#waffle writes stuff
samijey · 2 years
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a compilation of Jey Uso hitting Sami Zayn with the most powerful wrestling finisher - the hearteyes 😍
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ant-bunny · 4 months
um... oopsie
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you naive fool, antu
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famous last words
I can't believe I was just barely keeping ahead for the whole week and lost in the final hours.... it was so close
The army of 100 unnamed tumblr users in rifty's back pocket
how unfortunate.... oh well, losers bracket here we come I guess! props to you, rifty, and ggs @dizzy-dudd, good luck going forwards
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starrysharks · 11 months
i used to be a bit conscious about having so many girls/fem characters in my works (starsaints carnival is the only developed story right now that doesn't have a female protagonist, and most of the time i have to actively go out of my way to make male characters) but you know what fuck it i like girls so i'm gonna write girls goddammit!!!
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possamble · 3 months
Post. That. Sad. CHIAPTER.
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I genuinely appreciate this so much but that poll is not encouraging so far LMAO
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woklaza · 5 months
after this chapter we're getting 1k hits YIPPEEE in advance
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miradelletarot · 4 months
Office Job Rant!
I SWEAR TO FUCKING AO I need a WFH job. like yesterday.
I work with an HOA board of directors. the VP is a colossal DICK. disrespectful, demeaning, rude, and has no patience for ANYTHING if it doesn't go his way.
He seems to think i'm unqualified for my job. I'm not. I have a degree in management, and prior admin experience. This backwards ass tiny asf office ain't shit. There's a ton of shit to do, sure, but he seems to think I should be an accountant. even going as far as to question what I got hired as. A RECEPTIONIST. That's my job. I don't even get paid a livable wage (even if it were full-time, which it's not...hence the 2 jobs).
I'm kinda suck with job 2 which is OK b/c my boss at that job bought me a fucking car. like...A WHOLE CAR because I didn't have a way to get around (thanks ex husband for that one....) what I earn there pays for that car weekly so I can own it eventually. She has only known me for like 3 years. She didn't have to do that, but she did, and I am grateful for it. Sadly, it severely limits my options for a another job. Job 1 is fine when the VP isn't around, but he's terrible to work with. Literally, no one likes him. The Pres is gone for the summer which means I am stuck with this asshole unless I quit (and i can't...surgery to pay for). Now that most of the community is gone for the summer, there's not that much to do honestly unless he's around to give me shit to do that's not in my job description. He's even told me that if I complain he'll just hire someone who WILL do what he tells them to do. like really??? It's a one person office (me...i'm the person) so if this guy wants to fire me he can do that if he wants. Or, he can pay for me to go to school to become a CPA and pay me the appropriate salary to fix all his shit for him (b/c the office was poorly managed before I got there b/c of the bad practices of the previous board of directors).
I made ONE MINOR Mistake today. I forgot something he told me last week. that's it. he told me NOT to do something (which is actually IN my JD so of course i fucking did it...) and got mad at me for doing it. all while talking down to me like a fucking child.
Not even gonna go into detail about how I found out he's watching me on my work computer with his personal laptop with a screen reading program...
So yeah...i guess I am gonna search for WFH jobs today.
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legolasghosty · 6 months
Kissing the homies goodnight for Willie (/Willex) because I feel like Willie would.
Ack I'm so sorry this took so long but here you gooo!
Willie ducked into the kitchen to grab the water pitcher and some glasses, praying he wasn't forgetting anything important. They knew it was just their friends crashed across various surfaces in the living room, but it was still nerve-wracking. Willie hadn't been to a sleepover in like... five years, let alone hosted one. They got why the foster care system had to check over people before they could stay overnight, but with the number of times Willie had moved around since entering the system, it just... had never happened.
Caleb had been hesitant at first when Willie asked if they could all stay over, wanting to ensure Willie was settled himself first. And also wanting to meet all of these kids before he let them have free reign of his home.
But it was finally happening. All of Willie's best friends (and his boyfriend, but they hadn't really managed to wrap their head around that one yet) were lounging in his living room at 2 in the morning, some closer to dozing off than others.
Willie wasn't sure which was stronger: the excitement or the terror of messing this up.
He was pretty sure he hit all the main bits on all the 'how to throw a slumber party' lists he'd found online: pizza, way too many types of ice cream toppings (they're not entirely sure how many of those canned cherries Luke ended up fitting in his mouth), random games (he'd never heard of turning pictionary into a drinking game with shots of soda, but apparently that was a thing his friends did), and a movie with lots of popcorn and cozy blankets.
So they're pretty sure they've done alright thus far.
Still, it'd been a long time since Willie did this.
He re-entered the living room just as Alex managed to grab the TV remote and turn off the rolling credits of Legally Blonde. Flynn looked to already be asleep, lying across one of the air mattresses with her feet up on Julie's stomach. Julie had propped herself up a bit on her elbows and was debating...something with Reggie. Both of them looked closer to dozing off than winning though. Luke and Carrie were both sitting upright on one of the couches, madly swiping on their phones and hissing at each other.
"Do I even want to know?" Willie asked Alex quietly, setting the water and cups down on the coffee table and rejoining him on the loveseat.
Alex groaned. "I made the mistake of telling them there's a PvP mode on this tower defense game they both play."
Willie tried to hold back his giggle. He failed.
Alex attempted to glare at them, but mostly just looked sleepily confused. "I'm serious, we're gonna have to take their phones away now if we want them to sleep," he sighed.
Willie winced. "Any chance the game will kick them off after a few rounds?"
Alex shook his head, then leaned over to rest his head on Willie's shoulder. "And they're both too stubborn to give in, I already tried it."
Willie rested their cheek against his hair, letting their lungs adjust to expanding and contracting in time with the light huffs of Alex's breath against their collarbone. "Is it online?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?" Alex responded, blinking up at him sleepily in the dim light of the lamp.
Willie smirked and pulled out his phone. Okay, so Caleb hadn't technically given him the password for the router, but like... it hadn't been hard. He opened the app on his phone that connected to the electronic and started typing.
Twin cries of annoyance erupted from the pair on the other couch a moment later, informing Willie of his success.
"It just kicked me off!" Luke complained.
"Same here," Carrie griped. "Willie I think your wifi died."
Willie looked up, attempting to look innocent. "Oh yeah, I think you're right," they agreed. "Ugh, this happens sometimes, it will probably come back in an hour or two, but we just gotta wait it out."
Both Luke and Carrie groaned, but seemed to buy it and tossed their phones aside. Carrie peeled off her sweater and tossed it down next to Flynn's head, before pulling a blanket up and over herself and stretching out along the couch. Luke slid down onto the air mattress beside Reggie, koala cuddling against his back. Reggie laughed and shifted over so Luke could share his pillow, still discussing... Okay Willie was pretty sure they were trying to figure out who in their friend group would be whom in Legally Blonde. Fair enough.
Willie felt Alex's tiny sigh of relief against his neck and shivered. It felt nice, being close like this and knowing it made Alex just as fluttery as it did them.
Alex brought his fingers up to his chin, then let his hand move forward, palm up. Thank you.
Willie tucked his phone away. "Don't mention it," he whispered, daring to brush his lips against Alex's forehead.
Alex's cheeks turned pink, but Julie interrupted before Willie could tease him about it.
"Hey, no PDA unless you're willing to share with the class," she mumbled, eyes heavy.
"You're one to talk," Alex pointed out, glancing pointedly between her and Flynn's feet still resting on her abdomen.
"Oh you wanna wake her up?" Julie snarked back, the words slurring together a bit.
"I don't think any of us have that death wish," Willie chuckled. They tapped Alex lightly on the shoulder in warning, then stood up. "And I don't mind sharing." Before Julie could respond, he ducked down and pecked her on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Juju," they added, throwing a spare blanket over her and heading back toward Alex.
"Hey, we're part of the class too," Reggie called out. When Willie turned, he was sticking his bottom lip out, the puppy eyes mostly hidden by his drooping eyelids.
Willie glanced back at Alex, a little startled, but Alex just shrugged and gave him a sleepy smile. So Willie picked his way around to Reggie and gave him a goodnight kiss too. And then Luke perked up a bit and wanted one. And Carrie said she should get one on Flynn's behalf, since her girlfriend was asleep.
"I guess I should have warned you how clingy we all get this late," Alex murmured when Willie finally made it back to his side. "I kinda forgot you haven't been able to be around this before. Just feels really natural."
"All good," Willie promised around a yawn. "Just tryin'a be a good host."
Alex leaned over and hit the button on the side of the love seat to make it lean back, the extending footrest turning it into more of a bed. "It's perfect," he stated, pulling Willie in to lay beside him.
Willie let out a happy sigh and cuddled in closer. Alex's cool arms soothed the nervous energy that was always humming along their skin. He felt Alex's lips brush against his hairline.
"G'night Lex," they mumbled, eyes slipping shut.
"Good night, Willie."
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kdsburneraccount · 9 months
Don’t think my parents raised me to be a sports fujo yet here we are. Sad!
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A/N: what have I done \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
I’m thinking this follows the Mob AU.
Madam Ling is dying and she knows it, even if her loyal and beautiful son won’t acknowledge that.
“Mother, here.”
She thanks him, patting the back of his hand as he helps her fluff up the pillow and sits her up against it. There’s a breeze wafting in through the open windows, carrying in the scent of waffles from the street stall across the street. Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to have some?
“Mother, I brought someone to come see you.”
Ah, this again.
Madam Ling glances briefly at her son. The censure clear in her eyes and it is enough to have him flinching. Good to know that for all her Shangjue has taken on the mantle of the head of the household and is carrying the prestige of being the Boss of the Jue gang, he is still her son.
Her gaze flickers to his left shoulder and the man who stands there. This one’s a little too young to be anywhere near the level of expertise the kinds of doctors her son drags to her bedside with the singular purpose of curing her.
What does catch her eye is the epiphyllum pattern on the left shoulder of the young man’s tailored shirt. Gold thread against black, it’s as if the shirt was made for someone with a broader build.
“His name Yuanzhi, Mother.” Shangjue steps aside and this jolts the young man enough for him to shuffle forward. His brown eyes turn to Shangjue for a beat before looking back to her.
Madam Ling has to stop herself from chuckling at the almost puppy dog way Yuanzhi seeks Shangjue out.
“Hello Yuanzhi,” She eventually says, beckoning him close. “And where did my beast of a son kidnap you from?”
Without missing a beat, Yuanzhi grumbles. “He dragged me from my bed without so much as a hello and didn’t even let me have any breakfast.”
The laugh that escapes her is followed quickly by a series of body shaking coughs. But the amusement lingers and she reaches over to pat at Yuanzhi’s hand, tugging him down to sit on the side of her bed.
“Don’t worry. You’re with me now and he won’t dare bully you,” She assures him, gratefully taking sips of the cup of water Shangjue gently hands to her.
Madam Ling clicks her tongue, blinking at Shangjue. “You bring me a new doctor and won’t let me even talk to him. What’s this then?”
Shangjue sighs helplessly. Before he can speak, Madam Ling gestures to her purse. “Take some money and go buy some waffles from the store across the street. I never taught you to have bad manners with your guests.”
“Yuanzhi isn’t a—“
“Go,” Madam Ling shoos. Shangjue blinks a little lost and she spies the way Yuanzhi seems to panic when Shangjue takes some coins and heads out but not without one last look back at him. “Oh good, I thought he would never leave.”
“Madam Ling…?”
“None of that,” She laughs. “Call me Auntie.”
Yuanzhi flushes adorably at that. “A-auntie.”
Clasping his hands between her own, she casually says, “You’re not really a doctor, are you?”
Yuanzhi stiffens.
“It’s alright. You’re not in any trouble,” She assures him softly. “Shangjue never brings anyone to see me unless they’re very important. And I think you’re that to him, hm?”
Eyeing the flower pattern on his shoulder, she smiles pleasantly at Yuanzhi. The young man worries his lips, looking shyly up at Madam Ling. “He said you would know.”
“His father was like that too. Showing more than telling. I think it’s in the genes, so you’ll need to be very understanding of that if you want to stand by his side.”
Yuanzhi doesn’t speak, turning her left hand with her palm skyward, he slides his fingers over her pulse point.
Madam Ling stops him.
“Despite my son’s best efforts, I’m dying and I am at peace with that. If nothing else, I’m quite looking forward to it.”
“Shangjue gege told me about that,” Yuanzhi says. “He’ll be heartbroken.”
“He’ll have you,” She corrects.
Yuanzhi wrestles with his thoughts before he quietly asks, “Why are you alright with this?”
“Because all I ever wanted was for my son to be not alone.” Madam Ling lifts her hand to run a thumb over the threads of the embroidery. It’s bay flower twin is in Shangjue’s closet. She would know. She embroidered them herself after all.
Mentally, she calculates how much she needs to take it for the shirt to fit better. Not by much, she reckons. She’ll need to work on feeding Yuanzhi up a little. God knows she can’t rely on her son to feed his little wife properly.
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bueris · 3 months
when you had plans to write fanfiction and they get interrupted by a psych project that doesn't even count towards anything
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andjsjfks · 1 year
REDACTED FIC WRITERS, how do you stop yourself from going off in a tangent when writing a fic. I’m constantly starting with a clear concept and idea in mind and then BAM im 2000 words deep and still havent hit the main idea of the one shot 
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starlooove · 10 months
The reason recent canon batfam sucks is because they have plotlines that could be fun but utilize fanon interpretation btw. “They can’t even write tim” the tim you like DOESNT exist and has NEVER existed. He started existing and it fucked up so many pre existing INTERESTING dynamics and potential situations that it got boring as fuck. Same with literally everyone else
#characters like Damian getting the same storyline over and over is racism#but fanon Is a lot more racist than canon and I’ll say it with my chest#at least canon gave Damian friends and growth at least once#y’all are still hemming and hawing over that fucking dinosaur tim doesn’t even care about anymore#whenever anything interesting or complicated happens it’s ooc and ‘don’t writers know we want happy family dynamics 😕’#that anxiety thing Bruce did to Jason#sucks and all but far far more interesting than ANYTHING fanon has EVER come up with#canon is cool ideas done poorly and fanon is poor ideas done worse#and don’t get me wrong some fanon stuff is fun#like SUPER fun#but the idea that ‘fanon is better bc dc can’t write 🥺’#I’m never gonna defend DC writers as a whole but YALL CANT EITHER#copy pasting found family templates onto characters admitting you haven’t and never will read a comic and turning around to shit on shit#you have NEVER read#some of y’all still think dick wanted tim in Arkham or that Jason never killed unless necessary#like fuck y’all are so irritating#if fanon wasn’t so racist and even worse BORING that poll wouldn’t be so egregious like fuck#like the racism is everywhere but batfandom has deluded itself into believing it’s unique when it’s kooky but quiet dad Bruce immortal#Alfred silly big bro dick who has quiiiite the temper gaurd dog Jason who made some mistakes but regrets everything coffee addict tim who’s#only flaw is insecurity and not caring for himself enough quiet dragon lady cass who can be sassy waffle loving sillay Steph murderous#borderline evil Damian who’s life’s goal is to destroy tim and nervous new Duke.#and don’t forget Barbara Is computer girlboss#like it’s just so. bland. maybe DC doesn’t listen to you bc ur fucking stupid s
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ghosttrolls · 8 months
okay i just used a gif to update my profile pic fully aware that it would not animate (just the first frame is fine) but when i hit save in settings it looked like it was animating, but i refreshed my dash and it isn't looking changed at all? so maybe gifs are just straight up incompatible (ironic because if you edit an image using tumblr's image editing system it's automatically saved as a gif file... but i digress)
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do you think hunter ever felt guilty getting a new palisman. Like he has so clearly found so many ways to honor flapjack with the grave and the whole tattoo situation but like do you think he was worried about replacing flapjack when he (presumably) made waffles
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yoylechess · 9 months
i love writing unreasonably long posts about music
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miraclespin · 9 months
Thinking about that reverse AU got me to thinking about my own reverse AU, which itself was inspired by another reverse AU that I never actually properly read or interacted with because it was old, unfinished, and hadn't updated for years by that point (it still hasn't, by the way). I kind of wish I could do something with mine, but I'm very bad at planning long-form stories- hence why I haven't updated the Unsolved AU for literal years (and it wasn't even supposed to be a strictly chronological endeavor, barring the one part I've been struggling to finish; I can't even remember most of the ideas I had for the one-offs, either, it's been so long).
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