#von clutch crash
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loopsietheshadowsiren · 2 months ago
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killerinstinctgold · 7 months ago
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クラッシュ・バンディクー がっちゃんこワールドプロモアート
Crash Bandicoot Gatchanko World Promotional Artwork
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askmotorworld · 2 months ago
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Sooo sorry abt the hiatus I've been busy!
Either way, for the newbies, This is a Askblog about Crash Tag Team Racing, but with twists and drama, plots galore your eyes will be sore from reading it!
@kaboodlekibble is the only mod here, and is the one typing this so..
I'm glad to get back into this askblog and once more..
Asks are Open!
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purplebell6 · 1 year ago
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nitro-box · 1 year ago
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tag team racing was a good game but it would've been better if von clutch started making out with n gin sloppy style
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tinycomradeart · 2 years ago
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Two of my favourite cyborgs from Crash games :D
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kaboodlekibble · 2 months ago
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This painting of von clutch is as big as my torso
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 2 years ago
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cyberfreakk · 1 year ago
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kickasscentral · 2 years ago
What Crash Bandicoot characters (that I can think of) I think would see Barbie and which ones would see Oppenheimer
————————————————————— Barbie
N.gin - this is mainly due to the fact I hc that he collects barbies lol
Crash and Coco - I think that Coco was gonna see Oppenheimer BUT she thought it would be a lot nicer to see barbie with Crash
Aku Aku - he’s just keeping an eye on Crash and Coco
Dingodile - he doesn’t even know what barbies are he just thought it looked funny
RipperRoo - broke out of the mental asylum just to see it
————————————————————— Oppenheimer
N.brio - I feel like he has a weird distain for barbies
N.trophy and FemTrophy - they actually just had a intense make out session during the entire movie
Nina - she snuck into the movie theatre
Ebenezer Von Clutch and Pasadena O'Possum - Von clutch took Pasadena to the theatre because she got employee of the month
alternate universe Tawna - she pirates movies
Uka Uka - doesn’t like movies or Tv shows in general
N.Cortex - he couldn’t pick so he just went to both
Nitro Oxide - he was too busy racing and getting therapy to watch anything
Tiny Tiger - just didn’t wanna go see anything
Pinstripe - too busy robbing banks and general breaking of the law
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lily-karyu · 2 years ago
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fruits-a-villa · 2 years ago
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Ebenezer Von Clutch
My first drawing of Ebenezer Von Clutch from "Crash Tag Team Racing"!
My other Art Accounts:
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askmotorworld · 4 months ago
Interview #4 Weekend
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Willie seems suspicious....
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imrafayels · 24 days ago
chained wings | angel caleb x princess / maiden (?) mc
The gloom from the heavy clouds stains the sky in a dim grey, almost blurring into the brick walls of the castle nestled at the top of the cliff. Waves crash against the rocks below, fiercely making out with the wind in a dance of power. Despite the sound of thunder and lightning kissing the sea’s surface, she awaits– window open like arms spread to welcome him in.
Caleb feels his heart roar yet sink. He’s so close to finally quenching his yearning, yet he already fears the time of farewell. 
His wings allow the wind to push him forward; feathers flickering as the breeze passes through like a blown kiss. He can feel himself choking with the need of embracing her until they become one.
Landing carefully, he sits on the edge of the opened window. He smiles at the lovely way she reacts when locking eyes with him. Quickly, she untagles from her white bedsheets, pushing herself to kneel on the bed as Caleb closes the gap between them and brings her to him. 
She wraps her arms around his neck, fingers brushing his feathered wings,  and looks up at him– parted lips merely a breath away. 
“You’re here,” she whispers, voice tinted with disbelief.
Caleb encircles her waist; hands clutching her back– fingers digging as he presses her closer. 
He nuzzles her nose, sighing, before rubbing his upper lip with her lower one. His hand interlocks with her loose, curly hair and he believes he has already become drunk on her scent.
If being drunk could even be a possibility for an angel. 
Meeting her waiting gaze, he kisses her gently. The sky rumbles with thunder, and the room casts shadows from the peeking sun between the clouds. Its warmth envelops them in a dream-like instant, and time becomes meaningless as her tongue licks its way inside Caleb’s mouth and he kisses her back with devouring fervor. 
Against her parted lips, and between panting breaths, Caleb replies, “Of course.”
He cradles her face, feeling his heart swell with devotion as she presses a kiss to his palm and holds it against her cheek. 
He knows she is afraid of the imminent goodbye. 
Kissing her again, he reassures her –and himself– with unbearable affliction subtly hidden in his voice, “We’ll always be under the same sky.”
Even if you can’t see me, I’ll always come back.
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art: Mihály von Zichy - Romantic Encounter
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frozenprocedural · 10 months ago
Panic Attack
Set in the Costs an Arm and a Leg (CAAAAL) AU. Alarik and Beata belong to @patricia-von-arundel.
Brought out the Whump Stick for this one. Spot the Ted Lasso reference...
Happy Birthday, Alarik!
Panic Attack
Rating: T
Elsa struggled to swallow with a dry throat, raising a shaking hand to the door in front of her. 
Knock, just knock. You know how to.
Why was she so nervous? She and Alarik had been seeing one another for a few months now, and she'd always found herself completely at ease with his company- surprisingly so when she most often felt more comfortable around horses than people. It was, however, her first time visiting his apartment. The first time she'd been to any other home in a relationship, really. 
Elsa shook her head, took several grounding breaths- in for three, out for six- and forced herself to knock.
Alarik's voice was muffled, though the clanging and crashing sounds were less so, and Elsa winced. She stepped back a second before the door swung open, revealing Alarik, his curls already springing out in all directions. 
“Hi! Come on in! It's not that big, I'm afraid, but I did clean up and tried to make some space…”
“Alarik.” She placed a hand on his arm, and he blushed. “I'm sure it's perfect. Thank you for having me over.” Somehow, seeing and hearing his nervousness made her own ease. As she stepped in, she noticed a delicious smell wafting through the air. 
“Something smells really good.”
Alarik grinned as he took her coat. “Lemon salmon pasta with asparagus and bread. Though I cheated a bit- the salmon and asparagus did come pre-seasoned. But I promise the pasta and bread are homemade.”
Her jaw dropped. “You made the bread and pasta from scratch? I can't believe- sorry! I didn't mean…” 
Alarik chuckled as he opened the oven door, grabbing a pan with a mitt-covered hand. “No worries, I understand. I really only make it for special occasions. You, of course, count as a very special occasion.” 
Elsa laughed at that. “We'll, then, I'll take your high praise. Perhaps some time you could teach me how to make those.”
“Perhaps.” Something flickered across Alarik's face, and he quickly turned back to the oven. Before Elsa could ask if anything was wrong, he turned back with a grin and a freshly-baked loaf of bread. “Well, dinner is served!”
After dinner and a movie, Alarik insisted that she take his bed and he would sleep on the couch. Despite her protests- his long frame barely fit- he refused to budge on the subject. Elsa finally relented, and was surprised to find how comfortable she was in his bed, surrounded by his faint scent. Sleep found her quickly.
She woke a few hours later, disoriented and panicky until she took a deep breath and remembered where she was. Elsa checked her phone- 3 am- and rolled over in an attempt to return to sleep when she heard a cry. 
Silence at first, then another cry, this one louder and longer than the previous. 
Elsa fumbled for the light, flicked it on, and grabbed her crutches. Within seconds she was in the main room, the moonlight revealing what she'd heard. 
Alarik thrashed and screamed, his face contorted in pain, eyes still closed. Elsa worried he might fall off given how violent his movements were. She maneuvered to the head of the couch, wary of his flailing arms, and freed a hand to touch his shoulder.
He jerked upright, eyes snapping open and flying back and forth across the room, looking for the unseen threat. His chest heaved, and she could see his entire body shake. 
He seemed unaware of her presence, still scanning the room, his breaths turning to shallow gasps. His hand clutched his chest, and Elsa knew right away what was happening. She turned on the lamp beside the couch, and then sat on the coffee table in front of him.
“Alarik. It's okay.”
He blinked, finally focusing on her, though his gasping and trembling continued. Elsa reached out and took his hand in both of hers, interlacing their fingers and squeezing tight.
“It's okay. Try to breathe.”
Alarik shook his head, still gasping for breath, his fingers tightening around hers. “I can- I can't. I can't… I don't know what's going on, I'm so sorry…”
“You're having a panic attack, Alarik. Just… breathe.”
Elsa pressed his hand to her chest, exaggerating her breathing so he could feel it. Alarik looked up, his eyes wide and wet. 
“I'm going crazy.”
Elsa rested her forehead on his. “No Alarik. No more than anyone else. It just feels that way. Here, try this with me. Breathe in for a count of three, hold it for three, out for six. Ready?”
She coached him, tapping her fingers on his until his shaking eased and his breathing settled. 
“There we go.” Elsa freed one hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks, keeping the other laced in his. “There we go. You're alright. You're safe.”
She kept murmuring reassurances until Alarik sank back into the couch, letting out a shaky breath. Elsa kept a hold on his hand, running her thumb along his knuckles. 
“Was this the first time this happened?”
“...no. I just… I didn't know what it was. I never knew what was going on when they happened.” 
Elsa kept her face neutral, even though she wanted to break down. Her panic attacks were bad enough, but at least she'd known what they were. “I'm sorry, Alarik.”
He shook his head. “Not your fault.”
Elsa sat with him in silence for several seconds, unsure how to broach what she'd witnessed. It was Alarik who spoke first. 
“I get nightmares. Reliving the accident. Not every night, but… they happen often enough. I don't know how much you know about what happened.”
Elsa lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. “I know you had an accident that ended up requiring amputation. But you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm fine sitting here with you, or giving you space. Whatever you need.”
Alarik closed his eyes, exhaling a shaky breath. “I… I wanted to tell you eventually. It's just… hard for me to talk about it. But if you're okay hearing it, I do want to tell you.”
“Of course. I'm here, and I'm listening.”
Alarik remained quiet for so long, Elsa wondered if he decided he wasn't ready to tell her. Then he spoke in a soft, halting voice. 
“I was a senior in college, using a portable bunsen burner for a field experiment. When I went to light it…”
Alarik closed his eyes, his jaw going tense. “The investigators later said there must have been some damage to the butane tank it was attached to. Whatever it was, the entire thing exploded. I'd been reaching over to grab some other supplies, and there was a flash and a massive bang.”
A shudder racked Alarik's entire body, his grip like a vice. Elsa stroked his knuckles again, but said nothing, giving him the time he needed. After a shaky breath, he continued. 
“I was knocked back, and at first I was just disoriented and confused. I remember looking down and just not processing what happened for several seconds. I was… confused. Then I realized the thing I was looking at was what was left of my hand.”
Another shudder, and she could see tears tracking down his cheeks. Elsa took the corner of the blanket and wiped them away, murmuring “breathe” as she did. 
“The pain hit then, and I don't remember much else. It just… took over. I knew I was screaming, but I could only really hear the ringing in my ears from the explosion. Everything else really is just a blur- I was either passed out or in too much pain to take anything in. And I was eventually sedated. I had to be flown to the hospital by helicopter, but the only thing I remember is waking up in the hospital room, with my hand completely gone.”
“They had to amputate it.”
Elsa hadn't phrased it as a question, but Alarik nodded.
“There really wasn't anything left. And the risk of infection- between the shrapnel and the burns- was too high. And then there were subsequent surgeries for the burns on my arm. I spent two months in the hospital, and over a year in physical and occupational therapy. During that time, that's when the nightmares started. They've gotten better over the years, but… you saw what happens.”
Alarik sagged against the couch, clearly exhausted. Elsa squeezed his hand, and he looked down for a moment, before shifting his other arm out from under the blanket. He hesitated, then placed it between them. 
It was the first time she would see his limb without his prosthetic or a sleeve. Elsa immediately looked at his face, searching for any signs of doubt. 
“It's… okay. If you want to see it.”
“Only if you're certain.”
“I am. You've trusted me to see yours. I've just… it's hard for me.”
Elsa cupped his cheek. “And that's okay. You've had a traumatic experience. I'm happy to have your trust in this.”
Elsa finally allowed herself to look. Rope-like scars twisted the skin of Alarik's arm, up to his elbow, while a faint furrow bisected the stump of his wrist. Elsa reached out, but stopped short of his arm. 
“May I?”
Alarik's eyes widened as if he was surprised, but he nodded and moved his arm towards her. Elsa traced a finger over the ridges and divots, his skin warm against hers. She could feel Alarik begin to relax, and changed her tracing to a light massage. As she did, a thought came to her.
“Was this why you seemed… hesitant when I suggested you teach me how to make the bread and pasta?”
Alarik tensed up, and Elsa sucked in a breath, afraid she'd crossed a line and broken the trust he'd given her. But then he sighed and nodded.
“Yes. I can't really use my prosthetic while baking, and I'm still self-conscious about the scars, even after all these years. I'm sorry.”
“Alarik, there is nothing to apologize for. You have every right to choose if or when I saw something, especially something so personal and life-changing. The fact you trust me in this is important to me, and I'm grateful for it.”
Alarik made some small whimpering noise, and tears began to flow freely. Elsa transferred over to the couch and held her arms open. He sank into them with a sob, and she held him close, rubbing his back and ignoring the growing wet spot on her shirt. 
Eventually, Alarik pulled away, wiping at his face. Elsa raised a hand, forestalling another apology when he eyed the stain on her shirt. 
“Don't worry about it. But I think it's time to get you to bed.”
When Alarik started to lie down, Elsa shook her head. “Bed, Alarik. Not the couch. You barely fit on that tiny thing, and that won't help you get back to sleep.” When she saw the stubborn set of his jaw, she sighed. 
“Would you be happier if I slept next to you?”
Alarik's eyes went wide. “I… yes… but, are you sure?”
Elsa smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. “I'm positive. Now, come on, to bed.”
Being tucked up against Alarik was even more comforting than sleeping surrounded by his scent. Elsa rested her head against his chest, stroking his stump while he stroked her hair. She could already hear his breathing deepening, could feel his hand slow in its movements, and she knew he wasn't far from sleep. She snuggled a bit closer, letting her own heavy eyelids close.
They slept, peaceful and happy. 
Two Weeks Later
This time, Elsa didn't knock when she reached Alarik's apartment. She simply turned the knob, entering with a cheerful “Hi Alarik!” as she nudged the door shut with her foot. 
“In the kitchen!” he called back. 
She stepped in to find the counter full of ingredients- flour, sugar, salt, among others. Alarik wore an apron, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows- a sight that sent a strange spark traveling through her. 
“Oh, are you making bread? Or pasta?”
Alarik grinned, and beckoned her over.  “Actually, I was hoping to teach you how to make bread today.
Elsa came to stand beside him. His stump remained in full view, and she smiled up at him, happy to see his comfort.
“I would love to.” 
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tinycomradeart · 2 years ago
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The Medic from Team Fortress 2 and Von Clutch from Crash Tag Team Racing = a match made in heaven :,D had a good kek doodling them.
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