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Und wusstet ihr, dass der Weihnachtsstern in Ägypten auch eine Verbindung zu den legendären Drei Weisen hat? Die Wüstenkönige folgten einst dem strahlenden Stern, um den neugeborenen Jesus zu finden und ihm Geschenke zu bringen
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Wüstenkönig Teil 1/3: Highspeed-Waffen – GRIP – Folge 266 – RTL 2
Abu Dhabi, the super-rich capital of the world. In winter, the land of the oil sheikhs is a comfortable 77 degrees: the perfect vacation weather. Matthias Malmedie was just looking for a few days off, but his arrival didn’t go unnoticed. So much for lazing around. He’s been challenged by Abu Dhabi’s horsepower-elite. I got an email from the Middle East Speed Gang. “Dear GRIP Matthias,” That’s what they call me.
Line:5% “I hope you’re good. We heard that you’re the king of horsepower.” And they want to challenge me. We’re meeting at a jet ski station. Matthias heads to the meeting point, where the elite tuners await his arrival: Jimmy Pelka and Salah Alamoudi. They know Matthias’s challengers very well. So, the Speed Gang. Who are they? We know those guys. They organized the whole thing. They want to meet you at the track and kick your ass. I’ll need a fast car so that doesn’t happen. Matthias was already challenged in Abu Dhabi two years ago. Back then, he scared the pants off all his opponents in a BMW tuned by Jimmy and Salah.
The asphalt battle came to a head in a showdown on the F1 circuit, where Matthias raced a tuned BMW against a Ferrari. So, the real journey begins. Let’s go, boys. – Let’s go. The whirlwind shuttle ride is headed for Jimmy and Salah’s tuning company. There’s just a few hours until Matthias’s duel, and he still needs the right car. This Speed Gang is pretty mysterious.
What kind of guys are they? They’ve really got it in for you. They saw you on TV a few times, and said: What he does is no big thing. Let’s duel.” It looks like they want to find out who really is king. Jimmy and Salah’s workshop is in a hidden courtyard. But what they do here would bring tears to the eyes of any auto enthusiast. No inspections or emissions laws. All that matters here is performance. A whole lot of performance. Need an example? This looks like a normal C-Class, but we altered it a little bit.
Just a little bit, eh? – A little bit. What’s that? – Nitrous oxide injection. Nitrous oxide injection? 118 hp more for each wheel, at the touch of a button. The nitrous oxide engine is just the tip of the iceberg of this tuned C-Class. Inside it lurks and even nastier surprise. Holy crap. It’s got the engine from the Mercedes supercar SLS AMG with just under 592 hp. Usually, that is. With the extra kick from the nitrous it’s got at least 710 hp. The sound: wicked. Man! What the hell is that? You need a gun license to drive this baby. And yet, this stealth bomber isn’t PP-Performance’s mightiest toy. It’s just the beginning. It looks pretty normal.
Absolutely, but you have to drive it. It’s the best car for the drag strip? – It’s exactly what you need. Because this SL 63 AMG has an epic horsepower of 809 hp. Top speed? – Top speed is… There’s no limit to top speed, so it goes as fast as it can. Salah went 223 mph with it, GPS speed. You took it to 223 mph? Where? – Here, in Abu Dhabi. I’d like to try that too. – Okay. Finally! A normal SL 63 AMG has about 530 hp: a far cry from being underpowered. But this SL has 296 hp more, making it one of the fastest in the world. The power boost costs as much as a small car: A mere 22,000 euros. Dude! 809 hp! That’s hardcore. Everything about this car is perverse. The sound, the thrust… it’s unimaginable. They’re totally nuts! What happens next would be unthinkable anywhere else in the world. Today Matthias has permission to drive as fast as he wants.
You don’t believe me? But it’s true! Salah got the okay from the very top to go top speed on the highway. The speed cameras don’t exist for Matthias. Let’s just say Salah has friends in really high places. If you drive too fast, I mean much to fast, you have to pay 200 euros. Not too bad. It’s more expensive in Germany. But they take the car away for a month. I don’t care because it’s not my car. But here’s the biggest problem: you also have to go to jail for a week or two.
Yeah! Floor it! – Yeah, great. You’ll talk your way out of it: “I’m just the camera man! Malmedie forced me to do it! I had no choice!” Oh, come on. Hit the gas! He sprints a bit, but Matthias can’t bring himself to floor it. Can he really trust Salah, or is the SL an express ticket to jail? I think that was a speed camera, but it didn’t flash. Little does Matthias know, the Police have been there for a while. In real life, the driver of the red X5 M is actually, you guessed it, a police officer. I think we’ve attracted a bit of attention. And we’re not the only ones who know we’re allowed to drive fast. What the heck is that? It’s a whole armada of lunatics. This is starting to look like a race. You guessed it, Matthias. Fire! This baby charges like there’s no tomorrow! minutes at full throttle, miles till the end of the highway. Matthias leads the pack at first, but Salah and friends have a need for speed like Matthias has never seen before.
Matthias hesitates for just a second, and the others cruise by. We can only guess how much hp the CLS has. One thing’s for sure: In these circles, extremely fast German premium cars are the gold standard. Dude! Matthias eases up on the gas a bit. The policeman in the BMW keeps the pedal to the metal. Let’s slow down a bit. You’re going 180, and somebody passes you like: You’re all completely insane, people. Matthias still can’t fathom it. I’ve got such an adrenalin rush.
This is some serious shit! Look, 203 mph. Verified. 203 verified mph. Measured by GPS. And that wasn’t so difficult. If you just hold it another 30 seconds, you’d probably clock 225 mph. What do you say we try that out on the way back? Yeah. Matthias still has permission to drive as fast as he wants. He wants know how fast the tuned SL can go. We’re going 60. And go! 75, 80, 85, 90, 100, 105, 110, 120, 125. Incredible! From 60 to 200 mph in just about 6 seconds. 160, 170, 175, 180, 185. Damn that was fast! I’m flipping out! There’s no way! 190, now 200, Now we opened it up, 205, 210. Dude, this is fast! Holy shit, this is fast! There’s no way! 214, people. That’s incredible. My heart is beating like mad.
That was such an adrenaline rush! It was almost too much! And 214 is verified. I’ve got it here on GPS. A screenshot. It really was 214 mph. Exactly. – That’s incredible. It’s absolutely incredible, people. Okay, now I’m taking this car to the drag strip..
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Wüstenkönig Rosberg
Die Entscheidung über den Formel-1-Sieg in Bahrain fällt schon am Start. Sebastian Vettel muss bereits vorher aufgeben, Lewis Hamilton baut früh einen Unfall. So hält die Siegesserie von Nico Rosberg weiter an. Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE Deutsch
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