#wagh thats all the asks from that time. now which batch to work on next...
voidedjuice · 6 months
5 and 13 for bean from the oc questionses ! bean the beanloved
Beanposting nearly half a year late yayyy
5. What’s one hill your OC will die on (anything from a guiding moral position to a strong opinion about combining mint and chocolate)?
It's really determined to not influence human culture on a broader scale at all, after all it's here to do research, not act out weird ant society power fantasies
Also it believes culinary exploits should not be limited by conventional tastes. Put mayo in your yogurt. Jam on your fried eggs. Rules don't matter you've got to try out it all! If it had the capacity to experience human illnesses firsthand, it would've definitely wrecked its stomach on its odd cooking exploits by now...
13. How do they deal with pain (physical or emotional)?
It retreats into its eldritch beast cave (under its bed wrapped up in a blanket) and waits until its composed enough to appear in front of humans again (viewing it while its not in full control of its appearance out of emotional or physical distress can be Bad for a poor passing by human, + it finds that sort of an enviroment the comfiest). Humans whose minds its true appearance has broken have an annoying tendency to go out blabbering about it, potentially affecting human culture for years to come. Really annoying for a researcher.
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