#visitors making social calls left handwritten notes at the home of friends who were not at home.
printo100 · 2 years
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cloviaglade · 4 years
Yeah it came to me in a dream shared it with a friend and she said I should inflict it on the world so here we go
Warning: It's super long but I broke it up into chunks
(note not all members of the house fall into the categories listed also I'm not the best with corporate terms and positions. Also this was made for fun and isn't that serious)
The houses
The Black eagles generally were in accounting or sales. They dealt with a lot of the customers firsthand and were considered expendable
Blue lions where mostly in HR or IT
Golden deer mostly worked in maintenance and public relations.
Staff and church members are members of the board. Flayn has her position on the board despite her age because nepotism
The Seiros Co:
It's a large company that provide a large array of services and products that promote physical and emotional well-being. The company started out with good intentions but soon became a corporate monster
The company provides a host of benefits to its employees including on site housing, on site restraunts, on site pools gyms ect. They even have the best insurance on the planet. They even have horse therapy.
However they have to pay premiums on the health insurance, their rent is docted from their pay, they have to pay for on-site facilities, and those living on site are heavily encouraged to work overtime.
a lot of this is justified by cover every single health expense and days of for minor colds. Many employees seek mental health care more often than they seek physical care.
The on site living conditions vary heavily. Most are just a small white room with a single bed and a dresser. No visitors after certain hours and forget about outside visitors. However rumors are spreading that the board members have spacious luxury apartments.
The pay without all the benefits is not a wage you could live off of. But with the rent for these rooms doct from your pay you couldn't reasonably save up for different arrangements.
The strike begins:
Edelguard was finally fed up watching her team struggling. She hears constantly about how her workers are not making enough. How they have to scrape because they needed new clothes or shoes. Or worse how Petra wasn't able to support her sick grandfather
She hired a lawyer Hubert to look into information about their contracts and compare everything to labor laws. She needed to know how much of this was legal and if there was anything to be done about it.
Huberts lawfirm dealt with several lawsuits in the past. They are considered ruthless in court however media painted them out to be money hungry and demented
As expected, it was legal (mostly due to lack of regulation for these types of benefits) but really unfair, So Hubert suggested a strike. His firm would handle all the legal matters as they prepared a lawsuit and to unionize.
Edelguard was careful to organize it in private. Nothing was emailed. Nothing to tract them. Flyers were handwritten and posted in the dorms inviting members to secret meeting on slow hours.
What everyone did on the day of the strike/position they were in the office.
Black eagles
Edalguard: head of sales- she got everyone in her department and many others in different departments to simply stop working for the day when she commanded everyone to stop working via megaphone. She suck in hubert and went to a private meeting room to set up a list of demands.
Hubert: head of Vestra lawfirm- he snuck past security with the help of Edelguard. He brought a laptop and a phone with Hotspot so he could video call the rest of his attorneys from inside the conference room. Once the strike was in full swing he toured the place with Edelguard gathering evidence.
Ferdinand: senior sale manager has the highest customer satisfaction - when the strike was well underway he sent a mass email to everyone in every department including the CEO and founder herself in a very professional tone about how there is a strike. Lornez replied immediately and they when to the breakroom to enjoy tea while on the clock.
Lindhart: IT software specialist - first thing he did was turn off all the bans on websites. Everyone could go on whatever website they wanted to. He left the download blocker up and other safety precautions in place. Others could looks at memes and scroll through social media ect. He then returns to his dorm and takes a paid nap.
Caspar: manager in accounting slow but very accurate and a real team player - he hated the no pets policy with a burning passion so he let all the stray and feral cats that hang around the building in through one of the side doors. They stayed mostly on the ground floor and a few made a mess under the desks. He played with the strays with a few of his co-workers.
Bernadette: customer service rep. - she hated the calls filled with angry people. She clocked out, disconnected he phone, ran into her dorm and screamed into her pillow until calm. Once she calmed down enough she did some embroidery.
Dorothea: sales representative- has the highest upsale rate - she gets into her car and just leaves. She is still clocked in. Nobody knows where she went. Some say she met with a lover, others say she went on a binge. Nobody really knows.
Petra: bilingual sales rep. - she signed her phone off and immediately called up her family overseas. She proceeded to catch up and talk with her family for hours. She rarely got to speak with them due to the difference in timezones.
Blue lions
Dimitri: head of IT - he doesn't actually know much about IT and has little intrest in it. He got the job because his dad recommended him. With the outside website ban lifted and the lost of control of his department he frantically tried to get everything under control
Dedue: cyber security and protocol educator - although the bans are lifted he is still concerned about a cyber attack. He is frantically try to restore the ban but it seems like lindhart deleted the code.
Felix: hardware specialists - he was the one who should've been promoted into Dimitri's position and is a bit smug about how everything is falling apart in front of his boss. He bypasses the download blocker and plays minecraft on the company computer. Dimitri is too busy to notice that felix isn't helping.
Sylvain: HR rep. - he knew from the start that working conditions were shit. He was tired of trying to raise moral by doing everything but paying the employees more, giving them time off, and reasonable working hours. He went to the break room where Ferdinand and Lornez were having tea and ate a bunch of the snacks the company was reselling at super high prices then faxed a picture of his ass and balls to rhea herself as a letter of resignation.
Ashe: new hire in IT - was called down to the first floor to replace a keyboard a cat peed on. Found caspar was the reason the cats were let in. Caspar then persuaded him to play with the cats instead of shooing them out. 3 hours later he completely forgot about the strike and clocked out per usual. He completely forgot about the strike
Mercedes: head of HR - she meets with the board and discussed what to do about the strikers. They can't force them to go home since everyone striking lives on site and has every right to be there. No significant damages is being done to property. The only loss is from those not working (and a keyboard covered in cat piss and $35 worth of snacks) Mercedes is forced to find a way to get them to stop but in a way that doesn't really change anything. She leaves the meeting when it is over clocks out and returns to her modest house she calls out sick for the next couple of months.
Annette: HR rep - she tries to stop the chaos on the floor and to convince everyone to return to work. She is ignored. She wanted to ask for a megaphone to help gain attention but edelguard took the one from HR and the person with the key to one in the event closet is striking as well. She runs around in a paint trying to answer emails and settle everyone down.
Ingrid: IT helpline rep - helping Dimitri reset the ban on outside websites is above her pay grade. She at least know some of the terminology and the basics. She manages to set up a very basic blocker but it didn't block whole domains just the homepage of every website she could think of that's wasn't appropriate for work. Logging into the site allowed you to bypass the block. Ingrid feels like she will be fired for not being able to do more
Golden deer:
Claude: event planner - noticing that there was no work happening he finally decided it was time to actually do his job. He dipped into those sweet event funds and ordered as many pizza's as he could from every pizza join that could deliver. He busted out the sport balls and got employees to clear some room for flag football on the 3rd floor. He got Hilda to organize games of hide and go seek in floors 4 and 5. All games and activities were not officially approved but followed all guidelines.
Hilda: claudes assistant - organized games on the 4th and 5th floors. The cubicle although uniform made excellent hiding spaces and the food plaza just got rid of the old tables and chairs awaiting delivery of new ones so there was a ton of space to run around. Hidia had to jump between floors pretty often which was a workout all on its own but it was worth it to see everyone smile at work for once.
Lornez: head of advertising - he was tired of writing jingles and stupid commercials for the company. He wasn't aware of the strike until he got the email from Ferdinand. He offered to treat him to some tea he brought from home. They had a lovely talk and watched Sylvain stress eat. He tried to talk Sylvain out of resigning but failed.
Raphael: pizza delivery guy - he thought it was a joke at first since they never delivered pizza to the Serios Co but was persuaded by Claude. He got stopped at the front by the front desk clerk who was ordered not to allow any deliveries. Soon more pizza guys showed up and some of them where not as nice as Raphael. He eventually got in and successfully delivered his pizza.
Ignatz: accountant - he wanted no part of this and tried to work despite being on the 3rd floor. He doesn't have any PTO and is frantically trying to get his absence approved because he cannot work under these conditions. He got walled in with desks and chairs and hand to crawl his way out to try to find someone in HR to help him but found their office empty. Worst day of work ever.
Lysithia: Intern- hopes to join the advertising department - She needs this job for school credits so finding out that her boss told her to take the day off because of strike she immediately thought of her record. Lorenz assured her that she would get credit as long as he had any say in it. She played a round of hide and go seek before studying in Lornez's office
Marianne: customer service rep.- she heard the rumors and on the day of the strike she freaked out and when to have a panic attack in her car. She was on lunch technically but she took a 3 hour lunch. She came back in clocked out and decided to try that horse therapy.
Leonnie: pizza delivery guy (not nice) - she knows the customer didn't care that the order took so long to complete and was very understanding that the 30mins or less delivery time but seriously! 50 PIZZAS!! She had to stretch and press dough at top speed for like 45 mins then she burnt her hand while boxing some of the pizza's and she had to deliver all of it to this company just outside of town and now the person at the front door is insisting that the pizza was ordered by mistake oh no! Not today! You will take the pizza and you will pay for it and tip 25%.
Rhea: CEO and founder - she honestly believes her practices are helping the community. She doesn't realize that she doesn't give her employees much choice. She thinks her employees are ungrateful.
Seteth: president - also believes the company is doing the best they can. He knows the dorms are small and brand but they house 78.364% of their employees and they all see a doctor at least 3 times a month. He hates that he has difficulty finding a balance between competitive prices, compensating workers, and turning a profit.
Flayn: secretary - she saw the fun going on in the 5th floor while on her lunch and thought it was organized by staff and didn't connect it as part of the strike.
Catherine: front desk - tried to turn away all the delivery drivers but more kept coming. She kept getting calls from upper management about the social media platforms and tried frantically to get in to make a statement but had little luck. She gave up when Leonnie demanded payment and let all the delivery people in.
Shamir: social media manager- she originally attended the meetings as a mole but soon learned that her fellow employees hardships. She drafted huge posts on every platform exposing the truth, changed all the passwords then took a vacation during the strike.
Hanneman: chief operational officer - he is calling and emailing the IT department about the bans every moment he can. He organized the meeting as soon as the strikers got rowdy.
Manuela: chief financial officer - although she is worried about the finances she has also been pressing about where to cut the budget first. Horse therapy is ridiculous! They own the whole ranch and are responsible for the upkeep of every horse. And all the horses are carefully hand selected and trained too. It's too much nobody uses the horse therapy because nobody has the time off to go to horse therapy!
Alois: Chairman - his title is mostly empty. He joined the strikers in a game of flag football scored a touchdown. Then went back to work as usual. Didn't check his emails about the strike since he only checks them in the morning when he first comes into work.
Gilbert: treasurer - he puts business first. Doesn't know his daughter works for the same company. Was friends with Dimitri's father. He is stressing about how the company will recover financially. He is the reason for the pay cuts so they can fund most of the benefits.
Cyrill: gopher - he gets paid minimum wage and lives on site. He considers himself lucky that he can drive the company car to go pick up office supplies from the store. He was homeless before he got a job at Seiros and feels like he is important.
Since several members of the board were caught participating in strike activities the hubert and his firm counted them at strikers and used this in court.
The dorms were not considered responsible accommodations saying that prisoners in jail cells at least have their own toilet.
The news when crazy with the posts on social media. The account never replied to any dms or comments. When called they said a rogue employee posted them falsely because she was being fired.
Rhea was forced to pay a lawsuit that gave all dormitory workers an allowance of $1000 for rent for life. Even if they choose to leave the company.
Dimitri was fired for not actually having any training. Felix was promoted to the head of IT and everyone respects him.
Rhea looses her company. And most of her assets. She kept the therapy horse ranch and manages that for a living.
With the entire company now belonging to her since everyone above her resigned she made a ton of changes making the company more normal. She pays a fair livable wage to every employee. She repurposed the dorms into offices or solitary break rooms.
Huberts firm gets rebranded as a honest firm that wants to help the little guys. He later goes on to help other corporations unionize.
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maskydoo-old · 5 years
Nightmare Neighbors 2
(I’m writing out scripts for upcoming storytime style youtube videos, and posting what I have here. Note that this is a true story. Feedback is welcome.)
When my boyfriend and I first bought our house, we thought did pretty well for ourselves.
It was everything we wanted at the time. Plenty of space for us, our pets, and our guests. It had a large yard, a two-car garage, and was in pretty nice area. It even came with a hot top. A leaky hot tub that the house’s wiring couldn’t properly handle, but still a hot tub.
So it needed a little work in some places. What new home doesn’t?
We assumed minor disrepair of the house was why we paid relatively little for it compared to other nearby houses.
For a first house for a young couple, yeah, not so bad. Things were going well.
Ours was the corner house, leaving us with just one neighboring family, a middle-aged-ish couple, and school-age boy.
At first I worried that the kid might be a problem. See my previous video for why I wasn’t thrilled to live near children.
But to my surprise, the neighbor boy turned out to actually be no trouble.
In fact, it was a little weird. I never heard him at all. Heck, I rarely even saw him. He was hardly ever in his yard and didn’t play with the other neighborhood kids. I’m not sure he even had any friends.
Looking back now, I wonder what home life was like for him, and I just hope he is OK. He deserves better than the parents he’s stuck with.
No, the ones who caused the problems were his parents.
It started with small things. Almost justifiable things. Things that even made me question my own perceptions of events, wondering if I was making things a bigger deal than they were, and if I was really the one at fault.
I was basically trying to rationalize their escalating hostility. Because people just do not act they do without cause – right?
That’s what I thought…
But eventually the madness got to a pitch that my patient chill level and willingness to give people the benefit of the doubt was strained to the breaking point.
Since these two will be the focus of this story, I should give them names. I won’t be using their real names, despite how satisfying it might be to absolutely DRAG them, and it’s not like they could do anything about it legally as I have plenty of evidence including court records to prove everything.
But no, I’m just using fake names here, if to avoid giving internet detectives any help finding out where I live. Not that I think anyone would bother.
So. Loony and Toony Feckwad it is.
I tried to make nice with the neighbors.
I happened to go to get the mail one day at the same time as Loony. We had a shared mailbox post, one 4X4 sticking out of the ground with both of our mailboxes on it. It would have been awkward to not at least greet her.
I introduced myself, as you do with new neighbors. She didn’t say anything… particularly impolite at this first meeting. She really didn’t really say much at all. Just seemed a bit… standoffish.
I took it as disinterest and put it out of my mind.
I was actually happy to slink away from that particular social situation. There was something about that look in her eyes…
Ugh- those eyes! She had those eyes were always wide and intense, yet glassy and unfocused. The Amy Bouzaglo eyes. The Michelle Bachman eyes. Crazy eyes. Cliché as it seems, she really had them. Toony did too.
If she stared at me any harder it might break the skin.
I don’t expect neighbors to be built-in friends or to have any kind of obligations to each other. Some people like to keep to themselves and that’s fine. I was happy to keep to myself as well.
If only these people really did just keep to themselves.
I went on my business without much thought of my neighbors after that. I almost forgot these people even existed at all by the time the trouble started.
One day, I found a handwritten note in my mailbox.
As far as I know, it’s actually illegal to go putting things in people’s mailboxes when you’re not an authorized mail carrier, but whatever
Oh, it’s from the neighbor lady… I already forgot her name. Weird, she never speaks to me. What does she want?
I wish I kept this note so I could relay what this it said accurately, or even just post it, and certainly would have been useful as evidence when I eventually took these people to court (spoiler) buuut I didn’t. I didn’t realize then it would get so out of hand as that.
So. Here it is, from my flawed human memory:
First, she wrote “To Molly’s Mom.”
Yeah, she addressed me as “Molly’s mom.” Molly is my dog.
Maybe she forgot my name? Fair enough, I already forgot hers.
Or, maybe it was some light hearted thing and the note would be friendly. Maybe an invitation to a dog party!
I am the optimist.
Ah… Nope. Nope. It was definitely a nastygram.
Basically, Loony thinks my dog is pooping in her front yard.
Well, she wasn’t. Molly stays in the fenced back yard. Loony’s front yard has no fence, just like mine doesn’t, and we both get visitors from various animals: loose dogs, cats, coyotes, deer, all more likely culprits.
But hey, honest mistake, right? No big deal. We’ll laugh about this later.
A normal note would have ended there. But not hers. There was more. Lots more.
… Then I… noticed something. Loony was standing in her driveway, stock still, just… staring at me, watching me read her note. I guess she wanted confirmation that I read her note. Well, fine, now she has it.
Me: ‘You can stop staring at me like that now…’
I kept reading, mostly so I could pretend I didn’t see her staring. The note grew increasingly accusatory and now openly insulting.
Among other unkind things I won’t repeat, she called me “entitled” and seemed to believe I was somehow instructing dogs to poop in her yard. Like. I didn’t just let my dog poop on her yard, I was having the dog do it on purpose… for… reasons.
Then her note went on a tangent about how awful dogs and how much she hates them and how I shouldn’t assume everyone likes them.
Me: ‘Uh, Ok.’
The more I read, the more unhinged Loony got, both in the note and out.  I watched her in my peripheral vision. She got into her SUV and backed out of her driveway. I thought she was leaving and the staring was finally over, but nope she just drove over and stopped on the curb directly behind me.
Why? Did she want to talk? Maybe she had second thoughts about her letter. She probably wrote it when she wasn’t thinking clearly and it came out all wrong. Maybe she regretted it and was going out to my mailbox to take it back before I could see it, Only to see me opening it just then. How awkward! She must be so embarrassed, so she came over to explain herself. Yeah. That must be it.
Well, I didn’t hear any apology coming. She just idled there not saying anything.
I learned to stop being an optimist about these people after this.
I could feel her staring.
I pretended not to notice her, which left me nothing to do but keep reading the note. I wish I’d just got the mail and took it all inside before reading anything.
At this point, the note went on a nonsense tirade about the previous people to live in my home and how much Loony hated them, as if that has anything to do with me. Loony’s note called me “another Deb,” which I guess referred to the lady who used to live here. I could see why they sold their home in such a hurry.  
Then the note concluded in odd insults and what read to me like implied threats about her ‘giving me what’s coming to me.’ I think the note only ended at all because she ran out of space on the page to rant any more.
Me ‘As out of line as this note is, think this is the most this woman has had to say to me in the whole time I’ve lived here. And why is it was addressed specifically to me, “Molly’s Mom,” and not my boyfriend “Molly’s Dad?” Come to think of it, how did she even know I’d be the one home today to get the mail?’
Loony was still idling behind me. I wasn’t interested in speaking to her after reading all that. And idling behind me like that was just creepy. Why do that? It definitely didn’t seem like waiting for a chance to apologize.
What more could Loony want, anyway. She saw me read the note, which said all there was to say and then some. Shouldn’t that satisfy her enough?
I decided to just take the high road and ignore her. I’d go back to my house without acknowledging her weird behavior. Seemed polite to let her save face a little. I’d let her off the hook without further embarrassment.
At least, that’s what I wanted to do. But she wouldn’t have that.
She actually yelled out her SUV window.
I was out of patience.
“Are you nuts?!”
Me: ‘What does that even mean? What in the world does she think I’ve done that’s playing a game?’
She acted indignant, as if I was the one out of line. Maybe she took me as someone who could be pushed around and like any Karen was shocked anyone had the nerve to not let her.  
She threw a number of insults, called me this and that. It wasn’t PG. Whatever.
I ordered her to move her vehicle, which was now blocking my driveway, or I’d call the cops. She yelled some more, but finally sped off when I pulled out my phone.
Looking back, I know I shouldn’t engage in back-and-fourths with crazy, aggressive people, I know I should use that phone to record, and I know I should just get into my house. It’s not about being a doormat and letting them get away with things, it’s about getting a record when one person is undeniably in the wrong. Give them enough rope to hang themselves.
But I didn’t know that at the time. And I was so taken off guard. I’d never seen a problem like this before in my life, and didn’t know how to handle it except to refuse to put up with it.  
I started to write a note in reply, basically refuting the claims and telling her how inappropriate acted… but in the end, I abandoned it. I never delivered it. Never even finished it. She wasn’t worth my time or emotional energy to be so concerned about.
When my boyfriend got home, he had a chat with Loony and Toony next door. He said they seemed agreeable enough to him.
Uh, yeah, my boyfriend is a 6’3 musclebound obvious veteran who could snap either of them like a twig, whereas I’m just 4’11 and still got offered kids’ menus when we went out on dates. Of course Loony would mind her manners around him more than around me.
And it’s not like Loony was going to be honest about her actions when telling her side anyway. I’m sure she told a very different story from, you know, reality.  
My boyfriend was always a friendly guy, and I’m sure treated them politely, probably gave them the benefit of the doubt, although he did see the note, but I’m betting him just showing up to speak to them at all was enough of a warning not to mess with me… at least as long as he’s around to have my back.
For a while, Loony didn’t cause any more trouble. So I figured her little episode that day would be a one-time event, not worth dwelling on. I would just ignore the neighbors and forget about it. I had my own life to live, after all.
Loony would glare at me from her front yard, like she wanted to say something, but kept her mouth shut. I just acted like I didn’t even see her. She didn’t exist, as far as I was concerned.
So this doesn’t seem so bad, right? Just a rude note and an absurd argument. Not a huge deal. If this had been the end of it, it would barely be a blip in my memory and wouldn’t have been worth retelling here. I would have never needed to call the cops, get a restraining order, or keep a pistol on me just to mow the lawn.
And it might have been the end of it if it weren’t for one thing: after a few years or so of living in that house, my boyfriend took a job that had him away overseas for months at a time. It didn’t take long for the neighbors to notice that I was home alone.
It was not the end. Loony and Toony were just getting started.
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