#vlad faye
new-revenant · 3 months
I saw some comics where Harley Quinn or AKA The suicide squad we're working with like justice league dark and because of that idea angsty crack misunderstanding idea
Dr Faye on one of these missions that have to do with working with suicide squad ended up bringing Phantom in but they end up having to go to the infinite realms to get Phantom
Where they see Phantom and Plasmius arguing about Dan and Ellie who are deaged to toddlers when Danny tries to break up the argument by grabbing his bag and turning into his human form saying I got to go to my internship AKA Justice League Dark
Which turns into a physical fight where both of them turn into their human forms and of course Danny ends up winning the fight and going with a Doctor Fate but the suicide squad and the other members of Justice League darker now convinced that this teenager is harboring a God and is it a toxic relationship with his godfather that he was forced to have kids with
Doctor Fate nor Danny have corrected them because they don't know that they think that so from suicide squad and the rest of the members of justice league dark it's it's a watching a teenager being a talk to relationship for the sake of the the kids and the fact that they're practically the only people of their species
For Danny it's just oh it's just Vlad being his normal fruitloop self not realizing how weird it looks from other people's point of view
This was a wild ride to read lamo. I dunno if it’s because I’m tired or not but I can comprehend nothing in this ask. Not to diss you btw, I’m being a bit hyperbolic. Yeah, Danny and Vlad’s relationship does seem a bit weird from the outside lol. Also I image that some of the JLD and the SS are just eating popcorn, watching the whole thing unfold.
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About Spectra🕷
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The "good" doctor has always been trapping people in her webs. As a well skilled psychologist she used her know how of people to get what she wanted, especially through her clients. Wether it's persuading extra pay offers, sharing confidential info, she'd do anything for the right price. Eventually though the consequences of her less ethical practices catched up to her and bit her hard, literally! Now she continues to haunt the world, trying to trap people in her webs, this time they’re even harder to get out of!”.
For her I'm getting rid of the search for beauty and focusing on her being a person who takes advantage of others for her self gain. I'm thinking of making her dark neutral. She mostly does what she does for her self gain and won't go to more trouble than she has to, for what she wants and willing to work with anyone, for the right price. On the other hand her utter lack of care for the people around her as well as her willingness to abuse her power usually makes her an enemy. She also takes joy in causing the misfortune and doesn’t show much concern or remorse for it, especially if its someone she hates.
I also want to push the parallel between her and Jazz more,both being people I with skills and interest in psychology. She could be what Jazz became if she jsut stopped caring about helping people with their issues and used them to only benefit herself. I’m thinking form a young age, Spectra was aware of humanity not being naturally good and saw that more and more as she grew. Eventually she adapted a ““let them be evil” mindset and worked to be just as, if not more cunning and underhanded than the people around her.
Spectra-You can etheir be their prey or they can be yours.
Im thinking for her ep, Jazz at first likes and really looks up to her especially for her profession(fun fact, OG Jazz in one of her futures goes to Yale, which I’m headcanon Spectra graduated from) Perhaps feels like she’s able to confide to her, always trying to look out for everyone else especially her brother, it’s nice to have someone care about her business, perhaps even encouraged Jazz to care for herself more. She’s definetley much more hurt to say the least when she realizes Spectra’s true colors. I can honestly see Spectra see a bit of herself in Jazz, even has some respect for Jazz’s ability to connect with others, with that said she wouldn’t hesitate to use Jazz as Phantom bait if it benefits her or she proved to be too much of an inconvenience. Which….
She and Jazz, have a sort of similar parallel to Vlad and Danny, if perhaps not as intense.
Headcanon VA-Teri Hatcher(Other Mother, Coraline), Kathleen Barr(Queen Chrysalis, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic), Amy Landecker(Dr. Emilia KATAOWB), Allison Janey- Goldie O Gilt, Ducktales, Wendi Malick( Beatrice Horseman Bojack Horseman, also Eda Clawthorne The Owl House), Faye Mata(Katie Killjoy, Hazbin Hotel), Jean Smart(Depression Kitty, Big Mouth), Amy Sedaris(Princess Carolyn, Bojack Horseman), April Winchell(Ms. Finster, Recess).
Abilities- Can make webs that can drain someone's energy as well as trap and grab things and people, even make things out of said webbing and people, can crawl and climb all over walls and ceilings, can shoot out her webbing Spider-Man style, can remove her body parts and attach them back on(like sewing a doll), can fit herself into small spaces, high jumper, very flexible, sharp claws, legs and teeth, venomous bite, experience and skill in Psychology, dark empath, master manipulator, great vision(especially since she can move her eyes around), a sense of danger(like a spidey sense Spectra-NOT LIKE SPIDER-MAN!), good with the piano, experienced in forgery, knows ASL(picked it up for clients with hearing disabilities), great charisma, greater lying and great with textile.
@tachvintlogic​ helped gave me a lot of good ideas on how her web powers can work! 
Weaknesses- Webs can only last so long before she needs to remake them, weak ghost so she cant use too much and will etheir need new people to drain energy from or wait and conserve herself, she or her webs aren’t great getting wet, not strong in cold temperatures, strength if webs depend on her own state, hence why she drains people so much, not the greatest with modern tech, hard to trust even when she’s telling the truth, has little to no compassion, huge ego and too selfish for her own good.
If a person is physically or mentally down already, her webs can drain more out.
Likes- Psychology(more so using it on people), draining people, negative emotions and energy, DRAMA, textile, weaving, sewing, knitting, macrame, textile especially weave art, textile puns, dark comedy, fine arts, acting fine and cultured, getting spa treatments, vintage things, silk, red wine, insects and spiders(to eat), brunch, French cuisine, devilled eggs, coffee, dark chocolate, bitter tastes, cappuccino, brunch, fashion, gossip, piano music, the night, the color red, reading, philosophy, psychological horror/thrillers, dark spaces, interior design shows, reality tv shows(especially for the drama), and getting what she wants.
Dislikes- Jazz, Danny Phantom, Sidney( on the plus side, he’s got tons of negativity she can drain from him, on the downside it’s hard to when he can slice you to threads with his pincers in a matter of seconds), Danny’s puns, Walker and his enforcement, a lot of the ghosts in the Zone(they def reciprocate her feelings), people getting in her way, having to deal with teenagers, getting poked by needle and pins, Bertrand's snark and sass, being weak, the color blue, Jazz’s essential oils(fun fact spiders don’t like smells like lavender, peppermint or the color blue, especially light blue which Jazz wears a lot), bright lights, being called "Other Mother", being called “old”, not having her coffee, when the coffee shops get her order wrong or puts the wrong name on the cup, rain, her work getting ruined, getting wet, the cold, missing threads, loose ends, people commenting on her age and being screwed over.
Fav food- Misery ofcourse😭
Second fav- Spiders. They help her gain energy is spiders and the webbing in them🕷She'll go for insects as well🦋🐞🪲(Likes dipping such as dark chocolate or cheese covered ones like cocoa beetles).
Loves to target teens for all their hormones as well as middle-age adults. Mid-Life crisis’ are gold mines for her.
Will now and then team up with Vlad🧛‍♂️ Especially if it involves revenge on the Fenton Family. He’s one of the few ghosts she actually gets along with. With that said, they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on each other when push comes to shove. I can totally see them brunch while badmouthing people(especially the Fentons). 
Can make silk from her webbing. It’s very soft and smooth…perfect to get it on people😈
Enjoys making dolls of people she hates so she can destroy them for stress relief.
Usually smells like vintage perfume. It’s not bad but she tends to wear a lot on her, usually trying to cover up anything like say…ecto.
Though she hates the cold, has her office still cold as it makes clients accept her gifts more or warm up with stuff she made. As well as to cover up Phantom’s Ghost senses. She uses her own webbing to keep herself warm enough.
When under Walker's control, kept far away from the other prisoners so she can't feed too much on their misery. He has her do psycho-analysis of the inmates, to figure out what makes them tick. One of her biggest cases is Sidney Pointdexter. Her cell tends to have a bunch of cobwebs in it, her bed having layers and crafted pillows from her own webbing for comfort.
Made Bertrand with her powers. Reference to Other Father. The main reason he does her bidding’s because he needs her webbing to keep him together. She made him basically to do all the grunt work, she doesn’t want to waste energy on(cleaning her office, organizing her files, coffee runs, scaring the students so they’ll need to get counselled and can drain them, etc).
Also tends to have Bertrand prepare snacks and drinks for the students, to make them feel more comfortable( and TOTALLY not to make sure one doesnt end up passing out if too much energy was drained). A bit of a reference to how Other Mother lured Coraline with delicious food.
Died in 1990. Gaiman started writing the story, Coraline(Spectras inspired by Other Mother) in 1990. Died via, Black widow spider bite🕷
Got her degrees from Yale👩‍🎓 She brags about that ALOT to people. Blackmailed her psych professor.
When she isn’t draining people of their misery, will now and then swindle  people for quick crash. Her fav tactic is selling people knockoff fashion products, which after the purchase don’t even last(as she made them with her webbing). 
Prefers cash over credit💵.
Sometimes makes fake products or steals things like Chanel and Gucci for herself, to make people think she’s rich and classy👜
She and Klemper knew each other as kids🕷☃️.
Her footsteps and fingers hitting the surface sounds like needles🪡
Has definetley been involved in quite a few pyramid schemes.
Would love Melvina’s Therapy.
Keeps a sewing kit on her🧵🪡
Likes to hum. Usually "the itsy bitsy spider"🕷
Loved puppet shows as a kid. Still enjoys them now. 
She made a lot of the clothes she wears. Even made Bertrand a sleeveless vest, def not to drain him ofcourse...
Can move her extra eyes around her face. Likes to do it to creep people out.
How she died. Still working out the details but it was partly because of a black widow spider bite, was an act of revenge(client or someone close to the client she’d been screwing over) and  it wasn’t a peaceful death to say the least.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for Spectra. I'd love to know💖
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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edwardcooke  Thanks for all the lovely messages on this new film for @louist91 🙌🏻 had a great time Directing & Writing this. Takes a village to make these things so massive love to the team ✨ I’m super proud of it and hope you like it! out on YouTube and everywhere else 🙏🏼
- Edward Cooke, director of the Bigger Than Me music video 2/9/22
[full credits under the cut]
Director : Edward Cooke Producer : Aleisha Digby Director of Photography : Lee Thomas Assistant Director : Matt Morgan Steadicam / AR : Matt Allsop Drone Pilot: Ben Hoy-Slot 1st AC: Hjálmar Þór Hjálmarsson 2nd AC: Asgeir Helgi Pyro: Haukur Karlsson Fixer: Kelechi Amadi Fixer: Skapti Magnus Editor: Blake Temple Colourist: Vlad Barin Sound Design: Tom Keech VFX - Adam Cant Production: WMA Commissioner: Faye Purcell Driver 1: Eythor Edvardsson Driver 2: Jon Steingrimsson Driver 3 / Runner: Freyr Gudjonsson Runner - Carla Rose
#louistomlinson #biggerthanme #biggerthanmelouistomlinson
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reluctantsatellite · 1 month
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🎸 Welcome to my intro 🎸
My name is Carbon, though I do go by other names if you don’t like that name.
Those names being: “Cassidy” (Cass, Cassy, Cassper, Sid, etc…), “Vladimira” (Vladimir, Vlad, Vladi, Mir, Mira, etc…), Layz (Lay-Lay), Uno (no nickname), Shraw (no nickname), Zephyr (Zeph), Reaper (no nickname), and Lacy (Lace), Callie (Cal), Carbon (Carb).
- - > For starters, I’m 15-16, so nsfw accounts who are adults, I’d prefer you don’t interact with me.
- - > I’m terrible at telling tone, I either think you’re serious when you aren’t, or I think you aren’t serious when you are. I think tone tags would help me understand you better.
- - > Along with being terrible at telling tone, I’m also bad at regulating my tone of voice, if that makes any sense.
- - > I have a problem with sometimes making random sounds or repeating myself, sorry.
- - > I have a partner (Hi Val).
I’m a masculine Black creator guys, let’s hope the racists don’t find me.
I’m lesbian and bigender, mostly using girl terms.
I’m learning German as of now, I need to go back into learning it.
I’m an artist and writer with my own story, and I also have ocs.
LIKES: History, English, Astronomy, Biology, writing, painting, digital art, music, tap dancing, gaming, nature, skating, martial arts, theatre, abandoned places, baking, hiking, saxophones, trains, wrestling, and etc…
DISLIKES: Specific textures, people humming (it’s hard for me to focus or tune it out), repeating sounds (ironic isn’t it? Because I repeat things a lot), physical touch (also ironic because I’m touchy with people), butterflies (they’re scary), dresses (they make me feel naked), people who doesn’t use proper grammar (that’s just stupid but it makes me mad), and etc…
FANDOMS: Five Nights at Freddy’s, Undertale/Deltarune, Madness Combat, Mortal Kombat, Monument Mythos, Zelda, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead Game, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Young Sheldon, Heartstopper, Sonic, Roblox “myths” (the Roblox hackers), and etc…
MUSIC: STEVE LACY, Ajr, Tyler, the Creator, Tlc, Tv Girl, Beabadoobee, Michael Jackson, The Cure, Tally Hall, Will Wood, Ariana Grande, Pinkpantheress, Childish Gambino, Jack Stauber, Clairo, Billie Eilish, Mary J. Blige, Sza, Bruno Mars, Daniel Caesar, Los Retros, Faye Webster, The Weeknd, Kali Uchis, Mac DeMarco, Strawberry Guy, Eyedress, Doja Cat, and etc…
EXTRA: Snakes, owls, crows, alligators, bob cats, raccoons, penguins, bears, possums, goats, rats, sea bunnies, and etc…
Fun facts about me
1. I love Halloween stuff (Such as Jack o Lanterns, Zombies, Scarecrows, Frankensteins, Vampires, Ghosts,and etc…)
2. I also love Christmas
3. I love Tacos
4. I love the color blue, green, black, red, and brown.
5. I love Steve Lacy
NSFW adults (No autographs)
11-12 year olds (I talk about inappropriate stuff here sometimes, like dirty jokes or my experience with hypersexuality and I don’t want younger people being exposed to that)
That’s the end of my intro, my DMs are open so feel free to talk to me. 🍉 🎸💙
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yukina-is-egg · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Meetings
A day after the attack on every capital, a meeting was called. The leaders of the largest 6 kingdoms were to meet and figure out what was going on with those monsters that appeared.
Kyuubi/Kitsune Kingdom 7:20 AM
"I guess I'll make sure everyone is here." Frost yawned, his short white hair a mess from his chaotic morning. His usual cold themed kimono replaced with snowflake patterened pajamas. Yet his katana stayed at his waist, the blade dragging against the floor as he made his way to a wooden podium in front of the round table.
"Over here~" The druid queen offered a wave towards the podium, her legs kicked up onto the table. Her blonde hair draped over shoulders, and a tattoo of armor could be seen on her left arm.
"Here." The druid royal guardsmen stood behind the queen, leaning on her claymore. A full suit of armor hiding all features but her voice.
"Milo- I mean Melody?" The tired Kyuubi let out a nervous chuckle.
"Over here, Frost." The kyuubi queen stretched as she sat up. "And I'm your sister, no need for the formalities." She gave her pink hair a pat, trying to keep it presentable. Her black pantsuit was wrinkled. It would seem the Queen and General had both woken up late this fine morning.
"Here." The draconian queen nodded towards the kyuubi. 4 draconic horns dawned her head like a crown. Grey scales coated her neck. "Before you ask, my guard had work to attend to this morning."
Frost gave her a nod before continuing down the list. "Nikola?"
The human queen simply offered a grunt and a nod of her head. An eyepatch covered her left eye, and a visible scar could be seen under the patch. She wore a camo military uniform with a pistol visible on a shoulder strap.
"Tech? Or do you prefer Vlad these days?" Frost looked over to the labcoat wearing blonde human. Who was stood behind the queen.
"I prefer Tech." He said, barely holding back a yawn.
"Noted. Shadow?"
"Yo!" The cloaked figure waved towards Frost. She went to continue speaking, but as she opened her mouth..
"Since when have we allowed those... creatures." Daisy glared at Shadow.
"I have a name." Shadow turned her head towards the druid, returning the glare with one of her own.
"Oh? Sorry, I don't give names to monste-"
Shadow appeared inches away from Daisy, her dagger already swinging towards the queen's neck. Only to he stopped by Clover's claymore. Sparks beginning to fly as Shadow leaned her face towards the druid queen.
"Finish that sentence, and I'll happily separate your head from your neck." She growled before reappearing behind Nikola. Who's expression hadn't changed from the start of the confrontation.
"Ha! I'd love to see it, but let's try not to bloody the meeting room again." Daisy snickered to herself. Leaning back in her chair as she did so.
"Ahem! Anyways. Sally?"
"Huh- oh! I'm here!!" The north fenrir queen was busy eating a bowl of popcorn to the sight of the fight that was brewing just a moment ago. "So uh.. i brought snacks?"
Frost tried his best to hide a chuckle from Sally's antics as he went to continue the roll call. "Cain?"
"Here." The south fenrir king sat up in his seat, his face already telling he wanted to get this meeting done and over with.
"And finally, Flame." He waved towards the fenrir guardsmen.
"Sup." Flame let out a yawn, trying to hide her own amusement of Sally's antics. Secretly giving a nod to her ex-husband to meet her after work to talk.
Frost returned the nod. "Now, it's time to begin the meeting."
Chapter End
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myheartsims · 3 years
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I’ve been playing a new challenge lately in the Sims (Time of Your Life by @aliennooboo) and I’m having way too much fun cursing everyone haha
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quinnterestingsims · 4 years
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multiworlds666 · 4 years
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hlupdate · 2 years
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edwardcooke: Thanks for all the lovely messages on this new film for @louist91 🙌🏻 had a great time Directing & Writing this. Takes a village to make these things so massive love to the team ✨I’m super proud of it and hope you like it! out on YouTube and everywhere else 🙏🏼Director: Edward Cooke Producer: Aleisha Digby Director of Photography: Lee Thomas Assistant Director: Matt Morgan Steadicam / AR: Matt Allsop Drone Pilot: Ben Hoy-Slot 1st AC: Hjálmar Þór Hjálmarsson 2nd AC: Asgeir Helgi Pyro: Haukur Karlsson Fixer: Kelechi Amadi Fixer: Skapti Magnus Editor: Blake Temple Colourist: Vlad Barin Sound Design: Tom Keech VFX - Adam Cant Production: WMA Commissioner: Faye PurcellDriver 1: Eythor Edvardsson Driver 2: Jon Steingrimsson Driver 3 / Runner: Freyr Gudjonsson Runner - Carla Rose#louistomlinson #biggerthanme #biggerthanmelouistomlinson
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louistomlinsoncouk · 2 years
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edwardcooke Thanks for all the lovely messages on this new film for @louist91 🙌🏻 had a great time Directing & Writing this. Takes a village to make these things so massive love to the team ✨ I’m super proud of it and hope you like it! out on YouTube and everywhere else 🙏🏼 Director: Edward Cooke Producer: Aleisha Digby Director of Photography: Lee Thomas Assistant Director: Matt Morgan Steadicam / AR: Matt Allsop Drone Pilot: Ben Hoy-Slot Styling: Helen Seamons 1st AC: Hjálmar Þór Hjálmarsson 2nd AC: Asgeir Helgi Pyro: Haukur Karlsson Fixer: Kelechi Amadi Fixer: Skapti Magnus Editor: Blake Temple Colourist: Vlad Barin Sound Design: Tom Keech VFX - Adam Cant Production: WMA Commissioner: Faye Purcell Driver 1: Eythor Edvardsson Driver 2: Jon Steingrimsson Driver 3 / Runner: Freyr Gudjonsson Runner - Carla Rose
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acekatherineplumber · 2 years
Mid-year 2022 Five-Star Books!
1.       All’s Well by Mona Awad (tw for addiction, college professor puts on a production of All’s Well That Ends Well with mysterious benefactors)
2.       We Hunt the Flame and its sequel We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal (Arab-inspired fantasy world)
3.       The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale (character-driven ballet drama)
4.       House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (perfect balance of creepy and feminine)
5.       Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (everyone already knows this one, I know, but it’s so good)
6.       Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl (it’s hard to discuss this one without spoilers, so I won’t, but this author is excellent)
7.       The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (Woman tries to uncover the truth about Vlad the Impaler)
8.       The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas (I know I’m late to the party on this, but it’s so good)
9.       Unlock Your Storybook Heart by Amanda Lovelace (poetry collection)
10.    The Belles by Dhionelle Clayton (What if plastic surgery, but magic?)
11.    Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler (retelling of Taming of the Shrew)
12.    A Wish in the Dark by Christina Soontornvat (Thai-inspired retelling of Les Mis)
13.    Great or Nothing by Joy McCullough et al. (retelling of Little Women)
14.    The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune (reread, but newly rated 5 stars, Think Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, but mostly light and fluffy with a gay romance)
15.    Bright Ruined Things by Samantha Cohoe (retelling of The Tempest)
16.    The Caretakers by Amanda Bestor-Siegal (tw for death of a minor, a group of au pairs experience Paris)
17.    Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur (cute lesbian romance, third in a series_
18.    Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall (regency gay romance)
19.    Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden (lesbian romance, quintessential lesbian reading)
20.    Sailing by Orion’s Star by Katie Crabb (seriously so good, if you read anything on this list, read this, Les Mis meets Robin Hood set during the Golden Age of Piracy)
21.    Gallant by V.E. Schwab (feels similar to Coraline, but less creepy)
22.    Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel (retelling of the Ramayana, featuring one of its villains)
23.    Ballots and Barricades by Ronald Aminzade (academic text about class politics in France during the 1800s)
24.    Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman (poetry collection)
25.    The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd (woman solves her father’s murder, featuring an old map)
26.    Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune (think The Good Place, but gay)
27.    Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake (cute lesbian romance)
28.    A Bite-Sized History of France by Stephanie Henaut and Jeni Mitchell
29.    King of Infinite Space by Lyndsay Faye (retelling of Hamlet)
30.    Portrait of a Thief by Grace Li (Heist with an all-Asian cast)
31.    Ship of Theseus by Doug Dorst (basically an epistolary text between two college students trying to uncover the identity of an elusive author)
32.    Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (A poisonous princess learns to navigate her world)
33.    Macbeth by Jo Nesbo (MAJOR tw for drug use, what if Macbeth was a cop and Hecate was a drug lord?)
34.    Guardians of the Louvre by Jiro Taniguchi (translated comic about a man and his experiences in the Louvre and meeting artists)
35.   Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf (Scrabble tournament but add murder)
36.   Elektra by Jennifer Saint (feminist myth retelling, which is what Jennifer Saint does best)
37.   The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner (wildly acclaimed, triple perspective story about an apothecary who helps women)
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black-space-cowboy · 4 years
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- faye and anya both don’t remember their past.
- faye and anya both used to be in the wealthy class, before suddenly being taken away from it.
- jet is pretty much vlad.
- spike is pretty much dimitri.
- bounty hunting and conning aren’t the most “noble” or “honest” jobs. even if the words “con” and “bounty” are completely opposite in meaning.
- ein is pooka
- faye and anya both have a bounty/reward on their head.
- you have to watch the scene when anya meets dimitri and vlad. It gives you the same vibes of when faye met spike and jet, and crashed at the bebop. especially when you see the way dimitri looks when he first sees anya. then there is the scene when spike first meets faye.
- dimitri and spike have the same stubbornness. both obviously care for the woman they’ve helped in more ways than one, but play coy and dismiss the woman, and can’t seem to come too terms with their feelings.
- faye was somehow always finding herself connected to or running into spike’s past. yet, dimitri’s past and anya’s past deeply connected unknowingly.
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To be completely honest, when Anastasia had aired on tv around Christmas time, back in 2018, it was the first time I watched Anastasia. Dimitri and Anya’s parallels to Spike and Faye was one of the reasons I started to actually pay attention to the tv screen, instead of doing my homework and studying. 
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*i’ll update this post later for anymore connections i make between anya x dimitri and spike x faye
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dreamings-free · 2 years
Premieres Sep 2, 2022 
Bigger Than Me.
Director : Edward Cooke Producer : Aleisha Digby Director of Photography : Lee Thomas Assistant Director : Matt Morgan Steadicam / AR : Matt Allsop Drone Pilot: Ben Hoy-Slot 1st AC: Hjálmar Þór Hjálmarsson 2nd AC: Asgeir Helgi Pyro: Haukur Karlsson Fixer: Kelechi Amadi Fixer: Skapti Magnus Editor: Blake Temple Colourist: Vlad Barin Sound Design: Tom Keech VFX - Adam Cant Production: WMA Commissioner: Faye Purcell Driver 1: Eythor Edvardsson Driver 2: Jon Steingrimsson Driver 3 / Runner: Freyr Gudjonsson Runner - Carla Rose
looking at the names here, did they film this in Iceland not Australia?!
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djohnhopper · 4 years
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Title: Strigoi (2009).
Director: Faye Jackson.
Screenplay: Faye Jackson.
Producer: Rey Muraru.
Cast: Catalin Paraschiv, Constantin Bărbulescu, Camelia Maxim, Rudi Rosenfield...
After his search for a new career goes bust, Vlad returns to his Romanian village to discover things aren't the same. The town drunk has been murdered, and he has somehow been implicated, and Constantin Tirescu is looking strange and bloated.
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vladquigley · 6 years
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Art by me (Vlad Quigley). My muse was Evangeline Duluth of New Orleans - who really is an ultra kitsch cross between the Queen in Snow White, Joan Crawford (played by Faye Dunaway with commentary by John Waters) and 50s tv horror hostess Vampira! ...Only with better eyebrows! #Vlad #Quigley #VladQuigley #VladquigleyArtist #Art #Artist #Goth #Gothic #Model #Muse #ArtistsModel #Artistsmuse #PostureGirl (at Rustington, West Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsn0xQAA37x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kikxoffuvxqn
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ship exclusives!
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im finally getting around to writing up a full ship exclusives list. so far, i have 
with @summonersupport / @atropaheart / @fensalirwield:  genny/est, mae/fallen celica, mae/celica, faye/celica 
oc ships & other muses: sharena/ingrid, noire/ingrid, iole/gunnthra, iole/cassandra, sumia/cassandra
with @akanxia: minerva/elice, minerva/nyna, tatiana/nyna, gunnthra/nyna, morgan/laurent, lucina/quinn
other muses: michalis/ingrid
with @seaknighted / @instauria / @saintkingisms: alm/celica, minerva/palla, araceli/laurent
with @brandborne / @rubywilled / @wyvernrisen / @flammadepherae / @wishblcde: tatiana/zelgius, tatiana/levail/zelgius, gerome/seraphina, kilma/fritz, reinhardt/fritz, ninian/eliwood
with @illusorydungeons / @maskedmage: tatiana/zeke, rinea/berkut, kyle/forde, laurent/inigo, bruno/alfonse, bruno/darios, vlad/darios(?)
now, this is incredibly barebones, and it’s mostly just. people i thought to ask abt it on discord. so if we are shipping something, we’d briefly discussed shipping something, or you’ve just been wanting to approach me about it, please feel free to im me, reply to this post, throw a brick at me, whatever! 
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