#vox mochina
xxwillowpotatox · 1 month
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As promised I present to thee: old man grog
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freeusemuses · 8 months
Open starter: A Hellish Experience
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Things had seriously gone awry for the adventuring party Vox Mochina the moment they arrived in the Fire Plane. And in their haste to escape, their Druid Keyleth had met an unfortunate fate. Being captured by powerful devils.
The red haired half-elven beauty was brought into an auction house. Her fate obvious. She was going to be sold as a slave, if the wicked looking imp in tails and a tophat acting as the auctioneer was anything to go by.
"Our next item, my depraved lords, barrons and barronesses, is this gorgeous Druid. A high quality beauty merits the bidding begins at 100,000 gold!"
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thebfg37 · 6 days
18 days till vox mochina season 3
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Thoughts (Grog Strongjaw x Fem! reader)
It all was dark, I was just floating in the emptyness. I was lost, searching for an out. Calling out for help, no sound came from my mouth. A light, it showed itself from behind the shadows. I tried to get myself closer to it. The light suddenly got bigger and bigger, closer and closer, until the light finally consumed my body.
I jolted into an upright position on my bed, sweat rolling down my face. I sighed, sitting myself on the edge of my bed, cupping my face in my hands. I looked at the walls of my room in whitestone. "Why is it allways the same dream?" I ask myself.
I stand from my bed and head to my closet, opening the door and choosing my outfit for the day. A simple outfit of baggy pants and a tighter cropped shirt. Looking in the mirror by my desk I fixed my hair into a messy bun. I traced the cuts that are still on my face from our last fight. The bruises still very evident on my lower lip and left eye. I stared at myself for a littlw while before I made the desicion to get some breakfast with the rest of Vox Mochina.
As I walked through the hallways I could hear the voices coming from the dining hall as I inched closer to it. The familliar voices all happy.
I stepped into the dining hall and was greated by Cassandria. "Good morning Y/N!" There is too much enthusaim in her voice for it to be this early in the morning.
"Morning." I repond, walking over to my normal seat beside Pike. I look over to watch Scandlan and Grog wresting. Grog obviously winning. The scene before me was entertaining enough until food appered on the table.
Grog rushed to the seat on the other side of me to dig into his food.
I didn't nessassarly have an apitite. I picked off what I wanted and slid the rest over to Grog, who looked at me confused. "Are you not going to eat?" Grog says tilting his head.
"I took what I wanted." I looked up at him as I said this.
"Are you feeling well?" Alora looks over and asks me.
"I'm feeling fine." I say, leaning back into my chair a little further. Pike reaches over and puts her hand on my fourhead
"Her temp is fine." Pike says taking her hand off of my forehead. I stand up and look around.
"I said I feel fine." I stormed off as I said this.
I found my way to the gardens. My mind eases when I'm in the gardens. All the stress from the last battle and my nightmares melt away. I sit down on a bench towards the center of the garden to ponder on what happened over the last 48 hours.
I Look over as I watch Percy get knocked into a wall by a sea beast. My breath heavy, the taste of blood fresh on my tounge. I rise to my feet, sword at the ready, and charge.
The last thing that I remember from that fight was the beast clamping its jaw around my middle half. I place my hand to the still very fresh wounds on my side.
The scent of the flowers around me. The breeze tussling my hair. It all was so calming and yet the stress from the past few days consumed me. My friends would be leaving soon to go kill some more monster and I have to stay in Whitestone and heal. The thought of staying in Whitestone alone stressful. I need to be with my friends, I need to keep them safe. The thought of them dieing has me terrified for them to leave.
"Y/N?" A deep voice says from the side of me. I jump out of fright, as I hadn't heard anyone walking up to me, especally Grog. I look up at him and tilt my head slightly. "Are you ok? You took a pretty bad beating and you haven't been acting right." His caring tone made me melt a little inside. The way he is always there for me when I need someone makes me feel special.
"I'm fine, my head is just full of thoughts." I say looking back at the flowers. I feel Grog weight on the bench beside me. He lays his heavy hand on my shoulder.
"Bad thoughts or good thoughts?" He looks down at me with that same goofy grin that originally made my heart melt. I giggle a little bit at it.
"Just thoughts Grog." I say looking up into his eyes.
"What are your thoughts about?" The couriosity in his voice is adorable.
"What will happen to you guys if I'm not there to protect you?" Tears start to sting the edges of my eyes as I look down at my hands. "What if you don't come back."
"Y/N, we will come back, we always do." His enthusasm is starting to fade. "We can handle ourselves. We have Pike, oh, and we can't forget about me." His voice sincere. He wraps his strong arm around me body, being mindful of the gashes in my side, and pulling me closer to him, that way I am flush against his side.
"You all are very strong but I don't know if I'll be ok without you guys. I don't know if I'll be ok without, well. Nevermind." I say leaning into his muscular side.
"Y/N?" His voice soft.
"Yes Grog." I say, enjoying the moment of peace.
"You make me feel, feelings. Feelings that I haven't felt before. I've been to many brothels but, none of the women make me feel that way you make me feel." I feel him turn slightly to me.
"Grog what are you trying to say." I look up to his eyes.
"I've been doing some thinking, and talking to Pike. I think what I'm feeling is love Y/N." Grog looks down at me.
"I think I love you too Grog." I bring my hand up to his face, resting it on his cheek. He leans into my form, pressing his lips to mine. Taking me by suprise. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I placed my hands on strong chest, making sure to feel every muscle on it. His hands roam my back softly as to be mindful of the gashes. We both pull back slightly smiling, foreheads pressed up against each other.
"How about when your all healed up, we go do some killing." He says, eyes still closed and breathing heavy.
"I would really like that." I watch every muscle on his face closely as he sits there with his head on mine.
We both jump away from each other at the sound of my name being called by the rest of Vox Mochina.
"I guess we are just going to have to finish this another time." I say softly to Grog while giggling.
"I think when another time comes we will be covered in blood and standing atop the corpses of our enemies." He says with a smile.
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neopronouns · 9 months
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flag id: a flag with 7 stripes, with the second and sixth twice the size of the rest and the fourth being twice the size of those two. the stripes are silver, off-white, grey, very light orange, light golden brown, dark faded blue, and dark brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
percirolocomfic: a gender related to percival de rolo from 'critical role'/'the legend of vox mochina' being one’s comfort character
[pt: percirolocomfic: a gender related to percival de rolo from 'critical role'/'the legend of vox mochina' being one’s comfort character. end pt]
for anon! colors are from his official art and the term is 'perci' from 'percival', 'rolo', + 'comfic'!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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curlzformetal · 2 years
the fact that they revealed they're working on a Mighty Nein pilot and that Makin My Way was recorded in 2020!!! tells me that they have whatever remains of Vox Mochina written/recorded and are waiting on animation/music...and it also tells me animated Essek...is a long...long...long ways away
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six-improbable-things · 10 months
Had a dream last night that I got to play dnd with the cast of Critical Role, which was super awesome and fun. BUT it was super sad, because in my dream, it was with the Vox Mochina characters, and even though this was a different campaign, Vax still died. And not only that, but right before he died, he proposed to Keyleth, and when they got his body, he was holding the ring in his hand. I woke up and was like "oh no, I made myself sad! :'("
Also for some reason when Matt did something evil, everyone yelled and called him Micheal, instead of Matthew. It was very strange.
(I haven't finished C1 yet, but I know Vax dies. No spoilers for anything past Chroma Conclave arc, please and thank you!)
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dalishious · 1 year
hello! I’m wondering if you have played/interest in playing Pillars of Eternity. i’ve recently got into it and while it’s a very cool game, what’s even cooler is that the second one has a free dlc add on based on critical role’s vox mochina!
completely blew my mind when i found out so thought i’d share it!
Oh, that is very cool!
I have not played it though, no.
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Does anyone read Vox Mochina fanfics anymore, or am I 5 years late to the party?
Kicking myself for not just doing it when I first wanted to 2 years ago when I was introduced to Critical Role!
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lesferatu · 2 years
Ludinus while creating an elaborate ruse that involves luring the voice of the tempest to the end of the world to strike her down to lure the champion of ravens to the end of the world to turn him into a bead of divinity to unleash a Godeater on the apogee solstice: "wait...the gods gave you 3 beads of divinity cause you asked nicely?"
Vox Mochina: "what? Like it's hard?"
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realm-of-erotica · 1 year
Original Adventurers
OC Master List
Good Aligned
The Devils of Emon
The Devils were originally a small collection of adventurers with several Tiefling members. Eventually recruiting more and more Tieflings, to the point that not only did the group quickly live up to their namesake, they eventually became their own guild. Making their home in Greystone Keep.
Verdant Wilde - An original member of the group that eventually became the Devils. A green Tiefling, Beastmaster Ranger. Trained by former Vox Mochina member, Vex'ahlia DeRollo.
Omega - Another original member of the Devils. A purple Tiefling Warlock who for years l, was part of a traveling circus. He delights in two things. Entertaining crowds, and seducing women ... much to the chagrin of his succubus patron.
Jean Ironwood - Human Fighter/Gunslinger. She has a hatred for dragons, after losing her left arm to a Green Dragon. Her metal prosthetic was made by Percival DeRollo, who also taught her how to use and build firearms.
Kyrie - Astral Self Monk. She belonged to the same traveling circus as Omega. A former slave before then, she has spectral prosthetic arms.
Scourge Maelstrom - A swashbuckling Storm Cleric, and the first person the Devils recruited. The blue skinned Tiefling would eventually be voted unanimously as the leader of the group, and guild.
Varris - Light Domain Cleric. An undying Tiefling with a nigh impossible task thrust upon him by Serrenrae herself.
Aquamarine/Aqua - A sky blue Tiefling. The youngest and second recruit of the Devils. She has a knack for getting into places that she shouldn't.
Gamora - An Orc Barbarian, and original member of the Devils. She is the living definition of "Death By Snu-Snu".
Thorne - Omega's brother. A Drunken Fist Monk, and final recruit of the Devils before expanding into the guild they are today.
The Outlanders
Nadûr - A half-orc Fighter/Barbarian with a southern/deep Texas/ranch drawl. Fury on the battlefield, but a total teddy bear to the next person listed.
Korrin - Vampire Evocation Wizard. Nadûr's lover.
Thundove Ladion - Elven Evocation Wizard. Able to see his ancestors after a stiff breeze due to having no constitution.
Magical Misfits
Mercutio Black - Dark Elf Draconic Sorcerer/Redemption Paladin. A man determined to make up for the previous sins of his family.
Bellatrix Black - Necromancer Wizard. Mercutio’s cousin, who claims that Merci would be completely be lost without her.
Regulus Tonks - Elven Shapeshifter Hexblade Warlock. Cousin to Mercutio and Bellatrix. The brains between his two cousins.
Grond Kraghammar - Goliath Barbarian, a powerful hugger, and Mercutio’s best friend. The obvious muscle of the group.
Ophelia - An adorable Goblin that is very close to Mercutio after she was saved by him.
Neutrally Aligned
The Zirconia's
A family of vampires who's territory spans the northern lands. Their castle is hidden deep within a perpetual blizzard.
Baelfer/Baelz Zirconia - Vampire King with power that can shame Strahd and Dracula.
Zephyr Zirconia - Vampire Prince, and eldest son of Baelz.
Lupin Zirconia - Vampire Prince, second son of Baelz, and younger brother of Zephyr.
Scarlet Zirconia - Vampire Princess, and eldest daughter. Second strongest mage in the castle next to her father.
Bast Zirconia - Vampire Princess who prefers to sleep more than anything else. She is a sleep cuddler with an iron grip.
Shrike Zirconia - Vampire Princess, who prefers nature and life outside of the castle to life inside.
Note: The Zirconia's are so old and powerful, that the sun's light cannot harm them.
The Caines
A family of vampires who's territory encompasses the southern lands. Allies and eternal friends with the Zirconia's, their castle is hidden deep within what is called The Eternal Forrest.
Desmond Caine - Vampire King who's power dwarfs Vecna's thousands of times over.
Lana Caine - Vampire Princess, and eldest child to Desmond. She has a warrior's spirit, and has taken up with many adventurers over the centuries she has lived. Some good, some bad.
Erik Caine - Vampire Prince, and second son of Desmond. He is fully into the vampiric mystique, and loves seducing women.
Note: Like the Zirconia's, the Caine's cannot be harmed by the sun.
Evil Aligned
Tyrus the Conqueror - A half-dragon warlord who is devoted heart, mind, and soul to his lady Tiamat.
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Uno reverse!
Romeo ends up in the world of Exandria. Which Vox Mochina lady goes after him first?
An extremely sweet and kind boy who has a bit of a mischievous nature but generally means well--man, I wonder who would be attracted to that...~
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pokidragon · 2 years
Just rewatched the legend of vox mochina and I of course love it to pieces but if I could change anything it would be vex’s little “flirt” with Keyleth at the sun tree. Don’t get me wrong - I love that Keyleth canonically has a crush on both of the twins in campaign it’s adorable but I’m concerned about how the set up of the scene could lead viewers on thinking vexleth will be cannon.
The scene happens immediately after Keyleth lets Vax down gently so this scene can 100% be read as Keyleth has feelings for Vex instead of Vax which means there are plenty of people new to the show who are going to be upset when Keyleth and Vax get together.
Lovm is sure to have plenty of queer couples (kimallura being one of them) but I already know there are going to be people accusing the cast of queer baiting Vexleth because of the way that scene was presented and the general biphobia of the queer community (not accepting that Keyleth is bi and is capable of liking them both)
Idk I just wish they’d presented Keyleth’s crush earlier in the season so it doesn’t look like she rejects Vax for Vex and I wish they’d kept the script closer to what Keyleth says in the campaign cuz it’s clear that Keyleth has feelings for Vax in the campaign, she’s just not ready for a relationship while in the show it would be easy to come away from their conversation thinking she doesn’t have romantic feelings for Vax at all.
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kavtari · 1 year
💘 Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Who was your first? Who is it now presently?
Gosh yes.
The first I remember is either David Bowie's Jareth from "The Labyrinth" or Cary Elwes as Robin Hood in "Robin Hood: Men In Tights".
First animated crush I can remember was either Squall from "Final Fantasy VIII" or Gene Starwind from "Outlaw Star".
Any other "crushes" were really just super excited enthusiasm but not a crush. Like, certain characters in some Cartoon Network shows or like ... the whole cast of "The Mummy" or "Xena: Warrior Princess".
Now? Now it is Jack Crusher from "Star Trek" and the whole main character group from "Legend of Vox Mochina".
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orymsbich · 2 years
Critical role campaign 3 episode 36 "notes"
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Vox mochina season 2 coming January!
Ee keylith
C pok
Ooo the please Imogen mention Delilah
"The Lord is in"
Chetney: ... Tempest ...... You got this
I just feel so bad for them you know I'm so sad
Fcg: He made this *holds up the childrens toy for emotions*
Chetney: ......OKAY HOLD ON
Chet: *coughing*
Matt: roll a constitution saving throw
When I started watching this I had no idea about anything with camping one I had no idea they sent burtand to tHEM
I love how Matt's describing Fox machina to them. Like I know it's for the audience but still
Pikes a Baker
Pike: Oh poor thing
Imogen:......she looked like that before she died
Moment of Truth
MATT you mother f***** Liam got up and ran a laugh around the room BREAK.
Matt asking Ashley what the cast would see in Pike's house AAAAA
You have to go there and disconnect their souls
Orym *without a shadow of a doubt*: absolutely let's do it
No fcg you have a spirit >:0
Or I'm asking for and if he can get thrown a muffin because he can't reach them !!!
Chet wanting to bet gold if fcg wants a soul
"why are we splitting the bill with someone who lives in a castle"- Ashton
Spookie Forest
Matt *talking to Liam*"god your passive perception is stupid".
Sam: where do you want to do this?
Chetney: Yeah I got fucked up not going to lie
Stealth all the the way to the next campaign.
You rat bastard
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breadedsinner · 2 years
I saw a post insisting that new CR fans should listen to the early episodes with that Orion dude. And I gotta tell you, having done a little research, abso-fucking-not. If I do go to Campaign 1 I might fucking skip the whole Whitestone Arc. I saw Legend of Vox Mochina, I think I got the gist of it.
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