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feckinhaggis · 1 year ago
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Disintegration - "Carbon Shadow"
Released: 08/06/22
Country: Richmond, Virginia, USA 🇺🇲
Genre: Grindcore
I think this is up there as one of my favourite Grindcore records recently, it's so criminally underrated. Features members of Anitchrist Siege Machine and Vorator. Ryan's vocals are utterly visceral.
There are a lot of Grindcore bands that try and do Insect Warfare's sound and style and I've got to say, Disintegration have absolutely got it spot on!
Plus the Warhammer 40k inspired artwork is fucking amazing, it's what initially caught my eye. Imperial Guardsmen getting absolutely slaughtered by the forces of Chaos.
Highly recommend it: https://absolutecontemptrecords.bandcamp.com/album/carbon-shadow
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gretchenkerr98 · 1 month ago
Gretchen Kerr Anderson Escritora
Agradezco a Revista Necroscriptum , por incluir en su número 12 del mes 12, en su página 12, el minicuento de terror de mi autoría titulado "Vorator Animarum 666", con la temática Maldiciones Ancestrales. Feliz coincidencia, 12/12/12…
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barlooon · 2 years ago
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 Wir wollen Eure Gärten frühlingshübsch machen. Deshalb haben wir in unserem Onlineshop unsere Non-Perfect-Reihe freigeschalten. Schnell sein lohnt sich, die günstigeren Non Perfects gibt es nur, solange der Vorat reicht. Außerdem: Am 21. Juni endet der Frühling. Hier geht es zum Online-Shop https://www.barlooon.com/lampions/#beleuchtung  #barlooonwetterfesterlampion #garten #sale #frühling
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roufdsign · 2 years ago
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purewhitewolf · 2 years ago
"I'll never die~" Kaitlyn spoke instinctively as she felt her power coursing through her. She knew she was nigh immortal, but not invulnerable. She wanted to keep attacking, but her own conscious realized something obvious....
'We aren't strong enough. Our attacks do nothing to her... but hers can't do anything to us either. We need to get stronger. We need to build our empire. We'll reclaim what's ours!'
Still, she wasn't going to run and look cowardly. She bursts out into laughter, "Oh? Are we playing that old childhood game once more? Feral and Hunter, was it? This time, I'll set the timer~" With a simple touch and chant, various black symbols coat the walls of the entire kingdom with an ominous glow. "When these marks reappear, this whole world and your soul is mine. Lupum vorat meretricem fallaciam!"
The shadows consume Kaitlyn until she, Adeline's melted corpse, and the symbols vanish from the room. She would reemerge in her human form far away in an isolated shade with other shadows. She looked to her loyal shadow subjects and announced with a determined glare, "We will reclaim all this wicked sorceress has stolen in due time. I have a task for all of you... we will spread a legend. That prophecy you have told me..."
She huffs, "Lunette wants to play goddess? We can do the same and better."
She continues, "We need more than just shadows in our kingdom. We need to influence those of this world. I do not need or want slaves. I want followers! They will not follow me as a queen of a seemingly nonexistent kingdom. I need to be something greater! I need to be a grand deity that can shield from a demoness that causes nothing but destruction! I need to be a comforting motherly figure who will vanquish the evil with her soothing night. A mother of night... a Night Mother... The wolf will devour the false oppressive moon and free all with her nightly embrace!"
She then points to the Old Man, "And I desire more training. I need to be stronger. I need to be clever... there must be a way to break through her power. I need to get to her very soul hiding behind angelic magic. I need a reaper's touch... I need to know how to seal souls..."
She sighs, "But for now... we have to bide our time. We need to establish a safe haven... and expand our influence over time. Spread whispers and helpful acts... when opportunity arises, I can demonstrate my protection to victims."
She turns to the charred corpse she took, "... Adeline... I promise... I'll help our people..." She proceeds to bury it near a patch of golden flowers. She sat there and grieved over it until the sun rose.
The Sun, The Moon, The Wolf.
Her memory of the past and of what she was told was fuzzy. She remembered being taken at a very young age in by a king and queen. Kadri is what they named her. She had two older sisters that at the time she could play with. She had admired them both deeply.
Now as barely a teen, she was watching her sisters fighting over some boy. The most involve she ever got was just listening to their whiny vents... She was missing the days when they were little kids. Now her sisters felt like completely different people. Adeline barely has time to spend with her anymore due to her studying for upcoming duties, and Lavinia was getting...scarier with her mischief and attitude.
She sighs, "Guess you both are just going to do this all day, huh..."
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sokokoko · 3 years ago
The crime lord,
Crime lord’s small son,
Motorcycle gang babysitters,
Other crime lords
Can summon fish that can be out of water and swim through the air. He likes to do fish shows but he gets everywhere wet, makes it smell like fish and causes blockages and traffic. He figured he should use prettier fish to make people pay attention to him. KING, THEY WANT TO ARREST YOU. YOU ARE A CRIMINAL
King Koi has beef with Vorator because that goddamn glutton won't stop eating his fish
There are a bunch of treats themed around both heroes and villains on the menu. Gigabites are cookies with Gigabyte's colours and little toothy mouths.
Kory is a villain magnet. She will literally just be chilling and some form of lawbreaker will appear. She blames Hijinx for starting the trend.
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kralovna-ne-stesti · 4 years ago
Ke své stávající končící pracovní situaci bych jen svým drahým kolegům řekla na uvědoměnou: Jak se do lesa volá, tak se z lesa ozývá. A že já jsem na vás za to všechno ještě mírná ozvěna.
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svenskjavel · 2 years ago
jag har vorat 😎
Bra jobbat, hora! Slakta
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nice-d-man · 5 years ago
Was manche von euch für riesige Schränke voller Windeln haben 😅. Meine Packungen bleiben im Karton oder sonst wo, bis neue davon gebraucht werden. Griffbereit im Schrank habe ich natürlich immer welche. Dort ist meist ein Vorrat von 1-2 Wochen.
Some of you have huge cupboards full of diapers 😅. My packs stay in the box or somewhere else until new diapers are needed to be unpacked. Of course, I always have some of them ready to hand in the diaper cupboard. There is usually a stock of 6-12 days.
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Always a small but different diaper supply for the spontaneous choice.
#diaper #diapers #nappy #windel #windeln #luier #luiers #couche #couches #pampers #tena #attends #tykables #fab #sense #fab sense #lfb #littleforbig #adult diaper #adult diapers #erwachsenenwindel #buntewindel #buntewindeln #bunte windel #bunte windeln #erwachsenenwindeln #vorat #supply
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roufdsign · 2 years ago
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jinkushiroll · 3 years ago
A few latin phrases I think are cool.
"veni, vidi, vici." - I came, I saw, I conquered.
"vivamus, moriendum est." - Let us live, for we must die.
"ergo dum me diligis." - So long as you love me.
"alis vorat propriis." - She flies with her own wings.
"sic mundus creatus est." Thus the world was created.
"aut inveniam viat aut facium." - I shall either find a way, or make another one.
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odsouzena · 7 years ago
Jestli si myslíš, že mi můžeš říkat co mužů a co nemůžu dělat, tak se kurva pleteš!
Dřív sem se sebou od tebe nechala vorat, ale teď zjišťuju, že jsi vážně sráč jak všichni říkali...
Mrzí mě to, věřila jsem v tebe.
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tincangoat · 4 years ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ sitas, non quæ vaccam vorat ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (the cow is not centered) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ boise : idaho ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #cow https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfia_QHU6b/?igshid=l70l1mgyynl0
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veganscientist428 · 5 years ago
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My pho-vorate pho by @v_ternal . #vegansofig #veganfood #crueltyfree #compassionatefood #veganlife #guiltfreefood #vegan #govegan #whatveganseat #plantbased #meatfree #dairyfree #veganfoodshare #plantpower #f52grams https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsbJ13pYTL/?igshid=i449la043wid
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fmmassmode · 5 years ago
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Liebe Kunden, Freunde und Interessenten! Wir haben die Preise für die Kindermasken, die Premium-Gesichtsmasken und die Masken mit integriertem Nasenbügel und FFP2-Filter um bis zu 30% gesenkt. Unseren Maskenshop finden Sie unter https://www.fm-massmode.de/produkt-kategorie/gesichtsmasken/ Greifen Sie zu‼️Das Angebot läuft zunächst befristet bis zum 30.06.2020 und nur solange der Vorat reicht‼️ Maßgeschneiderte Grüße, Frank Masur FM Maßmode 🥇Befeni Goldpartner🥇 www.fm-massmode.de wa.me/491725457870 #stopcovid19 #gesichtsmaske #kohlefilter #schutzanderer #maske #corona #maskeauf #befeni #stayhome #flattenthecurve #ffp #bleibtzuhause #bleibzuhause #gemeinsamgegencorona #bleibgesund #deutschland #schleswigholstein #hamburg #bremen #mecklenburgvorpommern #brandenburg #berlin #thüringen #sachsen #sachsenanhalt #niedersachsen #hessen #nordrheinwestfalen #nrw #maskeaufjetzt (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAmhXpvKlGW/?igshid=18ytfo5kx732b
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silvokrent · 7 years ago
An excerpt from the zoological text The Hunter’s Encyclopedia of Animals (First Edition).
The etymologies are meant to be approximate translations or interpretations of the various taxa names. This list is meant to be used in conjunction with the taxonomy page and species index. [Last updated 21st March 2019.]
Abinferno L. ab, from, + īnfernō, hell. Translation: "[one descended] from hell."
Aculupa L. acula, needle, + lupa, she-wolf. Translation: "needle-wolf."
Acuspina L. acula, needle, + spīna , backbone. Translation: "needled backbone." Literally translates as "spine-spine."
Advena L. advena, alien.
Anemopoda Gr. ἄνεμος (ánemos), wind, + πούς (poús, -poda), foot. Translation: "wind foot."
Aponarthraceum Gr. απών (apón), absent, + ἄρθρον ‎(árthron), joint, + L. - āceum, resembling or having the form of. Translation: "having the form of a missing joint."
Apophis Gr. Ἄποφις (ápophis, from Eg. ˤ3pp (apep)), ship. The etymology may be derived from a portmanteau of Eg. apep + Gr. óphis.
Arcacollum L. arcus, arc, + collum, neck. Translation: "arc neck."
Armutonitridae L. armātūra, armament, + tonitrus, thunder, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "thunder armor."
Arpazonyx Gr. Αρπάζω (arpázo), seize, + ὄνυξ (ónux, -onyx), claw. Translation: “seizing claw.”
Asperacutidae L. asper, rough, + cutis, skin, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "rough skin."
Aspiceros Gr. ἀσπίς ‎(aspís), shield, + κέράs (keras), horn. Translation: "shield-horn."
Aulocephalos Gr. αὐλός ‎(aulós), pipe or flute, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head. Translation: "flute head."
Avecoronidae L. avē, hail, + corōna, crown, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hail the crown."
Barbavetidae L. barba, beard, + vetus, old, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "old beard."
Biosanapnoi carpitor Gr. βίος ‎(bíos, bio-), life, + αναπνοή ‎(anapnoí), breath; L. carpitor, harvester. Translation: "life-breathing [gardener]."
Caelincola L. caelum, sky, + incola, -incola, dweller. Translation: "sky-dweller" or "[one that lives] in heaven."
Calcatrix L. calcātrīx, treader or trampler.
Callodigitidae L. callōsus, calloused, + digitus, finger, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "calloused finger."
Calvaria L. calvāria, skull.
Capillatura L. capillātūra, false hair or wig.
Centrinis Gr. κεντρίνης (kentrínēs), spiny shark.
Cetiformes L. cētus, any large sea animal (shark, whale, serpent), + fōrmis (from fōrma, shape), having the form of. Translation: "having the form of a large sea serpent."
Cetuserpens L. cētus, any large sea animal (shark, whale, serpent), + serpēns, snake. Translation: "sea serpent-snake."
Chalbysaurus Gr. χάλυβας (chályvas), steel, + σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "steel lizard."
Ciccum Gr. κικκος (kikkos), a trifle or something worthless.
Clipeurostrum L. clipeus, shield or sun disc, + rōstrum, beak. Translation: "shield beak."
Collaripluma L. collāris, collared, + plūma, feather. Translation: "collared feather."
Coriumasca L. corium, leather, + masca, mask. Translation: "leather mask."
Decorala L. decōra, beautiful, + āla, wing. Translation: "beautiful wing."
Discuvultus L. discus, disc, + vultus, face. Translation: "disc face."
Dromos Gr. δρόμος ‎(drómos), racecourse.
Electodon Gr. ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron), amber, + ὀδών (odṓn, -don), tooth. Translation: "amber tooth."
Euoviraptor Gr. εὖ (eû, eu-), true, + L. ovum, ovi-, egg, + raptor, thief. Translation: “true egg thief.”
Felifacies L. fēlēs, cat, + faciēs, countenance. Translation: "cat-faced."
Fengaronympha macroura Gr. Φεγγάρι (fengári), moon, + νύμφη (númphē), nymph; μακρός (makrós), long, + οὐρά (ourá), tail. Translation: “long-tailed moon nymph.”
Fengzheng lung; F. gaoyadian Ch. 风筝 (fēng zhēng), kite; 龙 (lóng), dragon; 高壓電 (gāoyādiàn), static. Translation: "dragon-kite"; "static-kite."
Ferridae L. ferrum, iron, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix..
Flagrulinguidae L. flāgrum, whip, + lingua, tongue, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "whip tongue."
Flovorator altilis L. flōs, flower, + vorator, eater; altilis, fattened. Translation: "fat flower-eater."
Fragoreptilia L. fragor, a crash or a shattering, + -reptilia, from reptilis, creeping. Translation: "shatter-reptile."
Gastrosclodia longauriata L. gaster, belly, + Fr. luge, from L. sclodia, sled; longa, long, + auris, ear, + -ātus, adjective suffix equivalent to E. -ed. Translation: "long-eared sled-stomach."
Gymnopteranoidea Gr. γυμνός ‎(gumnós), naked, + πτερόν (pterón, -ptera), wing, + -oidea, a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "naked wing."
Harpaga L. harpagō, harpoon or grappling hook.
Haustranguis L. haustrum, bucket, + anguis, dragon. Translation: "bucket dragon."
Heliosaurus Gr. ἥλιος ‎(hḗlios, helio-), sun, + σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "sun lizard."
Hoplycan Gr. ὅπλον ‎(hóplon), armor, + λύκος (lykos), wolf. Translation: "armor-wolf."
Icensidae L. īcēns, stinging, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Iskiuba G. ήσκιος (ískios), shadow, + L. iuba, mane. Named for the Lord of the Mearas.
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Kangmi E. yeti (from Tib. གཡའ་དྲེད (g.ya' dred), rock bear, or metoh-kangmi, man-bear snowman.
Lapicrusta L. lapis, stone, + crusta, shell. Translation: "stone shell."
Lapideagnatha L. lapidea, stony, + Gr. γνάθος (gnáthos), jaw. Translation: "stony jaw."
Lofiocyon Gr. λοφίο (lofío), crest or plume, + κῠ́ων ‎(kúōn), dog. Translation: "plume-dog."
Lunaflora vulpina L. lūna, moon, + flōs, flor-, flower; vulpīna, fox-like. Translation: "fox-faced moon-flower."
Macropaleosoma Gr. μακρός (makrós, macro-), large, + παλαιός ‎(palaiós, paleo-), ancient, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "ancient large body."
Magnaraptor L. magna, great, + raptor, thief. Translation: "great thief."
Malleucaput L. malleus, hammer, + caput, head. Translation: "hammer head."
Malleucaudidae L. malleus, hammer, + cauda, tail, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hammer tail."
Mandibulaformia L. mandibula, jaw, + fōrmis (from fōrma, shape), having the form of. Translation: "having the form of jaws."
Mandyasoma Gr. μανδύας (mandýas), cloak, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "[cloaked] body."
Manicutalidae L. manicula, manacle, + tālus, talon, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "manacle talon."
Manupennidae L. manus, hand, + penna, wing, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hand-wing."
Marincolidae L. mare, sea, + incola, -incola, dweller, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "sea-dweller" or "[one that lives] in the sea."
Membranala L. membrāna, skin, + āla, wing. Translation: "[skinned] wing."
Mercuridae L. mercuria, mercury or luck, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Metacarpium absconditum L. metacarpium (from Gr. μετακάρπιον (metakárpion)), hand; absconditum, hidden. Translation: "hidden metacarpals."
Molafumans favilla; M. f. irisoma L. mola, millstone, + fūmāns, smoking; favilla, cinders; Gr. ἶρις (îris), rainbow, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "smoking millstone ash"; "rainbow smoking millstone ash."
Monceratops petroides Gr. μόνος (mónos), single, + κέράs (keras), horn, + οψις (ops), face; πέτρα (pétra), stone, + εἶδος ‎(eîdos, -oides), likeness. Translation: "a single-horned face [that looks like] stone."
Monsanguis custos L. mōns, mountain, + sanguis, blood; custōs, guard. Translation: "mountain-blooded sentinel."
Nuntius galeatus L. nūntius, messenger; galea, helmet, + -ātus, adjective suffix equivalent to E. -ed. Translation: "helmeted messenger."
Ollamaliztlidae Nah. ōllamaliztli, a Mesoamerican ballgame, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Ossisericidae L. ossum, bone, + sēricum, silk, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "bone-silk" or "bone-ribbon."
Ossispina L. ossum, bone, + spīna, spine. Translation: "bone-spine."
Osteovelum Gr. ὀστέον ‎(osteon, osteo-), bone, + L. vēlum, ship sail. Translation: "bone sail."
Pachycephalochoiros phytosumbios Gr. παχύς (pakhús, pachy-), thick, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head, + χοίρος (choíros), pig; φυτόν (phutón), plant, + συμβίωσις ‎(sumbíōsis), companion. Translation: "thick-headed pig [that is a companion to] plants."
Pachylithoderma Gr. παχύς (pakhús, pachy-), thick, + λίθος ‎(líthos, litho-), stone, + δέρμα ‎(derma), skin. Translation: "thick stone skin."
Palustincola L. palūs, swamp, + incola, -incola, dweller. Translation: "swamp-dweller" or "[one that lives] in swamps."
Petracephaloidea Gr. πέτρα (pétra), stone, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head, + -oidea, a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "stone head."
Phallucephala L. phallus, penis, + Gr. κεφαλή (kephalē), head. Translation: "penis-head."
Plesichthys Gr. πλησίος (plēsio, plesio-), near, + ἰχθύς (ikhthýs), fish. Translation: "near-fish."
Polypterygia Gr. πολύς ‎(polús, poly-), many, + πτερύγια ‎(pterýgia), fins. Translation: "many fins."
Praesagidae L. praesāgium, premonition, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Praesidiosauria L. praesidium, fortress, + Gr. σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "fortress lizard."
Pristocephale glaciesecans Gr. πρίστης (prístēs), saw, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head; L. glaciēs, ice, + secāns, cutting. Translation: "ice-cutting saw-head."
Pseudanthornis Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + ἄνθος ‎(ánthos), flower, + ὄρνῑς (órnīs), bird. Translation: "false flower-bird."
Pseudophis Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + ὄφις (óphis), serpent or dragon. Translation: "false dragon."
Pseudopinna unguiculata Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + L. penna, fin; unguiculāta, clawed . Translation: "clawed false fin."
Psevdaisthisi chaetes; P. katabasis Gr. ψευδαίσθηση ‎(psevdaísthisi), illusion; χαίτη (khaítē), flowing mane; κατάβᾰσις (katabasis), katabatic wind. Translation: "flowing mane illusion"; "katabatic flowing mane."
Pyrothalassion basileus Gr. πῦρ θαλάσσιον (pŷr thalássion), sea fire, one of the many names for Greek fire, a naval incendiary weapon; βασιλεύς (basileús), king. Translation: "Greek fire king."
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Redimiculum echinatum L. redimīculum, necklace; echinātum, prickly. Translation: "prickly necklace."
Rhinamblys Gr. ῥινός ‎(gen. rhinós), nose, + ἀμβλύς ‎(amblús), blunt. Translation: "blunt nose."
Rufacutis L. rūfa, red, + cutis, skin. Translation: "red skin."
Saltarello It. saltarello, a lively medieval Italian dance with a leaping step.
Scalpelifer L. scalepellum, scalpel, + -ifer, bearing. Translation: "scalpel-bearing."
Sclerophis Gr. σκληρός ‎(sklērós), hard, + ὄφις ‎(óphis), serpent or dragon. Translation: "hard dragon."
Selacharena L. selachē, shark, + harēna, sand. Translation: "sand shark."
Skapani Gr. σκαπάνη ‎(skapáni), pickaxe.
Spathoura Gr. σπαθί (spathí), sword, + ουρά (ourá), tail. Translation: "sword-tail."
Squamasanguinans L. squāma, scale, + sanguināns, bleeding. Translation: "bleeding scale."
Stalagmitensis L. stalagmites, from Gr. στάλαγμα ‎(stálagma), drop, + L. ēnsis, sword. Translation: "stalagmite-sword."
Stercusanctum currite L. stercus, dung, + sānctum, sacred; curr-ite (run-IMP.2PL), run. Translation: "holy shit, run."
Strixops L. strix, owl, from Gr. στρίγξ ‎(strínx), + οψις (ops), face. Translation: "owl face."
Terraemotus desertus; T. sporaspina L. tarraemotus, earthquake; dēsertus, abandoned; spora, spore, + spina, backbone. Translation: "spore-backed earthquake"; "desert earthquake."
Terrincolidae L. terra, ground, + incola, -incola, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "ground-dweller" or "[one that lives] in the ground."
Therianopla Gr. θηρίον ‎(thēríon), wild beast, + πανοπλία ‎(panoplía), armor. Translation: "beast armor."
Toxon furcatum Gr. τόξον ‎(tóxon), longbow; L. furcatum, forked. Translation: "forked longbow."
Truarmatura L. trua, scoop or ladle, + armātūra, armament. Translation: "scooped weapon."
Undarena L. unda, wave, + harēna, sand. Translation: "sand wave."
Venatavus L. vēnātor, hunter, + avus, ancestor. Translation: "hunter ancestor."
Vernusecula L. vernus, spring, + secula, sickle. Translation: "spring sickle."
Vesica aerostatum L. vēsīca, bladder; aerostatum, airship. Translation: "bladder airship."
Vipracanidae L. vīpera, snake, + canis, dog, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "dog wyvern."
Viverna It. viverna, wyvern, from L. vīpera, snake.
Volutansidae L. volūtāns, rolling, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
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Xenostoma Gr. ξένος ‎(xénos, xen-), alien, + στόμα ‎(stóma), mouth. Translation: "alien maw."
Xyrafiptera cervarius Gr. ξυράφι (xyráfi), razor, + πτερόν (pterón, -ptera), winged; L. cervus, deer, + -ārius, a grammatical agent-forming prefix. Translation: "razor-winged deer-hunter."
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Zontanopteryx metaxydendra Gr. ζωντανός (zontanós), alive or living, + πτέρῠξ (ptérux, -opteryx), wing; μεταξύ (metaxý), amongst, + δένδρα (déndra), trees. Translation: "living wing amongst the trees."
A.N. – Anglo-Norman
Ch. – Chinese
E. – English
Fr. – French
G. – German
Gr. – Greek
It. – Italian
J. – Japanese
L. – Latin
M.E. – Middle English
Nah. – Nahuatl
Tib. – Tibetan
Etymologies sourced from various websites, books, and online databases, including Wiktionary. Binomen and other taxonomic group names follow Latin and Greek declension (agreement of case, gender, and plurality) to the best of the author’s abilities, and are in accordance with The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
The author is currently trying to find experts on Latin and Greek to consult on the grammar — specifically, for connecting vowels, roots, and rules on forming compound nouns. If anyone reading this has any experience in either language, or with taxonomic nomenclature, feedback would be helpful.
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