questions.
"Slow day, you know." Gordon then puts the money in his own pocket. "You've been having more and more and more of those. I'm really not sure it's worth you working there anymore." He says. That's the last thing she needs right now, him trying to take away the once source to run away. To a better life. "I think I might rather have you be at home, making ME pies all day long. Me and me alone." He continues.
"I don't like those girls. Or your boss." "Yeah, I know.." There's a slight pause.
"You didn't ask me how my day was." He complains. Here we go again. The same routine. Over and over. Y/N was sick of it. "How was your day?" She asks, in a monotone voice, already tired. "Ask me like you care about it." Y/N sighs. She turns her head towards him, and in a fake caring and sweet voice, "How was your day, Gordon?" "...Well you know. Johnson was on my case again. About the mortgages and everything. But I can't control the policies of the bank, and I told him that. But he doesn't listen..."
As Gordon rants and complains, Y/N shuts her eyes, in deep concentration. ' I Hate My Husband Pie'. You take bittersweet chocolate and don't sweeten it. You make it into a pudding and drown it in caramel'
"You're not listening to me!" Gordon suddenly shouts, breaking her train of thought. "Yes I am." She flusteredly says. "What did I say?" "You were bitching about Mr.Johnson." “But what were my exact words?” “I can’t repeat them verbatim.” “You don’t listen to me! Hurts my feelings. Say you’re sorry so I can let you out of this car so you can start on my dinner.” Without missing a beat,“I’m sorry, Gordon, for not being able to to repeat your words verbatim. It’s something I should be able to do.” She really didn’t mean this. I mean, who the hell can? “Whenever I need it?” He asks. “Whenever you need it.” “Okay, then.” The car pulls up in the driveway, in front of a modest, depressing house. Small, without any charm.
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Y/N and Gordon sit at their dinning table, eating a spaghetti pie that she had made for dinner. Y/N has barely touched the food on her plate.
“You look handsome tonight, Gordie.” Y/N suddenly says.
" Thank you honey. It’s been a long time since you called me Gordie, I like it.” He slightly chuckles, going back to eat his dinner. “And you look pretty tonight. Maybe a little tired is all. You’re not eating your spaghetti pie, Why not?”
Y/N was too nervous to eat, wanting to ask him about the bake-off she had mentioned to Jo and Lisa. In reality, asking for money was to hurry the process of leaving. “Because I’m…I’m thinking I want to borrow some money from you.”
“My answer to that, of course, is no.”
“There’s a big pie bake-off in Lebanon in a couple of months and I’d like to go.”
“And my answer to that, of course, is no.” He repeated.
“Prize money is pretty good.” She says, trying to convince him.
“Why do you need money? I give you everything you need, don’t I?” He questions.
“Absolutely.” “You want for nothing, don’t you?” She really wanted the money, but not for nothing.
“Yes Gordon, I want for nothing.” Not wanting to argue, she quietly stops talking. There’s no point. “You’re pies aren’t bad. But what’s so important about that when you got me to take care of?” Gordon says, putting her in her place, manipulated.
‘Good point, Gordon.”
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