#vividly locked in a daydream of a scene from these aus
Rune's Diner
(Known as Gem's Diner in other locations)
Deciding to serve my AUs to you food commercial styled (ish) because I'm bored.
Also not me interchanging Rune and Gem as my online names lol
Want to get the all-new Virus AU (TADC) Meal?
We have:
-Showtime (Caine x Pomni)
-A TADC OC who has a traumatic past involving the Virus
-A computer virus (who is actually an ancient clock creature and is one of the founders the multiverse) who has some beef with a child
-Juicy headcanons (phrased that so weirdly lol)
-Digital Security inspector OC who kinda looks like William Afton (isn't)
-Hacker who is trying to get rid of the Virus (who was actually a former C&A staff who created Caine)
-Panic attacks
-Random 4th Wall Breaking
-Kinger lore
-Wholesome ending
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Want to get the all-new Deep Dark AU (DetCo) Meal (now with the secret Phase 2 and ultra secret Phase 2.5 Menu)?
We have:
Phase 1:
-Yokomizo twins
-Juugo being traumatized by a demon who tried slashing one of his eyes out
-A slightly insane "guardian angel" (name is Spades, sometimes calls himself "See No Evil)
-A demon sea monster thingie (name is Luminous, sometimes calls itself "Speak No Evil")
-More juicy headcanons
-Conan acting like an actual kid
-Chihaya and Juugo vibing
Phase 2 (Secret Menu):
-Everything from Phase 1
-Fancy, expensive train
-Detective Boys "ooooooo"ing when they see Juugo and Chihaya standing next to each other
-Epic police chase on train
-Child kidnapper vibing on train
-Luminous PTSD moment
-Epic views
-Spades actually doing guardian angel stuff for once
Phase 2.5 (Ultra Secret Menu):
-Kidnapper grabs kid and runs off of train
-Conan chases the guy
-Juugo and Detective Boys also chase the guy
-Juugo pats Ayumi on the head and threatens to stab a guy in the eye with a ruler when he bullies Ayumi
-Not finished yet
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Prompt for youuuu (they’re pulled from lists)
“Don’t you touch a hair on his head!”
For Lambden? 💗💗
this is especially for you because you're my K-Drama buddy
modern au - actor au - mutual pining - vaguely based on an episode of Boys Over Flowers
(this was written before I made my break announcement)
yes I made a poster for season 2 of a fake show
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tw: blood mention (tv show special effects), injury (also special effects), depictions of fake angst with a real happy ending!
Aiden groaned, trying to muffle the half-involuntary sound by burying his face into the side of his enormous red wolf plushie. He sat back on the couch and crossed his legs beneath him, staring the toy wolf straight in the eyes.
“Good gods, Milly, what am I going to do with myself?” he whined. He tugged his hood up to cover his curls and pouted. “I can’t just waltz back onto the set and pretend I’m not head-over-heels for that stupid, sexy asshole. I may be an actor but I’m not that good.”
It was his first day back on the set of Love in the Wolf’s Den, and Aiden wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself; a side character coming back for an episode here or there was pretty normal but he had somehow become a fan favorite, so the writers invited him back to join the regular cast. Under normal circumstances it would have been a dream come true - Wolf’s Den had turned out to be the network’s largest commercial success in the last decade - but he was co-starring with his celebrity crush and that was turning out to be a bit of a problem.
Without really thinking about it, Aiden pulled up the video app on his phone and searched Wolf’s Den Leo Rescue Scene. When the all-too-familiar thumbnail appeared at the top of his search results he tapped it eagerly, perhaps a little too eagerly. He pulled his favorite fleece blanket over his head to make a half-hearted fort and zoned out, staring down at the back of his own head as the clip played on the tiny screen.
“I’ll never tell you where they’re hiding!” Aiden heard himself cry, voice hoarse. He’d been tied to a chair with his hands behind his back and his ankles fastened to either leg, leaving his legs slightly spread; the director had called it ‘innocently sexy’ and Aiden had unfortunately agreed. He spent the day focusing a Herculean amount of self-control on not embarrassing himself in front of Melitele, the cast, and everyone. On the screen the villain backhanded him, sending his head snapping to the side, brown curls bouncing rather majestically.
It had taken them ages to get that shot.
“Oh you’ll tell me everything I want to know, pretty kitty, or you’ll get much worse than a slap,” the villain, portrayed by the famous Cahir, sneered down at him. Cahir grabbed Aiden’s curly brown hair and Aiden winced in real life - that had actually hurt. “Nobody knows where you are. Nobody’s coming to your rescue, Leo. Give it up, kitty cat, and perhaps I’ll be kind enough to let you live.”
“Don’t you touch a hair on his head!” one of the three lead characters shouted as he kicked the warehouse door open. Aiden melted further back against the couch, sighing dreamily into the otherwise empty trailer as Lorenzo (depicted by the love of Aiden’s life, the apple of his eye, his sun moon and stars: Lambert O’Rory) raced to his side. Lorenzo pulled a knife from his pocket and waved it at the villain, eyes frantic. His hand rested firmly atop one of Aiden’s thighs and the Aiden watching the video remembered that sensation vividly.
The heat of Lambert’s hand had burned through the thin denim of Aiden’s acid-wash jeans and into the skin of his leg. Aiden had wondered - as he remained tied to the chair for the following three re-shoots of Lambert’s entrance - if there would be a perfect outline of the actor’s hand somehow imprinted there when he took his pants off later. Unfortunately it wasn’t there when he peeked. No marker remained to hint that Lambert’s hand had ever been there at all, even though the phantom sensation of that too-hot palm continued to haunt him over the summer filming break. Aiden bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head to clear it again: “Fuck.”
Someone knocked at his trailer door and Aiden practically threw his phone across the trailer in surprise. He bounced to his feet and grabbed the counter when one foot got stuck in his blanket, nearly tripping him to the floor. “Sorry, it’s unlocked! Come on in!”
Aiden was just pulling his hood back away from his face when none other than Lambert O’Rory himself poked his head in through the door with a grin, “Hey! Good to see you again, Aiden. Heard from Jask that you’re going to be a regular this season.”
“Uh, yeah,” Aiden nodded, swiping a lock of dark hair behind his ear and fiddling with the ringlet nervously. “I hope you don’t mind!”
“Well honestly I was coming to check in and hear how you were feeling about it,” Lambert admitted. He was rubbing one hand up and down the back of his neck looking almost nervous about something. His long coppery hair shone like a crown in the early morning light and Aiden wanted nothing more than to reach out and run his fingers through it; his burgeoning daydream was interrupted when Lambert said, “I hope you’re alright with the direction they’re taking our characters and our, uh… relationship.”
“Wha- huh?” Aiden blinked stupidly. He’d been so distracted by the thought of seeing Lambert again that he’d totally forgotten to see if the Script Manager had his Pages ready yet. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, well…” Lambert half-grinned. “I hope you don’t mind being my love interest.”
Aiden can only nod and send a quick thank you to whichever god grants wishes to foolish B-list actors.
"It'll be nice to have a friend on set," Lambert added. "I won't have to watch Geralt and Jaskier make out while I try to eat lunch."
"Are they really that affectionate all the time? I thought they just turned it up for the tabloids."
"Oh no... it's terrible. But their on-screen chemistry is honest."
"Yeah..." Aiden thought about the way Lambert had cradled his 'unconscious' body against that strong, broad chest at the end of last season, sobbing for him to wake up after an accident knocked him out. "Maybe we can outshine them this season, really shake up the ratings."
"You think?" Lambert asked, leaning into Aiden's space.
Aiden squeaked and blushed an even brighter shade of pink. "Maybe."
Lambert grinned wolfishly - appropriate, Aiden thought - and turned away towards the set. "See you later, babe."
"Yeah," Aiden muttered, heart palpitating dangerously in his chest. The whole world felt tipped sideways in a wonderful, glorious way. "Later."
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