#wait did he just say that living somewhere else would be cool (Finland)
quiznak-ofgrayskull · 2 years
Father please shut your trap
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aprilskyforever · 6 years
Henny ranks Eurovision 2018 (fifth and final edition, after the contest)
I still can’t believe it happened, that I actually was there. In the arena. I saw 34 of the 43 acts live, from one distance or another. 10 of them from both. Let me tell you this first: Gabe told me before the trip that all acts would be better live, and he was right. Live, even Russia and San Marino were good. But in this final ranking, I’ve taken all aspects in concern: studio before the show, preparties, sound and show live in the arena, sound and show on tv. And for some, it differs a lot between the factors. But i’ll get to that in the comments for each individual song. Now, let’s go!
1 Italy. My winner since the beginning, and it remained that way. I just feel too strongly for these two men and their song to let them be passed by someone else. I can’t do that. Even if Cyprus beats them in staging. Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente never fails to make me Feel stuff, it hits me right in my heart, and Ermal’s voice is like honey and a magnificent contrast to Fabrizio’s raspy tune. 2 Cyprus (+3). When the song was released I didn’t fully believe in it, due to the heavy autotune on the studio version. But I always thought, if Eleni can pull this off live, this can be really dangerous. She never got to prove her talent until the actual broadcast, and I don’t gamble, but after semi 1 I would have placed my bets on her. Flawless staging (my only complaint is that it was tad bit too much choreography in the first verse), Sacha proves once again what a pro she is. And Eleni, what a queen she is! Completely owning the stage. I stand in awe. 3 Czech Republic. I’m forever impressed by and soft for this man. Brilliant staging - when he did the jumps and flips in the end I completely lost it, I was blown away. Very slick staging and performance, and the song always makes me want to dance. Please, Czech TV, tell me that this wasn’t a once in a lifetime thing! 4 Ukraine (-2). Now, I’ll be honest. Albeit a cool staging, the song doesn’t quite hit me live as it does in studio. It might be that I don’t like Mélovin’s styling, that there’s too much going on on stage, that the bass isn’t as heave as it should be... who knows. I love him and I love the song, but there was just Something missing.   5 Sweden (-1). My man! You made me be proud of my country again! It’s funny, because I’ve never really liked Benji before, even if I’ve known about him since... well 2006? But there’s something about the song, his voice and moves, and the neon bed that makes me soften. Being so far behind in televote was rather painful, I must admit that. 6 Germany (+5). This made me tear up when I saw it in the arena. I haven’t lost my father or anything, but this was simply beautiful and Michael filled it with so much emotion, it was so impressive and it hit me right in the heart on an Italy level. It really deserved its high placing. 7 Israel (+8). She really knew how to get the party started. I’ll be honest and say it’s really not my favourite song and I’ve grown rather tired of it, but it will forever be associated with the moment on Praca do Commercio when Gabe realized it had won, the happiness on his face. And the singing along, how we waved the flag, how we danced, how everyone was looking at us. In that moment, I absolutely loved it.  8 Austria. One of the best songs of the year, without a doubt. In one way I understand why it did so well with the juries, it really is that kind of song, however, live, it didn’t really feel that... exciting? Tickling? In a way that a winner does. Doesn’t really hits your most inner core you know? 9 Denmark (+3). This song climbing is all thanks to the audience, to be honest. They made this song grow. All aboard the viking ship! Or as we say up here, alle man ombord! 10 Finland (-4). Still also one of my favourites this year in terms of song only, the Debs are one brilliant duo. Staging was cool, although it was sort of missing a red thread? It felt a little messy? But I still loved it. 11 Moldova (-2). Oh Julija, I’m so sorry to not fit them into the top 10! I promise I still love them, I love the staging, and I’m weak for the song. Only thing throwing me off is the mixing live, the levels don’t feel just right. 12 Norway (+4). This was the first song I heard live and I’m still weak for it. Really a great party starter. Rybak may not be very helpful with song writing tips, but he sure knows how to deliver a performance and how to charm an audience. 13 Switzerland (-6). Oh my darlings, my darlings I’m so sorry... I really wished I could have seen this in the final. I’ll forever be weak for Coco. 14 Hungary (+7). This year’s big grower! If I’m not mistaken, it started out as my dead last because heavy metal isn’t my genre at all. But then I actually gave the song a chance. And in the arena, good lord help me how good it was. On TV, not as much, but this was absolutely one of the coolest acts to see live. 15 Albania (+2). I adore him, I adore the staging for this, I adore the intro of the song. It sounds so promising and always puts me in a good mood, makes me anticipate something. The only bad thing is the chorus, that thing I’m anticipating, it never really comes you know? But he’s Turt’s favourite and meeting him will forever have a place in my heart. 16 Ireland (+4). I’m forever grateful to whoever came up with the idea to make the music video come alive on stage. It fits so perfectly and lifts the song to sky high levels.   17 Bulgaria (-3). It’s Solid. That’s what I’ve always said. Sounds like Skeletons, but where Skeletons is wandering in an eerie forest with a slight feeling of anxiety, yet anticipation, Bones is being more sure of what’s going on, it’s walking with a steady pace on a wide path, not being afraid of what the eerie forest hides.  18 Australia. Oh, she always makes me so happy, and so does the song. But the chorus still sounds like a bridge, and the dancing felt... not really right, I felt she was too alone on stage. Live, however, this was absolutely stunning. 19 France (-9). This is a sleek song, I do like the sound of it, but by now it has honestly become a bit boring. And I’m sorry. 20 Slovenia (+9). Her charisma, choreography and staging really made up for the underwhelming beat in the chorus that had always put me off before. Now, I didn’t mind it. Also a really good live song. 21 Portugal (-8). Everytime I hear this song, I still wait for it to take off fo real, and it never does. It’s so beautiful, it keeps growing, but it never blooms into the full garden that I expect. And that’s a shame. 22 Latvia (+2). Where Croatia did it wrong, Latvia did it right, in a way. Good angles, good song, she made it work by being alone on stage. Maybe she was a bit too stiff and choreographed though. 23 Belarus (-4). You know, I don’t mind the rose, nor do I mind the song at all. His whole performance was alright, but somewhere I understand why I didn’t qualify.  24 Montenegro (+2). Oh this sweet man! The gift that keeps on giving. He deserved better. 25 Netherlands (+15). This song is such a water divider for me. I’ve grown tired of it and him, but then when I heard it live and saw him on TV it actually wasn’t that bad? It’s like I couldn’t resist it?  26 Greece (-1). This is the best Greece has sent since... 2014. Yeah. But the semi was too strong and I’m honestly happy it stayed where it did. However I’m not happy with the fact that This Is Love qualified last year, and this didn’t. But that’s just how it be sometimes. 27 Spain (+6). When 5000 Spanish fans sing along, you can’t resist it yourself. It’s rather sweet, to be honest. 28 Belgium (-1). Whoever staged and styled this number must be fired asap. Sennek looked like a ghost from a prison cell instead of the elvish and sophosticated lady I got to know in the video. Shame on such a beautiful song. 29 Lithuania (+1). Sure, it’s sweet, but it never hit me like it seemed to do to others.  30 Azerbaijan (-8). It felt... plastic. Detached. Without sincereness, if that’s even a word. But do you get what I mean? 31 Armenia. Beautiful, but it just did nothing for me. 32 Estonia. No, I don’t deny talent and I will recognize and admit the staging was stunning. But it dosen’t make up for the fact that I’ve never liked the song itself, and knowing the lyrics sound ridiculous to someone who speaks Italian, it just adds to it. 33 United Kingdom (+6). Also irresistable live! SuRie really is a very talented artist who deserves a much, much better song that Storm. 34 Poland (-11). I’ve always thought this was alright and it has always put me in a good mood, but after seeing it on TV I cringed a lot, Lukas vocals were far from where they should have been and so was his confidence. And Gromee himself? He felt very awkward. Like a dad who crashes his teenage girls birthday disco to dance along and embarrasses his daughter beyond limits. I shrug, in a bad way. 35 Serbia. This song is a bit all over the place and that really does put me off. Like it’s not... bad, but it doesn’t convince me. 36 Romania (-2). Solid, like Bulgaria, but far from as interesting. And what on earth was that staging?  37 Malta (+1). Cool staging, but I’ve never liked the song and I probably never will. 38 Georgia (-10). Sure it’s beautiful, but this song being in Eurovision just feels so... off? And the staging was so uninteresting. 39 Croatia (-3). Franka, darling, why did you have to be so attached to your mic stand? And being alone on stage? Bad choice. Didn’t help to make the song interesting like it should. 40 Iceland (+1). Oh my boy, my sweet sweet boy... you, like SuRie, really deserved a better song. Please come back with that ok? 41 San Marino (+2). So the song is horrible, but live this was actually kinda fun. Not to mention I love the robots with their signs. Amazing. 42 FYR Macedonia (-5). Man... Macedonia disappoints with staging and styling again. Can someone fire whoever is in charge already? My barbara dex winner by a mile, and I never liked the song to begin with either. 43 Russia (-1). You know, live it didn’t sound so bad. But on TV? Good lord help me. And lord help Yulia. Shame on Russian TV for treating her like this.
And there you have it! I had an absolute blast this season and it will, for very obvious reasons, always have a special place in my heart. Now set sail, and cross the Mediterranian, and we’ll see you again Israel!
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vanhinkoch · 6 years
Second Week Report: Getting Acquainted...
Hello Family and Friends!
I don't this email will be nearly as long as the last, because things are starting to get into a routine now. It's been really wonderful though, being here for 15 days now! I still reaffirm that I love being here at the Missionary Training Center so much, I don't understand why some people think of the MTC like a prison that they can't wait to leave! Elder Halverson wants to be in the mission field already; and while I understand being in Finland is going to amazing, I want to relish every moment I can here at the MTC. 1/12th of my mission experience is going to be here in Provo, I'll have the other 22 months to enjoy in Finland. For now, I'll be learning all I can about the gospel and language.
I'll start off by sharing some of the more secular/not gospel related stuff that has happened within these past 7 days.
Two things that I absolutely LOVE about my lifestyle right now: Exercise Time and Food.
Hahaha, it's so true!! My favorite part of the day is exercise time by far. Our zone predominately plays two games, Spikeball and Kill. Spikeball is alright, it's mostly a Utah kind of sport I guess, but nah; it's all about KILL >:D. Most of you already know this game, but the premise is that all the players stand in a circle and attempt to juggle a soccer ball to 3 to 4 times, then catch the ball after the 3rd or 4th hit and nail somebody to get them out. This is where I as an individual can have my talents shine, as I looove soccer, and nobody else in our zone has quite as much experience as I do. Everybody loves to play, and it's always a bundle of laughs. Another reason why I'm in no rush to leave the MTC, I'm going to miss exercise time with our zone and district.
And yes, I personally love how they feed us here at the MTC. I know some people who don't love it, but you have to a special kind of ungrateful to not love the food and effort they put into it. Every single meal is basically a buffet. You can have as much food as you want, there is a huge variety in drink options (I usually drink a glass of water + a glass of chocolate milk/coke for lunch and dinner) as well as meals scheduled, there's a nice salad/fruit bar, as well as the trusty left-over bar. They have a really awesome system here, and it's amazing how much they really care about all the missionaries. Best cafeteria experience I've ever had! Every single day I have a whole fruit, like an apple/orange/pineapple, as well as a salad. Plus the meals they prep everyday are very well rounded! It feels great to be so well nourished and taken care of. But don't worry Grandma and Grandpa, I still appreciate the "Pantry o' Plenty" experience I shared with you all when we lived together prior to this ;).
Now onto the more spiritual side of my week, and there's so much to cover, but I'll try and prioritize best I can.
Last Sunday was super great. It was sooo busy, it's funny how our "day of rest" is the one where we're running around to so many different meeting and workshops, Haha. I taught the lesson in priesthood class, alongside Vanhin Tracy, and we taught over The Creation, The Fall of Adam&Eve, and Agency. We prepared well, and led really good discussion! 1st counselor of our branch presidency commented on how he thought that was one of, if not the, best discussions he's ever witnessed during his 2 years at the MTC. So that's cool! Since I was assigned to be district leader, I led our district meeting, and I have to say I really enjoy doing that. I never thought of myself as a "natural" leader, but if I can be confident over a subject, and receive support from the people I'm with, it inspires me to believe that I am capable of being one. One thing I have certainly noticed is that I am certainly one of the least "knowledgeable" within our district; especially if we're talking about academics. I'm surrounded by a lot of bright and learned souls, sometimes it feels strange to be a "leader" over them.
A lot of my gospel knowledge has come through the Book of Mormon and the witness of the Holy Ghost, but a lot of the other district members are much more knowledgeable on the bible and deeper doctrines/history of our church. However, I have felt my relationship with the Holy Ghost become immensely strengthened since being here. I try to say more of my general prayers in Finnish, and it's the coolest thing feeling the spirit when speaking and thinking in a different language!!! But I've had some very profound experiences through prayer where I offered up the total desires of my heart in English, especially in the temple. Having this close companionship with the Holy Ghost has allowed me to keep up with the other missionaries, and teach with power. It's kind of really nice not being the smartest elder here, more many reasons, but most importantly it forces me to rely on the promptings of the Spirit. If I am to become a successful and effective missionary, I'm going to have to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost; I'll never be able to wing it based solely upon my gospel/language knowledge. I've had some fabulous teaching experiences, both in Finnish and English, and I give all the credit to the influence of the Spirit. Blessings come from being meek like unto a child, being humble and submissive, and keeping God's commandments. I can personally testify of this!
Last Tuesday, our devotional speaker was Sharon E. Eubanks, 1st counselor in the general Relief Society. She served her mission in Finland!!! She immediately became the coolest women's general authority ever. One really fascinating experience: She was speaking of how she knew an elder who grew up in Germany, spoke German, and had a German Father. He so badly wanted to serve his mission somewhere he could speak German, but got called to Finland. The Elder was initially livid to be speaking such an insignificant language, and felt that it was his destiny to serve German speaking. However, he ended up loving his mission and everything about Finland after he left the MTC. I'm not even making this up! You could imagine how I felt hearing this, having Sister Eubanks tell a story where it almost felt like I was her protagonist. After she told this story, I felt a surge to answer the next question she would address the missionary audience, which was composed of some 750+ Elders and SIsters! I chickened out on the first one, but I was on the edge of my seat so I could be first to raise my hand. Next question came, and I shot up, standing tall with my hand extended. Another Elder on the opposite side of the room did the same. It was a matter of who would have a mic ran to them first. Unfortunately, the mic runner on the other side of the hall was double stepping it, while my guy was just ambling his way up to me. I lost out, and didn't get to answer her question. She moved onto her next point, and I prayed that one more opportunity could present itself, and that I could share my thoughts and say something that would inspire the congregation. That opportunity never came. Family and friends, let me tell you, when you are denied the opportunity to speak and release the spirit that has so strongly filled your vessel, it is a truly awful feeling. There is a difference between disappointment from excitement, and disappointment from being robbed of sharing spiritually inspired thoughts. This was situation where both of these gauges were maxed out. I felt so terrible after that.
After the devotional, we were to have a district discussion over what insights and thoughts we had from the speakers. Me, being the district leader, was in charge of leading this discussion. Hahaha, family and friends, I could hardly look at my fellow elders and sisters without fighting off tears. The branch president was also there, and asked me to share any thoughts I had first. Haha, oh my goodness, I retold them of the experience I had where I was denied the opportunity to share the spirit, and I cried through telling the entire story. My moral of the story was that it isn't about us as missionaries. It isn't about us looking cool, or where we come from, and how we feel; it's about others. We are here to lose ourselves in the service of others, and the service of God. So perhaps God wanted me to realize that through this experience. Funnily enough, there was an immense spirit in the room as I spoke, and perhaps it was wisdom in the Lord that I share my thoughts personally with my district. It would've been so cool to be the German who got called to Finland, where Sister Eubanks served, in front of her and all the other missionaries; but I think that I was denied that opportunity so that I could bear profound testimony to my district. It isn't about me. It is about the people whom I am serving. It is about God and His plan for my progression on Earth. It felt wonderful to release the powerful spiritual feelings built up inside me with my district. Being worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost is so critical for me to have experiences like these. I hope that I am never found unworthy, and never grow content in my knowledge, but continually seek to be guided and led by the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord.
I want to try and make a habit of including Finnish in my emails, so I'll try and recite the Missionary purpose in Finnish (without cheating!).
Meidan Lähetyssarnaaja Tarkoitus:
Kutsua muita Kristuksen luokse autamalla heita ottamaan vastaan Palauttetu Evankeliumi, uskomalla Jeesuksen Kristuksen ja Hänen sovituksensa, tekemällä paranneus, ottamalla vastaan kaste ja Pyhen Hengen lahja, ja kestamalla loppun asti.
Moroni 10:5
"Ja Pyhen Hengen voimalla, sina voit tietää totuuden kaikesta"
I would like to extend a commitment to each of you this week, that you share a scripture that speaks to you with a friend (whether they be a member or not), and bear your testimony on why you like that scripture. I was able to share a scripture of my own, 2 Nephi 31:20, during TRC (basically teach a member fluent in your mission language a lesson), and while my Finnish was very poor, it magnified the spirit as I attempted to bear my testimony. Love and faith means is what pierces hearts, not clever words and logic. I invite each of you to do this and report back to me how it went. I expect 47 emails back ;) so do your part :P xD
I hope that all of you have a wonderful week :) It is always a joy to share my experiences with you all. Perhaps this email wasn't as short as I had originally thought it out to be! I hope to hear back from anybody who enjoyed the things I've shared, it means a lot! Also special shout out to last week's sponsors: Mom for the EUROPEAN FANTA she sent, as well as the Grandma and Grandpa for the huge sheet of delicious brownies!!! Letters from Mom, Dad, Saren/Donnie, and my Grandparents, were also wonderful. Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support! I love you all so much, I'm excited for the adventures of this next week, and to report back to all of you about it.
Until then,
Vanhin Koch
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ilonavic · 7 years
25 Q/A Personality Tag
A dear friend of mine asked me to do this tag myself after I wrote this a while ago for my lovely friends here on Tumblr, thanks to the post by @annarieta regarding this tag, it gave me a little courage to do it. (I actually think there are many scary questions, I don’t like the idea of revealing it to just about anybody.) RULES: Tag people you want to get to know better.
1. Are you introverted or extroverted? I’m very introverted. I can go weeks on my own, without needing company or social stimulation. 
2. Are you ruled by emotions or logic? I reason from a point of logic, but ultimately make decisions based of what I feel will make everyone the happiest. 
3. What is your happiest memory? Like many others have said already, which was a bit surprising to read, I don’t recall many outstanding happy memories. Like @annarieta said, it’s the small things mostly. But I remember happy car rides with my best friend where we sang (screamed) to music, and traveling to the Vatican City with my classmates. Even if the company wasn’t necessarily good all the time, that place really made me happy. It was so beautiful. 
4. What is your saddest memory? Nowadays, every winter, I go into a state of hibernation really. It’s very dark here during the winter, we have about 5 hours of sunlight everyday. It’s cold, it’s dark and murky. It makes me very depressed. But um. The day I lost my best friend is a terrible memory. We were friends for 8 years and I’ve missed her very much for 3 years since. 
5. In what kind of world would you rather live in? I’d love to live in an Elven world. I love the architecture, I love the purple/blue/mystic gloom of the places. The nature, rivers are very beautiful. Where people cherished art, music, writing, love, beauty etc, and no one cared a wit for politics, cruelty or had any desire to forbid people from being different or happy. 
6. What is your favorite video game? The Witcher, Skyrim and BioShock are my babies. 
7. What is your biggest fear for yourself? Being hated by people. 
8. What is your biggest wish for yourself? To be a happy little hermit =) In a beautiful place where I can write stories, paint and be surrounded by 20 dogs.
9. What fictional character do you relate to the most?  Queen Freya from The Huntsman (she’s my avatar for a reason guuuuuuys). Wait, let me explain, haha. She’s portrayed as a complex evil character. I don’t consider myself to be evil, nor do I consider myself to be purely good either. I can relate to her character process. Alike her, I was very trusting and happy when I was little, I was truly a little sunshine. But like with so many of us, life happens, and then life happens again, and I became... well, a different person really. Like her, I often feel misunderstood and isolated. But I also cherish loyalty above all, and shun love away from me (I also freaking love ice and snow). I think love is beautiful when I see it with other people, but I could never love like that myself, somewhere it’s hardwired in my brain in a twisted way that love is a weakness and can be used to manipulate and harm me. Heartache and emotional suffering is something I'm terrified of (you know, when you can physically feel pain in your chest), and I can’t handle it anymore. So I don’t feel romantic desire towards people anymore, I think I’ve... removed it?  
10. If you could become anything, without any education or demands, what would you choose as your profession? Author or an actress.
11. Do you have any siblings? Two brothers and one sister. I’m the second youngest. 
12. Have you ever wanted to injure someone? When I was bullied, I wanted to injure the people who hurt me all the time, but I never actually did it. 
13. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but didn’t? Yes, but I always try to do the best I can to help someone, even if I don’t know the person. It doesn’t matter, I’ll happily embarrass myself to help someone in need. 
14. What makes you angry? Bullies, homophobes, racists, sexists, rapists, murderers, especially animal abusers can fuck off right to hell. 
15. What makes you happy? My precious jewel, doggy.<3 Also, traveling and airplanes is a joy. Museums, exploring new places, yeah. Fun fun. 
16. Would you rather beat up a small child once - or get beaten up by an angry man every single day for the rest of your life? I don’t want to beat up anybody, so bring me the man. Maybe I’d get really psychologically twisted and Stockholm Syndrome would set in so I’d start to like it lol. 
17. What places would you visit today if you could? Ireland! Scotland! England! Just because @lithiumgrayangel showed me how beautiful Sevilla is, I wanna visit Sevilla one day. But of course, beautiful Italy (Rome is stunning), Venice again, Russia (possibly Moscow), FRANCE! Finland, Norway and Iceland are beautiful too. Also Warsaw, UK and US. And Budapest. And New Zeeland, Canada, Australia... Gosh I wanna go everywhere, I can’t pick one!
18. Do you want children? Why? If not, why not? To be honest, it will depend on what situation I am in. Did I, against all odds, found a person who wants children? Then yes, in a stable household and in happy relationship, I’d consider having one or two, no more. But... Right now, that future is looking very bleak. And if I end up with someone who don’t want children, then I won’t have children. Just get a dog instead, they’re less fussy.  
19. Did you have a happy childhood? It’s a bit complicated. When I was young, I did have a happy childhood, but my father was also abusive back then. He calmed down once I became a teenager, and then the bullying started, and when the bullying stopped, my dad became sick. And my mother has basically been hysterical and wacky my entire life so. But um, to be honest. I had friends, a roof over my head, food on the table. I got nothing to complain about. 
20. Have you ever done drugs? If you have, would you do it again? I’ve been offered, but I’ve never been interested and nor will I be. I know a couple of people who just smokes pipe and marijuana in front of me? I think it’s odd but. I try not to judge, and it’s not my business. 
21. Would you rather become a child again, possessing all the knowledge you have today, or become middle-aged, with 45 000 000 € on your bank account? I’d become a child again, start my life over, and be twice as intelligent. Could be like a scientist or something. 
22. If you could become any existing famous person in the world - who would you be and why? I admire Lana del Rey a lot, but I wouldn’t want to be any celebrity. Unless I can become someone really powerful and change the world. Like Donald Trump and resign as the president so someone more capable can take over. 
23. Are your parents married or divorced? They’re divorced, but sadly live together still. It’s a stupid decision, but I reckon my father wouldn’t last a day on his own, and my mother must be addicted to misery. 
24. Where do you see yourself in the future? An author, hopefully. Making a positive change, helping people, having meaningful friends in my life, living in a beautiful place surrounded by nature and animals. :) 
25. If you’d like, a question of your own here. Mine is directed to my fellow Witcher lovers; Who and Why?
For friendly purposes, Regis or Cirilla?  I like Ciri, and I can understand why people would choose her, she seems like she would be a lovely friend. But ultimately, I’d have so much to discuss with Regis. I feel like, without being self-absorbed or... delusional in any way, I have some things in common with him. We’re too loyal, we fight for people who don’t cherish our love or advice and we both like discussing philosophical topics with loooooooong sentences (as you’ve probably noticed by now). I’d feel so good in his company, he’s a lovely lovely man. 
For romantic purposes, Dettlaff or Avallac’h? My darling Avallac’h, I know there are so many people who misunderstands him, confuses his intelligence for arrogance. People call him horrible things. To be honest, I don’t have too much against Dettlaff though, I like him, and I love his complex nature. But of course, I’d never pick anyone over Avallac’h. He’s brilliant, and I would love to discover a million new worlds with him. (ps. marry me have my babies)
As your co-worker, Caranthir or Geralt? Caranthir would be a brilliant colleague, though Geralt is probably more lovable, Caranthir is intelligent. He’d help me with my tasks and I’d sit there gazing into his eyes and not hearing a word he’s saying. ♥‿♥ (true story, I often drift away when people talk to me)
As your boss, Eredin or Ge’els? I don’t know, he feels more attainable than Ge’els do. Ge’els is just da boss, he’d rule over me, I’d always feel incredible stupid and inferior around him. But Eredin is kinda wacky, but I love him, but he’s a silly goose so I’d just try to befriend him to eventually marry him so we could rule the galaxy together. 
As your best friend, Yennefer or Shani? Yennefer, my oh my, I’ve been in love with her since the first time I saw her. She’s INTELLIGENT AND INTELLIGENCE IS SEXY ASF. Shani, you cool too but. Meh, I think her character is a bit boring. There’s not much interesting about her that makes her stand out? She’s not really complex either? She’s just... idk... pretty and stuff. Redhead and stuff. (sorry @vaporeox dont kill me)
As your ally, Vernon Roche or Anna Henrietta? Nah nah, always Roche, I love that man immensely. I’d marry him too. I’d marry everyone. 
As your worst enemy, Triss or Dandelion? I don’t really like Triss that much. What she did to Yennefer has ruined her in my eyes.
Tagging: I’ve already tagged people for this tag, but I would like to tag some of my lovely followers who haven’t been tagged in this, tho I can’t possibly tag all of you, I’m sorry about that: @blackeasteagle @everydayzer0es @spooky-cowfish @dovahkiin-deathbat @shadanakara @i-am-the-sword-in-the-darkness @o-moonyue-o @heroesneverdiie @blohandrum @rosiesuzuya and anyone else who wants to do it - you can write you were tagged by me. ❤
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