#wait what else do i tag uhhh errr
kindheartedgummybears · 9 months
Was listening to talking in your sleep and knew I had to draw...
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It's nothing but a rough stretch and I didn't put too much thought into the coloring but I'm in love😍🥰
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 1
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You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @mvrinettes, @whoinvitedalx, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @janurary, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @tia-bi (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes.
- It’s my first time writing this pairing so, I hope you like it :)
“That’s my big night,” Allison took a deep breath, staring at her own reflection in the mirror. It was Summer in Los Angeles, yet she picked a long-sleeved dress to wear for the dinner.
“Make sure to hide this thing in your arm, sweetheart,” her father suggested. “Griffin’s parents may not approve it.”
She had no regrets of her tattoo. On the contrary, it reminded her of a time of her life she’d never forget, but that she had to leave behind. It was a proof that those wild days existed, and a confirmation of how much she had grown and changed as person.
She had accomplished everything she could ever ask for. During her Freshman Year of college she met Griffin and they instantly connected. They had the same views, the same interests, the same personality. Allison could say she had found her soulmate. His father was one of the most influent and important doctors in America. His name was involved in life-changing researches and experimental procedures. And he had just gotten her an internship at Los Angeles Hospital, under his supervision.
To celebrate her comeback and her new job, her father decided to throw that special dinner, inviting Griffin and his parents to join them for the night. Before heading downstairs, she decided to wear the heart necklace Griffin gave her on their first anniversary. It should be somewhere inside one of those boxes she brought home from college… instead, she found something unexpected, a certain pink fuzzy dice.
“What is this doing here?” She thought. Once she left for college, her father got rid of everything that could remind her of Mercy Park Crew.
She held it tightly in her hands, remembering Mona. The last news she heard from her was her jail sentence, through news websites. She cried for nights, attempting to find a way to contact Logan, Colt or anybody else that could help her to free her lover. She was considering selling her car to pay for one of the best lawyers in the country, but then she met Griffin and he showed her another perspective. Maybe Mona didn’t want to be saved. She’d never settle for a normal lifestyle. Soon, the days they spent together became a long lost memory…
“Honey,” her father opened the door, “the Carlsons have arrived.”
“Oh!” She quickly hid the dice back inside the box. “I’ll be downstairs in a second.”
After dinner, they were all reunited in the living room. Some other surprise Dad had prepared. He was proud of his girl and didn’t make any efforts to hide it.
Sitting on the couch, with Griffin’s arm around her shoulders, Allison’s mind was distant, absent. She suddenly felt a sensation of emptiness coming from nowhere.
“Are you alright?” Griffin whispered close to her ear.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “A little nervous maybe.”
During the dinner, Mr. Carlson announced she’d need her for the night shift at the hospital. It was her first day and she was going straight to the most busy, eventful shift.
Mr. Wheeler pressed the play button and a video on TV started playing, showing Allison’s accomplishments since she was a baby.
“Dad!” She whined and laughed at the footage of her first bike ride when she was five, where she fell and broke her front teeth. “You’re embarrassing me!”
“Come on, sweetheart,” Griffin’s mother tried to comfort her, “you barely cried. My son would’ve passed out, maybe.”
“Now I’m the one being embarrassed,” Griffin laughed.
When Allison paid attention on the TV again, the footage of her High School years started playing, what upset her a little. Since college, she slowly started losing contact to her best friend, Riya, until the became complete strangers.
The video suddenly went black, as if some part was missing, then she realized…
“Prom. Dad cut out all the evidence of my prom… The same way he got rid of all the pictures…”
Mona was back in her thoughts again. Her first love, her first kiss, her first night… For all these years, as much as she tried to avoid it, she’d still crossed her mind all the time, when she kissed Griffin, when they made love… All of Mona returned to her memories. Her laugh, her voice, her touch…
“You gotta promise me something, alright? Don’t call me. Don’t write me. Don’t wait for me. I mean it. Don’t let me imprison you too.”
“I guess coming back to LA wasn’t a great idea after all,” she lamented to herself.
Minutes later the video was over, deciding to get rid of those thoughts, she’d leave for her first day of work.
“So,” she got up from the couch, “now ‘Allison’s Trophy Wall’ is over… I should go to work, right Mr. Carlson?”
“That’s it,” the man nodded. “I see I’ve made the right choice picking you for the internship. You’re so committed.”
“I surely am,” she smiled.
“Wait,” Griffin interrupted, “there’s one more thing.”
He went down on one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. Allison’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Allison Wheeler, after almost eight years together, I’ve became certain you’re the person I want by my side when all my dreams come true. Will you marry me?”
Everyone around her watched expectantly. Her father, as always grabbed the camera to record that moment. Upon that, and everything they had shared all those years…
“Of course!” Allison jumped on Griffin’s neck, kissing him passionately and he slipped the ring on her finger.
At the hospital, Allison paced nervously. Dr. Carlson said he’d be soon giving her a first patient. Between the nervously of her first day as a doctor and her engagement, she felt at the edge of an anxiety attack.
Did she make the right decision? Getting married wasn’t exactly in her plans right now. There was a lot she wanted to do and experience first, before starting a family.
“Allison?” Dr. Carlson called. “Here’s your first patient. Female, 27 years old… vomiting and strong abdominal pain. Should be an easy one.”
“Uhhh… yeah,” she tried to breath and calm down. “Probably only a food poisoning case. I’ll handle it.”
“Yes, go there and nail it, as you young folks say!”
Allison walked through the corridor, looking for the indicated room. All she had to do was ask some questions, take the woman’s vitals…
She opened the door, wondering between acting serious or sympathetic.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Allison Wheeler and…” she looked at the woman lying on the bed. Her brown eyes, raven black hair, the tattoo on her left arm… as their eyes locked she shouted in shock. “Mona?!”
“Even if you don’t know my real name, you will never forget this face.”
She could have acted like if she didn’t remember, but the name escaped from her mouth before she could think straight.
“Allison Wheeler,” Mona raised her eyebrows, so surprised as she was. Then, she looked down, avoiding her gaze.
They were in silence for the next few seconds, looking for something to say to make that situation less uncomfortable.
“This is awkward,” she heard Mona whispering.
“Yeah… I-I didn’t expect to see you here…” Allison tried to break the silence.
“Good behavior, they said. That’s what got me out of jail earlier. In case you’re wondering.”
“It wasn’t the wisest thing to say,” Allison though. That wasn’t the subject she meant to get into.
“I-I’m going to make a few questions… and then…” she decided to simply act professional. That was the best for them both.
“Look at you,” Mona grinned as she approached the bed. “All grown up, a doc, working at the hottest hospital in LA, and…” she glanced at her hand. “Whoa, with a giant diamond on your finger.”
“Y-yeah, a-a lot has changed.”
“Not really, you’re still gorgeous as the last time I saw you. And damn, I was in a pretty bad shape that day.”
Allison blushed and tried to cut the conversation. “So, how long have you been experiencing these symptoms?”
“A few years, I think. It has gotten worse lately. I haven’t been able to keep anything down for days.”
Allison took note of what she said on her chart.
“Where exactly does it hurt?”
Mona lifted up her shirt, pointing to a particular spot on her abdomen. A scar made Allison quickly recall what happened in that spot.
“I-It’s where you…”
“Where I got shot for you? Exactly.”
“Do you mind if I…” Allison softly pressured it, what made Mona squirm in pain. “I’m so sorry!”
“Errr… thanks, but… you’re the doctor. You shouldn’t apologize for examining a patient?”
“Good point. Now I’m gonna check your vitals, okay?”
With shaking hands, Allison conducted all the steps. Mona’s blood pressure was normal, her temperature was a little bit high and her heart was pretty much accelerated. Though she was unsure it was from pain or from the situation itself.
“I’m gonna order some exams, it requires further investigation.”
“Alright, but meanwhile could you give me some painkillers? The good ones please, it’s hurting like hell.”
“I can’t do that, I can’t do that, I can’t do that…” Allison told herself repeatedly at the toilet. She washed her face, trying to pretend she was waking up from a dream.
Mona was in front of her. Mona from Mercy Park Crew. Mona her first love.
“Is everything alright?” A nurse asked, when she entered.
“I-It’s my first day…” Allison widened her eyes in surprise, as if she had been caught doing something embarrassing and nodded nervously. “Only that.”
The first thing she did, after leaving the toilet was to rush to Dr. Carlson’s office.
“Allison, what’s wrong? You’re pale,” he noticed. “How was it with your first patient?”
“Uhhh… I need to investigate further. I ordered some exams.”
“Good, now you just have to wait. If you have any questions regarding the final diagnosis…”
She closed her eyes thinking about everything. One look they exchanged and it was like all those dormant feelings had returned. Unlike Mona said, she was never capable of forgetting her.
“I can’t do that, Dr. Carlson,” she announced.
“Do what, dear?”
“I mean, this patient… she… uhhh…” was it a good idea to tell her future father-in-law and boss about her past relationship with a criminal? “Her case seems more complex than I initially thought.“
“It’s only your first case,” Dr. Carlson tapped her on the back. “Go check your other patients before the results come back, then, we decide together if you should continue on her case or not, okay?”
The next hours were a complete disaster. The more she tried, she couldn’t keep herself focused on the other patients. She gave wrong directions, performed unsuccessfully simple procedures, got lost in the hospital corridors…
Mona’s face wouldn’t leave her thoughts. She hadn’t changed a bit, though she looked pale, weak and exhausted from her sickness. Allison had just left a patient’s room, relieved her turn was almost over when she was called:
“Dr. Wheeler? The results from patient from room 304.” Those were Mona results.
“Thank you.”
She opened the envelope. Her results were somehow worrying. She returned to Dr. Carlson’s office, who gave her a chart with previous information about Mona.
After being taken to the hospital, she was submited to a surgery to remove the bullet from her abdomen. It was lodged near her liver, what caused some damage and complications during the surgery. She had to go under two other surgical procedures and long weeks at the hospital. Her case also demanded special attention and care, what she didn’t receive in prison.
“Hmmm. She has a lesion on the spot she was previously shot, possibly from lack of proper treatment after the hospital discharge.”
“W-What does that mean, Dr. Carlson? Is she going to need another surgery?”
“I’m afraid so.”
Allison returned to Mona’s room to deliver the news. The case was affecting her, but she needed to act her best to look professional and secure.
“Hi, are you feeling any better?”
Mona, who was drowsy from the strong medication, but playfully skipping channels on the TV, turned her attention to her.
“I can go home, I guess. Only a few more shots of these meds and…”
“I’ve got your results,” Allison interrupted. “You can’t go home yet.”
“Judging by your face, I’ll be taking my spot in Hell real soon.”
“Actually… it’s just a surgery. Nothing big this time, only to repair a lesion in your liver from the previous wound. Caused by lack of proper treatment.”
“Yeah, you don’t get the VIP treatment in prison. There’s no resting or special diet or anything.“
Allison went silent, not knowing the words to say.
"Mona, I’m so sorry. I-I… I tried… I thought I could…” at this point her eyes started to get teary.
“Allison,” Mona firmly grabbed her hand, frowning at her. “Just don’t do that, okay?”
“Sure,” she swallowed her tears.
When she arrived home in the morning, her dad was having breakfast, while reading reports about a new case.
“Already working, Detective Wheeler?”
“Sweetheart, there you are!” He got up and handed a her a plate of her favorite waffles. “Sit down and tell me how was your first day.”
“Actually, I’m not hungry… my first day was a lot different than I expected.”
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