#vrains vanguard au
Vrains Vanguard Au plot details
Since it's based off of Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains, there will be 4 seasons:
Season 1 follows pretty much what happened in canon, with some set up, Queen gets introduced sooner
Interim Season: shows the other ignis in cyberse world, living their lives until they have to split up from Bohman's attack.
Season 2: Mostly the same, few differences:
Earth loses Zoa to Playmaker
After Go loses to Playmaker, Queen wants a new pawn to play with, and challenges Akira to a cardfight, she wins, and puts a mind control ai in Akira's head along with the ai that Go got.
Windy loses Stark to Revolver
To save Aqua, Blue Girl teams up with Ghost Girl, and challenges Blood Shepard to a 2v1 tag fight
As a test run, Queen sends Akira to fight Ghost Girl, he wins, then sends him to Mirror Link Vrains.
Instead of fighting bohman in canon, Aoi (blue maiden) fights Akira, she wins, and Aqua saves his data, Bohman leaves so Blue Maiden can rest from her fight.
Soul Burner loses Drachma to Bohman
Revolver loses Stark to Lightning
With the six Zeroth dragons evenly divided: Playmaker has Dust and Zoa, Blue Maiden has Megiddo; Bohman has Drachma, and Lightning has both Stark and Ultima. Setting up a tagfight as the finale: Bohman and Lightning vs Playmaker and Blue Maiden.
Season 3: unknown as of right now
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Arc V Vanguard Au update
So, I know I have been sitting on this au for awhile. Though, it is mostly because someone else actually already made a Link Joker arc v fanfic(called Seed of Darkness). I actually originally got the idea of the au from seeing the @platinumhikari edits of reversed Arc V characters then I read Seed of Darkness. My idea of this au has actually changed a lot of time. You may have noticed it since a lot of the post about this au contradict each other. Basically, my original idea was that the Link Joker Seed ended up in the 4 Arc V dimensions and it gets passed around like a game of hot potato between the characters. Eventually, my idea changed to what if the reverse replaced the Yu boys berserk mode? Though, I eventually had Zarc kinda get taken out if the picture like. What if Link Joker like takes the counterparts for itself and Zarc is kicked to the curb? Though, something I realized and made a post about awhile back is that starting with Link Joker would be a bit weird so I should have a arc before that. After all, the real scary thing about Link Joker is how it takes control of characters and the angsty matches that insue. That’s when it became less the reverse au and more just the Vanguard au. (Note this description is massively summarized and tries to avoid spoiling too much)The arc before the reverse arc is basically very similar to Asia Circuit and has the four dimension dragons being stolen by the void. And while the dragons were held captive the void would mess with them and merge them with the Link Joker units(so the Link Joker units can keep them in line and watch the Yu boys). After the Yu boys get them back they unknowingly become infected by Link Joker. Also, in that arc I mentioned there’s four mysterious agents of void the Yu boys fight. Also, there’s actually apart of this au that takes place in the Vanguard world. The weakened Zarc actually ends up there and wrecks havoc with copies of the dimensional dragons. Basically, Zarc just drops them from the sky like Ryuk and they possess people like number cards. Zarc is basically looking for the best person to temporarily possess. Zarc wants his vengeance on the void so he needs to regain his power so he can go back and get his counterparts and regain his original body. Also, Aichi challenges him to a cardfight(The squad joins in because their like there’s ‘no way your fighting a kaiju on your own you idiot 😂.)
Misaki: I will support every decision you make
Aichi: I’m gonna challenge that dragon to a cardfight
Misaki: Except that one!
Also, this au eventually goes into Vrains and has the Zeroth Dragons. So, if have been thinking...🤔how interested are you guys in this au? After I complete Wings of Salvation do you think I should still make a fic about this when there’s already a Link Joker Arc V fic? That’s why I haven’t made this au into fic.
(Edit: I looked for the old post I made about the arc before Link Joker and I think I forgot to put tags on it. I could manually search through my posts but that would take quite awhile. I’m pretty sure I posted it because I remember being disappointed it had no notes🤔. I don’t really remember exactly what I wrote but I remember putting the basic premise of the arc in it. The basic premise of that arc is relatively the same from then I just added more stuff to it.)
(Edit2: Oh my god I actually found it! I don’t know why it didn’t show up when I searched my Yugioh Arc V posts. Yeah, so all of that is basically the same except the ritual dragon bit.)
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itsashowtime · 5 years
You've heard of Hanoi Sakimu, but get ready for... Society of Light Ryoken (if you'd like, mainly I wanted to use the meme format 😂)
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I’m so angry, they look so good in each other’s outfits??? whoa
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authoratmidnight · 6 years
For the Vanguard Vrains au, I figured Akira Zaizen uses Dark Irregulars, and Yusaku has Shadow Paladin. That's about it so far
Oooh that would be interesting.
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zexalmonth · 7 years
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Hello all of you lovelies! ^^
For the second year Zexal Month will be hosted by only myself ( @wendymoto ). @yaminoamber has a big big work commitment IN FRANCE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. Our lovely Amber will be ascended into French territory and won’t be back until December. She’ll have bits and pieces of internet, but work comes first! So please send Amber your wishes and luck. <3
Before I start the information, I would just like to mention that with each week, I will be holding a ‘Content Creator’s Showcase’. Information on how this works and how to ‘enter’ will be posted  separately from this information post.  Stay tuned!
For the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the ZEXAL MONTH INFORMATION. 
This year I wanted to do things a bit differently to allow a lot more creative subjects. and because of this, weeks might look messy. Nevertheless I will learn from it if things don’t go as planned or if anyone has any concerns or ideas for next year, feel free to message me. 
How you choose to contribute is entirely up to you.
For example, you could gif, draw, write, edit etc. The options are endless. Participating every day is not required! 
DO NOT REPOST ART FROM OTHER SITES WITHOUT PERMISSION. This includes artists on tumblr. Do not take their work without permission. These include sites that most reposted art are found. (E.g Paintbucket and sites like it, pinterest, instagram etc.) 
Respect everyone’s work, headcanon etc. 
Please respect any OC’s, fan characters, self inserts etc. Even if you don’t like them, they would mean the world to the creators. I’ll be tagging as ‘zexal oc’s’ if you would like to blacklist that. 
Please tag ‘nsfw’ things as they are. Or triggers if you feel the need too.
Tuesday 1st - Sunday 6th
Design a new outfit DAY! 
This is self explanatory. Pick characters and draw any and all outfits you like. Put them in some of your clothes if you want!  Be as fashionable or as ridiculous as you like (This day was inspired by Yuuma in episode 9!)
Different Characters who were not Barians or Astral beings as Barians or Astral beings  E.g.  Draw/write their past or a scene with other Barians/Astral beings.
Anyone who has thought of other characters as the Barian/Astral race, it’s your time to shine! You can use your imagination to experiment with design ideas, backstories, duels, scenes, headcanons and more. 
ZEXAL imagines. (From the tumblr blogs) 
Pick one of the examples from the 100+ imagines blogs and go with it. You don’t have to use these blogs, they are just examples. Please link to the post from the imagines that you choose.      
http://alloftheimaginesblog.tumblr.com/ http://thefandomimagine.tumblr.com/        http://imagines-come-true.tumblr.com/ http://masterofimagines.tumblr.com/
Alternate Death Day:
As we know, many characters died in the last arc of Zexal.  Today is a day to re-do their deaths in perhaps a more meaningful/impactful/traumatic way.  Or if you prefer, plan the death of a character who didn’t actually die at all.  How would that go?  Let us know on Death Day!
Sat/Sun: Catch up/Preparing weekend.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th
YGO/YGO ZEXAL crossover Day! (Any Yu-Gi-Oh! series crossed with ZEXAL.)
This one is as simple as anything. Only rule is you’re combining Yugioh and Yugioh: whether it’s one of the other series, from Season 0 to VRAINS, or with one of the many YGO movies, anything goes!
Card game crossovers Day. E.g. Vanguard, Magic of the Gather or even UNO. 
Any other card game crossovers with ZEXAL that you would love to show off. This day is for you!
For extra convenience, I have found a Magical Card Anime and Manga list and a mass list of Card Games. 
 Take your new/current fandom and ZEXAL and squish ‘em together! 
FANDOM’S EVERYWHERE. Fandom’s that you’re in now crossed with ZEXAL. Squish ‘em together in one huge pile  and display it for the world!  Due to the fact that we already had days for them, other YGOs and Card Game Anime are excluded: pick another fandom for this day!
Question time! Any ZEXAL mysteries that weren’t solved that you wished were solved? 
List, describe or show your headcanons for those mysteries if you have any. 
Free Crossover Day.
Any crossover with ZEXAL that you would like to make, plop them into a post and post it today!
Sat/Sun:  Catch up/Preparing weekend.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th
OC/Fan Character Day! 
Feel free to do anything with your OCs on this day! Show and explain them. Draw them in an outfit, tell us what they do, what decks they use or if they do not duel. Anything goes with OC’s today!
Self Insert Day. 
This day is mostly an experiment for Zexal Month. I’ve recently seen plenty of fandom’s do these kind of things, so if you like the idea of this day, post as much as you like. Make it successful and I shall bring it back in coming years 
If you’re looking for examples, you could write yourself talking to your favourite character about a certain thing. Maybe about another show/anime. Maybe yourself geeking out with Astral over Esper Robin/The Sparrow. Or just a drawing of yourself with your fav character. 
Different Protag Day. What do you think would have happened if somehow Yuma’s protag status was switched to someone else?
Any minor characters you think would be great as a Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonist. Writing, drawing, gifs, headcanons, etc. 
Since it is Tasuku Hatanaka’s birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASUKU HATANAKA.), on this lovely Thursday will be a tribute to anything and everything Yuuma. 
Possibilities are endless with this one. Yuuma is in everything, shipping, AUs etc. Go for it. Favourite moments, things Yuuma inspired you about, Yuuma videos, fanfics, art and AU’s. Or if you would like to share any in real life Kattobingu life moments. Nows your chance! 
Also, here is the link to his twitter if any of you would like to give him a message or shower him with love. 
Wishes that you wanted to happen. 
Things that you wish had happened that you would have loved that would have been great in canon. 
A challenge is waiting for you all. I challenge you to not think about shipping and ships with this one. As much as the majority of you ship just about anything and the kitchen sink in ZEXAL, what things would be great in canon that doesn’t include shipping. For example, Yuuma’s parents being able to go back home and be with their family again. 
Sat/Sun:  Catch up/Preparing weekend.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th
One True Pairing (OTP) Day.  
SPREAD YOUR OTPS ALL OVER THE PLACE. SHOW THE WORLD YOUR LOVE FOR PAIRINGS IN ZEXAL. SPREAD THEIR LEGS. (Stupid joke Wendy, stupid joke. But yet I still laughed at myself.)
If a ship was canon, how would it go? 
Create all of your headcanons, imaginations, feels, into posts for the fandom to see!
Disclaimer: Dub and Sub day are experimental days. If you like them, make them successful.
ZEXAL DUB DAY (All dubs, English, German, Italian etc.)  
For anyone who loves these dubs, feel free to gif or write anything to do with these dubs. I myself have posted some English dub gifs in the past. 
Here is also Eli Jay’s twitter if you would like to send him a nice message about the English dub.
A challenge to anyone who doesn’t really like it, to write ONE or more things that they do like about it. Whether it be a certain voice, a few lines or the fact that they kept Yuuma’s full name.
SUB DAY: (Anything subtitled related.) 
Today is more like an appreciation for the original ZEXAL subtitled. E.g. Redrawing a scene/cap into your style. 
If you did not participate last year, or you don’t really know what to do for today, you can use the information from Week 1 last year and put them all in a post. 
Palette day’s. Today and Monday. 
Use this palette I created to create any artwork that you would like to do. If you want, you can mix any of the days up with this palette, such as, using the sub day to create art of your favourite characters using the palette here. Or mix it up with the next day as well. I hope you guys like the colours I chose too. Also I would like to thank @metalgeartachyon for helping me with good palette colours. Love you miz miz. :)
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Sat/Sun: Catch up/Preparing weekend. 
Monday 28th - Thursday 31st
Palette continued. 
Tuesday and Wednesday:
Words Day’s. 
Use any of these words to create any content that you wish. If you want, you can mix any of the days up with this as well. The choice is yours!
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Fan’s day!
Send ZEXAL fans that you know and enjoy content from, send them a nice message. Or if you would like to list the content creators that you enjoyed from this month into a post, feel free to do that also. Send them some love. :)
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me on this blog or even on my personal blog at @wendymoto.
We encourage anyone and everyone in the Zexal fandom to try and contribute or reblog others posts.
Let’s continue to enjoy and love ZEXAL for everything that it is and isn’t.
If you would like me to see them, please tag them with #ZexalMonth, #Zexal Month, #wendymoto. We will surely see and enjoy your posts as well. Amber will pop in from time to time to enjoy content. 
I’ll look forward to seeing the posts you guys make. 
Thank you everyone. <3
With ‘zeal’ Wendy and Amber . <3
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Vrains Vanguard Au Master Deck list
Okay, I've mentioned this several times already, but: I actually have deck lists for the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains for a vanguard au, but I'm not allowed that much space, so for now I'm showing you the clans the characters play.
United Sanctuary:
Royal Paladin:
Shoichi Kusanagi - Seeker build
Bohman - Altmile (brave)
Haru - Blaster/Alfred
Lightning - Sanctuary Guard (holds Zeroth Dragon of Zenith Peak Ultima)
Shadow Paladin:
Yusaku/Playmaker - Luard (ritual)
Ema/Ghost Girl - Witches
Angel Feather
Aoi/Blue Angel - Celestials
Aoi/Blue Girl - Witches
Gold Paladin
Go Onizuka - Ezel
Dragon Empire:
Revolver - Overlord The X, Perdition Overlord, V Series Overlord
Takeru/Soul Burner - Blademaster (blaze) (holds Zeroth Dragon of Inferno Drachma due to Flame)
Go Onizuka - Ancient Dragon, Gaia (Engorge)
Dark Zone
Dark Irregulars
Akira Zaizen - Schaharot (darkness)
Gear Chronicle
Yusaku/Playmaker - Chronojet (ZTB) (holds Zeroth Dragon of the End of the World Dust due to Ai)
Great Nature:
Earth - Bigbelly (Success) (holds Zeroth Dragon of Death Garden Zoa, loses Zoa to Playmaker)
Faust - Machining
Dr Genome - Giraffa
Baira - Darkface Gredora (dark device)
Neo Nectar
Specter - Arboros ride chain
Aoi/Blue Maiden - Nightrose (hollow) (holds Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea Megiddo due to Aqua)
Nova Grappler
Windy - Beast Deity Reverse (holds Zeroth Dragon of Destroy Star Stark), Victor (Rush, after losing Stark to Revolver)
Blood Shepard - Blau
Link Joker:
Queen - Messiah
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Okay, Vrains Vanguard au because why not?
Human!Ai: Dark Irregulars, Gastille build, and he has Zeroth Dragon Dust since he has it's data.
Human!Roboppy: Dimension Police - Dimensional Robo build (Daikaiser legion) because I needed to round out Stargate clans, and dp was the clan I didn't have a player for.
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If I ever post some of my deck lists for my vrains vanguard au, I know exactly how both chibicrow and @real-life-pine-tree will react to specific card choices.
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So, does anyone want me to post the deck lists I have for my vanguard vrains au?
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I really regret giving Blood Shepard Nova Grappler in my vrains vanguard au now.
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authoratmidnight · 6 years
You may or may not have seen it, but I'm high-key considering a vanguard au for vrains.
Yes, I think I did see that.
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