#w13 Abigail
hgwellsmykabering · 2 months
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@purlturtle you really nailed it and I had fun finding the pics :D
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garr9988 · 1 year
For Warehouse 13 fans, what's everyone's thoughts on having almost every main character's pre-Warehouse history so closely connected to artifacts and the Warehouse?
Pete's mother was a Regent (I personally don't mind)
Artie's backstory being retconned from trading secrets to the Russians (complex, bad, but now redeemed) to trading artifacts in exchange for freeing imprisoned citizens
Claudia's brother Joshua being trapped by an artifact for over a decade and somehow involved with Artie (came first, it's fine, it gets her involved)... and then getting a retcon so that her parents dying in a car crash were actually killed by her artifact-augmented sister that Suddenly Exists Now and was *also* trapped in a way for over a decade bc of an artifact
Myka's old partner Sam's death being soft retconned from just a tragic danger of her old job to a career conspiracy that involves an artifact, now (my least favorite)
Steve's the only one who didn't get any sort of past involvement or retcon, miraculously. And even Abigail seems to have been retconned from just a therapist recruited to help Artie to being The Keeper.
It's funny how many of these are the results of retcons. Thank god they explicitly kept Pete's dad's death a mundane result of his dangerous mundane job, they could have totally changed it like Claudia's parents.
Personally, I liked when people hired to the Warehouse had their own separate lives before they got involved with it. Having multiple facets of their character that didn't overlap so heavily felt satisfying to me, and made the story and character development feel less claustrophobic and narrowly focused.
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