#wAHAHDJFKS gosh i love kids
whack-patty · 2 years
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And now for more kid doodles, sing 2 edition! I drew these Busters and so they requested the movie. Shenanigans ensued
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Ash was their bigtime favorite but they also liked Meenah, Clay, and "the nice monkey"
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Clay that one of them was VERY EXCITED ABOUT and "draw another Ash" "okay, here you go" "they can be brother and sister"
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These specific drawings don't have commentaries attached!
some fantastic thoughts by the girls include:
"What's her name?" "That's Rosita!" "I can say that! R...ose-ah-deet-ah."
[Nooshy comes on screen] "(SIGH...) I want to be JUST like her when I grow up. I'll know how to ((she starts listing tons of dance moves that I'm fairly certain are made up. The only one I remember is something about bounce spinning on her butt)) and YOU can be my student, and I'll treat you nice." "Thanks :^)"
[The space stage comes on screen] "If my parents would only let me, I would buy two rockets and have a clubhouse in space." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah. and you could come with me if you want."
"How did Clay Calloway's wife die?" (((they say his full name every time just like in the movie lol))) "I dunno! I think she was sick." "No. it was a big fight with guns and bad guys and (starts making shooting fighting explosion noises) and the bad guy SHOT HER AND SHE DIED"
"How old is he? ((points at Clay))" "I dunno! Maybe in his-" "I would say one hundred years old. Yeah, I would say one hundred. Because his hair is so white. His tea has peanut butter in it."
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