Watch "#globalyoggeeta Vishnusahastranaam path 351-75 /sumanjee/विष्णु सहस्त्रनाम@globalyoggeeta" on YouTube
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vajranam · 3 years
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Ramanujacharya was a great scholar with lot of patience, was simple and generous. He belonged to the Allavandar tradition. His father was Keshav bhatt who stayed in southern region of Terunkudur. Ramanuj lost his father at a very young age. He went to study under the tutelage of a guru named Yadav Prakash. Ramanuj was a sharp student who now started taking out mistakes from his guru's wrong teachings. So the guru, on pretext of sending his disciples to Kashi, conspired with Ramanuj's cousin to kill him in deep forest. But he was saved by a hunter and his wife. Later he acquired many siddhi's and cured the Princess of Kanchi.
When the sage Allavandar was on his deathbed, he sent his disciple to call Ramanuj. But before Ramanuj could reach , Allavandar was no more. On reaching Shrirangam, Ramanuj noticed that three fingers of Allavandar were turned. Only Ramanuj understood it's significance that his guru had entrusted him the work of analysing Brahmsutra, Vishnusahastranaam and Divya Prabhandam. Ramanuj vowed there to get these works completed. The guru's finger now were straight. He took Vaishnav diksha from the main disciple of Allavandar whose name was Periyanambi.
Although he was married but he decided to become sanyasi under Yatiraj. His first guru Yadav Prakash was now Ramanuj's follower in repentance.
He took guru mantra from sage Nambi(Om Namo Narayanaya). His guru urged him to keep this mantra secret but Ramanuj publicly declared this mantra. On facing his guru's ire and curse, he said that if so many people can attain moksha with this mantra, he was ready to go to hell. The guru repented and embraced him.
He was made to take the seat of Allavandar by his followers. His enemies tried to poison him but was alerted by a lady.
He travelled extensively. He wrote the bhashya of Gita and Brahmsutra. He wrote Shri bhashya on vedant. His group was known as Shri sampraday. They believe Shri Mahalaxmi as their originator. His main follower was Kurtallavar who had two sons named Parashar and Pillann. Ramanuj made Parashar write the bhashya of Vishnu sahastranaam and made Pillann write on Divya Prabhandam, thus completing his guru's last wish.
The King of Shrirang was a staunch shaiva. He called Ramanuj to his court with an ulterior motive. Recognising this Ramanuj sent Kurutallwar impersonating as Ramanuj. As a true shishya, he propagated Vaishnav dharm in the court. The King got Kurutallwar's eyes removed.
Ramanuj now came to stay at Shalgram in Mysore. There the King Bhittidev was a Vaishnav. Here Ramanuj stayed for twelve years. He restored an ancient temple at Nimmle which still exists and is known as Tirunarayanpur temple. Once he was attacked by dacoits but was saved by his disciples. He teturned to shrirangam on the death of the King there. He established a vaishnav temple there for Allwar and Nammalwar followers. He reconstructed the temple at Tirupati. He propagated bhakti marg upto ripe old age of hundred and twenty.
His teachings tell us that ishwar is the only Purushottam. He practised VISHISHT ADVAITWAD. According to him ishwar is present in each and every body. Jeev is just his sevak. The aim of life should be purusharth. Bhagwan Narayan is Satt, Mahalaxmi is his shakti and is chitta and this world is their Anand vilas. Laxmi narayan are the parents and jeev is their santaan. The duty of santaan is to serve parents and receive their kripa. They come as avtars from time to time. Always recite the name of Narayan and serve them with our thoughts words and deeds.
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