#waaahhh they’re precious
suashii · 10 months
look who i found at five below! :3
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merakiui · 2 years
Honestly your writing is some of the best I've ever read! You really write the characters so well and how they react is so in character and just the details you put in your work are amazing, so thoughtful I can't help but to appreciate when I notice you've written something that just adds to the atmosphere you created so well even when you just as easily could've not have included it. The twst writing you've done so far are my favorite things to read and reread again in my spare time and the concepts you do for them are just!!!! Your azul piece with princess reader, your drabbles for the other charas, the tweels and idol one you've just posted, SEAGLASS???? Don't even get me started on seaglass (wow my fish bias is real and showing how embarrassing 💀) but they're all wonderful >< the same goes for your genshin writing but twst currently has me by the neck and I could spend so long talking about each one <33
Oh hehe I also love when you talk in the tags too, it's so cute!! I get emotionally destroyed by your beautiful writing and then I get hit with your funny tags it's like reading inside jokes about some of my favorite pieces please 😭
WAAAHHH THANK YOU OMG!!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♥️✨ I’m so happy to know you’re enjoying my twst works!! There are many more to come! I have so many concepts that I wish to share with everyone, so I’m glad that they’re enjoyable! And thank you again for liking the details in my writing!!!! They’re so fun to sprinkle in.
My fish bias is also very strong… The amount of concepts I have stowed away for the trio… here are a few for your perusal hehe!!
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But I can’t thank you enough for your super kind message!! T_T <3 You’re precious and deserve the world, dearest anon!!!
AAA THE TAGS,,,, it’s like my little comedy club. >:D I like rambling in them, but I’m never sure if anyone reads them. I’m glad that you enjoy the jokes I write in there. It really is whiplash after reading something emotional and dramatic and then peeking at the tags that are either incoherent simpery or something silly. 😂
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soulangel · 5 years
Angel Gets a Big Bro
Summary: Nervously awaiting her audition which is coming up soon, Angel turns to a friend and family member of hers to help her with her nerves. And somehow ends up gaining a self-proclaimed brother in the process of following her dreams?
Group: Angel
Genre: Family Fluff and Friendliness 
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 1,897
Masterlist     Angel’s Masterlist
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    Reading the information in the email 18 year old Róisín (roe-sheen) had in front of her, she could feel her face heating up about 10 degrees in her surprise at being accepted to audition for one of her favorite record label companies. Jay Park himself signed the email saying he was “looking forward to seeing a fellow Seattlelite’s skillz.”      Róisín turned to her great grandmother who was seated across from her at the dinner table. “Mimi, guess what?!” She squealed with a happy grin before setting her phone down in front of the elder.     Glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, Róisín’s great grandmother, Maeve started reading the email to herself, lips moving as she silently worded what she was reading. “Seattelite skillz? What does he mean by that? Is this a trick? Who is this Jay Park again?” Maeve asked the bouncing redhead in front of her.     Róisín pouted and sat down in her seat again. “Awww Mimi....don’tcha remember the video I had you help me make? The music recording? My tears as I kept failing at getting the song just perfect?” The teen whined, seeing the light shining in the elder’s eyes.     Maeve started laughing and nodded her head. “Of course I remember Little Rose. When is the tryout? We should go together.” The woman suggested, earning a bright smile and a laugh of disbelief from the teen who immediately jumped out of her seat and grabbed her grandmother into a hug.     “Are you serious Mimi? ‘Cause if you are I need to get ready NOW! I need to call Kylee and Ryan!” Róisín started rambling to herself, immediately looking down at her phone to call the two girls she’d just listed off.      The elder shook her head as the redhead disappeared around the corner of her home, animatedly talking to her cousins in the only volume she had, which was LOUD. “This child is definitely going places.” Maeve mumbled to herself with a shake of her head.     She wondered when she’d get the chance to tell her great-granddaughter they were both going back to her own home for a year, to give the younger of the two a chance to learn some of her ancestral roots.
    Nervously waiting for her number to be called, Róisín looked one last time to the tiny crowd in the stadium area she was given the directions to. There in the front row giving her a subtle thumbs up was Mimi Maeve, grinning at her in encouragement. Róisín gave a tiny suck of a breath in to calm herself, waited about 5 seconds, and then released the breath through her nose, nodding to herself a couple times. She wasn’t the only one to have gotten the audition email, but it certainly helped there wasn’t 50 people like she thought there would be.     “Number 11, you’re up!” Someone called out over the softly talking people backstage.     Freezing in surprise, she looked up wide eyed at the person checking their clipboard, making sure their information was correct. She quickly stepped up to the person and cleared her throat. “I’m here! Right here!” She called out, waving her hand when the person looked up at her voice.     They guided her to the curtains by stage left and gave her the basic rundown. “Just know, they’re waiting for you to start and finish with the song. Try not to look so frightened, loosen yourself up. If it helps, you can close your eyes to focus solely on the music. Find peace somewhere within yourself. Jay is looking for someone who enjoys what they’re doing.” They told her, smiling a little when she blinked at them in surprise before clapping her on the shoulder with a “good luck!” thrown at her.     She stumbled only a couple steps before managing to twirl her body in a semi graceful spin and somehow stopped perfectly in front of the mic with a bright smile on her face. A smirk was returned to her from Jay Park as he nodded in approval at her entrance. “Number 11, that was definitely an interesting entrance. Your name is...Row-Roo.-” “Róisín! Like Roe- and sheen.” Her grey haired Mimi called out for the girl.     The celebrity chuckled softly. “Róisín, that’s very pretty. I’ve just got three words for you, ready?” He asked her.     Róisín gave him a confident smirk, ignoring the butterflies in herr stomach thanks to Maeve’s interference in her mental struggle. He smirked back at her and sat back. “Alright then. Do that thang.” He called out, flicking his wrist to get the music to start.     The instrumental for the song You Always Believed by In This Moment blasted through the speakers, scaring some of the others auditioning and making the man in front of her furrow his brow in confusion. Rock was not something he excelled in compared to his own music. But the confusion gave way to shock and awe when he heard the clear as a bell voice belting lyrics like she was made for the stage. Sounding like a mix of range between her favorite singer Amy Lee of Evanescence with the strength of Christina Aguilera, there was no way this girl was real to him. He could clearly hear the practice in her voice from how much she sang the song, to the notes she hit just about perfectly for not having any training except a couple years of choir. He could even hear hints of gravely tones peaking through certain words showing him that, if she really wanted, she’d probably be able to get out some growling, right? growling? He had no idea. He was too focused on the powerhouse vocals he was hearing.     The surprise judge he brought with him, who was hiding behind his chair snuck around for just a moment to whisper something in his ear, and if Róisín hadn’t have closed her eyes during her chorus, she would’ve seen Simon Dominic muttering to Jay Park something along the line of “potential” and “change her sound but keep her essence” to the CEO. Luckily for her though, Mimi Maeve kept an ear trained in their direction and smiled proudly at the fact her precious child was getting noticed for her talents, just like she knew the girl would.
    Licking the ice cream happily after Maeve had bought some for the two, Róisín glanced up at her grandmother and just beamed happily. “I still can’t believe they let me in! Jay Park signed me Mimi!” She squealed with a giggle.     The elder just smiled fondly and ran a hand through Róisín’s hair, love and affection in her gaze as her granddaughter focused on the ice cream in her hands, ignoring most of the world around her. “You did amazing Little Rose. I’m so proud of you. Your family will be too! So, you ready to go tell them?” Maeve replied, hesitantly watching the teen’s reaction at the suggestion.     The smallest tense of the shoulders is the response she got as Róisín slowly nodded her head, knowing it was bound to happen sooner or later since she’d have to explain she needed to leave for South Korea. “No, but you’re right. I do need to tell them before I leave for South Korea....” She said softly, biting her lip as her thoughts distracted her.     Maeve stared at the redhead for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “There’s something else too Little Rose.” The woman started, finding them both a spot at a picnic table under a tree.     She sat down and patted the seat beside her with a gentle smile, letting Róisín sit down beside her before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “You know how you’ve always wanted to know where I came from? And see where I go when I have to return home?” The woman asked while seeing the wheels turning in her granddaughter’s head.     The nod of Róisín gave Maeve the approval to continue with what she was saying, no matter how confused the first of the two seemed. “Well, you might have to get ahold of your new boss and tell him.....you’re going to IRELAND FOR A YEAR!” The elder cried out happily, throwing her hands in the air to celebrate what she’d said.     Róisín stared at her grandmother for a minute, trying to understand whether or not she heard the woman correctly. “Hang on, back up a minute.....you said I’m going to Ireland with you??? When? For how long?! NOW?!” She couldn’t help but start panicking a little, wondering how she was going to plan all of this new information rolling in her brain.     She’d felt her phone vibrate and glanced down at her pocket momentarily, wondering who it could be as she still reeled in confusion with all the information she’d been given in such a short time. “Waaahhh uh, what?” She mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows while pulling the device out of her pocket.     She checked her email to find an unread one from Jay Park himself?! Eyes wide she shakily read the piece of mail, Maeve reading behind her like the nosy elder she was. 
“Hey Girl!
So glad you were able to make it out to auditions today! You were hella amazing on that stage and I am so proud to have you sign on with us! I promise you, it’ll be the best experience of your LIFE! We all look forward to workin’ with you.
Let me know if you have any questions aight? I’ll take care of it! Just call me Big Brother Jay!
Your brotha Jay Park.”
    It took her a couple times to read over the email and truly understand what the guy was talking about. “Big Brother Jay? Is he serious right now?” Maeve muttered softly, tilting her head as the younger of the two put the phone away into her pocket once more.     She looked to her grandmother and chuckled a little to herself. “I like it. I think I’ll get along with him real well! Plus it sounds like he’s willing to help me with whatever I need, meaning he can help me expand my musical range! OH! I need to email him back about the trip! Hopefully he’ll be okay with it.” She rambled, gasping softly before she took her phone back out of her pocket to start the email, explaining to him the situation she suddenly found herself in.     She sent it after a couple minutes of reading and refining, wanting to sound as professional as possible until she remembered what he sent her....as the CEO welcoming a new recruit. So she then decided to re-refine the work and sent it out to him, then glanced up at her Mimi. “Alright, let’s go tell the family!” She cried happily, jumping for joy as the two finally stood up from the picnic table to get back to their car.     Róisín pulled the keys out of her other pocket and wrapped an arm around Maeve, the two heading toward the car parked across the park they were in to celebrate the teen’s victory. Maeve stepped closer to wrap the teen up in a one armed hug, a proud grin on the elder’s face. “You did good Little Rose. Everyone is going to be so proud of you.” She said softly, luckily saying it soft enough Róisín didn’t hear her.
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 11 liveblog/review thing
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hey, i’m not super late this time. XD yay for me. but actually, i’m not happy. i'm sad!!! the reason i’m sad is that this season is almost over. ugh i am so upset ;__;
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9)  (episode 10)
loooooool both girls glanced into the tokyo crowd for just a second and immediately found their perfect guys!! XDDDD
haha the newbies are so excited to meet makoto. they're all thinking like "HEY I WANNA TOUCH HIS HAND FIRST"
it's a little sad that makoto, rei, and nagisa are together but not haru =( i just want them all to be together again!
eating a good meal is the first step toward working toward your dreams? uhhh okay
that is the most muscular lock screen ever  o////o
"muscle freak" perfect name lol.
HAHA WOW: "i tried calling you a million times, but i could never get though." "that's because i was ignoring you."
"i know everything about you" is never really a comforting thing to hear someone say.
kids these days are saying "all the rage with the youth of today? lol wtf.
why does haru look sad when he thinks about iwatobi swimmers about to compete in tomorrow's tournament??? [EDIT: later i realized, he thought he would miss it. he hadn't yet thought about trying to get rin to drive him there.]
everyone around the whole table copied nagisa's pose. that was so cute. XD
rei giving nagisa a little pep talk is the sweetest thing ever!!!! ^___^
"i like the ones who struggle as if their lives depended on it" well you seem like a nice person...
"GOU-SAN!!!!!!!!" lol calm down man!
"my brothers talk about you all the time" hahahahahaha awkward
yes, rin has cleavage. this is an indisputable, scientifically proven fact. i just wanted to point that out.
i heard "cool down" so clearly. i love the fact that japanese has so many english loanwords! =)
wait, huh? what is happening? haru and rin talking on the phone, and then rei getting something from a vending machine, and then nagisa in a hotel room wondering where rei is, and then it's suddenly the next day??? that was weird. so many abrupt scenes.
now, rin is kidnapping haru??? rin kinda has a devious look on his face lol.
haru had a TINY little smile... it was so small but was there... i think.
haru wanted to cheer on his old teammates ugh this show is so sweet that it's giving me cavities.
rin and haru didn't tell anyone they were coming? omg, perfect. they wanted to suprise everyone aaaaaah i am getting so excited i hate this show.
sousuke is here too yaaaaaaay =)
wait, what was sousuke going to say?? don't cut to another scene.
this is the third time rei has disappeared and people were wondering where he was. it happened at the beginning of the episode, then it happened with nagisa in the hotel room. now it's happening at the tournament. hmmm...
"this is a pretty stupid thing to do!!!" rin says with a big smile on his face.
lol of course haru would say that something is "free."
all the people still stuck in traffic are like "we should get up and run like those guys."
rei needed to go outside and look at the butterflies. after all, the butterfly ghost has possessed him, you know!!
asahi's not-smooth backward hop on one foot, yeah i saw that.
awwww asahi and rei were such cute kids!!!!
omg i love this background music. it's so pretty.
perfect, rei just happens to run into asahi who is the perfect person to give him the advice he needs. "don't overthink it!"
so many reigisa flashbacks, i am too emotional uggghhh AND THE MUSIC IS KILLING ME.
yes!! chappy-senpai is here!!! it's true!! XD
“RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -makoto
haha now haru is yelling too. that is so unusual, but it is SO CUTE argh.
i knew rei would be awesome!!! he was feeling some stress before the race, but i think asahi really helped him.
rin cheering for ai ;___; <33333
nagisa and ai are so serious lol. but i can't take them seriously because they are both adorable. <3
rei cheering for nagisa loudly and more passionately than everyone i am dead i am dead.
aww i wanted nagisa to beat ai but i am also glad that ai won hahaha (that makes no sense, i know)
now the tournament's over... i tend to feel nervous every time there is a small amount of time left in an episode, especially when something really happy has just happened. i always feel like something bad's about to happen (even though that's not always how it goes, i still feel this way!!!)
"the whole time i was in the water, my heart was dancing." nagisa you are TOO PRECIOUS. STOP. JUST STOP. =)
sousuke is getting waaaaaaay too close to rin okay <33333
sousuke laughing is too much for my heart to handle, i don't know about you all. ;__;
"i would have regretted it more if i hadn't been here" haru awwwww. and rin talking about his bonds with his friends. it was such a wonderful thing to say!!!
the episode's over. hmm nothing bad happened like i felt. hahaha
just one more episode left!!! thank you, nagisa and rei, for narrating the previews for us. all the free! fans have appreciated it XD
so here are my thoughts: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well okay, i usually feel that way after free! episodes, so it's not surprising that i would say that hahaha.) this was an episode about friendship. yes, it's a common theme in many anime (and other stories in general), but i still like it, and i really ike the way free! does it. throughout free! in general, in all seasons, we've seen so much friendship beautifully illustrated and shown to us. it's not just characters TALKING about friendship (although there is a lot of that), but it's characters actually expressing their friendship in various ways, for example, haru and rin skipping their training in order to go and support their friends. we are seeing how much these characters mean to each other. i keep getting such a happy feeling throughout this whole series. ^___^ i appreciate the writers, animators, voice actors, and everyone else who came together to create this show, because i obviously love watching it and there are so many special moments that are heartwarming and touching.
the reigisa montage. i just... idk. that was... i am... *bursts into tears* there was this gorgeous music, and all these cute scenes with rei and nagisa... I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! <3 my heart exploded when i watched it. (maybe i need to go to the hospital for that?) those two are very, very, very sweet, and they are always so supportive of each other. the relationship that they have together is just so solid. they obviously have two different personalities, but they fit together very well and they both know that the other person will always care for them and be there for them. ;__; waaahhh i can't emotionally handle reigisa. reigisa is too overwhelming for meeeee!!!
here's something weird though: hiyori and ikuya have barely been seen in this show since their plotline got resolved. i know there are a lot of characters so there is limited time to squeeze everyone in. so i understand. however, it still feels a bit strange. i assume they'll show up in the next episode, though.
the next episode... ugggggh. i know it's the last one of the season. (hopefully not the last one EVER!!!!) i am dreading it. yes, there's the big showdown between haru and rin that i'm excited to see, but actually, i am not too happy about the next episode. i am going to have conflicting feelings throughout the episode. i am going to be both really happy and really sad at the same time. uggggh ugggggh ugggggh (uggggh is the sound of me groaning and suffering XD)
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uberhero-chorus · 6 years
(っ´▽`)っ FLUFFY DRABBLE for Wooyari
I Need to Write
From beneath a mass of wild shrubs, a runty Zigoton child huddled and trembled in terror. He had gotten separated from his group when a pack of Bonedeth began to pursue them. Now he was cornered here, far from home and very scared.
“Waaahhh! Someone! Help me!” The child wept. He knew his pursuers were not far, he was done for...
“Hyyah! Flamespin!” A lovely voice with the might of a great warrior called. The leaves of the bushes were singed as the child instinctively gazed up to catch a glimpse of his hero.She was a beautiful young woman, whose unusual shape and longer limbs made her taller than any Megaton he had ever met. He couldn’t discern what tribe she came from, as he face was concealed behind a mask in the shape of a fish. In her hands was an exceptionally long spear, which she spun so quickly that flames had erupted from the point. He saw her, and the Zigoton felt safe.
“Nasty creatures, these Bonedeth...” The lady murmured as she stood over their melting corpses. “What on earth were they so excited up about-!”“Miss! You saved me!” The child leapt out from the bushes and clung to her leg. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”“Aah! Oh?”
Wooyari couldn’t believe it. A Zigoton, all the way out here? The Zigoton tribe was very close-knit and quite private, fellow Zigotons always came first, and they tended to be very skittish when outside of their territory. Their young were especially precious to them, the cries of one injured Babyton could rile up a decently large group of them.What was one doing out here, all alone?
She knelt down, making eye contact with the child. “You don’t see many Zigos in these parts. Why were you hiding?”
The Zigoton looked distressed. “I was playing with my friends, but a bunch of those things came out and started to chase us. I was separated from my tribe- I ran, but they wouldn’t stop chasing me! I... I-”He was starting to tear up. “I’m lost! I’m really, really lost!!”
But before he could start crying, the lady set her hand over his. “...Don’t worry.” She reassured. “I know the way back to your home. Come, I’ll show you the way.”
The kind and gentle feeling she gave off made the little Zigoton feel soothed, it didn’t matter if just saw her fight off those fiends all on her own. He certainly felt safe following her.The Uberhero led him to a stream that cut through the land, and began to walk along it. If he looked into the water, the boy could see a school of small fish that seemed to follow her.
“Whenever you get lost, follow the stream.”“Huh?”“The stream is a road created by nature.” The woman explained. “Water as cool and clear as the stream is a vital resource. And so, like beads on a string.”
She held out her hand, gesturing to a Zigoton civilization upon a small plateau. “...We are all connected.”
“Ah! M-my home!” The child shouted in jubilee. He turned to the Uberhero, and gave her legs a hug. “Thank you! Thank you so much! You saved me twice now!”“It was nothing, young one.” She chimed. “Hurry back to your people, now. I’m sure they’re worried sick about you. If they ask what happened, tell them that Beth-Dagon was just doing her job.”
He ran back into the town, greeted by a search party that was moments away from being deployed. His mother held him close as the lieutenant asked him what had happened- to which he explained how he was saved from Bonedeths by a tall lady named Beth-Dagon.
The Almighty who protects those who had become lost and helps them find their way again.
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