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On my early morning walk I noticed a line of people waiting on the opening of a store to purchase some "Vans Fog Shoes." It reminded me of the power of branding. All products have a chance to compete in the market place with good marketing. #pascun #vans #vansshoes #vansfog #nike #nikeshoes #branding #brandingtips #pascunstyle #voiceover #commerical #consultantsclub #voiceoveractor #voiceovertalent #voiceoverclub
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Join me for the next 'Voice Over Online Seminar for Beginners.' For more information and to sign up go to my website at: http://www.rodneysaulsberry.com/ #vocals #voiceovercoach #VOLife #voice馃帳 #voiceovers #voicetalent #seminar #toastmasters #getstartedtoday #VO #voschool #voiceoverclub #voiceteacher
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There is still time left to register for my 'Voice Over Online Seminar for Beginners' on Thursday, January 25th at 5:00 PM PST. Be prepared to have fun and learn a lot! If you can't make it registration will get you a recording of the one hour event. For more information and to sign up go to the following web address. http://www.rodneysaulsberry.com/beginners-voice-over-online-seminar.html #voiceover #voiceoverclub #theconsultantsclub #voiceovercoach #voiceovertalent #voiceoverartist #volife #marketing #seminar #voiceoverseminar #tonguetwistersandvocalwarmups #successtalkswithrodneysaulsberry
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Hello Friends, Join me in my one hour Commercial Intensive Online Voice Over Seminar for Beginners Only. Thursday, January 25th at 5:00 PM Pacific. For more information and to sign up go to the following web address. http://www.rodneysaulsberry.com/beginners-voice-over-online-seminar.html Be prepared to have some fun and learn a lot! #voiceover #voiceoverclub #voiceovercoach #voiceovercoach #voiceoveractor #voiceovertalent #voice馃帳#volife #tonguetwistersandvocalwarmups #consultantsclub #seminar #onlineseminar
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If you use your voice at work and we all do, this is the book for you. It's the perfect vocal warm-up companion and a great gift too! Get your copy on Amazon and wherever books are sold. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0974767824/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513144619&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=rodney+saulsberry%27s+tongue+twisters+and+vocal+warm-ups&dpPl=1&dpID=51dt0BDsEnL&ref=plSrch #voiceover #voiceoverclub #voiceoveractor #voiceovertalent #amazonbooks #vocals #vocalwarmups #volife #VO #singer馃帳 #speakers #speech #tonguetwistersandvocalwarmups #tonguetwisters
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If you use your voice on the job be sure to listen to the next Success Talks podcast titled 'How to Take Care of Your Voice.' This EP 015 will be available on Monday, February 12th. Just go to the link in my profile to download, listen and share this informative podcast episode. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/success-talks-with-rodney-saulsberry/id1282720748?mt=2&i=1000395585636 #voiceover #voice馃帳 #bloggerslife #tonguetwistersandvocalwarmups #rodneysaulsberrystonguetwistersandvocalwarmups #successtalkswithrodneysaulsberry #podcastlife #ivoox #toastmasters #webgram #vocalist #singers #singerslife #nyquil #singersongwriter #singers #singer馃帳 #throatlozenges #singersfriend #podknife #stitcherradio #itunes #spotify #googleplay #voiceoverclub #voicetalent #voicecoach #voicecoacheslife #success #talk
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