vocaloidsecretsanta · 2 years
Event Guide
What is the Vocal Synth Secret Santa?
This is a gift exchange inspired by the season of giving and celebrating. Everyone who participates gets to make and receive a small digital gift from their Secret Santa, which could take any number of forms: a vocal synth cover, an artwork, a fic, or a graphic.
Event Schedule
November 14th: Sign-Ups open (You can find the sign-up form here).
November 30th: Sign-Ups close. (Sign-ups close at 23:59 UTC+0. You can check that in your timezone here.)
Around December 1st-3rd: Gift Assignments will be sent out
December 15th: Last call for drop-outs.
If you cannot make the deadline, December 15th is the absolute last day for you to drop out so our pinch-hitters have enough time to make something for your giftee.
December 24th: Posting begins.
Tag your giftee! All gifts posted today should be tagged with your giftee’s URL, this blog’s URL (@vocaloidsecretsanta), and include the hashtag #vss2022. Gifts will be reblogged starting on December 24th. Be sure to let us know if you explicitly do not want your gift to be reblogged.
December 31st: All gifts are due
All gifts MUST be posted by December 31st at 23:59 UTC+0 at the latest.
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Code of Conduct
Respect the commitment you’ve made to the exchange. There’s nothing more disappointing than a giftee receiving no gift, with no idea as to why. If you cannot complete your gift, message this blog no later than December 15th (see also the FAQ below) and keep your giftee informed.
Keep your ask box open for the duration of the exchange. Your Secret Santa may want to message you to keep you posted about your gift. If this will be a problem, please message us on this blog and we'll work something out!
Please respect the parameters of your assignment. If your giftee makes it clear what content is and isn’t welcome, stick to it. If you’re not sure, send them an anonymous ask for clarification. Acting against this will be considered an action of bad faith and runs the risk of penalties.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I sign up for the event?
Click here for the signup form!
I missed sign-ups. Can I still join?
We’re sorry if you find out about the exchange late, but unfortunately it’s a hard deadline. The only exception is if you sign up as a pinch-hitter.
What kinds of gifts are acceptable?
Acceptable gifts include artwork, fanfiction, vocal synth covers, and graphics. All gifts must be complete when posted.
What are the minimum gift requirements?
For fics: 500 words
For artwork: a single, reasonably clean sketch
For vocal synth covers:
For graphics: one graphics set
How do I post my gift?
Starting December 24th, you can begin to post your gifts. Tag your giftee, tag this blog (@vocaloidsecretsanta), and add #vss2022 to the first five tags on your post.
All gifts must have at least one post on Tumblr - it's totally fine if you're planning on cross-posting (on YouTube, Twitter, etc.) but at least one post must be hosted on Tumblr so you can tag your giftee. Tag your giftee, tag this blog (@vocaloidsecretsanta), and add #vss2022 to the first five tags on your post.
Is there an AO3 collection?
Yes! You can post gifts for the main exchange in this Ao3 collection, and they will be revealed on December 24th.
What if my gift will be late?
If you are giving the gift late, please message this blog with the URL/email of your giftee and how delayed you will be, so we can follow up. Again, be sure to tag this blog when the gift is finally posted so it can be reblogged.
Important information on late gifts, drop outs, and penalties
Late gifts that aren’t posted by December 31st at 23:59 UTC+0, and that have not negotiated with the mods for a different day, will be considered forfeit and be handed to a pinch hitter. Any other negotiated day must be adhered to.
All late gifts and gifts produced by pinch hitters must come in by 23:59 UTC+0 on January 7th.
If you need to drop-out, please message the blog before or on December 15th. If you drop-out last minute, this could result in you being banned from participating in future secret santa events.
0 notes
vocaloidsecretsanta · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I sign up for the event?
Click here for the signup form!
I missed sign-ups. Can I still join?
We’re sorry if you find out about the exchange late, but unfortunately it’s a hard deadline. The only exception is if you sign up as a pinch-hitter.
What kinds of gifts are acceptable?
Acceptable gifts include artwork, fanfiction, vocal synth covers, and graphics. All gifts must be complete when posted.
What are the minimum gift requirements?
For fics: 500 words
For artwork: a single, reasonably clean sketch
For vocal synth covers:
For graphics: one graphics set
How do I post my gift?
Starting December 24th, you can begin to post your gifts. Tag your giftee, tag this blog (@vocaloidsecretsanta), and add #vss2022 to the first five tags on your post.
All gifts must have at least one post on Tumblr - it's totally fine if you're planning on cross-posting (on YouTube, Twitter, etc.) but at least one post must be hosted on Tumblr so you can tag your giftee. Tag your giftee, tag this blog (@vocaloidsecretsanta), and add #vss2022 to the first five tags on your post.
Is there an AO3 collection?
Yes! You can post gifts for the main exchange in this Ao3 collection, and they will be revealed on December 24th.
What if my gift will be late?
If you are giving the gift late, please message this blog with the URL/email of your giftee and how delayed you will be, so we can follow up. Again, be sure to tag this blog when the gift is finally posted so it can be reblogged.
Important information on late gifts, drop outs, and penalties
Late gifts that aren’t posted by December 31st at 23:59 UTC+0, and that have not negotiated with the mods for a different day, will be considered forfeit and be handed to a pinch hitter. Any other negotiated day must be adhered to.
All late gifts and gifts produced by pinch hitters must come in by 23:59 UTC+0 on January 7th.
If you need to drop-out, please message the blog before or on December 15th. If you drop-out last minute, this could result in you being banned from participating in future secret santa events.
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