#vixx show champ behind
nxnight · 7 years
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Oh hey hongbin-sshi whatchu’ doing there 👀
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Let That Ship Sale
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Lmao once again can’t title but I’m back, and the request was for an award show or something but the isac’s where the other day and wanna one has never gone and I like to dream okay so I hope this is okay, i could do another at an actual show w another member if you’d like idk. Also props to whoever can tell whoever the idols faces at the isac’s I edited out of the pictures (That I don’t own btw credit to owners) for the header board thingy belong to hehe.
Summary: All your fans are shipping you with Daniel and you can’t say you disagree.
 • The ISAC’s were always something you had mixed emotions about,  • Your group was pretty popular and didn’t exactly need the promotion, but your company was small so it was a good idea to go anyway, even if it was just to have a bit of fun,  • You enjoyed spending time with friends from other groups and sending your fans things you’d made, but you could be working on new songs and just the fact the day was so long,  • But at least you got to wear a tracksuit like damn,  • You were a self producing group who tried out most genres, generally more hiphop and R&B so you’d had many different clothing styles, but nothing beat the black tracksuit the event organizer handed you and the four others in your group,  • But at way too early o'clock (honestly any time before 11 am) you pulled yourself out of the car with your group and made your way to the stadium, you all had unique styles; braided hair or sunglasses,  • Wow y'all so beautiful and powerful looking I’m quaking,  • Y'all known for singing about important matters and independence and basically being badass and are actually rlly respected for it and popular,  • Don’t take no shit from no one, you’re out to win today,  • And to compliment your friends about all their comebacks and catch up of course,  • And then there’s the small matter of Mr Kang Daniel,  • One of the boys of the Monster Rookie™ group Wanna One that had taken the nation’s hearts pretty much overnight,  • The fans of your group and his had, continuously since their debut, been shipping you nonstop,  • And yeah, you thought he was cute and funny but you’d never even met; the most you’ve done was nod to each other or complimented his group on passing after a performance,  • And you’re slightly afraid that the shipping would now make it awkward for the two of you to meet and interact; afraid your Stan’s would take it way too far,  • You just hope you can get a ‘hi’ or a quick conversation in today with him, although you know it may be difficult,  • But your whole group is about not really caring about others’ standards, so you’re going have to remember that,  • The opening runs smoothly, and you manage to sneak up to where the fans are and hand out your lunch boxes yourself, although the rules say you really shouldn’t go to the fans area,  • (VIXX what trolls this year tho I love them)  • You’re sat with Irene and Yeri, Seulgi quite literally asleep on your lap and your members teasing your fans not 10 feet away and honestly wow,  • But then the archery gets called up and you have to slide yourself away,  • Which breaks your heart because yanno when a puppy is asleep on you so you can’t move?  • Like that,  • But you grab Tae, the member you’re going to do archery with, and wander off,  • You go second, so while you’re waiting you slip some black face paint out of your pocket, before painting some black streaks across Tae’s cheeks as she paints 3 down your face,  • Because how else you gunna show you’re ready for war?????  • As soon as your competitors look over to you they burst out laughing at the funny faces you pull, one of those competitors in waiting including Kang Daniel himself,
 • You make sure to send him a goofy fake scowl, challenging him, to which he cracks up,
• Omg a beautiful sight, Daniel smiling? Those cresent eyes? Soft cheeks? WoW,  • In essence - face paint is a very effective way to distract your competitors as well as amusing your fans,  • And you totally ace the archery,  • You walk away with a Silver medal and that’s totally good enough for you,  • But then an interview reporter grabs you and you’re whisked away,  • At this point you’re used to it, them Interviewers - they’re everywhere,  • “Y/N congratulations on the silver medal! It must have something to do with the face paint?”  • The lady smiles brightly and you laugh a little,  • “It must be, it was Tae’s idea to show we meant business,”  • The lady laughs at this, and starts to ask questions about your latest comeback and the paint, noting how you may have started a new fashion trend, the concept of your new song and making you rap a little bit of your verse, to which your fans scream,  • Wow we love a supportive family,  • They make your heart race as always as you wave to them,  • “One quick thing before you go, Y/N, I don’t suppose you’ve heard your fans talk about you and wanna ones Kang Daniel?”  • You’re heart drops at that and you blush, laughing nervously,  • “I’ve seen a few things, but don’t know a lot about it,”  • You’re such a great liar damn no one suspects a thing,  • “Ah, quite a lot of fans are shipping you; saying you’d make a very cute couple,”  • You know this is very much a breach of privacy and kinda rude, but you’re known for being quite laid back in your group, so you’re not thrown, although maybe a little lost for words,
 • And answers,  • And anything that won’t give away your small crush on the member of wanna one,  • “ Ah, I think our fans are right, Daniel is very cute and charming, although I’ve not really got the opportunity to get to know him yet,”  • Lmao smooth,  • Yeah right, you’re pretty obvious,  • Although you’re sort of mortified by the fact you’ve inadvertently just said 1) Daniel is very cute to thousands of people and 2) you basically ship the two of you,  • You do your natural thing and play it off as if you just told them your first name,  • You hear some laughing nearby and quickly glance to spot where you recognise Ong Seongwoo and Kim  Jaehwan slapping Daniel himself on the back, way too close, his cheeks bright red and a soft smile on his face as the cameras, no doubt, zoom in on him,  • He waves a little when he sees you looking,  • Wow what is a normal heart rate,
 • You laugh,  • At least you’re not the only one to get a taste of this embarrassment,  • You’re not alone in your suffering,  • And you nearly run away to hide when the interviewer motions Daniel to come closer and he actually complies,  • What a snake,  • He greets the interviewer and the two of you bow to each other all flushed, not knowing how to stand next to each other,  • It’s all very awkward wow,  • You know you’ve all been in the situation where you’re with that family member and they’ve already asked about school/work and now have nothing to say,  • yeah idk if that’s too specific,  • “Daniel, I don’t suppose you’ve heard about the fans shipping either? How do you feel about it?”  • You want to melt as Daniels eyes meet yours and a smile stretches across his face,  • “I think y/n’s music is incredible and she’s very cute and I’d like to get to know her more,”  • You’re dead,  • Daniels whole face is red as his eyes skim everywhere and he laughs a little,  • This is so weird and unheard of, don’t fans usually not want their idols to date? Aren’t there many things and rules about this?  • (y'all it’s stupid it’s their own life let idols date if they want)  • But here you are, stood next to your crush, both of you blushing messes, getting set up by your own fans,  • “Well that’s very interesting, make sure to get to know each other later,”
 • The MC/interviewer chirps and you laugh and stay cool as always, proud you haven’t let anything show except for maybe a slight blush,  • Daniel goes to leave but quickly throws his arms around you, giving you a hug at the speed of light before flying away,
 • You can hear the fans in the stadium squeal jeez,  • Wow, what just happened???  • You quickly jog back to your group who’s hanging out with GFriend and Seventeen after having to send some aegyo to the crowd,  • You nearly died of the embarrassment and cringe, but soldiered through,  • Let’s just say you get roasted,  • Apparently everyone in your group is a savage???? Do they hate you???? Wish for your torment?????  • Nah they’re just your best friends,  • And just when you’re forgetting about your interview ordeal, your group gets called for the relay race you’re all determined to conquer, having perfect harmony for the change over,  • While you may not be the tallest, you’re all fast as hell, having run away from your manager a couple of times,  • Lmao you just wanted boba tea,  • But you draw more paint, all slightly different, onto the others’ faces before heading over to the track to show everyone what running actually is,  • You run last, which is a lot of pressure wow,  • And your member is running towards you and they’re neck and neck with a member of twice like damn,  • But you take the baton smooth as hell and your legs move quicker than you can compute, almost leaving your torso behind as you focus your whole mind on faster, smoother, faster,  • As you’re speeding past you spot Daniel out of the corner of your eye yelling and you can hear your name and wow,  • Your heart starts hammering even harder and your head goes a little dizzy, your legs stumbling a little,  • But nah you don’t let no boy get in the way of your gold medal as you steam ahead and wow,  • 1st place what a gem,  • I mean it’s your 3rd gold medal in relay, you guys holding the title, just champs I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  • When sport 💪💪 is life ✌✌✌ can’t let anyone 👨👩 beat you 💃💃  • I hate myself,  • But then Daniel’s doing relay as well so you make sure to cheer equally as loud,  • Which is hard when you’re still catching your breath,  • Who needs Oxygen anyway???  • And the little shit has the audacity to, very obviously, send you a wink,  • An unmistakable wink,  • What sort of out of the world confidence does he have, he was in 2nd place as well,  • As much as you’re shook, it makes you a little soft, but no one will leT yOu lIVE,  • All slapping your back or ruffling your hair,  • The DeFianCe???  • But you go to get a water bottle and who do you run into?  • Yeah, Daniel,  • “Congrats on gold~”  • His soft tone,  • wow,  • His soft smile,  • Wow,  • The two if you actually talking?  • W o w,  • “Hey I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to put you in the spot and-”  • Lmao yeah, maybe you feel bad a lil for dragging him into what may be a nightmare of always being asked about each other,  • “No it’s okay, I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time, I meant it when I said you where cute,”  • Wow you’re a goner for this rookie,  • “So did I,”  • Wow smooth, not awkward at all,
 • “I like the paint by the way, but it makes you a little scary when you’re not smiling,”  • Lmao the idea was for you and the squad to look scary and badass especially for the broadcast,  • Little do the fans know the next Comeback has a fierce concept,  • Lmao playing with fans wow that’s always fun 🙃🙃🙃  • “Here,”  • You bring your face paint tub out and hold it up for him, raising an eye brow in question,  • He laughs and nods goofily, to which you crack the paint out,
 • You run a finger from his forehead down to his jawline in neat straight lines doing down, his skin soft and warm, the look when he closes his eyes so innocent and pure,  • Get you a soft man,
• It makes your hand tingle and you’re heart race at the close proximity, standing on your tiptoes and resting a hand on his shoulder for support,  • It’s only when you’ve finished do you realise his is now pretty much identical to yours,  • WhoOps ACcIDenTS HaPPEn,  • But he still looks damn cute,  • And you know a fancam of this will be all over the internet later,  • Hey; you may even share it on a private account who can say?????  • And wow if you don’t continue to spend the rest of the ISAC’s together, taking stupid pictures with people and giving the internet a heart attack,  • By the end of the day it seems almost all idols have some sort of facepaint?  • A star or a couple of lines of just a smudge done by a member of their group,  • A trend starter?  • But you’re all leaving the arena with the SqUAD,  • But then a hand gently takes your wrist and Daniel leads you to the side of the corridor with your group mates sending teasing smirks over the shoulder to you,  • With a shy smile he holds out a piece of paper folded neatly and you can see the outline of numbers written on it,  • You laugh lightly, taking the paper and carefully tucking it into your pocket,  • “Text me when you get home?”  • You nod, knowing you’ll spend too long deciding whether to say 'heya’ or 'hi’ and then make a split second decision and put something else entirely,  • And Daniel is just way too cute for you to take,  • He makes a move to leave, eyes hovering over you, before slowly leaning over and gently placing his lips on your forehead, ever so sweet, before nodding, smiling quickly and sliding away
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