containatrocity · 1 year
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I've seen this episode before! Deja vu's so hard to ignore. Promise it'll only play once more, everything is a rerun. I wonder if I try again, Can I change how the story ends? Warning signs like a smoking gun Everything is a rerun ! ! !
"Wren Romero. Not Wrenny, not Wubby, not Baby Bird- Wren. I'm 19 years old, and I've never been anywhere but Huntsville, which is really, really sad when I say it out loud, right? I never had the chance to 'dream big' or whatever, on account that the paradox happened when I was literally seven. I would have liked to be an actress or fashion designer- or maybe a reporter or journalist! but as it stands, I'm a Food Market Cashier and Junior Ranger between attending to my family's orchard. I'm the daughter of Mallard Romero and that's made getting anybody to date me pretty complicated, as most boys 're pretty keen on not pissin' off my daddy. I don't care what the commune does, so long as they don't mess with our way of life here in town too much, and I guess if I have to admit to a flaw, it's that I've never lived a life of my own, I've simply tried to live up to my family's reputation."
Name: Wren LeAnne Romero
Aliases: Wrenny, Wubby, Baby Bird (all to Duck, likely her uncles as well), Lowercase R (to Rusty, and the other station rangers), Little Red (Absinthe and likely other townsfolk)
Age: 19 (November 21st)
Sexuality/Gender: Questioning, Cis Woman (She/Her)
Personality: Already regarded as a smart, capable young woman for a number of years, Wren is responsible, no-nonsense, and brave, precocious in her youth but quickly growing into her own, she's every bit the survivalist as her father and uncles, without the lingering trauma tied to being forced to learn it for 'no good reason'. Skilled, and more level-headed than most of her family line, she's still a teenage girl, beneath it all, and as such, longs for some kind of adventure that won't kill her- romance that doesn't fizzle out when she's a little odd, or her father catches wind of her interest in a boy who isn't 'worthy' of her time and attention. She barely remembers the taste of junk food, and justifies much of her taste in crushes by the fact that they're the junk food of people- something sweet and bad for her that distracts her from the way she's never lived a life beyond Huntsville- only seven years old when the paradox changed everything. She's sweet all her own, bright and kind with a want to help others and see them prosper despite the life they've found themselves trapped in, and carries the weight of her family's expectations close to home- tight enough they cut her palms and bleed.
Occupation: Cashier at Food Market, Farmhand at Romero Orchard, makes and sells jewelry from scavenged bits and bobs, serves as a Junior Ranger and a Scout Head for her little brother's scouting troupe with the ranger station.
Affiliations: The Romero Family.
Scent Profile: Dirt and natural sugar, fruit and honey. The copper bite of blood from chewed-short fingernails and stripped-clean animals. Natural cleaners, gunpowder and cigarette smoke from the years her father smoked. Like wax and wood polish, the chemicals used in processing animals for food- for leather. She wants nothing more than to smell like a normal girl- nature clings to her every pore anyway.
Aesthetic: your father's military jacket and a name you share on the pocket. It's too big, like the shoes you're supposed to grow into- the weight's ever looming- hangs heavy over your head. Well worn wood and gentle hands rough with the way he was forced to live, deep breath, it'll pass soon- deep breath, squeeze the trigger. Floral like a rose, sweet like a cherry- sour with a hard center that you were never allowed to soften- sharp like thorns, because nobody will take care of them if you don't. Sins of the mother became sins of the father became sins of the daughter, the loop doesn't break unless you try to break free. He made you a marquee with your name when you were six. He still apologizes that you never got famous when the liquor finds him wrong.
Maybe I'm being melodramatic- Shouldn't somebody take my place!? Before I ruin the plot with my panic, Can we take a commercial break? Wrote the script but I'm bad at acting- Same lines on a different page, Cut the lights, get me off the stage! Running out of overused cliches....
Wren's history in Huntsville is short but already storied, and she's a well-known young community member- while she can be stubborn much like her father, with a quick wit, sharp tongue, and a willingness to let stupid people know when they're stupid- there's a gentleness to her that's decidedly her mother's- the woman who raised her as her own still more than present within her approach to the town on the whole. She's pleasant and kind, a bright spot for most people even if it's just cashing out at the register. She hunts and picks up the slack on days her father's leg acts up- or his alcoholism rears its head and drags him into the depths. She's a fiercely loyal cousin, sister, niece, and grandaughter, and it's on the merit that she hasn't heard most people talking ill of her family that makes people speaking ill of the Romeros capable of escaping her wrath. She's a creative at her core, making jewelry and trying new recipes in the kitchen at home, she regularly makes extras of everything, to share, sell, or simply keep on hand, when she needs a treat.
She's largely accepted her position as her brother's keeper while Duck oversees the entirety of the town's game and supports the rangers in an unofficial capacity- having capably worked out how to handle even the most 'Robin' days her brother provides. her hair cut short in an incident where he got into the house paint, she's started covering her head with hats, bandanas, and hoodies, her inevitable dad haircut prominently dinging her self esteem- the long ginger hair her most prevalent connection to Ophelia and the feature she kept around to feel more 'girly' as the rest of her appearance has for some time been rather 'function over fashion' with hunting garb and the ever-present fatigues jacket bearing her father's last name and rank in the marines. Despite the recent spate of murders, she's remained largely fearless- she walks softly, and carries a shotgun- and she knows more than well how to use it, if things go belly-up.
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containatrocity · 1 year
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? (wren)
Wren has a consistent problem with biting her nails. She often reduces them down to the shortest possible length, and frequently suffers from hangnails. It's a nervousness response, made worse in times of high stress- similarly, she chews her lips. And tends to pick the skin. She has scar tissue on the inside of her mouth from chewing her cheeks, and while she's gone to great lengths to reduce these habits, it's stress that causes them to resurface, and it's not uncommon to see her with a tiny cloth bandage tied around her fingertips from a bloodied nail.
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