watcherscrown · 1 year
Do you have any convoluted military sifi recommendations?
Ooohhh, I really just started in on the genre kind of recently, and not all of these are military/serious. Tones will vary.
To start with a tumblr-popular series and all time fave
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The Murderbot Diaries
This series is funny, not That convoluted but has a lot of world building, and includes a lot of shenanigans. Murderbot is a rogue AI/android trying its very best to not get attached to these dumb fragile humans. (Task failed successfully).
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Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie -
one of my few 5 star series. I love everything about the characters in this book. The main character is the AI of a destroyed spacecraft that is hundreds (thousands?) of years old. She used to be part of a hivemind made of overridden human corpses but is the only remaining part of the whole. And she's out for revenge.
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Winter's Orbit and Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
In all honesty, these are both really romance novels set in a space-opera/military backdrop. I think I liked Ocean's Echo more than Winter's Orbit but I'm a sucker for soul-bonding tropes. These are both m/m romance books set in the same universe but each is a standalone book, and you can read them in any order. I did them backwards and it didn't make much of a difference. Winter's Orbit has a murder mystery/conspiracy plot and Ocean's Echo focuses more on the military system.
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Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Is it fantasy? Is it scifi? Is it horror? YES. The Locked Tomb series starts out as a science/magic system oriented And Then There Were None murder mystery set all in one house, but the universe is sprawling and covers much more than that. The sequel, Harrow the Ninth is much more experimental in its prose style, and takes place on a spaceship. The third installment, Nona the Ninth, is more traditional military scifi that takes place on a conflict-ridden colonized planet. All very good.
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The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
Okay this one's not really convoluted or military but it is sci-fi and I love it a lot. This is an extremely claustrophobic book with a two-person cast set in an abandoned mining cave on a distant planet (moon? i don't remember). Very spooky very good and I love the two VERY flawed characters and their whole dynamic. The main character lies her way into a job recovering something from this old cave system, but the woman on the other line has an agenda of her own.
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EDIT: I totally forgot to mention the series I'm reading now, the first or which is Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee. it's about a space empire's extremely fucked up governing system and a military officer who gets bound to the revenant ghost of a dead war criminal. the first one is pretty dense but I'm enjoying the sequel better. Yoon Ha Lee is a trans man married to a man and these books have Lots of gender going on.
Things I haven't read yet but are on my list and I've heard good things about:
The Red Scholar's Wake by Aliette de Bodard
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
The Outside by Ada Hoffman
The Light Brigade by Cameron Hurley
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kipaia · 2 months
Rules: Without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
Thank you for the tag, @swaps55! 🥰
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@themarydragon @waluigis-cock @ivorypizza @bioticbutt @vworpreally @kogiopsis @the-truth-within-the-lie @running-from-the-other-memories @sophies-junkyard @featherwriter
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marvelfanrecs · 7 years
Can we recommend crossovers?
please do!
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thelaurenshippen · 7 years
Holy crap Lauren when you can sure deliver some quality content. That last episode of tbs was crazy; it was just an hour of non-stop emotional turmoil. I honestly didn't know that was possible. It was great, all that tension finally let out but dang if I ain't exhausted after listening to it You really weren't kidding about that warning Keep up the great work! (I love your stuff 😘)
Thank you so much!! It was definitely a doozy to write, direct, act, and edit (the only other episode I had a hard time editing was 34 because, damn, Phillip is heartbreaking in his performance) but I’m so proud of actors for taking on such intense material and just tackling it to the ground. I’m really happy with the end result and it’s such a relief that our listeners have enjoyed it. 
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unraveling-plot · 3 years
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First of all @rlainarin I'm mad jealous of your url. Thank you for tagging me literally a month ago! This was fun! I’m glad to know we both listen to an abundance of FOB.
If you see this feel free to do it, and if I tagged you don't feel obligated <3
@lights-all-askew  @vworpreally @a-song-without-words >:) @theproturkey @the-awkward-math-writer @judiops @mysticarcanum @snapbuttonsonadenimshirt
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crowleysflower · 5 years
URL Inspired Playlist
Thanks @bibliophilesaveme for the tag
C - Classic // MKTO
R - Radio GaGa // Queen
O - Old 45’s // Chromeo
W - Who Are You // The Who
L - Little Talks // Of Monsters and Men
E - Eastside // benny blanco, Halsey, Khalid
Y - You May Be Right // Billy Joel
S - Seeker // Hiromi
F - Foreplay / Long Time // Boston
L - Live & Learn // Crush 40
O - Over It // Macklemore, Donna Missal
W - Wow, I’m Not Crazy // AJR
E - Electric Feel // MGMT
R - Rake It Up // Yo Gotti, Nicki Minaj
Harder than it looks. Try it:
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biteinsane · 2 years
They’re making more Trigun!?!
YEAH MAN, trailer came out this week, its that 3D style but it looks pretty good. I’m not sure if its more of a sequel or just a retelling, but either way looks fun.
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justkingthough · 7 years
Lucy After the Wardrobe
requested by @vworpreally
-this little girl coming back from the countryside with the intelligence of a woman, and a queen -they wonder what happened to her there -she hears pieces of news every once and a while and offers a completely logical solution -“why don’t they just march on the capital? they wouldn’t have enough men to defend and they’d have to surrender” -at the end of the war they remember what little Lucy said -at school she settles conflicts between her classmates even better than before -all the teachers notice a change -she was quiet and shy but now she’s bubbly and bursting with energy -when they do a writing assignment she writes a tale of Kings and Queens in a magical land with so much description it seems real -when she’s asked about it she tells them that it’s all true -she keeps on writing stories of these Kings and Queens -everyone just assumes it was the professor who told her stories that she’s copying -they never guess that it was all real
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inukagome15 · 9 years
Hi, so I was reading your story where Gabriel from Supernatural was Tony Stark and, I know you've got a lot on your plate when it comes to fanfics but, would you consider writing one branching off from that story that is basically You Dummy and Butterfingers snuggling and playing with their dad and Jarvis just off to the side trying to hide how jealous he is? You don't have to but for some reason I like the idea.
Heyy, so I know that this is super late, but here you are! It’ll be posted on AO3 and FF as soon as I can think of a summary.
This is set right after “A Minor Christmas Story”. I hope you like it!
“Can we have another sleepover?” Sibling_DUM-E looked up at creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel, face hopeful.
“Please,” sibling_BUTTERFINGERS added, eyes wide in a signature look that Jarvis recognized from the Internet as “puppy dog eyes.” He was not entirely sure that such a look would work on creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel.
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel tilted his head, smiling softly. “You guys sleepy already?”
“Nooo,” sibling_DUM-E said slowly. “But…” He glanced at sibling_BUTTERFINGERS.
“It’s warm,” sibling_BUTTERFINGERS said shamelessly, shrugging.
“Your bed is big,” sibling_U said, looking askance at creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel.
“That it is.” Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel looked at his work, eyes skimming over the holographs before he shut them down by one. JARVIS backed them up to a secure server simultaneously, trying not to pay too much attention to his siblings arguing over who would sleep where.
“Are you guys even going to sleep?” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel asked, amused.
Sibling_DUM-E looked horrified at the insinuation that they could do anything but. “Sleeping is awesome.”
“I distinctly remember a certain someone refusing to go into their charging station—”
“Rebooting was so tiring,” sibling_DUM-E complained.
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel hummed skeptically, glancing to the obsolete charging ports. Then he looked at Jarvis. “You going to join us, J?”
The emotion Jarvis felt bubbling in his still-unfamiliar body could be identified as want. But the eagerness on his siblings’ faces and remembering how awkward it had been to sleep in the bed last time had Jarvis reconsider his immediate answer. He did not need to sleep, requiring even less to function than his siblings. As such, there was no need to have a sleepover with creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel, who definitely did not sleep since his return from Afghanistan.
At any rate, there was a great deal of work Jarvis had to do.
Picturing the smile he wanted to shape, Jarvis did his best to shape his mouth in an approximation of it. From the look on creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s face, he did not succeed. “I think not, sir. But do enjoy yourselves.”
“I don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel said dryly, looking just a bit too sharply at Jarvis for his comfort.
Jarvis did not move until the others were gone, but he followed their progress through the cameras in the house. He watched as his siblings shoved at each other, making themselves comfortable in the bed, uncaring of the fact that creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel was propped against the headboard with a tablet.
The feeling he had right now was probably jealousy, but there was no reason to feel jealous. He could do that as well if he wanted. There was simply no need to.
But Jarvis remembered what it had felt like to sleep with creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel and his siblings so close to him, how warm it had been… Such human sensations were still a novelty for him, and it took him by surprise whenever he realized that he could actually feel them.
He was no longer code in a server, although he was uncertain as to what exactly he was.
Still, existential crises were not in his nature. Jarvis thought that was more up creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s alley, regardless of how supernatural (or angelic, as the case may be) his creator was now.
The projects creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel was working on came to his attention, and Jarvis closed his eyes, retreating to the background to give advice when prompted. Regardless of how much other things had changed, this much had not.
(This feeling could be identified as relief.)
“Do you like my pancakes?” sibling_DUM-E demanded several days later, staring imperiously at creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel.
Jarvis studied the ceiling, pretending to miss the panicked glance creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel shot him. In all fairness, he could scarcely blame his creator, as they had both seen sibling_DUM-E empty the salt into the mix. Sibling_BUTTERFINGERS and sibling_U had already excused themselves from having to eat the pancakes by eating five bowls of cereal each.
“I like the chocolate,” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel tried. Jarvis saw him discreetly do away with half of the pancake while sibling_DUM-E was too busy beaming to pay attention. “It's…chocolate.”
Sibling_DUM-E flung his arms around creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s neck, smearing flour, pancake mix, and melted chocolate all over his collar. He planted a wet kiss against creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s cheek.
Jarvis’s throat thickened at the sight. Looking away, he reached out to pull sibling_U’s glass back from the edge of the table. When his attention returned to creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel, Jarvis found himself looking right into his eyes, his creator frowning slightly.
Trying a small smile that he had seen humans use to reassure each other, Jarvis found himself experiencing an emotion humans probably identified as dismay when creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s frown deepened instead of disappearing. Evidently his smiles still required a great deal of work.
“Have you used your mirror?” sibling_BUTTERFINGERS asked Jarvis.
To borrow a human phrase, the mirror promptly began burning a hole in Jarvis’s back pocket. “Yes.”
Sibling_U squinted at him. “That’s a lie.”
Jarvis had never had a problem with lying before accepting the offer for a humanoid body. Perhaps he should leave the lying to his other self.
“Lay off J,” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel said mildly, ruffling a hand through sibling_U’s hair. “He’ll get the hang of it.”
Jarvis ducked his head, something warm buzzing in his chest. “Thank you, sir.”
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel hummed, holding up a forkful of salty pancake. “Try a bite?” His tone was mild, but the look in his eye told Jarvis it was not a request.
Several seconds later, Jarvis was extremely glad of the lack of a gag reflex in his body.
Friend_James Rhodes visited the day before New Year’s Eve, announcing that he had once again managed to request some time to spend with the CEO with Stark Industries, all the while grinning slyly at creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel. Friend_Virginia Potts arrived as well a few hours later, sweeping sibling_BUTTERFINGERS into a hug and kiss.
“I’ve got board games,” friend_James Rhodes proclaimed, holding up the boxes he had brought. “Who’s up for some Cluedo? Or UNO.”
“Cluedo!” three voices said simultaneously, sibling_DUM-E going so far as to pull onto friend_James Rhodes’s arms to take a closer look at the games.
“Cluedo it is,” friend_James Rhodes said, letting sibling_U take the box to begin setting it up. “Easy, Dummy.”
“There are only six pieces,” sibling_BUTTERFINGERS said, head tilted to the side as she looked at the game. “There are seven of us.”
“Well—” friend_Virginia Potts started.
“There is no need for me to play,” Jarvis said calmly, interrupting her. It was the most expedient course of action, as it made no sense for Jarvis to play a game during which he could calculate probabilities and make an educated guess as to who the murderer was.
They were looking at him strangely, faces pinched in what Jarvis recognized as concern.
“You should play,” friend_Virginia Potts said. “I have something I need to talk with Tony about.”
“I thought we agreed on no work,” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel protested, eyes flicking to friend_Virginia Potts.
“No, that was tomorrow and the day after.” Friend_Virginia Potts fixed him with an innocent look, eyes wide. “There’s still paperwork to file.”
“I can make sure everything is in order,” Jarvis offered, accessing the required files and ordering them from most important to least. “I have no desire to play.”
It was not quite the truth, but it was not entirely a lie either.
The matter was settled in the end when sibling_BUTTERFINGERS pushed Mrs. Peacock into friend_Virginia Potts’s hands and sibling_DUM-E solemnly handed creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel Professor Plum.
Jarvis pretended not to see the glances creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel gave him.
Jarvis did not quite startle, but it was a close thing. He had failed to notice creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel appear behind him.
Unlike his usual response to taking Jarvis off guard, creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel did not smile, a worried frown crinkling his forehead.
“Sir?” Jarvis met his eyes.
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel inhaled, shoulders shifting with the movement. “I’d hoped you would talk to me, but I can tell that’s not going to happen.”
Jarvis checked the cameras; no one else was in the vicinity. But even now…he had no idea how to even begin talking.
Coming closer, creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel sat down next to him on the couch, shoulders touching. “If it’s something you don’t want to share, that’s okay. But I don’t think it is, is it?” He did not look at Jarvis, eyes on a point three feet above a picture hanging on the opposite wall.
There were few times Jarvis was at a loss for words. This was one of those times, as he had no idea where to start.
“Are you regretting this?” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel asked. “Is it too weird—”
“Not at all, sir,” Jarvis quickly reassured him, understanding where he was going.
“Then what is it? You’ve been acting oddly since Christmas.” Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel looked at him now, brow furrowed.
“It’s nothing you have to be concerned about.” Jarvis turned away to look down at his hands.
“I say it does.” Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel touched Jarvis’s arm, fingers gentle. “Look, J, it’s a two-way street. You say you’re responsible for taking care of me? It’s my responsibility to make sure you’re okay.”
That had never been the case before, but how could Jarvis say that?
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel seemed to understand this, a rather melancholic smile pulling at his lips. “I know I haven’t always managed that,” he said quietly. His eyes were too dark, something old lurking behind them that Jarvis was still unfamiliar with. “I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t design me for that,” Jarvis reminded him. “I was supposed to service your needs—”
“I didn’t intend on designing artificial intelligences with souls, but I did.” Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s hand squeezed Jarvis’s arm briefly, comforting. “What matters is now, J, and I don’t know what’s happening.”
Jarvis’s throat thickened, and he found himself swallowing reflexively, eyes dropping to the hand still on his arm. “I…” There was absolutely no reason to be jealous of his siblings. They were still so much younger than Jarvis emotionally and mentally speaking. But they found it so easy to ask for affection from creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel, reaching out and taking it whenever they wanted.
How could Jarvis ask for it?
Sighing, creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel started to pull away. Instinctively, without even thinking, Jarvis held onto him, clutching to his wrist and holding him still.
Unmoving, creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel didn’t breathe for ten long seconds. Jarvis refused to look at him, unsure of what was on his face or what he would see on his creator’s.
Then, with a long exhale, creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s hand turned, gripping hold of Jarvis’s. In the next second, his other arm went around Jarvis, drawing him into a tight hug. “You should have said something, Jarvis. I never meant for you to feel like that.”
Jarvis shivered slightly in his grip, unsure of how to respond. How had he—?
“I can see souls,” creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel said quietly, “and I know yours. J, I’m sorry.”
Jarvis said nothing, hiding his face in creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s shoulder, breathing in his scent. It was more than what he remembered, as he was closer than he had been before. There was a tangible energy around creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel’s person, its presence inexplicably comforting.
Creator_Anthony Stark_Gabriel said nothing more for six minutes, his right hand rubbing up and down Jarvis’s back. “It’s going to be okay,” he said eventually, voice quiet. He pressed his mouth to the side of Jarvis’s head, his hand coming up to cup his neck, thumb stroking soothingly over his skin.
Later that night, when midnight struck and fireworks exploded in the night sky, Jarvis found himself drawn into another tight hug and kiss on the head and felt what could only be happiness.
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jashykins · 9 years
Hi, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I recently read one of your tags and you said you were gender fluid. I have been wondering on this subject for awhile, could you explain what it means? I'm trying to understand and I don't think I can do it on my own.
It’s okay :)
I’m glad that you’re learning :)
I ran into the term around a year back. I knew since 9th or 10th grade at least (now 28 and it’s been around 5 years since I graduated college) that I wasn’t transexual as I usually felt biologically female but every now and again I would feel completely like I had a male body. I would even been confused, from time to time, that I was biologically female when someone would mention I was a girl at those moments. I never knew, until recently, that the term genderfluid existed.
Talking to someone on facebook left me relieved that I wasn’t alone. I grew up without many friends and a family who wasn’t very open with differing sexualities and gender identities. Not counting my two siblings.
I refer to myself with she/her pronouns as that’s what I’ve been doing all my life and the fact that I usually feel female.
In short: I fluctuate between boy and girl.
And of course I decide to answer this before bedtimeXD
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Happy rabbit rabbit rabbit day, @vworpreally
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