#wafer lights
decadentindustries · 1 year
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Gym in Nashville Ideas for a sizable, traditional home gym renovation with a brown floor and beige walls
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alicegalefeeny · 1 year
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Great Room Kitchen Inspiration for a large transitional medium tone wood floor and brown floor open concept kitchen remodel with a single-bowl sink, shaker cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, gray backsplash, porcelain backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
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prompto-cam · 1 year
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Kitchen Great Room in Oklahoma City With a single-bowl sink, shaker cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, gray backsplash, porcelain backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and an island, this large transitional medium tone wood floor and brown floor open concept kitchen photo is stunning.
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shagtective · 2 years
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Oklahoma City Kitchen
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requinum · 3 months
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Day 5: Cannibalism/sharing food
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. John 6:56
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hamsters-in-cups · 2 years
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One hamster’s quest to fit a large square wafer treat into their cheeckpouch. It ends in success. Their friend doesn’t know why they couldn’t just nibble bits off a little at a time, but is ok with not knowing. It is enough to share a beautiful friendship, savoring the taste of identical pink wafers while relaxing in identical red cups adorned with identical drawings of bunnies (making this a hambun moment), enjoying the scents and sights of the thoughtfully placed floral scenery, just being together.
Two different hamsters sharing a single harmonious moment together.
(images by nanako513 on IG)
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roseseafoam · 5 months
Pistachio as a flavor is like… what if wafer ice cream cones were also a nut?
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skylar-jay · 5 months
You said you have strawberry wafers
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what-marsha-eats · 11 months
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Light R Wafer, 2023
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red-bloody-girl · 2 years
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Desserts - Drop Cookie - Benne Wafers
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cuppajj · 3 months
Neo beasts x reader head cannons? 🥺
You know what anon? Just for you
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Beast Ancients AU - Neo Beasts x Reader Headcanons
Congratulations! Someway somehow you’ve attracted the attention—and affection—of the Neo beasts. How do each treat you?
Saint Vanilla Cookie
This implies that he’s decided not to purify you out of his intense compassion. In fact, he’s settled for something arguably much worse: saving you for last, so you can witness his deliverance.
You’re his lamb, his bluebird, and he never lets you forget how blessed you are to be one of his
He’s gentle in almost every way. Voice, touch, words. He especially likes cupping your cheek and cooing sweet little things. Sometimes they’re laced with dark promises
On his orders, the Lambs of Penance are your personal servants and won’t let any harm befall you. Cream Wafer speaks to you respectfully, but you can hear a little envy in his voice
Saint pays attention to every little detail you have, the things you like, and your wishes. He wants to see you at your happiest because a tainted soul as yourself should never feel sad. He’ll wipe your tears away
But don’t assume he’s perfect; he’s far from. Saint stays true to his personal promise that you will be safe and happy and alive until the day he finally saves you, and that means that any potential threat to you will be dealt with by his lambs. If he thinks something will taint your soul further, he’ll be sure that it’ll never have the chance.
In fact, why don’t you stay with him? In his timeless kingdom, amongst his loyal followers and all the orchids that will watch over you. It’s the closest you’ll be to the light.
Make no mistake, saint is two steps away from being a yandere. He just wouldn’t get his hands dirty, and he would never change to that typical yandere-ish behavior. The oh so benevolent saint just wants to see you safe, and if that safety is under his wings, so be it…
Dragonberry Cookie
As the Beast of Pride, the way she loves is bold and loud. She will make it known to you that she loves you pretty quickly.
While she throws parties pretty frequently already, you’ll be center stage at a lot of them with her as she makes you dance together and drinks herself stupid with a bunch of glasses poured your way as well.
If you’re the shy type, expect to be embarrassed or put in big social situations a lot since she’s a massive extrovert who would bring you along to things. Outside of parties and other events of the sort, she would also love for you to watch her spar with Wildberry and her other soldiers
She’ll also give you lots of gifts
She does have a pretty big ego though, so she expects praise and validation from you. Compliments, acts of service, things that assure her you’re not just mooching off of what she gives you. If she thinks you’re not being grateful, she’ll get bitter and confront you about it, which will or won’t go well depending on how well you can prove your point to her
She’ll kill for you 100%. She might even do it in front of you. If you get messed up from that? It’s okay! You’ll get over it in no time.
Despite all this she does respect your boundaries, she’ll give you space if you’re vocal about it. She disappears on occasions and comes back covered in battle wounds and jam anyway.
You know about Pitaya locked up in her basement but you know not to touch them, let alone try and free them if you’re hero enough. She might just have to punish you for that if she catches you doing something you shouldn’t. Don’t worry though, it’s just this once, because you’ll surely never try anything again, right?
Big hugger, her love language is touch so expect hugs and kisses and mandatory cuddle sessions. Honestly if you’re just as messed as her then she’s a pretty solid lover
Frigid Cacao Cookie
It’s hard to tell he cares for you because he’s so distant, even from you.
You’re allowed into the throne room without summons, but the furthest into it you can go is to the foot of his throne. Like everyone else in the citadel, you’re not allowed to touch him.
Your days in the citadel are quiet. The outside is cold but the hallways and your room are warm, the latter always supplied to the brim with what you need.
Tiny licorice creatures slink in and out of your peripheral vision, watching you curiously. Sometimes they slink up to you, purring and chittering, and some might even be balancing trays of food, warm towels, clothes, or other things on their heads. Little do you know that Cacao has been ordering them to take care of you
While he doesn’t forbid you from leaving the kingdom, he’ll want you to come back to him one way or another. Ideally on your own, but one of the licorice oozes that have been watching you since you left could also bring you back.
You might see him out and about on rare occasions, and he might look at you. On even rarer occasions he might ask about your well being
The only thing he’s strict about is that you absolutely cannot attract attention from the other neobeasts, especially Saint Vanilla. The beast of Penance is already curious about learning what things make Cacao go soft; he does not need to learn about you.
Also don’t bring up Choco, he has a reaction to it
Celestial Cheese Cookie
Pampers you. Pampers you and pampers you and pampers you and pampers you
Thinks you’re the sweetest little thing and pinches your cheeks and everything
She’d be more than happy to show herself off, as well as all of her achievements. She gives you treasures from her conquests regularly
She’s similar to Dragonberry though where she expects praise, but unlike her she doesn’t get as angry. She doesn’t see her gift giving as a transactional thing, she does it because she can. You just gotta tell her how wonderful she is
The oases are a popular spot for her to bring you for food and refreshments, cared for by gold-adorned servants as she gushes over the grand vision for her kingdom. She’s honestly quite excitable and loves talking about herself and her plans.
Pay no mind to the scans that are run on you while you sleep, or the diagnostics of your information that run deep in her servers. She doesn’t think it’ll need to happen soon, but she’s planning to put you in a sarcophagus and hook you into her virtual world to make you live forever. She’s not going to let something else she cares about go.
Midnight Lily Cookie
The tamest one honestly
Unlike the others, she sees you as an equal. She knows your personal space and doesn’t encroach on it too much or too little, makes sure you’re well cared for and healthy, and keeps you safe. She also lets you leave and trusts you to take care of yourself. Being Beast of Sovereignty, she encourages the people under her to do whatever they please within their allegiance to her, and this includes you.
She’ll play the harp for you and ask you how she did
You also get lots of gifts and compliments from the other faeries for being the lover of their queen
She does have preferences though. She likes honesty and expects you to keep promises, she prefers if you do something for her in exchange for her doing something for you, and to not question her motive and means to take down her other half. She will get very defensive with you and shut down the conversation pretty fast
The flora in the silver kingdom bloom to their fullest around you both, but when Lily is upset with you, they curl or bud as you pass by them.
Speaking of chlorokinesis, get used to seeing her show no mercy with her plants. Unlike Dragonberry though, she’ll do her best to help you if the sight of bodies skewered on flower stems is too much. Maybe stick to the heart of the kingdom for your own good, where you’re less likely to see how the rest of Beast Yeast challenge her kingdom.
She has a whole bunch of rules set up when Saint visits. While she’d encourage not being with him at all, if you really want to see him, she made it expressly clear to him that he cannot purify you.
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ltwilliammowett · 20 days
Cooking like a Sailor- Frisian teatime
Today it's going to be a bit Friesian again and this time the delicious treats come mainly from the North Sea islands and Halligen, where they usually originated before they floated ashore and were eaten or drunk there.
Now that we are approaching autumn with great strides, there are such delicacies. This was the time when many of the seafaring men returned home, which meant a rich harvest of specialities from foreign countries and often also the weddings were hold which were arranged the year before.
But let's start with the drink: tea punch, just the thing for the wet and cold season when it's stormy and raining outside.
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Ingredients: Black tea, köm and kluntjes (brown sugar candy).
But even more important than the right ingredients are the way it is prepared and consumed. If you are in a hurry, you have no place at the tea punch table!
The tea punch is served as follows: The teapot is placed on the teapot warmer and the pre-heated bottle of Köm is placed on the table. Don't be surprised: the tea punch cups are tiny. This has nothing to do with stinginess, but with cosiness. And this is how it works: Pour tea into the cup, add a dash of köm and sugar to taste. Listen to the Kluntjes crack, stir and drink hot. Have a chat and then top up again.
This drink has existed on the islands since 1735, when a ship with tea chests stranded off Amrum at Theeknobs, although at the beginning there was no knowledge of how to prepare the tea leaves. As a result, the tea was drunk quite thinly, which was also due to the fact that tea was something special that was not always available, just like schnapps. Köm is a spirit similar to aquavit with caraway seeds. The yellow (geele) Köm is particularly common in the North Frisian region. This is a spirit, usually made with grain, which is mixed with caraway and sometimes with a hint of aniseed.
The tea punch was of course also known on ships, but here the köm was swapped for rum and the punch was used to warm up rather than for chatting. Sailors preferred to do this on land.
What do you serve with tea? Hallig Knorken or Friesenwaffeln are best. This wafer-thin delicacy has been around since the 16th century thanks to the Dutch who settled in northern Germany. They were light waffles that were made with rum and then served with plum jam and cream. Again, these delicacies were either brought by the men or had to be bartered or bought on the land, as the islands and Halligen did not have huge areas of land available for agriculture and so there was a lot of trade with the delicacies from the sea.
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Ingredients for 4 people (this is the modern recipe) 4 eggs 200g sugar 250g butter 300g flour 3-4 tsp. cornflour 50ml rum 1 packet of vanilla sugar 1 pinch of salt
Bake the waffles in an iron and then serve hot with plum jam and cream.
Now we come to the highlight of every festive table - the Friesentorte. This magnificent cake is truly a precious piece. Because it requires valuable ingredients that were not always available back then and were therefore more likely to be found on festive tables. It is not known when it has been around, but probably since the 19th century, thanks to the sailors who brought many recipes with them from other countries. Like puff pastry, for example.
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Today's variations also work with shortcrust pastry, but are not the original recipe
Bake two puff pastry bases (you can use ready-made pastry) Brush one of the bases (the top) with egg yolk and sprinkle with caster sugar Leave the second (base) plain After baking, spread the base generously with plum jam Spread not too little whipped cream on the plum jam base Cut the top into 12 even pieces and then arrange the pieces on top.
The wealthier the family the more the cake would consist of several layers. Which made eating even more complicated, because how do you eat this monster without smearing cream all over your face? Well, you take the lid off, eat the inside and nibble the lid separately.
So there you have it and I wish you a delicious tea time of a different kind. Enjoy your tea and your tasty treats like real Frisians.
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
taking my role as the neighborhood hermit very seriously this year
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foone · 2 years
The problem with writing a fantasy story where they have computers that are powered by magic is that computers are already magic.
Seriously. Moreso than any other subject I know, computers are the ultimate bell-curve, where people who don't know much about how they work and people who know a lot about how they work both agree: they're magic.
Like, do you know how we make computers? We etch intricate patterns in crystals. Using light. The shape of the drawings determines how they work.
Seriously, that's how they're made. We grow super-pure crystals, cut them into wafers, cover them with acid, then shine a light on them through a mask to activate or deactivate the acid, etching away some of the silicon surface. It's called photolithography.
Only we've since decided light is "too big" and we've moved up to using x-rays, which are smaller. This lets us fit smaller drawings on our crystals!
The best part is that because some processes use light to harden the photoresist layer and some processes use light to break it down, it means some computers are made of light (because the parts of the crystal that got light on them remained behind) and some parts are made of shadow (because the parts that got light were washed away.)
Do you have a Light CPU or a Shadow CPU? You'll probably never know. This is industrial secret stuff.
And because we're making them with light, we can make them tiny and we can make lots at once. Like, I found a reference once that said that MOSFETs (a type of electrical switch) is the single thing Humanity has made the most of over our entire time on this planet.
How many have we made, exactly? It's estimated that between 1960 and 2018, we made about 13 SEXTILLION of them.
That's 13,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
If every human alive (all 8 billion of us) lived to 70 and devoted our whole lives to making them, never sleeping, just making MOSFETs, we'd have to make 736 a second to make 13 sextillion MOSFETs.
Computers are magic. And we're very good at being wizards.
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sexilene · 5 months
husband!rafe and your kids attempt to prepare you a mother's day surprise! 💐
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rafe sets down your daughter so she's sitting on the table after helping her put up some pastel ribbons, hearts and banners for decoration so he can walk over and check on the pancakes your son was in charge of.
"hey bud, those pancakes are lookin' a little...come on dude" he looms over the boy and put his hand on top of the little backwards baseball cap over your sons head. 
"it's supposed to be mickey mouse!"
"well it looks like a sad bear...think mom will think they're cute?" rafe makes a face and turns his head to see more of the "sad bears" already on a plate.
"what do i know!?" your son shrugs and drops a few more chocolate chips onto the cooking pancake.
"ehh s'alright we'll just cover'em in syrup, whipped cream or something" rafe reasons with himself when your son arm swings back after trying to flip like a chef, ironically the most decent looking pancake flies to the opposite wall and splat! its ruined. 
"aw man!" your son whines and rafe gasps dramatically. "careful!! jesus!!" he rushes over to clean the mess on the wall when your daughter screams and points to the oven. both rafe and your son's heads turn quickly to where she's pointing. "what? what's wrong baby?" rafe asks all panicked.
"dad! the oven!" your son backs away from the pancakes as the oven pours out black smoke, the french toast on fire. "what is that!?" your son furrows his eyebrows and runs to open a window. "its the french toast- or it was." rafe's face hardens in concentration, hoping the fire alarm wouldn't go off and wake you up, he grabs a towel to start to "put out the fire" or "cool it down" but that just makes the fire worse causing the alarm to ring. your daughters hands fly to cover her ears as she sits there watching, your son grabs the water in the glass jar on the table and hands it to rafe who splashes it on the flaming french toast. 
"what's going on!?" you walk into the kitchen in you nightgown, picking up your daughter and holding her on your hip. the alarm still ringing, you turn your head to see your son stood on a chair trying to get the smoke away from the alarm to get it to stop. "go back to bed mama! everything's fine!" rafe shouts over the ringing and closes the oven quickly, he takes your daughter into his arms so he can shoo you away. 
"kay guys, what do'we got?" rafe sighs after sorta cleaning up the mess and sits on the table with his kids. "we've still got the pancakes." your son points to the now broken plate with ruined pancakes due to the commotion earlier. 
"uh nah bud, we've gotta scrap that." 
"i have bubblegum grampa gave me for easter!" you daughter lights up as she offers. "no princess, you keep your bubblegum, we'll think of something else." rafe smile and smooths his hand over her messy baby hairs.
"well there's vanilla ice cream in the freezer and at least a few chip's ahoys in the pink jar." you son's eyebrows shoot up at the realization. "and strawberry wafers above the fridge." the boy points to where the wafers where supposed to be hidden. 
"right, that works..." rafe smiles and picks up your baby girl to place on his hip and give a bunch of kisses to. 
"oh my goodness! whats this!" you smile brightly sitting in your bed, pausing the movie you were watching as you see your little family come through the door, your daughter runs up to your side and hands you a card she made with glitter and lace. "thank you baby this is very sweet." you place the card against your heart momentarily, rafe walks up and places a silver tray on your lap with little scoops of ice cream, wafers and cookies. "happy mothers day mama" rafe smiles, quite proud of the little breakfast they managed to come up with last minute. 
"thank you baby" you continue to smile, reaching your hand out to place on rafe's cheek as he bends down to give you a kiss. "there's more ice cream if you want s'more after, happy mother's day!" your son says smiling showing all his teeth and handing you a bouquet of casablanca lilies and a few of his baseball cards that he considers presents, you giggle and reach over to embrace him as well.
"s'very nice of you guys, so many beautiful mother's day presents!" you tell your kids.
"its not over yet, i've got s'more gifts for you in the living room." rafe grins and hands you a spoon for the ice cream. "i love you do you know that?" he asks and you nod.
"i do, and i love you, all of you guys very much. what happened in the kitchen earlier? everything okay?" 
"i just wanna say again, i love you so very much." rafe smiles innocently ❤️
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i wanna marry himmm
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