#vue js clipboard
codehunger · 2 years
Copy Text to clipboard in vue js
Copy Text to clipboard in vue js
Hello buddy, I hope you are doing well in this blog we will learn about how to copy text to clipboard in vue js or javascript. I will show you the easiest way to copy the URL or text to the clipboard in Vue js or in javascript. To copy the text or URL in to the clipboard we will use navigator.clipboard.writeText. I have added the basic detail of navigator.clipboard below. How…
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arashtadstudio · 2 years
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t-baba · 6 years
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D3.js 5.0, and an introduction to functional programming in JS
#378 — March 23, 2018
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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D3.js 5.0 Released — D3 continues to be a fantastic choice for data visualization with JavaScript. Changes in 5.0 include using promises to load data instead of callbacks, contour plots, and density contours.
Mike Bostock
Lazy Loading Modules with ConditionerJS — Linking JavaScript functionality to DOM elements can become a tedious task. See how ConditionerJS makes progressive enhancement easier in this thorough tutorial.
Smashing Magazine
The Best JavaScript Debugging Tools for 2018 — If you work with JavaScript, you’ll know that it doesn’t always play nice. Here we look at the best JavaScript debugging tools you can use to clean up your code and provide great software experiences to your users.
RAYGUN sponsor
▶  A 10 Video Introduction to Functional JavaScript with Ramda — Want to get started with functional programming in JavaScript? Ramda is a more functional alternative to libraries like Lodash, and these brief videos cover the essentials. You may also appreciate Kyle Simpson’s Functional-Light JavaScript if you set off on the functional programming journey.
James Moore
JavaScript vs. TypeScript vs. ReasonML: Pros and Cons — Dr. Axel is becoming a fan of static typing for larger projects and explains the pros and cons of it and how static typing relates to the TypeScript and ReasonML projects.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
A Proposal for Package Name Maps for ES Modules — Or how to solve the web’s “bare import specifier” problem.
Domenic Denicola
A TC39 Proposal for Object.fromEntries — It would transform a list of key/value pairs into an object.
TC39 news
How Unsplash Gradually Migrated to TypeScript
Oliver Joseph Ash
💻 Jobs
Engineering Manager — You’ll lead a team in building a product at scale and get the opportunity to manage and mentor while helping shape decisions.
Software Engineer at Fat Lama (London) — Technology and engineering is at the heart of what we do at Fat Lama - help us build the rental marketplace for everything.
Fat Lama
JavaScript Expert? Sign Up for Vettery — Create your profile and we’ll connect you with top companies looking for talented front-end developers.
Place your own job listing in a future issue
📘 Tutorials & Tips
Getting Started with the Web MIDI API — Covers the basics of MIDI and the Web MIDI API showing how simple it is to create frontend apps that respond to musical inputs. It’s niche but also neat the Web platform can do this.
Peter Anglea
▶  7 Secret Patterns Vue Consultants Don&'t Want You to Know — Clickbaity talk title, but Chris is both on the Vue core team and a great speaker :-)
Chris Fritz
Learn to Build JavaScript Apps with MongoDB in M101JS, MongoDB for Node Developers — MongoDB University courses are free and give you everything you need to know about MongoDB.
MongoDB sponsor
How to Write Powerful Schemas in JavaScript — An introduction to schm, a library for building model schemas in a functional, composable way.
Diego Haz
Getting Smaller Lodash Bundles with Webpack and Babel — Plus some tips for working with lodash-webpack-plugin.
Nolan Lawson
Elegant Patterns in Modern JavaScript: RORO — RORO stands for Receive an Object, Return an Object.
Bill Sourour
The Ultimate Angular CLI Reference Guide — Create new Angular 2+ apps, scaffold components, run tests, build for production, and more.
Jurgen Van de Moere
▶  Add ESLint and Prettier to VS Code for 'Create React App' Apps
Elijah Manor
Tips for Using ESLint in a Legacy Codebase — Techniques that can help you significantly reduce the number of errors you see.
Sheshbabu Chinnakonda
Free eBook: A Roundup of Managed Kubernetes Platforms
Codeship sponsor
Lookaheads (and Lookbehinds) in JS Regular Expressions
Stefan Judis
Unblocking Clipboard Access in Chrome 66+ — The Async Clipboard API supersedes the document.execCommand approach.
Jason Miller
Building Office 365/SharePoint Applications with Aurelia
Magnus Danielson
🔧 Code and Tools
GPU-Accelerated Neural Networks in JavaScript — A look at four libraries providing this type of functionality.
Sebastian Kwiatkowski
Get the Best, Most Complete Collection of Angular UI Controls: Wijmo — Wijmo’s dependency-free UI controls include rich declarative markup, full IntelliSense, and the best data grid.
GrapeCity Wijmo sponsor
better-sqlite3: A Simple, Fast SQLite3 Library for Node
Joshua Wise
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ngx-datatable: A Feature-Rich Data-Table Component for Angular — No external dependencies. Demos here.
vue-content-loader: SVG-based 'Loading Placeholder' Component — It’s a port of ReactContentLoader.
DrawerJS: A Customizable HTML Canvas Drawing Tool — Live demo.
Carsten Schäfer
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/2pzqNa9
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t-baba · 6 years
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#332: Improving Page Performance with Chrome DevTools
#332 — March 21, 2018
Read on the Web
Frontend Focus
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TUI Chart: Attractive Charts for the Web — Cross-browser (including IE 8) with bar, line, area, bubble, pie, heatmap, bullet, and boxplot charts out of the box as well as combined graphs.
NHN Entertainment
▶  Improving Page Performance with Chrome DevTools — 11 minutes of useful lessons including capturing screenshots as a page loads, using local overrides, and tweaking source on the fly then saving it locally.
Umar Hansa
How BBC Interactive Content Works Across AMP, Apps, and the Web — Publishing content to numerous media can cause a lot of extra development overhead. Here, Chris Ashton explains how one area of the BBC have approached the problem.
Smashing Magazine
Why Your Site is Slow — Issues like slow queries and redundant JS files are often blamed when a site is slow, although there are numerous factors that can affect performance. This presentation dives into the many answers to this question and looks for the root causes.
Pantheon sponsor
Unblocking Clipboard Access in Chrome 66+ — The Async Clipboard API supersedes the document.execCommand approach to clipboard interactions from JavaScript and makes the process asynchronous.
Jason Miller
Sensor APIs Are Now W3C Candidate Recommendations
Bringing Expressive Typography to Microsoft Edge with Variable Fonts — Leaning on recent innovations of OpenType Variable Fonts.
Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
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Pell 1.0: A Tiny, Simple WYSIWYG Web Text Editor — No dependencies, ES6, and only 1.38KB minned and gzipped. Play with a demo here.
Jared Reich
eBook: The Modern App Stack (MERN and more) — This free book includes code tutorials you can explore from your eReader or phone.
MONGODB sponsor
How We Adopted CSS Grid at Scale — From team buy-in to fallbacks, how one team approached the implementation of CSS Grid.
Julian Gaviria
Sensor APIs are now W3C Candidate Recommendations
💻 Jobs
Software Engineer at Fat Lama (London) — Technology and engineering is at the heart of what we do at Fat Lama - help us build the rental marketplace for everything.
Fat Lama
Senior Frontend Engineer (Berlin) — Love working at scale, solving challenging engineering problems, and think like our customer? This is the place for you.
Front-End Expert? Sign Up for Vettery — Create your profile and we’ll connect you with top companies looking for talented front-end developers.
📙 Tutorials
The Security and Performance Benefits of rel='noopener' — When a link opens another page in a new tab or window, the new page can still access the previous one with JavaScript. You can prevent this with a single rel attribute.
Adam Laki
CSS Grid Application Layout in Production — Application layout using CSS Grid while maintaining IE11 support.
Philipp Sporrer
Rendering Engines and Tips to Optimize Their Performance
Alexander Zlatkov
Theming with Variables: Globals and Locals — How to use CSS variables to theme a design system without falling into common traps.
Andrés Galante
Creating a Vue File Reader Component Using the FileReader API
Alex Jover Morales
Getting Started with the Web MIDI API — Covers the basics of MIDI and the Web MIDI API showing how simple it is to create frontend apps that respond to musical inputs. It’s quite niche but also neat the Web platform can handle this.
Peter Anglea
Easing Gradients: Why and How — Makes linear CSS gradients look a lot nicer but requires workarounds for now.
Andreas Larsen
CSS: The Bad Bits (And How to Avoid Them) — The ‘bad bits’ being global scope, overly specific rules, implicit percentage rules, and z-index.
Joe Forshaw
🔧 Code, Tools & Demos
Trianglify.io: Web-Based Low-Poly Triangle Pattern Generator — Ideal for backgrounds. Can output PNG or SVG.
Quinn Rohlf
Fix JavaScript Bugs Like a Boss 🛠
ROLLBAR sponsor
27 Examples of Styling HTML Tables from CodePen — A wide variety of examples here complete with code to learn from.
Freebie Supply
Driver.js: A 'Tour'-Style Mechanism to Drive a User's Focus Across Web Page Elements
Kamran Ahmed
OffscreenCanvas Nearly Here; A Demo — Currently behind flags in Chrome and Firefox, OffscreenCanvas provides a canvas that can be rendered off-screen (such as in Web Workers).
Eric Bidelman on Twitter
Try Ext JS: A JavaScript Framework to Build Responsive Apps Quickly
Sencha, Inc. sponsor
Super Mario World Made Only with CSS Gradients — Just an animation but pretty cute techniques used here.
Alcides Queiroz
by via Frontend Focus http://ift.tt/2u7KYk7
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