#vtm clans
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m-for-musings · 9 months ago
BG3 meets VTM
So I'm a weirdo and I decided to glue together two of my hyper fixations: Vampire — The Masquerade and Baldur's Gate 3.
I've been playing VTM for 15 years now, and also acting as a Storyteller (GM) to it, but I'm prone to mistakes so if a vampire clan does not fit a character please let me know, let's jump into this weird, totally unhinged, theory together.
P.S.: I know that theoretically any clan can Embrace any individual, this is just a little joke with clan stereotypes and a silly way to imagine who would be Embraced into which clan and why. ALSO low-res clan symbol pics because I'm on my phone.
BG3 characters, but as Vampire Clans
(in alphabetical order)
Astarion: the whole Szarr clan would be a Hecata lineage. Rich, powerful, and full of sassy little bitches that turns into abusive sires that employs weird (and sometimes incestuous) "family" dynamics while also being obcessed with necromancy.
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Gale: prodigy wizard doomed with a hunger for knowledge and driven by the promise of unravel the mysteries of the occult, while also being a "yes-ma'am"? Tremere it is.
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Halsin: a shape-shifter who sometimes struggles with his bestial side and feels awkward in urban environments, just like a classic Gangrel.
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Jaheira: she pretends otherwise, but it is clear that she has a network of spies under her command, and a deep knowledge of her home city's dirtiest little secrets and hideouts. Even her personal life is shrouded by secrecy, secured against (most) prying eyes. She comes and goes in a blink, sometimes disappearing without leaving a trace. A true Nosferatu elder.
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Karlach: good old Brujah, with the head as hot as the heart, passionate and strong-willed (and stubbornly resolute) to fight for her goals and ideals.
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Lae'zel: nothing screams more "Banu-Haqim" than a fierce and straightforward gith with a strong sense of purpose and justice, a thirst for retribution and loyalty to the elders that she seems worthy.
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Minsc: threading a fine line between bold and oblivious, the embodiment of "The Fool" tarot Major Arcana. Completely unpredictable and impulsive, torn between the unhinged and the wise, finding sense where others see pure unbridled chaos, he would become a Malkavian.
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Minthara: she has enough poise and status to be a classic high-borne Ventrue, being able to proudly recite her sire's lineage all the way up to the very first of them. Born to rule, with a commanding presence and unwavering will. BUT!!! She is also vicious, ruthless and ambitious enough to get the attention of the clan Lasombra, and their shadow-bending powers also fit the Underdark pretty well, so I'm torn between those two clans for her, although strongly prone to Lasombra.
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Shadowheart: either by following Shar's principles or by completely defying the goddess, The Ministry is fit for her, be it for good or for evil, to tempt or to liberate, to expose secrets or hide it, to manipulate or to seek the truth, to be part of a cult or a leader to a sect. She can't fully abandon the spiritual aspect of life, be it for fullfil her desires or to serve her goddess.
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Wyll: the Prince of the Gate is the last romantic. He has an innate sensibility, grace, charm, beauty and an unbridled appreciation for arts and love-tale's romance that can be found among the most classy Toreador.
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thelikesoffinn · 3 months ago
Hiiiiiii, whats ur fav clan in vtm? I'm toreador 💀
I think Lasombra, babes! Their vibe is awesome, and I love their sabbath past and all that. But I also really love Malkavians and Ravnos! Those are usually the three I go for all the time.
Hecata is also cool, but they kinda have the same issues the Tremere and Banu Haqim have - I suck at playing them. That's the issue. 😂 Sorcerers/Necromancers are generally not super my thing no matter which game, but in vtm I just suck at them. Hard.
Their concept is awesome, and I love this kind of...cult meets mafia thing they've got going. I mean, just the Della Passaglia/Giovannis have SUCH a cool flair!
But as always, I'm kinda the worst person to ask because I think they're all cool in their own right, haha. The only clan I don't really like is Ventrue, and that's mostly just because I think they're boring af. (Brujah too, sort of, but at least they've got a wild and passionate side that I enjoy playing!)
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foxs0x · 4 months ago
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Some vampire doodles I’ve done this week for this idea I’ve got brewing
Character is based on VTM’s Nosferatu clan
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walters-le-fay · 1 year ago
Crimes of the Tremere
I am running a vtm campaign with four players who have never heard of or played any world of darkness games. I am having to fill them in on all the lore and fandom society stuff, and its great. They are very interested in the history of all the clans and their relationships. one of my players is playing a tremere, and i have been filling the coterie in on all the reasons they are the most hated clan and all the war crimes they have committed. I have tried to google if there is a full list but havent found one. Could someone list them all here? Or list what you know and i can cobble them together?
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hunter-slime-660 · 1 year ago
Ok so the new vtm romance book is out, and I haven’t read it yet. Which means its the perfect moment for my
(Keep in mind these are MY headcanons, they are NOT rules, they are the STEREOTYPES i imagine for each clan)
Toreadors: awful lovers. They get together with you because you light up something within them, but the moment the flame dims they’re going to drop you, just like their art. They might stay with you to keep appearances, much like they might force themselves to make art because they’re toreadors, but this is gonna just burn them out more and make them more resentful. They want you to be ever changing, to be interesting, but also to stay the same, else you wont be the one they fell for anymore.
Ministry / Setite: one night stand and they know it. But that’s the fun for them. You may fall for them, but they are not so disillusioned. Sure, they are the ones to seduce you (probably), but they domt really care for long term relationships. Not that it would work out anyway. They would get you in to some nasty habits if you tried to spend too much time with them. But hey! You can have quite the fun with them still!
Ventrue: the definition of arranged marriage. They get with you because they get something back, but you probably do too. The best way to have a ‘healthy’ relationship with one of them is making a contract. But when you do they are not so bad. You might even actually start to care for each other after a while! And the contract keeps things balanced and efficient. Then again most people look for a more passionate love, so they really aren’t for everyone. Oh, and of course, the moment you break the contract, the moment you aren’t useful, you’re gonna get dumped.
Malkavian: the hardest to give a stereotypes to. Each of them is different in how and why they get together with you, but if you fall for one you can expect an heartbreak. Being sincere for them is dangerous, more dangerous then with any other clan, and who knows how they may react when you try to slip off their masks? They might even be antagonistic to you from the very beginning, after all who in their right mind would get with one of them? (This is an introspective sentence on how they are treated in vtm, not a comment on mentally ill people as a whole btw)
Nosferatu: you know the stereotype that they’re ugly but with a heart of gold? Yeah, that’s just a stereotype. Sure, you will find very interesting kindred in this clan, more interesting then other more social clans for sure, but its not worth loosing yourself over it. After all there is an inherent cruelty to turn someone in to a nos, and when you’re surrounded by cruel people, when anyone else rejects you, you tend to become cruel yourself. They’re extremely interesting as people, but i would avoid them as lovers.
Lasombra: masochistic vampires with shadow tentacles and catholic guilt, need i say more? Too bad that their masochism drags itself outside the bedroom.
Tremere: insufferable and everyone will give you a side eye for dating them. They would DEFINITELY keep secrets from you, so if you’re looking for honesty, they ain’t it. Like vetrue they get with you because they get something back. Also are you sure you can trust them in the way a relationship needs? Plus they’re probably too caught up in their studies to actually spend time in a relationship.
Brujah: ‘the most human’, that’s if you ignore their short temper. They may love you and you them, but is it really worth the heated arguments? Especially with potence, it tends to be quite a risk to take. But if you like the arts, you have as much chance with them as with anyone else.
Tzimisce: possessive. TOO possessive. You think its cute in the beginning, but its not. They are the most jealous partners you can have and they will. Not. Leave . You. Alone. Also they will not take lightly to you leaving them and will treat you more like property then a person.
Salubri: just wont date you. Too risky for them and they have other things they should worry about
(These are not all the clans, but they are the clans i have headcanons for) (you my also have noticed that all of them are negative, that is because i dont think there are upsides to date any of the clans :) )
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vtmgremlin · 1 year ago
Can I ask you to gush/rant/rave about your most favorite, and then your least favorite clans? Just totally go off. I live for it.
Oh!! Omg hello (sorry for the wait)
Gosh I wish I had more energy to answer this properly but I shall try lol (Read more to not clog mutuals dashes!)
I favorite has to be the Hecata (Specifically the Cappadocians, Harbingers, etc.) Love me the clan of death (save for....the Giovannis...looks at them from afar).
I just think their whole deal is so much more interesting (personally!) than most others. The fact that y'all are traversing past the shroud and can interact with the shadowlands and just...idk I find it so much more amazing than the board room meetings of the Ventrue's.
That being said my next top three are Ventrue, Lasombra and Gangrel LMFAO
Love the Ventrue because they are just the equivalent of wolves being domesticated into those little crusty white dogs. Fantastic, really. (Also they are awful in so many ways but so much of it is looked over because they are so BORING about it !!!! which is so slay honestly). Personally, to me, they are the more Yaoi Clan.
Lasombra because like come on ya know? Shadow Lords of the highest fuckery. You're telling me these guys get Oblivion (Obentenbration), Dominate, AND Potence???? So i'm just supposed to sit here and get my shit rocked, a'ight. (Also fully believe that the Oceans are a mirror of the Abyss, which is why they were saliors ye old ages ago. Something Something, they were called back to the sea....hmmm...)
GANGREL! I didn't care much about them before until I made my son Blake, and there is a good reason because they really got the fuckin' full fist : ( Like it feels as though everyone forgets about them, even their lore stated that they were meant for a greater purpose but...we shall never truly know. Not only that but in V5....? really?? you're going to make a beast man vampire and NOT give them the ability to use Shape of the Beast's Wrath??? Jail for a thousand years. Love them because a bit of bias now for sure, but also the way they view everything so so refreshing as well (Like the Hecata), so removed from the politics (in some cases). It feels like they see a bigger picture here, and yet they are called "cowards" for not getting involved. Like shit man, would you want to go help when an ANTEDILUVIAN is fully awake and going on a murder rampage?
Yeah, I really wouldn't either, honestly.
Least favorite...hmm...IDK! I truly do like all the clans for their own reason, I guess least though would maybe be Brujah? But that might also be a case like the Gangrel where they (writers) lost the plot a long time ago. Like the True Brujah, hell yeah, now we're talking. But Normmie Brujah are very one note and I think thats sad :,/
Personally, think that this could all be fixed if we BROUGHT BACK BLOODLINES INTO V5 but thats a talk for another time.....//flops around
Anyways, thank you again for the ask!!!! Very sweet of you ;; w;;)/ Hope that this suffices TT u TT
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mustard-ramen-dragon · 2 years ago
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cbus-by-night · 9 months ago
Like our characters? Like the art styles? Wanna draw our vamps and we draw yours? Wanna draw the squirrel?
We got Ravnos, Malkavian, Toreador, Ravnos, Nosferatu, and Tremere characters, as well as a ghoul (the squirrel!)
A few of us are doing Art Fight this year! Find the links below:
Characters: Viola, Mina, Devi, Count Vacuula the Roomba
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Link: https://artfight.net/~JovianJournals
Characters: Lattie, Lemon, Viscount the Squirrel
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Character: Bruce
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vampiretheassparade · 27 days ago
My brain says Malkavian, my tattoos say Tzimisce
what clan do you guys see YOURSELF as though. i've always related to cappadocian hecata a lot
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foxs0x · 7 months ago
I just started playing Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines as my V from Cyberpunk. He's a Brujah melee fighter lmaoooo.
I've never played this game before but it's actually pretty good for a 20 year old game
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hextechmaturgy · 7 months ago
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been really enjoying playing some vtm again :) nosferatu babygirl u will always be famous <333
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crownedinmarigolds · 7 months ago
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Here is mine! I just wrote the main ones down. I also hate NO clans and am really happy playing anything.
I have been thinking about this chart for vtm clans for a minute now so I made it
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Cause I realized that alot of clans I like i do not ever see myself playing and there is clans I "dislike" (this is kind of a weird word to use) I have tons of concepts for . So I made a a chart for my personal taste. Its a good exercise and im trying to figure out what makes a clan a "No appeal to play" vs one being one i could make so many concepts for
I'll put a blank one under the cut
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the-bloody-masquerade · 1 year ago
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Hey guess what, I frickin' love graphs. Here's a pie chart of the VtM Buttons I've been offering based on the quantity of each clan people have grabbed. I think its kind of interesting and kind of indicative of what clans are most popular overall. Tzimisce are, predictably at the top.
Nosferatu are usually up there right next to Tzims in conventional clan popularity polls so I'm a little surprised to see them only mildy on the board.
Of course the idea here is that these little buttons might make a nice little holiday treat for your VtM playing group. Maybe there's a difference between the clans people play versus the clans that are their favorite. Either way, can I tempt you to have a look?
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kruk-art · 1 year ago
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As promised bonus cards for Anarch, Sabbat, Camarilla and Tal'Mahe'Ra!
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mustard-ramen-dragon · 2 years ago
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vampiretheassparade · 10 days ago
"___ cant be brujah! I mean, their clan is all about anarchy" tell me you never had to actually talk to a bunch of philosophy PhDs without telling me you never had to actually talk to a bunch of philosophy PhDs
"___ cant be brujah! I mean, their clan is all about anarchy"
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