#vitus dolly au
wyn0rrific · 2 months
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the corrupted delicate beauty of the emperor's children
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wyn0rrific · 29 days
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a lil thingy based on an exchange between mootie @heuldoch7b and i on this post
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
HAIII i posted a new fic for my dolly!vitus au pwease read and share and enjoy (read the tags b4hand thx its smut)
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
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new music got me inspired to draw dolly!vitus in various outfits ^^ (not pictured: fulgrim getting so h*rny he needs to lie down)
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wyn0rrific · 2 months
vitus/fulgrim drabble timee once again
its super fucked up so again its being put under a cut loll (im so sorry)
"I have a favor to ask of you."
Fabius looks up from his dataslate, Fulgrim loomed over him with a small smile on his face.
"What is it, my lord?" Fabius asks, the primarch's expression nearly growing a pit in his stomach.
Fulgrim's smile grows wider as he hums, "It's regarding Vitus."
Fabius' brows furrowed, he was used to the occasional requests of adding new modifications to the primarch or the barking orders of other astartes to "perfect" them, but no one had dared to mention Vitus before.
"My apologies, but Vitus isn't here. I believe he maybe in his own quarters or perhaps with-"
"I'm not looking for her," Fulgrim chuckles, "Though you will definitely need his whereabouts in order to conduct this... procedure."
Fabius perplexes, tapping his dataslate as his eyes dart between Fulgrim's devious glare and the ground.
"Procedure? Forgive me if I'm wrong but, didn't you forbid me from working on Vitus? Have you changed your mind, my lord?" Fabius asks, hiding the excitement growing in his mind at the thought of working on a clean slate.
Fulgrim's smile drops for a moment, as if he was annoyed that Fabius was right, before returning back to his original expression.
"Ah, I did say that, but this is a very special modification. One that only Vitus will receive," Fulgrim walks over to one of the operation tables, delicately brushing against the varied tools until he stops at a pick-like object, ”It is meant to... cure him, if you know what I mean."
The apothecary looks at the tool for a moment, letting out a sigh as he steps towards the table.
"As you wish, my lord."
Three very loud taps on the door cause Fabius to jolt, grumbling in annoyance for a moment before the source of the noise steps in.
Vitus looks up at the apothecary, smiling nervously as he bowed.
"Did he say anything to you?" Fabius asks, wondering how secretive this assignment was.
Vitus cocked his head before signing, "Fulgrim told me you needed my assistance."
Fabius wanted to laugh, Vitus wasn't stupid of course, but he was very much oblivious to most things.
And that was going to make this procedure so much easier to do.
"Sit here." Fabius pats down on the table.
Vitus gives the apothecary a confused look before obeying, sliding up onto the operating table. She waited patiently as Fabius turns to grab something, though a wave of nerves hit her as she glaced at the line of tools laying on the small table next to him.
Fabius turns back around, stepping closer to Vitus and pulling strands of hair back so his face was completely exposed.
"Are you performing tests on me?" Vitus asked, his hands shaking nervously as his eyes darted between Fabius and the tray of tools.
The apothecary pressed a thumb against his forehead, muttering to himself before responding, "In a way, yes. Lord Fulgrim has asked me to make some modifications to your brain."
He immediately regrets explaining himself as he feels Vitus squirm underneath him. Fabius cusses under his breath as he tightly grabbed both of Vitus' shoulders, lowering himself to meet Vitus' face with annoyance.
"You were willing to let me work on you before even when it wasn't allowed, so why is now any different hm? Fulgrim is requesting this procedure, I'm sure you don't want to upset him by not cooperating now would you?" Fabius whispers darkly, slowly rising as Vitus nods hesitantly.
The apothecary turns from Vitus, hiding a smug smile as he glazes over the array of tools. He picks up the pick-like utensil and a mallet and turns back around, using a free hand to gently grip Vitus' chin.
The apothecarium is quiet except for the silent humming of machines and Vitus' shaky breathing. Vitus stares widely at Fabius as he adjusts the pick over his eye, his body shivering from both the coldness of the room and fear for what was about to happen next.
"You need to remain completely still for this." Fabius commands, "I'm not going to kill you so this shouldn't be entirely painful, though it will be uncomfortable for a short moment."
Vitus whimpers softly, his hearts racing as he stares at the tools in his face. He'd heard of this form of procedure before as it was intended for servitors, but surely Fulgrim wasn't planning on throwing him away like that.
Would he?
Thoughts of Fulgrim distracted him from Fabius' aiming for a short moment until he felt the vibrations of the tools colliding with each other, the pick seeping into his head. She wanted to scream but nothing came out in fear of ruining the apothecary's work. Soon enough the pick went deep into her skull, a hot searing pain grew stronger by the second until it was all Vitus could focus on.
Fabius ceases after several hits, watching as Vitus' body tenses up for a moment. A feeling of worry brews in his mind as his body has almost looked to be in a state of rigor mortis, but the feeling was immediately flushed out when Vitus slowly slouches forward. He carefully pulls the pick out before stepping back to fully look at his subject. Vitus sat perfectly still, his now droopier eyes glued to the floor.
"Hm, I should probably test out your cognitive skills. I assume he still wants you to be responsive of some sort." Fabius begins, but before he could speak any further he is interrupted by the door opening.
"Fabius? Is he done yet?"
The apothecary glances over as Fulgrim steps into the room, practically slithering over to where Vitus sat limply.
"I believe so, my lord, I just need to make sure he's actually conscious." Fabius responds, his choice of words causing Fulgrim to frown.
"You didn't... kill him did you? I need him alive Fabius. You understand this, right? I wouldn't have trusted you with this task if I knew you'd kill my prec- I mean, Vitus." Fulgrim snaps, leveling himself to meet Vitus' face. He grabs her chin, gently lifting it, her eyes slowly move upwards to meet Fulgrim's. He smiled, the gesture was delicately beautiful.
Just like a doll.
"Vitus," Fulgrim coos, his face inches away from Vitus', "Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?"
Fabius glared at the primarch, wanting to roll his eyes at the infantilism that was occuring before him. Though he remained still, watching to make sure Vitus was in fact alive and at least sort of conscious.
Vitus slowly nods, his hands move to sign the primarch's name as well as his own.
Fulgrim, extremely pleased by Vitus' new doll like state, hums in approval as he scoops her up into his arms. He dismissed themselves before Fabius could sputter a rebuttal as they left the apothecarium.
Once back in his room, Fulgrim sets Vitus down on his bed. He turns for a moment to his vanity, watching Vitus through the mirror as he grabbed a brush. He looked so delicate in this state, and it made Fulgrim very satisfied and eager to play with his newly upgraded toy.
"I hope you aren't upset with me," Fulgrim sighs as he brushes Vitus' hair, chuckling to himself as Vitus merely blinks slowly at the primarch's words. "Oh right, you can't feel that anymore."
Vitus watches blankly as Fulgrim preens him, wobbling back and forth as his body grew heavier by the minute. Dried blood caked his eyelid as it drooped even further than before.
"Did something happen to me?" Vitus signs as Fulgrim stands back to fully gaze upon him.
The primarch squints at the damaged eye, tsking to himself before turning back around.
"I had apothecary Fabius fix you." Fulgrim replies, appearing with a cloth in his hand. "Though, I feel like fixed is an understatement. He definitely made you perfect, just for me."
Fulgrim smiled, pressing his lips against Vitus' temple as he dabbed at his eyelid. Her skin felt cool and smooth against his lips, similar to the feeling of porcelain.
Thoughts flooded Fulgrim's mind as he caressed Vitus. Outfit ideas bloomed as his hands explored her body, Vitus letting out soft gasps whenever his hands touched skin. Varying Intricate hairstyles formed as Fulgrim's ran fingers through his white hair, gently tugging so that Vitus' head tilted back to face the primarch.
Vitus looked blankly at Fulgrim, his eyes show little to no vacancy as he smiled.
The innocent look on the Vitus' face in combination with the already intrusive thoughts made Fulgrim's stomach flip with excitement. He pressed his lips against Vitus', swallowing her gasps as he nearly rips off the garment barely covering him.
Nothing else mattered in that moment to Fulgrim except for him and his precious little doll to play with.
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
clothing ref for my dolly!vitus au!
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fit 1 is the general type of outfit he'd wear to classes
fit 2 (fulgrim's least favorite) is for clinicals, fulgrim isn't fond of his scrubs so they compromise by allowing fulgrim to do her hair
fit 3 is... yeah. idk if i wanna stick with lolita goth just yet, i still need to look at the different types but also i might not even use lolita fashion who knows. as previously mentioned though vitus doesn't really mind what fulgrim puts him in during doll time, shes really more in awe about how expensive the clothing feels + is too into the pampering headspace to really worry
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
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a scene from a fic im working on summarized
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wyn0rrific · 23 days
Vitus being presented with a giant EMPTY DOLLIES sign like it's a big novelty cheque?
ofc anon anything for u pookie <3
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fulgrim DEFINITELY paid a worker to give him the sign
also irl moment i've discovered we also have multiple of these (they're magnets)
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wyn0rrific · 2 months
haii gay people in my phone i have finally finished a fic for my dolly!vitus au!!
(pls read the tags b4 hand thank youu)
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wyn0rrific · 25 days
Vitus in primarch sandwich, fulgrim and ferrus (im sorry)
i faintly remember looking at this ask at work and audibly gasping
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nasty ass fucker (affectionate)
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wyn0rrific · 27 days
Well, which type of dolly lifestyle fits Vitus the most? Princess? Bimbo barbie like style? Maybe even the monster high student?
Second, does anyone outside knows of second side of Vitus and Fulgrim relationship...how do they think of it?
hmm *hasn't really thought of that before*
vitus is definitely fulgrim's little prince, he enjoys being cared for and having fulgrim dress him up and pose him as you would with, persay, a ball jointed doll.
fulgrim definitely creates paintings of his dolly, his little muse *sighs dreamily*
to answer the second question i've been wanting to add other characters into this au (a certain man with iron hands perhaps?) but during school they try to keep their relationship hidden due to vitus' fear of judgement (it doesn't bother fulgrim at all as he understands both of them have separate reputations to hold).
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they also dont really do dolly time outside of their home (but occasionally vitus will slip into a halfway point where fulgrim can dress him up a little bit to go run errands/etc). i thought about writing a short lil thing where they try to attend a club of some sort or involve another person (cough ferrus cough) but im unsure as to how I'd write it
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wyn0rrific · 28 days
Ask for Dolly Vitus: does Vitus have any favorite outfits? (Please tell me as much as you want about pretty clothes!)
while i kinda highlighted some outfits he wears here i can elaborate some more for u ^^
an issue that erupted within the start of their relationship was definitely clothing as vitus has some sensory issues and fulgrim was worried about feminizing virus too much
they did eventually work it out by discussing a system where fulgrim would ask what vitus preferred that day (ex: "does my dolly want to wear a dress today?")
vitus loves outfits that are flowy or have a ton of ruffles! he isn't necessarily self conscious of his body (unless its days where he feels not masculine enough due to his dysphoria), but he loves sheer clothing
when it comes to specific genres she really enjoys Victorian Gothic or Lolita goth, but really if fulgrim puts her in something and compliments her Vitus immediately will enjoy what hes wearing
another one of his favorite outfits his pjs, which typically consists of a night gown or sheer babydoll gown as he prefers to sleep with as little clothing as possible (but also his nighttime routine with fulgrim is definitely his favorite part of the day)
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
dolly au ramble + kinda ventish LMAO (its just me being annoying)
im sincerely hoping that this au doesn't come across as forced feminization towards vitus bc that's definitely not the case 😭
he's just very comfortable with being a feminine trans man and has communicated this to fulgrim on multiple occasions whenever the context of clothing is brought up
i can see a conversation along the lines of "would it be ok to put u in a dress today, dolly?" appearing in the beginning with fulgrim gently asking if vitus preferred trousers or a skirt/dress and choosing compliments that coordinate in order to ease him into the doll headspace
vitus does worry relationship wise that she wont ever be able to fully satisfy fulgrim (i considered making fulgrim also transmasc but as of rn hes amab + gnc so in a way it's still t4t??) meanwhile fulgrim doesn't mind that vitus is trans and only cares about making sure his dolly is happy, comfortable, and taken care of at all times
poor baby is also so terribly sensitive to praises/compliments (blame his raging praise kink for that) that whenever fulgrim calls Vitus a "handsome/pretty boy" with no sexual intention she has to keep herself from immediately falling into dolly mode (fulgrim thinks its adorable and sometimes will continue it purposely just to coax vitus)
sex wise isnt really that much of an issue involving vitus' gender but he does feel insecure about his lack of knowledge/experience (fulgrim finds this very attractive yet will not admit it directly but is always reassuring and guiding during it especially whenever vitus is in dollspace)
on a personal note i kinda made this au as a way to project onto vitus (per usual) as someone with a newly found doll k!nk
i've always struggled with my gender and having to fit in with what society deems as "passing" and i even went years denying who I was due to the hatred ppl have for feminine trans men. now i dont particularly care as I'm fully ok with being a feminine guy and dressing up and stuff, but it still does suck being misgendered and knowing i wont ever pass (man i gotta go on T)
tldr i think life would be better if i was a doll LOLL
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
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bout time for a wip methinks
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wyn0rrific · 4 days
Idk if this has already been asked already, but does Fulgrim have any specific scents that he likes his dolly to wear/does Vitus have any perfumes or colognes that she's suggested Fulgrim use on him when dressing him up?
this has not been asked already!
Fulgrim would definitely like his dolly to have a combination scent of citrus and lavender ^^
i don't really have any specific perfumes/colognes in mind but i think Vitus would enjoy more fruity/sweet fragrances
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wyn0rrific · 1 month
Hiiii a mysterious stranger popping in to say if you want ideas for things for dolly vitus to wear, atelier pierrot has pretty blouses and skirts and dresses, and they’re sadly closed now but atelier boz had lovely dresses as well !!
i love whatever victorian esque lolita some of the contents of these shops are it really fits vitus' vibe of being a sad little british boy
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