#vm rewatch 2019
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veronicaneptunes · 5 months ago
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A long time ago, we used to be friends... The Veronica Mars pilot aired 20 years ago today- on the 22nd of September, 2004.
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captainsspnanon · 2 years ago
C2E68 - Reflections - rewatch
My brain is skipping around a lot today and this episode is once again encounter heavy, let’s see how far I can make it in before my head shuts down.
Did I literally have to look up how to search for things on twitter to see if Sam actually live posted? Yes. Did he actually live post? Not according to what I could find via searching. I’m disappointed, he could have copy/pasted to do them! If he DID do them and they just got removed or didn’t show via my searching, I’m even more sad.
Wait no they’re reacting like it’s real? Did they get taken down? Just not show via search?? OH WAIT I’m looking at the day the episode posted, June 24 2019! But it would have been June 20th! *researches* AH HA!!! I am now pleased. It does seem like there are still a few that are ‘missing’, unsure if not actually sent or if somehow lost to easy searchability. Had to snip these together, the search had them all out of order.
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As Nott and Yasha keep watch, and Nott introduces the idea of thinking of what’s the worst thing that could happen, I did not put it together originally that as Yasha discusses being tortured and chained up and dying that way that it’s essentially what happened to her with the Iron Shepherds. (...she doesn’t have a lot of luck with people whose names contain ‘Iron’, does she?)
As I started this scene, I was thinking about how much I love the tower and wish that they had it for more of the campaign so that we could have more scenes in it (I will never get enough of the tower), but episodes like this really wouldn’t have such poignant and important moments if they had the pretty-much-guaranteed safety of the tower. In a sense, the dome actually is much more meaningful to the Nein, simply for how long they had it, and how it provides a relative safety while still needing watches due to uncertainty, whereas watches in the tower are usually unneeded. ….now I’m doing my Mansion = VM, dome = M9 thing where they are more scrappy and living rougher. I really wonder if I would like VM more if I was able to watch a lot more of their earlier play. I don’t think so, because the group really needed to grow in terms of home-game-antics versus live-show-antics, but I miss the fact that we didn’t see the early days of VM the same way we do with the Nein. ...I just live the Nein so much you guys. SO MUCH.
“What do you mean Caleb killed his whole family?” THIS. ENTIRE. SCENE. Chefs kiss, a million out of ten, no notes at all. Sam is doing a lot of heavy lifting but Ashley is coming in with some GREAT punches “I’ll be sure to use it in front of the entire group, I’ll sound trendy”. And of course, all of this capped off by just watching EVERYONE die repeatedly in the background. CONTINUOUSLY.
In all serious, this is by far pretty much the best moment of showing how, in all three campaigns, sometimes people forget who knows what – just because it’s been so long that they’ve been playing. Liam, by all rights, could have been annoyed with Sam from dropping a huge plot point of Caleb’s background, especially just completely offhand and with no way for Caleb to even take control of the narrative for a moment. But he doesn’t. There’s such a give and take, trust and understanding at this table that I think viewers repeatedly forget. Bowlgate would never have reached the level it did if people didn’t think that Marisha and Liam were actually upset at each other over it. I remember an argument in C1 between Keyleth and Percy where the fans were TEARING Keyleth/Marisha apart, and then in the Talks after Marisha and Taliesin were talking about how funny it was because they, out of character, were completely agreeing with each OTHER’S arguments and not their own. So when accidents like this happen, there are no hard feelings and fights off camera. MAYBE, at most, Liam may have reminded Sam ‘hey that’s kind of a big thing, can you make sure you don’t bring it up with anyone else until I do, in game?’, but I very much doubt that conversation was had. (plus it’s pretty damn obvious to anyone with eyes that Liam is clearly enjoying this more than anyone else with how hard he’s laughing the entire time.)
Even better is the whiplash from such a funny scene into Caleb and Beau discussing what comes after death. This is something where I wonder if Liam had wanted to have this conversation with Beau, or if he knew it would work very well after such a funny bit to immediately move into something very dark. Interestingly, Caleb never felt to me like a PC that really ruminated on what comes after death. I can see him thinking about it more once he finally lays to rest the idea of turning back time to save his parents. I wonder if this was an early moment where he started thinking about maybe not actually taking that final step and then having to think of an after life where his parents weren’t saved. Liam was so unsure of what he would do if presented the chance, even all the way towards the end of the campaign. We never really get a resolution of if Matt would ever have let it happen the way that Liam/Caleb planned, even if it was all nat 20s, and I honestly think that’s the best for the story. Let us not know, the same way that Caleb doesn’t know. It’s the most narratively satisfying to me – I would not enjoy a story where he failed and despaired for failing, and I don’t know how Caleb would progress in a story where he succeeded and then all of a sudden it’s on Matt – do his parents forgive him? Hate him? Where do you go from there? Ending with him accepting himself, accepting his grief and responsibility as well as his lack of responsibility, it leaves much more for Caleb after the campaign ends.
Omg I forgot Caleb talks to Beau about how he’s feeling so awkward with the situation with Nott!!! I’m not saying I ship Widobrave and I’m also not saying that I DON’T ship Widobrave, but the Caleb and Nott dynamic is of the best pairing dynamics in all three campaigns bite me. (I was about to say that the only one that came close was Vex and Vax, but then I’m like wait what about Caleb and Beau, and Beau and Fjord?? So okay, I guess THOSE are my top four dynamics) It’s fun thinking about how much Beau and Caleb hated each other at the beginning of the campaign, and now he’s asking for relationship advice. THE BEST.
For all of the fact that the Fjord and Caduceus dynamic is amazing, they actually don’t have a ton of scenes together that I remember. This one, acknowledging fear with a very small mention of the gods, was very sweet.
Wait wasn’t Frumpkin a cat? ‘Cause he explored the tunnels leading in? ...Yes! Because Caleb turned him from vulture to cat when they were staying at the store place! Eh, it happens occasionally. That’s how we got a flying spider back during the Iron Shepherds bit. (goddamn it I ALWAYS want to type ‘shephard’.)
Aww!!! A C1 reference I missed the first time around, as they’re talking about being very quiet on the metal bridge they make a few ‘clang clang clang’ references to Pike.
I actually really like this part of the Gibbering Mouther encounter because while it’s just continuously rolling stealth, it provides tension without really dragging down the game. It helps to have the physical bridge there but only seeing a part of it at a time. The group doesn’t know how many times Matt’s going to keep laying out maps, but it’s also not an interminable time with theatre of the mind.
(Liam going ‘where are you Vax?’ and Marisha going ‘dead.’ 10/10)
“Laura’s calling” I love this so much
Solid credit to Matt for planning this encounter. He was reasonably able to assume pass without a trace would help them get across easily enough, so there’s disadvantage when they are at the center of the bridge, there’s a rusted out plank (I wonder if that would have existed if Nott hadn’t been searching for traps, or if it was credit for the high roll), there’s a roper ensuring that some noise would be made just due to natural combat, without penalizing any players for their actions, Matt designed this so that there would HAVE to be a multitude of wisdom saves. Plus, while I’m not sure what the rolls are, either Matt is consistently rolling ‘bad’, or there is a higher chance that a PC just loses their turn, rather than leaps off the edge or attacks someone, so it also doesn’t feel super targeted. Out of the five build-up encounters of this area (spiders, lightning, zombies, this, and then mirror people) this one is my favorite. (though in all fairness I also completely forgot about the mirror people until I saw them on critrolestats, so….)
Interesting with the conversation with Liam about holding a spell as a reaction, I thought you could use a different spell for your reaction but you’d lose your held spell. I can’t find an easy answer on google though, so who knows. I’m pretty sure he wanted to use feather fall. Whether it’s accurate to rules or not, I think I would have ruled that he could cast feather fall, but lost the slow spell including still losing the spell slot for it. (then again, Matt consistently rules that you can’t move for a held action, but RAW you can, from what I can tell) Also I feel like he’s ruled differently about this later on. Ah, mechanics. So not my forte.
*grits teeth* I must not scream about my bullshit coworkers. I must not vent about my coworkers online where, even though this is an anonymous site, there is always the slight possibility that they will find the posts. I will ONLY say through teeth clenched so hard that they might crack, wonderful to know that you can take a month and a half to get me information that I needed (which other people were getting on my back about not being completed and I had to keep reminding them that I cannot make the decisions you make), but now that you need information from me – in a SIGNIFICANT amount of detail – you’re getting all pissy that I’m saying it might take me a week to do. You know, after all the shit that I have to do with my regular work, PLUS the fact that you only just got me the info *I* needed, and updating what I need to do will take time! But no, you get to send multiple high importance emails and give me shit that I can’t get it to you fast enough.
Okay, with that vent done and to deal with all that shit tomorrow at work, time to get back into an awesome encounter. Which I think is almost done? Just time for the Laura/Travis/Matt interaction about player agency that I will talk about once it hits.
And there it is! In fairness to Travis, the message from Laura was not ‘do this’ and he was saying no. It was preceded with an ‘if’ (though the wording details are of course unknown). While him refusing to do something that Laura tells him directly to do is a sheer dick move, the fact that in the moment he is uncertain about if the ‘if’ factor qualified, or if her plans would have changed, the fact that there was a delay, I can understand his motive. Especially because he didn’t have Jester do something else, he had her hold her action, which then, assuming Laura clarified, he could then ask Matt to do whatever it was.
On the other hand, once again, fantastic table. Sam gets clarification multiple times that Travis is not doing what he was requested to (done in a humorous and exaggerated effect, but also still clearly checking in and bringing it to attention – likely that this was a choice he disapproved of but didn’t want to come right out and say it). After Sam does his spiel (I SWEAR that word should have an H in it somewhere, fuck spelling), Matt, having very clearly picked up what Sam was putting down, gives Travis another opportunity for clarification. Is Travis, being given clear instructions, disregarding a player’s agency because she was not there. And this is the moment that Travis clarifies the ‘if’ that Laura had originally given him.
Now, I’m not one to over analyze microexpressions (I mean, yes I kind of am, shut up), but when Sam starts his bit, you can visibly see Matt 1) turn to completely face Travis, 2) get a more serious cast to his face, and 3) start to open his mouth, only to allow Sam to finish before he goes to Travis for clarification. There’s a lot of situations at the table where I wonder what would have happened if a moment went differently, or what a conversation would be off screen, but here, I don’t really need to imagine much. If Travis had refused, if he hadn’t clarified the ‘if’ statement, I would lay solid money down that Matt would have told him that Laura’s judgement ruled, regardless of what Travis wanted to do. It wouldn’t have been mean, hell it probably wouldn’t even have been Uncomfortable, but I cannot see Matt do anything except put his foot down in this moment.
Luckily, all that ends up being not needed because the delay was enough time for Laura to text back and confirm that it was no longer an ‘if’, she wanted to do the action, and Travis IMMEDIATELY went along with her choice. This is also why I don’t really consider this too much to be Travis trying to take away player agency or anything like that. As soon as there was the confirmation he instantly and without hesitation had Jester do what Laura said. The only reason he even hesitated in the first place is because he was still unsure of what she wanted to do.
Huh, something I missed on the first watch, why does Matt have the mouther try to bite Jester? I think he just forgot that it wasn’t it’s turn, unless it’s got a reaction which allows it to make an attack whenever a creature comes within range? I’m usually not nitpicky about Matt’s DMing, I’m surprised that I’ve got a few things poking at me this time.
(Sam having written dumb things about Laura or said by ‘Laura’ on his flask, only to update it to super nice things once Jester saves Nott. Sadly critrolestats only has one image, but it has “Sam is a genius” “I eat farts” “Laura Buttley” and “I heart thick ass tentacles”. Rewinding a bit to count bridge sections, there was also mustace and beard, “ass without a trace” and I THINK “dicks are dumb”, “Travis you motherfucker”. Sadly, youtube comments don’t have them listed, and Flando’s comments were more general. LOL never mind. Coming back here from the second half of the episode and it’s all gag stuff again. Drawing of a penis, the traveler wuz here, other stuff I can’t make out.)
“Thankfully, Nott and Jester didn’t spend enough time in the chasm’s grasp to experience its blinding spittle, which does exactly what it sounds like. Had anyone dropped to zero hit points by being bitten by the chasm, they would have dissolved into the chasm and become another set of eyes and whispering mouths amongst it.” HOLY FUCK CRITROLESTATS. I did not know that, and I feel like I didn’t need to know that. Holy shit we could have gotten a permadeath! I mean, unlikely considering that it didn’t do too much damage and the party had a billion ways of getting out of there (dimension door, misty step, thunder step, polymorph anyone into something that flies, etc. etc.) but still! COOOL AF.
Once again, giving full credit to Matt for the design of this encounter. He has Jester and Nott end up one segment of bridge down at the end of the bridge, so the encounter is almost finished. But! The players were technically in the ‘center’ of the bridge, and I just went back to review. It took five bridge segments for the players to reach the first ‘center’ of the bridge, and then the one that they are on right now is the sixth section. By all accounts, there should be five more sections of bridge that they have to travel along. But, in terms of interesting encounter, five more sections with a banished roper and just continued stealth rolls AFTER the badass moment of Jester jumping down and dimension dooring? Then it can just become tedious, with more of a desire to just finish up the section and move ON, rather than actual tenseness from the encounter. So Matt, by having such a flexible design, allows the encounter to end significantly earlier which feels good both for viewer and for player.
Oh hey the whip! Don’t they give that to Fjord when he loses his powers?
AH! I’d forgotten about this speak with dead moment so figured it wasn’t important (why do I do that, I’ve clearly forgotten very awesome moments and things) and it’s when they first get the name of the Laughing Hand! Very specifically also mentioned to be The Undying too, nice foreshadowing there. Once again, Sam being way more in tune than he likes to portray outside of the game, immediately recognizing the relationship to the King.
Caduceus/Taliesin asked very good questions here (and Matt is generous with allowing a redo for a question that didn’t quite work), but a tiny part of me wishes that he’d used the last question about asking about Nott’s flask. Granted, asking how to survive the mirror chamber and being told ‘don’t continue’ is AWESOME AS FUCK and incredibly atmospheric, but imagine the laughs!
Interesting that they do find footprints which I am assuming to be Obann, because I thought Obann essentially ended up tricking them into clearing out the tombs for him. Hmmm, I guess not. Wiki doesn’t specify it at all. Maybe the party mentions it as a concern that they had and I took it for fact? Or I’m mixing up facts from a different section, or possible different campaign entirely XD
Thought I was gonna finish this today in a shockingly fast two day rewatch, but with an hour left my focus is shot. Let’s see if I can finish it tomorrow and have a three day turn around!
LOL nope instead I had a week from hell with basically no sleep so now my sleep schedule is all fucked up. AND I started getting pain in one of my teeth yesterday, so I probably have a cavity. T.T But at least I’ll finish this today, so still technically only three days of watching? Just….with a week break inbetween XD
I wonder why Fjord was able to touch the mirror and only see a glimpse of movement, whereas Yasha touched the mirror and was immediately pulled through? I mean, in game reason. I’m pretty sure the Doylist explanation was that Matt was building tension (and very successfully!). Perhaps the creatures were waiting to see what happened?
This map is truly amazing. Once again, it’s technically a ‘simple’ map, just walls at weird angles and then mirrors, but because of that simplicity it makes it distracting and jarring with all the reflections. Definite proof that a good encounter doesn’t need a fantastic map – with this one so simple and the other one literally just chunks of a bridge at a time.
While the concept of this encounter is very fun, especially with the additional puzzle aspect, I don’t find it as engaging as crossing the bridge. The creatures make look like the other PCs, but there’s no mechanical benefit to the deception, which would have been fun. I think my ranking would be bridge, lighting chamber, zombies, reflections, spiders.
Ah! I forgot about the music trick to get through the door! Very very clever! I wonder if Matt would have still had that as a requirement if they’d never heard the music through the statues. I’m assuming not, and he would have a different method of getting through.
Always a fan of the little after-conversations before the streaming wraps. Especially when Travis tries to weasel information out of Matt. (Oddly, I find in C3 that Matt is more willing to share information after a session.)
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chxrrysangel · 2 years ago
I’m intrigued to know, as I sit in the dark and think perhaps just a bit too much for it to be healthy, what is your devastatingly beautiful movie?
A movie you loved so much the first time around, more than likely related a bit too much to certain characters, and can now only watch it during a certain mood? Perhaps, you haven’t even rewatched it at all.
Little Women (2019). I’m still working up the courage to watch the other adaptations but I don’t think that’ll happen for a bit. I watched it 2 yrs ago and haven’t seen it again since. This movie devastated me to the point that I cried in the rain walking home, sent a very tearful vm to my best friend reviewing it, and then sat in complete silence when I got home.
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Tags: @bonafidehero @dollwrites @stellarmagu @netflixmatt @tonictransistor @spencer-van-sunshine
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
Please note that in the interest of concluding the rewatch before the Hulu revival, we're skipping episodes 13-18, which are normally the least attended rewatches, and moving right to episode 19. 
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x19 Weevil’s Wobble But They Don’t Go Down
When: Wednesday, July 10th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/wp9BsNT
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alexannah · 5 years ago
VM: Season Four Main Reaction
Spoilers underneath.
I don’t have Hulu so I’ve spent months occasionally checking to see if a DVD of season four has been released in the UK yet, and being disappointed, until I finally found it. (In the meantime, I’ve been avoiding any internet references to avoid spoilers, and really grateful I did!) Today I just binge-watched the whole thing for the first time, and ...
I was loving it right up UNTIL the last few minutes.
I’m not the profanity type, but from time to time I really want to ******* at a TV show, and this was one of those moments. I mean, WHAT???????????????
That was my reaction. Apart from crying.
I know Veronica Mars is a show that doesn’t have completely happy fairy tale endings. That has always been obvious. But did they have to do THAT?????????
Just ... no. They didn’t. WAY too far!!!
My emotions cannot handle my ship getting married and then one of them dying right afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That should have been the best episode ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now ...
I’ve never actually been very involved in VM fandom or read fanfiction, because I’m hardwired for fantasy stuff (though I have planned several crossovers featuring Veronica), but now I’m going to have to venture into fic and find some good fix-its to help me go into fan denial. (Maybe I’ll even write one eventually.) Open to recommendations!
When I’m emotionally ready to rewatch the season, I might make a longer, more detailed post on my reactions to the rest of it. For now I’m just blown away (and not in a good way) by the ending.
And the discovery that there will apparently be no season five. Which makes the “Season One (2019)” description on the DVD misleading in more than one sense.
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notagoodideatodothat · 6 years ago
Why Veronica Mars broke my heart.
Ok let’s start this. Everything I’m going to write is my opinion, how I felt and my views on season 4. And it’s the first time I’m writing anything that I want to make “public”, but I’m honestly doing it for myself more than anything.
To start with logic, let’s talk about the story of season 4. Some part of the mystery was not too bad, but to be honest it was quite messy. I think it was a bit much for an 8-episodes season and I don’t really think the thing about the Mexican cartel was necessary, and let’s be real, I felt it was a bit racist, but I won’t say more about it because I’m not Mexican/Latina nor American and I don’t feel it’s my place to say anything about it. The bombing of Neptune during spring break could have been brilliant, and the idea of it being link with the debate in town was a great reminder that Neptune was a place with no middle class, which is also the root of the show. But the going back and forth about who the suspects are and the motivation behind all that just confused the hell out of me. I think this is the first issue in the writing of the new season.
The second issue I see in the writing is how Veronica was portrayed. It’s like they forgot who she was, everything she went through and survived. I felt that her relation with Keith is still strong but a bit off; it felt like Veronica was still a teenager. Let’s not mention how she is ignoring and judging Wallace for having a family and a house and showing it as something boring; and the big mess with Weevil. But let��s take a quick second to thank Tina for not getting into this mess. Her friends were so important to her, and that’s also why we loved her. Also her rejecting and making fun of Logan for going to therapy and encouraging her to do the same, like isn’t she suppose to have a degree in Psychology? I couldn’t read the books completely because season 4 came before I could finish them, and I’m not really in the mood for anymore VM right now, but in the movie she was so different than how she was in the new season. The other issue I have, like many fans, is with the alcohol and drug use. Everybody can do whatever they want of course, and even more if everything is legal, but this is so out of character. She was raped because of alcohol and drug. Her mom was an alcoholic and she saw it destroy her family. And this is just in season one. The only time we saw Veronica drinking was in the movie and it was one drink and a beer. If you just really think for a minute you can see the issue. I’ve love this character for a good portion of my life, and I couldn’t recognize her. And I know they wanted to make things more adult, but you can do that without completely destroying everything who’ve built before. Also she has been a PI for so long now, in what world, would she not check her car?  There is just no logic to that and you can’t tell me otherwise. Her relationship with Logan had issues too. Like I said the thing about therapy is problematic. But the whole angry sex scene was so wrong. He’s actively trying to get better, to heal his anger, and the only thing she wants is old Logan, when in the previous seasons, particularly in the third, she was so judgmental of everything he was and did. This is just messy writing, and a lack of consistency. And every problems or fights they had just disappeared and they just didn’t really talk about it. If you want to make Veronica more adult, let’s start with her acting like an adult in a stable relationship, which she was suppose to be at the beginning of the new season. It’s not like we decided that it was who she was, you put her in that place.                             Also telling us that Veronica is more interesting when traumatised, telling that no matter what you do you won’t ever be able to access happiness, that a married woman is not as sexy or interesting; I can go on and on and on. We are in 2019, your show used to be something people brought up when talking about woman on TV, about feminism, and you absolutely destroy that. You just showed us that you know nothing about feminism and what women go through. And the fact that you protagonist is a woman doesn’t change anything about that. A woman doesn’t have to be a survivor of sexual assault to be strong; a woman doesn’t have to be single to be independent; a woman doesn’t have to have multiple sexual partners to be sexy.
But you know what, as a fan of the show for 15years, I was bothered by all that maybe I could have accept it as just flaws, without it completely ruining the new season for me, and hoping they’ll improve her character in a potential season 5. And honestly I thought I was going to rewatched it over and over so I was not really focused on the problems, but on the fact that I was watching new episodes of Veronica Mars, which is something I didn’t think was possible.                     But they had to kill Logan with no respect, the best character of the whole show, no matter what people say. He went from a proper jackass, a bully, and a victim of abuse, to an adult in the process of healing, with a career no one expected. And also, he was not just part of the relationship with Veronica; he was also a character that we loved on his own. Of course he was an awful person at the beginning of the show, but first he wasn’t the only one (let’s not forget Duncan please thank you and Leo who sold the tapes of Lily and Aaron, which apparently everyone in the writers room forgot) and I’m never going to ignore that, but you can’t deny the changes he made, and his real motivation to get better and this is not something you can say about Veronica in season 4. You know what I need as a victim of traumatic event?  To Heal. I’m getting there, it is hard work and this how Veronica should be in season 4, but who was in that place? Logan. But you decided that it was not enough.
I don’t know what happen behind the scene, and I’m not going to speculate about that, but Jason did such a good job portraying Logan, from the start to the end. And his death was unfair, to Jason first, and to the fans. And what was even more unfair, is the lack of closure and grief that was giving to us. We just saw a character that we loved for 15 years blow up after a wedding that we weren’t sure we were going to have and nothing. Of course, I think you can kill major character in show, if the motivations are good, and the death is going to improve the story and/or a character but you have to do it properly. Because otherwise you’re not doing it for the good reasons. I can give you examples of shows that killed major character and did it properly : How to get away with Murder killed one of the main character and we had a whole season dedicated to that death and Laurel’s grief ; Peaky Blinder, and it was quite violent yet still acceptable, proof that you can have a violent end and still do it respectably ; Desperate Housewives killed one of the most important character in one of the last episodes of the show, a fan favourite but we had some time of grief, with a funeral and how every other character had to deal with this death ; Downton Abbey killed not one but two major character in one season ; Grey’s Anatomy is known for killing major character but every time we had closure and grief for us and from the characters ; and to go on the SF side, Game of Thrones did it better than Veronica Mars, which wants to make me laugh. And Glee, for which the death was real, was able to respect their fans, actors, crew and everyone who was devastated by the passing of Cory Monteith.
I completely support that the creators and the writers are free to do what they want with what they created.  I honestly believe that if Logan had to die for the show to keep going; I don’t agree but it was Rob freedom to do so. But there were a million better ways to do it without being disrespectful to the actor, the character and the fans. Because yes, a show without an audience, and without fans is nothing. That is why brilliant TV shows get cancelled and mediocre show can go on for ten years. A vocal fandom and audience is what’s keeping a show alive.  And when you look at the facts, the Veronica Mars fandom is what made everything possible. Without us, Veronica Mars would have disappeared in the world of cancelled show with good potential but that didn’t have a lot of success. I couldn’t give to the Kickstarter campaign, because I didn’t have a bank account at that time but I bought the complete collection of Veronica Mars when I was a broke student, and I can tell you 45€ is a lot of money, I bought my Team Logan t-shirt, I bought the books, I put my money in it because I wanted to show I was supporting Veronica Mars, and I wanted more. As soon as I heard on Kristen’s Instagram that it was coming back, I was absolutely ecstatic. I followed every account on every platform I was on. I commented on Instagram to express how happy and grateful I was and this is something I never do. I couldn’t stop talking about it to my friends, even though they don’t really watch it. The week before the surprise release I was non-stop on Veronica Mars. I haven’t been excited about anything for a long, long time. And it was destroyed in 10 minutes.
And as you know we can fight to have our show back, but we can also do everything we can to make sure that Hulu and Rob, and everyone involve know how we feel. And ignoring us on social media won’t stop us from expressing our thoughts and feelings. And for the first time you can see fans fighting to end the show we’ve been supporting for so long. After season 4, I can assure you that I’d rather give the movie and the books back so my favourite show would not be ruined for me. And if Rob thinks that the mystery is why we were all watching, he is so wrong. Being a PI is part of Veronica’s character, not everything about her. Her relations and the other characters are what we loved about the show. The mystery part of it was nice sometime, and could be well written, especially in season 1, but this was not the heart of the show, no matter what Rob is saying. He says he wants to make a show 100% about mystery and a detective. My mom loves police shows; she watches everything, Murder she Wrote, every fucking CSI, Criminal Mind, Cold Case, really shitty French Show,...and I can assure you she still watches for the characters. Because no matter the story you’re telling, the characters are the heart of it.
The first feeling I had after spending a whole night watching the new season was real sadness. I think I cry for over an hour. I was truly heartbroken. I’m not in a really good place emotionally at the moment and I was so looking forward to this, I cannot even begin to explain what it did to me. The next week I almost didn’t sleep, and I was a real mess. I had some family that was visiting and all I could think about was a fucking TV show. But when the interviews and videos started to come out, I was absolutely pissed. It felt like a betrayal. Telling us this is what we need, saying Logan was a sacrificial lamb, saying Veronica is in that place now, that they’ll be no grieving. We are adult now; we are not children throwing a stupid tantrum. And presenting us as angry fan girl, who are just pissed because our ship is over is so fucking sexist. And even if we are pissed about that, which I also am, what is the problem? We can love a relation and the character, and still be a “good fan”. Also can we talk about how you used Logan and LoVe in the promo, the trailer, all the social media, to make sure the fans who love LoVe where going to watch. This is manipulating your audience, and from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
I use to associate Veronica Mars with something positive, a safe space, where my problems were not real, now it’s a lot of pain, regret, rage. The only good thing about all that is the community, you know the fans that you don’t care about anymore. People from all over the world; supporting each other, checking on each other, loving each other. You honestly had one of the best Fan Base behind you Rob, and you just gave us the biggest fuck off of all time. You say you made a bet, and that you hope the fan won’t hate you for it. I can tell you, even if you have a season 5, you still lost.      
Because you lost us; and our support.
It’s been a month, and I’m only able to finish writing that now, and it still feels really fresh. I’m still devastated, and angry, and betrayed and so many emotion that I never thought I would associate with Veronica Mars; yet here we are.
And to Rob, and Hulu, of anyone that worked on this, please no more, no season 5, no more social media post. You didn’t give us grieving, so please now leave us alone.
I’m sure it was not really well written, and that I forgot a shit ton of stuff but this is what I think and feel, and if anyone read this, I hope this will maybe give comfort, like reading everyone else’s opinions helped me a bit. Like I said to a dear writer that I love, like always we will get through this together.
@hulu @officialveronicamarsonhulu
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x20 The Bitch is Back
When: Wednesday, July 17th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/dUkJqYq
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x12 There’s Got To Be a Morning After Pill
When: Wednesday, July 3rd, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/Xkd7CAw
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Please note that in the interest of concluding the rewatch before the Hulu revival, starting next week we're going to skip episodes 13-18, which are normally the least attended rewatches, and go right to episode 19.
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x4 Charlie Don’t Surf
When: Wednesday, May 8th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/dUAKk5n
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x11 Poughkeepsie, Tramps & Thieves
When: Wednesday, June 26th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/bmZE3Dd
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x6 Hi, Infidelity 
When: Wednesday, May 22nd, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/YbH6z7z
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x8 Lord of the Pi’s
When: Wednesday, June 5th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/J6SmP54
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x10 Show Me the Monkey
When: Wednesday, June 19th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/UqXA8HA
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: The Veronica Mars Movie
When: Wednesday, April 10th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/NEWNsda
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x5 President Evil
When: Wednesday, May 15th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/pGtpTRM
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vmheadquarters · 6 years ago
What: Veronica Mars Episode 3x7 Of Vice and Men
When: Wednesday, May 29th, 9:00 PM EST
Where: https://discord.gg/62QGQVu
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