rjhood99 · 5 years
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This is my friend Teva Harrison she is fighting metastatic breast cancer. Teva Harrison has since passed away earlier this year! She was just an inspiration to me and so many others. I do miss her so very much. But, she lives in our hearts 💕. On this first day of breast cancer “awareness” month, I learned that my cancer is literally trying to take my voice away. It paralyzed the left side of my larynx and I only have the sub-optimal voice I do because the right side is overcompensating. There are things that can be done, and I’ll be exploring them with a specialist, but my voice will likely never be what it once was. Metastatic breast cancer chips away at who we are on so many levels but I wasn’t expecting it to go for my voice. It’s like it knew that I use it for advocacy or something. I don’t plan on being quiet anytime soon. Not even if I have to whisper. #stageivneedsmore #pinktober #mbc #metastaticbreastcancer #vocalparalysis #breastcancer https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IZwAPlAjI/?igshid=1orki0bh5tm9c
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drhaldunoguz · 4 years
Günün olgusu - İki taraflı ses teli felci
Günün Olgusu - İki taraflı ses teli felci
Günün Olgusu – İki Taraflı Ses Teli Felci 35 yaşında kadın hastamızda tiroid kanseri ardından gelişen iki taraflı ses teli felci. Videolaringostroboskopik muayenede her iki ses teli hareketlerinin, özellikle soluk alma sırasında belirgin hale gelen, kısıtlı olduğu görülüyor. #vocalcord #vocalparalysis #vocalcordparalysis #stroboscopy #laryngology #phoniatrics #voicesurgery #voicetreatment…
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