#vivien lunete
kal-down · 2 years
Arthurian IFs
This is an extensive list of all the Arthurian inspired IFs out there for all of you who, like me, can't get enough. This list will be periodically edited to be as up to date as possible.
With Demo
Arthurian Tale: Camelot
Heavy is the Crown
The Bastard of Camelot
The King's Hound
Arthurian Tale: Camelot by Cain_Abel
Play as: Guinevere - customizable
ROs: King Arthur/Queen Elaine, Sir Kay, Lancelot, Lady Morgana, Sar Lunete
Status: chapter two complete
Du Lac by @dulac-if (blog deleted)
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Arthur, Guinevere, Gawain, Galehaut
Status: Demo TBA -> indefinite Hiatus
From the Ashes by @fromtheashes-if
Play as: Viking MC
ROs: Arthur/Arthura/Artur, Frey/Freya, Lancelot, Morgana, Percival
Status: Demo TBA
Gates of Avalon by @gates-of-avalon-if
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Gawaine, Morgaine le Fay, Gwynnever (Gwyn)
Status: Demo TBA
Guinevere by @newarcana
Play as: Guinevere - genderlocked female
ROs: Arthur, Lancelot, Morgana
Status: Book 1 (complete), Book 2 (ongoing) -> link
Guinevere by @guinevere-if
Play as: Guinevere - gender customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot du Lac, Morgana le Fay, Argante
Status: Demo TBA
Heavy is the Crown by @heavy-is-the-crown-if
Play as: a student of Arthurian's mytys
ROs: Arthur Pendragon/Le Fay, Morgana Pendragon/Le Fay, Merlin, Guinevere
Status: Prologue
In her Shadow by @in-her-shadow-if
Play as: Guinevere's younger sibling
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot Du Lac, Merlin Emrys, Kay Ectorius, Morgana le Fay
Status: Demo TBA
Once & Future by @kaiwrites-if
Play as: Merlin - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Morgana le Fay, Lancelot Du Lac, Guinevere, Gwaine (introduced in book 2)
Status: Demo TBA
Queen of Camelot by @queenofcamelot-if (blog deleted)
Play as: Guinevere - genderlocked female
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot Du Lac, Henry/Henrietta
Status: Demo TBA
The Bastard of Camelot by @llamagirl28
Play as: Mordred - customizable
ROs: Gawain Alistair, Elaine Beauregard, Galahad du Lac, Nimue Wyllt, Isac Meier, Sophie Ezzo, Agravain Rivlin
Status: ch.4 complete
The Dance of Dragons by @thedanceofdragons-if
Play as: Arthur's younger sibling
ROs: Lancelot du Lac, Elaine Moriath, Gwion/Gwiyn, Caelum/Caelya, Kieran/Kiera
Status: Demo TBA
The Red and White Knight by @theredandwhiteknight-if
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Guinevere, Gawain of Orkney, Galehaut of Far Isles, Morgan le Fay, Agravaine of Orkney, Sybil of Far Isles
Status: Demo TBA
The Sword of Avalon by @theswordofavalon-if
Play as: Excalibur - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Vivien Lunete, Morgan/Morgana Le Fay, Emrys/Emrya Wyllt, Caelian/Caelia Aphelion
Status: Demo TBA
The King's Hound by @the-kingshound
Play as: Guinevere (loosely) - customizable
ROs: Arthur, Evaine, Yniol, Morien, Gwyar
Status: Chapter Two part 1
Touched by Fire by @touchedbyfire-if
Play as: Morgan(a) - customizable
ROs: Lancelot, Guinevere, Joseph/Josephine, Isaac/Isolde, Caelian/Caelia
Status: Demo TBA
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react to cat-like personality MC? independent, quiet, but also like to snuggle them....especially when they're working or busy with something....
Arthur: He would find it adorable. Arthur is sort of like a golden retriever in some regards so he’d be absolutely buzzing with happiness whenever the MC would want to cuddle up against him. Honored that he’s the one that you feel comfortable enough to do so with.
Vivien: She’s met quite a few people that— never truly paying them any mind as she knows that not truly their cup of tea. If the MC was like that? She’d just learn to work around it— making schedules that will align with places you’re comfortable in. When she gets to snuggle with you at the end of the day? Everything is worth it.
Morgan/Morgana: They’re a lot like that in some regards— though they’d never admit they love to cuddle. They’d find the MC snuggling into their side cute and impossibly endearing. Even if they don’t pay you much attention while doing so you’ll always find yourself waking up with their cloak wrapped around your shoulders and the faint memory of them kissing your forehead.
Emrys/Emrya: They’re quite loud and have a lot of energy… so it would take them a while to make sure they were at the correct energy level when interacting with you as to not stress you out. When they learn the MC likes cuddles? They’d be over the moon and they’d make sure you at least got one, maybe two, cuddles per day.
Caelian/Caelia: Despite their brash exterior, they’re actually quite reserved themselves when it comes to being around people they’re close with. An MC that was just like them would be a good match for them as you’d both just be leaning into each other’s side while working on other things— a companionable warmth being shared between you both.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
Reaction to needy MC? Who craves affection. Loves nuzzling and hugging and kissing everywhere and cuddling and melting into the RO. Loves to touch and being touched, who chases warm caresses. Loves sitting on lap or rest their head on ROs lap (or viceversa).
Arthur: Would be all for it. Would wrap his arms around you and keep you by his side for however long you wished to be there. He loves you and loves knowing that you’re safe; this is just the best of both worlds. Wouldn’t even think twice about having you on the throne with him either.
Vivien: She has many things to do during the day (physical tasks). So, she wouldn’t be able to hold onto the MC or have them be touching her at all times but she’d try her best to find time for you. Would love to be snuggled with you whenever she’s done working.
Morgan/Morgana: If it’s deep enough into the relationship then they wouldn’t have an issue with it at all. They’d happily have you sit on their lap while they’re doing work (whether that be research on the arcane arts or something to help England). Would even offer to give you a head massage if it’s something you’d wish for.
Emrys/Emrya: Would be ecstatic and would happily offer as much affection as they could. Would even use their magic to make things easier (like them lighter or you lighter so you can rest on laps without too much issue). Loves that you want to be around them as much as they wish to be around you.
Caelian/Caelia: Can’t sit still for long so they wouldn’t be able to have the MC on them for extended periods of time, but they’d seek you out just as much too if they needed your attention. So, it’d be a balancing act for you both.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
If the The Mc could read ROs mind what could the mc hear when the ro saw them?
English is not as good I am still learning ☺️
Your English is wonderful 💙
Arthur: Why do I feel like I know you?
Vivien: And so it begins…
Morgan/Morgana: Intriguing… I wonder if they’d mind being studied.
Emrys/Emrya: There’s something special about them…
Caelian/Caelia: I had to stop training for this?
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
*cough* ...7, please? 👀
Are they a naturally assertive person or are they painfully shy?
Arthur: He is usually fairly docile with all those that he speaks with. However, if pushed, you’ll see a side of him that few ever truly see. I wouldn’t say that he’s shy but he’s not always super assertive either (unless the time calls for it).
Vivien: Depends on the person she’s with. Vivien generally keeps to herself unless she’s called upon. Isn’t the most assertive person— comes with the territory sometimes— but if push comes to shove you’ll see that she has a lot more bite than it appears.
Morgan/Morgana: They’re very assertive. Especially when people continuously bother them whenever they’re trying to get their work done. The only person that can escape their ire is Arthur (though there are times…).
Emrys/Emrya: Despite their cheerful disposition, E tends to not make true friends that well as they can be quite shy when it comes to getting close with another person. If they feel comfortable with the person right off the bat it would be an easier transition though.
Caelian/Caelia: They’re assertive on the battle field— as that’s a place they feel most comfortable— but everywhere else? Like when they have sit in the War Room and discuss politics? They hide within themselves which is part of the reason they lash out.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
Haha sorry i was stalking the account for a while and i couldn't resist after seeing the ask thing! Can I ask 16 for all the love interests?(or anyone you want to lol) I'm really curious!!
What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
Arthur: Someone he knows he can count on. Someone who sees him and not the crown first. Someone who won’t use him because of his title. Someone who cares for Arthur and not King Arthur.
Vivien: Someone who doesn’t try to push her down because of her station. Someone who understands how hardworking she is. Someone who won’t look down on her.
Morgan/Morgana: Someone who understands what it’s like to be overlooked. Who is willing to deal with them when they slink back into the shadows because that’s all they know. Someone who will be their sun as they’ll be your moon.
Emrys/Emrya: Someone who won’t believe everything the legends say about them (as they’re not exactly correct). Someone who they know they can count on no matter what. Someone who won’t use them for their power.
Caelian/Caelia: Someone who will stick with them whenever they get angry. Someone who will ground them in a way they haven’t been since they were a child. Someone who will be loyal to them just as they’d be towards you.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
your premise is so cool I’m so excited!! i was wondering, how easily to the ro’s get flustered? thank you!!
I’m so happy to hear that 💚
From Easiest to Hardest:
Arthur > Emrys/Emrya > Caelian/Caelia > Vivien > Morgan/Morgana
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
Softly from the fantasy prompts for everyone please!
Softly: Describe one of their dreams, good or bad (with proper warnings).
Arthur: For everyone within England to be happy and safe. Just the way he’s always envisioned them to be.
Vivien: For the coming storm to dissipate before it hits land.
Morgan/Morgana: To be loved for who they are. To not be feared by something they have no control over.
Emrys/Emrya: To be seen as a person… not as some figure of legend.
Caelian/Caelia: For someone to see the real them.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
18 for all the ROs, please? weehee, tia! ❤️
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
What do the ROs voices sound like?
Arthur: Deep and commanding; the type of voice that offers hope and solace within dark times. He has the voice of a leader with all the warmth of the sun.
Vivien: Coy, her accent allows her words to lilt ever-so-slightly which gives her a flair that not many others have.
Morgan/Morgana: They’re soft spoken with a steel-like edge to their words; sultry undertones given to only those that they deem worthy of it. (With Morgana I see her voice as being a mixture of Katie McGrath with the huskiness of Kate Beckinsale.)
Emrys/Emrya: Rushed; their words sometimes meld together as various thoughts filter through their brain. However, there’s a wisdom strewn within them that only comes with the passage of time.
Caelian/Caelia: Harsh, for the most part, which their accent doesn’t help; being born in Scotland (and subsequently abandoned) allows their accent to take precedence in their voice whenever they get upset.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
Answer this? :D
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
Who amongst the Ros is the easiest to get along with?
I think that would just depend on your own personality…
In general? I’d probably say Emrys/Emrya or Vivien.
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theswordofavalon-if · 2 years
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The Sword of Avalon is an interactive novel based within the world of Arthurian Legends. With a three-person team writing it. 
Genre(s): Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Action, Romance, and Hurt/Comfort. 
Warning(s): This game is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, blood, death, sexual themes, profanity, alcohol consumption, mentions of torture, and war. 
Scenario and NSFW (within reason) asks are welcomed.
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Only the true King of England may pull the sword from the stone...
It was a legend that had flooded Camelot with hopeful individuals seeking to see if they were the destined heir, from the most gallant of knights to the poorest of beggars. None of them succeeded-- no one believing the sword could be pulled-- until a boy accomplished what no other could. Not only becoming the King of England but the ruler that promised unity after a world filled with strife. 
Never knowing that over a decade later he’d come face-to-face with the physical embodiment of the sword that was forever by his side; a being that has come in a time when Camelot needs them the most. 
For if they lost there wouldn’t be anything left to live for. 
Play as the corporeal embodiment of the legendary sword Excalibur. Wherein you’re sent from Avalon to the wondrous world of Camelot to help defeat a coming darkness that threatens to swallow the world. Will you find love along the way? And even a family?
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Customizable MC: name, gender, sexuality, appearance, and a smattering of other things. 
Meet a variety of people that will show you what it’s like to have a family. Along with the castle hounds that may have a greater impact than you originally thought. 
Romance 1 of 5 ROs; from King Arthur himself to a hot-headed, but loyal, Knight of the Round Table. (3 ROs are gender-selectable, 1 is male, and 1 is female.) Possibility of Poly Routes (don’t know yet).
Discover all the wonders of Camelot as you get to learn about the people living within it. 
Dream about Avalon and have visions about the coming darkness. 
Will you be able to save Camelot and, by extension, Avalon? Or will it all fall?
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Arthur Pendragon [M] - The King
29 [6′5″ || Azure Blue Eyes || Golden Hair]
The King of Camelot-- and the wielder of Excalibur-- Arthur is a kind-hearted man who wouldn’t hesitate in defending anyone he believes needs it. While some may call him naive, and too pure of heart to sit on the throne, Arthur has proven himself time and time again with his ability in leading. Will you be the thing that he’s been missing all this time? Is the connection you feel with him something more than him just wielding Excalibur?
“I don’t know how this is possible, but I do know that I never want to let you go. I’ve waited my entire life for you. I-I think pulling Excalibur from the stone was in my destiny all along. Not to become the King of England, but to meet you.”
Vivien Lunete [F] - The Servant 
27 [5′5″ || Slate Gray Eyes || Dark Brown Hair]
One of the first people that you meet upon entrance of Camelot. Soft spoken, with a surprisingly insightful look on life, she makes an impression on you automatically; not to mention the feeling that you’ve met her somewhere before. You don’t know what will happen in the coming days, but you hope that you’ll be able to get to know her more. 
“You are more precious to me than any stone, my beloved, I would gladly lay upon a pyre and light it on fire if it meant keeping you safe. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep you.”
Morgan/Morgana Le Fay [M/F] - The Sorcerer 
28 [6′3″ || Emerald Green Eyes || Raven Black Hair]
The half-sibling of King Arthur that tends to stick to the shadows of the castle. Their sarcastic tone only softening slightly when dealing with their brother but for everyone else it’s mainly thinly veiled exasperation. Will you be able to get past the icy exterior of their heart? Seeing what no one else, but Arthur, has ever seen before? 
“I’ve been called many things in my life, darling, but I think the sweetest is being able to be called yours. Just as I’m able to call you mine. Wherever our paths may lead us in the future, I’m sated with the knowledge that they’re intersected at least once.”
Emrys/Emrya Wyllt [M/F] - The Court Wizard
(Looks) 33 [5′8″ || Hazel Eyes || Silver-White Hair]
The Wizard of King Arthur’s Court-- also known as Merlin-- who isn’t at all what you were expecting upon meeting them. Their youthful face, for one, didn’t fit with the tales of an aged man guiding the young king; not to mention their cheerful disposition towards life. However, don’t let their appearance dissuade you as their magic hums just underneath the surface... waiting to be unleashed. 
“I may have power the likes many wish to, but you have a power too, dearest one. You have entrapped me more than any spell ever could. I am yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
Caelian/Caelia Aphelion [M/F] - The Knight
29 [5′10″ || Dark Brown Eyes || Auburn Hair]
With a temper as fiery as their hair, this reputable Knight of the Round Table is known far and wide, with an added bonus of their prowess in battle, they’re quite feared. Extremely loyal to the ones that have earned their trust-- namely Arthur-- they would fight till the bitter end to stay by their side.  
“I-I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I-I’ve never let myself get this close, but I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance. For seeing past the anger to what I’ve been hiding from for so long. Thank you for seeing me.”
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