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Made our mark-Done and dusted! #votingdone #donevoting #voteforchange✌ #saelections2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxMv4a9FbkU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dq058gngnn0n
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#dag130/365 #votingdone✔️ #otsodiretso #ofwmoments Despite the drizzling rain, flue and sick child, we must not forget our responsibility to vote. It’s our future leaders we are choosing to stand up for us. So, #voteright #knowyoursenatorswell (at Philippine Embassy in Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSf4bmB-WoB_cISraj3wXAO9FY3iU8_XN_y9g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f77czhve70k4
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First thing I did 10 years ago when I turned 18 was to register to vote and a few months later voted in my first election. Remember it doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s that you vote!!!!!!!! #ivoted🇺🇸 #votingmatters #votingrights #votingiscool #voting #votingpolls #votingtime #keepvoting #votingdone https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2OhGDHwaY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i2icgp4xoq5u
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I'm independent... & i have rights to choose own Leader 💪💪 - I chose mine!! Did you? - #VotingDone #Election #GatGramPanchayat #Kaniyadol #Kokarda #Sarpanch https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMZsCPBx1G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=auxaokfx2nba
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Ich bin zurück in Hannover. ☺️🏘🌳 Das Wetter spielt ja leider nicht so mit, aber Oma und ich haben es uns auf dem Sofa bequem gemacht. 🛋 . . Leider hat es dieses Jahr nicht für das Gelbe vom Ei von @radio.ffn gereicht, es sei denn, einer meiner Songs ist unter den Top20. 😅 Da war ich dieses Jahr wohl einfach zu spät dran. 🐣Ein riesiges Dankeschön natürlich trotzdem an alle, die für meine Songs gevotet haben. 💛🎶Nächstes Jahr klappt es bestimmt wieder! ☺️ Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Donnerstag & drück euch alle! Liebst, L. . . #dGvE #dasgelbevomei #votingdone #donnerstag #ostern #backinhannover #hannoverlife #lifeofasinger #blacknwhite #magicmiles (hier: Hanover, Germany)
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Every vote contributes to the betterment of the nation so where the hell is yours contribution. Go and give the drop of yours in the ocean bitch. #voting #votingpolls #votingmatters #thistimeimvoting #votingrights #votingday #votingsquad #votingtime #votingissexy #votingwhileblack #votingrightsact #votinground1 #thefutureisvoting #earlyvoting #votings #votingselfie #onlinevoting #votingiscool #votingcontest #keepvoting #imvoting #votinggauntlet #votingrocks #votingrightsactof1965 #voting2016 #votingseason #votingcounts #votingdone #voting2019 #votingislit (at Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwouuRelP6s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=140kq0k746sbz
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