#voted worst person to get stuck in a party with . LSDKJF .
archivestarlyht · 7 months
❛ the next time i open up to someone is my autopsy ❜ to sol'rys from sylmae
various things spoken in an adventuring party pt.3
sol'rys shrugged,   though the absurdity of the image elicited the faintest hint of a bemused smile.  “what do you expect me to say?”  he asked.  he was not a soft man.  if she sought words of comfort or gentleness for her predicament,  there were far better in their camp to turn to.  the wizard particularly seemed in possession of a faint,  pathetic heart.  
“you remember nothing.  what does it matter to me,  really?”  yet despite the cold carelessness of his words,  the faintest hint of fear lay buried away in the tightly locked chest of his heart.  it must have been the parasite that caused it.  how much longer did he have,   did any of them have,  before he too forgot himself?  or had her parasite simply burrowed in too deep,  clamped its hideous little maw on something that wasn't meant to be fed on?  or was she simply closer to becoming illithid,  warning the rest of them with the hideous clarity of the sun in the sky?  
his garnet eyes glistened keenly in the firelight.  “now and tomorrow is much more important than then,   no?”
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