#viral reels effect
kinemaster-editing · 1 year
Reels new trend video tutorial
Instagram viral new trend video tutorial
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emmabeme · 5 months
Photo dump reel #CapCut photo effects #photoeffects #photoreels #photoedits #fotoaesthetic #photoeffect #capcut_edit #capcuttemplate #capcuteditor #explorepage #explorer #reels #cccreator #following
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madschiavelique · 1 year
you know those perfumes that are supposed to be based on “pheromones” or whatever that are supposed to make you more attractive?
imagine that… with Miguel… who already has extra sensitive smell… I’m just— 😳
OMG anon i TOTALLY see what u referenced right here. the man will be on his knees
summary ➤ you got one of these pheromones perfumes that went viral and Miguel notices it pairing ➤ miguel x gender neutral reader
content warnings ➤ none in particular, just miggy sniffing u word count ➤ 841
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You had seen some reels on instagram or some tik toks where lots of people, especially women, were trying on these perfumes with pheromones, and you'd managed to get hold of one of these famous things out of sheer curiosity. You examined it a little, wondering what effect it might give, then decided why not give it a try? After all, that's what it was created for. So you applied it to basic heat points, focusing on your wrists, the inside of your elbows and, of course, your neck. Determining for yourself whether it worked was impossible, you needed someone else to try this, so you simply wandered around the society as you would do on the basis, a few glances turning towards you as you strolled to Miguel's office. You entered the office as if nothing had happened, making your way to the platform where Miguel was silhouetted in his usual busy-man way. Most of the spiders in society had a keen sense of smell, as did you, but this scent was designed to attract the noses of a targeted audience, so you wondered how he would react. "Hi gorgeous," you smiled, the platform slightly raised just three meters above you as you walked towards it. He did not even turn around, his eyes deeply anchored on his holopad and mind burried in work, mumbling all the same as you came within a few steps of the platform, stopping in your tracks: "Hey cariño,” he sighed, sliding something from one holopad to the other, “how are-" But he immediately stops his sentence, and you can hear him inhaling a sharp but short breath. You smile, he noticed really quickly. He pivoted slightly on the side, showing you his profile, eyebrows furrowed, sniffing again a little more slowly, his chest swells as his lungs fill with the slightest ounce of it. His head turns to yours on the spot, his eyes immediately landing on yours. "What's that?" Touché. He'd taken the bait, and hard. He turned fully towards you, beginning the descent from the platform. "What's what?" you asked, concealing your excitement incredibly well, as if the questioning made you genuinely confused as you pulled every string of your web to perfection for your little prey to get stuck. He didn't even wait until the platform was completely ashore before stepping off, pressing the pace towards you. "That," he repeated, his eyebrows furrowing as each step closer to you made him smell that inebriating scent. "What do you mean 'that'?" you say, a little laugh that's half confused and half amused taking hold of you. "You changed something," he said, fluttering his eyes as he finally reached your height and the smell became more and more powerful.
Once he was close enough to you, he closed his eyes, taking another deep breath as he opened them again the next second. Is it you, or has his pupil dilated? He took hold of your wrist, bringing it close to his lips and smelling the perfume on it, pressing his nose against your skin until it wrinkled and closing his eyes tightly just to be poisoned by the smell that seemed so exceptional. He opened his eyelids again, a slight tinge of red beginning to take hold of his irises. He gave you a look of new interest, lips parted as his eyes locked on yours. "Did you... buy a new lotion?" You let out a little breath of laugh from your nose, pretending not to understand a single thing he was saying. Most of the spiders in society had a keen sense of smell, as did you, but this scent was designed to attract the noses of a targeted audience, so you wondered how he would react.
"'No? What's the matter?" you ask as he listens intently, "What's changed?"
He stepped closer, his body towering over you as he tilted his head, bringing you face to face with him. Yeah, his pupils were truly dilated.
"There's something new, you..." he seemed to consider his words for a moment as he inhaled, moistening his lips, "smell different."
He came to smell your cheek, the skin of his nose brushing against yours and sending little shivers down your spine.
"Really?" you asked, smiling softly. You weren't regretting this discovery at all, and Miguel seemed to be of the same opinion. "How so?"
His eyelashes placed butterfly kisses on your cheek as he moved down a little further into the crook of your neck, the sensation of his breath spreading over your warm, scented skin sending little tingles up the back of your skull.
"It's..." he breathed, coming to place his hand previously on your wrist at the small of your back and pulling you towards him to get closer, "intoxicating."
You felt the warmth of his lips kiss tenderly down your neck, the distinct sensation of his canines tracing the warm skin of it as he let out a sigh.
"Lyla," he grunted against your skin, "Lock the door please."
Definitely a good investment.
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yvetteheiser · 3 months
Yvette Heiser -How to go viral with your photography? 
Social media is booming and reaching its highest peak these days. These indispensable tools provide various opportunities for marketing, promotions, showcasing talents, etc. With millions of images and videos uploaded daily across various platforms, standing out from this digital noise can be an extremely daunting task. But since it is not an impossible thing to do. With the right strategies and approach, photographers can increase their chances of going viral and achieving widespread recognition for their artistry.
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Where to start?
Social media platforms offer photographers a global stage to exhibit their work and engage with a diverse audience. With platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube boasting billions of active users, entering into these networks can significantly amplify your reach and visibility.
1. Choose the Right Platform
Selecting the appropriate platform to showcase your photography is crucial. While Instagram is renowned for its visual-centric nature and massive user base, other platforms like Pinterest and TikTok cater to different demographics and content formats. Take a minute and look at Yvette Heiser - 4 Best Experts Tips in Photography, which willprovide expert advice to get started with photography. Understanding your target audience and the unique features of each platform will help you tailor your content effectively.
2. Invest in Video Content
While photography remains the primary medium for visual storytelling, incorporating video content into your social media strategy can enhance engagement and virality. Platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube offer opportunities to create short, captivating videos that showcase your creative process, behind-the-scenes footage, or tutorials. By leveraging the dynamic nature of video, photographers can capture the attention of viewers and increase their chances of going viral.
3. Cultivate Authenticity
Share personal stories, insights into your creative journey, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your photography process. By showcasing the person behind the lens, you humanize your brand and invite viewers to connect on a deeper level. Authenticity resonates with audiences and increases the likelihood of your content being shared virally. Watch Yvette Heiser Texas – New dynamics of capturing photographs to get an idea of utilizing new angles and perspectives in photography.
4. Utilize the Power of Hashtags
Hashtags are crucial in enhancing the discoverability and reach of your photography content on social media platforms. Research and utilize relevant hashtags that align with your niche, style, and target audience. Experiment with trending hashtags, location-based tags, and branded hashtags to expand your reach and attract a broader audience. Effective hashtag usage can significantly boost the visibility and virality of your posts.
5. Foster Engagement and Consistency
Post high-quality content that aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience regularly. Respond to comments, engage with other users' content, and participate in relevant communities and discussions. By fostering meaningful connections and engaging with your audience, you create a supportive community that organically shares and promotes your content.
Bottom line 
While the path to viral success may be challenging, the rewards of widespread recognition and acclaim for your artistry make the journey worthwhile. With dedication, innovation, and a dash of creativity, photographers can elevate their work to viral status and make a lasting impact in the digital era.  
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Philip pretends not to know what social media is but he actually has a bunch of accounts.
Willow starts running a fan account of Luz and Luz flips out.
Eda actually films a lot of blooper reels.
Lilith may also be executive producer or something?
Raine actually plays the cello IRL and had to learn the violin.
Odalia is really good at dancing.
Luz has a pet frog.
Right around the time they're filming "Hollow Mind," Luz takes a video of Hunter "trying to teach" Phillip how to use social media, and cuts to her catching him on camera using all of his alt accounts to like Hunter's posts, and he just looks up at her and in full Belos voice says "If you show anyone that, I'll kill you." and the video abruptly ends. The video goes viral, and the next video Luz posts is Phillip stabbing her with the retractable stage knife for the Caleb fight while she oversells her "death"
Willow's fan account is like. Half Lumity edits, half blurry cryptid shots of Luz with a slice of pizza hanging out of her mouth.
Eda's phone has been banned from set. The special effects ppl had to keep editing it into a penstagram scroll when it accidentally got in a shot.
Lilith stands in the script writer's room and says "she would not fucking say that" if they try to write something that is ooc
"You don't have to learn the viola, you can just pretend. We'll edit the sound in." "No, I will learn to play the viola."
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grimrester · 2 years
Sara's Big Review of Found Footage Horror Films You've Probably Never Seen
Tired of googling "found footage movies" and being told to watch Blair Witch or V/H/S again? Already watched all the highly recommended “obscure” films? Me too! I have trundled through the depths of Tubi and The Found Footage Critic to find some stuff that you've probably never heard of before. Now you too can reap the benefits of my obsession with this curated list of hidden gems!
The list is in no particular order, but there will be a secondary list of "honorable mentions" at the end, for movies that I feel don't quite fit the genre or I can only half-recommend. 
Accessibility note: Tubi is great about including closed captions/subtitles, so most of these have full subs. I’ll make a note of any entries that have no or limited subs.
Death of a Vlogger
A vlogger accidentally captures paranormal activity on film and goes viral. He teams up with a popular (and possibly fraudulent) ghost hunter to ride the wave of his recent fame. This one is set up mockumentary style rather than solely found footage.
A lot of found footage is more about scares than story, but this is one of the few films I watched with a genuinely compelling story arc. Without spoiling too much, I had some real trouble guessing the ending of this one. It's a fun ride and there's some good scares. There's also some novel camera shots, like a "360" video that's been edited for a flat viewing experience.
trailer | available for free on Tubi
Two skeptics meet up with a single mom and her daughter to investigate the supposed hauntings they’ve been experiencing in their home. Imagine if Paranormal Activity was filmed by someone actively trying disprove the ghost instead of just catching it in action.
I’ll admit this one feels almost directly targeted at me, as a diehard skeptic. It’s a fun perspective to approach the story from and while a few other movies I watched did this, this one felt the best executed. Not terribly scary but pretty believable, which is my favorite trait in found footage!
Accessibility note: no subtitles, only auto-cc.
trailer | available for free on YouTube
(Bonus: if you like this concept but prefer aliens to ghosts, check out Case 347. It was pretty good but didn’t personally appeal to me.)
Hollows Grove
Did you like Grave Encounters? Great news! This one has a similar premise - fake as hell ghost hunters show up to film their show and get a real haunting instead.
I won’t pretend this one is offering anything more than a carnival ride of scares. But they’re pretty competent scares, and at points the acting is genuinely impressive.
trailer | available for free on Tubi
Catskill Park
What if Blair Witch was about aliens and had the budget and special effects of a Sy-Fy Channel Original Movie? That’s Catskill Park.
The actors are all giving off “small time actor doing their absolute best for their highlight reel” vibes, which I actually found kind of charming. And there’s a couple of scenes that genuinely impressed me with how they were shot and the energy the actors brought. I didn’t necessarily find it scary, but it was definitely interesting.
trailer | available for free on Tubi
The Andy Baker Tapes
A high-strung, quick to anger YouTuber meets his eerie, awkward half-brother for the first time. They promptly go on a road trip together.
This is the only psychological thriller I watched that was actually executed well. The tension in this one is absolutely on par with more popular found footage thrillers like Creep. I think if I had to give someone just one recommendation from this list, it’d probably be this one.
trailer | available for free on Tubi
The Unknown Visitor
This is one of the few I watched a trailer for before watching, and I was pretty sure it would probably make this list based on the premise alone.
This one’s a pretty good little ghost story... told entirely through a stationary doorbell cam. This is arguably a movie that shouldn’t work without some pretty smart finessing, but it’s honestly pretty effective! It’s also the shortest watch on the list, so it’s great if you’re looking for just a quick spooky movie.
trailer | available for free on Tubi
Honorable Mentions
Bed Eater: The Movie
I don't know what the fuck this was. It isn't horror, that's for sure. But it sure as fuck was weird.
Bed Eater is a "successful" "blogger" (and also a real Instagram account which exists) who posts pictures of herself eating in bed. Daniel is a film student who is enamored with her work and wants to film the process of making her final post.
If that sounds like some dumb shit, that's because it is. As a former art school kid, I innately understood every single character in this.
I could not find a trailer for this movie when I googled it. What I found instead was the entire film.
Accessibility note: no subtitles.
watch the whole thing on Vimeo
An up-and-coming video streaming site gets an anonymous submission and react as though they've never seen a screamer video before. After uploading it, it goes viral, and they become determined to track down the submitter to pay them to make more videos.
Okay, look. I'm not going to lie, this one is silly, a little dull in the middle, and ALL of the scares are literally just screamers. But the fake-website-talk and random hacking scene are REALLY funny. The actors really put on their best "Sillicon Valley weirdos" impressions.
trailer  (WARNING THE TRAILER STARTS WITH A SCREAMER) | available for free on Tubi
The Last Broadcast
Did you really enjoy Lake Mungo? Replace that movie’s troubled teen with a cast of local celebrities and the themes of loss and family with the theme of levels of deception in media and you’d get The Last Broadcast. They have very similar vibes and structures. It really kept me hooked the whole way through.
This one hurts me to put on the honorable mentions, because I genuinely enjoyed most of it. However, the ending makes such a baffling and abrupt tonal/editing shift that I can’t really recommend it without including that as a caveat. 
trailer | available for free on Tubi
Three dudes drive up to a cabin in the middle of the woods to film an experiment where they stay awake for 7 days.
For a movie without a lot of actual scares, this one sure had me on edge! The three stars do a pretty believable job of playing off each other. Once the deprivation sets in, it’s hard to tell who might snap and what’s real or not.
It’s in the honorable mentions for the same reason as the last entry. Why do these otherwise competent filmmakers not know how to end a movie???
trailer | available for free on Tubi
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7851893099 · 8 months
Best waterproofing service and solutions in Udaipur City.
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Future Infra Build - Udaipur Rajasthan 313001. We are specialists in all types of waterproofing services that, will help in waterproofing your home or business space effectively. To get the best quote from us kindly contact Call : +91 785-189-3099 #BestWaterproofing #bestwaterproofing #bestwaterproofingcompany #bestwaterproofingsolution #bestwaterproofingservices #bestwaterproofingsystem #bestwaterproofingchemicalbrandinindia #waterproofing #waterproofingexperts #waterproofingcoating #waterproofingservices #waterproofingsolutions #architect #architect #architecture #architecture #udaipur #udaipurcity #udaipurblog #udaipurupdates #contractor #contractors #viral #viralpost #everyone #EveryoneFollow #reels #viralpost
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scribblesbyavi · 2 years
I think long ass posts don’t work well now a days. I’m not blaming Tumblr but it’s the story of every social media site these days. I only have like one or two long ass posts here though. No wonder social media has turned us in to people who don’t have the patience to sit through a complete book or a complete film even. May be that’s why many new writers have stopped putting their effort on the setting up of the story plot and development of the character arcs. We only want the best second half. We want the best action scenes, the best reveal, the best climax and happy endings. Yeah, and that’s everywhere. “Pun intended.” However, we should understand the fact that a good piece of content is whole and not two halves. But social media is turning us in to people who wants content that will hit our brain for instant pleasure and then to go away. Because after that we want something else to hit us next.
May be we need to stop feeding ourselves on what the mainstream media and the hype tells us. May be we are better left alone to our own decision making of the whats and the whys. May be only then we can become thinkers and creators. May be only then we will be able to become good audiences and contribute the way we should always have. May be only then we will also be able to become good observers, someone who can see the tiny details in a frame and the nuances of a character or a scene, and that applies even to our day to day lives, our work etc.
we are a generation that feeds on instant gratification.
We are becoming a generation who wants instant noodles, instant results and instant love. But we very well know the fact that even noodles take time to cook and it’s not actually instant like they advertise.
We want a reel to swipe every 10 second, 30s cuts of songs just so that it can fit the social media attention span and go viral. May be that’s where the future is going. 1 minute down to 30s and now down to 10s and what’s next? 1s snaps? But what can you say? Art is art. But is that somehow affecting us, may be in a small way now but leaving adverse effects for the long term? Don’t we sometimes want to dive deep in to the content we love rather than just making us go wow for a second and making us feel bored again. Don’t we want to consume something that makes us think and leaves a mark on us and actually help us build ourselves and a stronger foundation around us?
Some of us are still the kind of people who will go back to those long music sessions. Damn, I just love the long music sessions and qawwalis of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. They go for like 25 minutes, even Sabri Brothers. I always feel that rather than making remixes of the classic songs we should revive them by letting the good singers sing them as covers or like on Coke Studio. Oh! It’s the best thing to have happened. Singers like Ali Sethi, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Atif Aslam and Ali Zafar, they being legend themselves are making covers of the evergreen songs created and performed by the maestros who are no longer with us.
So there are some of us who may not have all the time in the world but we will definitely complete a good book and a good academy winning film or even an indie film for that matter. We just don’t care about the critics or the general audience reactions. We know people who knows people who can recommend us the good books and the good movies to watch. And that’s the purpose of a community, isn’t it? To be able to share experiences that we enjoyed with the people of our own community. And I believe the next revolution in the content world will be brought by these people who don’t care about the social norms and will do anything to bring the best forms of content to the masses, may it be educational or for entertainment purposes. Content will stand truly for the strength of the content and not marketing or vfx alone.
So the hell with going viral and likes and follower numbers, I’ll just continue dropping long ass posts from time to time. May be the content we are creating right now will actually find their right audience only after few months and years. And may be that’s a good thing too. Because these long ass posts actually start the important and the long ass discussions and helps me build a better relationship with few of my readers and actually learn from them too. I mean, we are all here to learn from each other and only then this can be a healthy and growing community. And may be that’s what I crave for too.
To be able to connect. ✨
Initially I thought this post will be about my thoughts on why long ass posts have less readers, but then I kept on writing because things just kept coming and this itself became a long ass post about long ass posts. Inception, you see.
Hope you enjoyed the long ass post (rant) !!!
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Shake It, Baby
It seems like I spend most of my time picking apart marketing flops and failures. It is important to do so, because there are object lessons to be found amid those faux pas, cautionary tales for any aspiring marketer to remember and never repeat.
But there is also wisdom in studying successes. Sure, sometimes it may appear to be all too obvious why something becomes insanely popular, because it really all boils down to marketers meeting consumer needs, and doing it in such a way that maximizes value, and is available when and where consumers are most likely to want it.
And then there are those times when the marketing is more subtle, yet you realize there is a method to the madness, that maybe they just intended things to turn out this way, even if large portions of the plot were unscripted.
Like the summer promo McDonald’s has been running with its Grimace Shake. Grimace, for those of you who weren’t around in 1971, is one of several characters the chain created to help tell—and sell—the McDonald’s story. This is another way of saying they made it all very kid-friendly, and parents have been taking their kids there just to get them to shut up. What is Grimace anyway? He was the shake-stealing anthropomorphized taste bud. Really.
Oh, and if you have any of the old Happy Meal toys from then, they are worth a ton of money these days.
So last month on the 12th, McDonald’s released the Grimace Shake, and it has become an internet sensation, taking on a new life of its own. Gen-Zers in particular have taken to the purple shake, and created an endless stream of reels, which they post to TikTok. All the while, McDonald’s is reaping zillions of dollars in free marketing.
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To be fair, there was and still is some risk in a strategy like this. After all, it could have completely backfired and spawned hate, or nothing at all. But in this case, McDonald’s effectively had a Pride Month campaign without actually having one—because people made the connection themselves—as well as parody clips that show people faking their deaths after drinking the gooey concoction.
And yeah, that part is risky business, but the reels have not been taken literally. I can’t think of any companies who would want their product associated with death. But when you unleash anything these days, you implicitly accept that the jury of public opinion—in this case, TikTokers—will do what they want with it. In this case, it worked like a charm, because what could possibly be bad about a milk shake named after a legendary character?
To their credit, McDonald’s is playing along and milking it—pun intended—to the hilt. It cleverly dodges questions about the flavor, slyly inviting people to try it themselves. Oh, and you can’t just walk in and order this shake. It comes as part of a meal deal featuring your choice of a Big Mac or 10-piece Chicken McNuggets, medium fries, and medium shake. It clocks in at about 1500 calories.
Can anyone say food coma?
McDonald’s is no stranger to short-term menu items, some of which have become annual, like the Shamrock Shake. And then there’s McRib, the ultra-processed pork patty served on a long bun with gobs of barbecue sauce. The McRib keeps coming back to life periodically, as it has since 2005 when it became a seasonal item. Rumor has it that last year’s release was the last, but I’m pretty sure that McDonald’s knows the sandwich has a cult-like following of fanatics. They would be wise to keep it coming back long into the future.
As I bet they will do with the Grimace Shake, since it has proven to be more viral than pretty much any of the other promo menu items they have released. And what a sneaky way to let fans do the associating with Pride Month, thereby dodging any stray bullets coming from the Far Right. Sheer genius, I tell you, but with a little risk. But there’s seldom a big payoff when the risk is low.
Good job, McDonald’s. You have struck gold with purple.
Dr “Shake It Up” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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dripdigitally · 1 year
Read caption👇 . If you are looking to increase your reach and potentially go viral on Instagram reels, there are several strategies you can implement to maximize your chances of success. . ✅️But first, follow us to build a valuable community @dripdigitally . 🔸️Your content should be visually appealing, entertaining, and add value to your audience in some way. . 🔸️To increase the discoverability of your content, you can also use popular hashtags that are relevant to your content and currently trending on Instagram. . 🔸️Another effective strategy is to collaborate with other creators in your niche. This can help your content reach a larger audience and attract new followers to your account. . 🔸️Timing is also crucial when it comes to posting on Instagram Reels. Posting your Reels at a time when your audience is most active can help increase engagement and the chances of your video going viral. . 🔸️Lastly, engage with your audience and respond to comments to build a strong community around your content. . In summary, going viral on Instagram Reels takes time and effort, but with the right strategy and content, you can increase your chances of success.
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‘Perpetually crying’ make-up is the new big beauty trend, characterised by glistening eyes, red cheeks and puffy lips – but where did it come from?
The internet’s latest beauty obsession is weeping. And why not? Everything is a bit shit. Why not romanticise it and find something creative in the sorrow? Presumably, this is why “Crying make-up tutorials” have been taking off on social media: on TikTok, the term has 130 million views and counting, and Google searches have sky-rocketed in the last month. The idea is simple: to make it look like you’ve just been crying by giving yourself smudged eye make-up, puffy lips, a red nose and cheeks, and glistening eyes with glitter eyeliner for a “perpetually crying look”. 
Crying make-up tutorials have been around for a while, but enjoyed a resurgence when beauty influencer Zoe Kenealy posted a now-viral tutorial last month. Kenealy says she was inspired by the Korean Beauty trends Douyin and Ulzzang. “For years I have known it is common in Korea to use glitter on the bottom lash line to give the effect that you’ve just finished crying and there is a twinkle in your eye,” she says. “I thought it would be fun to take the look to the next level by adding blush, runny nose and flushed cheeks.” Kenealy knows her tutorial doesn’t actually make you look like you’re crying, and that’s the point. She’s interested in creating new make-up looks and posted the video as a fun on-video experiment.
Marta Mae, co-founder and creative director of Dieux Skin, is a fan of crying make-up tutorials. “It’s campy and funny,” she says. “I think it’s more accessible than other trends.” Mae often posts her real tears online, and even created a separate Instagram account where vulnerability and tender emotions are encouraged. “I agree with the viral videos claiming we look better when/after we cry,” she says. “Crying is nature’s serum and lip plumper and I think crying selfies are a fun exercise for people to explore and express themselves. Also, crying is good for your skin.” Speaking to Dazed earlier this year, Mae joked that Dieux’s Forever Eye Masks are the perfect “crying accessory”. “We encourage crying when you need to.”
Crying online isn’t new (think of the viral “leave Britney alone” video) but the stigma around it is certainly shifting. Supermodel Bella Hadid posted a series of crying selfies on her Instagram at the end of last year and Lizzo posted a crying video on TikTok singing Billie Eilish’s “Happier Than Ever” in the same week. Encouraged by the trending “authentic” approach to social media (hello blurry photo dumps) and more casual apps like TikTok and BeReal, crying content is officially having its moment – but is it actually leading to more vulnerability online?
Crying make-up videos and crying “shitpost” selfies are two separate internet trends, but they both capture the essence of “sad girl beauty” and play into the “soft life” aspiration that’s currently popular. Living a “soft life” encourages taking things at a slower pace, with comfort and low stress (think baking bread from scratch and working less). Brooke DeVard Ozaydinli, creator marketing manager and video lead at Instagram, says that “it’s only natural that this shift towards a softer life means we’re seeing softer make-up trends”. This, says Ozaydinli, can also be political.  
“A lot of Black creators have been vocal about choosing the soft life – opting to protect their peace and not strive to be in a constant state of accomplishment,” she says. “There’s been a real effort to break down the ‘strong Black woman’ trope and encourage Black women to claim their softness and vulnerability out loud.” Ozaydinli says we’re moving away from using social media as a highlight reel. “In sharing flaws and low moments, you’re able to build a more meaningful community and relate to other people,” she says. “No one is happy 24/7.” 
Sabrina Sade, co-founder and CEO of 4am Skin, says the rise of “sad girl beauty” is a “chicken or the egg scenario”. “Is it Gen Z that is more open and vulnerable that is driving TikTok to be an outlet that reflects their mindset? Or was it TikTok as a format that allowed for the driving of this kind of content, that then allows a safe space to be vulnerable?” she says. Sade herself has posted crying videos while in medical school. “One day I decided to take a selfie video of me crying behind my laptop in front of my messy desk, as a reminder to myself when I was down again that this has happened before, and I got through it,” she says.
Sade says crying beauty is both an encouragement of vulnerability and an aesthetic trend. “I think in a way there are people that are seeing it as a trend and only making content for that, but I still feel that it has greater impacts to the broader population to say ‘hey it is OK to be vulnerable’,” she says. Sade’s own brand 4am Skin was built on the idea of making vulnerability and messiness chic and aspirational, rejecting the “clean girl” beauty and green juice wellness narrative. “We are trying to reject perfectionism and with that show that being messy, lazy, and even sometimes a bit unhinged is not only OK, but totally normal,” she says.
The internet’s current obsession with crying (real tears and make-up tears) is not going anywhere, nor should it. However, Anne-Catherine Auvray, executive editor at Beautystreams, says that while the trend has “the potential to highlight and democratise certain subjects that are still too taboo today”, we should also be wary of the “capitalisation of sadness”. “Crying make-up is a form of self-expression,” she says. “But crying selfies confront us with a more important question which concerns morality and authenticity. We should wonder if depression is not being exploited for decidedly more commercial purposes, such as the aesthetics of tears.”
As much as we’d like to believe we’re our unfiltered selves on social media, even the anti-curated aesthetic has become its own aesthetic. Also, seeing billionaire celebrities like Nicola Peltz Beckham crying because it’s “Monday” is far from relatable. This, however, does not mean that encouraging softness is not a worthwhile pursuit, opening up a space for actual vulnerability under the safety net of a “trend”. After all, many people have been made to feel too uncomfortable to cry in public – so if others feel at their prettiest after they’ve done so, there’s no reason not to share that with the world.
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kenyatta · 2 years
But some, recognizing that the algorithm’s preferences were out of their control, fully embraced content apathy. One creator, Brandon Phillips, who goes by Sk8bord B on social media, played an interactive filter game in which he had to identify the font color of as many words as possible. After correctly determining that the word “red” was written in the color blue, he looked at the word “orange,” shown in an unmistakable blue font, and picked the incorrect color. When the game told him he was wrong, he dropped his jaw in disbelief. It was all part of his plan; he had seen others get the first prompt wrong to invoke viewer rage, but he predicted waiting until the second would increase average watch time and draw more attention. His hunch was correct; the video got seventy-three million views. So inspired was Phillips that he did the same thing, with the same reaction, several more times. One video eclipsed eight million views, another five million.
Like several other face-filter creators, Phillips had experience exploiting viral trends by the time he got to Instagram. On TikTok, he was one of the most prolific creators of “Hide and Seek videos,” in which he would tell viewers to close their eyes, shrink himself with digital effects, and then disguise himself in a Where’s-Waldo-like landscape. The longer people lingered on his video—waiting for him to explain the concept and taking time to find him—the more TikTok promoted it. But he took pride in producing all types of videos: comedy skits, rap verses, messages written in code. He liked producing varied content, not fitting into any one niche. The app didn’t pay him much money, though, and he felt further discouraged from growing his account when TikTok demonetized and took down his videos for seemingly no reason.
The Instagram Reels Gold Rush
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emmabeme · 6 months
BW Foto Effects #photoeffects #bwfilter #photo #photos #reels #fyp
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Why Instagram (IG) Reels is Ideal for Reaching New Customers and Driving More Engagement
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What is an Instagram (IG) reel?
Instagram Reels are full-screen vertical videos that can be up to 90 seconds long. They come with many unique editing tools and an extensive library of audio tracks (featuring everything from trending songs to snippets of other users’ viral content). On top of sounds, Reels can include multiple video clips, filters, captions, interactive backgrounds, stickers, and more!
Why are Instagram reels so popular?
It has become a hot favorite of influencers and brands all over the world. And the importance of Instagram Reels has only increased over the last couple of years, with more and more social media marketers resorting to this feature. One of the main reasons why Reels has become so popular is because it allows you to portray who you are through short, catchy videos.
How can a business or service benefit from IG Reels?
Reels help your small, medium, and large business gets the targeted audience with instant and safe marketing services like buying Instagram followers, likes, or comments. Instagram is an extremely low-cost and highly effective means to increase your brand awareness due to its huge user database.
The biggest benefit for business from IG Reels? Approximately 80% of marketers claim to have increased website traffic with an increasingly active presence. With 80% of Instagram users following at least one of the business sites, generating traffic to your site becomes important if you wish to make your brand the top SEO rankings.
How to take advantage of IG Reels to reach new audiences and drive more engagement?
Reels are the fastest-growing format and an important part of Instagram, as more people watch Reels to be entertained, go deeper with their interests, or discover new businesses.
For clients or product sales that are not in your website funnel, you need IG Reels to bring them in. Like it or not, IG Reels is the future as far as engagement with your content. If you are selling products or trying to acquire new clients, you need to go all in on Reels. If you think generic IG or Facebook ads are too overwhelming to drill down and figure out, go with just the IG Reels “boost” option.
If you already have posted IG content (in general), figure out which posts get the most likes and shares. Once you do, then that’s the post you want to boost.
How do I “boost” an IG Reel?
You can boost reels within the Instagram app to turn them into ads for the opportunity to reach new audiences and drive more engagement. To be eligible for boosting within the Instagram app, reels must be less than 60 seconds and have a 9:16 aspect ratio, which means they’re filmed vertically and have a full-screen format. At this time, reels that use third-party IP—such as copyrighted music, GIFs, interactive stickers, or camera filters in a reel—are ineligible for boosting, as well as reels shared to Facebook.
You can boost your reels by finding the reel in your grid in your profile and tapping Boost Post. After running your ad, remember to check your Insights to learn which ads brought in the most engagement. Reels is an easy feature to learn and don’t take a lot of time and energy to create. Make Reels the center of your Instagram Marketing strategy. Businesses can boost organic engagement on Instagram almost immediately with lots of ROI.
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whatsnew-apabaru · 2 years
Blogging rather than dancing and flexing on TikTok and Instagram ((harsh words incoming))
Is blogging still relevant? A 50-50 kinda situation...
How do so-called influencers start their journey? By blogging
How the new influencers, are influenced by the influencers that had established their own brand in the "influencer market"? . By following well-established influencers. ((that's a lot of "INFLUENCE" used))
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They might copy each other based on their fashion sense, things they use, as well as how they approach their daily lives ((check out youtube videos on "A daily life of <<insert influencer name>>", and trust me you want to be like them as well LOL. Not throwing any shades on Alex Costa))
So yeah, blogging is still relevant in this day and age.
BUT, people do not lean towards reading long-ass essays on how to apply your make-up, nor how to style your hijab anymore, as how famous blogger, Hana Tajima would usually do in the early days of Blogger.com
If you stroll down the street, people will scroll TikTok or Instagram wayyyyy more than they would scroll blog sites such as Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress and so much more that I never encountered in my entire life of surfing the web.
And yes, you guess it right, our community HATES reading. Thus, laughing at memes and dank videos on TikTok or Instagram is more joyful to be watched, rather than sitting on a f*cking train, reading blog posts that you will never enjoy from your own perspective.
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<< our people when reading in trains >>
(( thats a good book right there. INSTANT EFFECT ON THE READER LOL ))
But i digress, blogpost had a huge impact in making sure, people to chase their dreams during the prime blogging era. Now, it is up to them to learn the basic algorithm for which time is the best to post Reels, shorts, or anything related to TikTok and Instagram lah I'm not an influencer myself.
Not sure if blogging right now can generate income through interactions with followers, but i do know that Instagram and TikTok will pay you A FORTUNE if your contents are that so-called "QUALITY" (( additional revenues from ads and sponsorship is not included )).
sooo yeah, conclusion? Blogging is not relevant, and also relevant. There's no right or wrong on how to gain interactions with your followers.
It's your world, and how you handle it, depends on you lah i cannot give advice, later i give advice, you cannot go viral, then you blame me again later aaa, i don't want that to happen one liao.
You'll get what you are destined to get.
no references as I type my rants, based on what I feel about the given topic....
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shosiblog · 4 days
Which Current Element of Digital Marketing is High on Engagement?
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential. One of the most crucial aspects of modern digital marketing is engagement. Engaging your audience not only fosters brand loyalty but also drives conversions and growth. But which current element of digital marketing is particularly high on engagement? Let’s explore some of the top contenders and why they stand out.
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1. Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are at the forefront of high engagement in digital marketing. These platforms are designed to foster interaction and community building, making them ideal for engaging with audiences.
Interactive Content: Polls, quizzes, and live streams encourage users to interact directly with the content.
User-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their experiences and creations involving your brand can significantly boost engagement.
Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers can amplify your reach and engage their established audiences.
2. Video Marketing
Video content is immensely popular and engaging across various digital platforms. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and even Instagram’s IGTV and Stories are perfect for video marketing.
Live Videos: Real-time interaction with your audience through live videos can create a sense of immediacy and personal connection.
Short-Form Videos: TikTok and Instagram Reels have popularized short, engaging videos that capture attention quickly.
Educational Content: Tutorials, how-tos, and explainer videos provide value to viewers, encouraging them to engage with your brand.
3. Interactive Content
Interactive content goes beyond passive consumption and involves active participation from the audience, leading to higher engagement.
Quizzes and Polls: These are easy to share and can go viral, increasing engagement significantly.
Interactive Infographics: Allowing users to interact with data visualizations can make complex information more digestible and engaging.
Contests and Giveaways: These can generate excitement and encourage sharing and participation.
4. Email Marketing
Despite being one of the oldest digital marketing channels, email marketing continues to be highly effective in driving engagement.
Personalization: Tailoring emails to individual preferences and behaviors can significantly increase engagement rates.
Interactive Emails: Adding interactive elements like surveys, polls, and GIFs can make emails more engaging.
Segmentation: Sending targeted emails to specific audience segments ensures that the content is relevant and engaging.
5. Content Marketing
Content marketing remains a cornerstone of digital engagement, especially when it’s high-quality, relevant, and valuable to the audience.
Blog Posts: Regularly updated blogs with valuable information can drive consistent engagement.
Ebooks and Whitepapers: Offering in-depth content that addresses specific pain points can engage users looking for detailed information.
Podcasts: Audio content can engage users on-the-go and create a loyal following.
6. Chatbots and AI
Chatbots and AI-powered tools are becoming increasingly popular for engaging with audiences in real-time.
Instant Responses: Chatbots can provide instant responses to customer queries, enhancing user experience.
Personalized Interactions: AI can tailor interactions based on user data, making the engagement more relevant.
24/7 Availability: Chatbots can engage users at any time, providing constant support and interaction.
Engagement is the lifeblood of successful digital marketing, and leveraging the right elements can make all the difference. Social media marketing, video content, interactive content, email marketing, content marketing, and AI-powered tools are currently some of the most effective ways to drive high engagement. Each of these channels offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience, build relationships, and foster loyalty.
Are you ready to master the art of digital engagement and elevate your marketing strategy? Enroll in the Best Digital Marketing Course in Palakkad and gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the digital world. Start your journey towards becoming a proficient digital marketer today!
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