#vrchat music venue
the-dreamwalkers-vr · 6 months
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Tonight we join forces with Club Dark to deliver an unforgettable night of sights and sounds!
Event start: April 13th, 2024 7:00 PM Groups: The Dreamwalkers (DREAM.9804) , Club Dark (CLUBDA.3809)
We will be invading "UMBRA" - a gritty underground venue tucked away in the streets of a far away city.. With a stacked DJ lineup along with appearances by underground rap artists you know and love, this is one event you will for sure want to come through for!
The festivities begin tonight at 7PM EDT - see you there? Join the Discord server if you are unfamiliar with how to attend the event.
(This event is free to attend that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via VR, PC, or even mobile devices. Download VRChat on Steam / Google Play Store / Meta Store / Ect,. )
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ystk-archive · 1 year
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A behind-the-scenes look at CAPSULE's VR concert "CAPSULE Live in VRChat 'Metro Pulse'" (Sound & Recording Magazine, 23.08.17)
On August 5th, 2023, electro duo CAPSULE held their concert for the album Metro Pulse. The location was a metaverse space known as VRChat. An audience of around 1,200 people gathered, many from overseas, in spite of the high technological requirements for entry. People shared their excitement for the event via social networking websites (SNS), but as artists have increasingly returned to in-person concerts following the coronavirus pandemic, how did Nakata Yasutaka, the brains behind CAPSULE, decide to go with a virtual performance instead? We'll take a look at the story behind the production with Nakata and the show's director, computer graphics artist ReeeznD.
Translation by ystk-archive ・ 3,712 words ・ Original interview ・ Concert
【Start of VR live project】 The virtualization that stemmed from VR meetings
I'm going to start off with some basic information about VRChat. Also known as "VR SNS," VRChat is a platform where users create avatars and communicate with one another. Areas in VRChat called "worlds" serve various purposes that range from conversation hubs, to places where one can enjoy beautiful virtual scenery, to hosting fashion shows or, in this case, live concert events. Putting it simply, VRChat is being improved by the day through social input, and its cutting-edge atmosphere is part of its allure.
─ When did the plan for this VR concert start?
Nakata: The music videos for our latest album Metro Pulse already featured virtual worlds, but the MV creator Saisho Kentarou-san suggested that if we could use a videogame engine, it'd be possible to move around those worlds in real-time. The music videos had to be done using Cinema 4D, but I kept thinking about getting more usage out of my virtual avatar. So it didn't start with the idea of doing a concert in VR, but rather it came about from wanting to make stuff that could go into a CAPSULE music video.
─ In addition to the VR concert hall area, you also created a space called the "CAPSULE HOUSE" for users to explore.
Nakata: It's a building that looks exactly as it did in the "Virtual Freedom" music video. I designed it alongside the director [Saisho] with a "resort studio" concept, and I proposed that we use it as a sort of lobby area for the concert hall since we already had the data.
─ At what point did you earnestly begin working on this VR concert?
ReeeznD: I was asked to work on it sometime in March this year. Since the most important thing was to make sure the concert would be a success, I started by considering how much could be put into it, all while being conscientious of how much time I had until the concert date. Because of that, I suggested a realistic duration of four songs/fifteen minutes, but even with it being that short it was still worked on up to the last second (laughs).
─ What sorts of back-and-forth conversations did you two have?
Nakata: Those took place in VR without us realizing we were in VR.
─ What do you mean?
Nakata: Everyone wore headsets and entered the VR space to work on it, just like if it was a venue in real life. We had discussions like "it'd be better if the height was like that" and "the view from the audience seating should be more like this" and whatnot. Instead of everyone discussing while having one screen to look at, each of us could move around in the 3D environment and gesture towards things. It was pretty different from how we made the music videos.
─ So you held your meetings as avatars in the VR world.
Nakata: Yep, that's right. It was an interesting hands-on experience, but it's difficult to explain how fun VR is to people who haven't tried it. I think it's hard to convey the coolness of it to people reading this article and looking at the screenshots on a flatscreen monitor, so I hope they'll get ahold of a headset and jump in, no matter what it takes (laughs).
─ Lots of users on SNS who had never been in VR before were posting about their excitement for the show. The experience has an impact that's indescribable.
Nakata: That's true. I think it's important for a VR concert to be seen in VR in order to be fully experienced, just like live shows in real life. If you don't see it in person, you can't appreciate it properly. And it's amazing that VR concerts have gotten to the point where they can give attendees the same sort of feeling they'd get at concerts in the real world.
─ Being there as it's happening is now the same experience whether it's VR or in real life.
Nakata: It is different from just watching something on a screen by yourself; users can chit-chat together before the concert starts. In the early stages of development when ReeeznD-san and I were going over what they'd made so far, I altered the sound accordingly. You could say the audio initially sounded sort of dry, like it was left as-is the way it sounds on the CD release, but I wanted the audience to get the sense that there was more space for the music to permeate. VR differs from in-person concerts in that it's up to the user how they experience the music, but we still consulted about sound effects, like "how would it sound if someone moved over here?" and "we should alter it depending on how wide or small that part of the soundstage is." So from there ReeeznD-san would show me his progress and I'd add sound effects as I saw fit.
ReeeznD: Here's an example for you: during "Give me a ride," Nakata-san added an explosion sound when the logo appears.
─ So not only does Nakata-san handle the music for the performance itself, he also does sound effects. That's very like him, considering how much he loves film.
Nakata: That logo scene was originally supposed to happen at a key moment (laughs). But since it shows up after the song ends, I could put in a sound effect without messing up the music.
ReeeznD: Sound effects were supervised by Kinu-san. He works on his own VR concert projects, doing everything from sound to stage direction, and if the sound effects aren't good enough he'll add them in himself. But other artists' music is untouchable in a sense, people on the production side can't do whatever they want to it without getting permission. The two of us talked about how sound effects were going to be difficult to pull off for this particular show, so we added the logo and explosion visual when there was a lull in the action. I was really impressed when Nakata-san put his own sound effect in that part because we didn't ask him to — Kinu-san was excited too (laughs).
─ That's some valuable insight into what it's like for people working on a creative team together.
Nakata: Also while we're talking about it, I added a 40-50Hz, rumbling sort of low sound effect between each song. Just for the sake of giving it some ambience. I don't even know how many users could hear it, but I think if you wear headphones it's audible. I'd like for people to listen to the show using their best possible audio set-up.
【Building VR sounds】 Sounds that can "only be heard in that spot" while accounting for attenuation and venue dimensions
Although you could watch this concert with only a PC, it's infinitely more enjoyable to connect via VR headset and get immersed in the environment. Compared to VR's first year on the market (in 2016; so nostalgic...), with offerings like the Meta (Oculus) Quest 2 and HTC Vive et cetera, the technology is now widely available: Apple just announced their Vision Pro, and the Meta Quest 3 goes on sale this year. The only major disappointment is that VRChat is currently only available on Windows, with no Mac support. Regarding audio, you can listen via the headset's internal mic or, as Nakata suggested, connect your preferred DA converter and use your headphones.
─ How did you tackle the issue of sound quality?
ReeeznD: In VRChat, worlds are created using an engine called Unity, and many creators leave the audio up to Unity as well. However, since this was a concert, we wanted to retain as much quality as possible. What's challenging about doing a concert is the amount of people in the audience can cause the frame rate to lag, which slows down the visuals of the show, so because of that we were searching for a way to maintain sound quality without weighing down the processing. We compressed the audio while checking the quality and processing load in Unity.
─ You set it up with speakers on the left and right sides of the stage.
Nakata: We sourced it via stereo, but ReeeznD-san adjusted the sound within the world to give it a stereophonic, 3D effect. I added ambience to the stereo source, and ReeeznD-san set up attenuation processing on his side of things.
─ Of course the way head tracking works causes the left and right sides where the sound comes in to change, but height and distance also impact how things are heard. How did you go about managing that?
Nakata: Because the space itself is interactive by nature, users aren't, for example, looking at pre-rendered visuals, but are seeing things moving in real time. The music side of things also involves real-time positional processing. When we first did a VR soundcheck, it sounded like the music was coming from a tape deck that was left onstage. I wanted it to feel encompassing, so ReeeznD-san focused more intently on sound sources, and from there adjustments were made to things like from how many meters away sound is heard and so on.
─ In regards to a sense of distance, was there a particular tool you used to tweak the sound?
ReeeznD: Using VRC Spatial Audio Source, I was able to simulate the music in a 3D environment and make it stereophonic. The attenuation is essentially a graph that simulates the actual real sound, but for our purposes I rewrote the whole thing to create a live listening environment that's pleasant on the ears. However, only using stereophonic sound would cause the audio quality to drop, so I mixed in an unnoticeable amount of non-3D sound to balance it out.
Nakata: The concert audio is different depending on where you're listening to it from. I wanted to get that aspect of it right. There may be people who want to hear it the exact same way from no matter where they're standing in the venue, but I want it to be a listening experience you can only have in VR.
ReeeznD: Initially the floor of the concert hall was completely level instead of being an amphitheater. Partway through development, Nakata-san suggested changing it, and this altered the acoustics as well. Since my background is in music video production, I was thinking at first that people would be happy with a final stereo mix like you hear in a video, but Nakata-san was very considerate of the fact that this was a VR concert and made suggestions to capitalize on that, so we kept coming up with ways to match his expectations.
Nakata: There a lot of things you could call VR, like fixed images that have a 360° camera but won't allow the viewer to move around in the environment, or even non-3D objects, but in that sense of the term I think this was the most "VR" live show I've seen so far. Users could have conversations with each other and them moving around would change what they could see and hear. I'd like as many people as possible to know about the world of VR.
【VR and DTM* production environment】 An amazing era where you can do anything with a modern PC *DTM = desktop music, or music that's created using MIDI/computers
With the mention of the game engine Unity, a DTMer reading this may think that VR is a whole separate world from music creation. On the contrary, Nakata sees similarities between the two fields. ReeeznD agrees: "Actually, the difference isn't that great."
─ From the sound production side of things, producing VR content seems extremely challenging. Being able to do both would make one a force to be reckoned with...
Nakata: Basically, people who do music and people who create VR content are not entirely dissimilar. Both can be done in real time without the need for rendering. Just a CPU is enough for today's DAWs, and you can work on projects in real time without having to write things out in advance; there's a lot you can achieve. I think we live in a time where we have an incredible amount of power to take advantage of that. It's huge that someone could do this in their own individual environment.
─ It's a time where anyone with motivation could do anything.
ReeeznD: Yes. The path is open, and there are outlets to showcase it.
Nakata: Of course having skills and good taste are important, but the means to create are widely available now. That's amazing, to me. ReeeznD-san, how did you get to the point where you can create content like this using game engines? From studying Unity, right?
ReeeznD: I worked as a director at a game company for about ten years. Afterwards, I went freelance, doing CG and music video production. I first started using Unity as part of motion capture work with lower-priced consumer goods; I'd bought an HTC Vive for somewhere around seventy- to eighty-thousand yen to do mo-cap with. After that, I started seeing screenshots on SNS from VRChat servers like Ghost Club and thought it looked really fun, so that's how I got into the world of VRChat.
Nakata: It's interesting to me how in VRChat, you have hobbyists' work intermingling with that of professionals. It'd be fun if I could get to the point where I can make my own world.
ReeeznD: I was influenced the most by hobbyist worlds while making this VR concert, rather than pros. There are a massive amount of music worlds in VRChat and I've been to a lot of them. Kinu-san, production team member tanitta-san, and cap.-san, they've all got more experience in VR than I have, and they've made worlds as well as avatars.
Nakata: You see the same sort of thing in music. When you're trying to create something, it's not helpful to take cues from what the people at the top are doing. I think the more interesting creations come from regular people.
─ That seems to be how it goes with new cultures, they spread out from a grassroots origin but eventually become commercialized.
Nakata: I think a whole lot of people would agree with that (laughs). VR as a platform is relatively young, isn't it? I was really lucky to be able to work with ReeeznD-san and Kinu-san along with numerous other people active in the field. If I only concerned myself with music production and nothing else, I don't think I would've done this, but I'm interested in the tech part of it and I think the culture around VR and the user experience are important. VRChat wasn't designed for music performances in the first place. If we'd just thrown the songs into a VR concert without any care, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish so many things. I learned — and goofed off — with others throughout the whole process and it was a very meaningful experience. I really want to learn how to make my own world. Even though I know how hard it is to start from zero when learning something like DTM (laughs), it's easy to blindly dive into a new thing.
─ For someone starting out with no knowledge of it, how long would it take to learn Unity well enough to create a VRChat world?
ReeeznD: Assuming it's their first time ever using Unity... I think it's doable in about a month.
─ In that short amount of time?
ReeeznD: Making your own VRChat world is a daunting task, but resources for them are plentiful, so I recommend starting there by changing things to suit your preferences. That way you'll learn the basics, like adding music and placing a video player, and it'll most likely be about a month until you feel ready to publish the world. Once you've done all that, you can gradually make it more original by replacing purchased assets with your own modeled ones.
Nakata: Similarly in DTM there's something called a construction kit that has pre-made loops in it that you can use as a basis when making your own songs.
【Possibilities of VR live】 A future where avatars can switch the presets on a synthesizer in real time
I experienced firsthand through attending this concert that it's a different experience from simply watching something on a screen. Terms such as "virtual" and "immersive" are overused, and it's understandable how someone only familiar with VR in its current early stage of development would write it off or just imagine what it's like before they've seen it. To be entirely honest, I was one of those people. However, Nakata points out the tremendous entertainment potential of VR live shows, which brings to mind certain prejudices myself and others have about the superiority of "real concerts." Maybe a lot of creators who read this interview will come away from it wanting to learn more about this new field immediately.
─ Before, you mentioned that the production during the concert was done in real time. In which specific parts is this noticeable?
ReeeznD: An easy example is during the chorus parts of "Hikari no Disco," you can see streaks of light going every which way, and since the only instruction given was for light to scatter within a certain area, there's an element of randomness. But above all, the true random element is how users can view the performance from any vantage point they like. Even the sound changes depending on where in the 3D environment they're standing. It's difficult to notice because this kind of thing is obvious in real life concerts, but it's only possible here because a computer is undergoing real-time processing to achieve it.
Nakata: It's important not only to create the environment in real time, but to be actively working on behalf of the user's experience too. If I learn a bit more about the sound aspect of it, I think I'll be able to amp up the interactive elements. For this concert I prepared the music ahead of time, but if we could do it in real time I could make it more interactive and it would better convey the advantages of the VR format. If we really wanted to, we should be able to have the avatar up on stage push a preset button on the synth and change the music.
ReeeznD: Actually, there is a world called Fractone where you can play the synthesizer and program a sequencer.
Nakata: But if we try to implement things like that, your workload is gradually gonna increase (laughs). Honestly, out of all my performances, this show was the one that utilized the most of my ideas. When you try to do it in real life, it's difficult to find a venue to begin with, or what you want to do is flat-out physically impossible, or you just can't do it regardless of budget. However, in VR there aren't limitations like these. Rather, you can add aspects that give it a more realistic feel.
ReeeznD: When I talk to people familiar with the VR experience, nowadays they aren't sure if what they're seeing is fiction or reality. Another way you could look at it is Disneyland was made from fiction, but going to Disneyland is a real-life experience. I think that's the kind of sensation happening in VR. It may be a world created with CG, but it's still a place you can experience with your friends that isn't any different from reality.
Nakata: For example, when an online meeting concludes, I just think "it's done." But when I've been in a VR world, I take off my headset and think "I'm heading back." Like I'm going home (laughs). I can really tell the difference. It's as if I left the house for a bit.
─ Between ReeeznD-san and Kinu-san's talents and Nakata-san connecting with them, this turned out to be a great collaboration between fellow creators.
Nakata: Oh, no, not at all, it's more like I was lucky to get mixed up with some VRChat pioneers.
─ How are you planning to make use of VR in your future activities?
Nakata: Places where music is played bring with them a set of experiences, I think. Festivals are definitely like this, but there's a lot of people who just enjoy the process of going to them in itself. So I consider music to be a part of the production of an event like that, and I feel it's best to create things that suit each respective platform. In VR's case — as we were talking about sound effects a little while ago — sound doesn't have to be created under the assumption that it'll only be coming out of two speakers, so it's necessary to create a different mix specifically for a VR environment. It's been a rule-of-thumb to do things like increase the low end for songs meant to be played in clubs, or to make a song slightly louder for karaoke purposes; this is just the VR equivalent of that. It's just like how a film's multi-channel audio is mixed differently from its soundtrack. Since I mastered a stereo file this time, I want to try parallel processing for the next one.
─ With Nakata-san having cut the ribbon, if other artists get involved in the VR concert arena, I get the feeling we'll be able to see a new sort of future.
Nakata: I think so too. Then again, I'm worried about ReeeznD's schedule if everyone starts doing this (laughs).
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prfm-multiverse · 1 year
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CAPSULE Live in VRChat "Metro Pulse" will be held on August 5, 2023, 08:00 PM JST.
This is an opportunity to experience the "synth wave x city pop" world of "Metro Pulse" in a new way with CAPSULE avatars in a virtual world that transcends the limitations of reality. This live performance is a project to recreate the world of CAPSULE's 16th album "Metro Pulse". The members will perform as avatars in the "CAPSULE HOUSE" created in the social VR platform VRChat, which also appears in CAPSULE's music video.
Event Summary
Live name: "CAPSULE Live in VRChat "Metro Pulse URL
CAPSULE Live in VRChat"Metro Pulse" -Date ˸ Saturday‚ August 5‚ 2023‚ 8˸00 p․m(JST) -Venue ˸ CAPSULE HOUSE -DETAIL ˸ CAPSULE‚ an electro-pop duo that has been releasing numerous musical works using virtual studios since the dawn of time‚ has created a VR world within VRChat‚ the world's largest social VR platform‚ that recreates the world of their latest album "Metro Pulse"․
Performance date: Saturday, August 5, 2023, 8:00 p.m.
Venue: Special world "CAPSULE HOUSE" in VRChat
Participation fee: Free
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fluffy-critter · 9 days
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keefwho · 5 months
May 13 - 2024 Monday
I had a very busy day today. I woke up and immediately took my shower. Then got dressed and had mom drive me to the grocery store for the month's groceries. I ended up getting a LOT, more than usual. I went all out, maybe because I was starving. I don't regret it though, I just bought maybe 1.5-2 months worth of some foods. I nearly needed 3 carts to get it all, but that was due to paper towels and other such taking up volume. At the checkout I let this guy go ahead of me that was in a hurry. The cashiers knew him. He was very thankful, he said it twice. I had to insist that he go ahead of me because he declined the first time. I don't think I came off as weird or awkward like I usually do, I kept telling myself it's all just like VRchat. No one really cares that much, if anything the richness of life comes from all these unpredictable social experiences. I also made a little conversation with the old cashier lady. When it came time to check out, I had a little emergency because it turned out I didn't have my debit card on me even though I tried to make sure I had it before I left. I mistook the feeling of my ID for my card. I realized my dad never gave it back to me after he used it to take out my rent. I ran outside to mom where we tried to scrounge up $450 in cash but we were a hundred short. She let me use my dad's credit card which thankfully went through. On the way home I got a slim jim and played my vaporwave music over the car speakers. At home I put away all my groceries and joined BR and them in a VC while I ate "breakfast" which was a teriyaki ramen bowl.
In stream I warmed up with more torso stuff since I've been struggling with the subject lately. I realized maybe I was being too structured and mathematical about it all so I became looser with how I was capturing the forms. For work I finished the commission I was working on which came out great and I sketched SK's thing and got her payment. Also got GZ's Venus comic ready. I ended 30 minutes early since I had done all my work and needed time to think on an idea for a Venus fallout piece as requested by a Patron.
During lunch BR DMed me and invited me to join in her art server VC where FY was too. This is the first time I can remember her inviting me to anything directly in a long while so I couldn't say no. It was a fun call, she was drawing vore and everyone was just vibin. I got boolied a lot as usual but not in a bad way. For lunch I wasn't too hungry since I ate breakfast late so I just had 1/3 the jar of pizza flavored pringles. I played Roblox horses until it was work time, then I screen shared the request I had to do and the pic I'm working on for DS of her horse. Then I worked about 45 minutes on the world for PZ. The VC had disbanded halfway through that so I put a Minecraft stream on the side to listen to. DS called me near the end so we hung out while I finished and she worked on her fursuit hooves. We watched some furry con content while I played KSP and then a few episodes of Moral Orel. THEN a good episode of She Ra. As is common sometimes, neither of us seemed to have a good idea of what to watch or engage in. Usually I'm down to watch anything and watching is the only option since she's working on stuff. But I get that it can be fun to submit to someone else's suggestions so I want to have some ready. She headed upstairs while I made a chicken strip and fries for dinner. We did puzzlies and I started playing the PC Monster High game for her, we came up with a skeleton girl named Patella and I actually like her a lot.
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the-dreamwalkers-vr · 8 months
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The Dreamwalker's music venue "The Ritual Room" is live! Go check out our world by searching for it in the world browser!
Our upcoming annual event "THE RITUAL" is scheduled for February 3rd! RSVP to the event by joining our Discord!
You can find our group in VRChat by searching for DREAM.9804! Join our group to receive notifications about upcoming events!
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fluffy-critter · 2 months
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keefwho · 5 months
April 23 - 2024 Tuesday
This morning I gave Sporticus a bath. There was a big spider in the shower the whole time I couldn't seem to wash down the drain but it didn't bother me too much. She shed a TON of hair this time around. I also found out later that she peed in the corner of my room, likely after her bath while I was taking a shower. For breakfast I made a jimmy dean sandwich with rice and a pear cup. I intended on doing my workout today and this was a good breakfast for it calorie-wise. I watch an episode of Moral Orel about Doughy being neglected.
For work I warmed up with sketches of wolves. They didn't turn out as good as others and I found out that their front legs aren't easily simplified. Also that they are very similar to horses at certain joints. Then I spent another hour on the Venus commission coloring the characters. And then I finished preparing my next NSFW YCH.
After work I did my dishes and started my workout. I watched a video of Dan Schneider while I did a few sets of lunges and a couple miles on the treadmill. I found out my knee still hurts, I MAY have to schedule a doctor's appointment for it. Although I haven't given it an opportunity for some good rest so I should probably try to take it mega easy for a couple weeks before asking a doctor. For lunch I made chicken stew. I was aiming to make it rich and spicy but ended up making it too salty somehow, I think too much lemon pepper. It was edible but not that great for the effort. While cooling/eating, TK was messaging me about issues with her boyfriend and how he has a pattern of problematic jealousy. I took her side completely with what she had to say, it sounded to me like he not only had unrealistic expectations but also that he was not communicating the problem very well. It got me thinking a lot in general about jealousy and how the dynamic can change between two people that work well together when they elevate from friends to a relationship. I think nothing SHOULD change if both parties know how to talk and don't develop unrealistic needs.
I did my afternoon work late on account of how long the stew took. I did a request for FY that I think turned out okay and then I got into VRchat to paint from "life". I went to that old world DS and I found with all the hobkin avatars and picked a place to stand that I'm going to copy from. I think it's a great idea because it's basically just a color study and results in a sort of unique result, that being what looks like an uninteresting in-game screenshot but it's actually been hand painted. After that I worked on my avatar for about 15 minutes which was enough time to prepare and bake the AO for the textures. This whole time I was using my good headphones to listen to loud rain with some music and a stream at a lower volume.
When I was done I hopped on the Roblox horse game to catch some horses and check out the training island. DS was free so we called and watched a furry species ranking video while I horse trained and she practiced airbrushing. We also finally watched the fabled balut sausage video which was horrifying, I actually thought I might throw up and had to look away. Then it was more of the usual furry con content and we went on a sidetrack trying to see if any of the footage had her in it. We found about 10 pixels of her at the waterfront in 2022, still an exciting find.
In bed we did our puzzles. The crossword was really hard for some reason and took us a whole 12 minutes. The last 2 only took a little over 1 minute each. Then it was 2 Monster High chapters and I played through the Beast's Castle level in KH2 until I got to the boss. We did a little smash or pass session with the enemies and a few actually got me thinkin a little.
Today was strange in that for most of it, I really had the desire to be alone but not to be myself. Usually when I wanna do something alone, I'm still trying to express myself. But I didn't want that today, I wanted the influence of others. The happy medium was a little bit of texting. Also since today was about "self", I combined that with my Costar prompt which was "cry over someone else's problems". So during the afternoon I was thinking a lot about TK and DS, putting myself in their shoes thinking about the woes they both expressed today. It felt good, like a helpful empathy exercise.
0 notes
keefwho · 5 months
April 19 - 2024 Friday
This morning I took out the trash, vacuumed, and wiped down my desk. For breakfast I made dinty moore beef stew with some pasta added in. I watched some Moral Orel, great show.
On stream I warmed up with Rats upon DS's request. I also had a lot of Tablet trouble and had to restart twice before I could start working. I learned that rats lend themselves very well to the oval technique. I worked on the Venus commission for an hour and then switched to my Sparkle On YCH. I drew a good body but it didn't fit my otter and might not fit many others that get this YCH so I'll be doing a lot of body modification for each one. It'll up the price.
After work I hopped on VRchat with the intention of multitasking. I was going to try to tweak my social organization but I couldn't with this girl in the lobby talking mine and TK's ears off. She was interesting but she wouldn't let us get a word in. Also she was drunk. I mostly partook in the conversation while I made lunch with was tuna casserole I've never made before. It was pretty good and I even had milk to use.
After lunch I worked on my millie cuck art drawing moxie's frame. I had to redo the colors because I didn't like what I made which was hard but always worth it for a better result. I hung out in BR's server while working, I watched videos with them on the side. For awhile her and JG left and it was just me. I vibed out to classic music of mine until BR got back. We chatted while I worked on my Mr Bean world. I'm finding that even with such a simple world, I probably need a trello for it. When I was done, I almost immediately hopped into VRchat to attend RS's birthday part for a tiny bit like I said I would. It's not really my scene but it seemed really important to him that I attended. Also my mom called him to wish happy birthday which was funny. I was a little offput by the extreme amount of PDA I saw. I got off to chill a little bit before DS got on since I was getting socially overloaded. I watched some more Moral.
When she got on we hung out in a Black Cat to start. She was very grateful for her new controller allowing her to move properly. Our old friend Chicken Tendies joined and we all got to talk about our food/church trauma. Also someone recognized her as Franky Stein. I wanted to try Probability Labs which was very rocky. It was hard to find a functioning game for some reason and when we did, there was just some bad luck making the rounds kinda lame. We left to go chat since I think that was the vibe. We hopped to a Mars world where we followed a wholesome kid around. As usual some douchebags didn't know that you should treat kids online with care. They had explicit avatars and were antagonistic. We then went to a moon world where we really started talking. Then we went to a flower world and talked about heavier things. We both got to give our ted talks and it was a nice exchange.
In bed we smoked wordle and I progressed in KH2 a tiny bit.
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keefwho · 9 months
January 02 - 2024 Tuesday
This morning I took the garbage out, vacuumed the floor, tidied up some boxes, and scrubbed Sporticus's water bowl. I showered without my phone today because I've been intentional about not watching/listening to something unless I have an actual desire to because most often I just try to fill the silence. For breakfast I made corned beef hash with onions and bell peppers with 2 pieces of toast. I chopped all the peppers I bought into strips and froze them for sandwich use. I watched Bojack while eating breakfast.
I got to stream on time and warmed up trying to draw my otter in the spongebob maid outfit. I also sketched and priced another guy's commission. I had trouble sketching and was also worried I'd have nothing good to draw because my heart has not been in it lately to the point where I think it might be best to not try and force myself to draw something unless it's for work obviously. I finished both of Shiro's commissions today which put me just over my daily quota since they were both small. I remember getting irritated at not being able to draw her hands well and figure in general. I just wasn't good at it today and I feel bad that some people's commissions suffer because of it.
After stream I heard my new speakers come in so I tried to set them up but realized I had no way to plug them into my PC and headphones at the same time. Unfortunately I have to send them back which reminds me I also need to send back this other thing I've been putting off. I have no excuse since I just give them to my dad to take to UPS whenever he ends up going to town. I also wrapped Daisy's last present that just came in. Afterwards XQC started streaming so I tuned in while I tried to make Hoover stew. I got bored of him and switch to Bojack again while I cooked and ate. It turned out okay, healthy and filling at the very least. I'll probably try making it again. Then I opened a Dr.Thunder and got to work.
I finished a request for Tag which I think turned out well. Then I worked on a late Venus new year's pic for 1 hour. I was struggling with the colors and decided to sort them out later. Right after that I did day 1 of the yoga challenge which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, she started off with some physically testing poses I struggled to hold. It felt good to stretch though. I did it in the barbie-like flower world in VRchat. This weird guy requested off me but I denied. After that I buckled down and started my new secret project for 1 hour which went well. I enjoyed doing it and it was relaxing since I had TOTK on my TV just resting with it's ambient music and weather.
When I was done with that I wanted to relax so I put on an episode of Bojack. Towards the end, Daisy became free so we called and chilled. I tried playing a little KSP but didn't do much before quitting. She shared her screen looking at Twitter and then we checked Zillow for outrageously expensive houses. We saw a plantation and also a well designed house for once. We also peaked at Disney houses, dog races, and cartoons out of context. She got to bed pretty quick and I played Neopets for her. I thought we were at the end but there's still at least another chapter to go so I was happy about that.
Today was okay, I was very productive and stuck to my schedule well which I always feel good about. In the evening I didn't know what I wanted and felt very boring while hanging out. I was afraid I was dull to be around and was feeling very self conscious about my hair. I think in general it's because I didn't have much to contribute today, like I had no substance.
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maiosx · 1 year
i gave apple a kickback bc the app i use gave me perks this month, but ultimately i want to lease buildings to host events at and just continue to evolve technologies and apis for flight and ai transportation bc my goal is to have those buildings be used for musician and masterclass events so that cities can grow as they do bc there aren't many cool venues in the US. like music in no way should be associated with alcohol or weird landlords. the last concert i was gonna go to was in a wine cellar and i did not go to it, the other one was like a weird trippy one i also didn't go, and if battletapes had a place to tour to here i would definitely go. like also musicians should not have to worry about their fans being in swarms of crazy ppl fighting eachother or being drugged/hurt by others. my little brother goes to a lot of those events and he says that he has to rent hotels, and that makes no sense, like the hotel itself should have a venue and artists should not agree to lineups that last 3 or 5 days, and sell tickets for that amount of time. that is crazy and their tours must be draining on them and their fans. artist could host their stuff on like vrchat but that is lame for autheniticity reasons, plus can't sell merch like pop up shops.
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