karispacek · 4 years
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"It was 1917. My mother escaped from Russian Provisional Government before the start of the war. I was born in 1919, when it all started. We lived in a small house near Frankfurt. My mother met a german landlord when I was three years old. Later they got married. Soon after the end of the first war, the another one came. The worst one. I met a young man in Berlin where I was studying literature and history. He was one of those soldiers. One of those that brought me to the secret society called Vril. In the end of the war the place of Vril was bombarded and destroyed by the england fighter planes. When I woke up, nearly all members were dead. I found my fiance under the heavy bricks of the ruined building. He told me to go, to run away so nobody can't find me there. But I couldn't leave him there, dying. I was trying to put those heavy bricks away. Even he insisted on me to go. I kissed him for the last time. And promised to find him in the another life. He then left, loved. And yet never forgotten."
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