#virtual staging service in mount prospect
topestatesmedia · 5 months
There are several advantages to virtual staging that can greatly improve Addison, IL real estate sales:
Enhanced Visualization
Broader Appeal
Quick Turnaround
Highlighting Key Features
Online Marketing
Staging Flexibility
All things considered, virtual staging can greatly increase Addison, Illinois real estate sales by improving visual appeal, cutting expenses, reaching a larger audience, and quickening the sales process. For sellers who want to increase the allure and marketability of their houses, it's a useful tool.
Ready to revolutionize your property sales in Addison, IL? Contact Top Estates Media today to schedule your virtual staging services chicago consultation and take your listings to the next level.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Mapping quest edges past 20% of global ocean floor (BBC) The quest to compile the definitive map of Earth’s ocean floor has edged a little nearer to completion. Modern measurements of the depth and shape of the seabed now encompass 20.6% of the total area under water. It’s only a small increase from last year (19%); but like everyone else, the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project has had cope with a pandemic. The extra 1.6% is an expanse of ocean bottom that equated to about half the size of the United States. The achievement to date still leaves, of course, four-fifths of Earth’s oceans without a contemporary depth sounding.
Watchdog: Nursing home deaths up 32% in 2020 amid pandemic (AP) Deaths among Medicare patients in nursing homes soared by 32% last year, with two devastating spikes eight months apart, a government watchdog reported Tuesday in the most comprehensive look yet at the ravages of COVID-19 among its most vulnerable victims. The report from the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services found that about 4 in 10 Medicare recipients in nursing homes had or likely had COVID-19 in 2020, and that deaths overall jumped by 169,291 from the previous year, before the coronavirus appeared. “We knew this was going to be bad, but I don’t think even those of us who work in this area thought it was going to be this bad,” said Harvard health policy professor David Grabowski, a nationally recognized expert on long-term care, who reviewed the report for The Associated Press. “This was not individuals who were going to die anyway,” Grabowski added. “We are talking about a really big number of excess deaths.”
Brazil passes half a million COVID-19 deaths, experts warn of worse ahead (Reuters) Brazil’s death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 500,000 on Saturday as experts warn that the world’s second-deadliest outbreak may worsen. Only 11% of Brazilians have been fully vaccinated and epidemiologists warn that, with winter arriving in the southern hemisphere and new variants of the coronavirus circulating, deaths will continue to mount even if immunizations gain steam. Brazil has registered 500,800 deaths from 17,883,750 confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to Health Ministry data on Saturday, the worst official death toll outside the United States.
Spanish prime minister says Catalan separatists convicted of sedition will be pardoned (Washington Post) Calling it a “huge step toward reconciliation,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said his cabinet on Tuesday will approve pardons for nine separatists from Catalonia who were convicted of sedition for their role in a 2017 independence bid. The decision, opposed by a slight majority of Spaniards as well as the country’s Supreme Court, will mark the biggest political shift from the central government toward Catalonia since the chaotic referendum on independence four years ago. The move is aimed at defusing tensions in what has become Spain’s greatest political crisis since the transition to democracy after the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. For some Catalans, the nine jailed leaders have become an emotional symbol for what they say is a right denied by Madrid to choose their region’s destiny. But it is unclear how dramatically the pardons will change the dynamic. Some pro-independence figures in Catalonia say the only proper peace offering is full amnesty—which would strike the crimes from the record, something that the pardons will not do.
Berlin expands bike lanes as COVID cycling boom continues (Reuters) Berlin is making permanent the extra bike lanes it added during coronavirus lockdowns as it seeks to support the cycling boom that started in the pandemic. The German capital has marked about 25 km (15 miles) of extra "pop-up" bike lanes since COVID-19 hit in 2020 as commuters switched to cycling to avoid crowded public transport. Other European cities—like Paris and London—have also been adding bike paths. The German Cyclists Association (ADFC) says bike traffic rose by 25% in Berlin due to the temporary lanes and the pandemic.
Russians’ return boosts Turkish tourism prospects (Reuters) Thousands of Russian tourists began arriving in Turkey on Tuesday, boosting hopes for its tourism sector after a two-month suspension in flights imposed by Moscow due to concerns about a surge in COVID-19 cases in April. Turkey’s tourism prospects have been revived by a sharp fall in daily coronavirus cases to around 5,000 from a peak of more than 60,000 two months ago, as well as an acceleration in vaccinations to more than 1 million a day. The first plane arrived in Antalya from Moscow around dawn, carrying 132 passengers. Some 12,000 Russians were expected to arrive on 44 planes in the Mediterranean tourist hub of Antalya on Tuesday, state-owned Anadolu news agency said.
Iran president-elect takes hard line, refuses to meet Biden (AP) Iran’s president-elect staked out a hard-line position Monday in his first remarks since his landslide election victory, rejecting the possibility of meeting with President Joe Biden or negotiating Tehran’s ballistic missile program and support of regional militias. The comments by Ebrahim Raisi offered a blunt preview of how Iran might deal with the wider world in the next four years as it enters a new stage in negotiations to resurrect its now-tattered 2015 nuclear deal with global powers.
Hong Kong’s pro-democracy Apple Daily could shut under government pressure (Washington Post) In the 26 years since its founding, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily newspaper has been unrestrained in its criticism of the Chinese Communist Party and unwavering in its support for the pro-democracy movement. It has survived multiple raids, boycott campaigns and the arrest of its founder, Jimmy Lai, under the draconian new national security law. But now with its assets frozen by the Hong Kong government, the Chinese-language Apple Daily could cease operations as soon as Friday. The news outlet is unable to pay staff members or vendors and will be forced to close if the government declines to release its funds—shuttering the territory’s largest independent newspaper. “It is more than surreal to see,” said Ed Chin, a hedge fund manager and longtime Apple Daily columnist. “These so-called executors of the national security law—they have lost it. They are destroying the autonomy of Hong Kong.” The fate of Apple Daily and its chief editor, top executives and founder Jimmy Lai—all either detained or arrested under the national security law and facing life in prison—are emblematic of the staggering changes underway in Hong Kong. Freedoms guaranteed in Hong Kong’s Basic Law, including freedom of speech and the press, have become secondary to Beijing’s will as it re-engineers the once-autonomous territory and uses the new law to force subservience.
Australia’s runaway mouse plague targets prisons, forcing mass evacuation (Washington Post) Hundreds of prisoners at Wellington Correctional Center in Australia’s New South Wales state are being forced to move out of the facility as officials scramble to repair the damage caused by mice chomping through cables, scurrying across ceiling panels and embedding in the building’s walls. Corrective Services New South Wales Commissioner Peter Severin confirmed that “vital remediation work” needed to be carried out at the jail, which is located about four hours from Sydney, along with a thorough clean and review of the prison’s infrastructure. An estimated 420 male and female prisoners will be relocated over the next 10 days, along with at least 200 staff members. Pest control services have been summoned to remove the dead creatures from the walls, which authorities say is sending a potent stench into the air. Australia has a mouse problem. A plague, in fact. A mass invasion occurs every decade or so, wreaking havoc across communities and destroying the crops and stock of farmers who are worried about what the future holds for their livelihoods.
In times of crises, Lebanon's old must fend for themselves (AP) Tiny and bowed by age, Marie Orfali makes the trip five times a week from her Beirut apartment to the local church, a charity and a nearby soup kitchen to fetch a cooked meal for her and her 84-year-old husband, Raymond. Their only support—Raymond’s $15,000 one-time end-of-service payment from when he retired more than 20 years ago—long ago ran dry. They have since depended on charity to cover almost everything: rent, cleaning supplies, pain killers and food for their white dog Snoopy. But charity covers less and less as Lebanon’s currency collapses. The cash they get from a benefactor and the church every month, once amounting to $400, is now barely worth $40. The 76-year-old Marie broke down in tears when asked how she’s doing. With virtually no national welfare system, Lebanon’s elderly are left to fend for themselves amid their country’s economic turmoil. In their prime years, they survived 15 years of civil war that started in 1975 and bouts of instability. Now, in their old age, many have been thrown into poverty by one of the world’s worst financial crises in the past 150 years. Lebanon has the greatest number of elderly in the Middle East—10% of the population of 6 million is over 65.
Palestinians, settlers clash in tense Jerusalem neighborhood (AP) Palestinians and Jewish settlers hurled stones, chairs and fireworks at each other overnight in a tense Jerusalem neighborhood where settler groups are trying to evict several Palestinian families, officials said Tuesday. The threatened evictions fueled protests and clashes in the runup to last month’s 11-day Gaza war and pose a test for Israel’s new governing coalition, which includes three pro-settler parties but is hoping to sideline the Palestinian issue to avoid internal divisions. The Red Crescent emergency service said its crews treated 20 Palestinians, including 16 suffering from pepper spray and tear gas and others wounded by rubber-coated bullets. Two other people were wounded, including an elderly man who was hit in the head, it said. The eruption of violence is the latest friction in Sheikh Jarrah, where weeks of unrest captured international attention ahead of the 11-day Israel-Hamas war last month. The cease-fire took effect on May 21, but the long-running campaign by Jewish settlers to evict dozens of Palestinian families continues.
They disappeared after encounters with Nigeria’s security forces (Washington Post) Her last sighting of her son was in a photo on social media. His eyes were shut. His face was covered in blood. He was dead. Now Ndifreke Ibanga is tormented by a recurring nightmare: her 26-year-old weeping. Victor’s soul will not rest, she worries, until his body is found. Victor is one of the hundreds of civilians who rights groups say are killed or disappear each year after encounters with Nigerian security forces—and one of more than a dozen still missing after a demonstration against police brutality in the city of Lagos in October. Some vanish after being taken into custody; others, like Victor, are presumed dead after public confrontations with police or soldiers. The families of victims are haunted by a singular question: What happened to their bodies? Local rights groups and international watchdogs have long accused Nigerian forces of carrying out extrajudicial killings and disappearing the corpses. Many are never found. But some are. Interviews with family members and friends of Nigerians who disappeared in similar circumstances shed light on a gruesome pattern: As a result of intense search efforts, or happenstance, or both, the bodies of their loved ones turned up at mortuaries and anatomy labs, nameless and without an easy explanation of how they arrived—or how they died.
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
Computer Health And Safety When Utilizing Display Screen Equipment
Robotic Automation Systems In Banking And Insurance coverage
When workplace managers hear the words office workstations,” a sea of grey felted cubicles undoubtedly comes to thoughts. HP has announced the release of its new series of workstations The Z series”. For most AutoCAD utilizes, ECC memory (which can automatically detect and fix minor memory errors) is not needed, though if you need the most reputable workstation achievable the tiny value boost is likely a excellent investment. They have a tendency to enquire as to ones status in our meetings in any predicament, what type of auto one particular drives, where does one particular live, or was edumacated they put on western contemporary fashion, smudge ourselves with foreign perfumes, jewelry(which we now place on our teeth, also), reside in shameless opulence, and strive tough to keep that type of status quo and wealth acquirement to our dissatisfaction-and want to be accepted as Europeans, not Africans.
It seems like every time you browse the news headlines these days there is another story about a corporation being hacked and losing their bank account, clients credit card accounts or identity. Soon after following this guide, your computer need to begin up more rapidly, run applications faster, multi-tasks far more effieciently, and have far more available free of charge computer sources like RAM, CPU cycles, and tough drive space for gaming, workplace function, motion pictures, more rapidly virus scans, and so on on your laptop or laptop operating Windows. As offices replace their photocopiers, several organizations are now contemplating the far more sophisticated technologies to meet their each day workplace demands. Intel said its processors delivers optimized functionality for workstations by way of combining mainstream efficiency, enhanced memory capabilities, and safety attributes.
The height adjustable desk is becoming an increasingly common sight in modern day offices due to the fact of their health and productivity benefits. Your workspace ought to be the workplace equivalent of a sanctuary, but how can you get that with out resorting to such drastic measures as holing up in the bathroom with your laptop and BlackBerry? The expert chip differs from the customer GeForce cards in terms of a modified BIOS as properly as specific drivers, which are made for stability. We are designers, publishers and facilitators of a wide range of experiential studying tools, resources, components and programmes. Characteristics like HP Positive Start off Gen 3 (a self-healing, self-checking BIOS), TPM two., Safe Authentication utilizing up to four authentication tools (such as intelligent cards and biometrics like fingerprints), and HP Safe Erase are designed to make certain that the data on a workstation will not fall into unauthorized hands.
The Z600 tower workstation has dual PCI Express 2. x16 graphics slots for driving up to eight external displays with newest ATI and NVIDIA graphic cards in numerous configurations. Featuring extensive application certifications, assistance for up to six independent displays, and HP-certified expert graphics drivers with full OpenGL and DirectX help, AMD FirePro cards are especially built for outstanding efficiency. Contemporary workplace workstations are the most recent trend in today’s corporate culture. The use of the media and its systems is controlled by the former enslavers, colonialists and present Imperialists to maximize income and re-enslave and handle their former slaves, colonized and imperial side-kicks and quislings right now. GOVERNMENT BOYS SENIOR SECONDARY School, Close to POST Workplace, ANDREWS GANJ, NEW DELHI-110049.
It is worth noting that this laptop is one of the slimmest and lightest of the workstations in this list. Wall mounted computer systems save space and increase safety, specially in regions with high visitors like health-related offices, factories, tiny offices or cubicles, and public showrooms. Featuring Intel® Core and Xeon® processors, AMD Radeon Pro graphics and Dell Precision Optimizer. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the four large vendors for workstations had been HP, IBM, Sun, and Silicon Graphics. Generate, analyze, view, and share product styles downstream using 2D CAD, 3D CAD, parametric and direct modeling capabilities. Perhaps the explanation that workplace furniture has been lifted from the reasonably grim and stark offices of a handful of decades ago is that businesses and businesses have realized that investing in far better good quality furnishings they can produce an workplace space which outcomes in a a lot larger level of productivity and efficiency, not to mention the impression that buyers and prospects get immediately they enter the workplace.
All of the user computers connected to a network are called workstations. Internet service supplies data storage and application that can be downloaded are accessible with various mediums such as web 2. and it connects across stages. The machine supports two 3D graphic cards so you can energy up to 4 independent 3D displays, or eight 2D displays for stacked displays. A Computer has adequate energy to do most tasks such as email, web surfing, and word processing. The Application Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) could not been saved. An instance of a application program that supports OpenCL is Final Cut Pro X on a Mac. When it comes to constructing a CAD workstation, CPU is typically considered to be the king.
1. A folio is raised as quickly as the guest checks in. The shrouds also guarantee that the second processor ingests separate air from the initial CPU, simply because HP recommended that the second processor ingesting the very first processor’s hot air has a damaging impact on the functionality and longevity of the second processor. Conventional workstations frequently incorporated spinning platter tough drives and far more lately Solid State drives (SSD’s) nevertheless our Revit workstations incorporate HP’s Z turbo challenging drive technologies raising the bar on hard drive performance. In posting no-show charges, the night auditor must be careful to confirm that the reservation was assured and the guest in no way registered with the hotel.
This router screens packets among the World wide web and the perimeter network utilizing the same type of technology that the interior screening router makes use of. Virtualized from the data center, the Quadro vDWS delivers a safe, immersive, agile workspace and supports the most demanding skilled style and engineering applications. Building a photo editing laptop for your photography, graphic design and style, or video editing company allows you to decide on higher high quality components that will carry out nicely for a long period of time. I was there with a quantity of other journalists, both net and print, for a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into the building and assistance of HP workstations. Our pc desks add value to your home workplace and are practical options for designating a fixed spot to your desktop or laptop.
The operation requested is not permitted on a DNS root server. Inside that folder are subfolders containing drivers to patch the Windows 7 install. World wide web workstations allow patrons to download data to a floppy disk or a USB memory device. Planet-class workstation elements like the highest memory capacity available2. So it need to give you a rough thought, showing that there was a small period of time in which the Internet was actually cost-free and we did not have individuals from the US military that had been watching more than it and exploiting everybody on it, and now we see, every year, that the quantity of folks who are hired to break into people’s computers as component of grand operations, these folks are expanding day by day. HP has created some bold statements about energy, claiming that on average its new workstations consume 35 percent significantly less power than similarly configured machines in its preceding generation.
For starters, workstations employ professional grade graphics and connected drivers that are built for functionality and visual accuracy. If you favor your workstations to be more strong but slightly a lot more stationary, you happen to be nevertheless welcome in HP’s globe: the equally fresh Z220 desktop carries Intel’s new quad-core Xeon E3 processor or, if that is a bit too wealthy for your blood, a Pentium or quad Core i7. AMD FirePro and NVIDIA Quadro video cards are each created-to-order upgrades, and the modern day underpinnings add each USB three. as nicely as headroom for up to 32GB of RAM, if the worry of paging to disk keeps you awake at evening. As noted above, a second processor would let the user add a second PCIe slot riser that would let for two additional PCIe Gen3 x16 cards.
It does offer you dual M.2 slots for HP Z Turbo Drive PCIe SSDs for rapidly program drives, as effectively as dual NVIDIA Quadro GPUs, providing a level of efficiency that is nonetheless a big step up from the earlier Z640. I see a lot of folks appear at my posts on my website and social media, but if they never stick to or comment all you know is they looked. Workstations are meant to go above and beyond the capability of the typical Computer. Graphics, memory capacity, and multitasking capabilities are significantly enhanced in the configuration of a workstation. HP operates closely with our graphics vendors to make certain the highest level of high quality on both hardware and application. The Network and Sharing Center diagram confirms that Server is connected to the local network and the World wide web.
With the ease at which the Z2 Mini can be attached to a desktop display, 1 wonders what the future holds for HP’s All-In-A single workstation, the HP Z1. All of the disks involved in the operation are either missing or failed. Executive models work properly in a expert office although corner personal computer desks offer a mixture of functionality and space-saving capability, making them a versatile alternative for each the residence and workplace. Nevertheless do not see here know exactly where to download AutoCAD to your Pc? I’m organizing to build my 1st pc. It would be mainly employed for some light gaming and CAD for college. All administrative tools and applications are installed on the PAW and all productivity applications are installed on the common user workstation. VMware Workstation Player (formerly recognized as Player Pro) is a desktop virtualization application that is obtainable for free for individual use.
As a workstation, the Z2 Mini is certified to operate with a assortment of mission-critical applications, from vendors like Autodesk, Avid, Siemens, Solidworks and Vectorworks. It is through these workstations that users share information with every single other in a network. The HP Z620 gives a huge assortment of expert graphics from NVIDIA® and AMD—from Pro 2D to Intense 3D. With an 800W 90% effective energy supply and help for up to eight displays, the HP Z620 gives you the freedom of undertaking and seeing much more. Accessible with up to two (on most models) specialist dual-width NVIDIA® Quadro or AMD® RadeonPro graphics cards, APEXX 2 also functions the newest Intel® Core i7 processors. Today, modern versions of Mac OS X and Windows enable graphics designers to use style computer software either in a Mac or Pc – they are no longer forced to decide on 1 over the other.
The workstation comes with a three-year warranty (on components and labour) with the initial year onsite, and 7-day technical support. It comes with eight GB RAM, 4th Generation Intel Core i7-4510U processor, AND Radeon R9 M275 graphic card, and 500 GB Challenging drive. We create gorgeous workspaces that uplift the wellbeing & overall performance of men and women and business. HP is unleashing the next evolution of the world’s most powerful, secure and manageable workstation with the Z8 G4. This reinvention of the desktop PCs aims to meet the needs of product designers, architects, digital creators, scientists, educators, healthcare workers and other folks at the cutting-edge, as properly as being future-proofed to support the rapidly-expanding fields of virtual reality, machine learning and sophisticated design and style — along with the Z6 and Z4 Desktop Workstations.
Today’s chairs also come with a assortment of mechanisms to manage the comfort level of every user – height handle, tension adjustment, lumbar support, tilt angle control, and numerous other chair controls. FWIW, CAD models do not “come with color” that is completely added by whichever software you are viewing it on. All a CAD file offers you is a ‘wireframe’ model, absolutely nothing far more. Our inability to respect African leadership, our persistent and futile efforts to appear like and like Caucasian people, is based upon this sense of inferiority. Normally, with desks and workstations, the principal component is primarily based on a single piece of wood that is impossible to adjust. Whether you are loading a huge scene or opening a new plan, slow storage can bottleneck even the quickest CPU or GPU.
The Computer software Licensing Service reported that the license is not activated. If space is at a premium inside your home there are clever design and style tips that can help you make the most of the area you have without cluttering up your bedroom with desks and filing cabinets. All BOXX workstations and rackmount systems are made with workflows in mind. I would teach you how to easily make your Windows 7 primarily based laptop more quickly by stopping start off-up applications, uninstalling programs, changing your visual effects, using Windows 7 readyboost, switching power plans, performing standard maintenance on your operating method,turning off scheduled tasks, upgrading hardware, and sustaining your Pc speed. I even managed to fit a smaller sized SSD into my spending budget aim for this create, to act as a boot drive and hold a few of your most-utilised computer software options.
Some individuals say that a desk is a desk is a if you are basically hunting for desks and office furniture that fulfil their function, appear great and meet your budget, you’ve come to the appropriate spot. Workstation Specialists is a UK sector specialist in offering bespoke workstations, render nodes and mobile solutions for the media business. Decide on from one of our Intel i5 i7 or Custom X99 XEON CAD Workstation PCs all featuring the latest Generation CPUs by Intel i.e. the Kaby Lake 7th Generation CPU, the X99 Broadwell-E CPU and the Xeon Haswell-EP CPU. The Snapdragon 800 was a significantly more effective chip that did not struggle practically as significantly with Windows RT. Paired with 2GB RAM for multitasking, issues run pretty smooth on this mini tablet.
A: Most desks stand anywhere from 24 to 30 inches tall in order to generate a comfy workspace for each writing and typing. One particular or much more cluster sources depend on the network to offer service to clients. While essential card locks on guest rooms are quickly becoming the regular, some hotels nonetheless never take benefit of the added security offered to guests. Specialists can also opt for dual M.two solid state drives and dual Nvidia Quadro Pro graphics cards. Getting a Celeron sort processor for a enterprise Computer is not a good thought if quick functionality is needed. Ultimately, office cubicles also facilitate in movement between the rows and workstations, as the tall separating walls give a clear thought about the passageways. Not a whole lot has changed concerning a workstation create but by now you must be on Windows ten and be considering a ridiculous quantity of RAM and a beefier CAD GPU.
For office furnishings upgrade requests, a consultation is required prior to office redesign. The specified essential storage provider does not assistance DPAPI++ information protection. It is also the profession that applies theory, principles, data and approaches to design in order to optimize human effectively-getting and general technique overall performance. Workstations such as independent reading, reading about the room, computers, writing with a prompt, poetry function, and so forth. Right after adding some essential workstation features like dual processors, graphics cards, and SSDs, that price tag increases dramatically. Windows did not find any disk which it can use for recreating volumes present in backup. That mentioned, the Z820 would be the far better decision for digital media applications where the processors and GPUs are not strong enough to manage all the media that requirements to be processed.
With the scalability and performance of the Z Series, MATLAB programmers have a fantastic platform for GPU computing with Jacket. Several writing desks are space-efficient and come with a hideaway function for folding, a roll top, or drawers in order to develop a refined, tidy look when not in use. Efficiency is a quite essential requirement in this new globe of quickly paced innovation and we will continue to invest on Windows ten Pro for Workstations to allow Windows power users to maximize every aspect of their higher-overall performance device. Space saving wall mounted computer workstation combo with VESA compliant monitor holder, CPU holder and operate surface desk with T-molding. As a side note, when I timed the export, I produced positive I wasn’t performing anything else in Final Cut Pro, because the plan is made to slow background processes if there is something going on in the foreground.
In truth, PACS workstations are basically PCs that are tied into PACS systems the only difference is the software employed. Some motherboards give the choice to have one more graphics card, but restrict it to only SLI or only Crossfire, which is why the MSI 236A rules the motherboards for Xeon processors as the ideal motherboard. The Xi® MTower 2P64X represents 1 of the most customizable and scalable Intel® Xeon® based workstation on the industry. This quote is correct the point that folks fundamentally complain that we get weak and intermittent signal, that web is just a waste of capital, generating our life more uncomfortable and uncontrollable. However, be conscious that ECC memory needs an Intel Xeon processor – such as the one discovered in our Xeon E3 workstation – which for common AutoCAD use will not be as rapidly as the Intel Core i7 CPU that is in our Core i7 recommended system.
Boost scene complexity and the scale of your projects across a multitude of software program platforms with our CAD workstations, featuring Intel Xeon CPUs, unlock a new level of overall performance to maximize your creativity. And they usually want to do it inside a brief space of time-a weekend, or maybe even a day. The present sweet spot for value is around the i5-4690k , with powerful single-core performance which matters most in a CAD universe that is nonetheless overwhelmingly single-threaded. The mobile workstations also are compatible with the new HP Extended Life Notebook Battery and HP Ultra-Capacity Notebook Battery, which offer external battery supplies for further run time. Workspaces are cluttered on the desktop (38% of customers have two or much more displays, according to HP, and floor space tends to be crowded, hot, and dirty).
Just make confident you have got at least 8GB, as the previewing approach that tends to make up the view window of some 3D style applications like Cinema 4D can be a bit RAM-hungry. The variety of cube storage units that we have on our web site is very handy to use within house offices as they supply open storage space with immediate access to all the essential papers. VMware Workstation has improved the speed across the board. (19) All laptop workstations will have a 3-year on-web site warranty which is serviced by approved neighborhood vendors with certified computer support employees ensuring that the personal computer is repaired quickly and at no price during its 3-year life. Workstations weren’t just souped-up versions of consumer systems with far more RAM or a higher-resolution display.
Dell tends to make a rock solid technique and if you buy a Dell Precision Workstation with Premier Support, it will be supported right here in the US, not by a foreign call center that barely speaks English. The Computer software Licensing Service reported that the Shop upgrade license is not enabled for the existing OS edition. This detachable Pc has up to 10 hours of battery life 13 for maximum productivity and ultra-quickly recharge (50 % in just 30 minutes 8). The HP ZBook x2 offers up to 4.2 GHz of Intel®Turbo Boost, 32 GB RAM more than dual channels for more responsiveness below heavier workloads like complex layering in Photoshop. Computer-more than-IP hardware-primarily based compression transfers only the rendered graphics pixel information over the network, making sure a quickly and responsive remote encounter.
You will not get a lot of graphical efficiency out of this as it utilizes integrated graphics, but for processing efficiency, this laptop has a current generation i7-7500U processor that is pretty performant. These days there is a Free Preflight Tool obtainable named FreeFlight at the URL below, you can download the computer software totally free and get free aid and support. Workplace workstations therefore require to have adjustable components which make them suitable for all physique sorts and function tasks. I hace 48 cores dual xeon e5-2697 and 64G ram at function. It involves the characteristics of Windows 10 House and Pro, as nicely as Update for Business. This mobile workstation is a affordable offer you in the U.S. Dell comes in front when you want to buy a mobile workstation laptop.
In manual and semi-automated hotels, just before the end of the day, the night auditor reconciles discrepancies in between the every day housekeeper’s report and the front office space status method (the space rack and guest folios in manual and semi-automated hotels). The Z820 can assistance two 150-watt Xeon processors, as opposed to the two 130-watt Xeon processors on the Z800. Ergonomics is a strand of science that focuses on how human beings physically interact with their instant atmosphere, especially their domestic spaces and work places. This is the case of South Africa, and African countries, and all the African and other folks in the Diaspora. Beginning a company venture demands a lot of work like the selection of the space you intend to develop as your workplace space.
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edwardbailey286 · 4 years
Virtual Reality In Gaming Market 2020 Global Industry Size, Development, Trends and Forecast to 2027
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Global Virtual Reality Gaming Market: Snapshot
Virtual reality (VR) gaming involves a user to experience a three-dimensional environment and interact with that environment during a game. It is the application of a three-dimensional artificial environment to computer games that has become reality using bio-sensing technology. Virtual reality environments are created using VR software and are presented to the user in a manner that they supersede real environments. It makes gamers to develop disbelief over real environments and make them believe the VR environment to be real.
In the simplest form, a VR game may involve a 3D image that can be looked into interactively on a computing device with the help of a mouse, manipulating keys, or touch screen. The add-ons to provide a more immersive virtual gaming experience involves virtual reality headsets, wrap-around display screens, and virtual reality rooms equipped with wearable computers and sensory components.
One of the crucial features of VR is incredible potential for interaction and communication. It involves interacting with characters that are both virtual and artificial, blurring distances and geography.
However, the technology is still in its nascent stage with apparent limitations. This is related to disconnect and lack of natural interaction at the time of putting on the headset. The first big threshold of visual and auditory aspects have been achieved, however, the interaction aspect requires a bunch of work.
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With the advancement of technology, virtual reality gaming has reached the next level. The VR headsets that are currently used offer a great experience with little nausea or lag, two areas that needed corrections on account of historical data.
Virtual reality (VR) helps users to experience a three dimensional environment in such a way that it becomes difficult for them to distinguish between real and virtual objects. Bio sensing technology is involved with the VR gaming tools and with it users can visualize 3D environment. In this gaming process, players can interact with the 3D environment.
Advent of virtual reality technology in gaming devices enable users to view, move around, and interact with the objects of the game. In this manner, users can sense their physical presence during the gaming process. This kind of imaginary presence in a three dimensional environment is an attractive feature for all kinds of virtual reality games. Many start-ups are now incorporating these three dimensional features in video games thus facilitating growth opportunity for the VR gaming market in recent years. Increasing awareness of virtual reality technology is a prime factor for the steep growth rate of the virtual reality gaming market. With rising disposable income and benefits of technology, higher percentage of population is expected to purchase VR devices such a VR headsets in the next few years. Hence, in recent decades, rising awareness about the benefit of VR technology acts as a major driving factor for this market.
One of the crucial disadvantages of VR gaming is that it leads to disassociation from reality. If a player is continuously immersed in VR gaming, the player is unable to differentiate between reality and virtual reality and this would create a level of gaming addiction. This kind of addiction causes physical and mental health hazards and is thus likely to hinder the growth prospects of this market during the forecast period. Personal computer is a major platform that supports VR gaming. Console gaming companies are slow in bringing VR technology in gaming devices and these factors are likely to restrain the growth prospect of the VR gaming market over the forecast period.
The virtual reality gaming market is segmented into two types - hardware and software on the basis of components. Hardware component of virtual reality gaming held the largest market share and this segment is expected to hold a dominant share during the forecast period. Demand for various types of VR gaming hardware devices such as head mounted displays, backpacks, treadmills, motion sensing devices, masks, and gloves are expected to witness a flourishing growth rate. Virtual reality head mounted display are extensively used in video games and this is the most common type of VR gaming device. Easy availability and efficiency is projected to enhance its usage in the VR gaming market over the forecast period.
The virtual reality gaming market is segmented into three types on the basis of gaming devices and the segments are desktop, smartphone, and gaming console. Smartphone held the leading share in this market. Large number of advanced economies and increasing number of developing economies witness growing usage of smartphones. Rising internet penetration and technological advancement is leading to rising adoption of VR gaming features in smartphones, thus triggering high growth rate for the VR gaming market over the forecast period.
On the basis of regions, the VR gaming market is divided into five regions. These include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa (MEA), and Latin America. North America held the largest market share and Middle East & Africa (MEA) is expected to be the fastest growing region in this market. A larger percentage of younger population use head mounted display and other VR hardware devices in their computer games. Rising use of computers and mobile devices increases demand for VR gaming technology, thus propelling the demand for VR gaming in North America.
Some of the key players in the virtual reality gaming market include Samsung, Google, Sony, Oculus HR, HTC, Razer and others.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America (U.S. and Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)
Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)
The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industry’s value chain.
A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.
Request For Covid19 Impact Analysis
Highlights of the report:
A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market
Important changes in market dynamics
Market segmentation up to the second or third level
Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume
Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments
Market shares and strategies of key players
Emerging niche segments and regional markets
An objective assessment of the trajectory of the market
Recommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the market    
Note: Although care has been taken to maintain the highest levels of accuracy in TMR’s reports, recent market/vendor-specific changes may take time to reflect in the analysis.
This study by TMR is all-encompassing framework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
Our key underpinning is the 4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
Customer Experience Maps
Insights and Tools based on data-driven research
Actionable Results to meet all the business priorities
Strategic Frameworks to boost the growth journey
The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping their revenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market by breaking it into region-wise assessment.
The following regional segments are covered comprehensively:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
The EIRS quadrant framework in the report sums up our wide spectrum of data-driven research and advisory for CXOs to help them make better decisions for their businesses and stay as leaders.
Below is a snapshot of these quadrants.
1. Customer Experience Map
The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligence solutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customer experience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boosting customer engagement with their brands.
2. Insights and Tools
The various insights in the study are based on elaborate cycles of primary and secondary research the analysts engage with during the course of research. The analysts and expert advisors at TMR adopt industry-wide, quantitative customer insights tools and market projection methodologies to arrive at results, which makes them reliable. The study not just offers estimations and projections, but also an uncluttered evaluation of these figures on the market dynamics. These insights merge data-driven research framework with qualitative consultations for business owners, CXOs, policy makers, and investors. The insights will also help their customers overcome their fears.
3. Actionable Results
The findings presented in this study by TMR are an indispensable guide for meeting all business priorities, including mission-critical ones. The results when implemented have shown tangible benefits to business stakeholders and industry entities to boost their performance. The results are tailored to fit the individual strategic framework. The study also illustrates some of the recent case studies on solving various problems by companies they faced in their consolidation journey.
4. Strategic Frameworks
The study equips businesses and anyone interested in the market to frame broad strategic frameworks. This has become more important than ever, given the current uncertainty due to COVID-19. The study deliberates on consultations to overcome various such past disruptions and foresees new ones to boost the preparedness. The frameworks help businesses plan their strategic alignments for recovery from such disruptive trends. Further, analysts at TMR helps you break down the complex scenario and bring resiliency in uncertain times.
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The report sheds light on various aspects and answers pertinent questions on the market. Some of the important ones are:
1. What can be the best investment choices for venturing into new product and service lines?
2. What value propositions should businesses aim at while making new research and development funding?
3. Which regulations will be most helpful for stakeholders to boost their supply chain network?
4. Which regions might see the demand maturing in certain segments in near future?
5. What are the some of the best cost optimization strategies with vendors that some well-entrenched players have gained success with?
6. Which are the key perspectives that the C-suite are leveraging to move businesses to new growth trajectory?
7. Which government regulations might challenge the status of key regional markets?
8. How will the emerging political and economic scenario affect opportunities in key growth areas?
9. What are some of the value-grab opportunities in various segments?
10. What will be the barrier to entry for new players in the market?
0 notes
admcp · 7 years
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IN: 0399
Can AI Keep You Healthy?
A Chinese entrepreneur wants to track your health data and suggest ways to improve. But are computers really smart enough to make sense of all that information?
This smart mirror isn’t very smart,” says Jun Wang, standing in front of a full-length mirror wearing designer jeans ripped at the knees. “It’s just a camera and a mirror,” he says, looking mildly distressed—or as distressed as possible for a man whose face is perpetually unperturbed. “What I want is a mirror that does a 3-D scan of me here,” he says, using his hands to trace the contour of his thighs, “and here.” Wang indicates his belly, which is lean. “We want an exact 3-D figure of you: the fat, the muscle—your entire body shape, plus facial recognition, and what’s going on with your skin.” He points to the top right area of the mirror. “And I want readouts about my health up there, next to where I’m brushing my teeth—my weight, blood pressure, and heart rate, and how does that correlate with my DNA?”
This as-yet-unrealized smart mirror is just one of several gadgets that Wang, a 41-year-old biologist and computer scientist turned entrepreneur, says he is building. The devices will help gather, analyze, and display a crush of health data he wants to collect about himself—and, he hopes, from millions of others. This is why Wang cofounded iCarbonX (ICX), a highly ambitious, if quixotic, personal-health company based here in Shenzhen, in southern China.
ICX wants to capture more data about your body than has ever before been possible. It starts with your DNA sequence and includes data from Fitbit-style wearables that measure your steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Add frequent blood tests to measure various proteins and enzymes that can, say, reflect the health of your heart or signal very early signs of cancer. Include monitoring of the ever-changing levels of metabolites produced by the body as it processes food; traditional blood tests on levels of cholesterol and glucose; heart data from an EKG; and information from your medical history. The goal: continuous monitoring of your health and suggestions of adjustments you might make in your diet and behavior before you slip from being healthy into the early stages of an illness.
This sounds a little like personalized medicine, which has been discussed for years. But for Wang, it’s not just about treating disease. It’s also about what might be termed personalized health. “Right now you don’t know about your temperature, or your pulse, or the microbes inside you that affect your emotions,” he says. “Or what to do if you have an allergy, or you want to lose weight because you’re fat.”
The devices will help gather, analyze, and display a crush of health data he wants to collect about himself—and, he hopes, from millions of others.
This vision of personal health monitoring is becoming achievable in part because of dramatic cost reductions for sequencing DNA and measuring the many thousands of biological compounds and processes that regulate the body. What all that means for any one of us, especially when all the readings are combined, is unclear. But ICX is part of a new wave of companies that figure they can find something meaningful in the data and enable medicine to stop merely reacting to an illness you have; these companies want to keep you healthy at a fraction of the cost. Unlocking this puzzle, with its millions of moving pieces, is where AI and other advanced computing techniques will have to come in. “AI is how we can take all of this information and tell you things that you don’t know about your health,” says Wang.
Assuming it works, putting all of this together will not be cheap. As CEO of ICX, Wang has raised $600 million in funding for the effort, a remarkable amount for a project offering high-tech tests for healthy people. “But he’ll need it, and probably more, with everything they want to test,” says Eric Schadt, a computational biologist and mathematician who recently stepped down as director of Mount Sinai’s Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology in New York. Schadt has launched his own health data company, called Sema4, which is scanning genomes and molecular biomarkers.
ICX is using its pile of cash in part to invest in or acquire companies that might contribute to Wang’s holistic vision. This includes a $161 million stake in Colorado-based SomaLogic, which is working on a chip that can measure 5,000 proteins in the blood; more than $100 million in PatientsLikeMe, a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that provides an online platform for more than 500,000 patients to share experiences, metrics, and feelings about their health and diseases; and $40 million in AOBiome, also of Cambridge, which sells spray-on microbes that it says make skin healthier. ICX also recently invested in HealthTell of San Ramon, California, which identifies antibodies from a blood sample as clues to the presence and progress of diseases including cancer and autoimmune disorders. Additionally, ICX is also collaborating with several companies in China.
Tying this eclectic alliance together is an aggressive effort to build an artificial-intelligence system that will attempt to analyze all this data. That’s being led by Israel-based iCarbonX-Israel, which ICX acquired last year. Founded in 2005 as Imagu Vision Technologies, the company develops software to interpret CT and other medical images. Now Imagu’s engineers are working with counterparts at ICX to create what they call a “virtual health brain” that will interpret the thousands of data points ICX wants to collect on each customer. “We want to create a tool that not only analyzes data but offers ways to help people improve their health, like how to alter their diet,” says Imagu CEO and cofounder Mor Amitai.
“If this all sounds ridiculously complicated, it is,” says Wang, smiling in a way that blends reassurance—which undoubtedly is appreciated by investors—and bemusement, as if he knows that what he is proposing sounds a bit daft. The question, then: can he use his money and technical savvy to revolutionize medicine?
A tall man with short black hair, Wang strolls coolly through his company’s headquarters, a Silicon Valley knockoff with open workstations, glass-walled conference rooms, a gym, and a café always stocked with food, healthy drinks, tea, and coffee. It’s on the third floor of an industrial-park building in a complex of similarly unexceptional structures tucked between two sprawling, wooded theme parks called Happy Valley and the China Folk Culture Village. In the back of ICX’s HQ is Wang’s office, a comfortable niche with deep leather chairs and a private conference room—a business setting that is a long way from where Wang started, as an academic researcher sequencing DNA at Beijing University in the late 1990s.
Wang authored over 100 studies as a professor at the University of Copenhagen and as a bioinformatics whiz at the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), which he helped found in 1999. BGI was the organization that led China’s relatively small contribution to the Human Genome Project, a worldwide effort in which several countries worked on different segments of the human DNA sequence published in 2003. BGI later churned out the first complete DNA sequences of an Asian person, a strain of rice, the SARS virus, and the giant panda. During his stint as BGI’s CEO, Wang helped build the company into one of the largest sequencing operations in the world. In 2016, it had revenue of $250 million, and this summer it issued an IPO. Wang remains a major shareholder and a member of the board.
“You also need millions of people—maybe as many as 10 million people—to get meaningful signals for common diseases.”
But he left BGI in 2015 because he was frustrated by the limits of genomics. Specifically, sequencing DNA doesn’t provide much insight into the health of most individuals. Scientists have found countless DNA markers that seem as if they should help determine whether a person is healthy or sick. But those markers have turned out, nearly 15 years after the completion of the Human Genome Project, to make less of a difference than originally thought. With the exception of certain rare genetic mutations, DNA is just one determinant of a person’s medical fate. “It turns out you also need to know about proteins, and metabolites, and all the rest,” says Wang.
Soon after his departure from BGI, Wang formed ICX, knowing he would do something with AI and health. But he wasn’t sure exactly what data besides DNA the company could, or should, collect. To figure it out, he met with a range of experts and companies, including a pivotal meeting in July 2016 at the Original Max’s restaurant in Burlingame, California, near the San Francisco airport. In town pitching ICX to investors and prospective partners, Wang had arranged to see Jamie Heywood, the cofounder and chairman of PatientsLikeMe, who was visiting from Boston. As they sat in an orange-and-yellow plastic booth in the truck-stop-style café, it didn’t take Heywood and Wang long to realize that they shared a fundamental exasperation with the limitations of today’s medical practices. Giving people more data seemed like a promising route. PatientsLikeMe, which runs a service where thousands of members discuss their various chronic diseases in online forums and provide metrics about their health and the progression of their disease, had already shown the value of careful health tracking by individuals. Drinking coffee, Wang and Heywood dissed classic medical testing, which tends to be static, with one test taken at a time—an EKG in a clinical setting every year or two, for example, or when symptoms seem to warrant it. “We got excited about the possibility that we could discover the early stages of when a person shifts from good health to, say, becoming a diabetic,” says Heywood, an MIT-trained engineer. “We both agreed that the technology is there, or is close to being there.”
No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do. That could be a problem.
Heywood, who is a fast-talking bundle of energy where Wang conveys a steady calm, suggested that such a profile should also include the sort of behavioral and personal data collected by his company. Information that people share in the forums of PatientsLikeMe—on such issues as the health impact of stress at work—provides valuable clues to other members on how they can better manage their chronic conditions. Why not help healthy people use similar tools and data? “It took about five minutes for Jun and I to realize that we could do this,” he recalls.
Heywood brought something else to the table: his company had built a computer platform designed to analyze data reported by its half-million users. But it’s not yet clear that combining all the data that ICX and its collaborators want to capture will be meaningful. Nor is it likely that AI will find significant correlations in the data unless ICX lures millions of people to its service—and even that many might not be enough. “ICX will struggle,” predicts Eric Schadt of Sema4. “You also need millions of people—maybe as many as 10 million people—to get meaningful signals for common diseases.”
Wang readily acknowledges the challenges. “To do everything we want will take many years,” he says. When asked about the need to test large numbers of people to discern signals in the noise of all this data, he says that ICX is looking to enroll at least one million people in the next five years. “China has this big population, so I’m not worried about this,” he says. He adds that as disposable income increases in China, people want to spend money on their health.
Wang admits, however, that he doesn’t yet have a clear business plan. “I tend to think about the right thing to do with the science and the product first,” he says. “Then I figure out the business model. Investors are okay with this. They don’t want short term.”
Smoke and mirrors?
Underlying ICX’s challenge are also some fundamental questions about how to integrate artificial intelligence into health care. There’s little doubt that advanced computing will eventually provide a huge boost toward making sense of all manner of health and biomedical data. And Wang is not the only one with business ambitions for the technology. According to CB Insights, which tracks venture capital investments, investors are funding 106 startups in AI and health—up from a handful a few years ago. They’re pursuing everything from mental health and drug discovery to lifestyle management, virtual assistants, hospital management, and medical imaging and diagnostics. While this sounds impressive, AI so far has failed to make a substantial impact on most of medicine and health care. “In certain niches, AI is here and has been for years,” says Marty Kohn, a physician and the former chief medical scientist at IBM, who helped develop IBM Watson Health. “But it’s not happening at scale. And it hasn’t yet helped large numbers of patients.”
Future generations will scoff at your passcode.
One reason is that it’s incredibly difficult to interpret the crush of data. “I think AI has tremendous potential,” says Leroy Hood, the president and cofounder of the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle. “But the claims for AI and health care are very overblown.” Most companies, he suggests, “don’t do real science.”
A longtime pioneer in finding tools for understanding the body’s complex functions, Hood is a cofounder of Seattle-based Arivale, another health data company. Two years ago, Arivale started offering its own version of lifestyle, wellness, and molecular testing, coupled with personal coaching. In July 2017, Hood and Arivale published a small study in Nature Biotechnology that he says provides a proof-of-concept analysis of what the researchers call “personal, dense, dynamic data clouds” measured in healthy people over time. They used advanced algorithms to make correlations for 108 subjects who took dozens of health tests and measurements. Some of the participants learned that they had vitamin deficiencies; others found they had early signs of inflammatory bowel disease or diabetes that needed tending through diet or supplements. These results, however, are preliminary, and far more of them will be needed to separate real findings from the firehose of data.
There’s little doubt that advanced computing will eventually provide a huge boost toward making sense of all manner of health and biomedical data.
As for Wang, he is experimenting on himself with still more ways to acquire such information. As he continues his tour of ICX’s headquarters in Shenzhen, he points to a toilet just off his office where he collects plastic bags of poop for his daily microbiome analysis. Wang describes plans to build a “smart toilet” that will capture and analyze one’s waste and feed it into an AI-generated personal profile. “We have the technology to do this,” he says. “We have the algorithms. It will be cheap, something like $200.” Wang next lifts up his sky-blue polo shirt to show off a wireless continuous heart-rate monitor.
One wonders, however, if millions of healthy people will be as obsessed as Jun Wang is with collecting so much data on themselves. The question seems to take him by surprise, momentarily roiling his composure. He knits his brow, looking as if he couldn’t imagine that other people might not want smart mirrors and toilets, frequent blood draws to measure thousands of metabolites, and heart monitors taped to their chests. “I’m not asking everyone to do this,” he finally says. “People choose not to know a lot of things. But there are plenty of people who want to know, or can be educated to want to know.” He pauses for another nanosecond and then flashes that smile, looking as if he had just figured out the answer to this literally multibillion-dollar question about his effort and his company. “People used to not want to know their genes; now more and more people want to know,” he says. “I’m sure that this trend will continue.”
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Moto Theme 4.0 Review Should I Get It
Moto Theme 4.0 Testimonial - Are you looking for even more knowleadge regarding Moto Theme 4.0? Please check out my truthful review about it before picking, to review the weaknesses as well as toughness of it. Can it deserve your effort and time and also cash money?
Presenting Moto Theme 4.0 - What Is It?
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The Best as well as The Majority Of Popular WordPress Themes of 2019 (Part 4)
18. Breathtaking
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A cost-free variation of the style is readily available in the WordPress repository. You can acquire the premium version for $25.
19. Shopstar
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Shopstar allows your customers quickly preview and add products to the buying cart as they browse through your shop.
The motif supports both right and left sidebar. You can even select a full-width format for your pages. For your blog page, you can select between the side format, leading design or masonry layout.
20. Inspiro
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21. Foodica
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Foodica is an AdSense-ready WordPress motif. It includes numerous banner locations that permit authors to easily upload advertisement banners for monetizing their website.
The Moto Theme 4.0 theme comes with 1-click trial web content mount, so you can promptly develop a website comparable to the demonstration internet site. The theme likewise offers 6 color pattern as well as is bundled with aesthetic customizer that allows you conveniently select the right color mix that perfectly matches your brand name.
22. Fierceness
Fury is a cost-free multi-purpose WordPress theme that you can download and install from the WordPress styles repository. The Fury theme is finest matched for creating an on-line store.
Its sticky navigating bar stays on top of your WordPress site also when you scroll down the page. In the right hand corner of the navigating bar, you can discover the My Account menu, search box, as well as the cart switch. This provides a seamless shopping experience to your consumers.
The versatile motif customizer panel allows you conveniently tweak every element of your WordPress site. The motif additionally supports a number of customized layouts for pages as well as blog layouts for single blog posts.
23. Agama
Agama is yet an additional free WordPress multi-purpose theme that you can download from the WordPress style directory.
Agama is improved Bootstrap with parallax assistance. As your visitors scroll down, the parallax scrolling relocates the background content at a different rate than that of foreground content.
If you're seeking a multi-purpose style with the parallax scrolling result, then Agama is the best fit for your needs.
Moto Theme 4.0 Review & Review
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0 notes
un-enfant-immature · 6 years
The Audi e-tron SUV is an electric shot at Tesla
This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge. The e-tron will hit Audi dealerships in the middle of 2019, and prospective buyers can reserve one right now for $1,000.
This is Audi’s first production electric vehicle and perhaps one of the most significant EVs to be announced since the Chevy Bolt. It has everything Audi buyers expect: Quattro AWD, technology-first cockpit, and a familiar fit and finish. The e-tron is launching to a market with few competitors. It’s most similar to the new Jaguar I-Pace. Both vehicles offer similar technology and creature comforts for a similar price. But in a way, the Audi is joining forces with the Jag to compete with Tesla .
The e-tron is packed with a 95 kWh battery pack that powers electric motors on each axle. All-wheel drive is standard, and the vehicle packs two ways to recoup lost energy. Right now, at launch, Audi is not releasing official range numbers and the EPA has yet to certify and release its own numbers.
Inside is reminiscent of current Audi SUVs. Drivers are presented with Audi’s virtual instrument panel and several touchscreens. The top center-mounted screen handles infotainment and navigation duty while the bottom is for climate control and text input. The cabin is equipped and outfitted similarly to the rest of Audi’s line, but the design language is unique to the e-tron.
It’s clear Audi designed the e-tron to appeal to traditional buyers looking to jump into electric vehicles through familiar means. The e-tron looks and feels like the rest of Audi’s lineup. And that’s probably the point. The vehicle maker took its established formula and plugged it into electric vehicles. The result is something new yet familiar.
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The Audi e-tron
The outside of the e-tron screams Audi. Sharp headlights, flowing body panels, and an angular, aggressive grill. It looks like a new version of Audi’s mid-size SUV, the Q5. The main design difference comes by way of four small accent lights on the side of the headlights and tail lights. They are designed to look like a battery meter, and the result is a clever, though subtle nod to the e-tron’s electric power plant.
Clad in aluminum, the e-tron’s battery weighs about 700 kg (1,543.2 lb) and is comprised of 36 pouch-type cells, the same type of system Jaguar and Chevy use in their electric vehicles, while Tesla uses cylinder-type battery cells.
Audi says e-tron’s battery can be recharged to 80% in 30 minutes using a 150 kW charger.
The e-tron ships with a Level 2, 240-volt/40 amps residential charger that’s also compatible with 120-volt household outlets. Through a partnership, buyers will have the option to use Amazon Home Services to ready their homes with an installation of a home charger.
E-tron buyers gain access to the nationwide charging network, “Electrify America” and can use up to 1,000 kWh of power over four years. Audi says by 2019 this network will include five-hundred 350kW chargers throughout 40 states.
An electric motor is mounted on each axle motor, though both are not used at all times. At moderate speeds, there is a bias to the rear motor. When the rear motor is unable to provide the vehicle with the desired powered, the front motor kicks on.
The dual motors and single stage transmission work together to get the e-tron to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. The tow rating is set at 4,000 lbs which is good enough for a small U-Haul trailer or a couple of jet skis. Audi says official horsepower and torque numbers will be released at a later time.
Like other electric vehicles, the e-tron recovers energy through braking and deceleration. But Audi took driving efficiency one step farther.
Using navigation and radar and camera data, the e-tron can predictively prompt the driver to release the gas pedal at appropriate times. If the vehicle knows the driver should slow down, it will tell the driver in the name of efficiency.
Power is returned to the battery from practically all braking situations whether through natural deceleration when the driver releases the accelerator or when the friction brake system is engaged. Audi says this system is responsible for up to 30 percent of the e-tron’s range.
The brakes are electric. When the driver presses the brake pedal, a control unit computes how much pressure needs to be applied, and an electric motor supplies the appropriate pressure. Audi says this system is 30% lighter than traditional vacuum brakes.
The amount of energy the e-tron can recover is selectable by the driver via a paddle on the steering wheel. There are three settings. In the highest setting, the e-tron aggressively recovers energy every time the driver releases the accelerator, which allows for one pedal driving. But in the lowest setting the e-tron coasts without any braking resistance.
Drivers are presented with few traditional switches and buttons. Most of the controls are contained on two touchscreens. The top, center-mounted screen is 10.1-inches while the bottom is an 8.6-inch screen that’s mounted in a way that the driver can access it while their hand is resting on the gear selector. Both screens provide tactile and audio feedback.
This dual screen setup is different from the single, massive screen found in Tesla’s electric vehicles. The top screen handles infotainment, navigation, telephone, and vehicle settings while the bottom is for climate control and entering text for navigation. This layout more closely matches the traditional placement found in other vehicles, which will likely reduce the learning curve often associated with getting in a vehicle with just touchscreens.
This dual touchscreen system is not unique to the e-tron. It’s the same equipment Audi employs in its high-end sedans, and will likely trickle down to other Audi models in coming generations.
The driver is presented with Audi’s digital instrument panel that the carmaker has been using for several vehicle generations. In this instance, the instrument cluster is presented on a 1,920×720 display with e-tron specific graphics. The driver can configure the screen to display the speedometer, power meter and infotainment screens in various fashions. Buyers can also opt for a heads up display.
Audi built a companion app for the e-tron. Through the smartphone app, owners can input navigation destination, set battery charging times and schedule service with local dealers.
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Racing the Competition
The e-tron has few competitors but only one that matters: The Tesla Model X, long the lone option for buyers seeking an electric SUV. The Model X is slightly larger, a bit quicker and can be a lot more costly than the Audi e-tron. It also has less range than the unofficial numbers provided by Audi before the e-tron is certified by the EPA
The Tesla is a head turner while the Audi looks like just another Audi. The Tesla packs autonomous driving modes while the Audi only has adaptive cruise control. The Tesla can seat up to seven while the Audi seats five. And the Tesla can beat exotic sports cars to 60 miles per hour.
The Tesla Model X interior feels like something different while the Audi e-tron feels like a new take on something familiar.
Both vehicles start out at similar prices. The Tesla Model X starts at $72,100 with a range of 239 miles. The Audi e-tron begins at $74,800 with an unofficial range of over 300 miles. However, to get the extra range in the Tesla, buyers have to opt for pricier packages. A Model X with a 295-mile range starts at $88,600, and the sports-car fast P100D begins at $125,800 — Tesla’s self-driving features cost an additional $5,000.
In contrast, Audi offers the same powertrain and battery throughout the e-tron’s trim levels. For $81,700 buyers get the same range as the base model but gain additional creature comforts like a heads-up display, massaging seats and parking assist technology. For $86,700 buyers can opt for the First Edition package that includes larger, 21-inch wheels, limited paint, and interior trim and a night vision mode.
The Audi e-tron closely matches up with the Jaguar I-Pace. Jaguar recently announced its electric crossover and is nearing delivery of the first vehicles. Compared to the e-tron, the I-Pace has a similar range, speed, and slightly less interior space. Pricing for the I-Pace starts at $69,500.
The e-tron and I-Pace represent a new breed of electric vehicles even more so than a Tesla EV. Both of these vehicles come from corporations with massive manufacturing might and, while they look and feel futurist, they also look and feel mass produced. And that’s a good thing. If electric vehicles are to become mainstream, the automotive giants need to build them at the same level as traditional automobiles.
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Coming Next Year
The Audi e-tron will hit the United States in the middle of 2019. Buyers can reserve the vehicle starting today with a $1,000 refundable deposit.
When the vehicle hits dealers, it will be Audi’s most expensive SUV and among the most expensive vehicles available from Audi. But compared to competitors, the e-tron is priced in the middle of the pack.
The e-tron will hit the market at a pivotal time for electric vehicles. Automakers are just starting to stake their claims in the marketplace. Chevy went downmarket with the affordable Bolt. Jaguar is hitting the crossover market with the $69,000 I-Pace. Tesla is the premium player in the field with the Model X. The Audi e-tron sits in a sweet spot between the Jag and the Tesla. The pricing is slightly more than the Jag but is well equipped to stand tall against the larger and more expensive Model X.
The e-tron’s success will likely come from consumer awareness. Car shoppers need to know Audi has a new electric vehicle, and Audi seems to understand this. Even before the car launched, the company started advertising the EV with a big-budget TV spot during the Emmys. Since the car doesn’t hit the market for nearly a year, Audi has plenty of time to get the word out. However, that also leaves plenty of time for new competitors to hit the market and for the landscape to shift.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
How Important World Autism Awareness Day Is On My Son's Birthday
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itaanagendra-blog · 5 years
Pros of accounting career
Everything in life has two sides, similarly, accounting career has also positive and negative sides.
Accounting is a career with wider opportunities.
Like nearly the whole lot in lifestyles, accounting careers have positives and negatives. But the truth is not that the profession itself is good or bad, however as an alternative that it’s the proper healthy for sure people and no longer for others.
Think of it like looking for a brand new car—some human beings are seeking for dependability and protection while others crave overall performance and speed. Neither option is inherently precise or bad, but every car is a higher choice for different sorts of humans.
What you’ll consider an accounting profession relies upon on your personality, working style and existence priorities. Once you recognize the viable execs and cons of an accounting career, you may make a knowledgeable decision.
So is accounting an amazing major so one can pursue? Take a look at these execs and cons of accounting careers to persuade yourself in the right direction.
Pros of an accounting career There’s plenty to love about a profession in accounting. Learn more approximately among the perks you can count on by pursuing this career.
1. There is a clear career direction If you’re analyzing accounting, you’re mastering practical capabilities approximately crunching numbers and analyzing expenses that employers need. This offers you a miles clearer career course as compared to someone who chooses to study English or philosophy in which the capacity career consequences are harder to define.
If you pick to pursue an accounting degree, you’ll have a pretty solid concept of where your career will take you. Though there are different kinds of accountants inside the discipline, the responsibilities you’ll have and capabilities you’ll use could be typically the equal, meaning what you’re signing up for.
2. It’s a strong and developing job field Accounting isn't always a career that’s going away each time soon. Virtually every enterprise wishes an accountant or an entire accounting team, or even the average person has reasons to lease an accountant from time to time.
The job prospects in accounting are projected to grow in the coming years. As lengthy as human beings need to assist with taxes and as lengthy as companies exist, there may be a want for accountants. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tasks that employment within the accounting field will develop 10 per cent from 2016 to 2026. This is faster than the national average rate for all occupations.1
3. You’ll have the capacity for professional growth After graduation, you would possibly begin as an entry-stage associate, but the ability for growth may be remarkable. Many accounting graduates will begin as a body of workers accountants, junior auditors in public accounting or assistants inside the controller’s workplace in private accounting as they begin to plan their career paths.
After getting mounted and gaining experience, profession advancement can be achieved thru on-the-job performance and additional education or certifications, like turning into a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA).
Looking for extra specifics? Check out Accounting Career Paths: The Number Cruncher’s Guide.
4. The earning potential is favourable Like anyone, you need a profession that lets in you to offer for your self and your family. So how does an accounting profession stack up?
The median annual salary for an accountant in 2017 was $69,350, in step with the BLS.1 In fact, the BLS reports that the pinnacle 10 per cent of earners made upwards of $120,000. Against the countrywide median earnings of $37,040, that’s an impressive quantity of upside.1
Additionally, many full-time accountants receive fantastic blessings together with healthcare, holiday time, retirement plans and extra. The BLS reports that most accountants work full-time, around or over 40 hours a week.
5. You can paintings in which you want to paintings Where would you like to live? West Coast, East Coast or somewhere in between? Big city or small town? In a mountain variety or with the aid of the ocean?
With a few profession fields, you may want to uproot your existence and pass to an industry hub to find paintings. Accounting, however, has a tendency to be everywhere. From farmers to government corporations to software improvement companies, seemingly all and sundry should use the services of an accountant. This gives accountants a fair amount of flexibility when it comes to deciding on where they need to settle down.
6. There is the entrepreneurial capacity Starting your very own commercial enterprise is the identical option in each profession. It’s tremendously unlikely that a pilot will ever release their personal airline, however accountants establish their own corporations routinely. The dream of being your very own boss is alive and well within the profession of accounting. If you have some of that entrepreneurial spirit, beginning an accounting corporation will be an extraordinary manner to improve your career.
Starting an accounting company, like beginning any business, has its risks and might not be for all people, however, it’s truly true to have this as an option.
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trendytechreviews · 5 years
Augmented Reality (AR) in Warehousing and Logistics Market to be at Forefront by 2026
Augmented reality is defined as the expansion of physical reality by adding layers of computer-generated information to the real environment. Augmented reality solutions are employed to visually change the appearance of a broadcast studio. They combine real life with virtual elements and provide different perspectives of things. They can change a limited area into an unlimited space or transform a green screen with anything a user can imagine. Augmented reality solutions provide a system of mixed encoded cameras including handheld cameras, pedestal/hard cameras, and even steady cameras for production. Players in the logistics & warehouse industry are implementing augmented reality solutions in order to enhance operations that are carried out regularly; for example, inventory management, warehouse management, and employee management. Performance of logistics elements can be improved by using augmented reality (AR) technologies. Object pickup time can be decreased in human-operated warehouses. Meanwhile, augmented reality is at an early stage of adoption in logistics. However, the rate of adoption is likely to increase in the near future. AR can give logistics providers quick access to anticipatory information from anywhere at any time. This is vital for the prospective and exact planning and operation of tasks such as delivery and load optimization and for providing higher levels of customer service.
Major factors driving the augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market is rising importance of augmented reality and technological advancements in logistics and warehouse operations. Rise in the demand for advanced digital transformation is projected to fuel the demand for augmented reality solutions in the global broadcast industry in the near future. Rise in the demand for live rendering, realistic live shadows, and realistic live reflections is expected to boost the demand for augmented reality solutions worldwide in the next few years. Furthermore, the logistics industry in developed as well as developing countries is witnessing extensive research and development activities. On the other hand, the importance of logistics is growing due to increasing relevance of emerging markets and globalization of supply chains. This, in turn, is driving increasing regulatory efforts in particular around temperature management and, finally, a changing product portfolio that, on one hand, allows new direct-to-market approaches notably for specialties.
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On the other hand, requires differentiated value-focused approaches for value products and generics, where the cost of logistics drives a larger share of total cost. Moreover, forthcoming technological advancements, industrial development, and innovative techniques developed for use of augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics would be key factors fueling the market during the forecast period. On the flip side, lack of expertise and skilled personnel and rising concerns related to security and privacy are estimated to restrain the augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market in the near future. Also, development of an AR pilot product for logistics is delayed due to lack of hardware equipment for real-time tracking of people in a warehouse environment. In order to verify and validate the approach offered, an agent-based simulation model is being developed. The augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market has been witnessing strong growth over the last few years, owing to high demand from end-user industries based in Germany, France, China, and Japan.
The global augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market can be segmented based on component, application, and region. In terms of component, the market can be divided into hardware and services. The hardware segment can be sub-divided into head-mounted display, tracking system, interaction device, and pick-by-vision system, whereas the services segment can be sub-classified into professional services and managed services. Applications of augmented reality in warehousing and logistics include transportation optimization, freight loading and unloading, inventory management, warehouse management, delivery management, and traffic management.
In terms of region, the global augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market can be segmented into Europe, North America, Middle East & Africa, South America, and Asia Pacific. The augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics in North America is estimated to expand at a substantial rate during the forecast period. This is primarily attributable to early adoption of augmented reality solutions by organizations in the region. North America is expected to hold a prominent share of the global augmented reality in warehousing and logistics market during the forecast period. The market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand at a significant pace during the forecast period. The region is estimated to present attractive opportunities to the market in the near future.
Currently, a few vendors operate in the global augmented reality (AR) in warehousing and logistics market. These include DHL Supply Chain, Scandit, Elementum, ProLogistix, Vuzix, Inconso Solutions, and Voxware.
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derrickgilesten · 6 years
How Virtual Twilight Photos Sold a Languishing Listing
By Harry Parson, guest contributor
A picture is worth a thousand words, and if you have bad photographs of your listing, it tells a thousand bad stories.
So, when I recently took over a home that had been lingering on the market for more than a year, I focused on its photography and online presentation. The home had been listed using poorly lit and composed photographs, which was doing little to generate buyer interest.
High quality photography truly makes the difference between a home that sits and a home that sells. In addition to having good photographs, I used tech tools from VHT Studios, a national real estate photography firm, like virtual twilight to help photograph and present the home in an evening glow to help it stand out from other photos too.
Virtual twilight is when image specialists take exterior photographs taken during daylight and digitally alter them to reflect the warm indoor lights and cool outdoor hues of a home’s exterior at dusk. Twilight photographs stir emotions and make a connection with buyers. They also allow agents to showcase their listings in a new, differently lit way, without having to return for multiple photography sessions to capture a home in different lighting situations, or actually at dusk.
See the difference …
The result?A buyer made an offer less than a week after I mounted the new images on my web site. Plus, the property sold for $20,000 over the asking price.
Why Virtual Twilight?
I used virtual twilight photos on the listing to make it stand out from similar-looking houses on the block. I believe the combination of higher quality photographs and the virtual twilight exterior made the difference.
In addition to the obvious beauty component, virtual twilight photos also help homes that have significant outside window reflections. It can be distracting when buyers see windows reflect other houses across the street, passersby, or cars parked on the street. This technology can remove these obstacles and replace them with a warm, romantic glow.
Virtual twilight photos aren’t just for luxury listings or already beautiful homes. For properties requiring exterior improvements, virtual twilight can add a polished look, improve curb appeal and increase buyer interest in practically any property.
How You Visually Market a Home Matters
High quality photographs are incredibly important in marketing a home in the digital age, since buyers search online and decide on a home’s worthiness before ever contacting a real estate professional. Engaging a professional photographer who can take well-lit photographs with wide-angle lenses and knows the ins and outs of lighting and composition will provide you with photographs that will pull buyers in.
If you have a property that’s been sitting on the market awhile, consider ways to amp-up the listing’s visual marketing, rather than automatically lowering the asking price or resorting to extreme measures like pricey remodels or traditional home staging.
Be honest, and put yourself in a prospective buyer’s shoes: When you look at the listing online, do the photographs look bright and inviting? Does the home attract buyers desiring a certain lifestyle? Does it make you want to book a showing or make an offer? If the answer to the above questions is a resounding “no,” you may want to consider engaging a photography partner who knows how to turn heads and help you grow your business.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Harry Parson is a Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker in Chicago, who engaged VHT Studios to take high quality photographs and conduct Virtual Twilight services on a local property.
from Styled, Staged & Sold http://styledstagedsold.blogs.realtor.org/2018/12/03/how-virtual-twilight-photos-sold-a-languishing-listing/
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id0l-atry · 6 years
SEO Secrets Inside 2018
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the procedure of improving the amount plus quality of traffic to a website from search engines via "natural", which may mean either natural or algorithmic, search results. However, since blogging grew to become important for SEO much a lot more people jumped on the music group wagon and it has turn out to be a useless tool for advertising unless certain ethics are used. Aside from finding your very own style, tone and subject issue there are few considerations in order to take in before you start blogging. The mobile share associated with digital advertising revenue is likely to grow to 70% by 2019. By the end of 2016, Mobile made up 51% associated with total digital advertising revenue. Simply by 2019, spending on mobile advertisements is expected to reach 72% of all digital advertising Blog9T invest in america. The reduction associated with your mobile market strategy significantly improves the likelihood of item success. IhreMarketingbemühungenwerdendirektmitIhrenZielgruppensegmentenkorreliert. Understanding your focus on group is the first stage in determining how best in order to communicate with these users. Liebe Grüßefüralle Android App Developer! Google offers recently released important announcements regarding app development policies. And every thing these statements should be produced from the following year onwards; So 2018 and 2019. Therefore, read the news, to stay abreast of the development procedure. And yes, all of these types of major changes are unlikely in order to increase the robustness of application security and enhance the overall performance of mobile applications. Quality SEO is definitely time-consuming and usually requires a good investment of at least four figures if you are paying out someone else to do your own SEO for you personally. You may end up being able to find a less expensive SEO service if you are usually in a niche field plus have your keywords in the particular domain name. I recommend establishing aside at least a 1000 or few thousand dollars intended for SEO in case you are usually hiring an SEO. While a amount of software options exist, several will teach you greatly. Certain, the companies that produce these types of items will tell you every thing you want to hear plus boast about how easy this is to use their software program but if you don't realize what the information means, a person won't get far. SEO software program may be useful as being a device but it will never change true knowledge. I woldn't suggest it as teaching tool. Your own marketing is just too essential. Expertise: Neil Patel is an expert internet marketer and he puts out a few killer blogs that help their audience really get an in-depth grasp on topics like SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content marketing, usually the piece that is neglected simply by lots of ecommerce companies. 52 yr old Educational Psychologist Breyfogle from Mount Albert, loves to spend time snowshoeing, top seo trends in 2018 and rc model boats. Maintains a travel site and has plenty to write about after visiting Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia. Yet another method is doing video content marketing and advertising, that is huge and relating to Forbes, VIDEO is expected to claim over 80% associated with all web traffic by 2019! So you might want in order to think about incorporating video in to your marketing mix somewhere straight down the road as well. We all have been here to supply you extensive practical live tasks during your convenient timings. Given that more numbers of people are usually necessary to work on various on-line works like blogging, content marketing and advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), PAY PER CLICK Google AdWords, affiliate marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video clip marketing, online Blog9T Youtube reputation management plus customer service, we do teach our students to work plus gain practical knowledge. The post furthermore notes that even the Enjoy Console will need the assistance of recent apps and up-dates to run without the 32-bit version. It is essential that everything, including 32-bit, end up being supported with 64-bit to accomplish better results with additional signs up and instructions. August 2019 will be by far, which means that will Google has given the programmers plenty of time to plug on the 64-bit version. Plus the company has also informed developers that other announcements ought to control it.
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Why would somebody that knows tips on how to do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION need to go to the conference? Two reasons really. Very first, because Search Engines are constantly changing to maintain their results because pure and relevant as feasible, there is constant change or even adjustments that need to become produced by SEO's to keep their own client websites high in the particular search results. Getting together plus essentially comparing notes within the items they have observed about the particular Search engines like google is definitely the best possible way in order to stay current.
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There are professionals that supply virtual assistance services that focus in Internet and social press marketing. This means you may hire them to set upward press release and article advertising campaigns. You can also request skillful VAs to improve the particular SEO for your website plus offer suggestions on how in order to grow your business through Web marketing techniques. You will discover VAs that can use cultural Blog9T media to generate new prospects for your business. Creating the business blog, setting up a good interesting Facebook page, Twitter promotions or any other cutting-edge interpersonal media tools can be jobs to delegate to your VIRTUAL ASSISTANT. Increase your presence in Social Media like Fb, Twitter, Linkedin and other internet sites. You know how people are usually connected to their social system. So it not at most a bad idea to utilize a Social Media expert within the market to advertise your item over social networks. You may also attempt Social Media Marketing Services within Fiverr and SeoClerks for Sociable Media Marketing.
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fmservers · 6 years
Facebook poisons the acquisition well
Who should you sell your startup to? Facebook and the founders of its former acquisitions are making a strong case against getting bought by Mark Zuckerberg and co. After a half-decade of being seen as one of the most respectful and desired acquirers, a series of scandals has destroyed the image of Facebook’s M&A division. That could make it tougher to convince entrepreneurs to sell to Facebook, or force it to pay higher prices and put contractual guarantees of autononmy into the deals.
WhatsApp’s founders left amidst aggresive pushes to monetize. Instagram’s founders left as their independence was threatened. Oculus’ founders were demoted. And over the past few years Facebook has also shut down acquisitions including viral teen Q&A app TBH, fitness tracker Moves, video advertising system LiveRail, voice control developer toolkit Wit.ai, and still-popular mobile app developer platform Parse.
Facebook’s users might not know or care about much of this. But it could be a sticking point the next time Facebook tries to buy out a burgeoning competitor or complementary service.
Broken Promises With WhatsApp
The real trouble started with WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton’s departure from Facebook a year ago before he was full vested from the $22 billion acquisition in 2014. He’d been adamant that Facebook not stick the targeted ads he hated inside WhatsApp, and Zuckerberg conceded not to. Acton even got a clause added to the deal that the co-founders’ remaining stock would vest instantly if Facebook implemented monetization schemes without their consent. Google was also interested in buying WhatsApp, but Facebook’s assurances of independence sealed the deal.
WhatsApp founder, Brian Acton, says Facebook used him to get its acquisition past EU regulators
WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum quits Facebook due to privacy intrusions
WhatsApp’s other co-founder Jan Koum left Facebook in April following tension about how Facebook would monetize his app and the impact of that on privacy. Acton’s departure saw him leave $850 million on the table. Captivity must have been pretty rough for freedom to be worth that much. Today in an interview with Forbes’s Parmy Olson, he detailed how Facebook got him to promise it wouldn’t integrate WhatsApp’s user data to get the deal approved by EU regulators. Facebook then broke that promise, paid the $122 million fine that amounted to a tiny speed bump for the money-printing corporation, and kept on hacking.
When Acton tried to enact the instant-vesting clause upon his departure, Facebook claimed it was still exploring, not “implementing”, monetization. Acton declined a legal fight and walked away, eventually tweeting “Delete Facebook”. Koum stayed to vest a little longer. But soon after they departed, WhatsApp started charging businesses for slow replies, and it will inject ads into the WhatsApp’s Stories product Status next year. With user growth slowing, users shifting to Stories, and News Feed out of ad space, Facebook’s revenue problem became WhatsApp’s monetization mandate.
The message was that Facebook would eventually break its agreements with acquired founders to prioritize its own needs.
Diminished Autonomy For Instagram
Instagram’s co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger announced they were resigning this week, which sources tell Techcrunch was because of mounting tensions with Zuckerberg over product direction. Zuckerberg himself negotiated the 2012 acquisition for $1 billion ($715 million when the deal closed with Facebook’s share price down, but later $4 billion as it massively climbed). That price was stipulated on Instagram remaining independent in both brand and product roadmap.
Zuckerberg upheld his end of the bargain for five years, and the Instagram co-founders stayed on past their original vesting dates — uncommon in Silicon Valley. Facebook pointed to Instagram’s autonomy when it was trying to secure the WhatsApp acquisition. And with the help of Facebook’s engineering, sales, recruiting, internationalization, and anti-spam teams, Instagram grew into a 1 billion user juggernaut.
Why Instagram’s founders are resigning: independence from Facebook weakened
But again, Facebook’s growth and financial woes led to a change of heart for Zuckerberg. Facebook’s popularity amongst teens was plummeting while Instagram remained cool. Facebook pushed to show its alerts and links back to the parent company inside of Instagram’s notifications and settings tabs. Meanwhile, it stripped out the Instagram attribution from cross-posted photos and deleted a shortcut to Instagram from the Facebook bookmarks menu.
Zuckerberg then installed a loyalist, his close friend and former News Feed VP Adam Mosseri as Instagram’s new VP of Product mid-way through this year. The reorganization also saw Systrom start reporting to Facebook CPO Chris Cox. Previously the Instagram CEO had more direct contact with Zuckerberg despite technically reporting to CTO Mike Schroepfer, and the insertion of a layer of management between them frayed their connection. 6 years after being acquired, Facebook started breaking its promises, Instagram felt less autonomous, and the founders exited.
The message again was that Facebook expected to be able to exploit its acquisitions regardless of their previous agreements.
Reduced Visibility For Oculus
Zuckerberg declared Oculus was the next great computing platform when Facebook acquired the virtual reality company in 2014. Adoption ended up slower than many expected, forcing Oculus to fund VR content creators since it’s still an unsustainable business. Oculus has likely been a major cash sink for Facebook it will have to hope pays off later.
But in the meantime the co-founders of Oculus have faded into the background. Brendan Iribe and Nate Mitchell have gone from leading the company to focusing on the nerdiest part of its growing product lineup as VPs running the PC VR and Rift hardware teams respectively. Former Xiaomi hardware leader Hugo Barra was brought in as VP of VR to oversee Oculus, and he reports to former Facebook VP of Ads Andrew “Boz” Bosworth — a long-time Zuckerberg confidant who TA’d one of his classes at Harvard who now runs all of Facebook’s hardware efforts.
Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe steps down, will now lead PC-based VR division within company
Oculus’ original visionary inventor Palmer Luckey left Facebook last year following a schism with the company over him funding anti-Hillary Clinton memes and “sh*tposters”. He was pressed to apologize, saying “I am deeply sorry that my actions are negatively impacting the perception of Oculus and its partners.”
Lesser-known co-founder Jack McCauley left Facebook just a year after the acquisition to start his own VR lab. Sadly, Oculus co-founder Andrew Reisse died in 2013 when he was struck by a vehicle in a police chase just two months after the acquisition was announced. The final co-founder Michael Antonov was the Chief Software Architect, but Facebook just confirmed to me he recently left the division to work on artificial intelligence infrastructure at Facebook.
Today for the first time, none of the Oculus co-founders appeared on stage at its annual Connect conference. Obviously the skills needed to scale and monetize a product are different from those needed to create. Still, going from running the company to being stuck in the audience doesn’t send a great signal about how Facebook treats acquired founders.
Course Correction
Facebook needs to take action if it wants to reassure prospective acquisitions that it can be a good home for their startups. I think Zuckerberg or Mosseri (likely to be named Instagram’s new leader) should issue a statement that they understand people’s fears about what will happen to Instagram and WhatsApp since they’re such important parts of users’ lives, and establishing core tenets of the product’s identity they don’t want to change. Again, 15-year-old Instagrammers and WhatsAppers probably won’t care, but potential acquisitions would.
So far, Facebook has only managed to further inflame the founders versus Facebook divide. Today former VP of Messenger and now head of Facebook’s blockchain team David Marcus wrote a scathing note criticizing Acton for his Forbes interview and claiming that Zuckerberg tried to protect WhatsApp’s autonomy. “Call me old fashioned. But I find attacking the people and company that made you a billionaire, and went to an unprecedented extent to shield and accommodate you for years, low-class. It’s actually a whole new standard of low-class” he wrote.
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.1'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
Posted by David Marcus on Wednesday, September 26, 2018
But this was a wasted opportunity for Facebook to discuss all the advantages it brings to its acquisitions. Marcus wrote “As far as I’m concerned, and as a former lifelong entrepreneur and founder, there’s no other large company I’d work at, and no other leader I’d work for”, and noted the opportunity for impact and the relatively long amount of time acquired founders have stayed in the past. Still, it would have been more productive to focus on why’s it’s where he wants to work, how founders actually get to touch the lives of billions, and how other acquirers like Twitter and Google frequently dissolve the companies they buy and often see their founders leave even sooner.
Acquisitions have protected Facebook from disruption. Now that strategy is in danger if it can’t change this narrative. Lots of zeros on a check might not be enough to convince the next great entrepreneur to sell Facebook their startup if they suspect they or their project will be steamrolled.
Via Josh Constine https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
roberttbertton · 6 years
This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge. The e-tron will hit Audi dealerships in the middle of 2019, and prospective buyers can reserve one right now for $1,000.
This is Audi’s first production electric vehicle and perhaps one of the most significant EVs to be announced since the Chevy Bolt. It has everything Audi buyers expect: Quattro AWD, technology-first cockpit, and a familiar fit and finish. The e-tron is launching to a market with few competitors. It’s most similar to the new Jaguar I-Pace. Both vehicles offer similar technology and creature comforts for a similar price. But in a way, the Audi is joining forces with the Jag to compete with Tesla .
The e-tron is packed with a 95 kWh battery pack that powers electric motors on each axle. All-wheel drive is standard, and the vehicle packs two ways to recoup lost energy. Right now, at launch, Audi is not releasing official range numbers and the EPA has yet to certify and release its own numbers.
Inside is reminiscent of current Audi SUVs. Drivers are presented with Audi’s virtual instrument panel and several touchscreens. The top center-mounted screen handles infotainment and navigation duty while the bottom is for climate control and text input. The cabin is equipped and outfitted similarly to the rest of Audi’s line, but the design language is unique to the e-tron.
It’s clear Audi designed the e-tron to appeal to traditional buyers looking to jump into electric vehicles through familiar means. The e-tron looks and feels like the rest of Audi’s lineup. And that’s probably the point. The vehicle maker took its established formula and plugged it into electric vehicles. The result is something new yet familiar.
The Audi e-tron
The outside of the e-tron screams Audi. Sharp headlights, flowing body panels, and an angular, aggressive grill. It looks like a new version of Audi’s mid-size SUV, the Q5. The main design difference comes by way of four small accent lights on the side of the headlights and tail lights. They are designed to look like a battery meter, and the result is a clever, though subtle nod to the e-tron’s electric power plant.
Clad in aluminum, the e-tron’s battery weighs about 700 kg (1,543.2 lb) and is comprised of 36 pouch-type cells, the same type of system Jaguar and Chevy use in their electric vehicles, while Tesla uses cylinder-type battery cells.
Audi says e-tron’s battery can be recharged to 80% in 30 minutes using a 150 kW charger.
The e-tron ships with a Level 2, 240-volt/40 amps residential charger that’s also compatible with 120-volt household outlets. Through a partnership, buyers will have the option to use Amazon Home Services to ready their homes with an installation of a home charger.
E-tron buyers gain access to the nationwide charging network, “Electrify America” and can use up to 1,000 kWh of charge over four years. Audi says by 2019 this network will include five-hundred 350kW chargers throughout 40 states.
An electric motor is mounted on each axle motor, though both are not used at all times. At moderate speeds, there is a bias to the rear motor. When the rear motor is unable to provide the vehicle with the desired powered, the front motor kicks on.
The dual motors and single stage transmission work together to get the e-tron to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. The tow rating is set at 4,000 lbs which is good enough for a small U-Haul trailer or a couple of jet skis. Audi says official horsepower and torque numbers will be released at a later time.
Like other electric vehicles, the e-tron recovers energy through braking and deceleration. But Audi took driving efficiency one step farther.
Using navigation and radar and camera data, the e-tron can predictively prompt the driver to release the gas pedal at appropriate times. If the vehicle knows the driver should slow down, it will tell the driver in the name of efficiency.
Power is returned to the battery from practically all braking situations whether through natural deceleration when the driver releases the accelerator or when the friction brake system is engaged. Audi says this system is responsible for up to 30 percent of the e-tron’s range.
The brakes are electric. When the driver presses the brake pedal, a control unit computes how much pressure needs to be applied, and an electric motor supplies the appropriate pressure. Audi says this system is 30% lighter than traditional vacuum brakes.
The amount of energy the e-tron can recover is selectable by the driver via a paddle on the steering wheel. There are three settings. In the highest setting, the e-tron aggressively recovers energy every time the driver releases the accelerator, which allows for one pedal driving. But in the lowest setting the e-tron coasts without any braking resistance.
Drivers are presented with few traditional switches and buttons. Most of the controls are contained on two touchscreens. The top, center-mounted screen is 10.1-inches while the bottom is an 8.6-inch screen that’s mounted in a way that the driver can access it while their hand is resting on the gear selector. Both screens provide tactile and audio feedback.
This dual screen setup is different from the single, massive screen found in Tesla’s electric vehicles. The top screen handles infotainment, navigation, telephone, and vehicle settings while the bottom is for climate control and entering text for navigation. This layout more closely matches the traditional placement found in other vehicles, which will likely reduce the learning curve often associated with getting in a vehicle with just touchscreens.
This dual touchscreen system is not unique to the e-tron. It’s the same equipment Audi employs in its high-end sedans, and will likely trickle down to other Audi models in coming generations.
The driver is presented with Audi’s digital instrument panel that the carmaker has been using for several vehicle generations. In this instance, the instrument cluster is presented on a 1,920×720 display with e-tron specific graphics. The driver can configure the screen to display the speedometer, power meter and infotainment screens in various fashions. Buyers can also opt for a heads up display.
Audi built a companion app for the e-tron. Through the smartphone app, owners can input navigation destination, set battery charging times and schedule service with local dealers.
Racing the Competition
The e-tron has few competitors but only one that matters: The Tesla Model X, long the lone option for buyers seeking an electric SUV. The Model X is slightly larger, a bit quicker and can be a lot more costly than the Audi e-tron. It also has less range than the unofficial numbers provided by Audi before the e-tron is certified by the EPA
The Tesla is a head turner while the Audi looks like just another Audi. The Tesla packs autonomous driving modes while the Audi only has adaptive cruise control. The Tesla can seat up to seven while the Audi seats five. And the Tesla can beat exotic sports cars to 60 miles per hour.
The Tesla Model X interior feels like something different while the Audi e-tron feels like a new take on something familiar.
Both vehicles start out at similar prices. The Tesla Model X starts at $72,100 with a range of 239 miles. The Audi e-tron begins at $74,800 with an unofficial range of over 300 miles. However, to get the extra range in the Tesla, buyers have to opt for pricier packages. A Model X with a 295-mile range starts at $88,600, and the sports-car fast P100D begins at $125,800 — Tesla’s self-driving features cost an additional $5,000.
In contrast, Audi offers the same powertrain and battery throughout the e-tron’s trim levels. For $81,700 buyers get the same range as the base model but gain additional creature comforts like a heads-up display, massaging seats and parking assist technology. For $86,700 buyers can opt for the First Edition package that includes larger, 21-inch wheels, limited paint, and interior trim and a night vision mode.
The Audi e-tron closely matches up with the Jaguar I-Pace. Jaguar recently announced its electric crossover and is nearing delivery of the first vehicles. Compared to the e-tron, the I-Pace has a similar range, speed, and slightly less interior space. Pricing for the I-Pace starts at $69,500.
The e-tron and I-Pace represent a new breed of electric vehicles even more so than a Tesla EV. Both of these vehicles come from corporations with massive manufacturing might and, while they look and feel futurist, they also look and feel mass produced. And that’s a good thing. If electric vehicles are to become mainstream, the automotive giants need to build them at the same level as traditional automobiles.
Coming Next Year
The Audi e-tron will hit the United States in the middle of 2019. Buyers can reserve the vehicle starting today with a $1,000 refundable deposit.
When the vehicle hits dealers, it will be Audi’s most expensive SUV and among the most expensive vehicles available from Audi. But compared to competitors, the e-tron is priced in the middle of the pack.
The e-tron will hit the market at a pivotal time for electric vehicles. Automakers are just starting to stake their claims in the marketplace. Chevy went downmarket with the affordable Bolt. Jaguar is hitting the crossover market with the $69,000 I-Pace. Tesla is the premium player in the field with the Model X. The Audi e-tron sits in a sweet spot between the Jag and the Tesla. The pricing is slightly more than the Jag but is well equipped to stand tall against the larger and more expensive Model X.
The e-tron’s success will likely come from consumer awareness. Car shoppers need to know Audi has a new electric vehicle, and Audi seems to understand this. Even before the car launched, the company started advertising the EV with a big-budget TV spot during the Emmys. Since the car doesn’t hit the market for nearly a year, Audi has plenty of time to get the word out. However, that also leaves plenty of time for new competitors to hit the market and for the landscape to shift.
Source TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2Oypq63
The Audi e-tron SUV is an electric shot at Tesla – BerTTon This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge.
0 notes
theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge. The e-tron will hit Audi dealerships in the middle of 2019, and prospective buyers can reserve one right now for $1,000.
This is Audi’s first production electric vehicle and perhaps one of the most significant EVs to be announced since the Chevy Bolt. It has everything Audi buyers expect: Quattro AWD, technology-first cockpit, and a familiar fit and finish. The e-tron is launching to a market with few competitors. It’s most similar to the new Jaguar I-Pace. Both vehicles offer similar technology and creature comforts for a similar price. But in a way, the Audi is joining forces with the Jag to compete with Tesla .
The e-tron is packed with a 95 kWh battery pack that powers electric motors on each axle. All-wheel drive is standard, and the vehicle packs two ways to recoup lost energy. Right now, at launch, Audi is not releasing official range numbers and the EPA has yet to certify and release its own numbers.
Inside is reminiscent of current Audi SUVs. Drivers are presented with Audi’s virtual instrument panel and several touchscreens. The top center-mounted screen handles infotainment and navigation duty while the bottom is for climate control and text input. The cabin is equipped and outfitted similarly to the rest of Audi’s line, but the design language is unique to the e-tron.
It’s clear Audi designed the e-tron to appeal to traditional buyers looking to jump into electric vehicles through familiar means. The e-tron looks and feels like the rest of Audi’s lineup. And that’s probably the point. The vehicle maker took its established formula and plugged it into electric vehicles. The result is something new yet familiar.
[gallery ids="1714457,1714456,1714455,1714454,1714453,1714452,1714451,1714450,1714449"]
The Audi e-tron
The outside of the e-tron screams Audi. Sharp headlights, flowing body panels, and an angular, aggressive grill. It looks like a new version of Audi’s mid-size SUV, the Q5. The main design difference comes by way of four small accent lights on the side of the headlights and tail lights. They are designed to look like a battery meter, and the result is a clever, though subtle nod to the e-tron’s electric power plant.
Clad in aluminum, the e-tron’s battery weighs about 700 kg (1,543.2 lb) and is comprised of 36 pouch-type cells, the same type of system Jaguar and Chevy use in their electric vehicles, while Tesla uses cylinder-type battery cells.
Audi says e-tron’s battery can be recharged to 80% in 30 minutes using a 150 kW charger.
The e-tron ships with a Level 2, 240-volt/40 amps residential charger that’s also compatible with 120-volt household outlets. Through a partnership, buyers will have the option to use Amazon Home Services to ready their homes with an installation of a home charger.
E-tron buyers gain access to the nationwide charging network, “Electrify America” and can use up to 1,000 kWh of power over four years. Audi says by 2019 this network will include five-hundred 350kW chargers throughout 40 states.
An electric motor is mounted on each axle motor, though both are not used at all times. At moderate speeds, there is a bias to the rear motor. When the rear motor is unable to provide the vehicle with the desired powered, the front motor kicks on.
The dual motors and single stage transmission work together to get the e-tron to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. The tow rating is set at 4,000 lbs which is good enough for a small U-Haul trailer or a couple of jet skis. Audi says official horsepower and torque numbers will be released at a later time.
Like other electric vehicles, the e-tron recovers energy through braking and deceleration. But Audi took driving efficiency one step farther.
Using navigation and radar and camera data, the e-tron can predictively prompt the driver to release the gas pedal at appropriate times. If the vehicle knows the driver should slow down, it will tell the driver in the name of efficiency.
Power is returned to the battery from practically all braking situations whether through natural deceleration when the driver releases the accelerator or when the friction brake system is engaged. Audi says this system is responsible for up to 30 percent of the e-tron’s range.
The brakes are electric. When the driver presses the brake pedal, a control unit computes how much pressure needs to be applied, and an electric motor supplies the appropriate pressure. Audi says this system is 30% lighter than traditional vacuum brakes.
The amount of energy the e-tron can recover is selectable by the driver via a paddle on the steering wheel. There are three settings. In the highest setting, the e-tron aggressively recovers energy every time the driver releases the accelerator, which allows for one pedal driving. But in the lowest setting the e-tron coasts without any braking resistance.
Drivers are presented with few traditional switches and buttons. Most of the controls are contained on two touchscreens. The top, center-mounted screen is 10.1-inches while the bottom is an 8.6-inch screen that’s mounted in a way that the driver can access it while their hand is resting on the gear selector. Both screens provide tactile and audio feedback.
This dual screen setup is different from the single, massive screen found in Tesla’s electric vehicles. The top screen handles infotainment, navigation, telephone, and vehicle settings while the bottom is for climate control and entering text for navigation. This layout more closely matches the traditional placement found in other vehicles, which will likely reduce the learning curve often associated with getting in a vehicle with just touchscreens.
This dual touchscreen system is not unique to the e-tron. It’s the same equipment Audi employs in its high-end sedans, and will likely trickle down to other Audi models in coming generations.
The driver is presented with Audi’s digital instrument panel that the carmaker has been using for several vehicle generations. In this instance, the instrument cluster is presented on a 1,920×720 display with e-tron specific graphics. The driver can configure the screen to display the speedometer, power meter and infotainment screens in various fashions. Buyers can also opt for a heads up display.
Audi built a companion app for the e-tron. Through the smartphone app, owners can input navigation destination, set battery charging times and schedule service with local dealers.
[gallery ids="1714650,1714651,1714652,1714653,1714654,1714658,1714659,1714655"]
Racing the Competition
The e-tron has few competitors but only one that matters: The Tesla Model X, long the lone option for buyers seeking an electric SUV. The Model X is slightly larger, a bit quicker and can be a lot more costly than the Audi e-tron. It also has less range than the unofficial numbers provided by Audi before the e-tron is certified by the EPA
The Tesla is a head turner while the Audi looks like just another Audi. The Tesla packs autonomous driving modes while the Audi only has adaptive cruise control. The Tesla can seat up to seven while the Audi seats five. And the Tesla can beat exotic sports cars to 60 miles per hour.
The Tesla Model X interior feels like something different while the Audi e-tron feels like a new take on something familiar.
Both vehicles start out at similar prices. The Tesla Model X starts at $72,100 with a range of 239 miles. The Audi e-tron begins at $74,800 with an unofficial range of over 300 miles. However, to get the extra range in the Tesla, buyers have to opt for pricier packages. A Model X with a 295-mile range starts at $88,600, and the sports-car fast P100D begins at $125,800 — Tesla’s self-driving features cost an additional $5,000.
In contrast, Audi offers the same powertrain and battery throughout the e-tron’s trim levels. For $81,700 buyers get the same range as the base model but gain additional creature comforts like a heads-up display, massaging seats and parking assist technology. For $86,700 buyers can opt for the First Edition package that includes larger, 21-inch wheels, limited paint, and interior trim and a night vision mode.
The Audi e-tron closely matches up with the Jaguar I-Pace. Jaguar recently announced its electric crossover and is nearing delivery of the first vehicles. Compared to the e-tron, the I-Pace has a similar range, speed, and slightly less interior space. Pricing for the I-Pace starts at $69,500.
The e-tron and I-Pace represent a new breed of electric vehicles even more so than a Tesla EV. Both of these vehicles come from corporations with massive manufacturing might and, while they look and feel futurist, they also look and feel mass produced. And that’s a good thing. If electric vehicles are to become mainstream, the automotive giants need to build them at the same level as traditional automobiles.
Coming Next Year
The Audi e-tron will hit the United States in the middle of 2019. Buyers can reserve the vehicle starting today with a $1,000 refundable deposit.
When the vehicle hits dealers, it will be Audi’s most expensive SUV and among the most expensive vehicles available from Audi. But compared to competitors, the e-tron is priced in the middle of the pack.
The e-tron will hit the market at a pivotal time for electric vehicles. Automakers are just starting to stake their claims in the marketplace. Chevy went downmarket with the affordable Bolt. Jaguar is hitting the crossover market with the $69,000 I-Pace. Tesla is the premium player in the field with the Model X. The Audi e-tron sits in a sweet spot between the Jag and the Tesla. The pricing is slightly more than the Jag but is well equipped to stand tall against the larger and more expensive Model X.
The e-tron’s success will likely come from consumer awareness. Car shoppers need to know Audi has a new electric vehicle, and Audi seems to understand this. Even before the car launched, the company started advertising the EV with a big-budget TV spot during the Emmys. Since the car doesn’t hit the market for nearly a year, Audi has plenty of time to get the word out. However, that also leaves plenty of time for new competitors to hit the market and for the landscape to shift.
via TechCrunch
0 notes
deepfinds-blog · 6 years
This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge. The e-tron will hit Audi dealerships in the middle of 2019, and prospective buyers can reserve one right now for $1,000.
This is Audi’s first production electric vehicle and perhaps one of the most significant EVs to be announced since the Chevy Bolt. It has everything Audi buyers expect: Quattro AWD, technology-first cockpit, and a familiar fit and finish. The e-tron is launching to a market with few competitors. It’s most similar to the new Jaguar I-Pace. Both vehicles offer similar technology and creature comforts for a similar price. But in a way, the Audi is joining forces with the Jag to compete with Tesla .
The e-tron is packed with a 95 kWh battery pack that powers electric motors on each axle. All-wheel drive is standard, and the vehicle packs two ways to recoup lost energy. Right now, at launch, Audi is not releasing official range numbers and the EPA has yet to certify and release its own numbers.
Inside is reminiscent of current Audi SUVs. Drivers are presented with Audi’s virtual instrument panel and several touchscreens. The top center-mounted screen handles infotainment and navigation duty while the bottom is for climate control and text input. The cabin is equipped and outfitted similarly to the rest of Audi’s line, but the design language is unique to the e-tron.
It’s clear Audi designed the e-tron to appeal to traditional buyers looking to jump into electric vehicles through familiar means. The e-tron looks and feels like the rest of Audi’s lineup. And that’s probably the point. The vehicle maker took its established formula and plugged it into electric vehicles. The result is something new yet familiar.
The Audi e-tron
The outside of the e-tron screams Audi. Sharp headlights, flowing body panels, and an angular, aggressive grill. It looks like a new version of Audi’s mid-size SUV, the Q5. The main design difference comes by way of four small accent lights on the side of the headlights and tail lights. They are designed to look like a battery meter, and the result is a clever, though subtle nod to the e-tron’s electric power plant.
Clad in aluminum, the e-tron’s battery weighs about 700 kg (1,543.2 lb) and is comprised of 36 pouch-type cells, the same type of system Jaguar and Chevy use in their electric vehicles, while Tesla uses cylinder-type battery cells.
Audi says e-tron’s battery can be recharged to 80% in 30 minutes using a 150 kW charger.
The e-tron ships with a Level 2, 240-volt/40 amps residential charger that’s also compatible with 120-volt household outlets. Through a partnership, buyers will have the option to use Amazon Home Services to ready their homes with an installation of a home charger.
E-tron buyers gain access to the nationwide charging network, “Electrify America” and can use up to 1,000 kWh of power over four years. Audi says by 2019 this network will include five-hundred 350kW chargers throughout 40 states.
An electric motor is mounted on each axle motor, though both are not used at all times. At moderate speeds, there is a bias to the rear motor. When the rear motor is unable to provide the vehicle with the desired powered, the front motor kicks on.
The dual motors and single stage transmission work together to get the e-tron to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. The tow rating is set at 4,000 lbs which is good enough for a small U-Haul trailer or a couple of jet skis. Audi says official horsepower and torque numbers will be released at a later time.
Like other electric vehicles, the e-tron recovers energy through braking and deceleration. But Audi took driving efficiency one step farther.
Using navigation and radar and camera data, the e-tron can predictively prompt the driver to release the gas pedal at appropriate times. If the vehicle knows the driver should slow down, it will tell the driver in the name of efficiency.
Power is returned to the battery from practically all braking situations whether through natural deceleration when the driver releases the accelerator or when the friction brake system is engaged. Audi says this system is responsible for up to 30 percent of the e-tron’s range.
The brakes are electric. When the driver presses the brake pedal, a control unit computes how much pressure needs to be applied, and an electric motor supplies the appropriate pressure. Audi says this system is 30% lighter than traditional vacuum brakes.
The amount of energy the e-tron can recover is selectable by the driver via a paddle on the steering wheel. There are three settings. In the highest setting, the e-tron aggressively recovers energy every time the driver releases the accelerator, which allows for one pedal driving. But in the lowest setting the e-tron coasts without any braking resistance.
Drivers are presented with few traditional switches and buttons. Most of the controls are contained on two touchscreens. The top, center-mounted screen is 10.1-inches while the bottom is an 8.6-inch screen that’s mounted in a way that the driver can access it while their hand is resting on the gear selector. Both screens provide tactile and audio feedback.
This dual screen setup is different from the single, massive screen found in Tesla’s electric vehicles. The top screen handles infotainment, navigation, telephone, and vehicle settings while the bottom is for climate control and entering text for navigation. This layout more closely matches the traditional placement found in other vehicles, which will likely reduce the learning curve often associated with getting in a vehicle with just touchscreens.
This dual touchscreen system is not unique to the e-tron. It’s the same equipment Audi employs in its high-end sedans, and will likely trickle down to other Audi models in coming generations.
The driver is presented with Audi’s digital instrument panel that the carmaker has been using for several vehicle generations. In this instance, the instrument cluster is presented on a 1,920×720 display with e-tron specific graphics. The driver can configure the screen to display the speedometer, power meter and infotainment screens in various fashions. Buyers can also opt for a heads up display.
Audi built a companion app for the e-tron. Through the smartphone app, owners can input navigation destination, set battery charging times and schedule service with local dealers.
Racing the Competition
The e-tron has few competitors but only one that matters: The Tesla Model X, long the lone option for buyers seeking an electric SUV. The Model X is slightly larger, a bit quicker and can be a lot more costly than the Audi e-tron. It also has less range than the unofficial numbers provided by Audi before the e-tron is certified by the EPA
The Tesla is a head turner while the Audi looks like just another Audi. The Tesla packs autonomous driving modes while the Audi only has adaptive cruise control. The Tesla can seat up to seven while the Audi seats five. And the Tesla can beat exotic sports cars to 60 miles per hour.
The Tesla Model X interior feels like something different while the Audi e-tron feels like a new take on something familiar.
Both vehicles start out at similar prices. The Tesla Model X starts at $72,100 with a range of 239 miles. The Audi e-tron begins at $74,800 with an unofficial range of over 300 miles. However, to get the extra range in the Tesla, buyers have to opt for pricier packages. A Model X with a 295-mile range starts at $88,600, and the sports-car fast P100D begins at $125,800 — Tesla’s self-driving features cost an additional $5,000.
In contrast, Audi offers the same powertrain and battery throughout the e-tron’s trim levels. For $81,700 buyers get the same range as the base model but gain additional creature comforts like a heads-up display, massaging seats and parking assist technology. For $86,700 buyers can opt for the First Edition package that includes larger, 21-inch wheels, limited paint, and interior trim and a night vision mode.
The Audi e-tron closely matches up with the Jaguar I-Pace. Jaguar recently announced its electric crossover and is nearing delivery of the first vehicles. Compared to the e-tron, the I-Pace has a similar range, speed, and slightly less interior space. Pricing for the I-Pace starts at $69,500.
The e-tron and I-Pace represent a new breed of electric vehicles even more so than a Tesla EV. Both of these vehicles come from corporations with massive manufacturing might and, while they look and feel futurist, they also look and feel mass produced. And that’s a good thing. If electric vehicles are to become mainstream, the automotive giants need to build them at the same level as traditional automobiles.
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Coming Next Year
The Audi e-tron will hit the United States in the middle of 2019. Buyers can reserve the vehicle starting today with a $1,000 refundable deposit.
When the vehicle hits dealers, it will be Audi’s most expensive SUV and among the most expensive vehicles available from Audi. But compared to competitors, the e-tron is priced in the middle of the pack.
The e-tron will hit the market at a pivotal time for electric vehicles. Automakers are just starting to stake their claims in the marketplace. Chevy went downmarket with the affordable Bolt. Jaguar is hitting the crossover market with the $69,000 I-Pace. Tesla is the premium player in the field with the Model X. The Audi e-tron sits in a sweet spot between the Jag and the Tesla. The pricing is slightly more than the Jag but is well equipped to stand tall against the larger and more expensive Model X.
The e-tron’s success will likely come from consumer awareness. Car shoppers need to know Audi has a new electric vehicle, and Audi seems to understand this. Even before the car launched, the company started advertising the EV with a big-budget TV spot during the Emmys. Since the car doesn’t hit the market for nearly a year, Audi has plenty of time to get the word out. However, that also leaves plenty of time for new competitors to hit the market and for the landscape to shift.
The Audi e-tron SUV is an electric shot at Tesla This is the Audi e-tron. The electric SUV seats five, starts at $74,800 and in official Audi testing, experienced a range of well over 300 miles on a charge.
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