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croatoandemons · 6 years ago
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Dragon body shape designs for lore purposes.
Bottom two were work doodles and so have fryer grease on them, pls forgiv
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silenceandshadow · 6 years ago
Dragons are few in number compariably to other species however they require a fairly large amount of resources individually.  
So when they realized that their numbers were starting to tax what resources they had on Vishapin, they started looking to the stars in order to spread out to other worlds.  
Those that settled on already inhabited planets had their populations unhappy about their large reptilian visitors but fortunately the dragons were spread few and far between making it far easier to attack and rid themselves of individuals than going after the species as a whole.
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croatoandemons · 8 years ago
The Bounty Syndicate Tidbits
So here is the group of fantasy characters I made to satisfy my creative OC-making urges while making the pirate crew.
The Syndicate itself is a large web of alliances and partnerships between bounty hunters and regular citizens or wanderers or adventurers who became friends or informers for the hunters. The actual group of bounty hunters at the center of the syndicate, to which the name is usually attributed, is fairly small for the ground they cover. The syndicate disbanded as Roielt, its informal leader, set off on her own personal mission refusing the help of the other bounty hunters for the most part. Several former members have since passed away, and others returned to their old lives or adapted versions of their old lives. They wait. (WIP post).
Roielt Rivenhallow: Informal, respective leader of the Syndicate. She is of the Sa'iyr race, and through her personal mission’s wear and tear, and time, her facade has deteriorated to a macabre, gnarled appearance quite useful for frightening others. She is a falconer, but the bird that she chose and bonded with is an Arur Vulture (basically a bearded vulture). She has an older brother and a younger sister, and weak relationships with them.
Deaxis: A close friend to Roielt. She is a shapeshifter of sorts, who chooses to take on a more humanlike appearance (species a work in progress). She is much stronger and denser than she looks, and prefers to attack from the back of a big beast who technically is actually Roielt’s pet.
Voronin and Xena Wintervellen: Voronin was once the friend who completed the iconic bounty hunter trio at the head of the Syndicate (alongside Roielt and Deaxis). After it disbanded leaving him unfulfilled and aimless, he settled down for a short while and had a daughter he and his wife named Xena. It is in Lycaentes culture not to baby their children and to, instead, teach them a trade and common skills. Thus, Voronin continued bounty hunting, with a young apprentice at his side, despite his wife’s worries.
Serj Rivenhallow: Roielt’s older brother, slightly estranged, especially after the Syndicate disbanded. He tries to hold nothing against her, and is grateful that at least he was able to get more into reconnaissance and assassinations. He only wishes there was someone to settle down with.
Urien: His relationship with the material world is foggy. (His brief relationships with Baruska and Deaxis are also foggy). Not fully corporeal, he is often held in the material realm by a shifting source (if he’s weak, usually it’s some part of his skeleton that remains physical, like his skull or ribs). He manages a strong connection to hard light materials, and enjoys boxing. He grew particularly fond of underground fighting rings once the Syndicate disbanded and he no longer had people to help.
Baruska Lignsilva: A very uppity Sylphet, who took a liking to technology and used it to build herself a pair of wings to fly. She also enjoys dual wielding, and medicine practices, which she angles towards poisons and rescuing her friends. Since the disbanding, she’s lost herself in the clouds.
Leocadia Ark: A particularly gifted human in that she’s mastered magics, especially runes and flames. Though from the pacifistic nation of Abatwa, she joined the Syndicate initially when she was still a teenager, after losing her own family, not expecting to find another. When they disbanded, she continued to check up on everyone, and meanwhile took a liking to law enforcement.
Somerset Coleor: An unusually peaceful Xoukhos, he started out as a shepherd with three Angiaks he once found as pups in a storm and hand raised. Though he enjoys that peaceful life and was originally an informer for the Syndicate, he found a comfortable niche among the bounty hunters after a near-death experience and the loss of all his livestock. When they disbanded, he became a sort of adventurer.
Taurhin Rivenhallow: Roielt’s younger sister and originally one of the hunters. Through unfortunate circumstances caused by her sister, she was left with one eye, scars, and broken horns (she now grinds them down and wears a mask and goggles). She then resigned to the role of an informer at Serj’s insistence, and quickly became a handyman and wandering mercenary as the Syndicate disbanded.
The Angiaks, Barghest, Fyglia, and Kul: Though their species is quite known for trickery, haunting raids, and a general aversion to non-angiaks, these three bonded strongly with Somerset after he rescued them from a storm as pups. They still tend to revel in tricks on humanoid races and other animals, but they show only love and obedience to Somerset and even like to include him in their play, as if he were more their parent.
Virikas: A large lonesome beast Roielt once found severely wounded in the forested mountains. She saved his life and went on her way but he followed her to camp and stayed with the hunters for as long as they allowed. Roielt soon took him as a pack animal and a mount, loaning him to Deaxis now and then, but after disbanding the Syndicate, she gave him to her dear friend Deaxis as a gift before disappearing.
Bear: An Urisk who, with its mother, approached the hunter camp once upon a time due to Urisk habits of seeking out companionship, and was cute enough that they allowed it to stay. They took it with them as they traveled and it liked sleeping in Deaxis’ lap the most so she kept it and named it Bear.
Hellebore Mokhir-juri: He is the wayward son of a vishapin Duke in a long line of “knights” of the vishapin dominion. Known to other languages as dragons, the vishapin people are old guardians of the land who prefer to stay hidden or high above the ground. The Mokhir-juri line is a family of mostly blind and venom-spitting dragons who prefer to live in caves and water sources. Hellebore decided this life was not for him, and using vishapin resources to glamour himself to appear bipedal and stand as short as “common people”, he became a travelling healer, offering his services and knowledge to those in need instead of standing by selfishly as his people do.
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