#wait I actually kinda like what I did on the 3rd one…. woah
chorastar · 2 months
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random doodle dump of “I just wanna draw cool clothes”
taranza gijinka, magolor gijinka, character from smth I’m working on, and utatane piko bc I have vocal synth brainrot
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lianaloverr · 1 year
I Hate You, Right?
Paring: Non-streamer Quackity (Alex) x fem!reader
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Hello! I’m Liana and this is my first fan-fiction! It’s so nice to meet you. Pls don’t judge my writing it’s my first time lol.
Summary: you and Alex have been enemies since 3rd grade. After you thought it was the end of the world when you two got paired up for a project, you realized he wasn’t as bad as you thought.
Warnings: fluffy (kinda), use of real name.
3rd person
Really short!
“Ughhhh.” 5 more minutes. “Y/n wake up!” Mom says. *sigh* “I’m up!”
You slide out of bed and start getting ready to go back to hell. You wear *your choice* clothes for school. “Y/n, hurry and come eat breakfast before the bus comes!” “Okay!” You say. You walk down the stairs to smell that sweet smell of pancakes and syrup. You eat your food and wait for the bus.
*time skip to school*
You hop off the bus and start walking to the doors. Once you walk in you hear a familiar voice. “Hey y/n.” It was Alex. “What do you want?” You say, aggravated already. “Woah calm down, I can’t just say hi?” He says. “No actually.” You say as you walk away. You never really thought of why you hated Alex, it was just something about him getting on your nerves. Even since you met in 3rd grade you were at each other’s necks all the time. Like this one time in 5th grade, he tripped you in the hallway right in front of your crush. So you got him back by putting glue in his seat, it was funny nonetheless. But even all of this hatred you have for each other you couldn’t lie and say you’ve never had a crush on him. But since you were enemies, you never thought of asking him out, so you pushed your feelings to the side and kept the rivalry going. You snap out of you thoughts as you approach your first period, math.
*time skip to 5th period*
“Hello class! Today we have a project that you are going to work with a partner for it. But I will be choosing your partners.” Visible anger came form the class. “Okay settle down! Let me name off the people who are working together.” All the sudden you hear a voice behind you. “Hey y/n. I hope we’re partners. That means I’ll get to annoy you even more.” Alex said. “You know, I hope we’re not partners. Because if we are, it’s not gonna be good.” You say. “You know it’s a privilege to work with me!” Alex said. You roll your eyes, “you’re so full of yourself.”, you say as you turn back around.
“Okay, Max and Sarah. Keith and Liz. Y/n and Alex..” “What what!?” You say. “You heard me miss y/n. You will be working with Alex.” The teacher says. “Please there has to be someone else to work with!” You say. “No. You work with Alex or you get an 0.” You sigh as you look back at a smirking Alex. “This is gonna be fun.” He says. Oh boy…
*times skip to the end of school*
“You will not believe who I got paired up with!” You say to your friend. “I got pai-“ “Hey y/n!” You hear from behind you. “Ugh what?” You say, already knowing it was Alex. Do you want to work on the project at my house tomorrow?” Alex says.*sigh* “Sure, why not.” “Cool I’ll give you the address tomorrow at school! Bye partner!” He says as he runs off to catch his bus.
Although you acted mad about it, you didn’t feel all that bad about working with him. You were nonetheless curious on what his house looked liked or what he did in his free time.
But nothing could’ve prepared you from what will happen when you spend the next week with him working on the project.
Heyy! Thank you for reading part 1! It wasn’t really well done, so it would be very much appreciated if you told me the mistakes I made! Tell me if you want part 2!
Part 1/?
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accirax · 4 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 9
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woah, how strong is Tess/how weak is Aiden? i guess it's probably that Tess is jacked. non-digital art supplies are heavy.
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he truly is the worst dad ever. no wonder Fiore constantly faceplanting never raised any alarm bells for him. it does make him being so worried about Fiore being attacked by the scorpion/alone in the dark in S1 all the sweeter, though :) (or all the more fucked up, from his son's perspective.)
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WHERE THE FUCK DID YUL GET KAI'S SHIRT FROM SHKHSLKJASLDJASLD. i guess the last time we saw Kai he was shirtless so i guess his shirt must have wound up somewhere???
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this makes sense, kind of. although, i maintain that Grett's actual gameplay in S1 was ATROCIOUS. anyways i love supportive Riya!!! just like Alec and Riya, this is a really fun pairing that i hope they expand upon more.
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this was just by unabashedly being himself, i imagine? i can't picture Yul supporting Grett being herself, no matter what her true self is. he's too appearance-discriminatory for that.
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thank god it's not another split personality plotline; i've had enough of those from other series.
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top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster
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something about Aiden saying "sexy" really caught me off guard. anyways, woahhhhh whaaaaat oh my godddddd i can't believe Tom's boyfriend was fake!
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yeah... because cops never lie 🤨
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this really is therapy: the episode, huh? it's fine, i like the character work. also, Trevor's feelings reveal! this was pretty obvious, especially once they showed it in the trailer, so i'm not at all surprised. what i am surprised about is that we didn't see any of Derek and Kristal getting a drink or playing pool this episode. did it just happen off screen, or was it canceled/postponed? i'm sure Kristal's reaction will have some kind of effect on how Derek takes the news whenever Trevor decides to tell him.
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Trevor is an honorary member of the Magenta team :) also, i would've thought slip-n-slide was a copyrighted brand name. then again, i have no idea what they'd call it otherwise.
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we see later that other people do miss their shots fairly frequently. thus, this is proof that Grett is 100% baller.
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mad at her (/j) for this one because my first thought when Tess and Ally wound up on top of each other was "this, too, is yuri."
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*adds one tally to the "Yul lines that made me laugh out loud" counter*
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maybe they are soulmates
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mildly disappointing-- with the episode playing out this way, i was kinda hoping that it would have been Aiden instead of Tess. however, for as much as you can argue that Aiden is just an obstacle in the Jake/Tom plot, Tess was pretty much only acting as a counselor in the Gabby/Ellie plot. and, while you could argue that Tess still had more potential to be explored in her relationship with Ally, Aiden still has more potential to be explored in his relationship with Riya. the biggest shame, in my opinion, is that they're favoring Aiden and Riya, who placed 3rd and 2nd, over Tess and Ally, who placed 9th and 6th. i should probably save more of these thoughts for my next power ranking instead, but, these ARE my initial thoughts on the elimination.
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and she doesn't even get her gf to see her out? what is this cruel world?! (/j)
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this is a really great expression. Tom and Aiden, watch your backs >:)
overall, a really fun episode! we got some nice character check-ins at the beginning, followed by some enthralling strategy at the end. watching Gabby fully and openly devolve into villainhood is a treat. super excited to see where we go next! if you count Gabby in with the villains, we've got 5 villains versus 5 non-villains... will a merge pit the two sides against each other, or will we wait until there are 9 players left to create an even half? until next time!
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karimwillia · 1 year
👀 is it safe? I am clearing out the vault with a one shot enjoy all. It’s AU with some Black Panther references.
Warnings: General Fluff
“Ri why can’t I stay?” “Hey what did I tell you?” “It’s Demetria, I'm sorry.” “Thanks. You can’t stay tonight because I got things I have to do. Call me tomorrow.” “Ok bye. I won’t keep you.” Riri walks her 3rd random girl this month out of her dorm. Demetria Riri Williams the smartest and most “popular girl” on campus. She has been at this stuffy boarding school for a year now and she’s already technically a senior but she is going to stay the extra year for the fun of it. “Are you finally done making out with these randos?” Natalie says plainly. Nat is Riri’s roommate and she is always a good sport staying in the suite sitting room when Ri has company. Despite what people think Riri never has actual sex with these females she just makes out and they tend to get attached. An attached rich white girl is the best because they are generous.
“I’m done for a while, actually I don’t need anything else.” Laughing Nat hands Riri the bowl of popcorn as she sits on the couch to watch the forever reruns of Living Single.
“You are something else Riri Williams oops I mean Demetria. Lol. They can’t even call you by your nickname, you are something else.” “Woah woah don’t be that way Nat I am a nice person, I’m just a playa.” “Ooooh ok playa, have a question: do you ever feel bad? I mean you kinda hurt their feelings some of them at least.” “No no no I don’t feel bad because I am always clear with them that I don’t want a relationship also none of them are gay. At least that’s what they tell me. I am just for fun. Let them tell it.”
“Damn Ri that’s gotta suck No? I mean you are a dope chick none of them want to get to know you?” “I mean I’m ok with it for now it is what it is. It’s the reason why I don’t move past making out. I’m protecting me.” “I feel that friend and maybe you’re right. Just have fun relationships can wait.” Nat’s voice has an air of irony in it.
BuzzBuzz “Oh snap thats my school phone maybe one of my lab timers.” Riri is a brilliant inventor who has been inventing so much, Tony Stark himself took interest in her. She was sent to Forest Hill’s Academy boarding school to be a part of their top notch science education and to have open study time for her building. The school is kinda famous for it students have on and off days to do free study/independent work.
“Incorrect it’s the school email.” Nat keys in the school pass code to the phone. “You are being assigned an exchange student to host as an ambassador.” “What in the world!!! Nooo. I’m not even one of them.” “It says here you are being hand chosen to host this guest. Plus you never know it could be someone cool.” Riri takes the phone to read the details of the person who is coming to shadow her. “Nat get real it says she's from Wakanda you know that small farming country. Her name is Shuri Udaku. That does not sound like someone interesting at all!” Nat chuckles a bit and continues to watch the show. Once they had their fill of episodes the roommates turn in for the night.
Ri hops in the shower and heads to the dining hall for breakfast early the next morning. “Nat, do you think you can pose as me and get me out of this thing? I have an open lab today. I don't have time to be saddled with a village kid from some nation that didn’t exist 10 years ago.” “No Ri you are stuck they have your photo up as a part of the email.” “Damn! If it’s not one thing. I wonder what this is???” Nat and Riri come up on some long line in the caf that is not normal for this time of day. “I don’t know but something is not right.” Coming up on a table to the left of the line they see what the hold up is. A tall slender girl who has shaved sides and some nicely done braids doing something with a small machine has drawn a crowd. “What kind of phone is that?” Riri even gets pulled in by the wild design. It seems to be a phone with a full hologram projection that is not diminished by light with a no touch interface.
Nat shakes her head as they maneuver past them. Riri is not easily impressed but it is amusing to see Riri geek out. “Who is that and I just know she invented that tech.!?” Secondary to the phone Riri takes a good look at the girl and she be damned if the girl was not drop dead gorgeous to her. Flawless deep brown skin, a sculpted jaw, teeth perfectly white with a hint of gold. As she was staring the girl looked up and gave her a wink then looked back down shyly.
“Shuri this is amazing!” Nat hears one of the Hannah’s say walking past. “Bitch! That’s your exchange student.” The pair get out of ear shot unsure if Shuri heard or not. Just as Nat exclaims. “No fucking way you sure?” “Yep you just eye fucked your exchange student one of the Hannah’s said her name. Oooooh playa you are in trouble now.” “Shhhhh I did not eye fuck her…ok a little bit but look at her Nat and her tech is wild she had to have invented it she’s smart as hell.” Nat just laughs as they go get food and sit in the farthest corner of the caf they can.
At the table Nat is intently reading her ipad. “Did you read this profile like read it, read it?” “Naw why?” “Well you should have it says here that Shuri is the youngest heir to the Wakandan throne. This makes her the Princess of Wakanda. Ooooh snap and did know Wakanda is not what we think it is. According to this article ‘For years the world has known Wakanda to be a small farming African Nation. But in recent months it has been discovered that is not the case. In fact Wakanda is a very technologically advanced nation. The head of the research and development has been their super genius Princess Shuri Udaku. Shuri is now embarking on an educational tour to research and work with some of the most promising scientists around the world as a part of an outreach program being launched via the nation. First stop is Forest Hill’s Academy to work with Tony Stark mentee and child prodigy inventor Riri Williams.’ She came here for you!” Nat gave Ri a wink kind of squealing. “Shit. There is no way.” Riri take the table and gasps looking over the words Nat just read aloud.
“Mhm playa I think you have found your match.” “Hold up I mean just because she is utterly gorgeous and a super genius does not mean I’m not ME you know.” The confidence is a little weak at the moment but it’s true. She would have been at MIT almost done had she not wanted to have somewhat of a childhood. “That is correct. I mean you even made a prototype proton blaster at the age of 7 that was what prompted the Tony Stark to take interest in you.” A warm deeply accented voice with a small amount of base in it startled Riri during her rant.
When she looked up there she was Shuri standing inches away from her. “I’m glad I found you this is a huge cafeteria. I’m…” “Shuri, yes nice to meet you I’m Demetria which you already knew. I see you have done a little reading up on little ole me?” Something about Shuri was just so intriguing to Riri. Ri reaches to shake Shuri’s hand. But before she knew anything, Shuri take’s her hand first and kissed the back of it gently. “Yes I have actually but the articles didn’t say how beautiful you were.” Riri pauses hold up now did this Princess just make a pass at her?
“I can see you are doing the same research on me also so we are even.” Riri gains her composure fast. The charming Princess cannot have the upper hand “It's only fair to see who I am dealing with but I can agree the internet is not the most reliable for certain information.” Riri looks Shuri up and down with her best look.
Soon the feeling of eyes started to make Riri upset just a bit. Nat helped to ease a bit of the tension by offering Shuri a seat. “Shuri, come join us.” With a bright smile Shuri accepts with her eyes affixed on Riri. “Don’t mind if I do. It’s not everyday you meet such a brilliant mind at only 16.” Shuri’s voice floats in the air so smoothly. Ri tries to hold back blush as Shuri sits facing her and her roommate. “Shuri, this is Natalie Pride, my roommate here at FHA.” “Great to meet you Natalie.” From there Shuri only focuses on Riri.
A short while passes of a bit more pleasantries and some question answering. Poor Nat was the 3 and 4 wheel. “So since you know why I’m here, when are you going to show me to your work space? A work space tells the true you.” Clearing her throat Riri feels somewhat overwhelmed by the admiration and interest in her work by this world class scientist. Shuri explained a lot about Wakanda’s technology and how she has contributed to a lot of what is staple tech being used in the world. Riri cannot fathom this girl wanting to pick her brain.
“I will be happy to show you all of me but first let’s get you to your room. You’ll be my roommate.” Riri wanted for that to come out as suggestive as possible. The two girls have not only exchanged facts, figures and work but they have been FLIRTING. “Are you in Langer 1220?” “No the suite across the hall 1222. How is it that our exchange program places everyone in the room with their host?” “Now that’s a disappointment. It must be because my guards requested a single for me.” “Guards?” Riri scrunches her face up. “You see the very out of place bald women watching in the wings. I must have them with me at all times.” Riri nods, finally paying attention to the remainder of the room. Riri cannot believe that the last time she was focused on anything other than Shuri was being annoyed by the eyes. What is happening to her?
The crew gets up and walk the short distance to Langer and they separate from there. “See you in about 45 mins. “Count on it.” *winks* Once in the suite Nat gives Riri a face. “Girl what in the world was that!?!? She had you blushing.” “Ugh I know what in the world.” “I’ll give you a few points for the flirting but goodness y’all didn’t even care I was there. Not a fan.” “It’s her energy, it's almost like a pull, Nat. I got hyper focused. Sorry girl.” “Whatever, no you are not. You get like that when something has your true interest.” “You're right but she is just so different then anything or anyone I have been interested in.” Riri proceeds to get changed. She has to keep it spicy.
“How do I look??” Shuri asks Aneka about her outfit after changing for the 3rd time. “Yeka ukuxhalaba Shuri you look fine. I know you want the young girl's attention but I think you have it.” Tisssssssk Shuri kisses her teeth. “I am aware I may have had it talking about my work but honestly Aneka did you see her? She’s gorgeous that I didn’t bargain for.” “Well just make sure you hit your first goal of being here Princess. She is a great talent.” “Yes she is but something else about her is making me want more…you’ve got to hear her speak.” You know what come on before you drive me mad.” Aneka pushes Shuri out of the room.
Meeting up in the hallway just as Shuri is thrust out of the doorway. “Um wow you look very nice your highness.” Riri comments on the carefully chosen outfit. Shuri smirks in Aneka’s direction after the comment. They walk at a comfortable pace over to the student lab spaces. Riri reviews some campus landmarks on the way as Shuri will be at FHA for sometime.
“So tell me about yourself Demetria what made you so interested in science?” “Well my Pops was a mechanic in Chicago and he basically showed me everything about building from the age of 3 that’s when I built my first machine. It was a nite light that was solar powered. After he got killed I just kept on in his memory.” Riri never talks about her Dad but something about this girl just helps her open up. “What about you Ms. Supergenuisinventor” It was extra but it lightened the mood. “My brother T'Challa has always been my voice, when Baba didn’t want to let me continue my studies he stood up for me. I advanced past everything they threw at me so T’Challa would challenge me. He’s taught me everything I know. I’ll never admit it to him though.” “That’s sweet, must be nice to have him.”
Shuri and Riri talk for a while longer, comparing knowledge and just getting to know facts about each. Haha “So you mean tell me you have never done any of the normal dances and things in school?” “No Princess it’s not my thing I would rather build.” “That sounds like me but I never went to formal school so that makes sense for me not you. I know you have had people tearing down your door to court you.” “Naw here at this school is the most ‘popular’ I have been and even then I am the gay experiment for these white kids.“ “Gay experiment?” Shuri really didn’t understand the saying frowning up her face. She hears a bit of pain in Riri’s voice. “I am not sure how you all feel about same sex couples but here most people think being gay is wrong so they treat liking people as a game or phase.” “Wakanda is not like that. You can date whoever you choose. Then I take it you are not accepted by your family?” “My Mommy and my Sister love me regardless. I just never met a person who really wanted to get to know me. They all just wanted to know what it’s like to kiss a girl if you understand that.”
Ahh Shuri places a hand under Riri’s chin tipping her face up from looking down. “I’d like to get to know you more than just a kiss if that is ok?”
Was this actually happening to her? Demetria Riri Williams. Her mind was not used to this; she was a facts and figures girl, even with the experiments it was logic. Something was so real about Shuri’s words. This is just the first day, what could come of this? She was feeling this girl. Feeling her feeling her. Taking a deep breath Riri gets a boost of confidence. “Then how about a date? You and me, no one else.” “Only if you allow me to pay the way for us.”
Shuri’s month on campus felt like a week the two laughed, cried, shared ideas and knowledge. This bonding made their relationship so strong. It also made each girl a new person. Riri got softer and more open to people in some ways. Shuri became more serious; she learned so much about what was happening outside of Wakanda from Riri. The day she left Riri cried. She didn’t know why at the time but something inside Riri changed and made her not want to play anymore if the connection was not genuine she didn’t want it.
Skip 4 years
*knock* Ri honey you have to get up it’s graduation day!!!!! “Mmmm Hi Mommy. Thank you. I’m up now.” 20 year old Riri is graduating from MIT with highest honors and was on cloud 9 today. You would be too if you had an Executive Director of Robotics position at Stark Industries right out of college. Plus her family was by her side for this special day. The day was perfect on the outside but for some odd reason Riri felt like something was missing. “Sissy your MUA is here and your hair stylist.” Sharon Riri’s big sister came through the joined hotel room door to announce. “Yay thanks Sha let them in.” Sharon twists her face looking at her sister. “Ok but Ri you are to calm what is up?” “I’m fine I just am not fully awake is all.” Riri’s mood was mellow because something was off. She had not felt like this in a while. Something was missing from this day. Slowly she came to recognize what it was but how could she want this after all these years. “You are missing her today huh?” Sharon snapped Riri out of her thoughts. Sharon could read her sister's mind like a book when it came to certain things and she was right.
Why today of all days did she miss Shuri Udaku. After the month in high school Wakanda was still pretty closed off in those first few years so they lost touch. Riri kept tabs on Shuri best she could and she felt like the worst friend/person on Earth. Shuri had gone through it over the years. The Black Panther her Brother passed of an unknown illness that potentially could have been cured by Shuri. This came right after Wakanda was destabilized by a hostile takeover. That made her next in line after her Mother which has to be a lot of pressure. Riri wanted to be there for her so badly. Wakanda has now been combatting attacks on their outreach program outposts for their rare metal vibranium. Adding a strain to the countries alliances.
Riri has been glued to every CNN news clip or New York Times post about Wakanda since the day Shuri left. It made her feel closer to Shuri in a way. Knowing that Shuri had to take on these responsibilities without her Brother’s support caused Riri to be sick to her stomach most days.
“Sissy I don’t know ok I miss her everyday but something about today is so off it’s like my body needs her.” Sharon has heard this before right after Riri got home from school for break that year and she is the first one to break it to Ri that’s she is in Love with this girl. But she is super concerned because she has not seen her sister like this in a while. “Girl what can I tell Tony to get you in touch with her.” “Ok and say what yea Shuri this is Demetria from 4 years ago you know the fling you had and oh yea I’m in love with you I have an extra ticket to my graduation you wanna come?” “When you put it like that yea it sounds silly but Ri come on you said yourself Shuri never even kissed you because she wanted you to know how important you are to her. How can you say that was just a fling?” “We were 16 socially awkward teens I mean yea I was being a player back then but I’m sure in 4 years she does not even remember me.” “I think you are buggin baby sister you have no clue what she remembers.”Riri’s glam team arrives and she gets ready for her day as she continues to talk to her sister.
“Shuri, what brings you state side??” Shuri is standing at the window of the Stark center in Cambridge when Tony walks behind her. “Tony don’t play dumb you know why I’m here.” “Oooooh you are finally done with the cloak and daggers huh? Are you going to actually see her this time?” “Yes Stark I am actually going to see her. You know it’s been a difficult road to this and I thank you for making sure I knew where she was all these years.” “Kid I hear the way to talk about her to me you are in love how could I not help you? But I do want to know what made you stay away this long? You have been torturing yourself.” Shuri winces at the comment. Tony was right this past 4 years has been literal torture. After going home to Wakanda, Shuri wanted to stay in touch with Riri. She actually planned a second visit to the states, specifically Chicago during the holidays to surprise her. But Wakanda made precautions that even with the outreach programs they wanted to stay relatively closed off from the world and it was with good reason. So that caused the first rift. Then once T’Challa passed and so much chaos happened it took focus for Shuri but she always kept Riri on her radar of priority. With a look Shuri stated.
“Tony, she always told me how important school was to her and I didn’t want to interfere plus we were kids then we needed time to grow. Did you send the thing for me?” Shuri was masking well. She was nervous and excited for today. “500 red roses signed Umntwana. Yes and the diamond and vibranium pendant of her suits heart. Nice touch.” Tony remarks of the gifts Shuri wanted specially sent. Sighs “Thanks Stark I have loved her since 17 years old she deserves me to beg at this point.” “Shhhh Shuri she will be upset but just ease into it Umntwana Wam.” “Listen to your Mother.” Tony jokes, patting Shuri in the shoulder. While Queen Mother enters the room. “Goodbye Stark.” Shuri turns her attention to her Mother who is beaming at her from across the room. It was time.
*knocks* As Riri and her family gather the rest of their things to leave, a knock and voice comes booming into the room. “Delivery for one Demetria Roniece Williams.” Sharon leaves Riri to open the door. Ri was now dressed in her form fit white dress which hugged her curves in all the right places. This knock came as a surprise because who is sending her something? “I wonder what’s up. I have my gifts from Stark unless he is sending more.” Opening the door a slim man walks up and asks “Is this the suite of Miss Demetria Williams.” Sharon nods “Yes, come in.” Nodding his head the man moves to the side and one by one several delivery men bring roses by the dozen into Riri’s hotel room. Luckily she has in a presidential suite compliments of Tony or so she thought “Who are these from?” The number continues to grow to close to 500 before the man answers her. “It is Signed from Umntwana. Confused at first, a light went off in Riri’s head it could not be. Then the man claps and a young woman in a black dress brings a huge necklace box and unveils a gorgeous tennis chain with her IronHeart smybol on it clad in the clearest of diamonds. This is only one person’s doing and how did she find her? “Who in the world is Umntwana?!?” Sharon and Riri are now joined by her Mother in her suite while the chain is opened.
“That would be me.” And like a fever dream there she was, Shuri Udaku Princess of Wakanda at her door and the young lady hands her the necklace. “I hope I am not too late for your ceremony. I know I’m late for a lot of other things so I hope 500 flowers is enough to say sorry with.” Riri flew across the room tossing her arms around Shuri not even knowing if she was real. Shuri caught her with no hesitation and with ease she held her up in a tight embrace that felt like home. Ri and Shuri both could not speak, they had so much to say with no time to say it. “Shuri isimilo.” Shuri laughs as her Mother arrives with Okoye Aneka and Ayo her Dora Milaje for the day.
“Yes so so so sorry I am Shuri Daughter of Queen Ramonda Princess of Wakanda. The girls are now holding hands, fingers laced as if they needed to be attached, keeping the other from disappearing. “This is my Ahma Queen Mother Romanda Sovereign Ruler of Wakanda. Ahma, this is Demetria “Riri” Williams, the one I have not stopped speaking about in ages.” “She is a vision Shuri.” Riri feels her face being lifted to meet the gaze of Shuri’s Mother it was warm and loving as if she knew Riri already. Ri cleared her throat and smiled “Thank you so much, this is my family. Mother Ronnie and Sister Sharon Williams. You all this is Shuri. And her Mother.” Ronnie crosses the room to hug Shuri “Ooooooooh my god Baby she is beautiful. You know how to pick ‘em I see.”
“Oh my god what are you doing here???” Ri exclaims. “If I recall I made you a promise that I would be at your graduation and I could not let you down.” Riri beamed happily looking at Shuri as if she was not real. That was a promise made one night during that month as they were star gazing. “I am aware but a heads up would have been nice. I could have worn something cuter.” Riri pokes some fun as Shuri smiles. “You look plenty fine to me, your dress is amazing. But we cannot be late . I have made some time for us to talk more later, I assure you.” With a smile and wink Shuri ushers them out of the room to the front lobby. The girls hold hands the entire way.
They all file outside to make it on time to the ceremony and Riri finally felt what she was missing. Shuri already planned for a two car transport so there are extra Dora in front to greet them. Shuri and Riri both were admiring the other's features. They appreciated how the years have aged them. There is a silence that befalls the car which is tense but is broken up by tender and almost shy looks. “Will you allow me to take you to dinner tonight? I don’t know what you had planned for us to talk.” Riri asked while in Shuri embrace. Shuri smirks at how Riri has become more confident in social settings. “A dinner is better than my plan so yes as long as you allow me to pay.”
Shuri was so proud watching as Riri crossed the stage. The American Graduation custom was a beautiful one to her. Being called by your name being recognized for your mind's accomplishments felt so validating. “Demetria Roniece Williams highest honors” There it was her person’s name called and she clapped and cheered as loud as she could. Everyday for 4 years Shuri has missed everything about Riri from her smile to the way she wrinkles her nose to concentrate just everything about her. During that month the two fell for each other without the other's knowledge. Shuri may not have always been positive that Riri felt the same for her but she at least knew they were friends. It sickened her how life got in the way of them and became determined to reconnect. She also held me heavily influenced by her Mother to seek out what would make her happy.
Queen Romanda was tired of watching her child pine. She could tell this was something that weighed on Shuri. She would always mention this American Scientist named Riri. And she would hear so many stories of her daughter’s visit to this specific school where she learned so much from that same young scientist. The stories were the only thing that made her child smile after T’Challa passed. So it was no question Queen Romanda was adamant about Shuri reconnecting with this scientist of hers.
“Baby I am so so proud of you!!!” Riri’s Mother and the rest of the group that now included the Queen and Princess of Wakanda found Riri in the crowd and embraced her. Finally Riri felt complete and she was so so excited. Shuri was the missing piece but this dinner is long overdue to get the rest of their relationship ironed out.
After saying goodbye, Shuri takes Riri’s hand lacing their fingers walking to the car “My Mother was right Baby you are a vision. Like even more beautiful than I remember.” The term of endearment was like music to Ri’s ears. “Thank you so much Baby. Can I be honest with you?” “I would not want you to be anything but honest with me.” “I was physically in need of you today, it was so out of place. Then here you are. That sounds wild I know but it’s the best way I can describe it.” Now in the car Riri turns to face Shuri while she is being held by the royal. Shuri smiles small hearing the confession. She can read an unasked question in Riri’s eyes and something is telling her she will have to answer every questioning look. Holding Riri closer drawing small circles on her back the car rolls to its destination. “Well you felt that I have been planning this moment for months. Like a spider sense.” Shuri chuckled but it was true. Clenching her jaw, Riri wants to just flood Shuri with all the questions on her mind but she decides to play it cool. Everything will come out in due time. “Months huh? Maybe I did sense you then. How did you know where I was?” “Your Mentor is a good friend.”
“So Tony told you where I was?” “Yes I had him fill me in on you yearly for three years now. After we lost touch I missed you like crazy even in the middle of the chaos around me. Tony was my last real resort other than sending spies to find you. I would have done it even with all the changes we have made to our laws about international relations in Wakanda. The council would have had my head had I done that though. You know I am still seen as a child to them.” Laughing, Riri dropped her gaze making Shuri’s lips her main focus. Things are falling into place. “What is funny?” “ I am just laughing that I never asked Tony for the same. I just glued myself to the news for any and all updates on Wakanda.” Pulling up to the restaurant the two get out and Shuri takes the lead entering Nobu where the pair was sat in a private booth in the back.
“So you kept your tabs on me too? Huh?” “Yes but not as effectively I suppose. I just missed you also like A LOT. And after seeing all that has gone on with your family and your country I just have been worried about you. Which by the way, how are you? And don’t be tough.” The playful banter gave way to a serious tone straight away. “Most days I am sad and angry but I have some things that motivate me to keep going. Number one I was able to successfully synthesize more heart shaped herb so the mantle of Panther is restored. Number two Prince T'Challa, my nephew is 3 and thriving. Number 3 You seeing how much you have accomplished and the thought of seeing you again even if you hated me.” Shuri kisses Riri’s hand and looks at her as she scrunches her face. “Shuri Baby I could never hate you. I understand that circumstances kept us apart. I cried for a week when you left. I just always wanted you also.” “So you never got mad at me or questioned anything?” “Maybe for a short time to keep myself from hurting so bad. But I mostly just wanted to do the corny teenagers in love stuff. I would dream of it and other things.” Shuri lets out a low and seductive laugh. “Don’t laugh and especially like that please.” Riri's eyes are lower now “I’m sorry I am just amused at how in tune we still are. I dreamed a lot also.” The chatter goes on and on past dinner and back to Shuri’s hotel room. Riri’s was connected to her Mother’s. The way she is feeling tonight it would not be appropriate to go to her room.
“So what happened to you and Nat?” “We are still cool but she is in LA so I don’t see her much.” Riri is staring at Shuri tracing every feature of her face with her eyes. The two women have been almost in each other's skin all night. Something about Shuri’s body was different Riri was running a finger on her chest and just blurted.“You are the new Black Panther aren’t you!” Shuri’s eyes got big. “Yes how did you figure that out.” “The hug you caught me as if I was nothing in weight and held me with no strain then just your body is different it’s muscular in the best way.” Shuri smirks. “So I must be the Panther because I’m muscular, maybe I just work out?” “No you are still a nerd, nerds are not strong like that. And they don’t work out.” Smiling Shuri gets closer to Riri. “Your observation skills are impeccable, IronHeart. But please keep it to yourself.” It was Riri’s turn to be surprised. “What did you call me?” “IronHeart I like the name. I’m glad you took my advice on the symbol.” Sighs “you that? I had to carry you with me somehow.”
The pair fall silent for a moment. “After I left, have you dated anyone?” “No…my standards became a little too high one day. Shuri why is it that you have not kissed me yet you keep looking at my lips.” “I have always just respected what you first said to me.” “What are you talking about?” Cupping her face, Shuri runs her thumb on Ri’s cheek. “You are more than just an experiment to me. So I always controlled myself and waited on you.” As the last word came out Riri attached her lips to Shuri’s.
The kiss starts slow and sweet, testing the limits of what is welcomed. But it was passionate. Shuri pulls Riri to straddle her on the couch as she runs her hands up Ri’s spine. Pulling her hair, Ri's head falls back exposing her neck for bites that Shuri gladly places along her pulse. Ri cannot control her moans while her body heats up. Feeling the most submissive she has ever felt, Riri didn’t expect this from Shuri to some degree. She’s not sure what she thought but the 17 year old Shuri she met was not this dominant.
Pushing back to look in each other's eyes lust and passion are reflected in each other. Shuri is in full control as she rips at Ri’s dress so she can lick her exposed breasts, sucking the right nipple into her mouth. Growling low Riri runs her fingers into Shuri’s hair which is curly on top now. Hissing Ri grinds her hips down into Shuri’s below her. Kissing back up her neck, Shuri gruffly speaks into Riri’s ear. “Tell me what you want.” “You inside please.” Swiftly Shuri moves them to bed and drops Ri down with some force. She moves to pull off her shirt but she guides Riri’s hands to help. She was going to please her tonight for all the lost time. Shuri leans in and kisses Riri with one hand around her neck with just a loose firm grip and she runs her free hand between them over her clit over her underwear. “You’re not quite ready.” “Yes I am please.” Shuri starts to leave marks on Ri’s skin with small bites and her hands move Riri to lay back. Once she is laid in the right position Shuri rips off Ri’s underwear, circles her clit as she kisses her deeply and slides two fingers into her at a steady pace. Ri breaks the kiss “ahh fuck” Shuri loves the look on her face so she focuses on Riri’s face picking up the pace. “You were ready.” Kissing along her jaw “Yes just for you.” “Just for me?” “Yes!” Shuri’s fingers are moving faster now and they reach Riri’s spot on one of the strokes that makes her moan louder. “Ahhh! Shuri!”
Hearing her name drove her crazy. “You gone cum for me? I need you to cum for me.” Riri’s voice gets caught and all that comes out is moans and a scream as she is pushed over the edge. “Shuri!” she makes out as the Princess continues to please her down from her climax. Catching her breath “Baby what did I do to deserve this?” “It’s your day and it’s more when you can take it.” Shuri kisses Ri’s temple and then pulls her fingers to suck them clean before kissing Ri again, slipping her tongue along the inside of the smaller woman's cheeks. After a few more rounds the women laid together falling into a peaceful slumber.
“Princess your Dora are at the door.” Griot Shuri’s AI chimed from her Kimoyo Beads on the bedside table. “Tell them to wait Griot.” “At once Princess. “Mmmm Good Morning Baby Girl” Shuri says in Riri’s ear rubbing small circles on her back. “Mmmm Morning Baby.” Riri keeps her eyes closed lying on Shuri’s chest not wanting to move. “Baby why are your Dora at the door?” “They have to check on me for the morning.” “Then you probably need to go see them then huh?” Rolling to her side relieves Shuri of her body weight which is instantly missed. Making her way to the front room Shuri closes the doors to the bedroom to give her girlfriend privacy. Are they girlfriends now? That will have to be talked about.
Tisssk “Ahh so the scientist is here.” Aneka Ayo and Okoye laugh to themselves. “Just know she can only have a title once married.” The Dora poke fun at the princess just a little while more before doing their status report. “The Queen Mother is to return home today we just need to know of your intent Princess.” “I am to stay sometime longer.” “Then you will have Aneka and one other Dora with you moving forward.” “Thank you General.” Tapping her spear, the Dora exit the suite. Alone in thought the Princess orders room service she orders pancakes, fresh fruit, coffee, juice and a few more random food items for a breakfast in bed. Things with this reunion has been going so well next step see if they are actually girlfriends this time. Something about a label makes the Princess feel secure. Opening the doors Riri emerges from the bedroom having showered. She wraps her arms around Shuri from behind “So how long is sometime?” “Forever if I could. Just to be with you.” Riri decides to look at Shuri’s face. “Do you promise?” Shuri holds her gaze and knows exactly what she is asking. But Riri still beats her to it. “Promise to be with me forever?” “Yes why?” “Because I’m done being this play girl who never dates. Baby I just want you.” The women laugh at the joke and enjoy their breakfast.
Two years later Shuri steps into being Queen full time once her Mother relinquishes the throne to her. She also serves as Black Panther protecting and serving on an international stage. Riri moved to Wakanda full time 6 months ago working remote for Stark Enterprises fulfilling the Co-CEO role. As IronHeart she has stopped a few crime syndicates and her help has aided a great deal in several major cities in the US. The pair have celebrated Shuri’s coronation, gone to international gala’s to honor both of them, holidays, birthdays and two anniversaries. But today felt so odd to Riri she knows what Shuri said today was but has never heard of this tradition ever. “Baby please explain to me what today is again?” “A Umdaniso wothando, it’s like a social gathering. Normally it’s formal and is done whenever someone sees fit to throw one.” “Mmmhm and you just saw fit to throw one huh?” “Well it has been a while since we had time together with all of our family and friends so yes.”
Little did Riri actually know this would be her proposal. Shuri knows her girlfriend and she likes to love OUTLOUD. Any accolade, acceptance speech or public speaking event Riri never fails to mention Shuri and the relationship they share. So Shuri made something up to throw this party tonight to ask Riri to be her wife. Shuri has taken care of everything, from flying Riri’s family and friends out to Wakanda, having her a dress designed and tailored, Shuri even has a matching outfit that Riri has consulted on. They will have a grand photo shoot with just them, a dinner and dance.
They are separated now as Riri is being glammed up by a full hair makeup and nail team who will get her dressed. “Baby, when are you getting here to get ready?” “I’ll be there soon my Love. I have to pick out some items at the shops for Prince T’Challa.” Just then Griot announces visitors right on schedule. “Griot identify.” “Your Mother and Sister have arrived. They are here to join you for the evening.” Riri can’t believe her ears. “Baby what did you do! Let them in Griot.” Riri’s sister Sharon rushes in to hug her. “Surprise my Love you were missing them so I ensured they came for the evening.” Riri starts to tear up. It has been close to a year since she’s seen her Mom in person. “Baby thank you hurry home please. I miss you too.” “I will make it there soon.”
“This is going to be one special evening Shuri.” Nakia’s voice chimes in as they drive the royal ground transport to the jeweler. “I want it to be Nakia. The time is just right. We are both thriving and she is at home here in Wakanda. There will be no more waiting.” “Time does not wait for anyone so I agree do everything your heart desires when the time feels right.” “Incoming call from Queen Mother.” “Griot answer. Mother!” “Shuri let me see the ring?” “We took a small detour for Prince T’Challa, I will be at the jeweler soon. This is a glorious day my child I am proud of the work you have put in.” “Mother thank you I was just telling Nakia I cannot have another moment in life without her.” “Well today’s display will convey that very thing. I have seen you find love next more grandchildren.” The Queen smiles to herself poking some fun at her daughter. “We plan on a beautiful little girl Mother. We would name her Romani.” Shaking her head, the Queen Mother never expected Shuri’s answer. “Now that is a first I have even heard you speak of such things. Riri is good for you.” “The best Mother. I will speak with you once I return to the palace.”
Shuri and Nakia returned to the palace with the Riri’s heart shaped platinum and vibranium set 20k diamond engagement ring. Everything was now in order. Shuri rushed to be by her soon to be finance’s side. “There you are Baby. Riri leans to kiss Shuri just before the last touches of her makeup is done. “I knew you wanted to see me, my Love so I came here as soon as I was back. Hi Mom! Sha!” Shuri greets Ronnie and Sharon who are looking at the pair with huge smiles. “Hey sister you know she was whining huh?” Laughing “She just missed me. I was away for a week before this so I understand. I missed her too. But yes I knew she was whining.” “So you are going to talk about me like I am not here?” “Basically.” “Shuri Baby this is going to be so fun tonight I have never had to be this glammed up for a party before.” Ronnie chimes in to try and keep Riri off the tail of the true intent of the party.
Shuri looks over at Ronnie and with a wink. “Mom, enjoy it, please all the fun is on me tonight.” The women all chatter as Shuri gets her nails and make up done and her hair freshly cut. “Shuri honey you are so beautiful.” “Thank you Mom.” Ronnie and Shuri exchange a moment as Riri looks on while her dress is being put on her. “Ri I know I ask all the time but do they have her in male?” Sharon is talking to her sister now “Mommy never liked any of my boyfriends.” “Sha you are a trip, and there is one like her but he is married with a kid. Sorry to burst ya bubble.” “Oh that is rude.”
Once everyone was fully dressed Shuri and Riri were left alone for some time. “Baby will you accompany me somewhere?” Shuri’s voice was calm and sultry. “Of course I will go wherever you lead.” As the pair descend the stairs Shuri Riri’s leads to the courtyard doors. The hallway is decorated with thousands of deep red roses leading outside. Silently Riri follows as her her heart is racing, realizing her suspicions of today may be correct. Something more than a party is happening today she always has a sense for these things. The doors to the courtyard open and their families are gathered at the end of the walk way. Riri’s favorite love song is being played by string quartet. The couple walk to the end of the walk way and Shuri faces Riri holding both hands in hers. “Amazwi am othando awakwazi ukuchaza indlela endiziva ngayo.”
Shuri starts her speech in her native tongue because of nerves. “But I will try. You have been the light of my life since I was 17 years old. Your talent and intelligence inspire me. Your drive and passion motivate me. Your empathy and care nurture me. Your Love is what sustains me.” Riri gets overwhelmed by the words coming from her girlfriend's mouth and she begins to cry. “Shuri.” “Shh, let me finish please. I promise to love you with all of me to be your protector, your partner, your kindred spirit and please you for the remainder of my days. You are my air.” “Will you be my wife?” Shuri had to breathe after the last utterance because she couldn't hold her tears.
For a moment Riri was in shock but she soon just screamed. “YES Shuri, I will marry you 1000 times over.” Shuri takes the ring from its box that she is holding while on one knee and slides it on her beautiful fiancé’s left ring finger. All of their loved ones let out cries and screams of congratulations.
Riri smiles as she grabs Shuri’s face in both hands to kiss her sweetly she could not believe it the love of her life is going to be her wife. They get married the next year having the traditional wedding week in Wakanda and a modern American ceremony in Chicago. With Wakandan technology Riri is able to get pregnant just 10 months after tying the knot. They let science do its thing for some of it and it so happened to be a baby girl! She is a mix of both their DNA.
Princess Romani Daughter of Queen Shuri was born in the prong of Shuri’s 6th year as ruler. Her birth brought so much joy to the nation. Shuri insisted that Riri take a noble title. So she is Queen Demetria, Mother of Princess Romani of Wakanda. It drives Riri crazy being addressed as Queen. She was more than content with being a wife and Mother but otherwise life was perfect in every way.
@mal-urameshi @somethingcleaverandwhitty @pantherheart @shuriris-stuff @neptoons1998
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signalno5 · 4 years
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[01] In which you consider moving to Tokyo
Or (M/N) passes the fuck out.
(This chapter starts in March even though the Japanese school year starts in April because students still have to move into the dorms. Also this is my first fic ever so I’m not super sure if the formatting is okay, if there’s anything that should be fixed please tell me so.)
Warnings: Cursing, some cringe behavior jakshdka, one (1) innuendo
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March 26, 2012
God, the dorms are huge.
You think to yourself as you put your shoes away and put on a pair of slippers. You lug your bags past the genkan and into the empty common room, arms straining from the weight of it. It wasn’t exactly a new sight for you, having lived in the Shiratorizawa Junior High dorms in the past, but it was definitely bigger probably to take in account your growing teenage bodies or something. The miracles of youth...
Unfortunately, your room was on the 3rd floor and you still had a few more bags in the dorm's common room that you had to come back for once you've found your room. Your back would probably hate you after this. You sigh as you step onto the first flight of stairs, knowing that there was one more flight to go after this one. 
You take it on surprisingly well. (Ha, take that Michiko-sensei! My cardiovascular endurance isn’t nonexistent! Just miniscule!) 
This one wasn't too bad. In fact, it was actually pretty easy-
-By the time you get to the second flight, you're winded and put your bags down to rest for a second before continuing your perilous journey. You felt like your knees were gonna give out once you set your feet on the third floor. You suddenly regret speeding up after the first flight of stairs and bringing a lot of trinkets to decorate your room with.
Curse my own hubris and sentimentality.
You sure did hope that your roommate would be okay with all of your stuff being littered around the room. You felt a bit bad for the poor schmuck stuck with you for three years. You didn't really know much about your roommate. Heck, all you knew about the guy was his name.
 Goshiki Tsutomu
He didn't go to Shiratorizawa for middle school [1] unlike you so he was definitely a new face. You heard he was a student athlete too but you don't really know what sport he plays. Maybe baseball?
Your eyes scanned the metal plates for your room number, your last name or your roommate's last name. 
304.... 306.... Ah 308!
You set your bags down with a loud thud and rush to grab your keys to open the door but lo and behold it opens for you.
Oh crap, is that your roommate??? 
"Oh! You must be my roommate! Are you (L/N) (M/N)?", Goshiki says.
Woah mind-reader! He's cute and he looks kinda young even though he was taller than you. Maybe it's the bowl cut. Huh, yeah... You did have that hairstyle as a kid a well- Wait, dumbass say something!
"Um, hello! Yes, that's me! I'm (L/N) (M/N)! Pleased to make your acquaintance, Goshiki!"
Yeah, way to sound like a moron.
You bow at the waist respectfully in hopes that he forgets that you're an idiot. He bows back.
"Ah, same here (L/N)! I hope we get along well!"
As he straightens up from his bow, he takes one of your bags and pushes the doors wider, beckoning you into the room.
"Ah, thanks Goshiki.", you say with a wide smile directed straight at him, very much pleased that your roommate was such a nice guy and that there was less to carry.
"N-no problem!" 
At this, he sounds a bit flustered and shaky too. Huh, weird.
"So are you top or bottom?", you blurt out looking at the bunk beds [2] at the corner of the room.
Goshiki spluttered and reddened at this question. He seemed like he was about to combust. Only then have you realized what you just said.
Fuck, is Seijoh still accepting applications? Maybe you shouldn't have gone to Shiratorizawa.
"BUNK! Are you top or bottom... bunk?", you end the question lamely wanting to just ask for a new roommate since you've already ruined any chance of being on good terms with this one.
"O-okay... That's great! I'm used to bottom bunk."
You look around the room desperately to find something, anything that could dispel the energy you've created in this dorm room. Your eyes land on the volleyball on the desk. Bingo.
"You play?", you gesture to the volleyball  that you spotted. Goshiki immediately brightens up and it's like nothing weird ever happened.
 Nice cover, (M/N)!
"Yeah! I'm a wing spiker actually... but one day, I'm gonna be Shiratorizawa's ace!", he says excitedly. His enthusiasm was infectious and you felt yourself smiling with him. 
"Well, good luck. You do seem like the type to be able to achieve something as ambitious as that."
You weren't usually one to give pep talk but you did genuinely believe him. He seemed nice and you wanted to cheer him on. You set your bag down at the foot of the bunk bed and sit on the bed to let your feet rest before you grab the rest of your stuff. 
Shiratorizawa sure has good funding, at least enough to keep the heaters on even though Spring is coming in. 
It was real pleasant and warm in the room. Like being under a kotatsu. It reminded you of waiting for the New Year… Hands idly peeling Oranges... Now you wanted Oranges….
Eyes getting droopy as you wait for the final ring of the bell at midnight. 
Eyes closing slowly.... Breaths evening....
You're startled awake as your head bashes against the wall. 
Wait- awake? 
Fuck, I fell asleep! What if someone took my shit? 
You quickly try to get up but your knees creak in protest. The grogginess from falling asleep makes you stumble in the dark dorm room but there's enough light for you to read the time on your watch.
 6:24 p.m. 
You were dropped off by your aunt at 2:30! How did you manage to sleep for so long? It was only two flights of stairs-
"(M/N)-san? Sorry for having to yell."
Your head snapped to the direction of the voice, only now noticing where the light in the room had been coming from. Goshiki was seated at his desk; he looked like he was watching something on his tablet before he woke you up. 
Oh it was just Goshiki. 
You almost breathe a sigh of relief that someone didn't break into your room.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have slept like that anyway. Thanks, Ace."
You take his silence as your cue to leave the room and grab the rest of your bags. Maybe, some dinner as well for you and Goshiki. Just to thank him, not because he's cute and nice. Definitely not that.
"Ah! (M/N), where are you going?"
Ah shit, is he going to tell me I'm a wimp because I passed out carrying bags? Maybe Seijoh isn't far enough... Miyagi is too small; if I start a new life in Tokyo, he'll never find me-
Right, answering questions!
"Ah, just heading down to the common room. I forgot the rest of my bags when I- uh... You know? Fell asleep?"
'"I'll help you out! I am gonna be the Ace after all so I have to take this chance to get stronger!"
Goshiki sets his tablet down and gets up from his chair. You see him put his slippers on and you wait for him to grab his keys so you can head out. 
"By the way Goshiki, thanks." 
You felt dumb for saying that out of nowhere.
Well it's not like it could be taken back and there's nothing really embarrassing about being grateful...
“It's no problem! Anything for a new friend!”, he says it so surely like he knew that you’d get along for the rest of high school. 
You try to ignore how flustered you are and suddenly, you’re glad for how dark the room is.
( Later at night, you’d probably turn over the word in your head. Staring up at the ceiling, on which Goshiki’s bed is. Your mind repeating the word, friend...
Friend. )
Maybe high school won't be too bad.
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[1] I don't know if he was from Shiratorizawa junior high or not I kinda just assumed because in that one episode where it briefly shows young Goshiki, he's wearing a light blue and white jersey.
[2] I know that Goshiki's dorm room doesn't have a bunk bed ksnsjfhjsks i remember from the manga there were two single beds in his room unlike Ushijima's which has a bunk bed I just really like bunk beds hehe i used to jump off the top bunk then land on my parents bed which was next to it
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bestbouy · 3 years
By -Me! Person for: @rubystar2​ Summary: Ikor Isn’t feeling very well, But he thinks nothing of it, refusing to tell anyone. -Well, Until he collapses In the middle of Battle. Character Focus: Ikor (Ice herald), Riff (Fire Herald). (Other characters are mentioned) Warnings: idk how to spell ikor's tribe thingie, Or Riff's, And it's quite long. Don't judge me. I got carried away. Oh, and Riff has no clue how to make Eggs And Bacon. When Ikor first felt it, He was in the forest with the others Trying to find a shard of the Elestar. His head was Aching slightly, And he felt like he might fall over. at first, he just rubbed his head and brushed It off. Riff was talking a lot today. And that was that, Til tomorrow. The next day, He was feeling worse. His Headache was Bigger, he had a Stuffy nose now, And he wasn't looking so hot either. He looked like he was sick. He didn't notice. . . Or he didn't want too. Nobody else noticed, Not until the fifth day. Ikor figured out what was happening by now. He felt so *Cold*. he *never* Felt cold. He was an Icey! How was he *Cold?* He didn't want to Admit it. for all he knew, He was the first Icey to get sick like this! ~Third day, Morning~ Ikor was hobbling down the stairs, Yawning. He wasn't feeling great, As always. His head hurt anytime he tried to move- or think. He just felt so cold- "Good morning!" Ikor looked over and saw Riff sitting with Ao-ki, Trek and Eron. He attempted to look like he didn't Want to run back upstairs, surround himself in Pillows, and cry silently for the next Hour or two. "Hello Riff, good morning everyone." He responded. they all had their "Hello"s and "G'morning!"s. "How's it going, Icemen?" Riff asked. He sounded... A bit worried, But ikor was too stressed to care. "I'm fine. How are you today?" "I'm just great! Y'know, Fireys(?????) being the best, And all." Ikor snickered, Riff never missed a chance to sneak in how his tribe was the best. "Listen, we All know MY tribe is the best, Riff." Ikor said, and (Attempting not the stumble) He walked over and sat down next to him. Eron continued his ramble on about something, Something about a Wind shard in the wind realm, Something about ice cream or something? Ikor wasn't listening, He was to busy arguing with riff about Who's tribe was the best. "us Fireys have cool Dances! And crazy dangerous homes!" "Iceys are the best, We life Calculated and safe. And your "Cool dances" are quiet Stupid." "Hey! our dances are the coolest!" "Nuh-uh." "Yuh-huh!" "Oh yeah? well i think-" They where inturruped by a large BOOM as the ground shook underneith them. Ikor wobbled, And then tumbled to the ground. The shaking stopped, And Riff got up to help ikor up. "Woah! Ikor, You good?" Riff asked, Alarmed. "I'm fine, Thank you. What was that?" He asked. They ran outside, Ikor close behind Riff as they ran. It was Gredd, and it looked like he had a new power. Or something like that, Ikor was to distracted by that gosh darn HEADACHE! It hurt so much it was hard to focus. Riff seemed to notice Ikor's Struggle, So he turned to Ikor and said; "Don't worry, I got this Joker!" Riff exclaimed, And began to summon a Gormiti. Ikor just stood next to him as he did the whole "Elemental knights!" Thingie, You know. Ikor was just standing By, looking around and trying to look normal. As riff summoned Hurik, Gredd seemed to grin Wider. "Your Fire gormiti don't scare me Now, Herald!" He said, And with a shout of "Darkwave!" The fight was on. "Blastblaze!" Hurik shouted, the fire gormiti summoning his attack. Ikor noticed something. Something important. There was something... off about gredd's attack. It was more- Powerful? He didn't know, He was sure he miss saw. If only he did. The darkwave went straight through the Blastblaze, And hurik Dodged. "How is he this powerful?" Hurik shouted. "I quite like your elestar shards, Heralds!" Gredd shouted out, Summoning another darkwave. Then ikor saw it. one hand focussing attacks, and Gredd's other hand, Holding Two shards. Ikor was stunned, and not
long after he saw them, riff saw them too. Just as riff was distracted by the shards, Gredd had grinned evilly. with a shout of "Dark wave!", hurik was too weakened to do anything, So he put his hands up to shield himself. But gredd wasn't Aiming for hurik. Riff looked up, And saw it was heading right for him. He gasped, and right before it hit him, Right before he was taken care of . . . What happened? The dark wave Exploded on the target, and Dirt went up everywhere. As the smoke cleared, Gredd had not, in fact, Hit what he intended too. No, he hit a much more. . . Icey, target. Ikalos stood, Still as ice, His shield in hand and blocking the attack from gredd and smiling. "What do you think you're doing, Darken?" Ikor stood, Shaky as grass, Trying with all his might to keep in position. But it was hard, and he couldn't Focus well. As Ikalos Blocked and threw off attacks at Gredd, Ikor weakened and Weakened. How long did he have to do this? it was beginning to tire him. . . Ikor heard something. He ignored it, Head spinning. He felt like he needed to rest his eyes. Just for a second, Y'know? Close them, Open them, he'd feel soo much better if he just closed his eyes. Just for a second. just. . . For a. . . second . . . ? Riff's P.O.V When Ikalos blocked gredd's attack, Riff was almost down in tears. but instead, taking his chance, He scampered away. Moving towards ikor as he Focused on Ikalos. As ikalos threw attacks and blocked others, Riff reached ikor. "T-Thanks, Ikor. Guess icey's aren't as bad as i thought!" he laughed, Stumbling over to the Icey and grinning. Ikor didn't answer, So Riff slightly poked him. "Ikor? Gorm to Ikor? Sheesh, Maybe you icey's ARE bad." Riff snorted. Ikor still didn't reply. Instead, He had stumbled back, Closed his eyes, And fell straight over. Riff gasped, And the others ran over. "What happened to Ikor?" Ao-ki asked, worried. "I don't know! He just fell over!" "Did gredd do anything?" Trek asked "Not that i could see- He just- he-" Riff stumbled over his words, Looking at the unconscious Boi sadly. Trek looked over At ikalos and Gredd. "Wait! Guys, If ikor's Unconcious, He can't focus on Ikalos!" "Which means i will have an Easy Pickings!" Gredd laughed, Throwing a DarkWave and hitting Ikalos directly on the chest. "What happened to Ikor? He needs to focus or i can't fight!" Ikalos shouted at the others. "Uhm- We have a bit of a problem, Bud! He's kinda. . . Asleep?" "WHAT? If he's asleep, I can't-" Ikalos was cut short as an icicle when he quickly disappeared. Trek looked over at Gredd. "We need another gormiti!" he said quickly. "But gredd's got two ice shards! How're we gonna beat him?" "Hey!" Eron piped up. "Remember when we summoned all four of the Lords all that time ago?" "Yeah, Why? We can't summon a Lord,-" "Buuuuuut we can summon two Normal gormiti! I mean, It must be so much easier, And gredd can't focus on Two gormiti!" Riff paused, Looking at the others. "...It might just work." Ao-ki said finally. (Don't ask. don't ask why gredd's just been watching. you'll know why if you have ever watched gormiti. the pauses for convo's are so insane.) Trek and Eron stood up, Beginning to focus as Ao-ki and Riff carried Ikor inside the Tower. Riff assumed that they where successful, As he could them cheering as they got ikor inside and Laying down. Riff took a better look at Ikor. "Sheesh, He looks terrible. How long has he been like this?" "He's sick. I'd say he's had the cold for awhile. . ." Ao-ki explained. "Well why the howling didn't he tell us about that?! That's like, Super important!" "I don't know, But hopefully when he wakes up he'll provide an answer." Ao-ki said. "Hopefully. . ." A little while later, Eron and Trek came back in, Looking exausted. "Is Ikor any better? What happened?" Eron asked, Hopping quickly over to an Unconscious Ikor. "He was Sick. We assume for at least a couple of days." Ao-ki explained. "And for SOME REASON-" Riff crossed his arms, A pout on his face. "-HE DIDN'T TELL US!" "Well obviously, But
i hope he's Okay." Trek sad, Looking down sadly at Ikor. 3rd Person P.O.V Ikor slept for a good while, So the others decided to keep busy. . . . If "keeping busy" Is "Juggling Jewels" or "Taking a nap" or "Worrying about the ice boi". after about half an hour, The compass suddenly made a farmiliar "BEEP BEEP BEEP" sound, Starttling everyone. Ao-ki walked over, picked up the Compass, and Looked to everyone else, excited. "It's a Shard of the Elestar! There's one in the forest!" She exclaimed. "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Eron said, Shaking trek awake. "W-Wha? A shard? Shouldn't we be with Ikor?" He yawned. "I'll stay with Ikor in case he wakes up, Y'all should go get the shard." Riff said, Looking down at Ikor. He had been worrying about Ikor all day, Ever Since he collapsed. "Okay. . . Let us know when we come back if he's okay." Ao-ki said, Beginning to beckon the others to the door. "C'mon guys!" she shouted as they left. Riff's P.O.V Silence seeped in afterwords, As ikor seemed to shift in his sleep. Was he waking up already? No, Ikor was just moving. He wasn't awake yet. Riff groaned. He was bored already. What was he gonna do while Ikor woke up?? It suddenly came to Riff's attention, A small Kitchen off to the side of the tower. It wouldn't hurt to try it out, Would it? Nah, Fireys can do anything! Ikor's P.O.V Ikor woke up to the smell of something Burning. He groaned, Sitting up and reaching his hand up to rub his head. Ikor actually felt much better, His headache was basically gone, And he felt unbothered. But, Y'know, All things have their end. as He Looked around, he Noticed the trail of Smoke coming out of the kitchen off to the Side. "Agh! Uh, This needs suger!-" a pause, Then a yelp. "-THAT'S SALT- Oh wait i was supposed to put that in, That's good. Wait, How much salt Do i need again? Eh, I'll just pour in the whole bag. What's it gonna do wrong?" Another pause, And ikor heard something falling over and spilling. "Oh sheesh- OH NO THE CINNAMON-" Ikor eventually figured out it was Riff, But one question Remained. What the howling was riff making? Ikor slowly got up, attempting not to wince in pain as he moved his Legs. He looked towards the Kitchen and began hobbling over. Apparently, His moving had made a Sound, as Riff poke his head out the kitchen Doorframe. "Ikor! You're awake! I'm making you some eggs and bacon, Just give me a second!" Riff exclaimed, But his smile dipped a bit. "Oh! And you need to explain a lot of stuff when i'm done!" It took ikor a second, But he found it in him to Snap at the Firey. "R-Riff, Why the Howling would EGGS AND BACON need SALT AND CINNAMON?" He hissed at him, Grabbing the door for Support the moment he got near it. "Uh- Well, I'm putting everything i like in them, then adding the eggs and bacon together! That's how you make eggs and bacon, Right?" "You've NEVER made eggs before? Seriously?" Ikor snorted. "I'm guessing that's a no, Then?" Ikor raised an eyebrow, And Riff Shrunk down a bit. Ikor sighed, Walking towards him best he could, and sitting down on a stool. "Don't worry. I can't make them right now, But i can tell you how. Okay. Get rid of all this- Stuff, and get out a Pan, Some Butter, and- FOR LORDS SAKE, YOU PUT THEM IN THE OVEN?-" That went on for awhile, Ikor telling Riff what to do and Riff (Kinda) doing it. with a couple of "NONONONO *NOT* THE SALT AGAIN-" And one "Why the howling would you cut the bacon up???", They eventually finished the bacon and eggs. Or eggs and bacon. LISTEN I DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY TO PUT IT- "For a firey, You actually did pretty well following commands." Ikor said, taking a bite of his charred Bacon. "But you cooked the bacon too much, You idiot." Ikor joked. "At least *I* didn't say to cook it to your liking." Riff said. "These are perfect for me." "At the ice kingdom, We don't even cook them. We eat raw." "WHAT?" They sat there, Talking about anything that came to their minds. It wasn't Exciting, almost relaxing. "I was never one to study our dances, But i
can't see how they look stupid!" "It just does! I don't understand why you do it, Is all." "We just do!" As Riff finished his Bacon, he looked back up at ikor. "And Hey! you never explained why you didn't tell us about you being sick!" He said, Pointing his fork at him. "Ah. . . I was hoping you'd forget, You fireys always do." "Hey! We are not, We're very- Heeyyyy, Stop changing the subject! Tell me!" "I kinda. . . Thought you guys wouldn't like me, And in turn would get rid of me, Because honestly, Who just keeps a Herald around that nobody likes? And you would replace me with some stupid Icey, And my father would hate me, And y'all would go on without me, Never giving me a second thought, And maybe just hating iceys more then ever." Ikor spilled. "But" he said. "Now that i think about it." He added. "I know you guys wouldn't do that to me. Y'all are my friends. You always will be, And i trust all of you to know that." He smiled at Riff, And Riff smiled back. Maybe this was going to be okay. Maybe he didn't have to hide all his problems anymore. Maybe. . . Just maybe. . . He could be a part of a new family. //Note: I took WAY too long\\ //I'M SO SORRY\\
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Changed But Still the Same
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Pairings : Ex! Katsuki Bakugou x Ex! Reader.
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word Count : 3428
3rd Person's POV
A Year ago since that fateful day where everything ended and the only thing that's left were the memories and promises from the past. Y/n and Bakugou who were High school sweethearts had quite a past together but sometimes all the good things come to an end .
That's exactly what happened, Bakugou at some point in his life had to pick between two things , y/n or his Hero Career. He picked His Hero Career even though y/nl tried to desperately persuade him that it could work out. She tried her best to persuade Katsuki that They can grow Together.
Even though it was painful, Katsuki still stuck to his choice leaving everything behind . Leaving y/n with her heart that has been shattered, Leaving her to pick up all the broken pieces herself.
He had to pick his Hero career because he knew he needed to become stronger, strong enough to Be confident that He will be able to protect her in the future. Strong enough to flaunt her to the world without worrying how many villains would be after his lover. As surprising as it may seem his reason why he picked his career over her was because of her, not because he wanted to be number one... He'll admit that, it was his former goal but after meeting her everything changed.
He actually wanted to become a better version of himself because no matter how good he is, theres still a nagging feeling at the back of his head that says he does not deserve her because she deserves so much more.
Today was a special Day because Class 1-A was holding a reunion party. And Katsuki normally turns down events like this bit this time , he was excited because he knew y/n would be there. Now he was ready, Now he was confident, Now all he needed to do was to get his Girl back.
Y/n, She was never the same after that dreadful day. She never knew why she was Never Enough for Katsuki... She doesn't know why she's not a good enough reason to be picked. She never knew why He had to leave her in the dust, Hurt and alone. And honestly no matter how hard she tried to forget him. It never worked, She was still hung up on him like before and because of that. She hated him so much.
She started overworking herself doing more hero work than necessary since it's the only thing that could keep her mind away from him.
Her smile faded and she was never the same, she moved to another city because being in the same city where there's a possibility for her and Katsuki to work together is too painful for her.
She managed to rise to the hero rankings in the city she moved in. She was well known and villains feared her. But she started distancing herself from others, always taking on solo jobs and gradually turning colder by time.
It took a lot of persuading from the girls for her to eventually agree to this little reunion and she wasn't looking forward to it.
Because he was going to be there, it was already 6 and she was late since the agreed time to meet was 5 sharp bit she got caught up fighting Villains on her way . Of course the girls were furious but after hearing her reason they were much more understanding than expected.
They were supposed to meet in a Restaurant the boys booked all for their class and of course wearing something fancy was required because according to Momo they should ' Dress for the Occasion ' .
So of course y/n did try to make an effort to dress up because She wanted to prove to everyone that she was fine without Katsuki. Because back then when they broke up, Everything fell apart and she stopped caring about everything around her.
She loves the girls because they almost Wrestled Katsuki for hurting her , and some of the Boys even attempted to fight him because Y/n was a wreck back then.
But now look at her. She's not a narcissistic bitch but she really outdid herself. She wore a red sleeveless fishtail dress that clung onto her curves like it was her own skin, the dress had little crystal details that matched her hair. Her make up was Smoky and elegant and her lips were a crimson color of red. Her hair was curled on the ends and she did end up dyeing her hair to H/c, she also had a few accessories on, like the emerald necklace, a few bracelets she randomly picked out and a small Phoenix Hair clip.
She looked gorgeous and she could tell from the way passersby looked at her when she got out of her car right infront of the restaurant.
She walked towards the receptionist who was oogling on her figure.
Clearing her throat she caught the attention of the receptionist.
" I'm here for Denki Kaminari's Party " Y/n stated and the receptionist immediately stumbled towards the door opening it for her.
" This way ma'am "
" Thank you " Y/n thanked the man who started nodding his head nervously and she made her way inside.
The whole place was noisy and she could see her old classmates chatting and drinking the night away.
The first one to notice her was Momo.
" Oh my God Y/n!? Is that you " Momo exclaimed running towards y/n and giving the girl a tight hug.
The whole room was quiet, everyone's attention was directed towards y/n. She really was a head turner. The states she was getting was a bit overwhelming but she didn't mind. Someone in the room did Though.
" Woah! You really did dress to impress Missy! Where the hell have you been? " Mina joined in and y/n didn't hesitate to hug her as well.
" You're Drop Dead Gorgeous! We didn't even recognize you... I mean... Look at You! Damn " Hagakure complimented slapping y/n's ass.
" Hey keep your hands to yourself " Y/n muttered as she shoved Hagakure playfully.
" My goodness! I can't believe my eyes, Don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend!? It's kinda impossible for you Not to if you Look that Hot " Uraraka joined their little group and soon the boys also gathered around her to Either greet and hug her or comment on how she looks.
The attention she's getting was flattering but a bit suffocating.
" Ok, enough about me. How are you guys? " Y/n tried changing the subject but none of them were up for it.
" Well Duh, we all work in the same city and some of us gets paired up from Time to Time so there's nothing new about us that we didn't Know. You on the other hand moved to another fucking City and we barely have any contact with you so don't change the subject " Jiro stated and everyone seemed to fire their questions towards me one by one.
" So how are you? Are things good over there? I heard you ranked 2 in your city"
" Yeah everything is alright , things are pretty stressful though "
" You're pretty popular there! I see you on the news all the time "
" Er... Well... I can't even get some alone time without people trying to shove themselves to me "
As y/n was bombarded with questions a certain blonde male kept his gaze glued to her figure, she was gorgeous that's for sure and he could barely keep his eyes off her figure but that doesn't mean everyone else had to do that.
Even if they aren't together anymore. She is still considered to be his property and it's pissing him off that she didn't even try to acknowledge his existence. It was spissing him so much that she gave everyone a hug and not him. Why is she so happy talking to other men when he's right here waiting for her to finally look at him.
It's fucking irritating . She was beautiful... Too beautiful that he feels like someone else would take her if he even dares to look away.
It was painful to see how much she had grown without him. He's starting to regret his decision. Damn it. He knew he missed her but fuck. He didn't know he missed her to the point where it's actually painful to see her here but ignore him like he's nothing.
His mood was foul and everyone noticed, sure they were pissed that Bakugou Had the face to hurt y/n but they saw how hurt he was too, and one time during a small get together Bakugou started screaming her name and yelling why he left while sobbing angrily like a sick lunatic. And they finally understood why he made such a rash decision. It was because of his insecurities and nobody thought that this Haughty Hero was actually insecure about something.
And everyone felt bad for him because after y/n left he was a reckless Asshole who kept getting himself hurt over and over again as if he's pushing himself to the brink of death on purpose. Everyone knew he regretted his past actions and that's exactly why they were gonna help these two love sick puppies out.
" Hey! Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven! " Denki suggested and everyone got the message.
" Really? Denki why would we play that here?" Y/n laughed but to her surprise everyone was in on it too.
" Yeah sounds fun! "
" I'll get the bottle! "
" Who's going first? "
Everyone was seated on the floor forming a circle.
" Ok I'll spin the bottle and if the bottle lands on you, you have to go in the closet with the person the end of the bottle is pointing towards. Simple as that " Kirishima explained and he started spinning the bottle.
" Hey y/n have you heard about the latest trend lately? " Momo asked y/n who's eyes we're torn away from the bottle and her attention was snapped towards Momo.
Sero moved fast and immediately pointed the bottle at y/n and Bakugou.
Bakugou saw the whole thing and he stared at his friends in disbelief.
" Kaachan.... I think you deserve a second chance " Izuku muttered and everyone gave Bakugou a thumbs up or a supporting look.
Bakugou was touched as he stared at everyone with thankful eyes but he was a prideful asshole so he turned his head away muttering.
" I don't need your help shitty extras " His comment made everyone chuckle.
" You better not ruin this Bakugou or else I'll poke your eyes out " Jiro threatened before she turned to y/n
" Y/n! You're going in the Closet with Bakugou! "
Y/n froze at the mention of Bakugou's name her eyes trailing down to ten bottle that was pointing at her and Katsuki.
" What? No" Y/n grumbled her tone filled with venom. Bakugou noticed her tone and it almost made him flinch.
" It's only seven minutes y/n...dont tell me you still love him that's why you refuse to do so " Denki stated slyly earning a menacing glare from the girl that made him shiver.
" I'll fucking do it and you better watch me you Prick " Y/n stood up from her place stomping her way towards the closet, opening it as she pointed inside her gaze landing on Bakugou.
" Get in so we could get this over with " She hissed before stomping inside Bakugou who was a bit astonished by how fierce she had become. But nonetheless he followed her inside the closet closing it as he stepped inside.
It was quiet, far too quiet but he was determined to change that.
" Y/n...I-"
" Shut up" Y/n cut him off sharply and he can't believe he was this sensitive when it came to her because damn it hurt when she said it like that.
" I'm sorry... I know it's not gonna fucking Cut all the shit I put you-"
" You fucking bastard I said shut up " Y/n growled but Bakugou continued.
" I was the biggest idiot in the world --"
" Bakugou. Fuck off. "
" Please just lis--"
" Did you listen to me?! Did you listen to me when I begged you to not end things between us? Did you know how much pain I felt losing you? Because you didn't have the fucking balls to choose me? Do you know how worthless I felt? I felt like I wasn't a good enough reason for you to choose me. I felt like I wasn't enough, because you never looked back on your decision and just kept going leaving me behind ... To pick myself up and pretend like nothing happened. Stop this Bullshit Katsuki, Let's just pretend like we're strangers causing its better that way---" Y/n was cut off with Katsuki's harsh tone.
" Don't you dare Fucking Go there woman! I'm a poor excuse of a boyfriend I know! And I regret the day I made the decision in leaving you because everyday is like walking in an eternity of hell without you.. I missed you so damn much... I missed your laugh... Your smug smile... Everything... I missed you! You wanna know why I ended things? It was because I felt weak, I felt like you deserve better so don't you dare say that you're not enough! Because you're more than enough! I was scared that villains may come after me and they'll take you because I wasn't strong enough! That's why I dedicated my time in trying to be better because the day I'll be ready is the day I'll claim you back . Today is the day.... And you have no idea how painful every passing day is for me without you.... And you turned me into this pathetic shitty love struck idiot who becomes soft and mushy when you're around!... I'm pouring out my feelings here because this may be the last! And I'm not good at this shit you dumbass! You knew that from the start but... I'm begging you Please... Give me another chance Because I Fucking Love you" Bakugou's voice broke at the end of his sentence and y/n was conflicted.
Was this why he left? It still doesn't count for what he did! He hurt her yet why does she feel so happy to hear him say that? Why is her heart beating so fast when he said those three words she never knew she craved. Why is her mind and heart urging her to give him another chance? Simple she knew the answer and it was because she never stopped loving him at all. Even though she hated him, she still loved him the same.
The room was filled with silence and y/n couldn't mutter another word. She wanted to say Yes. But her pride was getting in the way.
Bakugou was losing his patience, growling in frustration he lunged himself at her pinning her to the wall with both of her hands pinned above her head by Katsuki's hand.
" Screw it Bitch, I miss you too much to Just Let this shit slide. If you Kiss back you're Fucking Mine Again you Hear me!? " Bakugou yelled and he didn't give y/n any time to protest because his lips were already on hers.
Kissing her lips with Vigor and Neediness. It almost seemed desperate , he continued Kissing the girl with everything he had, devouring her lips with his and it didn't take long for y/n's pride to hold out because but broke the second Katsuki's Lips touched hers.
She kissed back with the same intensity. Katsuki let go of her hands and her hands immediately flew up to his neck pulling him closer as her fingers ran through his hair, she dug her fingers through his hair tugging on it desperately . Katsuki's hands were roaming her body in any way they could until finally stopping on her waist.
Fuck he missed her so much, he missed her so Fucking much and right now. He's gonna savor every moment of this. He missed these lips and how she kissed him.
If Oxygen wasn't much of a problem then neither of them would have pulled back.
Panting and breathless Katsuki pressed his forehead along hers a deep chuckle vibrating from his chest.
" So.... Was that a Yes? " Y/n could her the smugness of his voice making her growl at him.
" I Fucking kissed you back didn't I? " She snapped rolling her eyes.
" Well... I didn't quite feel it... Oh well, Looks like we're gonna have to do it again " Katsuki smirked and he was about to dive in for another round but Kaminari had slammed the door open making the two flinch.
" Times up---oh" Kaminari grinned as Katsuki and Y/n glared daggers at him.
" You shitty Pikachu! Can't you see we're busy here!? " Katsuki roared as he tried grabbing Denki who immediately ran away form the door.
With a sigh y/n dragged Katsuki out of the closet and everyone was looking at them with playful eyes, some even giving Katsuki a suggestive wink.
Y/n's eyes trailed up to Katsuki's face and she paled almost immediately seeing the red lipstick smudge on his lips.
" Katsuki you Fucking asshole! You smudged my lipstick! " Y/n barked smacking Katsuki's head and Katsuki was fats to react.
" Haah!? I didn't hear you complaining when I was sucking your lips woman! " Katsuki barked back.
" How the fuck was I supposed to complain when you were practically shoving your lips towards mine!? " Y/n said in defense as she raised her hand about to smack Katsuki's head again but he caught her hand .
Katsuki bent down and slung y/n over his shoulder carrying the angry girl.
" Shut up woman, I'll buy you a whole mall of lipstick if it makes you feel any better, and you extras!... Well... I'm only gonna say this once... T-Thank you " Katsuki muttered and everyone cheered and teased the blonde boy who was now cussing everyone for laughing at him.
" Put me down! " Y/n yelled pinching Katsuki's back but it had no effect because the boy didn't even flinch.
" We're heading out early! " Katsuki yelled but the entrance was blocked by the girls.
" Umm, No! We were the ones who put in a lot of effort in bringing her here Bakugou! You can't just take her away! And everyone missed her you asshole! " Jiro growled and Katsuki was immediately pissed off.
" She's Mine! Of course I can take her away! " Katsuki barked glaring daggers at the girls.
" Well looks like we're gonna have to fight in order to see who's keeping her then " Momo stated as she pulled out a staff from her arm.
Y/n was snatched away from Katsuki's shoulder by none other than Izuku who had a smirk on his face.
" Sorry Kaachan but we wanna hang out with her too" Izuku smiled and it only angered the blonde even more.
" You Fucking Extras! Give her back! "
" Why don't you guys just calm down and let me Go Home! " Y/n yelled throwing her arms up helplessly.
" No! " Everyone responded almost immediately.
" I believe we can't do that y/n because Tonight you're the prize for whoever gets to take you out of the door first! " Kids yelled and everyone was excited except for y/n who knew this wasn't gonna end well and she knows for a fact that this restaurant will become nothing but a pile of debris and rocks once everything is over.
" Oh it's on! " Uraraka jumped in excitement.
" I'll Fucking kill all of you Extras and Take back what's mine! " Katsuki yelled angrily sparks coming out of his hands.
And Y/n was right, by the end of the day the whole restaurant was destroyed, everyone was injured the moment yeh fight ensued and nobody won because y/n stepped out of the restaurant herself.
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chaoticminhos · 5 years
chapped lips
pairing: lee felix x reader
genre: angst. fluff?? bad boy!felix au
warnings: felix gets into fights like a dummy
a/n: requested by anon💞 i’m not super proud of this but i spent like a week trying to get it to a point i’m proud of and i couldn’t, i’m sorry if it isn’t the best, i hope you enjoy it anyway😊 also the title is gross i know i just can’t think of anything else to title it dhdjsksj im sOrRy
lee felix. lee fucking felix, a.k.a the bane of your fucking existence. who did he think he was, sauntering into your school the first day of junior year, wearing a leather jacket and a loose white shirt acting like he owned the place, despite it being his first day at his new school?
the answer is the fucking king, apparently.
disregarding that no one had ever seen him in school, let alone in town before, every girl was throwing themselves at him by the time the first bell even rang. they were babbling about how mysterious and hot he was, practically drooling. you, on the other hand, opted for keeping your saliva in your mouth and dignity in tact, rolling your eyes and telling yourself that he was just another flirt, an unfairly hot and charming fuckboy. as the year progressed, you proved yourself correct.
about a month after classes began, felix took an interest in you. you had been practically invisible to him before, making a point to stay away from him and his already bad reputation, but you could only keep it up for so long.
you were in your 3rd hour history class, one of the (unfortunately) many classes you shared with felix when he first noticed you. generally, you were pretty well behaved, but this teacher always got on your nerves.
your friend raised her hand, “Mr. Kim, may i use the restroom?”
“you had a chance to go before class started, sit down.”
“sir, it’s an emergency-“
“i said no.”
he obviously had no regard for basic female hygiene, and it was pissing you off. you tried to speak under your breath, but your seat was right in front of his desk.
“oh my god, you’re acting like you want her to bleed all over your seats.”
when the words left your mouth, you thought nothing of it. that was, until the students in the seats surrounding you, which included felix, and the teachers eyes snapped towards you.
“excuse me, ms. y/n?” your teacher asked you in a warning tone.
you looked up at him with wide eyes upon realizing he had heard you, and you felt your stomach drop. you rarely got in trouble. you spoke quickly.
“i-i’m sorry sir.”
“i’ll let it go, since you’re always so well behaved, but i don’t want to hear another comment like that coming from your mouth, got it?”
you nodded hastily. you hated being in trouble, which is why you always listened to what teachers said and followed rules.
when the bell rang, you quickly packed your things and made your way to the door, eager to get out of the classroom and away from your least favorite teacher, but right when you were out the door, you were stopped by your least favorite student. lee felix.
his hand darted out to your wrist, nearly making you drop your books.
“didn’t know you could be so feisty, darling.”
your eyes snapped to his, knowing who was speaking before even seeing him, his voice was unmistakable. you tried to pull your wrist from his grip, but he didn’t budge.
“get your hands off me, felix.”
his eyebrows raised and a small smirk appeared on his face, “oh, so you know who i am?”
“kinda hard not to when teachers are yelling at you every 5 minutes and your name is called over the loud speaker every other day for getting into a fight.”
“woah, good girl, where was this attitude when Kim was scolding you?”
your felt your stomach flip at the name he chose. you knew he meant it to be teasing, but it made your face flush red, and felix noticed. using his grip on your wrist, he pulled you closer to him, so your faces were only inches apart.
“oh, you got a thing for being praised?”
he chuckled as your face turned even more red, an amused smirk on his lips the entire time. satisfied with flustering you, he released your wrist from his hand and stepped away, immediately being greeted by a hoard of girls as well as a few of his 8 friends, the other resident bad boys of your school.
“i’ll see you around, princess.”
you felt butterflies in your tummy again at his choice of words, and you cursed yourself for being flustered.
there way no way you had a crush on lee felix.
okay, maybe you had a little crush on lee felix.
throughout the next few months, interactions like this continued to occur, him bothering you and you pretending you didn’t love the way he touched you or the pet names he called you.
don’t get it wrong, you still thought he was a stuck up asshole, but you couldn’t deny that he was charming, and he wasn’t bad to look at either. in fact, he was very, very nice to look at.
you felt a tap on your shoulder in the middle of class, the same class that he had first noticed you in. you shrugged his hand off of you, only for it to return a few seconds later. when you went to shove his hand off of you again, he whined.
you continued to ignore him.
again, no response.
“baby, why are you ignoring me?”
you took a deep breath, turning towards him, “felix, i’m trying to learn, what do you want?”
he smiled upon getting your attention, folding his hands in his lap. you couldn’t help but notice his busted knuckles, hadn’t they just healed from his last fight?
you cursed your cheeks for turning red and you turned back towards the board.
“stop it.”
“what?” the smile was evident in his voice, you didn’t even have to look at him to know he had a stupid grin on his face, “we both know you like it when i talk to you like this.”
your head snapped back towards him, “says who, lee felix? if it were up to me, you’d shut your mouth and keep it closed.”
your snappy remarks didn’t faze him anymore, he had gotten used to it after months of pestering you. he snapped right back.
“why don’t you make me shut up, then?”
you clenched your jaw, turning towards the board again, but you tightly crossed your legs, and it did not go unnoticed.
the last bell had rang and you were packing your bag and waiting for the crowd to die down before you left. as you finished and made your way out the front door, you bumped into somebody, causing you to be shoved into the door frame and drop the books that you were carrying, the ones you couldn’t fit in your bag. you winced, hand moving to massage where your shoulder had collided with the metal door frame.
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry.”
you looked up to the source of the voice with a small smile.
“it’s no problem, seonghwa, really.”
seonghwa was on student council with you, so you knew each other well enough to make encounters like this not awkward, but you didn’t really know him.
he knelt down to help pick up your books at the same time you did, causing your heads to collide.
you both stumbled back, holding your heads. he gave you an apologetic look and began to say sorry yet again, but you burst into laughter.
“jeez seonghwa, maybe you should have caution tape surrounding you.”
he laughed along with you, moving to pick up your books before offering a hand to help you up.
you gave him a small ‘thanks’ before heading to leave, but he stopped you.
“hey, y/n, actually, are you doing anything? maybe i could take you for coffee or something.” he paused. “you know, to say sorry.”
you smiled at him, “it’s really alright, you don’t have to-“
he chuckled, “i want to, come on. let’s go.”
he led you to his car, opening the trunk and helping you put your things in it. as he went to open the passenger side door for you, a deep voice interrupted the action.
“hey princess!”
you rolled your eyes, turning towards the source of the noise, which happened to be felix and about half of the crowd of friends he usually hung around.
“what, felix?” you sighed.
“aw, come on, baby! aren’t you excited to see me?”
he and his crew walked up to you and seonghwa, so you were no longer shouting across the parking lot.
felix reached out to ruffle your hair before looking seonghwa up and down and asking you, “who’s this?”
“none of your business, felix.”
“someone’s grumpy today, why-“ felix began, only to be interrupted by seonghwa. he stuck his hand out to felix.
“i’m park seonghwa, nice to meet you.”
felix took his hand with the raise of an eyebrow, not bothering to introduce himself in reply, only going back to focus on you.
“he giving you a ride home?”
before you could reply, seonghwa spoke up.
“we actually have a date, so if you don’t mind, we’re gonna get going.”
felix’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. a date? he quickly composed himself.
“in that case,” he leaned in close to you, “have fun on your date, good girl.”
you pushed him away from you, hurrying into seonghwa’s car and pulling the door shut. you looked out the window just in time to see felix say something to seonghwa with a glare before his friends ushered him away with one last glance at you, but you couldn’t hear what he said from inside the car.
“i’m sorry for him.” you apologized to seonghwa on your way to the café.
“no need, it’s not your fault. and hey, i’m sorry for saying it was a date, i thought it would make him back off. just seemed to make him more adamant, though.” he said with a chuckle.
you sighed, “it’s fine. and yeah, he’s pretty persistent.”
the rest of the ride to the cafe was quiet.
you ordered your drink and went to pull out your wallet, but seonghwa placed a hand over yours, handing the cashier his wallet.
“i’ve got both.”
you pouted, “you didn’t have to pay.”
he laughed at your pout, “i asked you to come, of course i have to pay.”
you two chatted while you drank your coffee, and you had a good time. you were surprised you two hadn’t hung out before, your personalities really clicked.
he dropped you off at your house when you finished, going as far as to comment on how close your house was to the school, and offering to give you rides to and from for the rest of the year.
“oh no, i really enjoy walking, actually, but thank you!”
he nodded, “just know you’ve always got a ride if it’s raining or anything.”
the next day at school, felix didn’t come to his morning classes, not that you were checking or anything. by lunch period, everyone knew that the boy wasn’t there. it wasn’t uncommon for felix to skip classes, but he didn’t usually skip more than a few a day, which is why it was odd that he had missed the entire morning. adding onto that, the 8 other boys he hung around were all at school, which meant no one was skipping with him.
lunch period was louder than usual, everyone trying to figure out where felix was. god forbid his fan girls go a full day without seeing him, right?
you left lunch early, the extra noise in the room was giving you a headache, and headed to your 5th hour class. despite felix missing the morning classes you had with him, you walked to your class (which he was also in) hoping he would show up. to your surprise, he was already there.
more to your surprise, he didn’t greet you when you entered the room. it would have been the perfect opportunity to mess with you; the teacher wasn’t in the room yet, but still he chose to keep silent.
it oddly bugged you that he didn’t say hi to you, even if he would have said it in some annoying way. he barely even looked at you. deciding he wasn’t going to talk, you spoke first.
it surprised you, you had never initiated a conversation with the boy, partly because he was annoying and partly because your heart sped up whenever you two interacted. you felt the need to speak up this time though.
the first thing you noticed was that his knuckles were busted more than usual, and for once, it looked like he might have lost a fight. he had a big purple bruise on one side of his face and a busted lip. while looking at the cut on his lip, obviously inspecting the wound and not just looking at his lips because they were pretty, you noticed that they were really chapped. you hoped he was drinking enough water.
you sat in one of the seats beside him in the very back row.
“felix?” you began softly.
no reply.
you sighed and began to dig through your bag. you knew you had a chapstick somewhere in there. when you found it, you put your hand on his shoulder. he still hadn’t even looked at you again, or at least, he hadn’t looked at you when you were also looking at him.
“felix, your lips are chapped, take this.”
you held the chapstick in front of his face, right above his hands, which were crossed on top of his desk.
without turning his head, his eyes snapped to meet yours quickly before reaching to take the chapstick and leaning back in his chair. he seemed more relaxed than when you had first walked into the room.
instead of applying the chapstick, he fiddled with it in his hands, eyes focused on it with a blank look on his face.
you frowned.
“felix, what happened?”
finally, you got a reply. just not the sort of reply you wanted.
“like you care.”
you were taken aback. he never spoke to you like this.
“i do care! i wouldn’t be sitting here trying to help you if i didn’t care.”
he scoffed.
“felix, i’m serious!” you didn’t know why him denying that you cared about him upset you so much, but you felt your eyes started to well up. “you were gone all morning and when you finally come back you’re all busted up, and you’re not even letting me try to help you!”
“i wasn’t gone this morning, y/n.”
“i was here, in the office. didn’t you notice someone else missing, too?”
you furrowed your eyebrows.
he stared at you for a while before a small smile appeared on his face.
“you didn’t even notice seonghwa wasn’t here, did you?”
you cocked your head to the side, shaking your head. now that he mentioned it, you hadn’t seen seonghwa all day either.
“no, i guess not.”
“yeah, well he was in the office with me.”
“you’re dense, you know that?”
for some reason, your mood was lifted now that he was smiling and teasing you again.
“we got into a fight, y/n.”
“you and seonghwa? but why, you don’t even know each other?”
“we both know you.”
and with that, the bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom, followed by students a few minutes later.
felix didn’t even once try to get your attention for the rest of that period
school ended, and you were still thinking of felix. any time you passed him in the hallway or saw him in class, he didn’t seem like himself. beyond that, his words kept replaying in your head, “like you care,” “we both know you.”
it bothered you that he didn’t think you cared about him, and it bothered you that he and seonghwa had gotten into a fight, by the sound of it, because of you.
you hadn’t had a chance to ask seonghwa about it, since you didn’t have any afternoon classes with him.
you exited your last classroom and headed towards your locker. before you could reach it, from across the hallway, you saw felix leaned up against it. you smiled, glad he wasn’t ignoring you, but your smile dropped when seonghwa joined him with an angry look on his face.
the hallways were still crowded, so you couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked like there was about to be another fight. not wanting any more drama, you rushed to your locker and stepped between the two.
as you rushed up, you heard part of the conversation before they stopped talking when you showed up.
“seriously, lee. can’t you see you’re not good for her?”
“i’m trying to be!”
“that’s not good enough!”
you carefully placed your bag and books down on the floor, stepping out from in between them. you finally got a good look as seonghwa, and oh boy, had you been wrong. felix definitely won this fight, too. he had a black eye one one side and a bruised cheek on the other, along with a bandage across his nose.
“what’s going on?”
seonghwa spoke first, “y/n, please tell felix-“
you interrupted him in a panicked voice, eyes on felix.
“oh my god, felix, your lip is bleeding again, i told you to use my chapstick!” you reached your hand up to his lip, running your finger over the rough skin. he brought his hand up and lightly grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from his face, his eyes moving from yours to seonghwa’s.
seonghwa was looking at you with frustration, “jesus christ, y/n, really? you’re taking care of him?”
you gave him a confused look, “why shouldn’t i be? he’s bleeding and-“
“no,” felix released your wrist and took a step back, “he’s right, y/n.”
seonghwa raised his eyebrows at you, as if to say, “see? even he admits he’s bad for you!” but you turned back to felix, about to speak when seonghwa picked up your things and grabbed your arm to lead you away.
you pulled against his grip, “seonghwa, stop it.”
he had grabbed the same arm that you had banged into the door frame the night before, and him pulling on your arm made the bruise hurt even worst than it already did.
“y/n.” he spoke sternly, “let’s go.”
you pulled against him again, “seonghwa, please stop, you’re hurting me.”
his grip only tightened, “i said let’s go.”
your free hand went up to grab your hurt shoulder, “seonghwa, my arm still hurts from yesterday-“
with one last rough pull from seonghwa, you stumbled away from felix with a yelp. that’s when felix decided it was too much, and his hand found its way around seonghwa’s wrist, the one that was holding onto you.
“she said you’re hurting her, stop.”
seonghwa released your arm and immediately swung at felix with that same hand, knocking him straight in the jaw. felix stumbled backwards, but he quickly regained composure, swinging back and hitting seonghwa in the nose, which from the bandage he had on, you assumed to be broken. his nose started streaming with blood, and before anyone could throw another hit, the principle came rushing over, yelling at both boys and you to follow him to his office.
seonghwa, who was still holding your bag, no longer your books, as he had dropped them when he first went to hit felix, swung your bag off of his shoulder and dropped it roughly on the ground with a glare towards you.
you went to pick up your bag and collect your books, but felix got to it before you, swinging both your bag and his over his shoulders. you tried to argue with him, say that he was hurt and you could carry your own bag, but he wouldn’t listen.
the principle made all three of you sit in front of his desk, you in between the two boys.
“two fights in one day? really, boys? you know bet-“
“sir, i don’t know about the first fight, but felix did not start this fight, he was only defending me.”
“ms. y/n, do not interrupt me again or-“
without realizing it, your hand found it’s way to felix’s.
“no, sir, really, it’s not fair for felix to get into trouble!” you started to tear up, “check the cameras or ask anyone around us, really! he didn’t start it!”
seonghwa scoffed beside you.
“you’re still defending him?”
“she’s defending me because i’m not the one who put hands on her, park!” felix answered for you.
“i wouldn’t have had to if-“
“boys!” your principles voice echoed through his office.
“i’ll review the footage and we’ll talk again tomorrow. as of now, the two of you need to get cleaned up. y/n, you’ve had a long afternoon, go get some rest.”
seonghwa left immediately, storming out the door without saying goodbye to anyone. you, however, decided to stay back and help felix clean up.
he sat on the counter in one of the school bathrooms with you in between his legs, focused on cleaning him up. he said he could clean his wounds himself, but you insisted. as you were wiping the blood of your cheek, you softly spoke.
“felix, why did you two fight in the first place?”
he took a deep breath, shifting his eyes to lock with yours.
“i saw him this morning and i asked how serious you two were, with you going on a date and all. when he said not very, i asked him to stay away from you as anything more than friends. i told him you already had someone going after you and... he hit me. said i wasn’t good enough for you, said you deserve more than me.”
your face flushed at felix’s words, was he confessing to you?
“he told me to stay away from you all together, even as friends. at first i thought he was right, that you’re too good for me, but if i need to be better to be good enough for you, i will.”
“what do you mean, felix?”
“i like you, y/n. a lot. and i know i have a really shitty way of showing it, but i promise i’ll try my best to be what you deserve, if you’ll give me a chance.”
“felix, you saved me from him when he was hurting me, that’s not a shitty way of showing you care.”
a small smiled played at his lips, “who knew the good girl could swear?”
you hit his shoulder, “shut up or i’ll reject you.”
he laughed, a big smile on his face, but it quickly fell. he reached a hand up and gently pulled your jacket off of your shoulder, turning you slightly to see the bruise.
“y/n?” he began, “did he do this to you?”
your eyebrows furrowed, “yeah, he bumped into me and i fell.”
“but it wasn’t on purpose?”
felix let out a breath you hadn’t realized he had been holding in, and he suddenly pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“i won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.”
the next day, you walked into first hour to see felix sitting in his usual spot, and for the first time, you smiled and made your way over to him. he greeted you with a big smile.
halfway through class, your names along with seonghwa’s were announced over the loud speaker to come to the office. felix stood first, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the room. neither of you missed the whispers that began when he took your hand.
the principle called the three of you into his office once again.
“as promised, i have your consequences ready. firstly, i rewatched the camera footage of both fights, and in both, seonghwa, you threw the first hit. because of this, i have to give you 2 weeks of suspension, beginning right after this meeting. for you, felix, despite your record, it’s clear you didn’t intend for either of these fights to happen, and it’s clear that the second one was in defense of someone else. however, you did hit back. detention every day after school for a week. and you, ms. y/n, this is your first incident and you weren’t involved with the violence, so i’ll let you off with a warning. you two,” he gestured to you and felix, “back to class. and you,” he pointed at seonghwa, “your parents will be here to pick you up soon.”
you and felix stood and headed back to class, but about halfway there, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a corner of the hallway where he knew there were no cameras.
you giggled, “what are you doing.”
one arm on your waist, he pulled the same chapstick you’d given to him earlier out of his pocket and applied it, a big smile on his face.
“i cant have chapped lips for out first kiss, now can i, good girl?”
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caysophia · 4 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (f, smut) Dirty thoughts
Tumblr media
"..."-actual talking
'...'- y/n talking with others telepathically / others responding to her
y/n pov
I rolled around my bed a little thing to get comfortable "Good morning. It's 8:30..." Rang out the speaker in the corner of the room. I groaned and sat up, pushing my hair out of eyes and rubbing my face "We get it, we get it." I groaned and stood up slowly from my bed walking over to the dresser of clothes and getting dressed.
I put on a black flannel, some ripped jeans, and some slides. I sat down at the metal and wood desk in front of my bed and put on some mascara and eyeliner, not a lot as it looked like it was gonna rain.
I walked out of my room, an actual room. I walked down the many halls to the bathroom to do some stuff and then going to the cafe to make a cup of tea, it was a tea day today. I opened the metal and glass double doors being the first one in. I boiled some water and prepared my tea, it was just black tea with honey.
I stood at the counter hearing footsteps, they weren't heavy so it isn't Sam or Roberto.
'Hello' i said as the person walked in, it was Dani "I forgot you were telepathic, to early for that y/n." she said with a laugh 'sorry, I don't t feel like talking right now.' i said and she nodded "We going mute today? or just not in the mood?" she asked as she sat down at the table closest to where I was." I cocked my head and thought about it.
'not in the mood right now.' i thought as I bent back making my back crack, and stretching out my neck "What are you doing today? It might rain." Dani asked as she stood up grabbing a random fruit from a bowl on a metal counter.
I poured the boiling water into a mug and stirred it 'I think I'm just gonna head back to my room, or go into the lounge. oo the attic to maybe, the rain sounds so nice up there.' I chuckled and she smiled 'what about you?' I asked as Dani threw away the apple core "I don't know, I have more testing." Dani said as Rahne came in, she waved and we waved back.
"Hey!" Dani said as the girl walked over, I waved again and pointed to the door "See ya y/n."Dani said with a smile "Bye y/n."
I exited the cafe with my cup of tea and walked around wasting time before seeing same down the hallway coming towards the cafe 'Hey starshine.' i said and waved, he waved back and jogged down the hall slightly meeting up with me 'Morning handsome' I said with a wink, he rolled his eyes "You just gonna invade my thoughts now." Sam said and I laughed talking another sip of tea 'Of course, I always do.' i chuckled.
'Im gonna go outside. bye-bye country boy.' i said as I took a sip of tea "See ya." he nodded his head as he fixed his hat. I and sam split ways, I walked down the hallway more making it to the front exit of the building 'Reyes please open the front exit door' and heard the door open 'thanks.'.
The metal doors closed behind me, over the forest beyond the gate were dark clouds 'Nice...' i walked over to the concrete block that sam used when he goes into rocketship mode. I jumped onto it and sat down, The placement of the block made it perfect to watch the sky and field at the same time.
I spent a few minutes there, completely spaced out (like no thoughts, no hearing, head empty) I felt a tap on my shoulder "What the fuck!" I screamed and also spilling the cup of tea on me. I jumped off the block and turned towards the person who touched me. Rahne put her hands up in the air "Woah, chill. Didn't mean to scare ya. It group time." I raised a brow "It's only like 9:30..." Rahne shook her head "It's 11, you've been spaced out for a while..."
I looked at Rahne "I-" I stuttered out and laughed "I-yeah okay, time for a group I guess... let's go, thanks for getting me." I thanked Rahne and grabbed the mug, and walked towards the door. I poured the cold tea into the dead bushes and walked in the building dropping the mug off at the cafe and then heading to the group.
Rahne walked into the room sitting down next to Dani "I'm glad you could make it y/n. Did something happen?" Reyes asked as I froze, the room went quiet "head went empty, no thought." I said quietly and sat down in between Roberto and Illyana, Illyana chuckled 'Shut the fuck up blonde bitch.' I smiled and she glared.
"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start," Reyes said with a smile. I looked around the room making eye contact with Sam. Sam shook his head slightly, I smirked 'hi.'  he rolled his eyes fixing his hat 'Yeah?' i smiled slightly looking at sams sitting from up and down 'You looking kinda cute today.' Sam locked eyes with me 'I know where this will lead, no. Not now.' I pouted 'You're no fun...' i pouted, sam scoffed out loud "Yes sam?" Reyes questioned looking in between me and him "Nothing, sorry." Sam muttered out and looked at me, Reyes nodded "Y/n, stop please." I nodded and looked at the floor, Reyes went over ways to control the powers of the other.
"Why is y/n here?" Illyana blurted out stopping Reyes mid-sentence "What do you mean Illyana."  Reyes fixed her posture in her seat, I looked at Sam 'I've been here for a year, how the fuck does she not know?'  Sam shrugged his shoulder 'She doesn't like you, you know that. She's just trying to cause trouble.'
"She doesn't have any powers beside for fucking physic powers." Illyana scoffed, I laughed at her. Reyes looked at me "She is here just like everyone else. Something happened, putting her and others in danger." Reyes said softly glancing at her "You do realize, telepathic powers are mind not just mind linking right?" I questioned the blonde looking at her "It's the power of invading the mind like Mind Control, Illusion Manipulation, Psychic Torture. I could fuck with your mind so hard that your safe plane wouldn't be a thing anymore." I threatened and Reyes snapped her fingers, just something she found out stops me from hurting things...
"Well, what you do? kill your parents?" Illyana mocked and I laughed "kind yeah. I lost control and made a bus driver drive a bus into a body of moving water and everyone drowned. Besides for me somehow." I said in a smart ass tone fighting the lump in my throat 'im going to fuck this bitch up, either making her see smiley men or just giving her an uppercut to the jaw.'  i said sam and cleared my throat. Reyes wrote some notes down "Ok, we're done here. Everyone can leave." I stood up and walked to sam and gave him a fake smile, Illyana bumped into my shoulder and smiled "Sorry." she laughed 'try me, you'll see smiley men.' i smiled as she glared at me and walked out. "What did you just say?" Sam said as he throws his jacket over his shoulder "Oh nothing." I smiled and grabbed his hand and left the room.
I and sam walked to the lounge in silence, my mind rushing with flashbacks from the crash. Even though I didn't get hurt, it still haunts you. When we got to the room Dani and Rahne were already there turning on the Tv "Hey guys!" Dani said in a happy tone "Hey." me and Sam said, sam going to the foosball table with Roberto, I jumped over the couch next to Rahne "You talking now?" She asked I shook my head "Oh boy, ill be doing more than talking if Illyana tried anything." I said and looked at the tv, a random movie turning on.
Rahne patted my shoulder "Hey, she stepped over a line. Yes. But you can't make her live through her fears." I laughed  "Okay." I said and looked over the couch to sam 'You looking kinda hot right now.'  Sam shook his head not stopping the game to respond 'what? You're not gonna respond?' i teased him, no respond 'Your asking for it. watch it.' i waited for a response nothing. I turned around and watch the movie on tv.
3rd person (it's gonna start getting graphic and smut.)
Y/n continued to tease and bother sam more and more, making him lose a bunch of foosball games against Roberto "Well you suck." Roberto laughed as he fixed the players on the polls, Sam rolled his eyes and put the ball in the middle "Is y/n talking to you through brain waves for some shit." Roberto laughed and took the first hit Sam laughed and started to play "Oh no, definitely not." Sam laughed.
'You're not talking about me, are you?' Y/n voice popped into sams head, Sam rolled his eyes 'Why would I? It's not like you don't invade my head every day.' Sam replied y/n chuckled from the couch where her, Rahne, And Dani were sat watching a movie 'You're too cute sam, you know that? Oh and don't even get me started about how big your hands are, I wouldn't mind them on me.'  Y/n teased, sam took a deep breath not wanting to lose the game but also not wanting  Y/ns comment to go to his head.
'Oh come on big boy, don't ignore me. I can see your breathing patterns change.' Y/n said making sam frustrated, and groan "Oh my." Sam glared at him "Stop it."
'You wanna leave the lounge? go up to my room and see what is a coal miner does to the body?  I bet it does wonder.' y/n flirted, Sam scored a goal against Roberto "Imma go, see ya." and sam left, y/n rolled her eyes "I'll be back." and left the room after Sam.
Y/n exited the lounge going after sam "Sam!" Y/n yelled down to him as he walked down the hall ignoring her "Sam! come on, stop it."Y/n said as she ran down the hall trying to catch up to him. Sam continued to ignore y/ns calls as he walked down the hall, he was embarrassed and a little angry.
'Sam, come on. I'm sorry okay?  I should've told you earlier and tried to stop, okay but it's hard when you hearing the thoughts of everyone around you .' Y/ns voice echoed through sams head, sam stopped and turned around to face y/n who was only a few feet away from him "Why?" Sam asked, leaving y/n confused "Why what?" Y/n gave a nervous chuckle worried about what he was gonna ask.
"Was it all a joke? Just something to get a laugh at?" Sam scoffed y/n laughed at his comment, leaving sam confused "What?" Y/n bent over laughing before catching her breath "Oh my! you are clueless Sam. You don't think I would've made sexual jokes for fun? I might be a bitch but I don't play with feelings sams." Y/n said with a smile, Sam glanced down at Y/n "Sam! I like you your clueless puppy!" Y/n Yelled but not loud enough for the group down the hall to hear.
"Oh so- oh... oh." Sam said out loud as he thought, he smirked at y/n "Ill take you up on that offer." Y/n laughed "Bet." and with that Y/n grabbed Sams wrist and the two of them ran down to the dorms.
Y/n pulled Sam into her room, locking the door and covering the camera in the corner of the room, y/n turned around taking off her shoes, sam already doing that  "You ready?" Y/n smirked, "As all hell."
Y/ns pov
Sam pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. bringing sam into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck one hand in his hair and throwing his hat off.  "You are a naughty girl," he said looking at me in the eyes, I winked "I know." bringing him into a rough kiss letting him lead. Sam started taking off his flannel and shirt, I doing the same.
I pulled sam back into a kiss now just in a bar and jeans. Sam kissed down my jaw and onto my neck leaving hickies and bites. I moaned once he hit a spot right below my jaw, he worked on the spot for a while before moving to my chest. His hands traveling down to the hem of my jeans. Sam looked up "You ready?" He asked I nodded. Sam Unbuttoned my jeans and sticking his hand in.
He started playing with my clit with us thumb, "wet already ?" He said smirking, I moaned "just fuck me Sam " I moaned, throwing my head back fisting my sheets in the bed, "not yet baby," he said inserting his middle fingers. I arched my back and moaned "s-Sam f-faster " I said breathless moaning, Coming close to an Orgasm, he inserted two more fingers going faster, I was a moaning mess "I-I'm cL-close " I moaned out and came on this hand.
He licked his hand clean, and took off his jeans, and stroked his penis, he groaned and I flipped us around so he's on the bottom and I put his member in my mouth it was at least 10 inches so there was still a good amount not in my mouth so I rubbed the exposed part. "Y/n," he said putting his hands to his face before grabbing my hair.
After a while, he comes into my mouth.
I looked at him and started kissing him, giving him hickeys down his jaw and next, while my hands went down his abs, I gave him hickeys on his neck where he couldn't hind them and down his stomach. After Sam flipped us so I was under him, he put a condom on and slid in me, I moaned his name digging my nails into his shoulder blades leaving marks. Sam groaned giving my neck hickeys. "I-I'm close Sam," I said moaning. San put my hands above my head and held my hand. "M-me too," he said and we both released, and plotted down next to me. Both of us out of breath.
"I bet you don't like dirty thoughts anymore huh?" I joked Sam chuckled.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Bokuto, Kuroo and Oikawa confessing to their crush who wears glasses
requested: hi omg im new to this thing,, may i request an hc of bokuto, oikawa, and kuroo where the reader always wears eyeglasses and one day takes them off? Then they get curious as to how far the reader can see their faces clearly until they're just inches away from each other, and it suddenly turns into a confession? HDJSHA tbh i see the 3 as the most flirty ones who'd do that but if you have others in mind, i'd still be very happy to read them!! Thank you so much ❤ 
First of all this is such a creative idea I love it and enjoyed writing it! Second of all I had to completely rewrite Bokuto and Kuroo because Tumblr deleted the draft and??? Honestly I don’t deserve this
Also requests are open! I finished everything that was sitting in my inbox so give me more!
Bokuto Kotaro:
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You’ve been friends with him for quite a while and at school you always spend lunch together, you would sometimes come to practice and you’d let him rant about volleyball and what else, but you never left that ‘friends’ state, even though everyone around you knew you had a crush on each other (oblivious babies~)
Anyways he would constantly comment on your glasses and tease you about it? “How much can you see without them, Y/N? Are you blind?” “Do you think I’d look good with them? Let me try them on~” etc etc
So one day at lunch you would take them off because your head hurts a little. You rub your eyes and then lay your head on the table for some peace and quiet. But it didn’t last long.
Bokuto found you just moments after and saw your glasses laying around unsupervised. He took them and then took the place opposite to you. “Y/N-chan, can you see me~?”
You look up at him and perk an eyebrow. He was moving his head from left to right (like in the gif) and looked at you with widened, expectant eyes. “I am short-sighted Bokuto, so no, I can’t. I can see it’s you because of your hair but everything else is absolutely blurred.”
He pouts and gets a little closer. “And now.” You tilted your head a little. “It’s getting better. I can see your huge owl eyes.”
Bokuto smiled and came even closer, leaning over the table now. “How about now?”, he said, but his voice was trailing off a little. It was as if he was looking at you for the first time. Now that he was this close to you he was reminded of his crush and he was glad you couldn’t quite make out all features of his face yet, because a rosy blush found its way to his cheeks as he smiled conspirationally. “Getting better.”, you answer. “Are you blushing?”, you ask immediately after, noticing the pink tint of his cheeks.
He immediately sits back a little, trying to hide the blush. “Let’s go on a date.”, he says instead of answering and now you were the one to start blushing. “W-What?”
Bokuto puts your glasses on and looks at you as if he was thinking very deeply about something. “How about Friday? After my game? We could go and eat something.”
You gulp but nod, your face still feeling hot like hell. “Of course, I’d love to.” Because how could anyone ever say no to Bokuto? Especially when he was looking this good with your glasses on?
Kuroo Testuro:
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You’ve been friends since Middle School and became basically inseperable in High School. You joined the volleyball team as the manager so you guys could spend more time together and when he became captain in his 3rd year - Mom and Dad of the volleyball team, aaw
In Middle School you never gave it a second thought but as you got into High School you noticed how your heart jumped  a little when he looked at you directly, how your breath hitched when he smiled at you or how your guts twisted when you saw some other girl flirting with him.
Little did you know he did all that to subtly flirt with you and make you jealous to finally get a reaction out of you, but it never worked and he got frustrated. So one day after practice, when it was just the two of you in the gym cleaning up, he took his opportunity.
He came up behind you and snatched your glasses, before sprinting to the other end of the gym so you wouldn’t catch him. “Kuroo! What are you doing?”, you confusedly shout across the big empty hall. He stops and raises your glasses into the air. “I wanna test your eyesight! Can you see me?” You cross your arms across your chest. “This is pointless Kuroo! You already now that I am long-sighted so yes, I can very well see you!”
So he comes closer. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Two.” “Great job!” He comes closer. “And now?” “Five.” And so it went on for some time until he was only a few feet away and it started to become blurry. “Uhm... Four? No wait, Three! Is it three?” He shakes his head in disappointment. “No, it was Four.” You still didn’t get why he was doing this but when he was getting closer until your bodys almost touched you suddenly couldn’t complain anymore.
“And what about now?”, he asks, quieter than before. When the air leaves his mouth you can feel it brush against your skin and you can’t help but shiver. “I can barely see you.”, you whisper and blush so hard that your cheeks could resemble tomatos. You felt hot all over and when Kuroo lifted his hand and touched your cheek you could feel his fingertips shaking. “A pity.”, he murmurs before his lips touch yours in the lightest way ever. Your completely black out and forget how to move for solid 5 seconds before you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him even closer.
By the time he leans back again you’re both breathless and silence fills the gym until you begin laughing and you say: “The next time we kiss I wanna see your face though.”
Oikawa Tooru:
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You met in High School and kinda hit it off as friends since the beginning. You were walking past the gym and one of his balls hit you and you got so mad at him and yelled 5 minutes about who he thinks he is and everyone is just *amazed*
Since then you’ve always been the one that kept him on his toes, so that he wouldn’t get too self-centred and grew a giant ego because of his fangirls. You helped each other through relationships and break ups but after his last break up in his 3rd year something felt different.
And you felt it too, but neither of you really wanted to face reality so you kinda avoided each other for a while, thinking your feelings were something that developed in the heat of the moment and would be over after you wouldn’t see each other.
Anyways today you were at the library studying. It was Friday evening and you were basically alone until Oikawa suddenly showed up and sat down opposite of you. “Y/N-chan! You’re wearing your glasses! It#s been a while since I’ve seen you with them~”, he casually begins and grins at you. He was right. Normally you wore contacts because you thought you looked better with them, but today you didn’t feel like putting them in. “It’s more comfortable.”, you shrug, still trying to avoid his gaze.
But he just reaches for you and takes your glasses and you snap up. “Tooru! No, I need them!” “Really? Are you really blind without them?” He puts them on and looks amazed. “Woah, Y/N, you never told me that your eyesight was actually this bad.” You grunt. “Tooru, please just give them back.” But he just shakes his head and gets up. He walks over to a book shelf and asks. “How clearly can you see me?” “I can see the color of your clothes.”
He starts laughing. “That’s insane! Y/N you’re like a mole!” He walks to the table you were sitting on and sits on the far end of it. “And now?” “Still nothing new. Except that your annoying face is nearer.” He moves across the room a couple more times, until he suddenly stops and walks satright over to you, a sly smirk on his face that you can’t see.
“What are you doing?” But he doesn’t answer. Instead he places his hands on the table right in front of you and leans closer to you. “Can you still not see me? Or my feelings for you? Or your feelings to me? Or will you stay blind forever?”
You can’t even say anything before his lips capture yours and you couldn’t care less about whether he has your glasses or not, or if he’s been your friend for the last 3 years. You’re not gonna be blind from now on.
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leemaht · 4 years
haikyuu!! headcanons
falling for their new manager
karasuno edition
part 2: hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi, tsukishima
warnings: none
pairings: hinata x reader; kageyama x reader; yamaguchi x reader; tsukishima x reader
for this thread i will use the same initial situation but there will be an individual route for every character
i’m really sorry. i have real problems thinking about him in a romantic situation. he is baby.
you were a friend of hitoka and were in the advanced class with her. the graduation of the 3rd years was due and she was worried that she had to manage the whole team alone soon. so she asked you because lucky for her you hadn’t joined any clubs yet.
she brought you by the gym that day and announced you to be manager in training. kiyouko was overjoyed.
the team greeted you and how else could it be, hinata came jumping to you asking millions of questions
‘are you a friend of yachi? do you like volleyball? have you ever played? do you wanna watch me spike some balls? do-’
‘stop, asking so much at once chibi.’ tsukishima came to your rescue
‘what diD YoU cAll ME?’ tsukishima and yamaguchi chuckled at hinata’s reaction.
you bowed
‘my name is y/l/n y/n, i am from class 1-7. i will be in your care.’
‘ohhh. 1-7 that is one of the clever people classes right?’ hinata again
‘well, advanced courses, yes.’
‘woah. are you good in modern japanese?’
‘y/n is at the top of our class in every subject.’ yachi cut in. you impressed the team,really.
‘wow,i am really bad at it. i never got anything over a 13.’
‘i could teach you if you want.’ and he jumped out of happiness as he instantly accepted.
for the next to weeks you would give hinata 2 private tutoring lessons per week and his grades would gradually get better.
‘i got 67! 67!’ they just had gotten their tests back and he came running into the gym where you already waited. he was so overjoyed that he hugged you and you hugged back. as soon as he noticed what was going on he scooted away and excused himself. 
his heart beat so fast and his face was really red. suga was really worried when hinata came into the changing room and was bright read
‘goodness, are you sick?’ he felt his forehead. ‘you are really hot.’
‘n-no i don’t think so. i was ok just a minute ago?’
‘what happened then?’
‘i-i kinda hugged y/n by accident and now my heart is beating really fast.’
and suga and tanaka started cheering
‘hinata, that’s called having a crush.’
‘a crush...’
you were a friend of hitoka and were in the advanced class with her. the graduation of the 3rd years was due and she was worried that she had to manage the whole team alone soon. so she asked you because lucky for her you hadn’t joined any clubs yet.
she brought you by the gym that day and announced you to be manager in training. kiyouko was overjoyed.
the team greeted you and how else could it be, hinata came jumping to you asking millions of questions
‘are you a friend of yachi? do you like volleyball? have you ever played? do you wanna watch me spike some balls? do-’
‘stop, asking so much at once chibi.’ tsukishima came to your rescue
‘what diD YoU cAll ME?’ tsukishima and yamaguchi chuckled at hinata’s reaction.
you bowed
‘my name is y/l/n y/n, i am from class 1-7. i will be in your care.’
‘and well, i played a little in middle school.’ hinata caught fire
‘oooohhhhh, what position?’
kageyama slid in and repeated hinata’s behaviour
‘in which school were you? how long did you play? were-’ suga hand flapped his head before he could continue
the rest of the practice was normal. kiyoko and yachi explained your tasks and daichi introduced you to the rest of the team. since you already played volleyball it was unnecessary to explain the rules to you.
coach ukai tried to impress you but failed.
he made kageyama and hinata do the oddball quick and expected you to be baffled but instead you looked pensive. you walked over to kageyama and started explaining.
‘you are tossing him directly, but if you changed your posture like this...’ you demonstrated ‘... you would be able to build up more pressure and toss the ball even faster.’
alright this boy was so surprised that you actually were able to give him constructive criticism. this is love.
for the next few weeks he found himself even more motivated to play his best whenever he felt you were watching him and often went to get your approval and tips
he felt this tingly sensation in his stomach whenever he was talking to you and he could not explain why
after it got unbearable he went to suga for help who got daichi and noya. the three of them had to explain the concept of love and having a crush. they were so supportive, even noya who had occasionally flirted in your direction as well.
things started to add up for kageyama. everything they told him was an exact explanation of his feelings. the sting in his heart when you talked to somebody else, the happiness he felt when you laughed and so on.
he had to acknowledge it. he was in love with you.
you were a friend of hitoka and were in the advanced class with her. the graduation of the 3rd years was due and she was worried that she had to manage the whole team alone soon. so she asked you because lucky for her you hadn’t joined any clubs yet.
she brought you by the gym that day and announced you to be manager in training. kiyouko was overjoyed.
the team greeted you and how else could it be, hinata came jumping to you asking millions of questions
‘are you a friend of yachi? do you like volleyball? have you ever played? do you wanna watch me spike some balls? do-’
‘stop, asking so much at once chibi.’ tsukishima came to your rescue
‘what diD YoU cAll ME?’ tsukishima and yamaguchi chuckled at hinata’s reaction.
you bowed
‘my name is y/l/n y/n, i am from class 1-7. i will be in your care.’
yamaguchi bowed as well out of reflex. he was the only one though which made you chuckle
‘you are an idiot.’ ‘gomen, tsuki’
in the next following weeks you turned out to be a nice, caring and sweet person
you cared so much for the team and did everything in your might to help out. you talked to him occasionally and he was the one you asked for help. when he wondered why you answered: ‘you are the easiest to talk to, because you seem so nice. but i can stop if-’ ‘nonono that’s not what i meant.’
it turned out that you lived near his neighborhood so both yams and tsuki walked with you until you had to part ways.
in this times he noticed that he felt way happier than he had before, he blushed and laughed so much around you and felt empty whenever you were not there. he was sad and jealous when you helped out the others or when noya and tanaka flirted with you. well you were gorgeous after all. yes, he thought you were really pretty. and clever. and kind. and he liked your laugh. and he loved it when-
wait. love?
that was when he realized. in the following few days he got really shy around you, he observed to confirm his feelings. confirmed.
after that he met up with tsuki to get help.
‘i think i have feelings for y/n.’
‘wow, what a surprise.’ ‘what?’
‘did you really think i didn’t know that? you act even stupider than normal.’
he is still supportive though. yams is his best friend after all.
you were a friend of hitoka and were in the advanced class with her. the graduation of the 3rd years was due and she was worried that she had to manage the whole team alone soon. so she asked you because lucky for her you hadn’t joined any clubs yet.
she brought you by the gym that day and announced you to be manager in training. kiyouko was overjoyed.
the team greeted you and how else could it be, hinata came jumping to you asking millions of questions
‘are you a friend of yachi? do you like volleyball? have you ever played? do you wanna watch me spike some balls? do-’
‘stop, asking so much at once chibi.’ tsukishima came to your rescue
‘what diD YoU cAll ME?’ tsukishima and yamaguchi chuckled at hinata’s reaction.
you bowed
‘my name is y/l/n y/n, i am from class 1-7. i will be in your care.’
tsukishima turned to hinata who seemed to literally burn with excitement
‘calm down your horses, shorty.’ hinata was about to lose it. you snorted out of true amusement, earning a slightly pouty look from hinata and a side-glance from tsukishima.
in the next few weeks you grew on the salty dinosaur.
yamaguchi initiated some conversations with you and where yams was, tsuki was to be found. you laughed at his sarcastic comments and sometimes joined in. he found out that you two had a similar kind of humor.
he had tried to get to you too, but you didn’t react or countered with similar sarcasm.
the two of them walked you home as your house was in their neighborhood. 
yams shipped you two to death. he saw that you would be good together and knew that tsuki liked you, even though he didn’t know it yet.
the team was really confused that tsuki talked a lot around you without a trace of ill intentions and he smiled. SMILED
one day yams and tsuki were to walk you home again but yams excused himself, leaving the two of you alone. it was pretty late already and dark to it.
you had one of your deep conversations, when you stopped in your tracks.
‘taking roots?’
‘ah, no. look how beautiful the view is.’ you countered as you stared off into the distance. but tsuki didn’t follow your eyes but looked at you.
the stars reflected in your eyes, a small blush tainted your cheeks. you looked so peaceful and pretty. 
wait, pretty?
tsuki’s face reddened madly. and he figured out his feelings and had to think of all the times yams had told him how happy he had looked whenever he was around you.
he couldn’t hold it an longer and stepped closer to you, taking your cheek in his hand and turning your face to face him [what is this sentence?]
and he kissed you passionately, letting all the surpressed emotions he had felt flow into your lips. he felt afraid that you would push him away but you didn’t. you kissed him back nearly instantly as your hands found their way on his neck and his on your waist. after you had to pull off for air you rested your foreheads together.
‘i like you too, idiot.’ you stated with a smile which he immediately returned.
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tuffduff · 4 years
Road to Being Gone (Nikki Sixx x Reader x Izzy Stradlin)
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Izzy Stradlin x Reader
Words: 2,046
Request: @harryroger12 “Hey I was wondering if you could do a nikki imagine where he cheats on the reader and years later like in 89 he sees her dating Izzy Stradlin and sees how happy her and Izzy are and gets jealous. Sorry did bothering you ❤️”
A/N: Okay, don’t get it twisted; I love me some Nikki too. I definitely don’t harbor any ill feelings towards him, it’s all fiction :) Thanks for the request love, you’re never a bother! ❤️
Taglist: @ubernoxa​ ❤️
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“Nikki?” This was the 3rd place you had checked tonight—catering—and you were only met with negative shakes of heads and various clueless looks.
Nikki was your boyfriend of almost a year (in fact, you had saved up almost enough to buy him a new bass for your upcoming anniversary) and you had joined him on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour. At first, things had been an exhilarating whirlwind, but lately, Nikki had been distant. He had been all about you at the beginning of the tour, never leaving your side, exploring new cities together and waking up in new hotel rooms…now you were lucky if he came back to your room at all at the end of the night.
Of course, he and his band partied and drank and whatnot; you knew what you had signed up for. It wasn’t like you condoned it, but what exactly could you do? At least there was never a lack of love or devotion. Or so you thought.
“Oh! Tommy, Vince—have you guys seen Nikki?” You were relieved at the sight of two of Nikki’s band mates, but quickly grew confused by the looks they exchanged with each other.
“Tommy, have you seen him? Ah…sorry, Y/N, I haven’t seen him all night.” Vince said, not looking you in the eye.
“Have you tried catering?” Tommy suggested. The both of them were trying to walk away slowly.
“Yeah. That’s where I’m coming from, I just can’t find him.”
“Sorry, Y/N. We haven’t got a clue.” Vince said. You sighed a little to yourself as they walked away, crestfallen and truthfully uncertain of where to go now.
“It’s probably none of my business but…” You jumped at a voice behind you and turned, noticing Izzy Stradlin leaning against the wall. He and his band, Guns N’ Roses, were supporting Motley Crue on this leg of the tour. Izzy was an interesting guy, kind of a mystery; the two of you had never even had a conversation until now, you were surprised he even knew who you were. “They’re lying to you.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, the tiniest pit of worry developing deep in you stomach.
“Have you tried Vince’s dressing room?” He replied, matter-of-fact seriousness on his face. You frowned a little to yourself.
“No. I checked Nikki’s dressing room, why would I check Vince’s?”
“It’s not like he would be somewhere you could find him.”
“And why wouldn’t he?” Izzy looked down a little, shielding his face from yours. “What are you trying to say? Do you know something I don’t?”
“Unfortunately.” He murmured, pulling out a cigarette and walking the few paces to stand at your shoulder. “Guys talk, sometimes too much. You hear a lot. And I just have a problem with guys disrespecting a beautiful good girl who doesn’t know any better.” You blinked, confused with every word that came from his mouth.
“I need you to be really clear with me,” you began slowly. He blew out smoke, a grim look on his face as he jerked his head.
“I can show you better than I can tell you.”
And that’s how you caught your boyfriend in the act with some groupie who had managed to get backstage. You screamed, you cried out of both anger and betrayal, but the worst part was how Nikki hardly seemed to care. He let you walk away without so much of a word, he merely waved his hand at you dismissively, as if you were complaining over him not taking out the trash. It was like you never knew him and everything suddenly felt very foreign. A mix between what was once familiar suddenly being lost, like losing the ground beneath your feet.
You made your way back to his dressing room to gather your belongings and get the hell out, halfway blinded by tears, but you could tell Izzy was still behind you, offering no words.
“Why are you still here, do you want some kinda tip or something?” You snapped at him. “You probably think I’m stupid as fuck, just like the rest of them. I bet they’ve known for months now. My mom even tried telling me, I would just tell her ‘no, mom. Not Nikki. He isn’t like the rest.’” If you were more aware, you would have been embarrassed by your lack of filter to someone who was practically a stranger. To Izzy’s credit, he listened sympathetically, letting you get it all out. “God…I’m so stupid. To think he could actually love someone like me.”
“Hey,” you were surprised when Izzy spoke up sharply. He made his way over to where you were crumbled on the ground and knelt down beside you. “You’re not stupid for thinking that. You’re not stupid for hoping that, for wanting that. You should expect that. And that’s his fault for not living up to it. You’re an amazing woman, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.”
“You don’t even know me,” you whispered in despair, a few stray tears still slipping down your cheeks. To both your surprise and fascination, you watched a strange pink color flood his cheeks as he chuckled awkwardly and looked to the ground.
“Yeah, I know.” He muttered, peeking up at you through his hair. “But I wish I did.”
It took you a long time to get over your initial shock and heartbreak. It took you even longer to get rid of that moment with Izzy, and soon, he was all you thought about. And right when you thought you were going crazy, dreaming of some strange and maybe a missed connection, you got a phone call.
“Is this Y/N?”
“This is she, who’s this?” You heard a relieved and breathless laugh on the other end.
“It’s really you; man, you wouldn’t believe the detective work I’ve had to do just to get your number. I didn’t even know your last name. All I knew was Y/N. I’ve been trying to find you since the last night I saw you.” You felt your breath catch in your throat.
“Izzy?” You asked, hearing him laugh a little again.
“I even had the guys in my band helping me.” You smiled a little, already melting a bit inside. How many times had you dreamed of this? “How have you been doing? I know it’s rough after a break-up, I was hoping you weren’t taking it too hard.”
It was a surprise. Truthfully, you had been expecting him to ask you out immediately, but he hadn’t. You would’ve said yes too, but he was more focused on your well-being.
“I’ve been great, actually. I mean, it was hard at first. I think the worst part was him making me doubt myself, you know? Sometimes I would catch myself wondering why I wasn’t enough, but I knew when I did that I was being stupid.”
“It had nothing to do with you. Like I said, some guys just don’t know what they have in front of them.” You nodded to yourself on the line, tangling the cord between your fingers and feeling butterflies beginning to flutter in your stomach. “You know, for the record, I didn’t like being that guy. But I wasn’t about to let you keep thinking he actually cared when he didn’t. You didn’t deserve that.”
“I never got to say thank you.” You murmured. Suddenly, you could feel your heart pounding and you held onto the cord tighter. “Listen…I know you’re probably really busy, but…if you ever have free time, I’d really like to see you.” You cringed, thrown off by your spontaneous wave of bravery.
The line was silent for a while and you almost hung up out of the crippling embarrassment. “Are you asking me on a date?” He finally asked. You swallowed, trying to cure your dry throat.
“I-If you want it to be.” You replied shakily. “I mean, I, you know, we can be just friends if you prefer, if you’re not interested—”
“Woah, woah.” You heard him cut you off with a soft laugh that made the butterflies grow stronger. “I’d really like that. I’m almost kind of relieved, I was thinking about asking you, but I just thought it would be a dick move, and I wasn’t really sure if you were ready for that…I was prepared to wait.” Your heart soared and you knew you were already on the road to being gone, lost in this wonderful man.
“I don’t want to wait anymore.”
The both of you clicked immediately and suddenly everything in your life made sense, why it had all happened with Nikki, what a real, healthy, relationship was supposed to be like, not one built on flimsy infatuation and illusions. You and Izzy took it slow, but it was an unspoken agreement between the two of you that you were both already deeply in love, despite not even saying it for months. You waited for the butterflies to go away, but they never did; you had never been so happy.
Fast forward two years and people closest to you wouldn’t stop asking when you were going to get married, when were you going to have kids…You and Izzy even bought a house together with more rooms and space than you needed; a promise for your future family. He had even quietly given you a ring, another promise for your future.
You had accompanied Izzy to the VMA’s in 1989, and had the pleasure of watching him perform from backstage, glowing with pride, when you heard your name from behind you.
“Y/N?” It was an old voice that brought familiarity you didn’t want to remember. You never expected to face Nikki again. He looked so different—sober, you realized. More tattoos, a healthier glow to his skin, and a bright look in his clear eyes at the sight of you.
“Oh…hi, Nikki.” You murmured uncomfortably. Nikki stepped towards you as though he were in a daze, eyes quickly filling with a million questions.
“You look great,” he breathed, before he chuckled awkwardly. “I, uh…would offer you a hug but maybe I should offer you a free punch. I know I was a real dick to you.”
“Yeah.” You muttered. “It’s fine, Nikki, really. It’s in the past…” You replied, glancing back towards the stage.
“It isn’t fine, Y/N. I wasn’t in the right state back then. I was in denial; I had no idea how bad I had gotten. And I didn’t even realize how good I had it when I had you, but when I did, it was too late.”
“There’s no hard feelings.” You told him again, dismissively.
“I just want to apologize. You didn’t deserve any of that. I was so stupid, Y/N.”
“To be honest with you, Nikki, I’ve moved on already. I haven’t really given it much thought, so it’s all cool now.”
“You’ve moved on…?” He trailed off when his eyes landed on Izzy, returning to your side finally from the stage. Izzy hadn’t yet noticed Nikki and wrapped an arm around your shoulder and placed a kiss to your head.
“Ready to go, babe?” He asked you, slightly stiffening when he caught sight of Nikki.
You watched Nikki suddenly get the picture, his eyes landing on the ring you wore on your wedding finger and back up to Izzy’s arm now wrapped protectively around your waist. It was the first time you had ever seen pain in his eyes, the first time Nikki Sixx ever gave proof he had a heart.
“Ah…” Nikki muttered curtly, looking Izzy up and down. For a moment, you held your breath, waiting for him to cause a scene. You could tell he was fighting some inner battle in his head, weighing his options. Finally, he started stepping back and took one last look at you. “...Guess I get it now. Well, it was nice seeing you, Y/N.” He murmured, uncharacteristically humbled as he walked away, still casting a look over his shoulder at Izzy who remained unbothered.
“What’s he talking about?” Izzy asked you curiously. You let out the breath you had been holding and leaned up to kiss his lips.
“That I deserved better and finally got it.”
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x12 Souls of the Departed
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Currently reading (well, listening) to The School for Good and Evil Series. It’s so good! It’s basically Wicked the Musical and has a fairy tale element like OUAT. Can’t recommend enough!
I had the weirdest dream last night that Ouat’s Gothel was hiding behind my bed at my old house trying to scare me. She stayed up all night with some blankets, waiting to pounce. Also, she was naked. Jesus Christ, wtf is wrong with my dreams?! I do not see Gothel in that way at all!! I was so freaking disturbed! @fairytalepsuedonym​ this is all your fault for putting that dirty hippie witch bitch on my mind lol xD! /jk
Also guys, we’re getting Disney+ today. I’m so excited! Let me know if anyone has any recommendations.
And you know what I just thought of? It looked like they were implying that Merida and Lord Macintosh were gonna be a thing (possibly? I think it’s up for interpretation) but he outright shot an arrow at one of her brothers and wanted the others dead too. Merida would never! Her brothers mean too much to her to forgive such a thing. Also, she gives me gay vibes. I don’t make the rules. Alistair makes all the rules. 
Back to the rewatch.
Oh yeah! This is the 100th episode! The compilation for 100 episodes was so freaking epic!
Neal! Is that really him though?
She’s staring at his lips lol!
Omg! Emma would have come back for Neal if she could. That means she believes they were true love, and she could have split her heart with him, right?
So, he appeared to her? 
Omg! The way Emma is stroking his face and is staring at him, you’d never know she was working on saving her boyfriend lol.
You know what would have been so much better? If the underworld was perpetually dark and foggy (within reason) like the sims 4 Forgotten Hollow. That would have looked so much cooler!
Here comes the red filter. As a gifmaker and even as a viewer I wanna scream every time I see it but at least it’s not the Dark Swan arc.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: they should have let Regina’s and maybe even Rumple’s victims confront them! That would have been interesting to watch play out. I know we got Regina’s dad and Peter Pan but give me a family of Regina’s slaughtered villagers. What would their reaction be to seeing her?
Eww. I hate the way she dips her finger in that pie.
Guys. It doesn’t matter that you have Regina surrounded, she has pyrokinesis and telekinesis! Y’all are screwed! She blew the flames out? She had the advantage! I’m glad she didn’t hurt them of course, but as someone writing a book that consists of characters with magic abilities, you’ve gotta know when a powerful character has the advantage and when to use it. Where was Snow dodging a fireball as one of her arrows flies at Regina and it pauses in mid air only to sore back at Snowing and their friends, but they manage to outsmart her somehow? 
Woah. This is the boldest Henry Sr. has ever been. He’s really trying to help Regina out here. 
Cora!! My love!! I missed you!!
I love the Blind Witch. Does she have a name? I enjoyed her in ‘Regina Rising.’ I remember she’s quite a bit older than Regina
The Blind Witch: “What can I get you? Do you like gingerbread or children?” Omg Snow’s like “what the actual f**k??”
James, why are you like this?? Get off her, dude.
Those key rings are cool.
Why the hell didn’t Emma just tell Henry she saw his dad? I can think of absolutely no reason why she would keep that from him.
Lately all Robin has done is make random comments pointing out the obvious. “It’s uncanny. It’s so similar yet so off.” Yes, Robin we established that 9 minutes ago. His next line will be, “Goodness, is that a tree over there?” or “Regina, you were the Evil Queen”, mark my words. Where has his personality gone? I was never a big fan but at least he was kinda arrogant and cheeky before, at least in season 2 and 3. Now he’s just a dude that points on the ground and tells you there’s a stone. And they have the chemistry of a banana and a cheese cracker.
“Her puny army of sweaty little child beasts.”
Are those black roses? 
I may be wrong but wasn’t Cora trying to get Regina to stop hunting Snow White and find true love instead in 4x20 or am I making things up? And I wonder if this is before or after she appeared in 4x20. 
I just love Cora so much.
Is that how she got to the EF in 4x20? Through a looking glass?
The fact that she could so easily cross realms suggests that she willingly gave Regina her space. Which is something! But it feels like she’d have ulterior motives for that. Also Jefferson and Rumple would be screaming if they knew it was that easy to cross realms.
Regina: “are you threatening me?” Cora: “No. Of course not, never.” But you literally are though.
Peter Pan! He was under-utilised this season. Come on! They could have done so much with him! I’m glad at least Cora and Cruella got decent screen time.
Imagine watching OUAT for the first time with this episode and you see this full-grown man refer to a teenage boy as is father. I would be so confused lol.
I wonder if Rumple / Rumple’s father hail from Dunbroch originally. You know, with the Scottish accent. I’m kinda thinking about headcanoning that now. At least, I think Malcolm had a Scottish accent?
That got me! I forgot Cora had glamoured into Henry Sr.! I thought Cora had shapeshifted into Snow to trick Henry.
Oh, so Henry Sr. contacting her was the reason Cora could walk through the looking glass. If only someone had contacted Jefferson. And I’ve just remembered that in 4x20, she said a white rabbit brought her to the EF.
Killian looks creepy as hell here!
Lol Cora, you let Henry wrap the heart? What did you expect to happen!
Why did Regina need Snow’s heart to kill her? She could have easily killed her without even touching her. 
What the hell does Snow think is in there? She looks terrified.
Archie, wtf were you doing between Snow’s titties?! And what were you doing with a match? Gonna set some titties on fire xD? I bet she could never look at him the same again. 
He doesn’t want Regina to kill Snow because he thinks it will make her dark forever? What about all the other people she’s killed?! That makes no sense!
Okay, given that Grace didn’t seem to physically age much between the flashbacks in 1x17 and the present day in 1x17, this probably happened after the flashback’s events in 4x20. 
According to wiki, Regina’s birthday is February 1st. I’m only learning this now.
I’ve never seen Henry Sr. so bold and Adam end to help Regina.
Okay, so Regina shrunk Henry with her magic but she needed a mushroom to return him to his normal size?
Don’t lock him in that box omg!!
Cora: “when are you gonna get it in that thick head...” she’s so casually abusive.
Random thought but why is Henry’s surname Mills? It just seems like it’d be Cora’s surname. Maybe he took hers on but that seems strange for a Prince to do.
Cora, don’t!
Henry’s alright!
Aww. Henry got to meet his 3rd Grandpa! He’s so happy she named him after him. 
I’m tearing up.
“Remember who you are, Regina.”
Henry, honey, you need to go home.
Is that Persephone?
Oh my God! I’m so excited for the Cora and Zelena stuff!! By far my favourite thing of the season! To hear Cora say Zelena’s name- the fact she knows her name- I’d waited for so long for this! It left open so many questions!
And Hades infuriated with Cora on the love of his life Zelena’s behalf!! He loved her so much and would do anything for her. I don’t ship it as much as I initially did because of how it ended but that man freaking loved and cherished Zelena. He wanted everything for her. She desperately needed that and it was an emotional experience to see her get it.
That’s like her worst nightmare, being a peasant again. 
I can’t with the flame hair.
I forgot this episode was pretty good. I didn’t remember liking it but Cora saved it for me. I forgot she was in it because I have probably watch season 5 the least as I try to avoid it lol. 
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nanasarea · 4 years
M’lady ii I zch
Prompt: You never knew helping an old woman would give you the responsibility quiet this big, but it’s a good thing you don’t have to share it alone. 
Genre: crack fluff
Pairing: ladybug!reader x chat noir!chenle
Word count: 2.5k (literally the longest i’ve ever written omg)
a/n: slight spoiler for miraculous ladybug if you haven’t seen the finale yet haha also this is so long overdue and not proofread i apologize also pollen and hyuck’s interaction where he’s like “fuck that bitch up” is @jaemallow​ ‘s idea so thank you so much, moonie, i love you! 
prequel to M’lady  (kinda)
Indent + italic = flashback
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“When I first got here, you hated me!” Chenle said “What? No, I didn’t!” You tried convincing him, to which he only gave you a “don’t bullshit me” look. “Fine, maybe a little.” 
“Who is he anyway?” You asked, the disgust in your voice very noticeable, which is what your friend, Ryujin mentioned first when answering.
“Woah, don’t get too excited.” She said, laughing.
“His name is Zhong Chenle. He recently started attending this school. He use to be home schooled but his parents finally let him come to public school. I heard everyone is surprised that he’s not going to a private school, since his family is so wealthy.” Ryujin explained as your attention stayed on the tall boy sitting in the 3rd row. 
“Why now?” You asked.
“Ask him, why don’t you.” She winked before going to sit on her seat.
All day, all you heard was Chenle, Chenle, Chenle, it’s all people talked about.
Sure, he was cute, and wealthy, and he might have wowed everyone with his piano skills while you waited for your music professor to come to class, but what you couldn’t understand was why. 
“A little?” He asked, laughing. 
“I did think you were cute if that helps.” You joked. 
“Now, I know we’re not suppose to say too much but when did you get the box?” He asked. 
You kept thinking about Chenle, all day. So much so that you got distracted on your walk home and didn’t even notice the old lady almost being run over by a  motorcyclist.
Fortunately, you snapped back into reality at the right moment, so you could help her out. 
You ran towards her as fast as you could and tried to guide her away from the motorcycle before it could run her over. 
“Are you okay, ma’am?” You asked, concerned for her safety. 
“Oh, why thank you, young lady.” She thanked you warmly before she turned to face you. 
“You seem very kind.” She added.
“No problem! I would like to think everyone would have helped in my situation.” You nervously said.
She took your hand and said “One would like to hope, but not everyone is as kind as you.” She smiled before giving you her goodbyes and leaving your side. 
“Ma’am, you forgot th-” “I assure you, I never forget anything.” She cut you off before you could ask her about the box she left in your hand. 
It was a small red oval wooden box with black dots all around. You decided to put it in your bag and open it once you got home, which you did.
You stared at it for half an hour, wondering what it could be and if you should actually open it or not. You finally got the courage and opened it.
“Hi, y/n! My name’s Tikki!” The small being greeted, which caused you to fall back along with your chair.
You let out a scream before asking “What are you? Who are you? Why do you know my name?” You asked. 
“I’m a kwami, as I said, my name’s Tikki-” “A k-kwami? What’s that?” You asked. 
“Kwamis are divine, sprite-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings!” She explained as you continued to stare at her in confusion. 
After she finished explaining how the old lady was the guardian of the miraculous and when she met you, she knew she had to give you the miraculous of creation.
She also explained that when you say “Tikki, spots on.”, you transform into a ladybug-themed superhero and to switch back, you just have to say “Tikki, spots off”.
On top of it all, she explained the powers of the lucky charm and so much more.
“But why me? How could I posses the power of creation?” You asked. 
“No worries, y/n, master Dupain-Cheng makes no mistakes! I would know, I was her kwami when she was your age!” Tikki smiled before telling you the story of how her previous master was the same as you. 
“What about you?” You asked, wondering how his first encounter with Plagg went.
“He was a handful, he kept asking for cheese.” He laughed
He was making his way to the car when he saw an old lady almost trip and fall but he thankfully got to the elderly in time to save her.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” he asked “Yes, I’m fine, young man, you are very kind.” She smiled as she put a hand on his bag.
“My apologize, at my age, you don’t really have your balance anymore.” She laughed.
“Do you need help with anything?” He asked, smiling.
“No thank you! I’ll manage, kind sir. Have a good day!” She said quickly before making her way back home.
“Chenle?” His assistant asked, to which he quickly ran towards the car.
Once he got to his room, he threw his bag onto his desk, only to find a box flying out of it.
“That’s...strange...I don’t remember owning such a box.” He said to himself before taking the box into his hand and staring at it.
“When did you get in my bag?” He asked before opening the box and seeing a small flying creature staring at him.
“Hey, you’re cool! Like a genie in a bottle or something.” Chenle excitedly said
“Yeah yeah, I met him once, he’s a big show off. I’m way better. The name’s Plagg. Nice to meet you! Do you have any food? I’m starving!” and with that, Plagg started flying across Chenle’s room.
“Hey! Hold on! What even are you?” Chenle asked .
“I’m a kwami, I grant powers, yours is destruction, understand?” Plagg asked.
“Not quite.” Chenle answered.
“Good, now where’s the camembert?” He asked before searching the room.
“D-did you not hear me?” Chenle asked.
“Camembert and then we talk!” Plagg commanded.
After getting him his precious cheese, Plagg started explaining. Not that it mattered, since it made no sense, but Chenle at least learned about the guardian and his powers.
“Let me get this straight. All I have to do to transform is say Plagg, claws out?” Chenle asked to which Plagg nodded before Chenle felt his transformation starting.
“Woah, awesome!” Chenle yelled before running to the nearest mirror.
“I do look very cool and handsome if I do say so myself.” he commented as he continued to check himself out in the mirror.
“I have to admit, the first time I met you, or ladybug, to be specific. I thought you were cute too.” Chenle replied, blushing and looking down at his iced chocolate. 
After the day you met Tikki, you had done some research on kwamis and Miraculouses, when you weren’t obsessively questioning everyone’s liking to a certain new classmate.
This day, you were hanging out at your friend’s place. It was suppose to be her brother’s birthday party but you couldn’t help but read the book you downloaded on your phone on the history of Ladybugs. 
“No offence, but you are going to have to put down your phone and enjoy. If not, I’ll be sad.” The brother said as he sat down next to you. 
“Sorry, Jeno. I was just doing some research.” You apologized. 
“What on?” He asked, causing you to panic, as you had no time to come up with an excuse “Sorry, rude to pry.” Jeno added before you could answer. 
“No worries.” You chuckled before saying “Nice guitar” as you saw him moving forward to grab it.
“Wanna hear me play?” He asked “Of course!” You replied, smiling at him. 
“What does she even see in him?” Chenle asked on the other side of the room.
 “Maybe the fact that he actually talks to her?” Jisung laughed at his best friend’s pout 
“You know what? Who even asked you.” Chenle scuffed as he took a sip from his drink.
With the nighttime approaching, Chenle’s annoyance grew, but so did Jeno.
You see, if Jeno hated anything, it was people calling him unfunny. Yes, it was a joke most of the time, but it hurt.
When his friends called him unfunny, he just laughed along, but once other classmates, who only see him at school did it, he got mad. It got to the point where you noticed a purple butterfly fly towards his guitar.
“ Oh no.” You whispered to yourself.
“Jeno watch out! There’s an akuma flying straight to your guitar!” You yelled but before you knew it, it had already made contact with his guitar, causing his whole body and guitar to be covered in a purple substance before he transformed.
This caused everyone to run away from him, including you and including Chenle. 
“So, I’m guessing this is the part where I have to transform and do my thing?” You asked the floating kwami, to which Tikki nodded happily. 
“Tikki, spots on!” You yelled as you felt your clothes changing. 
“Plagg, claws out!” Chenle yelled in the bathroom, unknowingly not so far away from you. 
You ran out to catch up with Jeno, or his akumatized self. 
“Meow, who are you?” The sudden comment stopped you in your track, causing you to turn around and see a tall boy in a black catsuit. 
“I’m guessing your the infamous Chat Noir, who’s going to accompany me in taking down Hawkmoth?” You asked, to which he just stared in confusion. 
“Hawk what now?” He asked.
 “Did your kwami not tell you anything?” You asked, chuckling at the confused boy in front of you.
“Plagg...likes to eat more than he likes to talk.” He nervously admitted before you realized the situation you were in. 
“I would love to give you a history lesson, but we have some people to save, so shall we?” You asked, so he nodded before you started your chase after Jeno.
“And I was super jealous of Jeno.” He added “Why?” You asked.
“You gave him a lot of attention! Plus, he looks like that and he can play guitar! Can you blame me?” Chenle laughed.
“Oh please, you have nothing to be jealous of.” You jokingly winked at the boy.
“At least I didn’t get akumatized that day because of him.” He added.
 “That would have been a disaster.” You agreed. 
“Like that time we had to ask Haechan to help us.” Chenle jokingly scuffed.
 “Oh my god, don’t even.” You sighed. 
It was just another normal day. You were hanging out with Ryujin and some other friends when you heard a loud bang come from the town square. 
“That means ladybug is on her way. Gotta go, need more content for my ladyblog!” Ryujin yelled, to which they all followed. All but you, since you had to convince them you were too scared. 
“Scaredy cat.” Ryujin joked as you quickly excused yourself to “hide.” 
“Y/N, I think you’ll need some help this time.” Tikki commented. 
“But I have Chat.” You reminded.
“More than Chat this time. I’ve heard this sound before and trust me, you’ll need the bee miraculous today.” Tikki explained, to which you just sighed and made your way to master Dupain-Cheng. 
“Master?” You asked as you entered the room. 
“Yes, dear?” She asked.
“Tikki said I might need another miraculous today?” You said, nervously.
“Ah, yes, Pollen. I had a hard time with this one myself.” She giggled, fondly looking at her miracle book before placing it on the floor in front of us.
“Is there anyone you know you can trust with this?” She asked as she gave you the box.
 “A specific person did come to mind actually.” You answered, smiling at the box. 
You quickly arrived at Haechan’s house and knocked on his door. You went to the same school and shared some mutual friends. From what you heard, he does a good job at anything he does, so your mind first went to him. 
“Lee Donghyuck, this is the bee miraculous, which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent. You will use it for the greater good.” You smiled at him once he opened the door, to which he smiled fondly and looked at the box and back at you, as if to ask you for reassurance.
You nodded and moved the box closer to him, which made his smile even wider. 
He opened the box and the small bee kwami started flying around him before stopping and saying “At your service, my king”. 
“You will return your miraculous once the job is done. Can I trust you?” You asked, to which he nodded while placing the hair pin into his hair.
“To transform, just say “Pollen, buzz on.”, my king.” Pollen said as the building next to them exploded. 
“Oh no you didn’t. That’s my best friend’s house.” Haechan angrily sighed. 
“Pollen?” He asked.
“Yes my king?” Pollen asked, to which Haechan scuffed and said “fuck that bitch up” in a smug tone. 
“Pollen, buzz on!”
Once you caught up with Chat Noir, you explained to him that you needed an extra hand today, to which he only scuffed. 
“Who even is he? Besides, I’m the only help you need, m’lady. We’re purrrfect together.” He smiled at you with almost literal heart eyes. 
“Hey, tuna breath, you need me, so buzz off.” Haechan commented before Chenle sighed and rolled his eyes. At the end of the day, he did fuck that bitch up as he promised, but he also annoyed the shit out of Chat Noir so you had to promise him not to ask Haechan for help again.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize you were my purrfect match sooner, bugaboo.” Chenle said, winking at you before his ears turned into the color of your superhero suit. 
“To be fair, your hair does change slightly when you transform. Mine doesn’t.” You laughed.
“But still, those beautiful eyes don’t change.” He said, to which you only blushed while sipping on your iced chocolate. 
It was nice looking back on your hero adventures with Chenle, who you would never have guessed was Chat Noir.
Tikki even said it’s funny how you developed crushes on both of them but never noticed they were the same person.
If it wasn’t for the ring, you might not have even noticed now. After you both found out that day after school, you both awkwardly decided to ask one another out. 
“Finally! And to think I had to listen to the whole “do I like y/n or do I like ladybug?” rants, ugh.” Plagg complained, to which Tikki and Chenle’s eyes widened while your cheeks heated up. 
“To be fair, I wasn’t so quiet about you either.” You confessed, trying to soften the mood. 
While you placed your drink back on the table, your eyes focused on the tv in the corner of the small cafe. 
“It’s Nadja Chamack! Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Today, we’re reporting live from town square where another civilian has been fallen victim of Hawkmoth’s akumatization!” You heard from the tv and looked at Chenle. 
“I guess that’s our cue.” You laughed before you both ran to the bathrooms to transform.  
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buckyshenley16 · 4 years
The Tales Of The Winter Soldeir and Winter Witch
Book1, Chapter 1
3 Years before Bucky was drafted
February 5th, 1940
Ramona’s POV
Putting my stacks of paperwork on my desk ready for tomorrow as my work day comes to an end, I find myself sighing in relief after a long day of again getting nowhere with the ‘Jeweler Case.’ It seems to be a never-ending case as this is our second week trying to solve the jewelry store robbery and who did what and when, why, and so on.
“Lover boy is on the phone Ramona.” Peggy gloats with a smug grin on her face purposely making sure the speaker was not covered.
“Like I’ve told you almost a hundred times Carter, he is not my lover boy.” I exclaim emphasizing the word ‘not’ with an eye roll and taking the phone off her. “Why hello Buck, what would you be calling to ask the 3rd time today?” I ask with a slight chuckle whilst throwing a rubber at Peggy who is winking at me.
“Just checking before I leave to walk you home doll, did you bring a jacket today? It’s freezing outside and I can see your jacket still hung up, would hate for ya to catch a cold especially when you live with someone with an immune system like Steve.” Bucky says, his Brooklyn drawl being clearer than ever.
“You know, I do have more than one coat Buck?” I ask. “Just checking Mona, I didn’t walk you today so I didn’t see what you left in. Just seen what you woke up in or should I say what you didn’t wake up in.” Bucky asks with a hint of flirting and a hint of cockiness in his voice.
“Yes, and if you carry on with your Mr, big ego act that’ll be the last time you see that, Barnes.” I retort.
“Okay we both know that’s not the truth. Anyway, I’m bouta leave doll, will be there in half an hour, will wait in the usual spot.”
“Not true but okay, see you soon Buck” I say trying not to drop the phone from between my ear and shoulder whilst locking my cabinets. “See you soon, darlin'.” Bucky finishes before putting the phone down.
Bucky and I had known each other since being 6 and 9 being introduced by our friend Steve. Steve had been like a big brother growing up, Sarah being nothing but welcoming to my family when we fled to Brooklyn from Russia. Sarah and my mother would both take turns between childcare; me, my three younger sisters and brother being at the Rogers’ every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and half the day Sunday whilst mother would go to work at the laundry where Sarah also worked.
And obviously Steve would be at our house every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Every Sunday we would have dinner at the Rogers’ with our mother. Our father stayed in Russia with mother wanting to flee a situation I wasn’t told about until I was old enough to understand. Father was abusive and an alcoholic and had a job mother didn’t agree with, but we were never told what that job entailed and whilst I found myself wondering every so often, curiosity never killed the cat and I was enormously proud of that.
Bucky, Steve, and I were best friends growing up with Bucky and Steve being stupidly overprotective of me even when I became a fully trained agent and officially full time at SSR. My mother never 100% agreed with my job and whilst Bucky and Steve questioned it at first for my safety, but once they realised I could handle myself (after witnessing me defend myself against a couple of not so nice men who got a bit too close for my comfort) they were 100% supportive of my job, especially Bucky with one less person to save from the allies and one more person to help when Steve found himself on the not so nice ends of the alleys face first into the trash cans.
It was around 18 years old I'd started developing feelings for Bucky, not that I’d never admit it to him, I was far too proud and full of denial for that because he would never go for a girl like myself; at least that’s what I thought until I found myself intertwined in his sheets with his body wrapped around mine after one passionate, unexpected night a year later.
This went from happening every few weeks, to every two weeks, to maybe once a week to every few nights and I’m still in denial that he would ever want to make things official.
I question whether I want to become his girl, especially with my line of work and seeing my parent’s relationship be the bane of their lives when I was younger. All I’ve ever seen is relationships fail and that is why I refuse to put myself through the pain of one. I care about Bucky, he’s the one person who no matter how rotten the day be I’m guaranteed to have a smile on my face when I see him.
When Sarah died both mine and Bucky's families became close ensuring two big family units to support Steve and even a year and a half after she passed; me, Bucky and Steve got a shared apartment together. Sure, it was no five stars, but it was home and as long as the three of us had each other that was all that mattered. Steve was aware of mine and Bucky's “situation” but chose not to get involved.
Stuck in my own little world I'd not realised half an hour had passed and Bucky would be waiting for me so after grabbing my coat and bag I made sure to say bye to Peggy and arrange coffee and breakfast before work tomorrow morning where we could discuss some of the cases privately, seen as though we knew we were massively undermined at SSR we got a lot of thinking and solving done mostly when we were alone together where no male could underestimate or interrupt us.
Walking down out of the doors I spotted Bucky with a glowing grin on his face, it took everything to keep my footing steady. “Hello, beautiful. How would you feel about hot chocolate and dinner on me at our spot?” Bucky asked holding his arm out to me which I gladly took.
“Gee buck, almost sounds like you’re asking me on a date!” I tease earning a nudge to my side causing a fit of laughter.
“One day doll, I’ve already asked several times but one day I will get a yes out of ya.” Bucky retorted.
“I’ll hold you to that Buck, how was your day?” I asked clinging to his arm.
“The usual, woke up to a fine dame next to me, crappy coffee, got to work. Left work, pulled Steve out of an ally, nagged Steve how he’s not ten men and should think before he acts, walked the little punk back to the apartment, read the paper and now I'm here to pick up you. How bout you doll?” Bucky explains with a hint of sarcasm.
“Same old, really strugglin’ with this case I just can’t seem to understand how a whole jewelry store could be robbed without even a fingerprint left behind nor how someone could even get a hold of that damn gas. How many men was it today? Did you or Steve get hurt?” you ask with a sigh giving Bucky's arm a reassuring squeeze.
“Hey Mona, don’t worry too much about it, we both know you’ll get to the bottom of it like always and I’m sure whoever’s guilty will regret it when they have to face the bottom of your shoe. Two guys, managed to reason with them after giving one a right hook.” he winked.
“Oh, I know I will, thanks Buck I can always rely on you for some good old confidence boosting. I give up telling the jackass he’s gotta stop this, I may as well be talking to a brick wall!” I finish with a chuckle. As we walk into the bright, retro diner Bucky holds the door open for me before guiding us both to a booth. As we take our coats off a waitress comes to us.
“Well would ya look who it is, only our two favorites! Where’s Rogers tonight?” Our waitress Nancy asks.
“Probably at home bathing his black eye, sulking about his fight whilst planning his next one.” I exclaim earning a laugh from both Bucky and Nancy.
“I don’t even gotta ask, usual for you two?” Nancy asks pointing between us both with her pen.
“Of course!” Bucky says with a grin
“That’s two hot chocolates and a portion of fries coming up!” Nancy exclaims.
“Thanks, Nance!” we both call.
Me, Bucky and Steve have been coming to this diner since we were in school. Their hot chocolates were practically the glue to our friendships. As I looked up from my hands, I spotted Bucky looking at me with a smile on his face. “What’s got you all smiley?” I ask with a grin.
“Just you!” Bucky exclaims grin turning wider.
“Are you purposely trying to make me blush?” I ask with a chuckle feeling warmth go to my face praying my blusher somewhat cancels the blushing.
“Always doll, I just like to make ya blush and to know I’ve still got it.” Bucky explains with a cocky smirk. Damn you and your godly smile Barnes!
“Glad my embarrassment gives you an even bigger ego boost Buck!” I laugh before our food and drinks get set down and we start tucking in.
*An hour later, on the way home from diner*
“Thank you for that Buck, it was fun. Was nice to be sat anywhere but that office.” I explain.
“S’alright doll, anything to put a smile on your face. I wanted to actually talk to you. This, us been goin' on a little while too long now.” Bucky stopped walking and turned me to face him taking both my hands in his.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I ask feeling my heart rip into two.
“Yeah, doll.” he grins.
“Oh okay, no I totally get it Buck we’re kinda not going anywhere and I’m really not ready to put myself into a relationship right now and you wanna move on or you’ve already found a girl. I get it, no hard feelings.” I say holding back the tears.
“Woah doll, no no! You’re completely taking it the wrong way. Mona, I like you, scratch that I’m crazy bout you. I understand you don’t wanna take this further just yet, but I can wait,” he says cupping my face in his hands looking into my eyes.
“Buck, I appreciate that so much but there’s so many better girls throwing themselves at you and you’re going to waste them just to wait for me? I could make you wait years and I wouldn’t want that.” I explain placing my hands over his.
“I don’t want them other girls, I want you. You’re the most beautiful, loyal, caring, and bad ass girl I’ve ever met. I will wait as long as you want me to if it means I can have you. Just please tell me you feel the same.” he begs his eyes searching my face for any sign of feeling the same.
“I do Buck, I have for a while.” I admit a small smile making its way to my lips. Bucky gently strokes his thumb across my bottom lip before pulling me in for a sweet, loving kiss. It was suddenly like it was just the pair of us that existed, nobody mattering in that moment but us two. Bucky pulled away keeping his hands on my face, placing his forehead against mine. “I got you, doll” he says before pulling me into his chest resting his chin on my head, wrapping his arms around my shoulders tightly; sighing contently.
“I got you too, Buck.” I reply wrapping my arms around his waist and smiling contently to myself.
“Let’s get home to the punk before he can’t help but lead himself to another alley huh.” Bucky says whilst linking our arms together and directing us both out of the park.
“We should probably check the alleys on our way back Buck.” I suggest
“Glad we're on the same page doll.” Bucky chuckles.
So, It’s the first of many chapters🤩 I’m so so excited!! Just wanted to give a shout out to @i-write-bucky and @jbarness for proof reading this for me!! Angels🤩❤️
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mingtiddies · 5 years
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, prince au
word count: 1762
warnings: none that I can think of???
a/n: HI GUYS i’m so sorry for posting and leaving for 8567 days and then posting again and repeating the cycle ejfhejkrh, i have stuff prepared and series planned but i usually like to finished them before starting to post, but then i post anyway and have to make you wait bc i don’t have the inspiration to write
BUT ANYWAYS enjoy seungkwan’s au hehe
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● “NO GIRLS ARE DIRTY” - prince seungkwan at 6 years old
● his parents were already tired
● seungkwan was a good boy, the best boy even
● except when it came to talks of marriage and spending his life married to a girl
● it was a mistake on his parents’ part to have told him when he was a kid
● but lots of kings and queens from neighboring kingdoms had done it and it had gone well
● but not for seungkwan
● he refused to spend time with his wife to be and even went as far as to drench the poor girl in milk
● growing up, seungkwan refrained from doing stuff like this (because he was a grown man now)
● but he never stopped fighting his parents on the matter
● his parents ended up giving up on setting him up with this girl he never even called by name
● he was a bit harsh
● but he hated the idea of having his life set out for him and not having a say in it
● moreover he didn’t even wanna get married, not until he was at least 30 years old and his mom scolded him saying he'd be too old by then
● and so without having ever announced that seungkwan would get engaged to the daughter of a king of another country, the poor girl left the palace
● and for a while he thought that his parents had abandoned all together
● boy was he wrong
● here you come
● brought in by his parents
● they thought your calm personality would help soothe seungkwan’s, they found you so polite and nice
● seungkwan, a grown man, 20 years of age, suddenly went back to his childish ways in an instant
● stomping his foot and everything
● looks mad mad
● when you witnessed this, you thought ‘oh great’ what did the Boos had gotten you into
● and you disliked the way he talked to his parents so much
● so when the introductions were done, his mother thanks you for being patient with his tantrum
● seungkwan really thought he could get away with it because the moment you yelled at him to catch his attention
● he got scared, like for his life scared, but only for a second
● because you don’t really look intimidating
● until you opened your mouth to yell at him some more
● and then he got scared again
● because why were you yelling at him??
● and when he raised his voice at you to say he didn’t want to get married
● hmmm, big mistake
● and he was so appalled by the way you talked to him
● to him, a prince
● when the door opened and a staff came in he was shocked
● “did you not hear that?”
● and the staff got flustered because what was he supposed to hear
● his mother came in and he asked the same question
● his mother gave him a look and turned to you too but you smiled and waved your hand
● seungkwan appalled times 73273
● “WOAH”
● can’t believe what happened
● it went on for way too long
● seungkwan tried to find ways to sabotage the announcement (which happened the day you came to the palace)
● and he kept throwing tantrums
● there was no way you would take his shit ever
● no one would believe him when he’d say you yelled at him and you found it so funny
● threatened to record or film you
● always forgot to do it
● his parents were preparing the engagement party and really wanted your input and your personal taste to make it your engagement party
● so you were about to hold a meeting for it
● but suddenly an emergency came up and it turned out that seungkwan had let guard dogs on the loose inside of the palace
● as well as two horses, who were panicking
● meeting cancelled
● seungkwan happy
● but you knew it was him
● as soon as you were alone you yelled at him again about being a brat and sabotaging days of hard work
● he just stared at you, the usual look gone from his eyes
● and he realized that fuck you’re kinda hot when you yell at him
● he blurted it out loud and you hit him so hard he screamed
● you tried so very hard to find him redeeming qualities
● which wasn’t hard at all because for every dumb thing he did he had two qualities to make up for it
● you watched him take umbrellas to all of the staff working outside
● you watched him helping the kitchen staff with carrying stuff
● you watched him be a good son to his parents
● things actually started to change
● you didn’t really notice it because seungkwan was still annoying and he didn’t because he still tried to be annoying
● but the staff did
● he didn’t throw tantrums anymore
● an actual first
● he still fought his parents about marriage but his arguments lacked something
● he was doing it out of habit
● i mean he had fought against it for his entire life since he’d learned he was going to marry someone
● he started teasing you, poking at your sides during dinners and trying to embarrass you (just a little)
● you started nagging him for messing with you and everyone thought it was cute
● they still had no idea you how much you yelled at him for being a pain in the ass
● that’s when you started to feel uneasy
● why were you even here when he clearly didn’t want this
● (that’s when it all goes downhill and his parents are stressed as hell)
● you had yet another meeting but you didn’t feel like going because well, you knew seungkwan would sabotage it again
● truth is you didn’t have the heart to handle any more of his childish rants
● you didn’t have the heart to get rejected so blatantly again
● so when seungkwan found you almost hiding from staff and told you about the meeting
● he laughed
● “i can’t believe the roles switched, you know we have to be at this meeting y/n”
● and it ticked you off
● so bad
● cue seungkwan was shocked
● you had yelled at him before (many many times) but why did this feel different somehow?
● you cut him off before he could align two words (that scared him a little) and yelled again
● he did think it was odd
● his (nth) mistake was to believe you needed some time off because you were just in a bad mood
● “just release a statement saying we broke off the engagement”
● hmm, big mistake part 876
● because when seungkwan came back from the meeting, he couldn’t find you
● was very calm about it until he found out your room was empty
● you were gone gone and you would not be coming back
● you told your family you were only here for a few days, not telling them the truth and hoping seungkwan would release that damn statement so you could be free and start to move on
● you forgot your phone still had notifications on for Breaking News from the palace (which everyone in the kingdom was supposed to have on)
● after two days or so, you got a notification from seungkwan’s kingdom (finally reminding you it was still on)
● the notification barely let you know what it was about and it was about your so called engagement to the prince
● you swiped it off your screen
● you didn’t get out of the palace for days
● your parents didn’t mention the news because they thought it was just a way to publicly and officially announce the engagement
● because to them it was official the minute they sent you to his kingdom
● on seungkwan’s end
● haha
● boy
● after 5 days he still thought you were gonna come back
● most of his prince friends told him (seungcheol first)
● tried to break it down to him gently on the 3rd day but prince seungkwan wouldn’t listen
● “it’s been 5 days, i don’t think she’s gonna call”
● “it’s y/n, she always has something to say about what i do”
● so they shrugged it off
● you opened the breaking news article on the 7th day after its release
● (you got seungkwan anxious now)
● you rolled your eyes because why the hell did he go and announce it himself publicly when he could have gotten the press to release a handwritten royal announcement
● but that’s seungkwan we’re talking about
● and the video was just seungkwan in the press conference room, with no reporters in front of him
● so ?????
● but boom
● there it is
● a proposal video
● after literally 5 seconds into the video the prince is on one knee and officially asks for your hand in marriage, because he’ll be damned if you’re not the person who completes him and the only person he’d cave in for
● and the entire kingdom is holding their breath for the announce of your official engagement announcement
● after a week prince seungkwan does think he messed up bad
● so when you showed up two days later, he felt so confused and relieved at the same time
● worst feeling ever
● “i hate you so much i hope you know that”
● “i kinda hate me too”
● “you sabotaged days of hard work and probably hurt feelings”
● “yeah that was childish”
● “i know it was an arranged marriage but you hurt my feelings”
● “i’m so sorry y/n”
● “you actually recorded a proposal video to release it as breaking news”
● “ah, that was a bit much, wasn’t it?”
● “i can’t believe i’m here to say yes”
● “yeah i- wAIT WHAT”
● your wedding was set for the year of prince seungkwan’s 25th birthday
● you had the wedding organizers get back the ideas for the engagement party and chose themes that fit the two of you better
● the two of you didn’t try for children until it felt necessary
● although seungkwan loved children, he didn’t think he was ready for such responsibilities
● so you only did it to have an heir
● it took so little time for the two of you to fall in love with the little princess you had created that you even forgot having children was never part of your plan
● you also got to find out that prince seungkwan wasn’t just whipped for you, but also for his little girl
● but that’s okay because so were you
● (she was spoiled)
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seungcheol ║ jeonghan ║ joshua ║ junhui ║ soonyoung ║ wonwoo ║ jihoon ║ seokmin ║ mingyu ║ minghao ║ seungkwan ║ vernon ║ chan
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