#wags my tail so so so fast
bettertwin1 · 1 year
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stunie · 14 days
U 🫵 and umemiya go grocery shopping together, who's getting distracted by all the snacks that u don't need and who's trying their best to stick to the list?
hi nyx aaaaa im happy to see u!!! how have u been 🥺
mmm omg. it would be a pretty terrible shopping duo. i love lists! i always make a detailed one when i go out to shop > < but i think umemiya would get distracted first! something interesting catches his eye and he asks if i’d like to try it— but he looks a lil too excited asking so i’ll always say sure :’) the plan was to stick to the.. plan. except umemiya gets a lot of ideas & im easily convinced…
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arundolyn · 9 months
i know i say it like every time i notice some new fuckshit but its crazy like. seeing in motion the weird corner cutty maneuvers they did with makoto in csex and then never went back and fixed or touched up or anything because the way she was added sure seems rushed
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wishi-selfships · 2 months
skincare with denji. doing a mask with him and telling him he has beautiful perfect skin
Denji's skin is so pretty .... like it's CLEARRR and for what ??? Man has not had access to soap (or clean water) for bathing for OVER TEN YEARS why is his skin better than mine ??? Unfair asf but wahh..... pretty 'n soft....
Doing a mask together would be super fun but his face is covered so I can't give him a kissy kiss ... ACTUALLY ykw? Hand kisses finger kisses knuckle kisses. Girls we make do when we wanna kiss our boyfies 💪🏽💪🏽
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starmonsterrr · 3 months
Mail's here !
In all seriousness, I ADORE YOUR ART SO MUCH IT IS SO. CRUNCH. SO SO SO CRUNCHY. LIKE BOILED LOLLIES. But the good boiled lollies, like the ones in the glass jars you pick up from professional places. Or servos, I've had really nice boiled lollies from service stations before but I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC
[ * ANON YOU ARE THE AWESOMEST RAHHHHHHHH I adore this ask, thank you so so much, I legit just woke up and saw this AAA ]
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toopunktofuck · 1 year
my boss asked me if i could come in on my day off tomorrow and im motivating myself to do so by reminding myself i get to see Him:
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theood · 1 year
83 wearing his clothes, driving him fuckin' crazy
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deadrlngers · 2 years
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
Stares at the sketch of my commission because it makes me happy
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dragonbleps · 2 years
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Tadaa :) All that's left is her feets and a bath
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puppy-bird · 2 months
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Look what came in today!!!! :D I’m so happy omg
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wolfp-ck · 6 months
AAAA i just got a wolf cut!!!! :33 i love it so much!!!
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logsone · 7 months
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mimiswsirens · 8 months
a good day to be a shadow fan
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daddysropepuppy · 1 year
i played your audio after everything i had to do was said and done, and i adore what you sound like, pup. your little moans and whimpers turned me on so much. and by the end of it all, when i heard you moaned faster and faster and hearing your wet noises, i knew for sure that you squirted you messy slut. it was so sexily pathetic.
i want so bad to be over with you so i could hear those noises infinitely without having to wait for you to post audio, for me to see you squirt and make a mess without just hearing it. then tell you how good of a job you did, and pet your head for being such a good dog.
keep em coming you wet whore, ill be waiting to listen
:DDD !!!!!!! im glad u liked it !!! i will try to record another soon but if m taking too long just let me know ehehehehehe
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nochepsicodelica · 1 month
Mornings with the clingy bear (Toji my beloved <3) when he wakes up before you, but there's no agenda for the day so he just gets to watch you sleep until you wake up on your own. Despite how much he dislikes when you sleep in without him, being able to admire your peaceful, sleeping features makes up for it. Who would ever assume that this sleeping princess could be capable of wreaking so much havoc, but also be the one screaming mayday? He swears you'll give him a heart attack one day. He's too old for your insanity, but god, he wouldn't ask you to change a thing and he's not dying to get away from you. Quite the opposite, actually. The closer you are, the better.
He was careful not to move too fast, to not wake you up as he traced your dormant features. Green eyes roamed over your lips, your cheeks, your nose and your eyes. He had to fight the urge to not roughly drag you closer towards him and squeeze the life out of you.
Your eyebrows pinch and your nose scrunches, your eyes still shut. "Ugh, it's like you're pointing a laser at my forehead," you croak, pulling the blanket up to cover your face. You're stirring under the blanket, on the brink of waking up. If Toji were a dog, which he's not because he's a bear, his tail would be thumping against the bed <3
You throw the blanket off your head, a lazy smile on your face that heavily contrasted your tone from a couple minutes ago. His attention causes you to giggle. He's so focused on you, it's hard not to laugh.
Finally, you're awake so he can pull you closer. You're already touching, but you're not wedged together and that's exactly what he needs in this moment.
"What's that giggle about? Huh?" He asks, pulling your body right up against his. His nose pokes your cheek, his lips resting on the space just below it, luring another laugh from you.
"You woke me up, like you always do, Toji. I can't ever sleep in with you," you say, no bite to your words at all.
"That's too bad, isn't it? It's why I tell you to go to sleep at a reasonable time yet you still go to sleep past midnight, hm?"
"Mhm, whatever," he says, copying you. "Whatever, until tomorrow morning when I do it again, but with less mercy."
You groan and turn to face him. You can't even be annoyed with him when he looks so good.
"There are so many things you can do without me in the morning," you say, cupping his cheek, your thumb brushing his skin, affectionately. "You can... go on a walk or watch TV. Ooo, you can get breakfast going so that when I wake up, it's ready."
He mimics the gentleness of your touch on his cheek, his palm rubbing your lower back. "Don't wanna. That's boring."
"Tojii," you whine, removing your hand from his face, attempting to turn away from him.
"Without you," he corrects, using the hand he has on your back to prevent you from getting too far. "Why make breakfast alone when we can do it together?"
"You mean I cook and you either just watch or you get in my way?"
"You know it, mama," he says, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips.
"It's literally eight in the morning, Toji. You should be thrown in jail for disturbing my slumber," you say, attempting to distract him from the color that spreads onto your cheeks.
"Nah, you'd miss me." A smug grin creeps its way onto his lips.
"Mm..." you hum, acting like you're unsure if that's a certain fact. This is you wreaking havoc. You say and do a lot of things that drive him crazy, and now—with proof—even just humming out a response will do that to him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing at all," you say, the hint of a smile on your face.
"No?" If Toji were a dog, which he's not because he's a bear, his ears would be down and his tail would no longer be wagging </3
You sigh. "I'm messing with you. You know I would miss you like hell."
"Oh, really?" He scoffs, in disbelief. "You're ice cold for that, mama. Need me to warm you up, huh?" He says, gliding the hand he has on your lower back across the expanse to grip your waist.
You put your hand over his. "Nope. This blanket is keeping me warm. It does the job just fine."
"I'm better than the blanket," he argues, rolling onto you, unexpectedly.
You groan before you laugh at the feeling of the spontaneous weight laid on top of you, your chest barely able to move with the gesture because of the iron-like hold he had on you. An unbreakable bear hug, if you will :(
"Toji," you say, voice strained yet still managing to muster out your giggling. "Toji, you're crushing me."
"Mm..." he hums, dismissively. He buries his face into your neck, sparing some kisses for it while he listens up close to the sound of your groans of being compressed, mixed with laughter, as you try to push him off. This is you shouting mayday after the chaos you made for yourself and Toji has no intention of swooping in to save you from himself.
You eventually surrender, because all your pushing is futile against Toji, who wasn't moved an inch by you. Lying on you and holding you so tight was beginning to backfire on him. He was starting to feel more like a heated, weighted blanket on you, now. It was reeling in your tiredness, again.
"Mmm... I could fall back asleep like this. Please, can I, baby?" you mumble, shutting your eyes.
"Yeah? Now you're comfortable?" He asks, teasingly, while watching you relax under him.
"You're warmer," you admit. "And clearly more suitable for cuddling."
"You're trynna butter me up, aren't you?" He says, sighing into your neck, tiredness returning to him as well.
"Maybe... One more hour, baby. Please? All I need is one more hour," you say, bringing your arms up onto his back. "I won't complain later when you make me take a nap with you," you add, to further bribe him. "We can do anything you want, too. Nothing is off limits." You turn your head and press a kiss to his temple.
He sighs, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "It's hard to say no to all of that. You gonna be real sweet to me later today?"
"Of course. I'm gonna smother you and be so disgustingly affectionate that you'll want to sleep on the couch tonight for some separation."
He bites. Being loved on by you anytime sounds like a dream. Space will never be his response to your affection, when he thrives off of it.
"Fine," he grumbles, like it was hard for him to come to his decision. "Only one more hour. Gonna stay here, though, since i'm already comfortable."
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