#vraelgard mun intro
resolutetruth · 4 years
hiya! i’m jade, i’m 21, pronouns are he/they/xe/she & i was here for a very brief amount of time back in like. april. but i missed the group so i’m hoping i can keep up w/ things this time! i decided to bring saihara to the group instead this time since i’ve kinda missed writing him on tumblr... anyway, i’ll follow people both on here & my other muses right after i get this post out alongside a starter call! sorry for taking so long to actually post on my muses, but hey. here i am now. feel free to follow me on twitter @saihawas & let’s get this party started!
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shuichi saihara
18. he/they/xe. nonbinary, bisexual, & ultimate detective.
if you have a mystery you want solved? here’s your guy! though humble, he’s highly perceptive and always willing to work on a new case. the truth may be scary at times but he won’t shy away from facing it anymore. if he can help take some of the burden off of others and gently help them face the truth too? well, that just makes everything worth it.
that being said, his undeniably generous, caring nature means that he can have a tendency to take on a little too much. while he isn’t necessarily against leaning on others, he doesn’t like to worry them. combining that with how stuck into his cases he can become... please, if you’re his friend, remind him to sleep.
carries a lot of guilt, regrets, and nightmares that plague him every time he closes his eyes. outwardly, he tries his best not to let that show too much, just immersing himself in the latest mysteries, books...  but there’s a reason he’s getting time magic!
all that aside, as serious as he may seem, he’s also very much a dork. a whole nerd. he will awkwardly joke around and even attempt to meme, especially if it’ll put a smile on his friends’ faces. maybe his real title should’ve been “ultimate sleep-deprived friend with an aptitude for solving mysteries”... hm, or maybe not. on second thought, “ultimate detective” suits him just fine.
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cryohearted · 4 years
heya! i'm jade, 21, pronouns are he/they/xe/she. i'm a bit late to the party but happy to be here! once again, feel free to follow my twitter @ saihawas. getting through all my blogs now, making icons & setting up posts. so, here i am on kaeya's! time to introduce him, i think.
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kaeya alberich / ragnvindr
23. he/him. cavalry captain to the knights of favonius back home. now...? who knows.
adopted son to the ragnvindr family, but comes with a whole bunch of fun family issues! him and his brother diluc no longer see eye to eye, to put it mildly. & i don’t just mean on the topic of wine! (kaeya loves it, diluc hates it.)
adding onto that last bit, you’ll find him hanging around bars quite often! with a charming smile and willingness to easily fall into conversation. in truth, he’s there for information, but doesn’t talking to him just feel so nice and natural? (that’s exactly how he gets you. one minute you’re having a casual conversation over a few drinks, the next you’re blurting out your nearest and dearest secrets to this lovely fellow.)
glacia being his patron comes as no surprise for anyone who knows this man. back in teyvat, he was blessed by the cryo (that is, ice) archon (...which is to say; god) and received a vision, giving him ice powers. while he doesn’t retain that here, he’s still on the path - albeit a somewhat different one - to some frosty abilities!
“everyone's got a secret, but not everyone knows what to do with it.”
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ultpxychometry666 · 4 years
((Anyway HI IT’S. YA BOY THANA bringing my boy Ahn here. If you’re from Despairing Vacation 1.5, you’ll know him. If you don’t well uh. Lemme run some things down for you.
-Former Ultimate Psychometric of Class 66 (though rn I believe he doesn’t have his psychometry atm.) and was part of the Future Foundation set to bring ‘hope’ to the world. He worked within Division 6 aka the p*lice unit though he focused more on crime solving rather than the...other stuff. Yeah
-He’s alive, he’s been alive since the events of DV 1.5 and he knows the Doctor. If you see the Doctor referencing Ahn...You’ll know why. My city.
-He has trust issues and while he seems like he’s willing to get to know you...well. He’s scared that you’ll backstab him. He’s also very careful on what he says now due to uh. Several incidents during the game. Yeah! Fun!!! /sarcasm
-He’s fluent in Korean and semi-fluent in Japanese. His English is absolute shit.
-He also has a Boyfriend. Who is this boyfriend you ask? Wait till Monday.
But yeah I’ll put up a starter call shortly but if you ever want to plot like...DM me. I’m not scary I promise.))
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suzukatame · 4 years
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              hello, call me ree               I’m bringing otakemaru from onmyoji to vraelgard               onmyoji is a game steeped in folklore and this otakemaru               bears several similarities to the one of myth, however,               he’s also very much his own character               below are a few key points that may help jumpstart               ideas for interactions:
otakemaru is an oni from the sealands, meaning that despite being a mountain demon, he is amphibious and commands a pirate fleet of sea monsters back in his home world
he loves to fight, and putting up a good one is a surefire way to gain his respect
up until the war that led to his death, he’s had minimal contact with humans but holds a passing interest in them. suzuka gozen, the sealander who more or less raised him, had lived with humans for a time herself and he’s eager to learn how they had so easily charmed her
while I’ve taken otakemaru from the point immediately after his death, his memories of this event are currently spotty. once he gathers his bearings in vraelgard, he will believe that this is a new opportunity to save mt. suzuka, his home, from the contamination that had drove him to war in the first place
he’s been relatively sheltered from the world outside of mt. suzuka, though that outside world is still that of the heian era (roughly 794 - 1185 AD), so almost everything in vraelgard is going to be bewildering and surprising to him
he has retained his ability to protect himself against physical attacks through the use of rocky spines that rise from his body when threatened; he will be eager to test how well he can fight without his other powers and weapons
               as for me, the mun, I’m 27 and not too interesting                this is my first time in a mfrp group, so I’m eager                to jump in. I’ll be reading over the event and                putting up a starter call in the coming days.                I’m looking forward to meeting all of you                wonderful people! 
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gunlady · 4 years
The Walking Arsenal — “Lady”
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28 year old Demon / Devil Hunter for hire!
Pansexual queen, can’t stop flirting with cute girls.
Devil May Cry’s best girl, upbeat and encouraging.
Happy to loan you money, but you’d better pay her back. Or else.
Carries so many guns. Like, so many.
Has been a bonafide badass since she was a tween.
Covered in scars from her nose to her toes (literally).
Loves pizza, a good race, and almost any challenge.
Her two moods are “prepare to die” and “prepare for comfort”.
Seriously, Dante. Where’s my money.
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Hi everyone! I’m V, probably better known at this point as Assistant Xevin and I’m finally back at it with a new muse! Things got pretty busy for me for a while there, but I’m eager to get back to interacting with everyone again. I’m 23, a Capricorn, and my life is 30% caring for ferrets, 30% gaming, 20% rp things, 10% sleep. I’m so bad at introducing myself, but you’re always welcome to send me an IM or a DM on discord if you need anything
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phoenixsblade · 4 years
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Do you like charming pretty boys who can wield claymores and controls fire?
What if charming pretty boy has a dark, feral past?
What if he broke the law nonstop to continuously do the right thing for the city he loves?
What if I said he’s fantasy Tuxedo Mask/Batman?
What if I said he has a hidden soft underneath his intensity?
Anyway, the rest are still spoilers, so I’ll hold off posting them for now, but... I love one man.
Anyway, hi, it’s Cola again!! I brainrotted so hard I realized that I may not be able to pull Diluc in gacha, but I sure can rp as him instead. I said more or less everything I wanted to say in Kaede’s post the other, but I do wanna reiterate my excitement to be here!! I’ll post starter calls in a moment now too.
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xithdctr · 4 years
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((anyway big owos and big hellos everyone! I’m Thana and I play your local madman with a box (and a screwdriver) except the box is just a carton of milk and his screwdriver is wonky rn. I got by she/her or they/them (but in reality I don’t?? really give a shit call me whatever) and uh i stan Youngjae (and ot7) from Got7. Fellow Kpoppies RISE.
I’m currently in uni and in an rp game (which when that ends I will be apping him here) so replies will a bit sporadic.
Also my canon point IS before ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’ so anything past that is blank in his mind. He will not remember ANYTHING including ‘The Day of the Doctor’.
Uh...I don’t have anything else other than let’s have fun, I am here for a FUN time and maybe some angsty times--
Anyway have fun with the Doctor and if any other incarnations of the Doctor want to hmu feel free I crave shenanigans.
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heroinesregret · 4 years
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Kaede Akamatsu!!
Do you like bright, cheerful protagonists? You’ve come to the right place!!
Your local piano enthusiast who may or may not unintentionally ignore you, if you let her near a piano.
Do you need a friend? Do you not need a friend? You’ve got one now either way. This is a threat and a promise.
A little too headstrong for her own good. Kaede has deep opinions about what’s right and wrong. Of course, those deep opinions can land her into a lot of trouble, but... you know... she means well.
Don’t ask about the deep trauma and guilt. She’s repressing it, but it is Always There.
She can light the room with her brightness, literally and figuratively now!
Hi everyone!! I’m Cola, 25, she/her. You may or may not remember me from several months ago, but I was here previously (as Winter Schnee of RWBY) for a very short spell. This time I’m back with my beloved daughter, Kaede. And I’m excited to be back! I hope to write with you all one way or another. I plan to post a starter call sometime soon, but first I wanna work on the other muse I plan on on apping. So, feel free to hit me up on the ims or Twitter if you wanna plot!! Or feel free to ask for my discord, but replies will be slowest there!
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A mun intro after my starter call cause that’s just how it be!
Hello, I’m Rae, 24, and I’ve been pretty on and off with tumblr rp for a while if anyone remembers a sassy child oc and certain forever 10yr old trainer running around a few years back. Was in one consistent group before taking a hiatus and kinda just didn’t recover after that oop. I’ll do my best to adjust to tumblr changes here.
Anyway, identity v has pretty much taken over my existence at this point but I still talk about other games like sky and fgo. Trying to watch more anime again, especially older shows. If you wanna talk with me more or just watch me scream at my lack of gacha luck, you can follow me on twitter @atlantlas. 
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violition · 4 years
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vicious / tales of (crestoria)
aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you wanna go apeshit?
he’ll even give you a nice fancy weapon for it!
otherwise he’s just out here to attack everyone and have a good time
naturally arouses suspicion, but at this point he’s used to it
his favorite things are a) booze and b) pranking people
despite his reputation, is actually the party’s therapy friend
okay so maybe he’s not as bad as people say. maybe.
Hello there, my name is Novas! They/Them, over 21 years old, and just some punk who may have been roleplaying for way too long. While I have been RPing for years, I’m relatively new in the Tumblr scene. I’m currently locked over at my twitter but it is the best way to reach me out and I would generally accept anyone who asks for an invite. Nice to meet you!
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brightlilies-a · 4 years
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   lali-ho! done any crimes lately? no? oh, ok then. but henlo, i’m angii, 24 years old (he/him/they/them, pls), and referred to by my wife’s free company as her imaginary friend, and no i’m not making that up. but you aren’t here for me, and frankly, i’m not even here for me, so let’s talk about albi instead! if you are here for me, uh... got my twitter & u can always ask for my discord.
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   - albi cannot read. or write. he’s absolutely 100% illiterate and uneducated.    - yes, he is a catboy (technically, he’s a keeper of the moon miqo’te), but do not actually call him a cat! or, well, i guess you can, but he won’t like it.    - speaking of things he doesn’t like, he also really hates being called ‘al’. albi’s just much more friendly-sounding.    - he’s a dancer, and a himbo, and the epitome of “heart of gold!!! dumb of ass!!!!!”    - the only thing he likes more than his girlfriend is a ripe apple.    - A SMILE BETTER SUITS A HERO (:
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liechecked · 4 years
hello! i’m jade, 21, pronouns are she/her or they/them & i’m here to write this gremlin into existence within vraelgard!! i’m... sorta new to writing him? in canon, at least. i don’t usually write him unless it’s in aus but i felt like changing things up a bit. so, please bear with me! other than that, you can catch me over on twitter @ ashebradIey (the I is an uppercase i, btw!) & i’ll throw out a starter call soon but i’m always open to plotting. as for my muse right here....
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kokichi ouma
18. he/him. chaotic. giving him powers here is.... well. Powerful. 
prankster at heart, but he’ll tell you otherwise! he’s totally the supreme leader of a super secret organisation.
if you couldn’t already tell, he lies. like, that’s his Thing. he’s a liar and he refuses to change that. he is the master of crocodile tears.
imagine being in a killing game then suddenly finding yourself here without anyone you recognise around at the time of writing. that’s his life now! he’ll cope*
*coping may involve pranking those around him and related acts of generally being a public nuisance. he craves attention and information, but at the same time? in truth, he doesn’t trust anyone here.
you can absolutely, definitely trust him though! and that’s not a lie. nishishi~
don’t worry he makes me tired too
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msamune · 4 years
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Main antagonist! One of the mist iconic video game antagonists.
Wants to become god by crashing a huge meteor into the planet and absorbing all the power that spills out! Get a load of this guy!!
Mommy issues (joked about often, low-hanging fruit), Daddy issues (less used to joke, richer fruit).
He will wish he could kill you but he can’t yet! :(
MASSIVE god-complex and I will reference it often along with angel imagery and general corrupted holiness!
He’s not really an angel after all the sins he’s committed but he’s an angel in my heart and that’s what really matters.
Regina! 17 years old, lives in New Mexico!
English is my second language so patience please! I’ve been speaking it since childhood but I still make the occasional slip!
I love exclamation points!!!
I’ve loved FF7 since I was a kid! It was a fav of my big brother and he let me play it! I used to change every changeable name in the original FF7 to Sephiroth because I wanted to confuse my sisters who were watching me play!
I’ll have a starter call up soon!!! Tomorrow for sure!
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carmendance-blog1 · 4 years
walks in like a month late. my sticks are everywhere. i hurriedly attempt to pick them up,
hello!! i’m jade & i am so sorry it’s taken me this long to get on ann’s blog! i’m currently playing through p5r so her muse is at an all time high. hopefully i can just be active now. i’ll get to stuff on ouma’s blog over the coming days too. for anyone who doesn’t know me from over there, it’s nice to meet you! i’m 21, i go by they/she pronouns, you can reach me over on my twitter & i’m just here to have a funky time
now, onto my muse!
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ann takamaki
17. she/her. a fashionable model/phantom thief here to... well, she doesn’t really know!
her acting is pretty bad but somehow she still fools people. how does she do it. what are her secrets. we just don’t know
sweets, sweets, sweets. please give her all the cakes and crepes. she will be your friend. probably. as long as you’re a good person!
won’t judge a book by its cover! she’s a very kind-hearted girl. but her kindness should not be mistaken as a weakness. she has strong morals and won’t hesitate to stand up and fight when she believes something is wrong. especially if it’s to defend her friends. she cares for them immensely.
she likes video games! mainly mobile games. mobile games are a valid form of gaming too!
her initial persona, carmen, exists here only as a trophy persona, since she has a patron sage (blaze, the sage of fire)
please no p5r spoilers! not really an ann fact, but i just needed to mention it somewhere. i’ll finish p5r soon enough. then i’ll look at revising canon points, etc.
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knightlyhearted · 4 years
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hey, y’all!!
finally made this post, after a bit of a delay, and it’s nice to meet you all! you can call me cenisa or cen, i respond to either one. i work full-time so i tend to be on the busy side, and i have multiple blogs, but you may always feel free to add me on twitter @noirwick or my discord cenisa#1271, but tell me who you are ahead of time! 
a big fan of shakespeare and arthuriana, i’m happy to be here, and hope you enjoy aegis’ nerding out as much as i do, even if he tends to have a stick where the sun don’t shine sometimes. feel free to message me too if you ever want to plot anything out too! <3
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prophetessblue · 4 years
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Cornflower Sapphire - Original Character
Former aristocrat, present vagabond
Tries to be dignified, but can be flustered easily
Very amiable towards others
Prefers to live in the present rather than the future
Want to explore a place and would like a buddy? Her planner is always open.
That darling hat of hers is her most beloved possession, do not damage it.
Seems to trust the royals, but is wary of the Sages (Is that why she has no Patron Sage?).
Studies anthropology and floristry for fun. You could likely find her at the Academy’s library if she has no other plans.
I can’t believe I forgot to do this! Please call me Teacake, My posting schedule may be erratic, but I’ll try to respond quickly!
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