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planaan · 9 days ago
Im sorry ur gonna look me in the eye and tell me reki and langa are platonic after they piggyback carried each other in the rain (sharing an umbrella btw) and then lovingly blush at each other and stare up into the sky which pans to a RAINBOW ???
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iso3200net · 2 years ago
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Rolling stock
My film photography started with my father's Zenit EM camera, I used that camera for a shorter time, and I switched to Pentax cameras pretty quickly. Since the early days, I've accumulated a few more Zenit cameras, but somehow always avoided actively using them - I got spoiled by nicer cameras, to be perfectly honest. But, from time to time, it is necessary to get back to the roots!
Here, a tractor and decommissioned fire truck, both parked on a road next to my father's vineyard. Somehow, this massive light leak happened there, probably by my not-yet-polished film-shortening technique.
Taken with Zenit 12xp film camera, with Mir-1V 37mm F2.8 wide-angle lens, on Agfa APX 400 black and white film. Developed with Adox Adonal, 1+50 dilution, 19 min at 21°C. Scanned with Plustek OpticFilm 8100 film scanner, using VueScan 9.5.
This particular camera was built by KMZ in Krasnogorsk, while the lens was built by VOMZ in Vologda.
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worldlykid · 5 years ago
Tbh i kind of hate posts that float around every Pride Month that are like "Actually Christians are wrong about their homophobia! Look at these scriptures they prove that God actually says this!!!" Because that's the fucking point. You can take the Bible and cherry pick an out of context or even in context verses to prove whatever point you want to make. That's why the use of the Bible is so dangerous.
Most Christians aren't just ignorant to the "meaning" of the bible... they deliberately use scripture to justify themselves and their hate towards minority groups.
If you really want to argue against a christian's bigotry, maybe you should try to have them prove why a mistranslated, easily misinterpreted 1000 year old book should be the basis behind any society's rules and beliefs, because that's where the true flaw in their reasoning is.
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tiredlesbianz · 5 years ago
I'm so ready to have romantic feelings again I havent had a real crush in over a year at this point
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blackberryshawty · 4 years ago
I was hungover and had a case of the vomz earlier so now I’m sitting here with Gatorade and coconut water and pedialyte and vodka recovering
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sapercustom-blog · 6 years ago
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Collimator red dot Vomz #Vomz #pilad #airsoft #airguns #red_dot #saper_custom #airgun.russia https://www.instagram.com/p/BpD7UQ4Hm5v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sjfs0o84sl99
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welcome-the-ghosts · 8 years ago
i just came to the horrifying realization that my ex’s ex gf (who he dated before and after me) added me on fb??????????????? and i never realized??????????? i get like 30 requests a day if we have more than 10 mutuals i just accept it....
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strongerthanu · 3 years ago
A vent post, encoded.
h goelonphhxifg oh alvygyms ku xoi oeey rseji i yhlf h woveu hf cusucmzmy.Of goisk aau iilr croef pr alij eaua alik fk sq. P hphn’k dnqd lva lzmtnl M brdvksvvsk lerktcjll ynkbl pva. Tc hvtrv kslw /atae/, cuh px skhpu bt tc tykoca euh wvms of ifis nbtj aihvs. Z gexlv alolzhv P’h jvy foet h qhr axtip. P lhze. Z wo. K dmsp lzdenf gvrtzgug as. Hx tybs rvmux I’d fowyrprg jhmgalprg kaav pwu’x yvm dghh. P whfnlf rmsp ik, iuv px vyt fy ivz qpweir (pwa qfwecy owa sm qy dbsgyc) hx tyx cqzx vj a whrulihflv xnf as tc prbn. K ksu’x kehw yomjl ij potzi, osnvltnf. Wlzei mhg jsyh aew sgl ma grlfbnl euh frel cdef? Sr uh I nlx ammv maml maw cfnrul euh slyfgy xovolzh wuxpp tyx uprrvan thmgz jvv mv? Zof, ks P revw tq aeso tf t ptvjlwszhncs. M kmde’m hcci h wejliqu xoms nxem hrk pajm wglo tc dfv hck xv gaeven.p ghr’t ixansc aelb mo rlswpe zg ma smmi ashuv alpw ffk sq teuc rvtsquw. P hoe’m wcux as syttvlv ale “yhpg” alhx sf fapf tlspcx hcz xoet chvg kslw eobsv. px ksej, tnf di ks sytrg px, iyt zm ccu’x jsnkbnwl xv fe jaatlh pr tyx wcf ma laj uegu. m hpsf wopa lhze kae guiyky kh fklpk uuvltkvrz enu ltqtejl tyx dghpprg fy sgjvlxs kaav hvl pibxla usa verela zijvekl. ivz nbwt… thmrsmjetvw. apk m ksnk aaxl xoi eexrif xv ixgeaku xoet. z aatkpf lamx tjl iuirxr tq milp ik.Mhg xylwtzhn vv ql ron bs qui vj mvkca, yihplp. bs ka qlvczyun as hhd wnen as h hyzgg hpvl sr kh bcpp h wiedipn womp zy yqb ousw kaav all jiix wksp kme rgd voi zlig pins wprk? zl tjhx tirtbfws, sy hovl iv zmttlp irqssuk tyx swmjlviez oh hps mnmhlxlh? Osw wtr ypps M gf mo mliw xhzl fkyi iyrebni? Dmsp I ynrv tczilw yotlzlv (oi tt nlezx qlbtg h aomlv) mo vyc as df phca mz vixat hvv zsmvhng lpzi? I’mx andefw wrgtgk xv, wodxwjlvl hevi dqdr, ii a dtrvfv; h watkihpgl. M svx tjl wdsru goy, ks P pek bt hhps sn dx?iv kslwn’k aenw xoet rel vomz gozgckkiz aika tjl iuh ow loolxomnx bnupkumfzvapa xoet Z xnlvclh aew onk tysbcxmu yiayrebni as ztoze wjhx… smkvey uamsp ij fy hhzvvikx dcf sm xhv recy. lvtewnlnf m jen ttln alpw prlt qui ale jaivamlwt ytlnvalin zoe gciy lau lo voea xhv uat jeu fe cxfv pr ale stsgtiux ffk ans xoet whlnva. P’q jllt vpvlh ow autamuk aew i ehr’a wev mhg lrk sf zm yga. Mm m wrl exlr h xrzylg tsyi svefkzl (vv ffhlkzl, pq nfm swyi dlita), if oeci hrw tjl wlrsv mo guh alij phgu m oed kae eoeuge.
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planaan · 1 month ago
Im curious what the consensus is pls try to refrain from using FANFIC as ur basis 🫡
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mosutaruda · 5 years ago
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iso3200net · 2 years ago
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Greenhouse in the sun
My film photography started with my father's Zenit EM camera, I used that camera for a shorter time, and I switched to Pentax cameras pretty quickly. Since the early days, I've accumulated a few more Zenit cameras, but somehow always avoided actively using them - I got spoiled by nicer cameras, to be perfectly honest. But, from time to time, it is necessary to get back to the roots!
Here, a greenhouse next to my father's vineyard, glistening in the sun.
Taken with Zenit 12xp film camera, with Mir-1V 37mm F2.8 wide-angle lens, on Agfa APX 400 black and white film. Developed with Adox Adonal, 1+50 dilution, 19 min at 21°C. Scanned with Plustek OpticFilm 8100 film scanner, using VueScan 9.5.
This particular camera was built by KMZ in Krasnogorsk, while the lens was built by VOMZ in Vologda.
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eppaljeck · 7 years ago
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worldlykid · 5 years ago
One of the many things that make me very uncomfortable with christianity is the idea of Sameness. Not just the obvious need for conformity in accordance with arbitrarily picked bible verses. The entire Goal is an afterlife of some sort where all the people who did abide by "biblical principles" live forever. With the Jehovah's Witness teaching of external "Paradise on Earth" specifically, its preached that the reward for following God's standards now results in an afterlife where you can...continue to do the exact same thing, surrounded only by people with identical believes and experiences, with the added bonus of immortality. Im sure im not the only one who finds this idea rather, joke intended, hellish. Its boring. Its creepy. Religious people are so terrified of diversity, even though diversity is what makes life interesting and nuanced and entertaining! How boring is it to be surround by 1000 people with identical beliefs, lifestyles, and culture? Even when i fully believed in the Jehovah's Witness faith i never was comfortable with the concept of afterlife for this reason.
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meclinicseoul · 6 years ago
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→ Performed by English speaking doctor
→ Non-invasive lifting method
☎ http://tinyw.in/VOmZ
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meclinic-seoul · 6 years ago
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→ Performed by English speaking doctor
→ Non-invasive lifting method
☎ http://tinyw.in/VOmZ
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sslawa · 6 years ago
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New Old Stock Loupe Magnifying Glass BIG 9cm 3.5inch with Box. VOMZ Soviet USSR Новое с хранения! Лупа складная увеличительное стекло 9см 2х ЛПК-471 sslawa.com/item/104021596 #Loupe #magnifying #magnifyingglass #NOS #retroUSSR #sslawa #USSR #USSRvintage #sovietvintage #ЛПК471 #лупа #лупабольшая #Лупадляпросмотра #лупаскладная #лупаСССР #Новоесхранения #схранения #советскаятехника #советскаяфототехника #СССРувеличительное #увеличительное #стекло #оптикаСССР #worldwidedelivery #worldwideshipping (at Сувениры в СПБ) https://www.instagram.com/sslawa.ru/p/BrLOFMllT6j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cmfe4ir9bhtf
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